You are Primaris Psyker Occam Parsimonn.
You were born on a meaningless backwater hive world, destined for a life of menial labour, when your psychic powers awakened. You killed people when it happened, and were nearly lynched by a mob, were it not for the Telepathica Prefector whom saved you. He did all he could to prepare you for the Black Ships.
The trials and rituals you have endured would have broken lesser men, but you have come out stronger for it. A true paragon of human psychic ability.
For your extreme power, adherence to the Imperial Creed by attempting to give yourself to the Telepathica, and stability, you have been elevated to the ranks of the Primaris Psykers of the Imperium, a noble among commoners and destined for a life of power and privilege as one of the highest elite of the Astra Telepathica.
These are used for rolling non-psychic actions.
Weapon Skill:
Using melee weapons.
30 + 10 = 40
Ballistic Skill
Using ranged weapons.
30 + 10 = 40
Performing physical feats. Primarily in regards to physical toughness and strength.
30 + 10 + 10 = 50
Knowledge, management, and trivia.
30 + 5 + 10 = 45
The ability to resist the touch or allure of the warp.
30 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 50
The ability to inspire and lead others.
30 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 45
Your capacity to draw upon and use your psychic powers in combat without needing to draw deeply upon your powers. Failing a psychic roll will require you to draw deeper from the warp, which is both painful and dangerous.
This does not represent raw power, instead it represents the ability to draw upon your power. Actual raw psychic power is too abstract to be easily defined.
You start with a Psy-Rating of 5. You must roll under 50 to perform psi-craft without building up Warp Charge
Warp Charge:
Your body can handle a certain amount of warp charge before you lose control over your powers. This charge is dispersed between combat, and decreased during it by training and augmentations. For every Degree of Success
failed when using psychic powers, you build up charge.
When you max out your warp charge, you roll for perils of the warp.
You can contain 10 Warp Charge
Characteristic improvements:
Several events from your childhood give a good view of just what kind of a person Occam is.
-"Making the ones in your gang do better":
Occam has an excellent eye for talent. Seeks to uplift and improve those he has to work with.
+5 Intelligence +5 Fellowship
-"The direct approach":
Occam has always favoured a direct approach to problems. Especially when being blunt surprises the enemy and opens them up for an attack.
+10 Fitness
- "I...I need help":
Occam is prideful and stubborn, but ready and able to swallow this for the sake of calling for the aid of others.
+5 Fellowship +5 Willpower
-"Give yourself up":
Sought to surrender himself to Telepathica custody upon Psychic Awakening. Was blocked by Blunt mob. But nevertheless sought to do the right thing
+5 Willpower + 5 Fellowship
This will be remembered by the Telepathica.
Rolling system
Rolling system:
Rolling will be using the 40k RPG standard of needing to roll UNDER the test using a characteristic. The difficulty or ease of the test adds a modified to the test.
Difficulty | Modifier | |
Very Easy | +60 | Waking up to an
emergency klaxon,
jumping a small gap |
Easy | +40 | Fixing a minor jam in
a familiar weapon |
Routine | +20 | Using a cogitator to
perform basic research |
Challenging | +0 | Shooting a target in a
well lit room, climbing
a stone wall |
Difficult | -10 | Recalling an obscure
fact about the
Sector Governor |
Hard | -20 | Swimming upstream
in a rapidly flowing
sewer |
Very Hard | -30 | Convincing an Arbites
to 'let this one slide.' |
For each of the first digit of the roll that is higher or lower than your target, you get a Degree of Success
A Challenging Intelligence test has no bonus, so you need to roll under 35
If you rolled a 14, you'd do so with two degrees of success.
Occam is an average-looking imperial with a bald head, brown eyes, and a strong if normal soldier's physique. He is of average height, size, and build, and would easily fit in among any Cadian-pattern Imperial Guard regiment were it not for his augmentations.
Terminal Sanction.
A fine auto pistol hand-milled from a dark alloy fitted with a subtle nickel trim. The gun is made specifically for your hand. It is featureless except for the symbol of the Astra Telepathica carved in silver along the left side of the barrel.
Comes paired with a recoil glove for improved aiming.
Ammunition types:
Hollow Point: For killing lightly armoured targets.
Solid Shot: Regular jacketed bullets.
High Explosive: Explodes on penetration or impact, detonating inside the target.
APFSDS: Able to punch through human-scale powered armour.
Force Staff - Telekine Configuration: A simple unadorned force-staff made for your personal use. Made of sanctified silver around a core of psi-reactive lumber.
Mercy-Blade: A monomolecular blade for committing suicide.
Cybernetic plugs have been implanted into your wrists and your temples, allowing you to plug into medicae equipment and Astra Telepathica training and scanning equipment.
A 'Psi-Bridle' covers your neck along the length and width of the spine. A simple but high quality cybernetic interface covering the back of the neck and plugged into the spinal cord and brainstem through implanted sockets of replacement vertebrae. This device is the basis through which any further augmentations will be implanted, serving to both generate power from your bodily processes, and to regulate and moderate their functioning.
Above the bridle, the back of your skull has been removed and replaced with a Psi-Discharger. This augmentation looks like a short ponytail of thin rigid carbon-fibre strands aimed directly away from your head. These psi-dischargers disperse psychic energy from your brain to reduce the pressure on the body. The Discharger is connected to the Psi-Bridle through a single large cable emerging from the hollow at the back of your skull.
Silent City Psi-Bridle:
A reliable design made by the psi-artisans of the Silent City for the Psykers of the Imperium. This design is only for those Psykers that have a fundamental control over their power, due to the cost of production.
Your warp charge capacity is 10
Silent City Beta-Grade Psi-Dischargers:
A design dating back to the first of the Primaris Psykers assigned to the Imperial Guard. This implant is a simple but reliable method for reducing the psychic pressure known to plague Gamma-Plus Psykers. Each one is a handmade masterpiece.
This augmentation looks like a short ponytail of thin rigid carbon-fibre strands attached to a plasteel plate on the back of the skull. These psi-dischargers disperse psychic energy from your brain. Also automatically flushes the brain of excess psychic energies between combat.
Reduces all warp charge buildup by one.
After half an hour without conflict, your brain will be cleared of all buildup.
Psykana Conditioning:
The Scholastica Psykana has implanted the following thought patterns and subconscious compulsions into Occam to improve his psychic potential and protect him from the perils of the Immatereum.
Conditioning of martyrdom:
Upon losing control of his powers and feeling the Warp beginning to twist his body and/or mind, Occam will immediately attempt to commit suicide with his mercy-blade.
Conditioning of acceptance:
Occam does not feel offended or hurt if he is insulted or cursed for being a Psyker. The ability to be genuinely hurt or offended has been conditioned out of him.
Conditioning of control:
Occam subconsciously prays to the God Emperor whenever his thoughts are not occupied. The thirty-three prayers of mental fortitude strengthen his thoughts against subversion.
+10 Willpower
Conditioning of endurance:
Occam can push himself beyond physical endurance and consciously exceed the natural limits of the human body. He can continue performing his psychic powers even should he be, for instance, set on fire, or suffering grievous bodily harm.
+5 Fitness
Pain will not make rolls more difficult for you.
Conditioning of focused thought:
Occam can only get bored if he wants to be. Otherwise his conditioning kicks in and he tends to his memory palace, examining memories of past events and written knowledge.
+10 Intelligence
Esoterica and minor arcana:
All humans are connected to the Immatereum, and the Immatereum suffused all reality. The idea that the warp is something that can be avoided is a foolish one, as our every act changes the world around us. You have a handful of small items in your possesion that have been imbued with power and meaning to you, and could be used for creating psychic items.
These esoterica can be used in the creation of items and equipment, with what they embody determining the capabilities of the item you are creating. The following types of items are known to you already.
-Psi Focus
-Psi-Hood or crown.
-Force weapon.
-Force shield.
Known groups with the ability to forge Psi or Force weapons and armour are:
The Psi-Smiths of the Astra Telepathica. Generational artisans from terra who descend from ancient pre-Mechanicus Terran smiths and artisans.
Magos Psykana of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Tech Priests with the knowledge to create items able to channel Psychic power.
