If Kazuma decides to spend some of his Luck - preferably boosted by 100 more luck - on getting even more Luck, how far he could go with that? Could we murder a Demon General through a series of lucky accidents and get a bunch of levels before Smile runs out?
Ah, the eternal luck paradox, huh? If finding a four-leaf clover is lucky, but grants you luck, then you should logically find more if you find even one. And having more luck means you'd find even more, until all of the luck in the universe underwent a singularity concentrated on you.

Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Fortune's Smile - and the Luck stat in general - work as a direct inversion of the Affliction of Misfortune. It causes accidents outside of what Kazuma himself could possibly cause; events that he cannot, technically control. Whether his Luck factor allowed for something like that is doubtful, albeit not impossible. If he focused on that task for some reason, he could probably find a helpful item or a person that can aid him in the killing of said General, but probably not do it on his own.

However, if a mundane assassin was trying to kill him, they'd slip on a loose shingle, fall down six floors, and crack their head against the concrete. That much can be attributed to Kazuma being lucky; Luck can't do the impossible, but it specializes in doing the improbable.
In mechanical terms, rather than boost durability, I imagine it's more like an ablative forcefield that resists hostile force up to a certain level, but if anything goes over that, it causes the, "Pridefield" to lose its own HP pool, and then it shatters (with no overflow,) and leaves the user defenseless while it takes some time to recuperate. Obviously, it also cleans dirt and bloodstains from the user's body and clothes since they're so cool - it's like having a shower and washing machine that you carry around with you and it's always turned on.
That was more or less my intention - it's both a strong anime archetype ("you'd need a thousand years more training to scratch me!"), and in Exalted terms, it's Soak. Or in D&D3.X, it'd be Damage Resistance. Basically it's a forcefield with 1HP, but can't be damaged without a very strong attack - and following the same archetype, it reactivates as soon as you're back to full HP.
Also it sparkles?... Yes, it sparkles! And people hate sparkles, because sparkles are for little girls - ergo Brand! Fuck you, Scumzuma.
I was thinking bishie sparkles, actually, which the Brand makes seem like the sign of an absolute twit. This is very much based on what popculture/fanfic has taught me of Fate/stay night's Gilgamesh.
ETA: Another Day in Paradise
The Even Further Beyond Immortal Awakening Interlude is coming in 10-20~

Another Day In Paradise

An Age of the World presided unbound. Order, prosperity, tranquility and joy redounded from every corner of the Labyrinth Empire, now firmly at peace both within and without; safely under the watch of the world's mightiest Cultivator. Kong Suizhen had a heroine's aspiration towards justice, and her sincere pursuit of that ideal proliferated across every level of her newly-formed government.

Able ministers and men of virtue flocked to the service of the Horizon Empress whose blade split earth from Sky, a legion of sages to balance cleverness with wisdom, stability with reform. Had heaven a mandate, it would be hers, for it was by no other's blade that they-who dwelled within had fallen, no more to toy with the peoples of this creation.

She, who had all the might of her forebear and all the virtue he lacked, was as dutiful and fair-minded a ruler as had ever sat a throne, and unassailably skillful to boot. Who could not give thanks to this Cycle of the world that they had passed its nadir and now resided in its ever-sunny apex? Better a dog in times of glory than a man at Age's end.

And that, to the organized mind concerned only with surface-level murmurings, was that. Few knew that Kong Suizhen, studious and well-intentioned as she was, nonetheless served a hidden master, who she referred to only as "Sir."

Who was this shadowy figure, this hidden interlocutor whom the Horizon Empress had willingly abetted in the usurpation of her own rightful authority?

...Though they knew it not, the peoples of this world had merely traded one mad tyrant for another, and this one of infinitely greater power and cunning; for what illuminating light could pierce the very Sky to reveal this unseemly truth? What intrepid investigator could hope to name the Nameless?
Before we start, I'd like to thank everyone - especially Rihaku - for being so extremely supportive of this subquest endeavor. I've had a lot of fun writing it, but I'm afraid that it's likely that after this one, I'll need to take a break from actively writing them for a short while due to personal reasons. To be sure, I cannot do so for at least the next week. I am hoping you'll be happy with this third episode.

