A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF)

[O] What pleasantries cannot provide, pain shall. Your father would have stopped talking far earlier, you suspect. Should you mimic him in this as well?

The two hour warning is up but I might as well put in my two cents.

In the interest of playing devil's advocate: If she is an idealist, maybe when she is confronted with the seriousness of the situation she will fold. She does not strike me as a particularly hardcore person if a few words can rattle her then the prospect of some real pain will likely loosen her tongue. I think she is in way over head and turning the situation up to notch might be enough to break her will so that she spills everything.
Interrogating the Fawn
There was a long silence as you simply stood there, meeting the bandit maiden's gaze wordlessly. Was she attempting to see your true nature, as you were with her?

Perhaps then she would see that there was nothing you would not do to protect your family.

At long last she broke the staring competition, her eyes darting downward and then back again. "We're trying to help people."

"So am I," you responded instantly. "And I dare say I'm doing a better job of it. I want to protect your people, but I can't do that unless you give me what I need."

There was a fire in her eyes and for a heartbeat you wondered if she was going to spit again. "And why should I believe you, Lannister? I know your name, who your father is. All the good King Aegon did for us undone by the great Tywin Lannister!"

"I am not my father!" you snarled, and you were surprised at the anger in your voice. You weren't, were you?

"How can I believe that? You're asking me to trust you, to risk hundreds of lives on your word. How can I trust you, Ser Jaime Lannister?"

You let out a tortured breath. You were somewhat of an amateur at interrogation, but you were pretty sure the prisoner was the one meant to feel uncomfortable. How could you explain that in Tywin Lannister's custody she would right now be enjoying Amory Lorch's tender mercies? How could you reconcile that ruthless nature with the man who was your father, with the doe-eyed girl staring up at you?

"You're just going to have to have faith," you said lamely. It sounded empty even to you. You took a deep, steadying breath. "No… more than faith. You may trust that I will do something if I say I will. You say you know my name. Well, Lannisters pay their debts, and we keep our word. I keep my word."

You paused once more, and her brown eyes met your own intense green. Her glare had softened slightly.

Before she could respond, you said, "I have matters to attend to in camp. I'll return shortly, and perhaps you will have considered my words."

Without hesitation, you swept out of the tent, and ordered two of your men to guard the White Fawn. They had orders to not speak to her, but were also told not to treat her badly. From there you moved about the camp energetically. You checked on the men at watch, the injured, and those who hovered by campfires in companionable conversation. One and all deferred to you, but you were pleased to see their weapons remained in easy reach and their cups were full of watered wine.

The Traitors would not take you unawares. Ser Brynden had seen to that, and every man told you so. Like your father, Ser Brynden was one of those rare men who lived up to the rumors about him.

After almost three full hours, you returned to the tent.

Wenda was waiting for you, as was to be expected given that you had chained her up. Her eyes rose to regard you as you approached her.

She was truly lovely, particularly for a commoner girl, but you could not let yourself forget who she was. Were you in her position you doubted you would have been shown much mercy. At the very least you would be having trouble sitting down.

But that didn't matter, not if you were supposed to be better, supposed to be nobler.

"Are you ready to let me help you? Tell me what I want to know, and I'll do what is in my power."

She bit her lip, emotions warring on her face. You said nothing more, content to let her choose. If she said nothing… well, you had done your best to help her. Your family, your sister would always come first.

"They aren't keeping the prisoners at the main camp. They're in a smaller camp with only a few men guarding them, deeper in the woods. Lord Simon said that they were going to use them to make life better for us, but there were ships-"

She looked at you, and anger, fear, and so much more flashed across her pretty features. "They never gave a shit about any of us, did they? We were always supposed to die for their mission. I can tell you where it is. I can take you there."

You pulled a map of the Kingswood from your saddlebags. "Show me."

She pointed with one finger to a cove on the Narrow Sea. "Ja- Lord Jaime, perhaps you had best hurry. Last I heard they were going to move the hostages."

She said something else, but your thoughts were whirling! Moving hostages. Narrow Sea. Traitors. The encoded letter in an Essosi cypher…


[] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.
-[] Leave Wenda under guard. No point in risking a sudden reversal of opinion.
[] It's far too risky to attempt something heroic and brash on your own. You need to wait for Ser Arthur and the rest of camp and then provide them with this information.
[] Take this information to Ser Brynden. He is an experienced knight and will know what to do, though doing this will mean sacrificing any control you have over the situation.
[] Write-in.
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So I am guessing Blackfryers (Spelling for plural form)? They are the best bet for wanting to unseat the current king.
[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Leave Wenda under guard. No point in risking a sudden reversal of opinion.

Well, this is the brash option. But it seems like the one most likely to get results in time. Gerold is probably going to be risked though.
[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.

For once in this quest, Jaime needs to grow some fucking balls and not wait for or defer to his father or whoever the local commander is.

If we don't move right now, the King and our sister are lost to us, potentially forever.

We'll take the girl, she knows the terrain and the departure point.
[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.
[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.
[] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.

Can't vote, but this is how I would do it.

Jaime needs to take action and get a move on. We don't have time to mess about and this is his time to shine. Perhaps glory hunting could be seen in a negative light, but I feel Jaime could rescue and succeed with the consequences. I would bring Wenda along because she's interesting, but as the vote says, she also has useful knowledge.
Jaime has plenty of balls Corvus. He just isn't an idiot, and that worked it out pretty well. But I agree. It's time to take a risk. Cersei and the others cannot go to Essos.

[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.
Now that I think about it, she could be leading us by the nose. Pretty captured enemy girl exploiting the hero's naivete to lead him into a trap? A classic.
[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.
-[X] Try to convince Brynden to come with you: Tell him we're not someone prone to rash actions nor easily fooled, as he could see with Lord Tyrell. We would not act on this if there were nothing to back their claims. It makes sense according to the information the Prince found and according to their prior conduct. They do have Essosi on their side, this is just another piece of evidence. Either way, we're going no matter what, even if we go alone. But we know if we are to succeed with our loved ones intact we need his expertise. We will beg and humble ourselves if we need to, to convince him.

Talked to Mazrick, he said we could bring Black fish with us and a write-in would help convince him.

Edit: Bringing Blackfish with us would be a huge deal. He has a lot of experience in general as well as expertise in this type of thing. We need to stack the deck in anyway we can. Plus, he might make it less likely we end up ambushed.

Edit2: Went with the other write-in.
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[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.

There's a time for caution, and a time for boldness. This is one of the latter.

Granted, there is a chance it could all go horribly wrong, but that can make for a fun story too.
Balckfish is worth it.

[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.
-[X] Try to convince Brynden to come with you: Tell him we're not someone prone to rash actions nor easily fooled, as he could see with Lord Tyrell. We would not act on this if there were nothing to back their claims. It makes sense according to the information the Prince found and according to their prior conduct. They do have Essosi on their side, this is just another piece of evidence. Either way, we're going no matter what, even if we go alone. But we know if we are to succeed with our loved ones intact we need his expertise. We will beg and humble ourselves if we need to convince him.
[X] You can't afford to wait for Arthur Dayne and the main camp. The Kingswood Brotherhood has no reason to stay in Westeros and Cersei might be long gone by the time you get to her. Take Gerold and as many good men as will follow you to pull off a rescue mission.
-[X] Bring Wenda with you. She could prove useful with her knowledge of the people and woods.

Yes, there's the risk she'll turn on us. Then again, her knowladge is pretty much the only way we'll get there in time and without falling into a trap on the way.