under every hive city is a group of tribals who unlocked QEC and are connected across the stars with teleporters, Fred Flintstone like communities with primitive style versions of modern comforts
You leap to your feet in the unfamiliar room, looking around at the black stone walls and ceiling, the unfamiliar bookshelves, and a sterile scent in the air. Your hands spark with telekine energy as you look around for the source of the noise.
+Welcome, Adept.+
A voice with the weight of Terra's hive spires slams into you, forcing you to your knees. The voice is encoded with memetic cyphers and telepathic markers that designate the speaker as a high ranking member of the Astra Telepathica. Four other figures are kneeling, your fellow Primaris Psykers from aboard the Black Ship.
A woman dressed in a robe stands before you, her skeletal hands clasped together in prayer, body hidden nearly completely by a black robe. Her body is mounted onto a large spider platform. Each of the platform's legs contains a small crystalline cannister containing what looks like parts of brain matter, each linked to the woman's mind through telepathic connections. They are not different minds but parts of her own excised and grown, Three long spindly mechanical arms are mounted on a single track that runs around the rim of the platform,
Two of the arms hold a large parchment volume while the third flips through its pages. The movements of the cybernetic limbs are controlled by telekinesis rather than any visible source of power. A voice emanates from a vox-speaker implanted in her throat, filling the room with its echoes. "All of you are ready to speak. Good."
Tele-Augmetics. You've heard of the concept, but never seen it before. It is a flaunting example of telekinetic ability, or you are in a location which hinders the function of regular augmetics. You touch your cybernetic eye, and blink-click to run a diagnostic.
As you look around, you wonder if the second might be true. The lamps you can see are all simple sodium tubes fed by power packs, each with an independent switch to be telekinetically operated. The room is a grand study, with a desk at the end made of real wood. There are bookshelves that cover the walls. Some contain holders for parchment scrolls, data-slates, and large volumes of parchment, metal, and crystalline wafers.
But there's no sign of any wiring. The bookshelf holding the dataslates is visibly fed by a large power cell. Wherever you are is trying to use as few cogitators and other interconnected technology as possible. You hazard a guess that each room is meant to be a perfect psychic faraday cage if sealed, with not even cabling running through the walls.
Hans speaks up. "What is the meaning of drugging us and taking us here? Lord Adept, I do not know who you are. But what is going on!?"
The diagnostic of your augmetic returns negative. You focus upon Hans and the other Psykers. Silvia and Alfonse are both quiet, waiting to hear more.
"I am both Master of The Sapphire Keep, the Astra Telepathica Astrotelepathic relay built into the city of Nautilus, and the Lord Prefect of the Scholam Psykana. You will call me Lord Prefect. I shall not grant you my name."
Hans's anger fades almost instantly, as he realizes just who he is speaking to. He inclines his head respectfully.
The Lord Prefect's mechanical legs clank as she moves across the black floor, organic hands still bound in prayer. "Smuggling you into Nautilus was planned. But the Keep's scryers read the Tarot, and foresaw tragedy striking your transport."
Alfonse scoffs. "I read the tarot before we arrived. I did not predict disaster."
As if to prove himself, he draws forth five cards onto his bracer and reveals them. His smile dissapears immediately. He blinks. "Such a rapid change of my reading…" He cautiously reaches out for one of his cards. It sparks at the touch, twitching and trembling.
"You were replaced with flesh-shaped servitors and smuggled inside stasis coffins hidden inside bulk vats of Nutrient Paste." the Lord Prefect continued. You exchange glances with Hans and the other Psykers. How did they manage to do that? The question is on all your minds. It is an impressive and disturbing feat to move five Primaris Psykers without any finding out. The Lord Prefect seems to sense your confusion and continues her explanation.
"It was a risky maneuver, but it was necessary to keep you safe. Your chambers aboard the Black Ship pumped an anesthetic gas into your rooms when you last slept."
You speak up. "What sort of fool dares to strike at Psykers from the Black Ships?"