Thanks for writing! It's great to have a more of us actively creating content in the quest, and you've gone pretty hard the past few days.

Obviously, real life things always take priority, so take your break with no reservations!
In order to make up for this, however, I decided to go all-out. I sat night and day like a blacksmith in a forge, sweat pouring down my forehead in droves, the heat of the mould so burning it dried my eyes and lips, but ultimately, I created and perfected it: a Konosuba-themed, "A Simple Transaction" CYOA!

Here it is, folks. All you have to do is fill out this image: [THE CYOA]. Wink.
>[NSFW] Naked Darkness
>>Axis Cult Sign-Up Sheet
I warned you there was a scam coming, didn't I?
"YONG. LIE. FANG!!" One of the Board Members screamed quietly. He was slowly and methodically tearing out his hair.

For the rest of his days, he would live in irreversible condemnation: a lost wretch. He would become a discarded piece of garbage that eventually became a fast-rolling ball of trash, that'd grow into a globe of debris that blotted out the sun itself - assuming the world failed to clean him up before that could even happen.
He discarded the curiosity and instead, accepted the idea that he was locking off the possibility of no longer being a social outcast.
Kazuma is perhaps overestimating the social awfulness of the Brand, but still, this is pretty sad. I talked at length in the initial reaction about how important it would be for him personally to be able to develop functional relationships, and seeing that vanish....I guess he's prepared to bear the burden, though. And developing the pragmatic determination necessary to make such a decision is a boon in itself for any Cursebearer. Maybe the pain of losing all those possibilities for genuine connection with others will help him properly appreciate the connections that he manages to develop. At the very least, Aqua is liable to be around for a long, long time if he doesn't fuck things up early on, and I'm sure that she can be made into a good friend through a combination of bursts of luck and the long drudgery of effort.

One curse slithered in like it owned the place and settled around his shoulders like a contented pet, a laughing snake whispering bad advice; two more peeked their heads in curiously and with a smirk offered towards each other, became chains binding his wrists; and the last one, sinuous and long, enveloped his entire aura like a constrictor boa and compressed like a spring, then shed its skin on top of him like a permanent stain meant to never go away.
Ugh, you really captured the viscerally disgusting aspect of the Curses that we weren't exposed to with people as unbothered/stoic as our AST protagonists. I bet Cursebearers who have curse-sensitive supernatural capabilities before their offer have to miserably lay down and spend a day or two vomiting after they complete their Transaction.

He snapped the infobook from her hand, then started flipping through.

"Hey! You can't do that, you useless hikki-NEET!" Aqua cried in wrathful affront, but he strained to ignore her.

Good man! There's those +20 Wis, Wits, Int, and Agi kicking in. Actually, I bet that +20 Will should go a long way towards solidifying his newly-found resolve.

Aw, man. I just realized that, even with the bonus mental stats and personal development, Wretched is still going to make sure that his general social situation is weird over the long-term.

This enflamed her more, as he noticed a lashing hand coming from his peripheral vision. In a tenth of a second or less, Kazuma reacted.

He looked up, seeing that Aqua was in a heap on the floor, the wooden chair lying on top of her.

That's what happens when you dump all your stat points into APP, useless goddess. A little bit of classic Konosuba levity slipping in to Konomena. I guess Kazuma can use it.

This is more stat elevation than I thought he would be getting, given the description, but it feels vaguely appropriate? He's still only pretty great in most stat categories, but is by no means superhuman enough to handle even a few people with pistols while himself unarmed. It's a good base to start from, though, and honestly the mental stat pluses are more valuable than the physical ones, since the primary factor of survival for a Progression-Type is rooted in their judgement, and the earlier that gets cranked up, the better.

The goddess' unthinking double strike and subsequent defeat were chillingly shocking to her because she didn't expect him to be actually able to dodge or meaningfully counter her. She wasn't terrified of him, but reasonably concerned that if she chose to continue fighting, she'd feel pain and, as a result, be subjected to the 'horrors' of an unpleasant experience; a path that she desperately wanted to avoid, but framed as divine mercy in order to retain her pride as a deity.

