A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF)

You could try and make him give himself alcohol poisoning. That would be kind of funny way to get rid of your enemy. Mace Tyrell the Fool of Highgarden died drowned in his own vomit.

I don't know if that would be a good idea promoting "drinking and celebrating" during such a dark time. Aerys might not take it too well once he's freed.
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You could try and make him give himself alcohol poisoning. That would be kind of funny way to get rid of your enemy. Mace Tyrell the Fool of Highgarden died drowned in his own vomit.

I don't know if that would be a good idea promoting "drinking and celebrating" during such a dark time. Aerys might not take it too well once he's freed.

Don't forget that there is the more immediate presence of Ser Arthur.

Something tells me he will NOT appreciate drinking and merriment during his quest for vengeance.
Two hour warning!

Vote Tally : A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF) | Page 80 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] You will do as he bids. It will do you no good to duel with live steel against the Lord of Highgarden. While he might be an imbecile it would reflect poorly on you.
No. of Votes: 11
[x] Sorry Jon, but this tubby cunt is asking for it. Kick his ass, and remind everyone that the Tyrells are upjumped stewards.
No. of Votes: 3
[x] You won't fight this drunken fool, but House Lannister cannot ignore a challenge. You will duel Ser Jon as Lord Mace's champion, and when you win force a public apology.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 16
You might want to leave him be until the crisis is over and you can get your dads advice. Don't want to start a blood-feud for killing a Lord.

EDIT: Right, sorry Corvus and all. Not used to White List Mechanic, as this is the only quest I follow that uses it.
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[X] You will do as he bids. It will do you no good to duel with live steel against the Lord of Highgarden. While he might be an imbecile it would reflect poorly on you.

[X] You will kick his ass later, when you aren't in the middle of a bandit infested wood, on a mission to rescue your sister and the King. Once your back in the city and can get your fathers advice, he can recommend the best way to humiliate this drunken fool.

You're not on the whitelist, dude. Please can you remove the X's from your vote, make 5 or so decent posts and then PM Mazrick and ask to go on the list.

Cheers mate. :)
[] You will do as he bids. It will do you no good to duel with live steel against the Lord of Highgarden. While he might be an imbecile it would reflect poorly on you.

Not on the whitelist but this is my reasoning.

Killing Mace Tyrell is akin to doing a favor to the tyrells. He is a fool and needs to die a fools death, bringing shame to the tyrells.
Olena is obviously the brains behind the operation. We should take her out soon if possible.
We should "handle" this Fossoway knight when no one us looking. Without him the fat flower will cock up things hopefully.
Btw is Mace's chair in the shape of a hand ready ? If not we should commission one for him.:D
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[X] You will do as he bids. It will do you no good to duel with live steel against the Lord of Highgarden. While he might be an imbecile it would reflect poorly on you.
[X] You will do as he bids. It will do you no good to duel with live steel against the Lord of Highgarden. While he might be an imbecile it would reflect poorly on you.
Let's all agree ro kill Jon Fossoway as soon as a good opportunity presents itself then. And I hate you so much for making me second guess myself on the waifu choice. Besides crazy Targ chick. That would have been so cool. But cowards.
I think the Vote is closed now.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[x] Sorry Jon, but this tubby cunt is asking for it. Kick his ass, and remind everyone that the Tyrells are upjumped stewards.
No. of votes: 3
Droman, Iandude0, Bizuneh
[X] You will do as he bids. It will do you no good to duel with live steel against the Lord of Highgarden. While he might be an imbecile it would reflect poorly on you.
No. of votes: 13
Vesvius, Silveraith, hmmbot, Jean Danjou, JoshieWoshie, andy50, Cxjenious, CeBrudras, melody-chii, Diller, Corvus Black, Necron_Lord, Usernames
[x] You won't fight this drunken fool, but House Lannister cannot ignore a challenge. You will duel Ser Jon as Lord Mace's champion, and when you win force a public apology.
No. of votes: 2
Hopper, Unelemental
Kill Jon Fossoway, and the next one to come along might not be so chivalrous. He's capable, possibly, but he's also an open book.
Better let a competent delcared enemy running around then? Because maybe someone good and underhanded will come? Nah. Kill him. Maybe someone better will come, maybe not. But the Tyrells lose their new Tarly, and get humiliated. I like this.
Better let a competent delcared enemy running around then? Because maybe someone good and underhanded will come? Nah. Kill him. Maybe someone better will come, maybe not. But the Tyrells lose their new Tarly, and get humiliated. I like this.

