I'm late to the party, but I'm finally prepared to take the challenge!
I'm tempted to just go orphan and having things be simple, but I'm also interested in seeing if I could configure a 'Myself' that I would find enjoyable.
Against my better judgement:
Break Containment- I want just about nothing to do with a Crowning curse, I'll take my lumps for Combat though. (-16)
[] I really don't want indenture, skip!
[] Affliction of Vigor, I hate time limits, sort of why I'm averse to the Geas. Pass!
[C] Doom of the Coward, Probably a yes, I don't need to fight neccessarily. If anything, perhaps I can have cohort to protect my interests. (-13)
[C] Doom of the saint.... A tentative maybe, I have a lot of curse I need to get myself acquainted with. I'm not sure how this will react with Coward, I just feel even worse that I can't do anything if violence would be neccessary? I suppose I would try and use diplomacy even in very foolish situations. Going to need some good allies or memetic hazardry. (-10)
[] Brand of the Kinslayer is sort of anti settle down, and I may want to for extended periods. Pass for now.
[] Doom of the sailor, pretty restricting, I'm a fan of way different biomes.
[] Doom of the Prick: Oh lord, who would curse someone with this? A Major disguised as a lesser SMH!
[] Doom of the Addict: I still need a lot of value, tentatively on a maybe??
[C] Affliction of the Weary: If I can attain immortality or some equivelent, I don't think I would mind so much. So long as I still can hit Rested, I'm okay with taking longer to get there. [-9]
[] Affliction of the Carnivore: I love fruit, candy, chocolate, an eternity of suffering this would be.
[] Sign of the Twin: I'd consider this more for two, it's on my Maybe list. With Coward and Saint my ability to deal with hostiles isn't fantastic. Pass for now.
[C] Brand of the Childish: LOL. Well, it almost reads as 'being a pampered noble' in some settings. Compared to some of the hell scape on offer, I'll take it! (-8)
Well, we're into Plagarism.
[] The Affliction of Slumber. I don't know if this is a match made in heaven for Weary, or if I would just have killed myself. Hopefully the Accursed would let me know how these would interact. For now, I'm going to pass?
[C] The Doom of Ineptitude: As I don't plan on doing much myself, that my attempts will be bungles are sort of to be expected. [-5]
[C] Doom of the Tyrant: A cowardly Tyrant, I suppose this would just compel me to run away from a great deal more situations before they could be resolved. I may regret this (-2) …(I regret it less with the remittances on offer)
[C] Doom of Lunacy: Should I ever be cornered and I'm forced to confront my own cowardice, woe betide. [+1]
Good lord am I cursed! I normally wouldn't consider more curses for more remittance, but at this point lets take a look...
[C]The Plenary brand? It had good synergy with Lunacy, and with childish people's contingencies for dealing with me may be trying to control me rather than out right force hostilities. (+4)
Nah, i'll scrap it.
We're free! time to scrounge up immortality and running away, if at all possible. Possibly allies if I can afford someone?
1 primary
6 3 lesser after conversion
[Primary] Twinned Soul Apex: Saint Halo - Oh wow this is perfect! truly a remittance tailored for me. Super helpful in controlling Lunacy and the consequences of unforeseen tyrant procs should be mitigated a bit.
[LR] The Hierophant, Mitigation for my obscene number of curses, and they can tell I have power to offer. I think this one is a no brainer to start with [5]
[LR] The Fool, This should get me out of a lot of sticky situations without the need to ever resort to Lunacy.[4]
[LR] Death, Should I completely ruin whatever situation I'm in, or get trapped in a hellscape, I want a way out. Re-usable too, a few times at least.[3]
[LR] The Emperor, good food, truly a reason to live.[2]
[LR] Temperance, Seems like an amazing fit with Saint Halo!
I'm hoping that between working with folks in the world, and a few backup attempts via Death, I should eventually stumble into a world I can wind up functionally immortal in with everyone loving me. I think I have a fair shot a good ending! I almost missed my favorite primary remittance since it was under Sword and I didn't gravitate towards it. Glad I checked back after combing through the lessers.
I haven't had the chance to read anyone elses yet, so this is a raw pick.
I'm not sure if I should go for Tyrant or Plenary honestly. I'm worried about the forever escalating nature of Plenary, but once I get setup Tyrant shouldn't be an issue? Not sure, depending on the day I could probably go back and forth. My thought is to pay up front though for now.
Thanks again for making this DarkSideBard! I'm curious what I could end up with doing a similar build without such a hefty entrance fee.