"I can not say." the Lord Prefect replies. "Just know that there are groups within the Imperium whom disagree with the task you have been given, and sought to cut it short. This is a conflict that you will not fight. It shall be my concern. "
Silvia speaks up for the first time since entering the room, "This is not what we were told. We are supposed to teach Wyrdvanes, not this cloak and dagger."
"That is still your task, but there is more to it," the Lord Prefect answers gravely, the three mechanical arms spread out and indicate the room. "The Sapphire Keep, is the Astro-Telepathic hub of the Torvum Sector. Constructed in the safest city in the entire sector. But it has never before been used as a place to train Psykers. Why do you think that changed?"
"The will of the Master of the Astra Telepathica." You say.
"Why -now-, Adept? Think. I want you to think, not listen." +THINK+ The final words come out as a telepathic compulsion, and each Primaris in the room is forced into a full kneel. Even if you wanted, you couldn't stand up.
Astrid speaks up. "The Psyker Bloom. More Psykers are being born than the Black Ships can manage."
The Lord Prefect taps two legs together, the tips clanking together in a pantomime of clapping. "Indeed. Many such operations across the galaxy are starting. But this one is different."
She looms over Alfonse. "A scammer and hustler, a reader of the tarot that gave advice freely to those that could not afford his services."
As she moves around the room, she motions for each Primaris Psyker. "An underhive Medicae that healed the sick and infirm, against regulations on medical rationing."
"A Pyromancer that refused to marry a cousin as arranged, all so she could marry one she truly loved." Hans grits his teeth but avoids eye contact.
"An Astropath who conspired with an Inquisitor accused of apostasy." She inclines her head to Silvia. "For the Inquisitor owned a collection of Pre-Imperial religious texts."
She now looms over you, emotionless eyes staring into you. "A boy that founded a gang, but did not use them as resources." She inclines her head. "And who treats Abhumans like people."
"Where is Martha?!" You snarl, remembering the Abhuman. If she harmed her, you'll make a fight of this, damn the consequences.
The Lord Prefect tilts her head. "I presume preparing a meal in the kitchens. I'm not in the business of losing skilled hands."
Ignoring the interruption, she finishes her circuit of the room and returns to her original position.
"Each of you is an Iconoclast. One who disagrees with the official social order of the Imperium. But you are neither heretic nor recidivist. Instead, each of you seeks to better the lives of others. And that is the sort of teachers this Scholam will begin with. You will not teach by rote muscle memory and the repeating of ancient curriculum. You will study, you will learn, and expand the power and influence of our Adepta." She emphasizes each word with a tap of her sharp legs. "You will not process Psykers, you will -develop- them."
Her organic hands separate from the posture of prayer and she holds her arms out as if embracing you all.
"You shall each train a Wyrdvane Choir of between five and ten Psykers. Record your training methods, the technology used, and the wisdom required. If you require currency, I shall provide it. If you need transport, I shall arrange it. If you require staff, speak to me. Your Wyrdvane shall become templates."
She raises a hand, and five pouches lift from her desk and hover to each Psyker in the room. You open yours, examining the collection of coins and the credit-stick. "Your first discretionary sum, a credit stick, and a badge that marks you a Prefect of the Astra Telepathica, exempt from planetary law, and granted the right to induct any non-adept you require. May the Emperor be with us, Prefects."
Your room in the Scholam Psykana is a simple unadorned but surprisingly large suite of rooms. The Scholam Psykana is a flurry of activity as Tech Priests and Technomats work hard on preparing to receive students. Outside, you find that Nautilus appears to be like many other Hive Cities in the Imperium, just darker, slightly more cramped, but with surprisingly intact infrastructure. You look forward to exploring it a bit further.
Martha quickly moves into the servant quarters and integrates herself into the kitchen staff quite easily thanks to the knowledge you are watching over her.
The serf clans assigned to the Sapphire Fortress which were reassigned to the Scholam Psykana have rarely interacted with Ratlings, and seemed to fear her at first, speaking of the 'scuttlers' down in the Pit.
