A Little Trouble in Big China - A Chinese Warlord Quest

I've no problem with the additions, save this:

It seems unlikely that it will be enough- perhaps threatening those who leave with having their properties taken and used to help the needy (be it selling them, and using the proceeds, or whatever) and taking the property of the ones that have left to make it clear it is a real threat? (As well as to stop the brain-drain).

And the fact that you haven't added anything related to the call for elections, which will only grow louder as time passes, and, given the land reform just passed, is very unlikely to result in anything other than a crushing victory for the KMT (or KMT-CCP, if the United Front is formed).
To be clear I intend to use them as cash cows and milk them dry and Welp, I forgot that part be right back with an update.
To be clear I intend to use them as cash cows and milk them dry and Welp, I forgot that part be right back with an update.
Yes, that is all fine by me, expansion of territory with internal development. Only matter would be the whole "Five Yuans" weirdness of the KMT, but if even the KMT in Taiwan doesn't know what to do with it, it can just be ignored.
It seems that, except for Shanghai and the Qing, no one has a modern shipyard, which means that you've got a monopoly on building steam warships (although river ships and ferries would be easier to build, and anyone can build Naval mines, which where already deployed to great effect in China).

You're right about that and I have since amended Chiang's plan to start up naval production. The gunboats should help the KMT out in the field along with preparing us for production of true steam warships in the following turns. We might even be able to oppose Japan's navy given enough time though I seriously doubt it.
You're right about that and I have since amended Chiang's plan to start up naval production. The gunboats should help the KMT out in the field along with preparing us for production of true steam warships in the following turns. We might even be able to oppose Japan's navy given enough time though I seriously doubt it.

Only fear I have is provoking Japan into attacking early, but since a good navy has to be built years before the war, best to start early, really. In any case, at most, Japan will invade Shanghai and force some concessions, because they aren't quite so warmongering at this point.
Anyone else voting for either Chiang Kai Shek or Du Yuesheng?!

Anyone else voting for Du Yuesheng or Chiang Kai Shek?!
[X] Du "Big-Eared Du" Yuesheng: Han mob boss who has a controlling interest in Shanghai and worked with elements of the Republicans. Ties with elements of the Chinese Revolutionary Party (Kemingtang).
[X] kilopi505's Plan
@Dadarian, several questions.

1) I thought the Hall Rifle idea failed. Why are Hall rifles present in the 2nd battle of Kanchow?

2) How many languages are being taught right now in the Foreign Language Program? And how many former prostitutes turned teachers? If you have no preferences then may I suggest the languages being taught and the numbers of teachers?

1) A rolled again to see if it was successful in Canton, you can read in the update that it was and is being produced.

2) Probably two (English and French) and maybe a handful. Most prostitutes stayed prostitutes because they didn't have a choice to leave.

How are the power balance currently among the various factions? Like roughly from an outsider's view.

Is Pu Yi still under Prince Chun's "faction" (powerless as it is)?

The powerbalance is very fine. First the idea that Pu Yi is under Prince Chun's faction is inherently wrong, as Prince Chun is a politically impotent individual. The true power behind the throne has the Lord of the Privy Seal. It is balanced between the Fengtian Clique (you), Zhili Clique (Cao Kun), and the Anhui Clique (Duan Qirui).

Fengtian Clique has been incredibly insular so have sacrificed much of their initial power within the court to the Zhili and Anhui Cliques. Zhili Clique is incredibly powerful, having strong armies and good generals, but have to balance keeping down the Anhui Clique (their rivals) and managing the Western warlords (who are all kinda just loyal because there's not good impetus to leave). The Anhui Clique is one of the most unified, but the recent loss to the Zhili Clique saw the loss of untold influence.

An outsider viewer would see a vitalised Zhili, and grumbling Anhui, and a fumbling (if domestically powerful) Fengtian.
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A vote for Zhang faction is a vote for strenghting Manchuria army and industry! We aim to fortify the industrial heart of China against the growing threats of Qing, Communist, and Japanese threats. Zhang, a faction you can depend on!

