[X][ESOTERICA] A broken mercy-blade:
[X][ESOTERICA] An old Aquilla:
[X][RATLING]Offer her a position in the Astra Telepathica as a cook:
Martha, as Ratling, had spent most of her life learning to avoid the scrutinizing glares and the hateful curses from the higher ranking members of the Imperium. She knew when to appear like a 'dumb little ratling' to avoid their wrath, when to avoid their gaze, when to schmooze and flatter. Life had been hard, especially for a ratling born to two Auxilia troopers in the bowels of a troop ship.
As a chef, she'd always been 'the assistant' to whatever human cook she found herself working alongside. Even if she was the one whom made the finest meals, she needed someone to take the credit. Her shift aboard the Imperial Guard troop ship had been a dream come true. But that idiotic Master of Service had, in a whim of well-intended foolishness, broken the cardinal rule of Ratling Cooks.
Never admit the Ratling prepared the food. Even if the Ratling chefs outmatched any humans, and were able to turn even the simplest ingredients into truly outstanding meals.
Occam, the Psyker, was standing at the entrance to the Grav-Car, waiting. It took her a moment to realize that he was waiting for her to get in first.
She blinked. The courtesy was unexpected.
Taking her pause as a sign of not knowing what to do, one of the two Bodyguards, the large one with the neck implant, took hold of her with fine silk gloves and lifted her up and into the vehicle. She clung to her possessions, the only things that made her feel truly safe in this uncertain world. An undignified squeek escaped her lips as she was placed in a seat and had the seatbelt tightened across her chest. Entering the grav-car was like entering a luxurious sanctuary. The plush seats, both firm and comfortable, were arranged in two benches facing each other. Every inch of the interior was adorned with symbols of the Astra Telepathica, gleaming in silver against the dark walls. The metal panelling had been set with stone slabs that showed hints of sparkling mineral seams flowing through them.
Martha had been taught to fear Psykers from a young age, both at home among the Ratling communities in the bowels of Imperial starships, and among The Commissars who kept order among the Ratling auxilia and the priests who preached to them instilled this fear in her. Her whole life, as she'd been moved around alongside her kin as the Imperium saw fit, that distrust of Psykers had been universal.
But now, the first person with power and status to show her kindness was a Psyker. This was something she could never have imagined.
She'd been aboard ships that had transported regiments with Psykers, but had never even seen one up close. Wyrdvanes were always kept isolated, under strict guard. While the Sanctioned and Primaris Psykers were too closely associated with officers who did not even want to see her.
Despite her hardened exterior, Martha couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude at the unexpected kindness she was receiving.
Her upbringing told her: "I am abhorred. I am unclean. And yet I am forgiven." Those were the words the Commissars had her people recite whenever they found pride or joy in what they did. These words echoed in her mind as she managed to hold back tears of gratitude.
"Why are you showing me such kindness, Lord Psyker?" Martha finally managed to ask, her voice filled with genuine curiosity and confusion.
Occam took a moment to ponder the question, and in that moment, Martha caught a glimpse of the man's youthful features. His cybernetic eye, bald head, and cables at the base of his skull made it difficult to determine his true age. But for a brief instant, she saw through all of it. "People like us," he began, gesturing towards himself and then at the driver and bodyguard in their separate compartment. "We have to stick together and look out for each other. No one else will." He blushed slightly before continuing, "And your cooking was exquisite."
Martha laughed. It was a wholesome laugh.
You have gained a faculty member.
Martha Sternback, Ratling:
A diminutive ratling woman whose dream job became a nightmare after a friendly Master of Service had her prepare meals for Imperial Guard officers kept as guests aboard her ship, the Sword of Integrity, instead of just the Junior officers. After deserting from the ship, you found her and offered her a better life. Due to the genuine kindness that you have shown her, you have her undying loyalty and friendship.
While a curious sight among the largely terran-norm members of the Astra Telepathica, few who actually speak with Martha find it easy to not be charmed by her smile, manners, and jovial attitude. Of those unable to get over their disdain for 'abbies' or 'gene filth', none dare to be rude to her, lest they face your considerable wrath.