Aqua isn't scared because she doesn't really understand what happened, but if it were someone more competent they'd probably have browned their pants from noticing the Lathe of Heaven appear out of nowhere right after they mocked someone's death. I mean, Kazuma isn't a Combat-Type, so it wouldn't make that much of a difference, but it's still not the kind of power anyone wants to be given to one of their enemies.

In order to avoid a repeat performance in the future, he marked her for Geas of Incompetence and felt the curse transfer into a fate-link between them as if sharply drawn and magnetized towards her, like there was no more perfect target for it anywhere within the local cluster of a billion universes.

The Accursed drops in to give Kazuma an offer, takes a look at the situation, paging through his Curses to see which to offer, then notices Aqua's sterling compatibility and thinks, "yeah, why not?"

Choose a single Cheat Power:

Charity has really high utility, even if they took out the low-hanging fruit of being able to portal cut with it, so I'm surprised that they offered it to him. This could become something really, really valuable with not so much effort, since loot never stops being relevant to an Adventurer. I'm not sold on it, though.

Blue Magic is also really good. I admit I didn't like it on the first pass because it seemed too rigid, and lacking initially power, but...Kazuma has Progression. I've noticed that Abilities that allow power stealing in some form (a la Accretion) seem to have good synergy when it comes to developing Advancements, and the Adventurer Card gives EXP for monster flesh, so eating monsters is already encouraged and won't be seen as weird. The myriad abilities that can be picked up using this method can only be a good thing, considering Kazuma's munchkin competence, even if they take a while to solidify. And the magic itself is also something that Progression can go to work on, perhaps allowing other kinds of power acquisition. Finally, the hour of someone who can totally use Gardener's Hallow is nigh!

Also, I think that this pick synergizes the best with the plan of popping Fortune's Smile right away, as well as having Subaru, since Kazuma can probably very efficiently rake in some great consumables in that time. Normally I would be skeptical of his ability to do so, given his starting location and the time limit (in which he has to solidify a safe position in the town overall). But +1 ISH Luck on top of a natural +.5 ISH luck? That's a different story. I wouldn't be surprised if a freshly dead dragon fell out of the sky in front of him, or an eccentric noble decided to give away some of their most valuable monster parts on a whim to a hateful passerby simply to prove to their traveling companion that even the worst pleb in the kingdom appreciates fine dining, or a barrel of special monster bits travelling through Axel falls off a wagon, etc. etc.

Eyes of Petrification isn't a good pick. It only works once per day, doesn't work as well on targets above our level, and doesn't work well with Progression? No thanks.

Blessed Luck blows. It's literally just immediate free mitigation of a Curse that's easier to mitigate than all of our others. That is not what Kazuma needs at all from this choice, are you kidding me? Blessed Might or Agility would be the way to go with stat buffs. Hell, even Blessed Intelligence would be amazing! Literally any other Blessed stat is better here than taking the one stat which simply vanishes into mitigation, and isn't relevant for Fortune's Smile given the magnitude of its effect. Why people would pick this is actually beyond me.

Gun: no, lol. Somehow this is almost as bad as Blessed Luck.

For a write in, I would probably go with Blessed Might (half value Con, half value Strength) if we wanted immediate safety. But I think that's not necessary with how safe his start should be; Wretched would normally pose a risk, but if we're popping Fortune's Smile then I'm less worried. So Blue Magic it is!

What else is there along the axis of high utility cheats? I think it's right to rule out Cheat Items, since they don't work as well with Progression. Ocular series could probably also give heat vision and some different special kinds of perception, which are all likely to be of little worth given that the powerful ones aren't going to be offered to us. Magic series...we could be offered Green Magic, which I imagine to either be nature magic or buffing/debuffing, and there's also White and Black magic for Support and Offensive effects. Non-colored magics might let a pick highly specialized things like Enchanting or Alchemy, but the really good ones are also likely to be locked up. The Virtue series are the best bet for good utility-type Cheats, since the one we got offered indicates that they don't balance abilities with complex mechanics very well beyond the basic pitfalls. I don't have a solid idea of what the other effects might be, though, and the more powerful ones are likely also something we're locked out of.

