A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF)

[] Follow the routed bandits. You should be able to find their base and have the initiative.

This is a big risk and I am/would be wary of getting Aerys killed with this. Remember guys we want the wacko around for another year at least so our bastard can be born otherwise we see King Aegon the too manyth.

On the other hand if Cersei dies we win twice over. First since no more chance of twincest, at least I hope not. :p Secondly there is no way we can conceivably be blamed for helping and y'all know that Tywin would be accused by some in the current court.
The White Fawn and the Golden Lion
After a bit of discussion where your position as heir to Casterly Rock afforded you certain power, it was decided that your group of scouts would hold position and take up a defensive posture. Riders were sent back to camp and some of the more fierce men continued forward to harry the traitors as they headed back to their base.

The duty of interrogating the White Fawn was given over to you, for now at least. You were far from experienced in such matters, but then few nobles were.

That was what torturers were for, after all.

Looking at the pretty girl--more than pretty, if you were honest--you repressed your anger. No matter how innocent she looked, she was a traitor, and her band had kidnapped your sister.

"So," you began as she eyed you warily. There was fear in her eyes, and now wonder. You were giving her your level best 'Lord Tywin Lannister glare.' "I suppose right now is when I'm supposed to ask what exactly gets a pretty young girl into the business of branding arses and murdering princes. But the truth is, I don't really care who you are or why you do what you do. You know where my sister is and you will tell me."

She snarled and spat at you. With an air of nonchalance you stepped out of her range. "I have nothing to say to you highborn."

You raised an eyebrow. "Something personal then. A mother or sister raped by some noble heir, or perhaps it was you. Did some knight kill your father and steal what was yours?"

You grabbed her by the chin and forced brown doe-eyes to meet your narrowed green ones. "And that justifies what you have done? The murder of Prince Rhaegar, a man who was beloved by the smallfolk for his kindness and honor. Taking my sister so that she and the others can suffer everything that lords do to lowborn girls. Is that what you want? Because I assure you, the smallfolk of the Kingswood will not lead happier lives when our time is done here."

There was fear in her eyes, and something that might have been shame. An idealist then. Someone had hurt her and now she wanted to hurt them back, and everybody like them.

Would she tolerate the same crimes that had driven her to such lengths, if her victims came in dresses and jewels?

Many might. You were no stranger to hypocrisy, not after a few days spent in the muck of King's Landing. But perhaps…

"There are two choices ahead of us," you said, letting nothing of the discomfort you felt show through your voice. Your words were iron, stern and unyielding. "You can cooperate with me and I can protect you and the people you care about. Or you can protect the Smiling Knight and his pack of butchers and our conversation will take a turn for the unpleasant."

How do you wish to proceed?
[] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
[] What pleasantries cannot provide, pain shall. Your father would have stopped talking far earlier, you suspect. Should you mimic him in this as well?
[] Write-in
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[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

While breaking her might get results, it might get any results. Like someone said, torture is wildly unreliable, people will tell you what they think you want just to make the pain stop. She might also just try to kill herself, specially if she was raped before and panics. It's harder, but let the Lion of Lannister do another thing of legend.
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[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
Maybe a combination of the 2 votes? Threaten to kill all of the Kingswood small folks unless she tells us what we need to know?
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

I can't imagine Arthur Dayne being happy with us breaking out the torture tools, when/if he finds out. Not to mention torturing a helpless prisoner might push Jaime himself in some unpleasant directions. Plus, as Jean Danjou brought up, the effectiveness of torture is questionable, while turning her to our side gives us a very big coup.
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

Okay. Jaime use this girl's idealism, her guily at what she's done, your good lucksm and your wit to charm her to your side.
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

"There are two choices ahead of us," you said, letting nothing of the discomfort you felt show through your voice. Your words were iron, stern and unyielding. "You can cooperate with me and I can protect you and the people you care about. Or you can protect the Smiling Knight and his pack of butchers and our conversation will take a turn for the unpleasant."
After saying the above, I feel obliged to at least give her some semblance of choice. Otherwise it's just a dick move. "We have two choices here person about to be interrogated. The easy way or the hard way."


"No, you don't get to choose which, I do."
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

Hopefully this works, it seems like it could and it's probably the method Jaime would be most comfortable with. Torture is an option if it fails anyway, but you can't untorture someone.
[] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
- [] (Write-in) "Tell me, what you think it will happen to the people after this rebellion is put down? Because it will be put down; or did you assume that the entirety of smallfolk of the Seven Kingdoms would rise up in brotherly revolt and kill their lords? As you can see, that did not happen. The royal heir is the dead, the king missing, noble ladies of the finest families of the Realm kidnapped and maybe worse. There will be hell to pay. The king burned one of his closest confidants alive because he spoke up against him. What do you think it will happen here? A massacre, it's the only answer these terrified nobles will allow, anything else and they will feel that they have lost. And against the whole Realm, you will crumble, even if they have to burn the entire Kingswood.