Nautilus Scholam Psykana Internal Hierarchy:
Like any Imperial organization, the Astra Telepathica is rife with factionalism and groups intending to climb to the top at the detriment of others, or just believing that they know better.
The Scholam Psykana currently has five Prefects, one from each of the five major schools of Psykana. Each Psyker been granted a great deal of freedom and leeway by the Astra Telepathica in the pursuit of setting up a training schedule. The Lord Prefect watches all of them, providing them what they need to complete their work.
-Prefect Biologica Astrid. Universal Epsilon Psyker.
Astrid is a middle-aged woman with black hair, blue eyes, and an eerily symetrical face. She routinely uses her biomancy to change or optimize her appearance how she sees fit. She has few visible implants. Currently training Biomantic Support Choirs:
Astrid's Wyrdvances are taught to both be nurses as well as biomancers. While lacking the control for fine surgery, when they put their powers together, Astrid's Wyrdvane is able to perform miraculous feats of healing and regeneration. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 5/10 Your influence with them: 4/10 -Combat Biomancy Development Unlocked.
-Prefect Telepathica Silvia Astropath Transcendant, Delta-Grade Telepath.
Silvia's skin is weathered and etched with the lines of countless years. Her blindfold is made from a deep indigo fabric, contrasting against her pale complexion. The robes she wears are adorned with subtle psychic wards, their intricate patterns barely visible unless caught in the right lumen light. Her cane is carved from dark wood, its surface polished smooth by years of use and imbued with latent psychic energy that hums gently under her touch. Currently training Bonded Telepathic Choir:
Silvia's Wyrdvanes are trained to function as living relays for communications, providing a safe and instantaneous form of communication across a battlefield between each member of a Wyrdvane. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 3/10 Your influence with them: 1/10
-By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential, Silvia will assist in training Dedicated Telepath Vox Operators.
-Prefect Pyromania Hans: Gamma-Grade Pyromancer, Delta-Grade Telekine
Hans is a dark-skinned Psyker with a head covered with cybernetic plugs and cables that connect to an imposing psychic hood. His middle-aged appearance belies the combat prowess he possesses, with every movement echoing the precision and power of his pyromantic and telekinetic skills. Despite the constant sheen of sweat from overheating, there's an undeniable aura of intensity that surrounds him. Currently training Pyro-Telekinetic Psychic Artillery.
Hans's Wyrdvanes are taught to be Psychic artillery. They are to rain down hellfire and telekinetic strikes from a distance, destroying everything in their path. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 1/10 Your influence with them: 1/10 Hans believes your Psychic Shock Troops plan is doomed to fail and does not wish to involve himself.
-Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse: Delta-Grade Diviner, Combat Cartomancer,
A pale-skinned man in simple clothes, rarely wearing robes, with dark black hair shaped over the cybernetics in the back of his head. Routinely seen wearing a bracer connected to a silver pane marked with six small rectangles. Currently training Reading the Emperor's tarot. Sanctic sorcery.
Alfonse's Wyrdvanes are taught to read the Emperor's Tarot as well as divine the course of events. They are a support force meant to provide Imperial Commanders with knowledge of future events, or the likeliness of enemy actions. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 3/10 Your influence with them: 1/10
-By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential, Alfonse will aid your Psychic Shock troops to train their Precognition abilities.
Prefect Telekinetica Occam: Beta-Grade Telekine
Your goal is to train Psychic Shock Troops.
Current Armour: Flak
Current Weapon: Autogun
Combat Training: Whiteshield
Sanctified Stakes: Not acquired yet.
Micro-Explosives: Not acquired yet
Biomancy Training: Simple
Telepathy Training: Simple
Pyromancy Training: Simple
Biomancy Training: Simple
Telekine Training: Excellent (If you personally teach them)
Special Skills: None
They will be equipped with Sanctified Stakes, and implanted with Micro-Explosives. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100
Scholam Psykana Faculty and Staff: You have gathered up a following of servants and allies that help with running the Scholam Psykana.
