"Ladies, gentlemen. We all know how dangerous this new threat to Empire." Kaiser put image of new heroine on the screen and assembled capes recoiled in fear. Menja nervously clutched her spear, Victor paled, Hookwolf tried to hide under the table, Rune started to whimper.
They say 'if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'. Well, Empire's capes had several opportunities already to determine how true was that saying and how painful were hammer blows.
"But fear not, for I have a plan!" Kaiser raised his voice.
"Your previous plan cost us Stormtiger and Alabaster. Are you sure new plan is better?" Victor asked.
"Yes, for I don't plan to fight her." That phrase immediately got everybody's attention. "We treat her like a normal hero, enemy who should be crushed, but she's more like a force of nature, unbeatable and unpredictable." Kaiser explained. "In this regard she resembles Scion."
"And comparison with the most powerful parahuman of the world should make us feel better?" Rune quietly asked.
Kaiser ignored her. "Apparently, just like Scion, she makes no distinction between different 'heroical' deeds. Two days ago she defeated Lung, but yesterday our people saw her saving a cat from a tree. So, we'll not fight her. We'll just distract her from our operations. Hookwolf, Victor! Tomorrow we will attack ABB. Others, your task will be to create innumerable opportunities for heroism on the other side of the city!"
"You shall not pass!" Rune declared.
Mrs. Brennan worked most of her life as a teacher and was old enough to remember the War. Neither unruly teenagers nor Neo-Nazi scared her. Still, it was a first time when she had faced actual villain.
"And why you are trying to stop me?" she asked. "Don't you have more important business than harassing of elders? People to beat, banks to rob, heroes to fight?"
"It's important! Kaiser himself ordered me to stop you!"
"Kaiser ordered you to stop me?" Mrs. Brennan asked dubiously. "Since when my grocery shopping became so dangerous for Empire?"
"It's not like..." Rune shook her head. "Listen, just stay here and wait until someone come and help you to cross the street, okay?"
The old woman opened her mouth to answer, but in that moment Menja came from a corner. She was about fifteen feet tall and kept in her hand big bag. Desperate meowling was coming from it.
The giant villainess ran to the nearest tree, shoved her hand into the bag, pulled out a cat and threw it on the tree. Then she ran to the next tree and repeated her actions. Soon, every tree on the street had a bewildered cat or two on it.
Mrs. Brennan perplexedly looked around and cautiously asked, "That was ordered by Kaiser too?"
Rune dubiously nodded. Before this moment she didn't realize how their actions looked from the outside.
Old teacher sighed. "Girl, you should really reconsider your career choice."
In that moment Rune's cell phone rang.
"Operation is ended. We lost." Kaiser's voice said tiredly.
"What? How?"
"At first all was good, but then Bakuda's jeep drove into a ditch. And she came to help with it."
"Shit." The teenager sighed. "So, now what?"
"Return to base. And don't worry, for I have a new plan! We..."
Rune turned off her phone and threw it away. "Yeah, juvie is better than this shit."
She headed towards the PRT headquarters.