Birthplace: Ozark II, A wealthy hiveworld in the Ultima Segmentum.
Age: 17 Terran Years
Sex: Female.
Relations: Her parents are Marcos and Abella Areyes, the couple are a highly respected preacher and arch-deaconess respectively who oversee several massive mega-cathedrals on the planet.
Our observers inform us that publicly they make little mention of their witch daughter, with their peers in the Ecclesiarchy they make only the most minor of agreements when it comes to decrying witchery.
Privately they are very interested in following their daughter's development, we have received highly encrypted communications regarding certain… arrangements that would benefit The Telepathica.
Appearance: The subject is aesthetically pleasing, her physique having been carefully crafted through a well curated diet, Magos Biologis flesh crafting and a professionally planned exercise plan that saw her made fit for combat and attractive enough for any marriages her parents sought to arrange for her. She has long dark hair, a beauty mark under her left eye and green eyes, She is of the average Terran height for a woman, her psi implants are both well crafted and baroque being in-lade with blessed silver, rose gold and obsidian.
Subject # 4567399 was discovered as she getting ready to enter adulthood, on the cusp of her 17th birthday her parents took her to see a civilian contracted Primaris Biomancer to do a full scan of her biology, a prerequisite demanded by her fiancée's family before the arranged marriage was carried out.
As the Biomancer did his job there was a resonance. The subject's own powers then awakened fully due to the infusion of psychic energy into their body.
Immediately after this event the subject's life was irreversibly changed.
The path towards becoming a deaconess like her mother was closed to her, her future marriage annulled before it even began, her future plans of being a mother put on hold, most likely permanently.
After taking the subject to get her psy implants her parents put her in a stasis coffin, waiting for the day the Blackships would come to collect her. But when they received word that our institution was an option they immediately filled out the forms to transfer her into our hands.
2.001.602M41 Primary Terran Calendar.
2.001.702M42 Terran Primary Calendar.
2.001.639M40 Ordo Chronos Calendar. (Revision CLXXIX (Revised on 0.190.251M40 of previous Ordo Chronos Calendar.))
Pain surges through you. You focus, trying to look around you at your surroundings. The walls are made of metallic white. You see portable medicae equipment placed within alcoves. The medicae ward of the Sapphire Keep. A private one, you believe.
A figure in the armour of a Black Sentinel is standing by your bedside. The figure flips up their mask. Captain Alstar Udo is standing next to you. His face mask flipped upwards to look at you. "I repeat. Who am I speaking to right now?"
"Occam Parsimonn." You garble in a roughly passable version of Gothic.
"Trina is still disabled from the explosion. You are the only coherent witness of the event. What happened?"
"Trina's alive?" You ask. Confused by how natural the question comes to your mouth. "Who's Trina?"
"Can you give him another stimulant?" Alstar asks, turning to someone.
"No." A stern voice replies. "He's already up to his neck in opiates. Allow me." A hand is placed on your forehead, and the pain fades. Thought patterns crystallize and coherence is restored to your faculties. You see Astrid standing over you, and feel a pleasant sensation as your pain sensors are temporarily disabled.
"What happened, Occam?" She asks.
The memories return, and you finally remember just what happened. The smell had given you just enough warning to wrap yourself in a Telekine field. The blast had thrown you through the library, and you'd passed out shortly after.
You explain what you remember. The Servitor and its malfunction, the smell of the paint thinner, the explosion that consumed the room. The flames licking over your Telekine barrier.
"What happened to the Librarian? She was closer to the blast." You feel a hint of concern for Trina.
Astrid chuckles. "She lost her favorite body, but she's alive."
You blink in confusion and Astrid continues with a grin. "Her brain was mounted in the carriage in the ceiling that moved back and forth. The body was just her old one, modified for her duties. She's unconscious from the feedback of losing her primary body, but she'll recover." Her mood darkens. "I'm more concerned about you."
"I don't feel too bad." You look down the bed and see…
Your body is scorched black. A hint of terror awakens and you're about to scream, when all natural responses to the sight of one's own body covered in third degree burns are suppressed. You look at the mass of coaled flesh that is yourself with some amusement.
"I should be a lot more shocked than I am." You say, feeling the hand of Astrid on your scalp. "Am I dead? Is this a Seance?"
She chuckles, amused by your nonchalant reaction. "No. Most of your pain receptors are burned through, and I am stopping your body from going into shock. We're preparing a regenerative treatment for you, as we speak. It should be a full recovery." She pauses. "Unfortunately, your features are rather..."
"Do I want to see a mirror?"
"No." Astrid and the Black Sentinel say in Unison. "But I do have two offers for you." She reaches for a dataslate and holds it in front of you. It shows two people who look a lot like you. "While I'm putting you back together. Do you have any preferences for what you want to look like? I normally wouldn't be quite so aggressive in the changes, but there's a lot of room to work with now.
Choosing the right appearance:
Astrid has presented you with two appearances she can remake for you. The appearances are like yours before, but with subtle changes to jawline, the setting of your eyes, minor plastic surgery, and giving you back your hair. Choose your appearance.
[] "I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.":
This image of you looks like you stepped right off a propaganda poster. The inspiration, Admiral Spire, the legend of the Gothic War, doesn't look half bad. Just looking at the mighty jawline and black hair makes you imagine that this appearance will garner respect. Gain 1 Dogmatic Renown.
[] "The Inquisitor on the right looks fetching.":
You look like a gentleman of indeterminate age. Fierce but sunken eyes that hint at great knowledge. A strong but not too attention-grabbing jawline. Features that speak of wisdom and danger. It has a very dangerous and timeless aura to it that you approve of. Gain 1 Telepathica Renown.
[] "Just put me back together as normal":
You look like regular generic 25 year old Occam Parsimonn. Were it not for your cybernetics, you could blend in with any crowd quite easily. But it will not draw much respect or awe, and will just reinforce your current reputation. At least you have your hair back! Gain 1 Iconoclast Renown.
The Captain puts a hand to the side of her head. "Verispex and Augur readings confirm the bomb. Firefighters are still fighting the blaze. If he says anything useful, inform me. I am taking my squad and joining the full security sweep. Someone is going to die for this."
Astrid nods, and everything goes black.
A week of sleeping in a regeneration tank, and you are relocated to a regular medical bed.
Your regrown skin tingles and it itches all over. The days pass in a haze of opiate dreams. There is a tense mood throughout the Keep, which invades your dreamless slumber and turns them fitful. Martha is with you throughout the recovery, and her presence is very much welcome.