Kazuma is a reasonably competent person, despite his outside appearance and frequent school truancy. In fact, when it comes to strategy and tactics he is a savant. In his homeland, he was often called, 'Kazuma-san who forces patch updates.' What a fearsome opponent to face!
Imagine being such a little fucker that whole fanbases know your specific name because of how often it appears in the patch notes....

Actually, I'm sure that would be an amazing meme. "Congratulations to Kazuma-san for his specialty item infinite damage spell-loop that our playtests didn't notice. That makes a solid 10/14 showing on this year's patch notes!" People go hog-wild for that sort of thing

Anyways, there's really no contest here. In my mind it's much, much better to use Fortune's Smile to safely establish ourselves in Axel, friendly with our Companions, since having Aqua on-side is extremely valuable. The best possible time to invoke Kazuma's world-shattering power is when the greatest difference can be made, and there's no time when that's more true than his arrival. I wouldn't jump for Retinue just yet, since Kazuma needs to drag himself upwards a bit to be reasonably safe, but once he's decently powerful I would add Subaru on, since he needs it a lot more than Aqua.

If we don't immediately use Fortune's Smile, then we have to pick a Cheat Power with more immediate safety and less potential, which is probably a Blessed Series physical stat boost. I'd much rather have the long-term potential of Blue Magic than some generic punching power that Kazuma can acquire from sufficient Adventuring anyways.

[Satō] Felicis Ad Victoriam
[Kazuma] Magic Series: Blue Magic

If anyone has a suggestion for a custom Cheat Power with better potential and Progression synergy than Blue Magic, I'd also vote for that. But as I said, you couldn't convince me to vote for Blessed Series: Luck, since it's...just awful, the worst possible option to take.

Hm... depending on how Blessed Luck interacts with Fortune's Smile, it could be worthwhile to take in conjunction with Ad Valorem, though really Subaru should be the one deciding for Kazuma here! Luck + Foresight is frequently better than luck alone.

If it doesn't interact synergistically, Virtue Series: Charity seems like a good generalized power that Kazuma can exploit. Use Fortune's Smile to acquire power items while developing relationships (Wiz's Shop should have a few, maybe Kazuma can run into Kyoya, steal Gram and not give it back), etc.
Hm... depending on how Blessed Luck interacts with Fortune's Smile, it could be worthwhile to take in conjunction with Ad Valorem, though really Subaru should be the one deciding for Kazuma here! Luck + Foresight is frequently better than luck alone.
Blessed Luck is going to boost Fortune's Smile, but at a very minimalistic scale. Truthfully, it won't really do much unless you get a lot more Luck - as for Subaru, he unfortunately isn't there to impart life advice yet. He'll be waiting for Kazuma in the New World.

Also, I didn't comment this in the EFB thread, because it was a minor and rather obvious note, but I loved the Nameless Interlude! His desire to always push himself to the brink, despite already being all-powerful truly encapsulates the title of the story!
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[Kono] Virtue Series: Charity
[Suba] Felicis Ad Victoriam

A good, solid combination. Getting in at the ground floor is something I think will pay off, especially if by the time you saved your boon for a special occasion you could have been reaping from investments already.
But as I said, you couldn't convince me to vote for Blessed Series: Luck, since it's...just awful, the worst possible option to take.
Don't worry, everyone's entitled to have bad opinions. :V

Because remember, even if it doesn't provide a massive boost to FaV, it still increases Luck by 100 points.

Those are 100 points we don't need to sink into Luck but rather into other stats to better suit our needs.

Those are 100 points immediately invested for free into a stat we need to level up later on.

