[X] Search for Humans with [X] Apex has won. You are taking Gisena with you into the Temple outskirts beyond the antechamber. What is the nature of the prominent foe Hunger encountered within? Choose wisely, this may be the last notably productive encounter he has for this stage of the Temple.
[ ] Knight Legion - A battalion of giant knights, well-armored and organized, their animating intelligences moving in unnatural concert, scything down all in their path not native to the Temple. Far deadlier and more formidable than single knights or even small companies, this fearsome array wields encirclements, flanking maneuvers, suppressive fire and small unit tactics with the fluid organic cunning of a single unifying mind.
*Roughly 300 Knights with a wide variety of weapons and armor types, including some you haven't seen before - scout-type knights, superheavy knights, grappling specialists with barbed armor, offensive lance-wielders with ludicrously oversized weapons, etc. Fight intelligently as if coordinated by a single commander with superhuman multitasking ability and unnatural battlefield awareness.
*2 picks, +.5 Arete
*70% chance of uneventful victory
*5% chance of Gisena injury
*15% chance of major Hunger injury
*10% chance of forced withdrawal (you will not receive the chosen social encounter)
[ ] The Dreadbeast - Fearsome as the hill-eater wurm was, it seems a meagre threat indeed before the heaven-shaking dreadbeast, whose scream of cold command shatters steel and chills the marrow, whose hoofbeats are rolling thunder, whose claws are scythes, whose maw is a furnace, slabs of its armor like a living mountainside. Unstoppable or invisible at its leisure, the spray of its blood ropey tendrils which ensnare and bind, with the cleverness of three men and the cunning of nine.
*A Rank 5 monstrosity with semi-axiomatic strength or invisibility, very high speed, mortifying claws that inflict cursed wounds of rot and decay, a scream attack that deals heavy cold damage and destroys mundane equipment, a continuous breath attack that deals heavy fire damage to those within melee range facing its maw, an aoe bind effect that strikes those within the range of its blood when spilled, and the durability of a large mountain. Superhumanly cunning and deceptive, with a mastery of ensnarement and manipulation that verges on the supernal, but pathologically incapable of withdrawing once engaged.
*4 picks with Defining Advancement, +.25 Rank
*50% chance of major Hunger injury
*5% chance of major Gisena injury
*25% chance of grievous injury to both (Pristine Star grants high chance to stabilize)
*10% chance of death of Hunger's Spirit Form, with 80% chance of Rage
*10% chance of Gisena's death, with 90% chance of subsequent Rage
*10% chance of the Form of Rage being defeated if triggered
[ ] The Magus - Deadly as the monsters are, deadlier still is man. Of his nature you know little, hooded and cloaked with his face wreathed in shadow, his crisply dyed robes of blue and white freshly starched and pristine. He says little and attacks without preamble, age-mottled hands tracing sublime evocations to transmute or disorient, transport or destroy.
*3 picks, +2 Arete, +??
*50% chance of uneventful victory
*30% chance of grievous injury to both (Pristine Star grants high chance to stabilize)
*20% chance of death of one or both, with 95% chance of Rage
*25% chance of the Form of Rage being defeated if triggered
Choose one bonus:
[ ] Veterancy: Strategy is a blade that cuts both ways. Sufficient well-developed tactics, discussion, fanworks for this fight can earn a re-roll. May be applied to either the combat above or the spar against the Amiable Brutes, below.
[ ] Seize the Day: +1 pick from this combat encounter.
And, presuming he overcomes said foe, which group of people does he stumble upon?
[ ] The Beset Party - A group of beleaguered adventurers, mostly slaughtered, whom you rescue from the monster encountered above. Grateful but mostly inept, they are of little benefit to Hunger personally, though the information they have on the Temple itself could be of value. They will need to be babysat to their point of egress, but will pay well with money or favors when their rescue is complete.
*No chance of Tyrant proc
*Guaranteed knowledge of side exit & limited Temple details
*Guaranteed friendly introduction to the Encampment
*It's nice to save people again.
*Doom risk: Low
[ ] A Wandering Caravan - A party of intrepid merchants, exploring the Temple grounds for things to sell. What things, you ask? They'll happily tell, for a price. For a price as well, they have a wide array of wondrous potions and tinctures, concoctions to heal the body or sharpen the mind, ensure pleasant dreams or death quick and painful. Carrying strange lunar sigils, they walk the grounds unthreatened by Knight or monster, eliciting nods of cordial acknowledgement when passing by, or commanding swift deference as needed.
*You can try to rob them but will encounter either a Knight Legion or Dreadbeast in addition to the enemy you face above, as they call upon the power of their sigils to apprehend you.
*Successful robbery would secure such sigils for your own use, vastly increasing your speed of penetration into the Temple grounds.
*They offer various healing & buffing potions for an exorbitant price
*They offer information about the Temple and Encampment, in greater details than the Beset Party, at a reasonable price
*They will pay handsomely for the secret of the Moon Gates
*Doom risk: Medium
[ ] The Amiable Brutes - A pair of formidable adventurers who are always up for a spar. If successful, they'll tell you whatever you like and gift you one of a number of primordial Runes with powerful magical effects. They may even join forces to help clear out the Temple! If you lose, they'll require one of your objects of power or two major favors to be sealed with a binding oath.
*50% chance of defeating them in the spar
*If successful, gain a Primordial Rune and one to two mighty allies
*Guaranteed friendly introduction to the Encampment regardless
*If you fail to defeat them, you'll have to give up one of your items of power or owe them two major favors
*Doom risk: Medium
[ ] The Shining Paragon [2 Arete] - Dame Gabrielle Fairbright is a living exemplar of the Noble Truth. Blessed with extraordinary beauty, grace, quickness of mind and the beneficence of fortune, she wields her ancestral blade in service to Truth and Justice wheresoever they may take her. Today they have taken her to the Temple of the False Moon, and to Hunger, who is beset by a monster out of legend. Worry not, fair wanderer and Lady Sorceress, this shining knight shall dispatch your interloper forthwith!
*Requires The Dreadbeast or The Magus
*Her assistance grants a +19 bonus to the above combat roll, all but guaranteeing survival against foes of this caliber
*Considerably more powerful than the two of you, and self-righteous, though not annoyingly so. Unlikely to attack if unprovoked.
*Has a nuanced, balanced, and compassionate view of the good that neither makes undue allowances for petty evil nor descends into sanctimonious self-rationalizing.
*Commands a number of powerful magical systems in unison, blessed by good fortune, willing to join you for the duration of the Temple.
*The power of her bloodline, the Fairbright Legacy, drives darkness, illness, and foulness from the world.
*There is something distinctly... odd about her. Something is afoot here. Whether it portends good or ill, you are not certain.
*Doom risk: Medium to High depending on strategy