[] Zhang Zuolin: Han General, disgraced former-President of the Beiyang Republic, Leader of the Fengtian Clique.
-[] Manchuria Reform
Reform the current Manchuria organization into Provincial Government of Manchuria and Banner Army into North-East Defense Army, with Zuolin and Xueliang remaining as head and heir/general respectively. Promote loyal and able people within to fill out the expanded positions, and start recruitment for lower positions, especially the educated migrants.
Setup Office of standardization with focus on working with military goods manufactures to push standardization and quality improvements for military supply.
Setup Book Keeping and Payroll offices to ensure all the taxes, salaries, and money stuff are watched and regulated. See if there are educated elites from Qing court wanting to change career, fair work environment with path to higher position must be better than the toxic court environment. Merit and honesty will be paid very well.
Expand Office of Specialist and Talents to increase security.
Setup Veteran Outreach Board with intent to find jobs for retiring or crippled soldiers/officers, preferably in government/military or military goods factories. This is for passing on Zhang faction goodwill among workers and ensure loyals are looked after.
Authorize Xueliang to restart late Yuan's military academy as "Fengtian Military Academy" for military education and training, recruits are scouted from existing army and those under training for suitable qualities. The academy should draw up and simulate defensive plans for attacks from all sides.
Setup "Northern Agricultural Exports" (NAE) company that works with all resource extraction companies and factories to consolidates imports and exports for increasing profit for everyone, no slavery allowed. Zhang family and supporter's families should some have stake in this company, recruit employees and investors from the migrants too. Use NAE to recruit European war veterans/specialists for employment in Manchuria (sort of like job agency), focus on those unemployed in their country.
Expand the North-East Defense Army with training camps for new recruits and retraining of existing soldiers. Retraining of existing soldiers shall serve as honorably discharging crippled/retired/unfit soldiers to Veteran Outreach Board, loyalty reinforcement from promotions and associated increases in benefits, and leadership training to lead new soldiers as sergeants or higher.
Existing trade with Sun Republic will be ceased, non-government trade (smuggling) may continue should proper payments are deposited into Zhang faction's secret army account.
Gift a selection of industrial and agricultural goods to Cao Kun, Zhang Xun, and Xu Shichang. Assure Cao Kun that Zhang faction have no ambition, and foster good will with Zhang Xun and Xu Shichang. See if Xu Shichang is interested in setting up education clubs in Manchuria, for increasing education among middle class.
Encourage communists and the like to migrate out of Manchuria, Government of Manchuria will pay for cheap ship tickets going to southern coastal cities.
Discreetly reach out to Weimar Republic for economic and other (military) deals, good trades should open them up for getting advisors (including discharged unemployed officers) to work for Government of Manchuria.
[X] Zhang Zuolin: Han General, disgraced former-President of the Beiyang Republic, Leader of the Fengtian Clique.
-[X] Manchuria Reform
These warlords are basically held together by Wu Peifu, who, given his anti-japanese views, would be better sidelined unless war with Japan suddenly happens. He's basically a very nationalist warlord, so Zhang is really the only one who could poach him, but Zhang is very dependant on the Japanese, so he can't do so either. Attempting an assasination at some point might leave Zhili in chaos, allowing for a quick, all-or-nothing Expedition.

Anhui is basically dead- Zhili will gobble it up, which could prove a military distraction.

Discreetly reach out to Weimar Republic for economic and other (military) deals, good trades should open them up for getting advisors (including discharged unemployed officers) to work for Government of Manchuria.
This is very good for Fengtian- Chiang's finest divisions were german-trained. You could be more ambitious, like the RoC was historically, patience could be dangerous- more rolls to potentially fail.
I can see Fengtian taking over Northern China in a few turns, if they take out Wu Peifu or, as historically, bribe some Zhili generals or warlords to switch sides at crucial points.
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[X] Sun Yat-sen: Han Revolutionary and leader of the Chinese National Party. Founder of the Chinese Republic.
[X] Plan Internal improvements : Create a military academy in Whampoa with the aim of creating an officer corps loyal to the Republic and not to the warlords. Establish a bureau of Infrastructure with the task of building infrastructure to support the communes and to ease logistics to the front. An Anti-Banditry campaign must also be launched with the aim of eradicating Bai's group and other bandit groups, ask the local communes to aid our efforts by providing information we should also build guardposts along the supply routes to deter bandit attacks.
This is very good for Fengtian- Chiang's finest divisions were german-trained. You could be more ambitious, like the RoC was historically, patience could be dangerous- more rolls to potentially fail.
I can see Fengtian taking over Northern China in a few turns, if they take out Wu Peifu or, as historically, bribe some Zhili generals or warlords to switch sides at crucial points.