Those are 100 points working as great progress towards full quarter mitigation right from the start.
Blessed Luck is going to boost Fortune's Smile, but at a very minimalistic scale. Truthfully, it won't really do much unless you get a lot more Luck - as for Subaru, he unfortunately isn't there to impart life advice yet. He'll be waiting for Kazuma in the New World.

I wasn't expecting a big boost but also not something this small. Charity was my next favourite so changing to that. Now where does someone get dozens of magical weapons in this world for cheap...

[Kono] Virtue Series: Charity
[Suba] Felicis Ad Victoriam
Which is all used entirely for mitigation.
And? It doesn't change all the other valid points of the option.

In future we're going to spend points in Luck to Mitigate it - the pros a good headstart + possibility to increase other stats first are being woefully neglected.

Thankfully Charity is a perfectly fine choice, so I don't mind if Blessed Luck loses here.
Luck can't do the impossible, but it specializes in doing the improbable.
But with FAV Kazuma would have 2.5 ISH luck, which is half a tier above conceptual effects so I don't get why it wouldn't be possible to do things that would otherwise be impossible with it.
And? It doesn't change all the other valid points of the option.

In future we're going to spend points in Luck to Mitigate it - the pros a good headstart + possibility to increase other stats first are being woefully neglected.
More power now would enable Kazuma to take options that would allow him to gain power faster as the risks of those options would be reduced.
Normally I would be skeptical of his ability to do so, given his starting location and the time limit (in which he has to solidify a safe position in the town overall). But +1 ISH Luck on top of a natural +.5 ISH luck? That's a different story
One of us is misunderstanding how this works. My understanding is that Fortune's Smile gives +1 ISH Luck because it's his natural +0.5 doubled from it's desperation to take advantage of the temporary suppression of Misfortune. This means it doesn't add +1 to his natural +.5, but "just" gives him the +1 directly.
Sorry for double posting, but I need a new post for the people I'm quoting to be alerted.

If anyone has a suggestion for a custom Cheat Power with better potential and Progression synergy than Blue Magic, I'd also vote for that.
I actually had an idea that could be ludicrous at boosting Progression, even if it's fairly poor on its own.
[ ] Write-in. Kazuma can ask for his own boon, within reason and limit. To do this, follow the outlined formula above. Subject to veto.
Is Attribute Series: Blessed Wisdom viable? Because superpowered "Good Decision Making" would be insanely useful for a Progression type Cursebearers.
Sorry for double posting, but I need a new post for the people I'm quoting to be alerted.
I'm not actually sure that's true

Edit: are you getting a separate notification for this tag, @beowolf ?
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Don't worry, everyone's entitled to have bad opinions. :V
Yeah, I can tell that you feel entitled to your bad opinion, since your defense of it reveals a terminal lack of insight.

We have WOG that Blessed Luck will do little to improve Fortune's Smile, which makes perfect sense because +100 Luck isn't very much at all compared to +1 ISH rank.

Otherwise, Luck is a stat that is entirely soaked into mitigation and provides no other benefit. And that mitigation of the Curse of Misfortune provides no meaningful safety. So Kazuma doesn't need it, especially since that Curse comes pre-mitigated due to Kazuma's innate nature and is the easiest Curse for him to get further mitigation for. Sinking the Cheat Skill into Luck entirely misses the reason why a Cheat Skill is valuable: an immediate, substantial increase in either safety or potential. Blessed Luck offers neither.

You're fundamentally failing to understand the prioritization here. Konosuba has a limited ceiling of danger, and Kazuma doesn't have a Crowning Curse or the Geas of Indenture, so all he has to do is outscale the setting in order to have a permanently safe basis to achieve tier 1/2 Curse Mitigation. Power that will move him up that curve or accelerate its progression comes before Curse Mitigation, not after. For Cursebearers, power provides a basis for Curse Mitigation, not the other way around.

So, to directly address your points: We don't have to sink points into Luck until later, for mitigation (which you acknowledge). If other stats are valuable to us right now (which you acknowledge), then why would we invest them in a stat we don't have to invest in until later, since doing so provides no benefit? In fact, investing them into a stat with value right now is obviously superior by your own argument, since it allows us to not worry about two stats in the short term and distribute our points to the others as we need.

