and that was a very good decision, as fighting either the mage OR the Dreadbeast without her would be a nightmare. The bonus to diplomacy it's also something not to ignore.
I wonder if she will suffer the Call of the False Moon though.
looking pretty confident Verschle. Anything to say? No?
Well, I'm sure you'll talk more someday. Maybe after we patch you up some more!
yes mom, I'll be carefull mom, don't worry mom.
I wonder, would we be able to make another fish boss appear with enough rank? I kinda suspect the Apocryphal might find it funny/interesting enough as well, if it just was active...
But really, the fish meme will never die. EVEN HUNGER is playing it straight by now!
she commands an high price... but it's worth it.
It will actually be interesting to see how Tyrant Dooms actually works. We know the how
in theory, but we haven't actually
seen it yet. I'm particularly interested in just how it's going to interfere/modify our thoughts.
FEET TOE! Please have mercy!
why not both?
insert jpg here.
This answers one of my questions. It makes sense, the Ring would certainly be beyond her power to fully counter, and in the end we might actually find the call useful. It should make it easier to reach our ultimate goal here after all.
not wrong...
Also really, our rate of progress is absurd. It's up there with some of the best shonen characters, with the difference that THEY usually have an upper cealing to their power. We don't. know, I kinda want to see a progress type cursebearer ending up in a shonen world like dragonball and quickly outscaling everything. It would be interesting to watch.
Then again Rihaku has been doing an incredible job with his original worlds (and power systems! Can't forget those!), and I imagine these are more interesting for him to write than using already established settings.
so mean
There's really no winning with her. It's like a meanear, but also less competent, Aurelia! At least Nameless could shut HER up with a kiss when needed though.
...wait a second, maybe THAT is a possible solution here...
For a moment I feared this meant the Knight Legion had won. It would have been so
boring! IT's not really a
bad option, but it doesn't make for as cool of a fight as the other two!
Also Hunger has a point, It might very well be impossible to actually reach the Encampment from here... though hopefully Ring and Rank can make the impossible possible anyway.
For just a moment I actually took this literally. Then I realized she doesn't actually HAVE six slippers to lose
It's certainly an interesting (and effective) code though.
Oh, so the mage won in the end?
I'm fine with this. I liked the Dreadbeast a bit more, but at this point there's not that much of a difference between their rewards. We're likely to get enough +Rank the deeper we go into the temple, and if we were to take a good couple of 7 arete point options... or maybe even a 25 one...
We're not even that far from taking most of the ring upgrades if we wanted to commit to take Ruling Ring, and this mage could give access to interesting magic systems for Wreath. He's also pretty likely to offer Rune King again I suspect. It seems appropriate.
And that's without considering any new interesting pick, or the mistery box!
none, because you're dying here. Easy question with easy answer, really.
still, hopefully Hunger will let him talk if he doesn't manage to kill him quickly. I wonder, is he talking about the monsters or about some spacial effects not managing to make us go around in circle? Rank would likely work against such a thing.
you know, at some point I'd like to read the actual description of Gisena's graces. her powers are actually pretty versatile in her niche. not only dispellation, but also understanding of what supernatural abilities she's facing.
This mage certainly has a lot of spells. Invisibility, Teleportation, Force/Pressure, mental attacks, various kind of defensive spells, weapon conjuration, golem creation, personal enhancement..
Any of this effects pale in comparison to what a high-level Grace can do in her specific niche, but what it loses in raw power it certainly gains in versatility and utility effects. This might not be a bad system for Hunger to learn, especially as he was last worrying about his powers being only good for killing and destroying.
On the other hand a Grace WOULD give a lot more raw combat power, or a specific utility effect much above what this mage has shown... like granting more powers, resurrecting/self regen, time manipulation, mind control, all with accompanying stat boost to everything...
This seems to be Gisena's ultimate from the previous quest, if maybe on a smaller scale. Hopefully she didn't exhaust her grace for weeks/months.
Also this mage was at least wise enough to prepare a fallback option in case his magic failed, though it obviously won't be enough.
once Gisena managed to nullify his magics it was inevitable. When you pit a magicless mage against a warrior...
I'm a bit curious about just WHY he was so unreasonable and hateful, but I suppose we'll learn more once we get deeper into the temple.
..maybe we can give Gisena his knife?
Truly, Letrizia was the MVP in this fight
and this is it. If we really want to keep bringing Gisena into this kind of fights, we NEED to boost her. Undying Vanguard is a must, Wreath could likely help her as well, the Garden too though that one would take more time to actually pay off and might not play that nice with Apocryphal.
so, short version, we need to pick a Gisena Boost, otherwise we'll have to drop her off once we reach Civilization, for her safety and Hunger's mental wellbeing.
that's a lot of arete. it's more than halfway to a 25 arete pick!
Sadly we REALLY need immediate power, so we're likely going to need to spend some of it now.. Still, 7 points options are good too, especially if taken in synergistic combinations... and there's also the ring option, taking small pieces of that 27 arete pick, working our way up..
27-7-2=18 arete yet to spend for Ruling Ring. Just as a reminder, that was ++ALL STATS and ++
PROGRESSION. We're also left with 5.5 arete in case of emergencies, and we might be able to, say, Take dominion+ preeminence War after the next fight for 7+2 arete, leaving us in striking range of Ruling Ring.
don't you want to multiply the temple gains by another factor of ten? We could in just a few updates with this!