Depending on how reform went Zhang faction may launch attacks. How's reclamation of Manchuria Rails sound? :V
Depending on how reform went Zhang faction may launch attacks. How's reclamation of Manchuria Rails sound? :V
Attacking Japan? Much more daring than I would have thought you would be. If those reforms work well enough, combined with your past continous reforms, you should have the best equipped, best trained, and possibly best supplied army in China. Still, unless you manage to get the rest of the Qing warlords to help you, although you'll likely start off winning (as the Japanese army did not reach 300,000 men until 1927), I don't know if you'll be able to throw Japan out of the Mainland before they mobilize (roughly a month), not to mention the fact that the Whites are north of you, allied to Japan, and Japan has forces stationed there. Honestly, I would wait a year more, as that was when Japan left Russia. Still, hats off to you.
Attacking Japan? Much more daring than I would have thought you would be. If those reforms work well enough, combined with your past continous reforms, you should have the best equipped, best trained, and possibly best supplied army in China. Still, unless you manage to get the rest of the Qing warlords to help you, although you'll likely start off winning (as the Japanese army did not reach 300,000 men until 1927), I don't know if you'll be able to throw Japan out of the Mainland before they mobilize (roughly a month), not to mention the fact that the Whites are north of you, allied to Japan, and Japan has forces stationed there. Honestly, I would wait a year more, as that was when Japan left Russia. Still, hats off to you.

While it is only a semi joke idea, I think i might be able to whip up fervor by spinning this as anti "Twenty-One Demands" movement. White Russia might object but seeing i'm their only supplier with railroad (once i seized it) they may play ball. British and Yankee would likely support this move as it snubs the Japanese and creates wiggle room for their interests.
While it is only a semi joke idea, I think i might be able to whip up fervor by spinning this as anti "Twenty-One Demands" movement. White Russia might object but seeing i'm their only supplier with railroad (once i seized it) they may play ball. British and Yankee would likely support this move as it snubs the Japanese and creates wiggle room for their interests.
Oh, you would certainly gain an inmense boost in public support and legitimacy, no doubt about that. However, even if (and this is a very big if) the Japanese government does not immediately declare war, the military would promptly coup the government and start preparing for total war over all China much sooner. I hadn't thought about diplomatic help from other governments- if more is promised to them, you could certainly gain a few nations putting pressure on Japan.
[X] Zhang Zuolin: Han General, disgraced former-President of the Beiyang Republic, Leader of the Fengtian Clique.
-[X] Manchuria Reform
@Dadarian...it's kinda confusing narrativewise when you never actually use the names of the rifles and just make vague descriptions of them in quest. Could you mention the names?

Also, what's the reaction of the worldwide military community to the dramatic and successful appearance of the Hall rifle in the 2nd battle of Kanchow?

Shock? Incredulous laughter?
@Dadarian...it's kinda confusing narrativewise when you never actually use the names of the rifles and just make vague descriptions of them in quest. Could you mention the names?

Also, what's the reaction of the worldwide military community to the dramatic and successful appearance of the Hall rifle in the 2nd battle of Kanchow?

Shock? Incredulous laughter?

Abstraction is good, less hassal for everyone. I would think various kind of amusement for using ancient (by military standard) design as regular equip. But hey, a bullet flying is a bullet flying. :V

On a side note, would you like to work with me in smuggling? I need some way to sell to republic and spite Cap Kun, and you need more personal income to wrestle Tong control from other Dongs.
@Dadarian...it's kinda confusing narrativewise when you never actually use the names of the rifles and just make vague descriptions of them in quest. Could you mention the names?