Martha as a Ratling chef is a master of understanding the ability of food to motivate, encourage, punish, or break down an individual. She also has learned to work in the underbelly of society to survive, and finds it easy to make black market connections with the ubiquitous ratling communities across the Imperium.
-Gives a +20 to any rolls involving nutrition as a factor in Psyker education.
-Allows you to develop black market contacts.
Upon arriving at the docking spire for the Astra Telepathica, it becomes immediately apparent that it is not designed for regular humans. No windows can be seen anywhere on the structure, and its exterior is lined with defensive weapons facing outwards to protect against potential threats. Just to approach the marble steps heading up to the entrance, your vehicle needs to pass multiple checkpoints manned by armed guards. The structure reaches all the way to the 'roof' of the level you're on, and is bristling with defensive emplacements. There are omni-directional laser turrets that can both be aimed outwards and stop the inhabitants of the tower from breaking out.
The entrance to the Astra Telepathica station is small, just enough for a cargo-8 freight vehicle. If it is a standard design, then the station will have a docking spire, a serf clan dedicated to maintenance, a small Adeptus Mechanicus enclave, and a choir of ten Secondary Astropath with one Primary to lead them.
"Why didn't your shuttle just dock here?" Martha asks, sticking close to you.
The hallways of the fortress are nearly completely devoid of light, with the Astropaths that inhabit it having no need of it. While most of the spire is inhabited by serf clans and labourers that ensure its smooth functioning, the core is nearly entirely made up of Astropaths and Sanctioned Psykers.
"A test." You say without hesitation. "The Astra Telepathica wished to see if I'd take the opportunity to make a run for it, if presented with one.".
None stop you as you make your way to the spire. You catch sight of a Secondary Astropath being wheeled around by a servitor. The man's forearms and legs below the knees have been plugged into his station and he is babbling manically. The poor bastard must have only just made it through his Soul-Binding. The Secondary Astropaths have always unnerved you. Psykers with minds burned out so completely by Soul-Binding that they're barely more than servitors. They are living components managed by the Primary Astropath, and will inevitably burn out.
If you hadn't been blessed with the strength and stability you possess over your Psychic ability, you'd have most likely suffered the same fate as them.
With Martha's hand tightly clasped in yours, you navigate through the dark halls of the Telepathia Station. Unlike your previous transit, which had confined you to the lower holds, this time you are destined for a spacious transport compartment.
After what feels like an eternity of walking and multiple dizzying elevator rides, you finally reach the docking spire. As the metal doors slide open, the chaotic scene before you comes into view. Dock workers scurry back and forth, shouting orders and loading cargo onto various ships. The air is thick with the smell of oil and machinery, and the constant hum of engines fills your ears.
Despite the chaos surrounding you, your gaze remains fixed on the imposing Black Ship that will take you away from this place. You feel a mix of anticipation and trepidation as you step forward. It is carrying the vast cargo of psi-tech and esoteric lore needed to start up a new Scholam Psykana in earnest. After all, what else can be trusted with such a valuable cargo?
You immediately recognize the distinct signature of four Primaris Psykers waiting for the doors of the ship to open, several with clustered groups of Wyrdvanes accompanying them. There is a large group of Tech Priests with them, their servitors carrying large palettes of cargo. Some of these Wyrdvanes hack and cough, clumps of ectoplasm hitting the deck before evaporating without leaving a trace.
"The last of our number has arrived." One of the Primaris says. A middle-aged woman with black hair, blue eyes, and an eerily symetrical face says. She holds a force staff that marks her out as a Biomancer as she approaches. "Lord Psyker Occam, I presume." She says, extending a hand. "Lord Psyker Astrid. Universal epsilon-Grade" She motions for a wyrdvane that is kneading a large sphere of ectoplasm that he drooled. "The Wyrdvane candidates I dragged along."
You shake her hand firmly. "Lord Psyker Occam. Beta-Grade Telekine" There's some worried glances your direction as you state this. "And yes. I have completed my first tour of duty and was recalled for training purposes."
Astrid nods, then glances at the Ratling cowering next to your leg. "She is no Psyker. A servant?" She squats, examining the ratling, sniffing the air several times. "Not a local specimen. Very afraid. Curious geneti-" She turned around and moves to stop one of her Wyrdvanes from chewing at his own forearm, cursing up a storm.
"A curious example of our kind, yes?" A dark-skinned Primaris Psyker with a face hidden among a nest of cybernetic plugs that cover most of his head, all surrounded by a psychic hood. "I am Lord Psyker Hans, Gamma-Grade Pyromancer." You shake his hand and immediately note the high body temperature. "Alas, my students detonated during my last battlefield deployments, and I have no Wyrdvanes of my own." He grins. "We'll be competing for students, I believe? I am a telekine as well."
He is very jovial for a Psyker and you smile at the words. "Competing is a strong way to put it. I intend to select for physical ability over raw psychic power. Will our students be travelling with us?"
"Patience, my friend." He raises an eyebrow at you. "First time managing a Wyrdvane?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"You look interested in it, my friend. You'll regret that soon enough." He adds. "This is my first time teaching elsewhere than Terra. I believe it will be an interesting experience."
+Oh, do give our colleague some space.+ A powerful telepathic voice echoes through your head. An old bald woman with a blindfold across burned sockets approaches, making the sign of the Aquilla across her chest. She is the image of serenity. As she walks, she is followed by a group of ten Wyrdvanes, each with their eyes and mouths sewn shut. They mumble a hymn in unison.
You recognize her as an Astropath Transcendant, both a Primaris Psyker and a fully trained Astropath.
+I am Lord Psyker Silvia, Astropath Transcendant, Delta-Grade Telepath.+ Your fellow Psyker's voice echoes with power.
+I will both teach the new Scholam's telepaths, and function as a direct line of communication to the Throneworld+
Silvia speaks with the authority and status of a noble, even though her robes are simple Astropath garments. Her raw power is lesser than yours, but the way she wields it is impressive. It is a finely honed weapon in her hand.
"All we are missing is a Diviner, and we'll have a master of each of the five schools of Psykana." You observe, looking through the crowd for who you sought.
A man you originally mistook for a Wyrdvane with an augmetic left arm is smiling at you. A pale-skinned man with a head of black hair is leaning against a large crate, one foot pressed against the crate. His hair is pulled back, shaped over the cybernetic in the back of his head. Around his left forearm he has a bracer connected to a silver pane marked with six small rectangles. He reaches for the bracer and pulls out two gold-sleeved cards he places upon the surface in a single fluid movement. Tarot Cards, you realize as you sense the psycho-active material the cards are composed of.
"The Lost Child and the Astartes. Oh, what you could have been were it not for a quirk of genetics, Occam." The man says, taking the two cards and retrieving his whole deck from the bracer, beginning to shuffle them. The deck sparks as he does this. "I am Lord Psyker Alfonse. Delta-Grade Diviner, and combat Cartomancer." The Diviner slides the deck into a slot in the side of the bracer. He bows respectfully to you.
You have never liked Theomancers, Cartomancers, or seers of any sort. Even if much of your dislike comes from your utter inability to read tarot cards worth a damn. "Then we are to be the first teachers." You state, less a question and more an observation.
A claxon goes off to signal that the Black Ship is ready to take on passengers. You really wish you'd been given another form of transportation.
On the final leg of your journey to Odium, you enjoy regular meals prepared by Martha, even in the quiet terrifying majesty of a Black Ship. The Ratling stays close to you, only leaving to get ingredients that she prepares in the kitchen included in your transit suite. You take the time to read a series of survey reports made about the sector and the planet that you have been assigned to.
After which you examine a report of the Scholam
Nautilus Scholam Psykana:
Built as an expansion of the Astro-Telepathica fortress named 'The Sapphire Keep' which was established in Nautilus six millenia, on the edge of what is currently called 'The Pit'. The Scholam Psykana is intented as a processing centre for Psykers not worthy of transport to Terra, but stable enough that they can be trained, are offloaded for training. Each new Psyker is stored in a mass-transport stasis pod aboard the orbital tether, before being conveyed down and loaded onto a transport submarine by servitor crews.
The Scholam Psykana is intended to grow into a massive operation, but as of now, has no students.
The Scholam Psykana has the following amenities and sub-components:
Scholam Psykana Faculty Quarter
No school is functional without the teachers, and the Scholam Psykana is no exception. It is from the faculty quarter where the Lord Prefect and his five Prefects manage the day to day running of the Scholam Psykana.