Also, while it's not as good as Undying Vanguard, this DOES offer some limited boost to our companions by strenghtening their blood. Better than nothing, and it should be enough for a bit more. It also lets us heal Verschle once we're ready for the more powerful beasts he'd attract, which plays nice with Ruling Ring's ++progression.
Also healing, both in and out of combat. That' can't be overstated.
All in all a
VERY solid option.
CON: we spend all our hard-earned Arete.
PRO: We spend it well. We cover all our weaknesses and make our companions (and us) mostly safe.
It's a conservative option, spending all we have to buy immediate power and safety... but that's not necessarily a bad thing, here in the temple.
Of course in the medium term Ring Build would pay off much more, but are we confident enough we'll REACH that medium term?
think I prefer Ring, but not by much. I could live with this. This is the kind of build that brings down Dreadbeast from "deadly encounter" to "
meh, I can take it" There is this.
Our rank is >4, so we could keep both stances permanently active.
We get the arm needed for the Princess Carry.
Great offensive and defensive power, plus some rank. I'll mostly ignore the discount.
And yet, I don't think I'd vote for this. I'm pretty much against it, actually.
If we want the raw power, in my opinion Full Might is nearly as good, maybe even better, and it ALSO buffs our allies
If we want more potential, ring is better, and it ALSO buffs our allies... a bit.
This seems to me like a compromise, offering both power and potential (through future stances, though as of right now we can only keep 2 stances active at a time) and even a bit of curse mitigation, but less than either of the other two options in their specialties, and at the cost of NOT buffing our allies at all.
I also don't like what this says about Hunger. He's worried about his allies not keeping up, so he buffs himself to the limit without strenghtening them at all? This WILL result in us having to leave them behind pretty soon.
..light of your soul? This is basically a mix of Bankai, Kido and Semblance to me
This isn't a bad pick. It gives us the versatility we hoped for, AND some decent immediate power. The limit on getting more magic system is not too heavy, as it only requires a 7 arete pick to unlock, and it would let us focus on the one system (+ accretion) for some time, hopefully avoiding more arguments about Wreath/Outer Sorcery/Praxis/Sorcery/anything else, at least for some time.
We'd also gain bonuses to magic research, allowing us to at least DO SOMETHING while we're not fighting at best-than-normal-mortal rates of advancements.
And who knows, maybe we'll be able to teach Soul Evocation to Gisena as well, giving her something else she could train. It would even sinergize pretty well with her improved mental stats from her graces, and her ability to analize magics could help her develop her own powers even faster by looking at how WE are doing it.
it admittedly offers less immediate power, and it would likely take some time for Gisena to gain access to this system (if she can at all), but there's potential here.
Sadly though we really need more power than potential right now, and this STILL does nothing to buff our allies in the short term.
..well, technically we might learn some buffing spells, so that's not exactly true. I'd rate this above the BLADEMIGHT , but not above the other two 'MIGHTS in this specific scenario. Also Apocryphal doesn't really mesh well with magic system requiring research, we might be better served by focusing on systems that can be progressed through conflict and deeds, like Accretion and Sorcery (though it's not really that clear how one gains further Coalescences), though having
something we could do outside of combat would also be nice, and give us a way to progress during the timeskips...
...ok, funny and interesting as it would be, I'll have to decline. If we want something we can productively use during downtime Soul Evocation is good enough, while also granting some immediate power and not requiring quite as much dedication. Apocryphal would also have less chances to disrupt its progress I think, compared to a "garden" that could... I don't know, be hit by a meteorite the moment we leave to do things.
As of right now I'm mostly undecided between BLOODMIGHT, FULL MIGHT, and MAGE LORD.
They all have different focuses, but are all well suited to our situation, offering at least SOME level of buffing for our allies, SOME immediate power, and SOME potential.
BLOODMIGHT works towards Ruling Ring, and might very well allow us to pick it by the end of the temple, massively speeding up our progress... though, on another hand, being too strong might make finding "hunger sated" targets much harder, so that's a problem too. Not one we'd have to deal for quite some time, but I suppose we could start invading the Astral Realm, or start working for Pillars of Creation, if we really needed a source of enemies. And there's always other Armaments too.
FULL MIGHT gives the most immediate power and protection to our companions
MAGE LORD gives versatility, utility, some power and (hopefully) protection, possibly something to teach Gisena, and something to do when we're not fighting.
I like them all, and I'm VERY undecided about which I'd pick.
all attractive options. We still have the re-roll, making success more likely with all of them.
Caravan gives the most informations, and possibly a few potions if we're willing to pay.
Brutes give a rune, two temporary allies, and access to the camp.
Shining Paragon gives a strong potential ally, potential access to interesting magic systems (especially interesting if we don't take the limiting MAGE LORD, though even with that there could be interesting combinations we could use for the duration of the temple...), and a bit of a mistery box.
..somehow I find myself uninterested in Lady Fairbright, and a small part of me also wants to save that 1 arete. I think I'd go with brutes at this point, or maybe the Caravan.