The Curse of Misfortune could not more clearly be a long-term concern instead of a short term one, and progress on mitigating it right now isn't worth shit compared to the improved chances of survival provided by literally any other choice. Even the obviously stupid one that just gives Kazuma guns.

One of us is misunderstanding how this works. My understanding is that Fortune's Smile gives +1 ISH Luck because it's his natural +0.5 doubled from it's desperation to take advantage of the temporary suppression of Misfortune. This means it doesn't add +1 to his natural +.5, but "just" gives him the +1 directly.

I think you have the right of it, actually. Though I don't think this renders the points I made in my reaction invalid, since 2 ISH Luck is still absurd and can get everything done that we would need it to.

Is Attribute Series: Blessed Wisdom viable? Because superpowered "Good Decision Making" would be insanely useful for a Progression type Cursebearers.

I also thought about Blessed Intelligence/Wisdom to help improve Kazuma's judgement and his potential magic development using the adventurer card system, but I think that they're unlikely to let a competent hero take mental stats at all, especially to become significantly superhumanly intelligent, canny, or wise. Because if you think about it, that goes directly against their aim of maintaining the current system! Actually, I would be surprised if they were willing to give those boosts to any hero at all.

And if those stats are ruled out, and Luck is ruled out, then we're left with Strength, Constitution, Agility, Appearance, and Charisma. Or their equivalents, I don't know exactly how Birdsie is implementing/separating stats. APP and CHA are right out, since Wretched makes them less effective in general and relegates them to supplementary stats, even moreso than normal. STR is good for immediate power, but is risky without the CON to withstand its exertion, so we'd have to take Might (half-and-half). CON would give a fair amount of safety, but doesn't provide any active means to fight back against attack, just endure damage, which is a problem if we want to use these stats as effective growth leverage. AGI has a similar problem, even though it's better that CON for multiple reasons. So in the end I'm not a fan of the Blessed Stat Series in general.

In my mind, taking a purposefully weak ability with a lot of potential and then overhauling it into something crazy using Progression is more fertile ground for cheating, since stats can really be obtained no matter what. Kazuma can't rely on stats alone to help him overcome the challenges of the world, anyway; he has to use Progression to cheat himself a sideways route to power that breaks the system's ability to stop him.

The Virtue and Magic series are the only two that fit that bill. Both of the default offerings are decent when paired with the Fortune's Smile boost, but since Blue Magic dovetails more nicely with Progression than Charity does, I'm voting for it.
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Sorry for double posting, but I need a new post for the people I'm quoting to be alerted.

I actually had an idea that could be ludicrous at boosting Progression, even if it's fairly poor on its own.

Is Attribute Series: Blessed Wisdom viable? Because superpowered "Good Decision Making" would be insanely useful for a Progression type Cursebearers.
I would definitely vote for that.

Other things that might be good:
Oracular Series: 46,656,000 Degree Vision! - user can look in all directions at once, including possible pasts and futures. Past and future events can be obscured just like present ones; events involving significant chaos act as a sort of 'blur' that can be difficult to process. Effectiveness limited by the user's Wits, although Kazuma already has enough to keep a basic danger-sense available at all times.
-Attack: Weak to moderate. Good for ambushes. Somewhat improves aiming.
-Defense/Utility: High. Danger sense, mostly bans the Curse of Misfortune from acting in his immediate vicinity. Given both proximity and time to analyze, can answer almost any visually-discernible question.
-Progression: Good. A new degree of freedom is by definition a geometric increase, and this ability is well-suited to gaining them. Gaze attacks into the future and even the past, normally impossible in this world, might be fairly easy to gain through the Lathe of Heaven...

(I worry that this is more powerful than Kazuma would be allowed, but it isn't very flashy so it might slip through.)