Also, what's the reaction of the worldwide military community to the dramatic and successful appearance of the Hall rifle in the 2nd battle of Kanchow?

Shock? Incredulous laughter?

Fair enough, going forward I'll use the actual names. Not my writing style though.

And I don't think anyone paid any attention. Too busy on their various fronts.
Abstraction is good, less hassal for everyone. I would think various kind of amusement for using ancient (by military standard) design as regular equip. But hey, a bullet flying is a bullet flying. :V

On a side note, would you like to work with me in smuggling? I need some way to sell to republic and spite Cap Kun, and you need more personal income to wrestle Tong control from other Dongs.

Because even this early copyrights are serious business. For example, if the Manchurian rifles are clones of say...Lee Enfield? And done without permission?

Boy oh boy the Manchurian companies better be ready for interesting times via British 'pay us for permission to create our products plus fines or else' indignation.
Vote for the CPC! Vote for economic democracy, socialism and the livelihood of the people!

[]Chen Duxiu
[] Plan Founding a Party

Use the energy of the May Fourth Movement to gain more student adherents. Declare the inmmediate need for complete land reform, and laud the KMT efforts for it. Support Left Unity, allying and supporting with any anarchist, socialist, or leftists movement (including the KMT, and, if possible, the Kemintang) in China. Reach out to all leftist parties, syndicates, and other organizations around the world in an attempt to gain industrial intelligence, blueprints, and foreign advisers for China. Send people to Soviet Russia to be trained and to learn, as well as to gain their support. Create Work-Study programs to send chinese to European countries to work for their living while gaining an education, and after return to China. Create a party newspaper, to be used in the cities and wherever they can be read. Be completely open to any refugees from the Fengtian, and offer them aid and membership.

Send men to as many cities as possible to expand the number of party members and support the creation of labor unions. Open the internal structure and decentralize the Party, so that anyone can enter it, and to allow greater reaction speed and get more membership or sympathizers. Expand study circles in order to teach those new to the party. Found secret societies in Qing-controlled China, to be controlled by peasants, that will allow them to democratically govern and organize themselves for the future. Create free (or very cheap) medical associations and schools around China, especially in villages, to gain the peoples support and better their livelyhood. Have Zhang Guotao raise small militias wherever he can and train them, while smuggling or, if allowed, giving out propaganda into the armies of all combatants, especially attempting to reach officers and gain adherents in Whampoa.

Add the CPC's voice to the call of elections, and attempt to gain enough votes to have some representation in the parliament, while offering a full coalition to the KMT.
[X] Sun Yat-sen: Han Revolutionary and leader of the Chinese National Party. Founder of the Chinese Republic.
How's Zhang faction's internal feeling towards the Japanese? Is it realistic to believe the entire faction will move as one against Japanese for reclamation of Manchuria Rails?

Which foreign powers have stake in Zhang faction and in Manchuria?
How's Zhang faction's internal feeling towards the Japanese? Is it realistic to believe the entire faction will move as one against Japanese for reclamation of Manchuria Rails?

Which foreign powers have stake in Zhang faction and in Manchuria?

The whole of the Fengtian Clique will move under Zhang, however they are not the only clique within Manchura. For example, the Old Communication Clique have their fingers in Manchurian industry, especially in light of the KMT's social reforms and the New Communication Clique's attachments to the Anhui Clique.

Further, the whole of the Fengtian Clique will move as one unless there are efforts to divide them, which given both Zuolin's patronage of Xueliang and Chinese warlords as a general rule will occur.

In summary, here is a rough list of those non-Fengtian with a stake in Manchuria:
- Old Communications Clique (industry / medium to minor)
- New Communications Clique (industry / minor to very minor)
- Japanese (industry & transport / heavy)
- White Russian (arms industry / heavy to medium)
- British (personnel / minor but very important)