-Martha Sternback, Ratling:
A diminutive ratling woman whose dream job became a nightmare after a friendly Master of Service had her prepare meals for Imperial Guard officers kept as guests aboard her ship, the Sword of Integrity, instead of just the Junior officers. After deserting from the ship, you found her and offered her a better life. Due to the genuine kindness that you have shown her, you have her undying loyalty and friendship.
While a curious sight among the largely terran-norm members of the Astra Telepathica, few who actually speak with Martha don't find it easy to not be charmed by her smile, manners, and jovial attitude. Of those unable to get over their disdain for 'abbies' or 'gene filth', none dare to be rude to her, lest they face your considerable wrath.
Martha as a Ratling chef is a master of understanding the ability of food to motivate, encourage, punish, or break down an individual. She also has learned to work in the underbelly of society to survive, and finds it easy to make black market connections with the ubiquitous ratling communities across the Imperium.
-Gives a +20 to any rolls involving nutrition as a factor in Psyker education.
-Allows you to develop black market contacts.
The students have not yet arrived at the Scholam Psykana, but the final stages of construction are nearing their end. You have been given time to prepare fully for the arrival.
You have a nearly unlimited discretionary budget, but accessing it will require the (so far, Unlimited), approval of the Lord Prefect.
You can take up to four actions. Unless under a 'Repeatable' category, each choice can only be used once.
Scholam Psykana:
The Scholam Psykana is still under construction, but the Astropathic Choir it is connected to is positively ancient. You could examine it and learn a bit more about where you'll be
[] Training from the Black Sentinels:
The Black Sentinels are excellently trained and drilled fighters. Ask them to assist in training and drilling your Shock Troops. Costs 5 Lord Prefect favour
[] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
You've not met the machine assigned to your Scholam, but you can see that he is a fully ordained priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Talk with them attempt to convince them to supply your Psychic Shock Troops with better equipment than simple force weapons, lasguns, and flak. Costs 5 Lord Prefect favour
[] Assist Prefect:
You aid another Prefect in setting up their Wyrdvane program. You will cooperate on a mutually beneficial development. You gain+1 Influence and +1 Relationship with a Prefect
[] Do a favour for another Prefect:
You aid another Prefect in setting up their Wyrdvane program. You will aid them in a way that only assists their program. You gain+3 Influence and +1 Relationship with a Prefect.
Psychic Studies:
Research and studying is considered an important part of the Astra Telepathica. You will exercise this rare privilege as an Imperial Citizen in order to become a better master for your students.
[] Develop one of your Schools:
You attempt to improve your ability to work one of your Psykana Schools.
-Write in which school of Psykana you want to train in your spare time.
[] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies:
Work with Astrid to lay out how your theoretical Psychic Shock Troops might best train their biomancy for both healing and self-empowerment. Costs 2 Influence with Astrid
Improves relationship by 1
[] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies - For a favour:
Work with Astrid to lay out how your theoretical Psychic Shock Troops might best train their biomancy for both healing and self-empowerment. Promise to do a favour for them. Next turn, Astrid will ask for your assistance in setting up her Wyrdvane programme.
[] Transcribe Telekinetic Teaching instructions:
While you could train excellent Telekinetic students, doing so will require your training. By taking the time to transcribe your knowledge into a stored format, you can ensure that your Wyrdvane pattern does not require your personal presence to be trained. Removes dependency upon you for telekinetic training.
[] Develop Gravity Manifestation:
Continue developing your Gravity manifestation technique to try and improve your Telekinesis. Focus upon developing your personal abilities by experimenting upon your Psychic abilities.
Sapphire Keep Library:
The Library of the Sapphire keep is a humongous edifice built into the planet. Most texts are transcripts of astropathic messages, but there are also a great many scholarly tomes. The further down you go, the more esoteric the findings and the more erratic the serfs.
[] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
In the depths of the Sapphire Keep, The Scribe Clan live to perform transcription services for the administration of the sector's astropaths, and are always in need of additional velum. Near to them live the descendants of sanitation workers that have gone feral and reorganized as a tribal society dedicated to the maintenance of the Sapphire Keep's trash incinerator, sacrificing interlopers to flames and raiding the scribes for captives. The Scribe Clan fights back with an organized militia and regularly raids the Incinerator Tribe for velum they can scrape clean, which the tribe would burn for fuel.