For the day to day running of the Scholam, there is a staff of twenty Epsilon-grade Psykers that serve as the backbone of the Scholam, primarily concerned with ensuring that the students learn mastery over their powers.
Black Sentinels:
Created during the Great Crusade at the Council of Nikea, the Black Sentinels are the personal guards of the Astra Telepathica, clad in suits of psychically shielded armour and using lances with psi-suppressing crystal tips. They also carry special null-rods which weaken ambient psychic phenomena and will send a Psyker unconscious from sheer pain when used to strike them.
The Scholam currently fields twenty Black Sentinels.
Their attitude is Calm and Professional:
The Black Sentinels are confident about the state of the fortress and are therefore less prone to stab first and ask questions later regarding the Psykers of the fortress.
Chapel to the God Emperor of Mankind:
"Our thoughts light the darkness that others may cross space. We are one with the Emperor, our souls are joined in his will. Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours is death. Hail his name the Master of Humanity."
-The Creed of the Astronomicon
Even among those not assigned to the Astronomicon, this prayer and creed is popular among the sanctioned Psykers.
Provides for the spiritual needs of the Scholam.
Administratum Enclave:
As with all parts of the Adeptus Terra, the Telepathica has close connections to the Administratum, whom are responsible for the administration involved in the running of a Scholam. Their task is primarily to facilitate connections through the proper channels with other Imperial Adepta.
Adeptus Mechanicus Shrine:
A single Magos and a dozen Tech Priests live within the Scholam, ensuring that the technical needs of the Scholastica Psykana are met. It is a small shrine, seen as little more than a backwater assignment for the unlucky Magos.
During the Journey to Odium, you managed to befriend one of the future prefects of the Scholam, while finding yourself completely at odds with another. This schism will not be easily resolved and is likely to result in attempted sabotage of each other's projects.
Write in a plan with one Psyker that you befriend, one one who will be your rival. They will try to take rescources from your projects and turn other prefects against you. Choose carefully who you want as an enemy.
The vote will be a plan, with one of the options marked as
[X]Plan: Example
-[X]Biomancer Astrid - Ally:
-[X]Biomancer Astrid - Enemy:
Fully defeating a rival will deprive your future Scholam of their Wyrdvane.
[]Biomancer Astrid:
Universal Epsilon Grade Psyker - Astrid appears to be a middle-aged woman with black hair, blue eyes, and an eerily symetrical face. She routinely uses her biomancy to change or optimize her appearance how she sees fit. She has few visible implants.
Astrid's Wyrdvances are taught to be nurses as well as biomancers. While lacking the control for fine surgery, when they put their powers together, Astrid's Wyrdvanes are able to perform miraculous feats of healing and regeneration.
[] Astropath Transcendant Silvia:
Delta-Grade Telepath.
An old bald woman with a blindfold across burned eyesockets. Wears simple astropath robes and walks with a cane. Has excellent control over her psychic powers, wielding it with incredible skill.
Silvia's Wyrdvanes are trained to function as living relays for communications, providing a safe and instantaneous form of communication across a battlefield between each member of a Wyrdvane.
[] Pyromancer Hans:
Gamma-Grade Pyromancer, Epsilon-Grade Telekine,
A dark-skinned Psyker with a face hidden in what looks like a nest of cybernetic plugs that cover most of his head and connect it to a large psychic hood. Is routinely overheating. A middle aged Psyker with significant combat prowess, able to weave pyromantic and telekinetic attacks together to devastating effects.
Hans's Wyrdvanes are taught to be Psychic artillery. They are to rain down hellfire and telekinetic strikes from a distance, destroying everything in their path.
[] Diviner Alfonse:
Delta-Grade Diviner, Combat Cartomancer,
A pale-skinned man with dark black hair shaped over the cybernetics in the back of his head. Routinely seen wearing a bracer connected to a silver pane marked with six small rectangles. Trained to read the Imperial Tarot and use divination to guide Imperial troops to victory.
Alfonse's Wyrdvanes are taught to read the Emperor's Tarot as well as divine the course of events. They are a support force meant to provide Imperial Commanders with knowledge of future events, or the likeliness of enemy actions.
4 hour Moratorium.
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