A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF)

[X] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.

Following the bandits just seems too risky. After all, we're on the home ground of a famous band of ambushers. Odds are too good that their retreating forces might lead us into some sort of nasty trap if we try to chase them.
[x] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.

To risky to follow and the trail may go cold if we go back.
[x] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.
Might I suggest sending a few experienced trackers to follow the traitors secretly? Harrying them sounds great and all, but knowing their location without them being aware of that fact could be great knowledge.

Plus, we don't send men to their needless deaths in any unforeseen ambushes.
Yes, sending scouts - perhaps with an experienced scouter like Ser Brynden, might prove prudent. Cautious, skilled men.
Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.

This seems to be the best possible action to take. By sending some men after them we keep them on their toes and stop them from setting any more traps or ambushes on the trail. It also allows us to act quickly when the questioning of the girl provides results.
"So what's this I hear between you and my sister?" said the heir to Winterfell with a wolfish grin.

Harrold Arryn's expression was distant, with dark rings under his eyes. Had his sister been among the maidens taken? You didn't recall seeing her among them at the time, nor any specific threat to House Arryn that might have unnerved him so.

"We plan to elope. While we are betrothed, vows said before a heart tree are no less binding than those before a septon."

Brandon let out a bark-like laugh at that. "Who would have thought Lya would be the first among us to wed? She was so excited to come to the City, but for the last few days she's barely said a word. Has left her chambers maybe once since the royal wedding. Maybe your mountain air will do her some good."

Harrold only frowned. "I only hope I can bring her some measure of happiness."
I've only read the story posts, so someone might have already mentioned this, but is the reason for them eloping the possibility of Lyanna being pregnant with Rhaegar's child? That would explain Lyanna's sudden mood change, and if she killed Rhaegar why Harrold has dark rings under his eyes, or a connection with the bandits would explain them.

Now back to lurking until I have something more to contribute.
I've only read the story posts, so someone might have already mentioned this, but is the reason for them eloping the possibility of Lyanna being pregnant with Rhaegar's child? That would explain Lyanna's sudden mood change, and if she killed Rhaegar why Harrold has dark rings under his eyes, or a connection with the bandits would explain them.

Now back to lurking until I have something more to contribute.
Far more likely she's pregnant with Harrold's child and Harrold is under stress from the whole situation. Rhaegar only hooked up with Lyanna the first time because Elia couldn't have children, Rhaegar wanted his Visenya, and he though mixing Fire and Ice was wise. The fact of the matter is though that Jon was closer to Orys then Vinesya.

It's very unlikely Lyanna, House Stark, or the North/River/Vale alliance killed Rhaegar.
[X] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.
-[X] Send a few experienced trackers to follow the traitors discreetly. It wouldn't do to lose them now.

No need to leave camp now and give the Brotherhood a chance to lay traps, and following after them foolishly is the same as riding into a pre-made trap. Best to hold position and interrogate our prisoner.

I have also taken the liberty of building on the suggestion to send scouts and tacked that onto the vote.
We have 50 men. They have 15 fleeing, and whatever else they may have at camp who dont know we're coming. Waiting here means they'll definately be ready and if they are'nt, they could just execute the prisoners since they know we're coming and just kicked their asses, especialy if we bring even more men.

Sometimes you have to take initiative and gamble.

[X] Follow the routed bandits. You should be able to find their base and have the initiative.
[X] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.

They're crazy fucks who decided that sticking with the guy killing princes and extorting Lords is a good idea. I doubt they're scared after losing, so they're presumably leading us into a trap.
Preliminary tally: Lots of discussion... Guess I'll try to provide more interesting voting opportunities in the future!

Vote Tally : A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF) | Page 83 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[x] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Hold position and take up a defensive posture. Send riders back to camp and men to harry the traitors as they head back to their base.
-[X] Send a few experienced trackers to follow the traitors discreetly. It wouldn't do to lose them now.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Follow the routed bandits. You should be able to find their base and have the initiative.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 8
So I asked Mazrick a few questions in Rolz and thought I'd pass the info on.
  • It's getting late in the day. Maybe 4 hours of light left.
  • There were half a dozen or so scouting parties sent out. (Of which we were one)
  • Tywin is at the camp we'd be falling back too and it's 2-3 hours away. The camp is 2-3 hours away. Tywin isn't there, I misunderstood Mazrick.
With that in mind I don't see any good reason to Hold Position rather than just falling back, unless we plan to act on the information we get from interrogating this girl without waiting on any reinforcements. We might as well fall back to the camp and interrogate her there and set out fresh in the morning. Holding this position overnight with the few men we have would be very dangerous.

[X] Retreat back to camp with your captive. After you have more information and men, you will attack.
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Calling vote in 4 hours, if there is no real discussion or a contest between the winning votes.
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[X] Retreat back to camp with your captive. After you have more information and men, you will attack.

Yeah, bringing possibly actionable information back to the main camp is the right way to go about this. We get the kudos for the capture, and we get to have a conversation with Tywin about the rather blatant confrontation we had with Mace.

Edit: Still worth going back, just without the second reason.
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Yeah, bringing possibly actionable information back to the main camp is the right way to go about this. We get the kudos for the capture, and we get to have a conversation with Tywin about the rather blatant confrontation we had with Mace.
To be clear: Lord Tywin is in King's Landing ruling the kingdom, and he appointed Ser Arthur to be the leader of the scouting party. If you go back to camp, Ser Arthur would be the guy formulating the strategy going forward.
[X] Retreat back to camp with your captive. After you have more information and men, you will attack.

Hasty makes good aarguments. At work right now, can't develop it too much.
[X] Retreat back to camp with your captive. After you have more information and men, you will attack.

I like this more than the other option. Return to camp, roast the Fawn, and head back out with the sun to light our way. I can see the merit in every option, but this one seems the soundest, though if the Smiling Knight is anything like Gregor Clegane I'd be fearful of the state of the captives.
I'll point out that returning now and attacking after the sun goes back up means any kind of surprise factor is lost and we'll be giving the initiative back to the guys who already managed to surprise everybody back in the Red Tournament. The Smiling Knight is not to be underestimated, he's just as good as Arthur and he'll have all night long to decide what he wants to do, be it an ambush or just killing the prisoners and escaping.

Also, it means it'll be Arthur who plans everything and leads, and we'll just be tagging along. Charging now is going into the unknown, but we have 50 men, a VS sword, Crakehall, and the initiative. We at least have a chance of doing this on our own, but almost everyone seem determined to take the safe option.
Ugh. The midterm is out. We either go.full on or retreat and play it safe. Tough choice. Being reckless could pay off incredibly well here, and most importantly, it could mean we can retrieve the hostages safely. What if we allowing the fleeing bandits go back means that the hostages die?
[X] Follow the routed bandits. You should be able to find their base and have the initiative.

I believe in ending this now rather then risking the lives of our hostages.
[X] Follow the routed bandits. You should be able to find their base and have the initiative.

Probably the option Jaime would be the biggest fan of taking, and I agree with the above arguments. Don't want to risk being the reason the hostages die.
[X] Follow the routed bandits. You should be able to find their base and have the initiative.

You know what, it doesn't really matter what we choose to do. We can sit where we are, interrogate the girl or we can go back to camp and check in with command, but at the end of the day with Ser Arthur in charge there's only ever gonna be one plan - rout the enemy.

With that in mind, we should take the initiative and at least attack them while they're scrambling, rather than giving them time to prepare for us.

We've chosen the Tywin option plenty of times, I say we choose a Jaime option this time. And hey, if we can claim the credit for rescuing the King all the better.