In the depths, the Scribe Clan's primitive black powder rifles and chemical explosives clash with steel swords, crossbows, and padded velum armour.
The old Psykana section lies on the other side of their territory and has not been visited in fifty years, since the last expedition ended in tragedy at the hands of an impromptu alliance by the two sides. According to legend, it contains Psykana training materials and studies of the planet's psykers. The reason why it was lost has been forgotten for millenia. Costs two turn actions due to the length of the journey.
Nautilus Actions:
The great city beneath the waves of Odium is a thriving metropolis by Imperial standards. It might be worth establishing connections with groups within the city.
[] Black Market Connections:
You give Martha a supply of currency and have her get into contact with the local ratlings. You want to establish connections that you could make use of, both for finding esoteric lore, Psykers, and equipment. Martha will not be available this turn.
[] Find suppliers outside the Adeptus Terra :
Currently, your Psychic Shock Troops are earmarked to only receive flak armour and robes. While the Munitorum will replace any equipment they lose, they will not improve your base equipment. You will need to ensure your Wyrdvane have good starting equipment. Instead of acquiring it from the Mechanicus Shrine of the Scholam Psykana, you attempt to purchase it from one of the many Manufactorums in Nautilus. You will roll on a table of possible equipment suppliers you get in contact with.
[] Train them to fight dirty:
You want your Wyrdvanes to fight dirty and to come out on top. Head into the lower levels of Nautilus and search for underhive muscle and experienced fighters that could serve as instructors for your people. Improves close combat training for your Psykers.
Recruitment and training:
When the recruits begin arriving, they will be processed by the Scholam Psykana Majoris and worked over to ensure they'll be ready for dedicated Wyrdvane training.
[] Training against the scum - Just do it:
The Pit is a great warren of industrial mazes and hand-dug tunnels full of hostile mutants and gangers. This would be an excellent environment to train your students combat ability by sending them out to kill the gangers. Sending Psykers to attack criminal gangs is an old Terran tradition, after all. Improves Psychic Shock Troop Training
[] Training against the scum - By the Book:
The Pit is a great warren of industrial mazes and hand-dug tunnels full of hostile mutants and gangers. This would be an excellent environment to train your students combat ability by sending them out to kill the gangers.
You want to avoid collateral damage, and so you'll need to work with local Enforcers to only hit targets of recidivist and infractions activity. They'll be hesitant at first, but could come to appreciate your assistance in hitting hard targets.
There is no additional bonus to doing it by the book. Doing things legally takes effort. Improves Psychic Shock Troop Training
Costs 2 Lord Prefect favour to set up lines of communication with local law enforcement.
[] Recruit Rogue Psykers:
The question is not if, but where the Rogue Psykers of Nautilus reside. Go looking for them and offer to bring them gently into the Astra Telepathica instead of dragging them or getting the Enforcers or Arbites involved. Chance to discover planetary psyker variations.
[-]Tarrot-assisted Psyker gathering:
With the aid of the Emperor's tarrot, potential Psyker candidates of exceptional value are sought out and taken to the Scholam. Requires 5/10 Relationship or 3/10 Influence with Alfonse, or training your Divination to Zeta level.
[] Request Telekine recruit priority:
Currently the assignment of students is the purview of the Lord Prefect. Meet with her and explain the importance that you acquire the most physically fit and healthiest Telekines, even if it means cutting into the amount provided to Hans's Psychic Artillery. Costs 5 Lord Prefect Influence.
Lowers relationship with Hans by one.
Removes the need to develop a method to restore broken and/or physically sub-standard Telekines to combat readiness.
[X] Plan: Lore and Equipment
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Black Market Connections:
[X] Plan: Stab Wizards -[X] Develop Gravity Manifestation: -[X] Training from the Black Sentinels: -[X] Train them to fight dirty: -[X] Training against the scum - By the Book:
[X] Plan If You're Not Cheating...