Villages will be burned, men and children will be put to the sword while women are raped. No noble will speak against it, how they could? To do it would be akin to speak of treason. Now every time a highborn sees a smallfolk he will see the shadow of revolt, treason and death; all thanks to you. All because you were played by the Smiling Knight. Do you think he did not know what it would bring? He always knew, he just did not care for he has other objectives. Even if the Realm was reduced to ashes he would not care. You are his puppets, dancing to his tune as he pulls upon your strings.

I can protect you though, I can protect you and those you care for. I am the Lion of Lannister, heir to Casterly Rock and son of Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King. No family is higher on the Dragon's esteem. Help me, help me to rescue my sister and those that have been taken by this injustice and I give you my word that I will protect you all. No sane man would challenge me, and if someone does Lionheart will meet them. A Lannister always pays his debt, and I swear to you if you help me I will be in your debt. Those that stand against me will be destroyed utterly: rape, torture, burned, and hanged; no one will stop it, much less think it. There will be no mercy from the Dragon, but the Lion is merciful for those who bend the knee."

@Cxjenious Use the edited version by Silveraith.
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[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

Hopefully this works, it seems like it could and it's probably the method Jaime would be most comfortable with. Torture is an option if it fails anyway, but you can't untorture someone.

Sure you can, Coil does it all the time. :D
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
- [] (Write-in) "Tell me, what do you think will happen after this rebellion is put down? Because it will be put down - the lords assembled here will see to it. Or did you assume that smallfolk across the realm would rise up in brotherly revolt and kill their lords? Form up a great host of farmers and tanners, armed with hoes and pitchforks?

The crown prince is dead, the king missing, noble ladies of the finest families of the realm kidnapped - perhaps worse. The king burned alive one of his most trusted advisors because he spoke up against him; the deepest pits of the seven hells will seem as a mercy compared to what will befall you and yours. The most black-hearted of men will look upon your remains and weep. And when you and your friends are dead, and this forest is a smoking lichyard, the smallfolk will not celebrate your memory. They will not band together and fight the crown. They will curse you, blame you for their hardships. There are very few laws protecting smallfolk; after this, there will be none.

Do you even know what you are fighting for? Who you're fighting for? The Smiling Knight cares naught for you or your ideals, and his patron lord cares less. You are a puppet, girl, you and all your fellows, dancing to a madman's tune.

Your future is bleak, but it need not be. The dragon will offer you no succor, but the lion is merciful to those who bend the knee. Tell me what I want to know, and I swear on my honor as a Lannister that I will see you and yours free from harm."
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[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
- [X] (Write-in) "Tell me, what you think it will happen to the people after this rebellion is put down? Because it will be put down. Or did you assume that the entirety of smallfolk of the Seven Kingdoms would rise up in brotherly revolt and kill their nobles? As you can see, that did not happen. The Royal Heir is the dead. The King missing. Noble women of the finest families of the realm kidnapped, maybe raped. There will be hell to pay. The King burned one of his closest confidants alive because he spoke up against him. What do you think it will happen here? A massacre, it's the only answer these terrified nobles will allow, anything else and they will feel that they have lost. And against the whole Realm, you will crumble, even if they have to burn the entire Kingswood.

Villages will be burned. Men and children murdered. Women raped and then murdered. No noble will speak against it, how they could? To do it would be akin to speak of treason. Now every time a noble sees his peasants he will see the shadow of revolt, treason and murder. Because of you. Because you were played by the Smiling Knight. Or do you think he did not know what it would bring? He always knew. He just did not care. Because he has other objectives, and if the whole Westeros burned, he would not care. You were his puppets, dancing to his tune.

But I can protect you. You and those you care. I am the Lion of Lannister, Heir to Casterly Rock and Heir of Tywin Lannister. No family is higher on the dragon's esteem. Help me, help me to rescue my sister and the others, and I give you my word that I will protect you and your loved ones. No sane man will challenge me, and if someone does, Lionheart will meet them. A Lannister always pays his debt, and I swear to you, help me, and you will all be under my banner. Deny me, and all will die, tortured or raped, burned alive or hanged, and no one will stop it, or even try to. There will be no mercy from the dragon, but the Lion is merciful for those who bow."

Very long winded, but I like it.
A few grammar mistakes and places where certain words would be better. An example would be using Bend instead of Bow as a play on the phrase "to bend the knee".
A few grammar mistakes and places where certain words would be better. An example would be using Bend instead of Bow as a play on the phrase "to bend the knee".