Curse Series: Vampirism - Kazuma obtains the rare and powerful class Vampire Lord, the Cheat held by the previous Demon King. This grants powerful lifedrain and manadrain abilities in the short term, and a limited - but faster - form of Blue Magic in the medium. If he picks this, he will be viewed as supremely edgy.
-Attack: Moderate. Caster-leaning gish, so good crowd control and acceptable melee. Minions are also useful.
-Defense/Utility: Moderate-low. As a class unlock, has the glaring weakness of minimal immediate power. Doesn't provide many esoteric effects. Main utility power (hypnosis) hindered by Brand of the Wretched.
-Progression: Quite good. Gaining powers by drinking blood is somewhat less squicky than cannibalism, and a stronger Class chassis means his existing Progression has more to work with.

(I've realized I wouldn't actually vote for this, but I'm submitting it anyway because arete.)
The Virtue and Magic series are the only two that fit that bill. Both of the default offerings a decent when pared with the Fortune's Smile boost, but since Blue Magic dovetails more nicely with Progression than Charity does, I'm voting for it.
Blue Magic is a Progression-type power, but not a very strong one. Really, the only way it gets ridiculous is if Kazuma gets to eat a few Blue Mages - or maybe finds something really impressive in the market, during his hour of Fortune's Smile. Charity is just a solid foundation power for his build.
Blue Magic is a Progression-type power, but not a very strong one. Really, the only way it gets ridiculous is if Kazuma gets to eat a few Blue Mages - or maybe finds something really impressive in the market, during his hour of Fortune's Smile. Charity is just a solid foundation power for his build.

Nothing we're being offered is that strong in terms of potential, but even though Charity offers more immediate utility, I think that Blue Magic is still better, since it allows unintended sideways capability development when combined with Progression. Remember, Progression is complete in how it offers advancements, and it's possible for a sufficiently Lucky Kazuma to be offered a Blue-Magic specific TSH without eating a Blue Mage in particular, or develop further advancements specific to the functioning and capabilities of Blue Magic by funneling XP into it. Though I doubt that he'll actually cannibalize anyone unless it's extremely necessary, since that's...a bit much.

And also it just seems like abilities which are allow absorbing/taking/drawing power from those you overcome are a natural fit with Progression, since they allow another channel through which Progression can be exercised. Kazuma might be able to kill and consume some monsters and use the Progression XP to outright buy one of their abilities, instead of having to actually fulfill the specific amounts of consumption the original ability would require, could mess around with different eating techniques and practices to get consumption-related Advancements that synergize with Blue Magic, etc.

Not to say that Charity doesn't have a bunch of potential to be munchkinned, but those are tricks rather than built-in potential, and it's not nearly as suitable for Progression. Another thing to consider is that Charity is, by comparison, extremely visible as a cheat/anomaly, and Kazuma's enemies will likely hear about it early on and use to mark him as a chosen hero they might need to focus down.

This was you adding your own joke, I take it?
Jokingly acknowledging it as a double bait: the link is framed as though it's to a CYOA, and also once you open it, the Imgur image is titled "[NSFW] Naked Darkness", despite the image itself just being an "Axis Cult Signup Sheet".
I can't believe I've started a discussion with my subquest... I'm sorry for the mess, Rihaku! I'll clean it up!

One of us is misunderstanding how this works. My understanding is that Fortune's Smile gives +1 ISH Luck because it's his natural +0.5 doubled from it's desperation to take advantage of the temporary suppression of Misfortune. This means it doesn't add +1 to his natural +.5, but "just" gives him the +1 directly.
This understanding is correct: for one reason or another, Kazuma was born with the insane and nigh-impossible level of 0.5 Luck on the ISH scale. Perhaps this is a natural (or, rather, unnatural,) abnormality that occurs on his Earth, or he's been noticed by some entity, or there's other reasons.

The Affliction of Misfortune, unfortunately, fully suppresses this bonus and then drags it down into the dirt. When you use Fortune's Smile (which is mechanically just the Accursed temporarily raising your head from the curse-bucket to let you breathe more,) then Kazuma's Luck factor not only returns, but returns in force. Knowing that his time is limited and having been choked for god-knows-how-long by another metaphysical force, it strains to act as much as it can.