-[X] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies - For a favour:
-[X] Transcribe Telekinetic Teaching instructions:
-[X] Black Market Connections: -[X] Train them to fight dirty:
hmmm potential of pseudo powered armor using TK on self of heavy unpowered plate armor? with armor have conduits/spikes for manual psychic energy discharging like our tendrils? with connection of iron maiden like inner spikes inside the armor to pierce into non vital areas with biokinesis to numb the pain and prevent actual damage so psykers can channel the excess power into limbs away from their heads and from their into the spikes outisde the armor to discharge?
[ ] Plan: Getting Our House In Order
-[ ] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[ ] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[ ] Recruit Rogue Psykers:
My thinking is that the Tech-priest would probably be our best bet both for acquiring the micro-explosives we're planning on and the chirurgical theater needed to implant them. Finding teaching materials seems like the sort of thing one should do as a teacher prior to the students arriving, and we might find materials useful to the other prefects we can gift for influence or relations boosts. And since Hans is objecting so strongly on the grounds our Psychic Shock Trooper program would cut into his pool of students, we ought to increase the size of said pool overall; that it also gets rid of a security risk on the planet is an additional bonus.
[] Plan: The unfortunate souls and setting foundations
-[] Recruit Rogue Psykers
-[] Black Market Connections
-[] Training against the scum - By the Book:
-[] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies:
I think that us getting psykers for others, among other things, could help boost the relationship with others. Black Market Connections and By the Book also mesh quite well with us getting people who if unlucky can open portal to hell out of gang wars is a benefit for everyone.
Recruiting Rogue Psykers wouldn't grow your recruitment pool in a major way. Its primarily to try and find local Psykers and see how they're working with the local conditions. And if the rolls are good, maybe finding an exceptional candidate.
Recruiting Rogue Psykers wouldn't grow your recruitment pool in a major way. Its primarily to try and find local Psykers and see how they're working with the local conditions. And if the rolls are good, maybe finding an exceptional candidate.
Iconoclast doesn't always mean heretic or recidivist in the Imperium. Its the belief that the current social order isn't perfect and people who strain against it in a desire to improve people's lot in life.
A rich hive noble throwing a fortune into charitable efforts is technically an Iconoclast because they disagree with what those lower classes have been alloted. Or an Ecclesiarch taking a vow of poverty.
[] Plan: The First Step
-[] Training from the Black Sentinels:
-[] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies:
-[] Transcribe Telekinetic Teaching instructions:
-[] Black Market Connections:
I've earmarked several actions that I think are prudent to take before we receive our students:
Firstly, we've a need to secure drill instructors that know their way around weapons, and general conditioning. The Black Sentinels are fairly competent, and should be sufficient for our purposes for now.
Secondly, I think getting started on those Biomancy studies earlier rather than later will allow us to properly guide our students from the get-go, just so we have some basic expectations on how it'll work.
Thirdly, making sure our action economy has some degree of flexibility is pretty important, so getting those telekinetic textbooks written down just seems sensible.
Finally, when it comes to making black market contacts vs contacting the Tech Priests, I think this is likely to be the better play, at least initially. We've been clued in that the Magos of the Sapphire Keep considers this a "backwater" assignment, and I'm unsure how much help we can really expect from him, or what sort of equipment he might be able to lend us, or even if he'll be cooperative. The side-benefit to this is that it doesn't cost us any influence, too. Considering Martha has the unique benefit of being familiar with dealing with black markets and these sorts of underworld connections, I think it'd be very prudent for her to get this out of the way before she's busy with feeding our psykers what they need to become big and strong.
Any constructive feedback or criticism is welcome of course, if there's anything I've missed, I'd appreciate the heads-up.
Made from the shattered remains of Occam Parsimonn's mercy blade, and old Aquila, and a psycho reactive crystal this two handed force sword is a brutal instrument of a Primaris Psyker's power. Specifically attuned to the school of telekinesis it is said that the edge of the blade extends further than the blade itself even when not held by a psyker turning even grazing cuts into savage gashes.