Would you mind making a corrected version? English is not my first language and such mistakes I tend to pass by, and I'm curently busy finishing (a very delayed) update.
Would you mind making a corrected version? English is not my first language and such mistakes I tend to pass by, and I'm curently busy finishing (a very delayed) update.
Here you go.
[] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
- [] (Write-in) "Tell me, what you think it will happen to the people after this rebellion is put down? Because it will be put down; or did you assume that the entirety of smallfolk of the Seven Kingdoms would rise up in brotherly revolt and kill their lords? As you can see, that did not happen. The royal heir is the dead, the king missing, noble ladies of the finest families of the Realm kidnapped and maybe worse. There will be hell to pay. The king burned one of his closest confidants alive because he spoke up against him. What do you think it will happen here? A massacre, it's the only answer these terrified nobles will allow, anything else and they will feel that they have lost. And against the whole Realm, you will crumble, even if they have to burn the entire Kingswood.

Villages will be burned, men and children will be put to the sword while women are raped. No noble will speak against it, how they could? To do it would be akin to speak of treason. Now every time a highborn sees a smallfolk he will see the shadow of revolt, treason and death; all thanks to you. All because you were played by the Smiling Knight. Do you think he did not know what it would bring? He always knew, he just did not care for he has other objectives. Even if the Realm was reduced to ashes he would not care. You are his puppets, dancing to his tune as he pulls upon your strings.

I can protect you though, I can protect you and those you care for. I am the Lion of Lannister, heir to Casterly Rock and son of Tywin Lannister, Hand of the King. No family is higher on the Dragon's esteem. Help me, help me to rescue my sister and those that have been taken by this injustice and I give you my word that I will protect you all. No sane man would challenge me, and if someone does Lionheart will meet them. A Lannister always pays his debt, and I swear to you if you help me I will be in your debt. Those that stand against me will be destroyed utterly: rape, torture, burned, and hanged; no one will stop it, much less think it. There will be no mercy from the Dragon, but the Lion is merciful for those who bend the knee."
I had only skimmed over the write-in before, but now that I've read it, I think saying just a little less might be better - I mean, everyone knows a Lannister pays his debts, or that we're hot shit - I also think letting it drop that the Brotherhood is backed by a lord might help:

- [] (Write-in) "Tell me, what do you think will happen after this rebellion is put down? Because it will be put down - the lords assembled here will see to it. Or did you assume that smallfolk across the realm would rise up in brotherly revolt and kill their lords? Form up a great host of farmers and tanners, armed with hoes and pitchforks?

The crown prince is dead, the king missing, noble ladies of the finest families of the realm kidnapped - perhaps worse. The king burned alive one of his most trusted advisors because he spoke up against him; the deepest pits of the seven hells will seem as a mercy compared to what will befall you and yours. The most black-hearted of men will look upon your remains and weep. And when you and your friends are dead, and this forest is a smoking lichyard, the smallfolk will not celebrate your memory. They will not band together and fight the crown. They will curse you, blame you for their hardships. There are very few laws protecting smallfolk; after this, there will be none.

Do you even know what you are fighting for? Who you're fighting for? The Smiling Knight cares naught for you or your ideals, and his patron lord cares less. You are a puppet, girl, you and all your fellows, dancing to a madman's tune.

Your future is bleak, but it need not be. The dragon will offer you no succor, but the lion is merciful to those who bend the knee. Tell me what I want to know, and I swear on my honor as a Lannister that I will see you and yours free from harm."
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It's a great edition Cxjenious, but I have to agree with what was said on rollz. It can't be too confrontational. She is an idealist, simply trying to break her will either make her be defiant or clamp down.

We need a way to show that we are a good option. That we will set it right (as one can) to the right folk. She must believe that she isn't doing this just to save her own skin. Any suggestions?
We can. Partially at least. No need to though. I like the idea of a Lannister alway pays his debts. What we promise, we keep it. Now, if we have to manipulate the facts a little so that she would accept our proposal... Who can blame us?

I think she could be an assent, even after this campaign. Someone who bc an talk to smallfolk and mix in. Always useful. We tell everyone she died. Dye her hair and a few things and pronto.
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

I really don't want pain to be the very first thing Jaime goes to when trying to get information out of a hostage and as has been pointed out, people will say anything to avoid more pain.

You also have to consider that she actually doesn't know the location of the prisoners. Jaime already feels queasy about hurting the girl and if he hurts her for nothing, it could mess with his head.

Besides, isn't it more satisfying to convert naysayers to your side with words, rather than on threat of pain? Who needs to resort to such barbaric methods when you can turn an enemy to your own cause on pure charisma alone.
Preliminary tally: Will try for another update tonight. :D

Vote Tally : A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF) | Page 85 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
No. of Votes: 9

Total No. of Voters: 9
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.
[X] Attempt to turn her. If there is any idealism inside of this girl then let her realize the only hope of the Kingswood's smallfolk is you and the mercy you could win them. Information willingly given could save her and those that she loves.

Tywin is a good man to emulate but there's no point in becoming exactly like him. While we should be willing to resort to violence if necessary there's no reason not to give her a chance, especially as we just said we were going too.

We're also likely to get more information from her this way... As long as it works.