Is Attribute Series: Blessed Wisdom viable? Because superpowered "Good Decision Making" would be insanely useful for a Progression type Cursebearers.
Kazuma doesn't see this as valuable, but maybe that's because he doesn't have +100 Wisdom yet.

The moment he proposes it, however, Aqua will shrug and mention that it's, "against the rules," because it causes the, "personality network to exceed holistic integrity thresholds," and therefore, "removes agency and free will." Kazuma sees through this bullshit within a nanosecond and reasons that it's because the Heavenly Bureaucracy doesn't want anyone too competent wandering around, especially given his earlier display. Aqua, however, seems oblivious and thinks she's being truthful.

Oracular Series: 46,656,000 Degree Vision! - user can look in all directions at once, including possible pasts and futures. Past and future events can be obscured just like present ones; events involving significant chaos act as a sort of 'blur' that can be difficult to process. Effectiveness limited by the user's Wits, although Kazuma already has enough to keep a basic danger-sense available at all times.
-Attack: Weak to moderate. Good for ambushes. Somewhat improves aiming.
-Defense/Utility: High. Danger sense, mostly bans the Curse of Misfortune from acting in his immediate vicinity. Given both proximity and time to analyze, can answer almost any visually-discernible question.
-Progression: Good. A new degree of freedom is by definition a geometric increase, and this ability is well-suited to gaining them. Gaze attacks into the future and even the past, normally impossible in this world, might be fairly easy to gain through the Lathe of Heaven...
Extremely clever. The AoM works through absence of information, so work against it by always knowing what's going to happen around you. Smart - this is an effective way to curtail it, but it won't surrender: it'll just plan harder to foil your happiness.

Curse Series: Vampirism - Kazuma obtains the rare and powerful class Vampire Lord, the Cheat held by the previous Demon King. This grants powerful lifedrain and manadrain abilities in the short term, and a limited - but faster - form of Blue Magic in the medium. If he picks this, he will be viewed as supremely edgy.
-Attack: Moderate. Caster-leaning gish, so good crowd control and acceptable melee. Minions are also useful.
-Defense/Utility: Moderate-low. As a class unlock, has the glaring weakness of minimal immediate power. Doesn't provide many esoteric effects. Main utility power (hypnosis) hindered by Brand of the Wretched.
-Progression: Quite good. Gaining powers by drinking blood is somewhat less squicky than cannibalism, and a stronger Class chassis means his existing Progression has more to work with.
Interesting. No comment on this, but it's plausible.

Jokingly acknowledging it as a double bait: the link is framed as though it's to a CYOA, and also once you open it, the Imgur image is titled "[NSFW] Naked Darkness", despite the image itself just being an "Axis Cult Signup Sheet".
Scammed and bamboozled.

I don't have any idea when's the next update to the subquest yet. If I have time, I'll see about Friday. If I really make it, it might even be tomorrow, but that's not a promise, and even if it was, having read Kazuma's life story, you should know a thing or two about promises at this point.
Interesting. No comment on this, but it's plausible.
...Assuming that means it's a valid option...
Well, I'm also tempted by the Oracular Series one, but the combination of this and Wiz being in town gives Smile an excellent path to spend some of its effort. Notably, this same combination of factors + Wretched makes it a really bad idea to take if he's saving his Smile use.

[Kono] Felicis Ad Victoriam
[Suba] Curse Series: Vampirism
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Curse Series: Vampirism
- Kazuma obtains the rare and powerful class Vampire Lord, the Cheat held by the previous Demon King. This grants powerful lifedrain and manadrain abilities in the short term, and a limited - but faster form of Blue Magic in the medium. If he picks this, he will be viewed as supremely edgy.
Aqua hates the undead, though. Really, really badly. Kills them without a second thought badly. Unless this class doesn't really make one into undead?

Immediate activation of Smile might mutigate that, but idk.
Getting her into our party would be magnificent. Blast like a Megumin, utility spell like an archmage, actually has some beef with current Demon Lord IIRC, comparatively competent - with a sweet promise of Progression and Smile's effect running, it might be possible to invite her into Retinue.
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