When held by a psyker, particularly one specializing in telekinesis, this effect extends further allowing the psyker to fight outside the reach of an opponent. Additionally, when a psyker directly channels their power into the blade a mere thrust or swing can cross a battle field and cut the enemies of man in twain or shatter fortifications.
It is said when wielded ny Occam himself the force of the blade's strikes hit with a force greater than a Baneblade's main cannon.
under every hive city is a group of tribals who unlocked QEC and are connected across the stars with teleporters, Fred Flintstone like communities with primitive style versions of modern comforts
We should steer well clear of this for now. We will get many bonuses by proving our shock troops are worth investment, so it makes sense for the initial batch to be manually instructed. Once we have seen what works, we can take notes.
We should steer well clear of this for now. We will get many bonuses by proving our shock troops are worth investment, so it makes sense for the initial batch to be manually instructed. Once we have seen what works, we can take notes.
That's a fair point, yeah. I'll see about potentially altering my plan. I'm just considering the logistics of how much AP we'll need in general when it comes to personally training our students.
Well, here is my plan, basically we try to secure a couple of sources of equipment for our Stormtroopers and we try to recover the lost esoteric lore so that once the Schola is poened we can start training them at full capacity...
[] Plan: Lore and Equipment
-[] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[] Black Market Connections:
Well, here is my plan, basically we try to secure a couple of sources of equipment for our Stormtroopers and we try to recover the lost esoteric lore so that once the Schola is poened we can start training them at full capacity...
[X] Plan: Lore and Equipment
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Black Market Connections:
Throughout the Telekines of the Adeptus Telepathica it is a well known fact that baring certain exceptions manipulating liquids is notably more complicated than manipulating solid objects. This fact is often attributed to the fact that liquids, unlike solids, have no set shape and thus force the psyker to expend more effort as opposed to solid object.
Naturally this fact is less true upon Odium.
While many psykers skilled in telekinesis on Odium utilize it in its more standard form, even learning from their ocean home to manifest the crushing forces of the deep on command, a notable percentage of Odium psykers take it a step further. Honing their abilities further than most these telekinetics develop a specialization in directly manipulating water, an ever present resource on Odium, and other liquids earning them the moniker of Hydromancers.
These Telekines through either careful study, training, or simple talent become exceptionally skilled in manipulating the liquid state of manner. Manifesting abilities in moving bodies of water with a fluid grace and impeccable control, and as they refine their understanding more potent abilities emerge. From raising walls of water as strong as ferrocrete to water blades so sharp and thin they are able to slice through armor and flesh like a steel sword. There are even recorded incidents of rogue psykers using a single water droplet or bead of sweat as a high velocity projectile to put a hole through a human skull.
Naturally due to how uncommon this breed of psyker is the majority of Nautilus's residents are ingorant of their existence with the only complete record of their history existing within the halls of the Scholam Psykana. Consequently this has made the Hydromancers uniquely skilled assassins and hitmen. After all it is a rare breed of paranoia that registers a flask of water as a deadly weapon. A.N: I did another thing and made waterbenders.
[] Plan If You're Not Cheating...
-[] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies - For a favour:
-[] Transcribe Telekinetic Teaching instructions:
-[] Black Market Connections:
-[] Train them to fight dirty:
We do not have enough favor yet for me to be comfortable spending it when we have other options available that accomplish similar goals without it - and it is more important for our people to have a solid base of training before we send them out to do anything. Especially something as risky as open combat against gangers.
So get the basic training program set up, get some black market connections going so we have an additional information pipeline, and start teaching our plucky recruits how to fight like Guardsmen instead of like scrubs - that last being triply useful in both gang war preparations and keeping people from fucking with our recruits by the more common skullduggerous means.
[X]Plan Rizzard of Od(ium)
-[X] Develop one of your Schools:
-[X] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies - For a favour:
-[X]Training from the Black Sentinels:
-[X]A meeting with your Tech-Priest: