A Naruto Mook Quest [The Gamer/Naruto]

[X]Don't Hug Her

I oppose the tyranny of casual hugging in all its forms. Is social interaction not awkward enough without full body contact with near strangers?
[X] Accept
[X] Don't Hug Her

Guys, I think we're being a bit too over eager here. She wasn't even insulted, if anything I think she was grateful that we even cared enough to talk to her after her first kill. No need to beat a dead horse.

The Quest though? We are so doing that.
[jk] Ninja-Hug her.

This is going to get awkward. Give SV the option of hugging a grill ? You should know better !
[X]Don't Hug Her

Guys, it's weird to hug Ayane now, we would likely need to increase our relationship with her to friendly for a while before we do that.
[X] Accept
[X] Don't Hug Her

A couple of preteens alone in the girl's room and the guy hugs her out of the blue? That'll be awkward, and we're probably under observation as it's a ninja clan and all. Might not want to set tongues wagging.

[X] Don't Hug Her

We can't apologize for being overly familiar then go around and hug her without her permission like :jackiechan:
[X] Accept
[X] Don't Hug Her

We don't know her that well, and are already alone with her in her room. I'd like to exit via the front door, not the window or through the wall.
[X] Accept
[X] "It is n-not l-like i want to help you or anything like that! Tsun!"
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Wow, SV is given an option to hug? Cringe.

We don't even have any sort of socialisation skill. This is going to fail so hard.