The League of Votann. Their descent from humanity makes their technology not classify as xenotech, and it can be passed off as Imperial creations.
You possess:
Blade shards.
A fine mono-molecular blade for ending your life in the event of possession. Has a very strong psychic connection to you. Symbolizes both your readiness to kill, but also to not find joy in it.
This esoteric item embodies:
The power to take lives.
Self control.
Your advancement as a Psyker.
Childhood pendant:
A golden Aquilla made on Terra for Astra Telepathica acolytes. It symbolizes your belief in the Emperor's protection of mankind, and the power to banish the daemonic and ruinous powers.
This esoteric item embodies:
Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Upon induction, acolyte achieved the following grades of psychic potential.
Telepathy: Theta (8)
Divination: Kappa (6)
Telekinesis: Beta (14)
Pyromancy: Theta (8)
Biomancy: Zeta (10)
Psychic Abilities:
Training has resulted in the following abilities being readily available to Adept Occam.
Theta-Grade Telepathy:
Adept Occam possessed some telepathic ability upon induction. Due to his inability to filter out incoming telepathic communications, he underwent Conditioning of Control, ensuring he is subconsciously performing prayers of purification and therefore can't hear what those around him are thinking.
Adept Occam can if he consciously chooses to:
-Hear "internal screaming" from those looking at him within thirty meters. Ability to receive depends on the volume of the interal voice, and mental shielding.
-Read surface thoughts of those he is looking at.
-Kappa-Grade Divination:
Adept Occam possessed no aptitude or affinity with Divination upon induction into the Astra Telepathica. His training in this school has focused on subconscious precognition.
This manifests as:
-Fast reaction times.
-Heightened senses.
-A mathematically improbable rate of successfully predicting an opponent's actions.
+10 Weapon Skill
+10 Ballistic Skill
Note: This same ability being seen among ostensible non-psychic Imperial soldiery is not a coincidence. Divination regularly manifests among weak latent psykers as 'Luck' or 'Instincts'. Current estimates put a quarter of Cadian Kasrkin and Tempestus Scions as latent divinatory Psykers.
Beta-Grade Telekinetics:
Adept Occam is capable of Beta-Grade telekinetic attacks, this allows him to without tapping into dangerous amounts of psychic power:
-Throw armoured vehicles, rip the turrets off tanks, and bring down buildings through telekinetically gripping structures and pulling at them. He is limited only by line of sight and the amount of power he is willing to channel.
-Grip objects and people and apply mechanical forces. This means pulling, shearing, twisting, applying pressure to crush, and equivalent actions. His telekinetic grip does not intrinsically destroy what is held.
-Despite attempts to improve, Adept Occam's telekinetic manifestations are strictly Eluclidian. His kine-shields manifest as mathematically perfect hexagrams, squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles. Even three-dimensional shapes are composed of a minimal amount of two-dimensional planes.
-The adept can lift and move up to three objects telekinetically, one with each arm and one with his gaze. But he has trouble performing fine manipulation reliably or at speed. It requires his full concentration if he seeks to push buttons or perform other actions using small objects he holds telekinetically.
Example: Adept Occam can not reliably use telekinesis to lift a lit candle and use it to light another. He can lift the hab block the candle is in and flip it onto its back.
Manifest Gravity: Occam is able to use just his mind and focus, to generate a gravitational pull towards and object in space, using just his mind. His knowledge of the ability has made it an easy ability for him, and part of his regular arsenal of Psykana.
Theta-Grade Pyromancy:
Adept Occam can manifest true fire with a thought. But this takes more effort than any of his telekinetic attacks. Nevertheless, he is capable of it.
Zeta-Grade Biomancy:
Adept Occam has a firm understanding of passive and subconscious biomancy. As his Telekinesis is already a superior combat Psykana, his Biomantic training has been focused upon strengthening the body and healing.
Adept Occam can:
-Increase the caloric content and nutritional value of food he consumes.
-Perform full body muscle exercises through biomantic meditation and the focused regrowth of muscle tissue.
-Strengthen his body and empower himself.
-Heal wounds ranging from flesh wounds to organ damage. Can not grow new organs, but can regenerate damaged ones.
+10 Fitness