One night, you wake up to the Lord Prefect standing by your bedside. Her mechanical form looming over you. +You deserve an explanation, Prefect.+ She telepathically projects.
"I would think so, Lord Prefect." You somewhat cheekily add. "How can I help you otherwise?"
She makes a gurgling noise you interpret as a laugh. +You will want to know why you were attacked.+ She pauses for a moment.
You lean forward. "Lord Prefect. Just what launched the attack?"
+A group that used backdoors in our cogitator systems to communicate with a Servitor which was covertly introduced into our workforce two centuries ago. One with a hidden personality engram cultivated to hate and loathe Psykers.+ Hoarfrost briefly spreads around one of the metal talons of the Lord Prefect. +Say what is in the forefront of your mind.+
"Lord Prefect. This does not sound like external enemies. No recidivist has that sort of connection."
+Indeed not. It was members of our very own Imperium that feared us. And thought that -you- were the best target to teach -us- to stay in our place.+ She reaches out with her skeletal organic hand and puts it against your cheek. +A child from the gutter. Blessed by the Emperor with power and control. With a kind heart whose darkening I fear to witness.+ She sends a feeling of warmth and kindness through the hand, and it briefly reminds you of your parents.
+We, the Telepathica, are… different from most imperial organizations. And because of that, many perceive us as a threat. We are not born to ancient lineages. Each of us comes from nothing once we disembark a Black Ship, and we rise higher than many.+
You feel wetness around your organic eye, but the emotion is not yours. It is hers. You catch glimpses of her, a starveling taken from the streets and elevated to greatness. You gently wipe it away.
+But that is just one of the groups who hate us. There is another much greater danger.+
She inclines her head. +I did not wish to tell you so early. But this attack forced my hand. You are clever and ambitious, and would seek out answers if you did not understand the risk.+ She reaches into her robes and takes out a small necklace she shows to you.
Holding out a hand for the signet, compelled by a slight telepathic probe, you have something dropped into your upturned palm. It is an Inquisitorial Rosette. You twitch and drop it out of shock.
+That.+ She taps the Rosette for emphasis. +Was in the possession of an Inquisitorial Acolyte that operated within the lower depths of the Keep.+
"You killed an Inquisitorial Agent?" You ask, horrified. "That's heresy!" Only your conditioning stops you from drawing upon your power out of shock.
A wave of telepathic control asserts itself over you, soothing your impulses and encouraging reasoning and ordered thought.
+Oh, he lives. Yet.+ She picks up the device and crushes it telekinetically. The tiny device bursts into flames as the Lord Prefect unbinds the molecules it is composed off into a puff of flame. +It was an acolyte. I laid him bare and took his secrets. Alas, his memories had been wiped and he was reduced to a savant guided only on 'keeping the witches in their place'+
And so she begins to explain. How the Inquisition is not a single uniform organization, how each Inquisitor might have their own projects and schemes, how there are unspoken rules in the Imperium regarding the termination of Inquisitorial operatives found infiltrating one's organization. Rules she knows to some extent.
+To some Inquisitors, the thought of any Psyker with more rights than an astropath fused into a machine, is a danger. Ones who consider the mere prospect of sanctioned combat Psykers a mistake. Training beyond Terra, a heresy.+ Rage and fury emanate from her, the hoarfrost melting away and turning into steam. +I've had suspicions. They are now confirmed.+
+Gaps in our records. A purge of the astropathic choir due to possession over five centuries ago. Three before I started working here. I had never thought twice of said purge.+ She turns to look at you. +They happen. As much as we might not like it.+ Her telepathic voice softens. +I…I should have looked more deeply into those events.+
The admission of failure takes you by surprise, but you do not press the matter. You instead wait for her to process her thoughts.
+Any of them who do not flash a Rosette in time, are to be killed on sight. They will show us the same deference they give any other Adepta, or pay the price.+
You immediately grasp the legal loophole. It is only heresy to kill an Inquisitorial Agent if they announce their allegiance to the Inquisition. Otherwise, it is just terminating an infiltrator.
The words she speaks sound like the foulest heresy, recidivism of the most disgusting sort. But they are spoken with such certainty, that you find it hard not to believe her.
+This conflict is… beyond you in many ways. But this is a game I have played for two centuries. I have woven many webs of influence, and my skein stretches far.+ A claw is put under your chin to make you look her directly in the eyes. +Do -not- involve yourself if you can help it. Do not tell any other Psykers. If you discover anything, find me.+
She pauses, turning to look at you as she begins to depart the room. +What would you have me do to the infiltrator?+
Your words at the last meeting, combined with the events of the bombing, have seen the Lord Prefect admit that there's complicated matters at play.
You have been told roughly what is happening, and received strict instructions to not involve yourself. Instead you are to warn her if you find the involvement of the Inquisition.
Finding information on this subject will gain you Influence.
[] Servitorize him:
For his destruction of a servitor, he shall become a servitor. A fair punishment. 1 Dogmatic Renown.
[] Kill him:
Kill him and get it over with. 1 Iconoclast Renown
[] Sapient servitorization:
He will be aware until his organic components have decayed fully, all the while, labouring for the people he hated.
A brutal statement against any who would harm the Astra Telepathica. 1 Telepathica Renown
Created Largely Via using the Dark Heresy 1e creation tables found in the Inquisitor's Handbook and a d100, with a d12 for psychic grades. I also rolled to see if they'd ever taken a crit, and then what that crit might be, the dice weren't kind.
Name: Ir'yua
Sex: Male
Age: Physically over 20 Terran years.
Rethrim Secundus - A Feral world found within one of the sector's leaves Rethrim Secundus was initially intended for conversion to an agricultural world, so as to extract value from the leaf following the destruction of Rethrim Primus using [REDACTED] in [REDACTED] following [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED]. Unfortunately despite Secundus seeming like an ideal candidate for agriworld, disease would always ravage the colonists, earthquakes would wreck the foundations of more permanent proper Imperial structures, and perculiar madness that spreads [REDACTED], [REDACTED], regiment [REDACTED], all this combined with the exceedingly deadly wildlife and parasites meant that though there have been numerous attempts proper colonization none have succeeded.
The worlds population is made up of the decendents of those former colonists, who live a primarily nomadic existence amidst the swamps and plains, though tribes are known to live amongst the mountains and along the coasts as well though the storms that wrack the mountains and tsunami's that afflict the coast mean there are far fewer tribes that live long term in these areas. The majority of offworld traffic has historically been those traders who specialize in dangerous beasts, exotic meats, cultural relics, slaves, and those few products produced by the few platations on planet that survive for at most few generations, perhaps 300 years before ruination takes them.
Lately there has been talk of another attempted conversion to agriworld, so that the food produced can go to feed newly proposed mining efforts to extract value from the remains of Rethrim Primus and recently discovered Lithium deposits on a wandering planetoid about the size of the Terran moon that has found itself in a decaying orbit around the system's star, there is only a projected 1,500 years to take advantage of the resources and some among the mechanicus are pressing for extraction to be undertaken.
Subjects Appearance:
Subject displays the physic of a typical nomadic feral worlder, thickly muscled and callused thighs from riding small horses, an immune system seemingly tailored to fighting off intestinal parasites, ruddy flushed skin marked by many sunburns and acne. Greasy red hair that shows signs of having clay pressed into it, and one remaining blue eye, the other a ruin of torn flesh from the incident that resulted in subjects transport to the Telepathica. Subject also displays numerous piercings including prominent nasal piercings onto which they have insisted on attaching a mask to their face as part of a cultural taboo against naked faces being intensely intimate things. Subject also wears a small bag filled with their toenail clippings and hair around their neck.
Born to a plains tribe, Ir'yua grew up on horseback more than on their feet, riding the sturdy ponies raised by his tribe, while displaying little skill with a bow Ir'yua showed talent with a sling, flinging stones with great strength a far distance. The profession of Ir'yua's tribe would change with the seasons, varying based on resources, one year they might be fermenting horsemilk into alcoholic beverages to trade to the swamp tribes, for a season they might hunt the colourful and flavorful venomous birds that live along the coast, bringing their bodies and live specimens to off world traders promising well made metal tools, autoguns, or even the rare las weapon in exchange.
Ir'yua primarily grew up tending to the tribes flocks of sheep, plucking them of feathers for use in clothing, and keeping them from attacking the horses. However, after disease ripped through the tribes flocks they turned to raiding for a season and Ir'yua rode out with others to attack a plantation to take their sheep as well as the other riches within. Unfortunately for the tribe at the time off world traders were there collecting local delicacies for Hive World nobility, to be stored in stasis caskets and butchered live in the estates they were bound for.
Their guard's lasguns and blades made short work of Ir'yua's tribe's raiding attach, and at that moment Ir'yua awoke psychicly, telekineticly blocking a blow that would have killed him. Unfortunately for him he was unable to stop the second blow, blade ripping across Ir'yua's face, removing his eye and knocking him unconcius, thinking quickly and of profit, an observing trader had Ir'yua stuffed roughly in a stasis casket to be turned over to the Telepathica in exchange for a reward.
Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Theta (8)
Divination: Theta (8)
Telekinesis: Eta (9)
Pyromancy: Mu (4)
Biomancy: Nu (3)
Subject has shown some small ability with Psychometry, possibly traced back to a belief that all items belonging to a person are imparted with a part of that persons soul. Subject has taken to wearing a small bag of their toenails and hair to help, in their words "remind myself I am me."
Subject's telepathic abilities are limited around humans, so far upon initial testing they've been able to pick up emotions and project them upon others with some success. However, they've had greater success with animals, manipulating rats and other small animals within close range.
Subject has also displayed ability with telekinesis, but not on the scale they initially displayed upon awakening, being only able to levitate small items of low weight when not working with other Wyrdvanes. It is unknown at this time if further teaching will produce greater results
Please Note: Rethrim Secundus sheep are in part descended from sheep spliced with Canadian Geese. They are ornery little monsters.
[X] Plan: Dogmatic disguise -[X] "I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.": -[X] Servitorize him:
[X]Plan: Clear Message (Poster Boy Version) -[X] "I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.": -[X] Sapient servitorization
[X]Plan: Clear Message -[X] "Just put me back together as normal" -[X] Sapient servitorization
[X]Plan: Clear Message (Poster Boy Version) -[X] "I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.": -[X] Sapient servitorization
You stand before a mirror, examining your restored features. The appearance you are cultivating looks formidable, and you appreciate the fearsome jawline you now possess. It has taken some time to recover from your regenerative treatment, but now that it's done, you can finally enjoy the fruits of it.
Behind you in the mirror, a Servitor sweeps the floor. You grin mirthlessly. The Inquisitorial acolyte that bombed you is now working hard to make up his debt to the Astra Telepathica as a mind-wiped personal servitor. It can follow you at functions, be dressed as you see fit, and be a walking symbol of your authority.
At least, in public. In private, you have it do only the tasks nobody else wishes to do.
Martha looks with some apprehension at it, giving you a worried glance. Oh, how her look melts your heart. "So… are you replacing me, or is that thing more of a status symbol?" Your heart nearly melts and you fight the urge to run up and wrap your arms around her, to tell her that you'd never replace the warmth and kindness she offers you.
If it were up to you, you'd have kept the servitor sapient enough to see what it did, and assign it to taking care of the students of the Scholam. But its current purpose serves a role in its own right. A high-grade personal servitor is something that any important Imperial official will have with them at all times.
It is a role you need if you are to survive this life you now live.
You feel a measure of insecurity about voicing your beliefs to Martha, but find it hard to do so. You need to remind yourself that she has not had the easiest life. Instead you offer a smile. Walking up to her and looking respectfully at her. "It is purely for status. I would never replace you, Martha. I find your presence-.." You try to find the words. "It helps me to remind myself that I wasn't always one of The Gilded. You are an anchor to me."
Martha's managed admirably to hide just how happy she is that her presence has such an important purpose to you.
You continue. "I don't wish to think that you are replacing me. But it is important that I keep up appearances. Having that thing arou-"
She holds up a hand for silence. A stunningly brazen display that might see her shot by higher Imperial officials. She smiles warmly. Matronly, even. "Appearances are important, Occam." She reaches up and you lean forward, allowing her to stroke your cheek. "I know how this game is played. You walk around with that thing, you make everyone think you are a stern ruthless uncompromising Imperial Adept. While deep down, you want to sit in the warmth of your suite, enjoying a cup of recaff I brew. As we talk about how stupid the latest fashion sense is."
"Hah!" You burst out laughing. "Indeed. Never feel afraid to voice your concerns to me, Martha. And, to prove it."
You turn to the Servitor. "Authorization: Occam Persimonn. Beta-Grade Telekine. Personal code: 12162525-B1."
The Servitor walks towards you, inclining its head deferentially. Up close, it's clear how the servitor appears to be a butler from a distance, but with its head nearly completely replaced by a cybernetic cranium.
"You will identify Martha as a secondary owner. Obey any commands that do not override Telepathica Instructions."
"Query: Identify 'Martha'." The once-man's lips speak monotonously.
You point at Martha.
"Statement: You appear to be trying to grant a Ratling control over this Servitor. Are you su-"
Telepathically reaching out, you reach into its lobotomized brain and rip out its ability to discriminate against Ratlings and crush that part of the conditioning. It recoils and shudders for a moment, blood flowing down its nose. It intones an acknowledgement and returns to its duties.
An example.
A servitor assigned to be your personal assistant is known to have been the man who plotted an assassination attempt against you. A brutal statement. 1 Dogmatic Renown.
"I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.":
Your features have been slightly reshaped to resemble the formidable figure of Lord Admiral Spire, a legend of the Imperium. You look dangerous and imposing to say the least. 1 Dogmatic Renown.
Occam has deep down internalized the importance of the Astra Telepathica for him. But the Astra Telepathica is also to be used as a way to enact his Iconoclast beliefs and care for those he cares for.
While in public, he attempts to disguise Iconoclast suggestions as Dogmatic, using appeals to theology and Imperial doctrine to convince people to be less rigid in their adherence to the Imperial Law.
The first delivery of Psykers from the Black Ships is one that will remain in the memory of the city for generations to come. A distinct berth at The Wall has been reserved, where an ordinary cargo submarine disgorges an unordinary cargo. Two hundred stasis pods, each escorted by a Black Sentinel oathsworn to protect their charge or face servitorization.
Each pod is meticulously loaded onto specialised armoured transports, fortified cargo-8 haulers marked with the symbol of the Astra Telepathica, their darkened hulls reflecting the scant lumen that managed to pierce the ubiquitous gloom of Odium. Each vehicle escorted by a rare deployment of the Adeptus Arbites.
These Arbites set up roadblocks and divert ground car, grav-car, and bulk mag-rail traffic to ensure that the transfer goes smoothly, their presence adding an extra layer of tension to an already charged atmosphere, and for each member of the Arbites, a dozen troopers of the Ministry of Internal Security are out on the streets.
The convoy casts long shadows that seem to swallow up the streets in a chilling embrace. The Black Sentinels and the crews operating the vehicles carry with them some echo of the psychic dread of the Black Ships, and the mere sight of these black-armoured behemoths rumbling through their city sends ripples of unease through its inhabitants. Throughout the city, conflicts died down as even hardened gangers felt a sudden urge to find warmth and comfort.
A collective hush fell over Nautilus as people retreated into their homes or sought solace within the sanctity of the many churches. Doors are bolted and people gather for prayer, with the usually bustling Hive Blocks the procession moves through all going nearly silent.
The Adeptus Ministorum has been warned beforehand, and tries to calm the crowds by invoking stories of the importance of the Astra Telepathica, speaking of the great honour given to Odium, that it will host such an important gathering.
Maybe a third of the priests actually believe what they are saying, with many others just wanting to keep their flocks calm.
There is a tense atmosphere in light of the recent bombing, and Telepathica personnel with Cybermastiff's on long leashes are examining each vehicle thoroughly. The Lord Prefect stalks between the many pods, examining their contents, examining the marked Psykers and already undoubtedly planning out who will be assigned to which Prefect.
You overlook the arriving pods alongside the other prefects and the teaching staff of the Scholam. Each of the Prefects has shown up for the delivery, taking the time out of their own personal training programmes.
Each of the newly arrived Psykers will be put through gruelling trials, meant to ensure that they are ready for being assigned to one of the Prefects as part of their Wyrdvane.
You have one last turn before the first Psykers pass through their initial sanctioning and are assigned to a Wyrdvane.
Contact important officials:
Oaths, pledges, bonds, and vows of fealty are what keep the Imperium together. Meetings of any kind are always pre-planned, and require a proper amount of protocol and propriety to be upheld. This means that you can only organize a meeting with an official group once per turn. You can decide to choose one group outside of the Scholam you wish to negotiate with. This is not required.
Write in what you want from them.
[] Brotherhood of Kel:
Master Gunsmiths and artificers of renown. The Brotherhood of Kel are an ancient order of artificers and smiths who produce fine Autoguns according to ancient designs that predate the Imperium. Each gun and round they make is produced according to the finest of quality control. Provides:
High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers. Specialized ammunition. Assignment of a master Gunsmith.
[] Brakkvarr Corsairs:
A mysterious force of abhumans that operate in The Pit. They operate from a hidden redoubts from where they trade technology with the Nautillans, while they work their secret plants.
1: A band of licensed Abhumans named Squats, according to the Administratum.
2: A band of Non-Imperial Abhumans named 'The Votann' according to the Arbites.
3: A band of foul Xenos named 'The Demiurge' according to the Ministorum. Provides:
Energy weapons, Power-weapons. Possible contact with the Leagues of Votann. Psi-Tech for Wyrdvane augmentations.
Note: This is not officially sanctioned technology and the Mechanicus is legally allowed to seize this technology, if they so wish.
[] The Family:
An organized syndicate of ratlings that is spread across Nautilus, protecting their own kind from oppression while also enriching themselves through espionage, petty crime, and lesser conflicts. They avoid breaking Imperial laws as best they can. Provides:
Information on activity within Nautilus. Identities and locations of Rogue Psykers. Hooks into 'soft' organized crime.
[] The Alkata Cartel:
A cartel of hired muscle that provides every social strata of the Hive with muscle and protection. Built around a core of former Imperial veterans, the Alkata Cartel avoids breaking the Imperial Lex, and seeks a measure of legitimacy. Provides:
Muscle. Combat experience. Combat training. Drugs. Narcotics. Hooks into hard crime. A steady supply of violence in The Pit. Each item/skillset/piece of knowledge provided by a group will cost two favour with the Lord Prefect.
Offering to do wetwork in The Pit for a group will provide you with two favour's worth of value.
Personal Psychic Studies:
Research and studying is considered an important part of the Astra Telepathica. You will exercise this rare privilege as an Imperial Citizen in order to become a better master for your students. (you can choose one Personal Psychic Studies option each turn.)
[] Develop one of your Schools:
You attempt to improve your ability to master one of your Psykana Schools. -Write in which school of Psykana you want to train in your spare time.
[] Pyro-Kinetic studies:
Pyrokinesis is the art of combining telekinesis and pyromancy for combined attacks. It is this form of Psykana that allows for the creation of blasts of psychic fire that hit like solid objects, and the manipulation of energy. While your Pyromancy is mild, studying it could help make your telekinetic strikes more energetic.
Choose four of the following actions.
Scholam Psykana:
The Scholam Psykana is still under construction, but the Astropathic Choir it is connected to is positively ancient. You could examine it and learn a bit more about where you'll be.
[] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
You've not met the machine assigned to your Scholam, but you can see that he is a fully ordained priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Talk with them and attempt to convince them to supply your Psychic Shock Troops with better equipment than simple force weapons, lasguns, and flak. Seek to ensure that your Wyrdvanes are provided with the best possible implants and the like. Unlocks the ability to research ways Psykana can be used to augment lasguns, hotshots, and hellguns.
Costs 5 Lord Prefect favour
[] A meeting with your Tech-Priest - Splash Out:
You've not met the machine assigned to your Scholam, but you can see that he is a fully ordained priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Talk with them and attempt to convince them to supply your Psychic Shock Troops with better equipment than the average Wyrdvane. Implore upon them that these Psykers aren't to be fodder, but actually valued troops. Unlocks the ability to research ways Psykana can be used to augment lasguns.
The Tech Priests of the Scholam will dedicate a Magos and assistants to the production of dedicated equipment for the Wyrdvane.
Costs 10 Lord Prefect favour. Repeatable:
[] Assist Prefect:
You aid another Prefect in setting up their Wyrdvane program. You will cooperate on a mutually beneficial development. You gain+1 Influence and +1 Relationship with a Prefect
[] Do a favour for another Prefect:
You aid another Prefect in setting up their Wyrdvane program. You will aid them in a way that only assists their program. You gain+3 Influence and +1 Relationship with a Prefect.
[] Getting to know the teachers:
The Eta-grade Psykers of the Scholam Psykana do a lot of the grunt work involved in training Psykers, and to your shame, you've not actually gotten to know them well. Speak with and get to know the staff of the Scholam, get them around to your way of thinking.
Sapphire Keep Library:
The Library of the Sapphire keep is a humongous edifice built into the planet. Most texts are transcripts of astropathic messages, but there are also a great many scholarly tomes. The further down you go, the more esoteric the findings and the more erratic the serfs.
[] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
In the depths of the Sapphire Keep, The Scribe Clan live to perform transcription services for the administration of the sector's astropaths, and are always in need of additional velum. Near to them live the descendants of sanitation workers that have gone feral and reorganized as a tribal society dedicated to the maintenance of the Sapphire Keep's trash incinerator, sacrificing interlopers to flames and raiding the scribes for captives. The Scribe Clan fights back with an organized militia and regularly raids the Incinerator Tribe for velum they can scrape clean, which the tribe would burn for fuel.
In the depths, the Scribe Clan's primitive black powder rifles and chemical explosives clash with steel swords, crossbows, and padded velum armour.
The old Psykana section lies on the other side of their territory and has not been visited in fifty years, since the last expedition ended in tragedy at the hands of an impromptu alliance by the two sides. According to legend, it contains Psykana training materials and studies of the planet's psykers. The reason why it was lost has been forgotten for millenia.
Secrets of the past of the Sapphire Keep might be found here. Costs two turn actions due to the scale of the endeavour.
[] Planetary Psykana variations:
Planets with unique environments have a tendency of resulting in Psykers with abilities that fall out of the Imperial norm. Perform research into the sort of variations you might find among the people of Nautilus.
Nautilus Actions:
The great city beneath the waves of Odium is a thriving metropolis by Imperial standards. It might be worth establishing connections with groups within the city.
[] Find suppliers outside the Adeptus Terra:
Currently, your Psychic Shock Troops are earmarked to only receive flak armour and robes. While the Munitorum will replace any equipment they lose, they will not improve your base equipment. You will need to ensure your Wyrdvane have good starting equipment. Instead of acquiring it from the Mechanicus Shrine of the Scholam Psykana, you attempt to purchase it from one of the many Manufactorums in Nautilus. Costs 2 influence with the Lord Prefect upon success. You will roll on a table of possible equipment suppliers you get in contact with.
Recruitment and training:
When the recruits begin arriving, they will be processed by the Scholam Psykana Majoris and worked over to ensure they'll be ready for dedicated Wyrdvane training. The more prepared your students are for their training, the better it will be for them.
[] Training against the scum - Just do it:
The Pit is a great warren of industrial mazes and hand-dug tunnels full of hostile mutants and gangers. This would be an excellent environment to train your students combat ability by sending them out to kill the gangers. Sending Psykers to attack criminal gangs is an old Terran tradition, after all. Improves Psychic Shock Troop Training
[] Training against the scum - By the Book:
The Pit is a great warren of industrial mazes and hand-dug tunnels full of hostile mutants and gangers. This would be an excellent environment to train your students combat ability by sending them out to kill the gangers.
You want to avoid collateral damage, and so you'll need to work with local Enforcers to only hit targets of recidivist and infractions activity. They'll be hesitant at first, but could come to appreciate your assistance in hitting hard targets.
There is no additional bonus to doing it by the book. Doing things legally takes effort. Improves Psychic Shock Troop Training
Costs 2 Lord Prefect favour to set up lines of communication with local law enforcement.
[] Recruit Rogue Psykers:
The question is not if, but where the Rogue Psykers of Nautilus reside. Go looking for them and offer to bring them gently into the Astra Telepathica instead of dragging them or getting the Enforcers or Arbites involved. Chance to discover planetary psyker variations.
[-]Tarrot-assisted Psyker gathering:
With the aid of the Emperor's tarrot, potential Psyker candidates of exceptional value are sought out and taken to the Scholam. Requires 5/10 Relationship or 3/10 Influence with Alfonse, or training your Divination to Zeta level.
[] Telekine Rounds:
An ability that you know, although you rarely use, is to infuses solid projectiles with telekinetic energy, increasing the speed and impact of each round many times over. While a taxing process, this can allow Autoguns to hit like heavy stubbers.
Teach this to the tutors of the Scholam so they can pass it on to the new arrivals. Costs 3 Influence with the Lord Prefect for borrowing the time of so many tutors.
Required for Psi-Munitions Production alongside a source of Autoguns and ammunition.
Iconoclast - Dogmatic - Telepathica:
Reputation and status within the Imperium are vital, and therefore how you are perceived is of great importance.
Iconoclast Renown:
Iconoclasm doesn't always mean heretical or recidivist action in the Imperium. It's the belief that the current social order isn't sacrosanct. Be it a rich hive noble throwing a fortune into charitable efforts, an Ecclesiarch taking a vow of poverty and donating all his wealth to the poor, a Commissar that rarely executes their troops, or an Enforcer that doesn't immediately resort to physical violence. All these actions are Iconoclast in nature.
This reputation might make some consider you a dangerous radical, just weird, hopelessly naive, or an exemplar of humanity. Many Imperial Heroes are Iconoclasts deep down, being the people whose actions and deeds remind one that, as rotten as the Imperium is, good people still live in it. Few heroes are openly Iconoclastic, either being so early in their lives before being beaten down. Or becoming openly Iconoclastic when they can easily get away with it.
Dogmatic Renown: The Imperium is Eternal.
The Imperium is the last great bastion against Chaos. It must survive.
The God Emperor established the current social order.
We are beset from enemies without and within.
Dogmatism is the perceived adherence to the Imperial Creed and the dedication to the defence of the Imperium against threats beyond, within, fictitious, and very real. Dogmatism is not Fanaticism. It means the acceptance of the Status quo, through a lack of hope, by being satisfied with one's position, or thinking that there is no alternative.
The more Dogmatic you are perceived to be, the less 'dangerous' you are considered to be. A high dogmatic renown can therefore shield Iconoclast actions.
Telepathica Renown:
The status, influence, and authority of the Astra Telepathica is what you care about. As an Adept of this august organization, its status and your position in society are intertwined. This reputation tracks how much people think you care about the power and status of the Telepathica above the rest of the Imperium.
How this system works:
Dogmatism and Iconoclasm are separately tracked reputations, with the highest renown deciding the dominant perception of you. Actions can be taken to intentionally cultivate a public persona that differs from your actual opinion.
This system does NOT track your actual opinions or beliefs. It tracks what you are believed to be.
Individuals with means and/or influence will not believe your perception at face value.
An example of this is Ciaphas Cain, who if tracked by this system, would be an Iconoclast at heart, but perceived as a diehard Dogmatic.
Your dogmatic or iconoclast renown will be seen in the context of your Telepathica renown. Actions that might be shrugged off if committed by a Psyker perceived as not unfairly favouring the Telepathica, might be alarming in the extreme if the Psyker is seen as a Supremacist who'd tear down other Imperial organizations to empower their own.
Iconoclast actions:
You are tolerant. Perhaps a bit -too- tolerant towards Abhumans. Some Imperials will worry that this means tolerance towards mutants as well. 2 Iconoclast Renown.
Dogmatic actions:
An example.
A servitor assigned to cleaning your suite is known to have been the man who plotted an assassination attempt against you. A brutal statement. 1 Dogmatic Renown.
"I like the 'Admiral Spire' on the left.":
Your features have been slightly reshaped to resemble the formidable figure of Lord Admiral Spire, a legend of the Imperium. You look dangerous and imposing to say the least. 1 Dogmatic Renown.
Telepathica Traits:
For each point of Renown that your active Renown exceeds the other, you gain a +5 to each roll for actions where your renown is relevant. Or a -5 if your action is used against someone opposed to your dominant renown.
Your True Opinion:
You are an Iconoclast that hides themselves through Dogmatic acts. You have Telepathica-supremacist views you keep to yourself.
Nautilus Scholam Psykana Internal Hierarchy:
Like any Imperial organization, the Astra Telepathica is rife with factionalism and groups intending to climb to the top at the detriment of others.
The Scholam Psykana currently has five Prefects, one from each of the five major schools of Psykana, all of whom have been granted a great deal of freedom and leeway by the Astra Telepathica in the pursuit of setting up an efficient training schedule. Your fellow Prefects are:
-Prefect Biologica Astrid. Universal Epsilon Psyker.
Astrid is a middle-aged woman with black hair, blue eyes, and an eerily symetrical face. She routinely uses her biomancy to change or optimize her appearance how she sees fit. She has few visible implants. Currently training Biomantic Support Choirs:
Astrid's Wyrdvances are taught to both be nurses as well as biomancers. While lacking the control for fine surgery, when they put their powers together, Astrid's Wyrdvane is able to perform miraculous feats of healing and regeneration. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 6/10 Your influence with them: 2/10 Combat Biomancy Development Unlocked.
-Prefect Telepathica Silvia Astropath Transcendant, Delta-Grade Telepath.
Silvia's skin is weathered and etched with the lines of countless years. Her blindfold is made from a deep indigo fabric. The robes she wears are adorned with subtle psychic wards, their intricate patterns barely visible unless caught in the right lumen light. Her cane is carved from dark wood, its surface polished smooth by years of use and imbued with latent psychic energy that hums gently under her touch. Currently training Bonded Telepathic Choir:
Silvia's Wyrdvanes are trained to function as living relays for communications, providing a safe and instantaneous form of communication across a battlefield between each member of a Wyrdvane. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 3/10 Your influence with them: 1/10 By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential, Silvia will assist in training Dedicated Telepath Vox Operators.
-Prefect Pyromania Hans: Gamma-Grade Pyromancer, Delta-Grade Telekine
Hans is a dark-skinned Psyker with a head covered with cybernetic plugs and cables that connect to an imposing psychic hood. His middle-aged appearance belies the combat prowess he possesses, with every movement echoing the precision and power of his pyromantic and telekinetic skills. Despite the constant sheen of sweat from overheating, there's an undeniable aura of intensity that surrounds him. Currently training Pyro-Telekinetic Psychic Artillery.
Hans's Wyrdvanes are taught to be Psychic artillery. They are to rain down hellfire and telekinetic strikes from a distance, destroying everything in their path. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 1/10 Your influence with them: 1/10 Hans believes your Psychic Shock Troops plan is doomed to fail and does not wish to involve himself.
-Prefect Divinatoria Alfonse: Delta-Grade Diviner, Combat Cartomancer,
A pale-skinned man in simple clothes, rarely wearing robes, with dark black hair shaped over the cybernetics in the back of his head. Routinely seen wearing a bracer connected to a silver pane marked with six small rectangles. Currently training Reading the Emperor's tarot. Sanctic sorcery.
Alfonse's Wyrdvanes are taught to read the Emperor's Tarot as well as divine the course of events. They are a support force meant to provide Imperial Commanders with knowledge of future events, or the likeliness of enemy actions. Lord Prefect favour: 20/100 Your relationship with them: 3/10 Your influence with them: 1/10 By proving that Psychic Shock Troops have potential, Alfonse will aid your Psychic Shock troops to train their Precognition abilities.
You have gathered up a following of servants and allies that help with running the Scholam Psykana.
-Martha Sternback, Ratling:
A diminutive ratling woman whose dream job became a nightmare after a friendly Master of Service had her prepare meals for Imperial Guard officers kept as guests aboard her ship, the Sword of Integrity, instead of just the Junior officers. After deserting from the ship, you found her and offered her a better life. Due to the genuine kindness that you have shown her, you have her undying loyalty and friendship.
While a curious sight among the largely terran-norm members of the Astra Telepathica, few who actually speak with Martha don't find it easy to not be charmed by her smile, manners, and jovial attitude. Of those unable to get over their disdain for 'abbies' or 'gene filth', none dare to be rude to her, lest they face your considerable wrath.
Martha as a Ratling chef is a master of understanding the ability of food to motivate, encourage, punish, or break down an individual. She also has learned to work in the underbelly of society to survive, and finds it easy to make black market connections with the ubiquitous ratling communities across the Imperium. -Gives a +20 to any rolls involving nutrition as a factor in Psyker education.
-Allows you to develop black market contacts.
Friend to Ratlings:
Martha is not afraid to let people know that you have her back. And you treat her kindly and with respect when she's around you. You treat her as well as a human! All rolls interacting with Ratlings are rolled with Advantage.
Your goal is to train Psychic Shock Troops. Current Armour: Flak Current Weapon: Lasguns, laspistols, simple psi-staves. Combat Training: Imperial Guard Veteran
-Close Quarters Combat: Alkata Cartel provided trainers will teach the Wyrdvane how to fight dirty in close combat, teaching them all the nasty tricks that only a veteran could ever truly learn. Sanctified Stakes: Not acquired yet. Micro-Explosives: Not acquired yet Biomancy Training:
All dedicated Biomancers in your Wyrdvane will learn the following abilities. -Biomantic Meatball Surgery: A skilled Biomancer can, by placing their hand upon a fallen comrade, knit bones together, grow back lost organs, restore ruined flesh, and ensure a fighter can keep going. Your Wyrdvanes will be trained extensively on how to get a soldier back into the fight quickly. These changes can be undone by a medical biomancer after the fighting is over. Telepathy Training: Simple
Pyromancy Training: Simple
Divination Training: Simple
Telekine Training: Excellent.
Your writing upon Telekinesis are already being spoken of highly by the tutors of the Astra Telepathica. They will ensure your Wyrdvanes receive excellent training.
-Crush: A Telekine focuses their power upon a single point in space, manifesting a brief moment of intense gravity akin to a Grav-Gun. -Telekine Dome: The Telekine, if equipped with a force staff or a potent enough focii, conjures a dome of Psychic energy for the squad to take cover in. The dome will absorb small arms fire and indirect shrapnel from artillery. Wyrdvane Skills:
A Wyrdvane is telepathically linked, sharing power, skill, and training. This allows them to tap into each other's shared powers. Several abilities will be shared by each member of the Wyrdvane Choir. -Telekine Personal Shields: The Wyrdvane Choir pools their collective Telekine potential and spreads it evenly among their members, wrapping each soldier in a protective regenerating energy shield that deflects kinetic and energy small arms fire. The power of the shields can be adjusted by the Choir, or overcharged by an able Telekine among the Choir. -Biomantic Self-Optimization: Using subtle Biomancy, the senses of the soldier are optimized and improved beyond baseline humanity. Soldiers can smell hormones in the air, see in near complete darkness, and hear the most minute of noises, and achieve levels of strength comparable to the Tempestus Scions and Sororitas. This is a passive improvement that can be adjusted as needed by the Psyker. Part of this includes a low-level healing factor that actively clears the muscles of lactic acid, and allows cuts and lesser bullet wounds to heal by themselves.
Scheduled vote count started by Mayto on Jan 28, 2025 at 1:51 PM, finished with 36 posts and 26 votes.
[X] Plan: Knowledge, Training, and a Cogboy
-[X] Pyro-Kinetic studies:
-[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
--[X] Offer to help with Wetwork exchange for a supply of High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers for our Wyrdvanes.
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest - Splash Out:
-[X] Training against the scum - By the Book:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
[X] Plan: prepare and teachers
-[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
--[X] Negotiate a supply of High-quality Autoguns and Stubbers for our Wyrdvanes. Assignment of a master Gunsmith if necessary.
-[X] Pyro-Kinetic studies:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Training against the scum - By the Book:
-[X] Getting to know the teachers:
13km from stern to bow, 2 km from port to starboard
Crew – 60,000
Larger even than the rare Mars Class Mass Conveyor the history of the Braklux Barnacle extends back into the depths of imperial history, with the earliest surviving records indicating service in M35, though those records seem to indicate a far longer history of service. Seemingly built from a surviving frame of a mass transport voidcraft that had been heavily damaged and then stripped of all it could be stripped of, in its current form the Barnacle has earned its name, the sections that were missing from the hull having been filled in with whatever parts whomever had been conducting repairs at the time had on hand, leaving it looking like a great log encrusted with great metallic muscles and barnacles.
The Barklux Barnacle plys the void of the Odium sector's trunk and some of the more stable branches, making a steady circuit that takes roughly 80 years, it's lack of Navigator meaning it cannot be used in areas with more warp turbulence and must move slowly compared to a vessel with a navigator. Making a regular route from various agriworld's in the sector to hive, mining, and forge worlds, bringing needed resources produced by one planet to another in accordance with the ancient merchant's warrant allowing the Braklux family permission to own and operate the vessel. Accusations of smuggling and working as part of the Cold Trade using the various hidden compartments and long walled off sections left over from its many many retrofits, are obviously false and slanderous.
Hirearchy aboard the ship is determined through a series of intense written tests, those who pass taking on officer roles within the ship, provided they agree to becoming eunuchs or to having a hysterectomy, this being part of the Braklux family's plans to help prevent any other family lines aboard the ship from gaining enough power to potentially mutiny. Though how successful this plan has been given the crew rebellions over the years remains to be seem. Currently the Braklux family is in negotiations with House Tular to contract a navigator to serve aboard the ship in exchange for a percentage of revenues.
The Bumble Bee
Furious Class Grand Cruiser
8km from stern to bow, 1.9 km from port to starboard
Crew – 90,000
One of the few remaining Grand Cruisers still operating as part of the Imperial Navy The Bumble Bee was recovered 600 years ago, floating out in a leaf. Incredibly it was still somewhat operational, life support systems kept partially functional through the incredible dedication of the ship's Machine Spirit, wounded though it may have been, and what had become a priesthood of reclimators (see Dark Heresy – Inquisitor's Handbook Page 76), the spiritual successors to the ship's original tech priests made from those found to be worthy amongst the various tribes descended from the ships original crew.
These tribes, descended from the crew kept alive the martial traditions of the navy, practicing both personal martial combat in ritualized personalized combat, and group combat to settle disputes between the various tribes. They also came to worship the various lance batteries and macro-cannons belonging to the ship, the majority of the surviving crew having been around the ships weapons batteries when it was lost to the warp. This has lead to the ships unique name and coloration, as they began to consider the yellow and black hazard marking around the weapons batteries holy symbols representing the Father of the Void's (a version of the Emperor and Machine God worshipped as a single entity with multiple aspects each represented by a different primarch) holy weapons, and after the tribes men were integrated with the new crew pressed into service and converted them, they successfully lobbied to have the ship's exterior repainted in yellow and black.
Currently there is some on going tensions with the more religiously dogmatic members of the mechanicus and ministorum, the faith of the ships crew and tech priests presenting an opportunity for both groups to exert influence the ship, and the higher ranking naval officers working onboard, and by extension the Imperial Navy within the sector.
The Shining Beacon
Conquest Class Star Galleon
5.1km long, 0.7 from abeam to fins
Crew – 65,000
The shining gem of the Chromus dynasty, this ship has been in service since the Great Crusade, and family legend states that it even fought in the same void battle as a ship the Emperor was aboard, and in more recent millenia it even did battle Tergragh when they made their reappearance. These days the ship is used as little more than a grand pleasure vessel, taking members of the Chromus dynasty around in stunning luxury as it transports goods across the subsector. Should any member of the dynasty wish to make a great change in the dynasty or even usurp control the Shining Beacon would prove prove to be a powerful symbol.
The Dancing Moose
Silver Class Light Cruiser (Silver Rings Variant of the Lathe Class Monitor)
4.9km long, 0.9km abeam
Crew – 41,000, mostly servitors made from bespoke vat grown clones
The personal vessel of Arch-Genator Myers, this vessel is filled to the brim with labs, medicae facilities, and containment facilities, meant to hold all manner of interesting genetic specimens, including mutants, sapient xenos, various beasts found on worlds in the path of the exploratory fleet, and horrific abominations spawned from and extracted from long damaged Dark Age of Technology facilities. Originally Myers had been reluctant to participate in an exploratory mission, being quite happy with his experiments, however he crossed one too many political rivals and found himself forced out of the Silver Rings, likely expected to die or be disgraced out there in the distant void. Now however Myers and The Dancing Moose return, covered in glory, and with a hold full of secrets and valuable flesh, and it remains to be seen whether or not the Genator will remain with the rings, or strike out in the Dancing Moose, having come to think of the vessel as his home.
Following the same path as the long dead Saint Vinlim Re'lec'vot did in this very vessel as he took down the Tersorna Consortium in his days as an Arbites, long before a devote member of the Ministorium purchased the vessal. Vinlim's Vigilance goes from world to world, bringing with it a load of paying pilgrims who descend on a world to bring "justice." That this justice often means descending on bars to smash up sinful drinking establishments, ransacking mutant and abhuman slums with pogroms, and generally causing issues. However the Noble and Upright of any given world can generally find a use for them in punishing "slothful" workers striking for better conditions or directing them at the holdings of their "sinful" rivals.
The Rippling Blade
Sunbolt Class Raider
1.9km long, .25km wide
Crew - Estimated at 13,000
The origins of this vessel are unknown, but it has prowled the shipping lanes of the Torvum sector for 2 decades now, offering demonstrations of it's powerful forward facing lance to Imperial shipping so that they surrender their cargo to the pirates. Considered a relatively minor nucince by the navy at this time given it targets ships with vastly larger cargo storage than it and never totally empties them out given it's far smaller storage capacities, no dedicated efforts have been made. This however might change soon as it unwittingly targetted a Rogue Trader Q-Ship and fled when the Q-Ship fought back, landing a few solid blows.
Scans taken during the fight by the Trader's impressive auspex revealed that the vessel's lance, engines, and void shields might be archeotech in origin. The navy received these scans in exchange for subsidizing repairs, and now has more interest in persuing this vessel, so that they can take the source of these parts for themselves. Others however have concerns, if this vessel has access to so much advanced technology, why has it done so little, and why does it always operate alone?
Ennui's Opposition
Saturn Class Transport
5.4km long, 1 km wide
Crew - 60,000
A unique vessel in the Torvum Sector, this vessel is a grand floating carnival, it travels from world to world across the sector. Filling it's hold at each world it visits with delights ranging from music, art, and theater troupes, to rare animals and vegtables, gene edited prostitutes and and pit fighters, narcotics unique to single worlds, barely unforbidden technology, and even xeno's delight smuggled along the cold trade. It promises that no noble within a system shall feel bored while it orbits the same star, and so far it has kept that promise. It especially makes a rush for leaves when they open up, eager to collect the rare delights within.
Built in the very end of M36 in the shipyards of the Holy Mars itself HDMNS Paragon of Defiance is one of the earliest of both her class and of the Battlecruiser as a whole. How exactly did such a vessel end up in Torvum is subject of many of myth among the crews and prolonged debates among the scholars of Naval history, but little is known for sure. What is known is that earliest records of the ship within Torvum Sector date to year 391 M37, where HDMNS Paragon of Defiance was recorded as leading a squadron that engaged and destroyed a Tegragh squadron in the Steel Line subsector, in the aftermath of the defeat of the Xenocide Crusade.
Sinse then HDMNS Paragon of Defiance has been a mainstay of Battlefleet Torvum, surviving and even thriwing through 3 millenia of service. Primarily serving as a Hunter-Killer Squadron leader, she spends most of her operational time patrolling the areas of conflict, providing support to Imperial convoys and eliminating hostile scouts, raiders, smaller convoys and any other vessels that have the misfortune to be detected by her without sufficient firepower to protect them.
Most ships with long enough sevice life aquire certain reputation among their crews and Navy voidsmen in general, and HDMNS Paragon of Defiance is no exception. Hers is that of grim but enduring veteran, routinely disappearing in the Black with no reliable contact for years or sometimes decades, only to reappear, battered, bruised, bearing many a new scar, but unbroken, bringing most of her crews back safe and with tales of new victories in the Emperor's name.
So, i decided to recreate my OC Psyker's homeship in Rogue Trader RPG Shipbuilder. This is a backstory for the vessel, while the Image links, should I be able to embed them properly is the screenshot of the end result done in this program.
EDIT: looks like I got it for the images. It doesn't show in the list but the Bridge and the Drive are Best quality, Life support and Shield are Good quality.
Things worth mentioning are that both Crew quarters and Life support are the variants that focus on reducing crew casualties, Augur array is the better than the standard one, but not the "dedicated scout vessel " one and both munitorum and Suplly vaults serve to allow her to operate for an etended period of time without resupply.