So, here we are. The Games In Silver CYOA.
Wordcount is 10,301.
It's always interesting to see the sorts of stories that slumber inside of people. There are allusions to
Never Die Twice with the Pale Serpents, the list of elements in HMS seems Aerbian in origin, and other inspirations that I'm sure I missed. A fascinating array of worlds, each hinting at pools of passionate worldbuilding just waiting for the player to dive in. I'm glad posting something of mine inspired you to share this. Now, for a build (1071 words):
Insertion Point: Alheria (+3)
Magics: Eight Divisions: Violet (1), The System (1), The Diamond Perfection (4)
Benefits: Satan Shrugged (1), The Lucky Devil (1)
Drawbacks: The Drifter's Curse (+1), The Dreaming Forest (+2), Anti-Citizen One (+2)
The prince with a thousand enemies. In exchange for avoiding the doom of Damocles that is Turenval's interest, I pick up a handful of lesser adversaries to pay for my overweening greed. Really, if there was ever a build that actually
deserved Stonesnout's curse it'd be this one. Not only is Alheria's atmosphere of wonder appealing, the world has a proven track record of producing glorious paragons. It's a shame about all those wizard death squads mistakenly (?) believing I committed some atrocity or other.
The idea here is to escape and play my enemies off against one another until they can be outscaled. The Drifter is insane and thus not inclined to rational cooperation, Flagland's stooges dutifully obey the laws set down by their Shining Emperor, and Vedara treats the Dreaming Forest as her own personal playground. One could hardly ask for a more motley cast of antagonists. It's the last who I'll target with Satan Shrugged; the domain of which Daa'Nazhd's the capital should be broad enough to count as valid.
Anti-Citizen One is the most dangerous in the long term because of its ability to escalate into calling on Henrietta, Dominique, or even Tyrmillion himself. Violet means spatial/temporal powers can be used to get out of dodge, so evading Flagland's hunters rather than fighting them and raising my threat level's the goal. I couldn't make a build named after a trickster god without taking Lucky Devil; the mythic archetype may play into the logic-loose rules governing Alheria and some choice lies could have my hunters doubting.
Between that and Diamond's omnicompetence, the initial stages of Anti-Citizen can be evaded without much trouble. Anti-synergy between the two would be unfortunate, since Diamond's described as the opposite of a demon, but hopefully Games in Silver follows Pathfinder rules and they're different breeds. The grace period here should be spent on training Eight Divisions and seeking out System-granted opportunities, ideally weapons and provisions. Because as soon as the Dreaming Forest manifests, the insurgency will begin.
dislikes Vedara, as this version of me has leaned into the mental alterations of Satan Shrugged. The Silvered Isle is not large enough for the both of us. Why should the Forest suffer this creature's cruelty, her selfishness and vanity? Let justice be meted out at long last, the predator finally become prey. Listen to the secrets whispered by woodland creatures as the First Devil did, tame them like the Fourth, and wreak
havoc. Use System & Diamond to fuel the Divisions and whatever abilities Satan coughs up.
I actually debated going Green and making a pet class, but concluded that would be playing into Vedara's strengths. Violet's just too useful, considering all the people after my head and the Dreaming Forest's spatial shenanigans. Using it as a shelter from strike teams and the Drifter is nice, but I don't want to stay forever. Killing Vedara and conquering the Fortress of Daa'Nazhd is only the first huge hurdle. It's unclear where the Drifter fits into this timeline, since he'll make a detour to recover Crimson Riot first.
He'll be stronger, but will arrive later. If he can just be disposed of and the blades recovered, that's a fair bit of additional strength for me (one reason I took the drawback). Alas, anyone who Turenval took the time to personally fuck with is likely not a laughing matter. The Drifter's power outstrips his sanity and he believes me responsible for his suffering, so why not play another game of cat and mouse? See if I can't lure him into attacking the Fortress and doing a bit of the heavy lifting for me.
As for Anti-Citizen, disappearing into the Dreaming Forest may delay them but I doubt any drawback that nets me two orbs can be so easily resolved. At least Vedara seems the type to be territorial about her prey. But long after the Huntress-Queen and Drifter have been disposed of, I suspect this drawback will still be haunting me. But by judiciously avoiding provoking Flagland, perhaps a diplomatic resolution can eventually be achieved as my crimes slip further and further into the past?
Tyrmillion's a curious character. The 'cold in his mind' is odd phrasing, implying an external influence as opposed to cynicism masquerading as wisdom. But attempting to guess the mind of the Shining Emperor from afar's folly... though not as insane as actually
asking Flagland's ruler when he gave up on his dreams, amusing as such a scenario would be. If there's no peace to be had with Flagland, well, this build has enough long term potential to eventually tangle at the higher tiers.
The Eight Divisions cap out without external improvements, but are broad enough that years can be spent mastering their palette, so it pairs well with the System and Diamond Perfection. If El-Ahrairah's strategy pays off, I'll have both Blue Rose and Crimson Riot and the physical powers accumulated during my campaign of Satanic Shrugging on top of everything else. The rebel has become a ruler, the guile that overthrew the Dreaming Forest's tyrant now turned to the task of taming it.
Rufescent Magic might also go well with a variant of this build, dropping Divisions and Devil. Inventory all the iron the System can handle before I get Forest-napped, abuse the strategic learning speed while converting slain hunting parties into wraiths. It incentivizes a more aggressive strategy versus Flagland, though. I also considered replacing Eight Divisions with Immaculate, hoping that the luck boosts from it and Devil would stack, but El-Ahrairah honestly needs some meat-and-potatoes magic to benefit from its long-term potential and it's unclear whether an Exemplar-equivalent would be redundant or synergistic with Diamond.
Real question, though: what happened to the Seventh Devil?