Time for some more crazy Maiden theories, also known as throwing ideas at the wall in the vain hope one miraculously sticks.
So to start with, here some quotes from this quest that attracted my attention:
"I do not share your ideals, child, but we may share a purpose. Praehihr he may be, but the usurper must be brought low. If you desire, I shall inhabit you and see it done."
The Artificial princess was resolute as ever, uncommon grimness overtaking her features as she lent the support of her Rank to Hunger's own. The carefully-engineered magic of her bloodline was as precise and delicate as clockwork, beautiful as filigree; art ornamental as it was functional, as if designed to be directly perceived.
Oath of Winter
To Might alone, it is given, to decide who shall rule.
The powers of Winter are preservation and destruction, and its purpose is Might. Let the glories that once bestrode this Realm, arise again.
The once and future king. At times little more than feeble whisper of a prophecy, now a promise vindicated in full.
Inheritence represents the past, Hunger's identity as the Forebear of Dynasties, the culmination of ancient promises...
The Maiden seldom speaks, and when she does, it is of great significance. I doubt any part of what she said was randomly chosen, and since she had no need to lie to the desperate Ceathlynn, I'll assume her words were the truth, or at least her version thereof.
I'll admit I didn't give it much thought previously, too busy panicking over the fact that she has pretty good chances of winning against Hunger despite all the bullshit on offer in the latest update, but her motivations and backstory could prove to be fairly important, as oftentimes Hunger won due to noticing some insignificant detail about his opponent.
So what exactly is the Maiden saying in her blurb? She is calling Hunger an
usurper. At first I thought she's talking about Hunger's takeover of the Human Sphere, which had been the Foremost's turf before... yet that theory starts breaking down once I consider it in more detail.
The Human Sphere hadn't been under the government of the Foremost for a very long time, and she never objected when humans used the Armaments, the exalted tools of the Foremost, to wage war against one another. Neither did she intervene when Dien started his rampage across the Human Sphere, threatening to consume everything and cast it into his image. Maybe she had faith in Hunger or knew some secret reasons why Dien would stop later, but she still doesn't really come across as someone who cares about the fate of the Human Sphere.
So what is the usurper part referring to then? This is where the later quotes come in. I propose the following theory: the Maiden wasn't just the Maiden of Endings, she was also the Maiden of Winter, or even the Maiden of all Seasons. Not sure whether the AU EFB played a part here or not, but even ignoring EFB's mythology, there is enough lore in this quest to construct some rough theories.
In the beginning, the Foremost spread and developed freely, advancing their magic and science by leaps and bounds, pushing the borders of what was possible. They became the masters of all they surveyed and likely expanded beyond the bounds of their original dimension, maybe doing some conquest, but probably nothing too excessive.
I'm not certain when exactly it happened, but at some point the Accursed or one of his Cursebearers must have granted them access to the Noble Praxis at some point and helped them construct the Armaments in the hopes of finding better means of Mitigation. Maybe Adorie's bloodline was part of their research too, finding ways to enhance the Cursebearers' Praxis stamina.
And then the Forebear came. Maybe he had already started on the road of becoming the Accursed's enemy, maybe this was just a coincidence, but it's pretty indisputable that he had been here and created some Dynasties that have persisted to this day. I reckon the Foremost and the Forebear were enemies, and while the Foremost are fairly impressive, I don't fancy their chances against the Forebear.
So he won, took over and became king. All business as usual for the Forebear. I'm not sure whether he'd killed them all or whether their disappearance is something that happened later (a cleanup after the Forebear's death?), but it must have left an impression on the locals, for them to create prophecies about his return. Or maybe they really liked Arthurian legends, who knows?
Anyway, the Foremost probably weren't very enthused about the takeover, so calling him an usurper isn't too out there. If she means the current Hunger, then if the theory of her being Winter is correct, it could be referring to his takeover of Nilfel. If she truly left some of her Artifacts there and had some greater plans for Adorie's bloodline, she could harbor some resentment for Hunger messing things up.
Speaking of Mirellyian Artifacts, it's been a while since I thought about the Opalescent Tower and its relation to the Evening Sky. We'd been leaning heavily into the Evening aspects of our Cloak, but let's not forget that there were other Signs on offer too. And interestingly enough, the Maiden accessed a Daylight Realm to counter our Evening Realm.
I'd thought at first that it was just a poetic counter to Hunger, but these things don't come from nowhere. What if she was the one who left the Tower and the Cloak behind in this Realm? And maybe some other Artifact we hadn't found that she later recovered. We had long suspected that they had been part of the same Artifact or even being once upon a time. And Zang Kong, the master of the Endless Sky, had been the ally of Winter back in EFB...
Well, that's going too far into the lands of baseless speculation. This is all I have come up with for now. Not sure whether this will be useful, but writing this up had been a fun distraction.
A brief remark on her capabilities to cap this off: this is probably obvious, but I'll say it anyway in case someone missed it. I would expect the Maiden of Endings to have a way of permanently killing immortals and countering resurrection schemes. I mean, "there is always and ending"? Not sure how it stacks up against the Forebear's contingencies, just something to keep in mind.
Edit: Oh, and I'd almost forgotten this little gem, but does this still work?
*Season's Greetings: The hands of Fate are not the Apocryphal's alone; and though her power is by far the greater, still she may acknowledge the sanctum of her kin. Allows Nilfel to be shielded by Spare the Innocent even if Adorie is not physically present. You can move your other populations into Nilfel if you want. Given the massive lifespan and vitality upgrades, it's unlikely they would complain. Perhaps more importantly, by retreating into Nilfel Hunger may earn a modest reprieve from whatever interesting times are troubling him at the moment. Abuse this privilege and the consequences will be dire: but sometimes all you need is a day and a night.
Cause putting the Maiden on pause would be very nice right now.
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