The winner was [X] Chains of Fate. You have 51.4 Arete. Given the leading options in the previous vote, Hunger's attitude towards his royal position has been solidified.
Hunger's philosophy of Rule: Who Dares, Wins
Hunger does not see kingship or official station as imparting any especial duties towards the ruled; rather, he continues to be propelled by his existing values, without any additional loyalty to his subjects beyond those dignities he would extend to any populace. This is not to say he is a demanding taskmaster, or that he sees people themselves as only means to an end; merely that he sees the position of King as no different to his powers derived from Blade or Mantle - tools of purpose that exist to enact his designs.
He is opportunistic and may frequently do what is best for the world or for those he cares about (including himself) rather than what is best for the nation. He has a (perhaps justifiably) high opinion of his ability to navigate dangers, even in the face of changing circumstances. His greatest strengths as a ruler are his adaptability and cool under fire; his greatest weaknesses are his recklessness and greed. The bold and capricious temperament of a King who, with two days left on the clock, risks the well-being of billions to seize an opportunity - confident in his ability to neutralize the threat in the time he has remaining.
Select your Advancements. The first option will de-emphasize this characterization, the middle option will keep it as-is, and the last option will emphasize it.
[ ] King and Court
Once and Future I + Companions of the King [53 Arete].
If Aobaru is the chosen of myth, then let it be as he said. Who can challenge the King in the strength of his court? The Forebear's mantle looms in the eyes of his foes as a portent of doom inescapable, but to his allies it is the aegis under which all their peoples shelter. Manifold are his glories, and their slightest refraction sufficient to raise up champions among men.
Raises your Rank and immediately grants elevated Rank scaling with your own to your trusted allies... a powerful combination that allows for far greater scope of action across the cosmic chessboard of the Voyaging Realm. As this option fully intends to mitigate the Decimator's Affliction by destroying the Tower, both the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen characterization will be diminished. Good synergy with Once and Future; an additional +40% All Stats works well with +++++All Stats.
*Greatly improves the durability and effectiveness of all your party members
*Once and Future offers immense power, but your Rank will overshoot your stats, meaning that enemies your peer in Rank will tend to have higher stats - an Armament all full power has not only tremendous Rank but also incredible stats backed by the greatest bio-engineering that the Foremost could achieve at scale. They are also armed to the teeth with strategic-level weaponry appropriate to a star-faring civilization of ten thousand systems.
*Having +40% All Stats would help greatly with that.
*An additional +80% Rank gain would augment your future Progression. Rank will continue to be an uphill climb and Hunger needs all the multipliers he can get to maintain some semblance of rapid advance into the High Ranks.
[ ] All Under Heaven
Once and Future I + The Opalescent Tower [48 Arete]
With the Forebear's might comes the Forebear's dominion, and this callow universe shall kneel like any other. The Opalescent Tower shall be seized, its numinous fire grasped and embedded into the Cloak of Sky until all the Empyrean sits the King's shoulders, and why should it be otherwise? With power such as this, Hunger shall stride forth and put his Curse to the sword, for the King at hunt is swifter than all the winds, and inescapable as the sky shining down.
*Great immediate power and potential. Spends the least Arete of the options, potentially leaving room for All-Defeating Stance in the near or medium future.
*A powerful hybrid build that combines Rank with social and defensive stats.
*Grants access to Empyreal Signs which offer potent magical effects.
*Though he only has two days to find a solution, Hunger has immense power with which to pursue the task. Still, he will need to find a solution quickly, Rank alone is unlikely to suffice. The Empyreal Signs can overcome the tyranny of distance in the Voyaging Realm, but are unlikely to offer a direct solution to the requirements of the Huntress' Moon.
*Overwhelming power and majesty will allow Hunger a realistic chance to deal with the Lord Protector directly, if he so chooses.
*You should really get Iridescence to take advantage of those Evening Sky Protection +s.
[ ] Eye of the Storm
The Tears of Winter: Adorie + The Opalescent Tower [50 Arete]
Why settle for the Princess' abode alone? Claim the crown jewels as well; for while she lacks the power to enliven them, Hunger has no such limitation. Being a gracious ally he will encourage her to use them directly, as mere ownership suffices to confer considerable benefits. With the treasures of this land forthrightly plundered, sky and storm both will yield to the Winter King, who darkens their door like a looming thunderhead, the force of his strike like a star fallen to earth, and the fury of his ire like a blizzard fit to drown the sun at noon! Now is the time to lay claim to all this land can offer in preparation for opposing the Tyrant that stands at its helm. Leave no stone unscoured in the ceaseless quest for advantage, so that in time you may visit devastation upon your enemies and see them laid broken before you.
*The weakest of the options in immediate strength, being .2 Rank weaker in general matters and 1.2 Ranks weaker in matters military.
*Still a very respectable power increase, and manifold opportunities for future advance.
*Grants increased INT, Apocryphal mitigation, and reduced Praxis exertion alongside the benefits to general capability.
*Wielding both the Jewels and the Fortress of House Mirellyian, the snows of winter clasped to the endless sky, Hunger will gain the Title [King of Winter] upon completing Once and Future I.
*Naturally he must be accompanied by its final scion as well. It would be rather unkind to take possession of her Artifacts without looking out for her well-being.
*Recruits Adorie Mirellyian as a companion. She is an exceptionally capable administrator, orator, lore-master and vocalist, and would be happy to run your territories for you or help you research further Empyreal Signs.
*She's somewhat of a liability in combat, so will need bodyguards or some other means of defense.
*Exceptionally greedy, the only option that has worse than even odds against a Nilfelian Legion in a straight fight. However, the Lord Protector himself is considerably weaker than a full Nilfelian Legion as well. There are plenty of more circuitous routes to the victory you seek.
*Very potent in the long term, but you'll need to both deal with the Lord Protector and figure out some means of Decimator mitigation quickly. Enhances both Hunger's recklessness as well as his nerve under pressure.