A Matter of Worth (Worm/Mighty Thor, alt-power, DEAD)

The worthiness discussion is moot as far as I'm concerned because, considering Odin went and visited the forges of Asgard, this is a copy/new version of Mjolnir made specifically for this 'twig' of Midgard, and more specifically, for Taylor. I strongly doubt anyone but Taylor will be able to lift it until Taylor dies.

(Also post-Heartbreaker Aisha totally has a chance lifting it.)

Anyway, regarding the mechanics of what Odin deems worthy of Mjolnir, consider that he held Taylor's canon Fate in his hands, and decided she was worthy. It may be a stretch, but perhaps that means canon Taylor at ANY point in her life is worthy?
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As much as I abhor any acknowledgement of Jane Foster Thor's existence. The writing is good enough to let me ignore that bit of nastiness. It's hammer time.

Only real complaint is the manner of speech in Thor mode gets kinda grating after awhile. But it's not too bad in the long run. Just hard to follow when sleep deprived.
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Here's a fun thought. You know that Thorlor is going to make waves in the cape scene; if the canon Lung Interrupt occurs, we're going to see a dragon get Hammer-slapped. Oni Lee, poor guy, could end up finding out the hard way that yes, Lightning makes for one hell of an interrupt.

The E88, well, they hit a bunch of buttons, and I'm pretty sure the Aesir want nothing whatsoever to do with them, aside from getting them to stop using their names. Expect the Twins to find out what Hammer Time feels like, and Othala might get a rather stern talking to.

(Well, unless Loki is feeling particularly fickle, in which case we might see Rune finding out that yes, magic does exist. The Trickster is kind of a jackass, and Earth Bet ending up with Doctor Rune, Sorceress Supreme would be the kind of dick move one could expect of him.)

The morons from Archer's Bridge barely warrant a mention. Coil, on the other hand... The moment Thorlor finds out about Tommy-Boy, Bad Things are going to happen to him, especially if somehow Dinah is in his clutches at that particular moment.

So, what is all this building up to?

Jack Slash is going to see this shiny new hero, and his shard isn't going to find the connection to be able to tell him, 'Not just no, but FIE NO!'
unless Loki is feeling particularly fickle,
One part of me doesn't want Loki to show up, because it would complicate things and open it up for other Marvel-verse characters and Thor villains specifically. On the other hand, Tom Hiddleston has spoiled us (too much?) with his version of MCU Loki and is quite entertaining and he could be 'fun' here. That's Dwarf Fortress type fun, btw - which is awesome.
That works. The Icelandic translation's actually completely harmless now that I've had a chance to look things up but reading that misspelling gave me as a Swede second thoughts.

It's a trivial change, and in today's political climate, it's probably an implication best avoided. Like Taylor, I don't want the E88 thinking I'm their buddy.
The "picking up the hammer" debate is kinda going long, so I'll just say this: it's not going to be a huge plot point. It'll be remarked upon, but Jack Slash won't be partying with Mjölnir Mightyhammer the Fourth, Esquire, anytime soon... at least not in a way he'll enjoy.

Also, I like stories with a defined beginning, middle, and end, even if the ending is open with possibility... and my plotline for this doesn't stretch as far as the confrontation with Scion. Odin's pretty much called dibs on that, but he recognized the fact that he'd be robbing Taylor of that sweet, sweet boss XP... so he's helping her out in his own way with a little gift.

And finally... I like to slip humour in where I can, but this isn't going to be an entirely fluffy fic. I can't Jangle as well as the Jingly, and this isn't going to go as dark as Burn Up... but Taylor is damaged goods no matter how you frame it. But Odin saw something there worth an intercession.
Just read the second chapter, and so far this story seems awesome in the making. I just have two artistic critiques.

One. Why would Odin just commission another Mjoliner, even down to the 'Worthniess' spell? Only change seems to be the gender use of its wording.

Two. I would have really liked seeing this Odin doing an ex machina on Taylor here. A little walk with him telling why he gave her a different power than what she was destined for, and boost her confidence a little before future trials. :D
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Also, I like stories with a defined beginning, middle, and end, even if the ending is open with possibility... and my plotline for this doesn't stretch as far as the confrontation with Scion. Odin's pretty much called dibs on that, but he recognized the fact that he'd be robbing Taylor of that sweet, sweet boss XP... so he's helping her out in his own way with a little gift.
Okay but now I want to see Cauldron's reaction to realizing that all the sacrifices they made, and every horrible act they ever committed, were all pointless because a supremely powerful cosmic being wanted something to beat up to take his mind off of his own problems and Scion was convenient.
Just read the second chapter, and so far this story seems awesome in the making. I just have two artistic critiques.

One. Why would Odin just commission another Mjoliner, even down to the 'Worthniess' spell? Only change seems to be the gender use of its wording.

Two. I would have really liked seeing this Odin doing an ex machina on Taylor here. A little walk with him telling why he gave her a different power than what she was destined for, and boost her confidence a little before future trials. :D
Dunno about Comic Odin, but mythology Odin was a cryptic, unhelpful bastard whenever he meddled in the affairs of mortals.
Two. I would have really liked seeing this Odin doing an ex machina on Taylor here. A little walk with him telling why he gave her a different power than what she was destined for, and boost her confidence a little before future trials. :D
If Taylor and Odin aren't going to go on a hunt against Scion, I'd like for them to have a chat, hopefully on Asgard.

Okay but now I want to see Cauldron's reaction to realizing that all the sacrifices they made, and every horrible act they ever committed, were all pointless because a supremely powerful cosmic being wanted something to beat up to take his mind off of his own problems and Scion was convenient.
This too would be highly amusing.

Top it off by grinding the heal (and hate boner) in with Loki whispering in their ears "How will you live with yourself in the knowledge that all you strove for, all that you have sacrificed was for nothing? Your only accomplishment being the staining of your soul, to the point that your only reward will be Helas not so tender mercies in death."

Wasn't he a female horse when that happened?
Yeah he was. He turned into a mare to distract Slephnirs father, iirc. He rolled a critical success on that event.
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Okay but now I want to see Cauldron's reaction to realizing that all the sacrifices they made, and every horrible act they ever committed, were all pointless because a supremely powerful cosmic being wanted something to beat up to take his mind off of his own problems and Scion was convenient.
It's not like they can believe in Odin sincere intention. After all, they have quite a lot of experience with one Hero-ish like creature.
It's not like they can believe in Odin sincere intention. After all, they have quite a lot of experience with one Hero-ish like creature.
Nono, that's the thing though. He'll be completely upfront about it. "Saving you is not why I am here. That just happens to be a lucky side effect for you. I'm here to hit things really hard until I am no longer pissed off. And Scion there looks like it might actually take a few hits to take down.


Also, my kid has a soft spot for you puny insignificant mortals for some reason, a reason beyond me, so that also helps me patch things up with the kid. He'd be even more pissed at me if his favorite planet got blown up."
Just read the second chapter, and so far this story seems awesome in the making. I just have two artistic critiques.

One. Why would Odin just commission another Mjoliner, even down to the 'Worthniess' spell? Only change seems to be the gender use of its wording.

Two. I would have really liked seeing this Odin doing an ex machina on Taylor here. A little walk with him telling why he gave her a different power than what she was destined for, and boost her confidence a little before future trials. :D
For the record, comic book odin has actually done this "copy-paste mjolnir" thing several times already.
Why do people always assume tinkertech when encountering extraordinary objects? I mean, they have Dauntless and Miss Militia right ther in the Bay.