He's purportedly good a swinging swords and knocking men off horses with a stick. How does that make him the new "Tarly"? Is there something that I'm not aware of?
I finally had time to get around to reading this quest, it says something that I started reading it at around 10 last night and it's now 6 in the morning.

These last few chapters though, wow things are snowballing. This series of events practically guarantees a civil war at some point in the next 20 or so years.

I'm not sure how much I like Jaime as a person though.
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The Kingswood
You stared at Mace Tyrell, a look of utter contempt planted firmly on your face, and nodded at Fossoway as he adroitly guided his liege lord away.

Robert Baratheon shook his head, a clearly disappointed expression on his face. "You should have kicked his ass."

"He's not worth it," replied, eyes fixed on the staggering Lord Paramount. Never Kings. "Just a limp flower begging to get plucked. No honor or sense in that victory."

"No honor," agreed Robert with a snort, "but plenty of fun. You need to loosen up, or you'll get all puckered tight like Stannis. You can certainly hold your liquor, and it'd be a shame if we don't go drinking after this."

You paid him little attention. There was something far more spectacular than anything Robert Baratheon was saying occurring before you.

Ser Lewyn and Ser Arthur circled one another. Their plate shimmered in the torchlight, and the greatsword, Dawn, seemed to glow in Dayne's hand. All eyes were fastened on them. The members of the Kingsguard were amongst the greatest knights of the realm, and both Dornishmen upheld the martial reputation of their order.

"They're amazing," Gerold breathed beside you.

You nodded, "Especially, Ser Arthur."

When you'd seen Ser Barristan fight against the bandits in King's Landing, you thought he was undoubtedly the greatest fighter you'd ever seen in your short life, however the Sword of the Morning seemed a match for his paramount skill. The deftness of his parries, the speed of his ripostes, the precision of his cuts was like watching something out of a story book. Only in your dreams had you fought that well, and the way he was beating the Martell across the sparring circle bespoke of a startling ferocity.

Gerold turned you, his expression uncertain. "Do you… do you think that could be me one day?"

Robert snorted from your other side, "And give up women for a fancy white cloak? You're young still, boy. You don't know what you'd be giving up."

You remained silent for a moment…

[] Encourage Gerold to pursue the White Cloak. He's a second son, a skilled fighter already with much potential yet to be reached, and a member of your family on the Kingsguard would bring great prestige to House Lannister.
[] Discourage Gerold from pursuing the White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.


The next day you rode out with Lord Crakehall and his grandson Merrett at the head of a detachment of scouts.

"You were wise to avoid giving too fierce a scolding to Tyrell," offered the towering lord. "Makes the man look like twice the ass, to pick a fight with a boy ten years his junior, and for the younger to look the greater."

You nodded tiredly. Crakehall had come along on your father's orders. To be certain you had disappointed him somewhat with the fathering of little Owain, but you definitely weren't in need of a babysitter.

The thick-faced Frey boy mumbled something under his breath, and his grandfather gave him a swift clout behind his ear, sending him near tumbling from his horse.

"Speak openly or don't speak at all boy. No man of my blood will be known as Merrett the Mumbler!"

The Frey boy nursed his bruising ear and shot you a venomous glare, but in the end said nothing. Crakehall snorted. "It's been too long since I was on the march. All day in the saddle makes my arse hurt. It's a young man's game. Like that business with Roxton. Fine work, that."

You opened your mouth to respond, but whatever you had planned to say was drowned out by a great cry from behind you. Then several more cries followed, and you turned around in your saddle.

Many of your men had arrows jutting from their bodies, and a handful had fallen from their mounts. More arrows shot from the surrounding foliage. The men of the scouting force pulled out swords and other weapons. Then they charged out of the clearing towards their hidden attackers. Before they met the treeline, they were met by a sizeable force armed with castle-forged steel and armored in fine mail, and wearing the green and brown of the Kingswood Brotherhood.

They clashed for long moments. Metal rang through the forest. Men died. Some well. Some badly.

More arrows rained down from within the treeline, and the royalist forces looked as if they were going to break.

"None so Fierce!" Lord Crakehall roared, and the ground quaked as he led his charger into the fray. You and Merrett were only a half stride behind him, and then you plunged into the traitorous scum. Your lance felled two men before it snapped and you found Lionheart in your hand. You laid about you. Your horse reared up and smashed a bandit wielding a glaive with its iron shod hooves.

You fought and you fought and fought. Blood stained your gilded armor, and your arm was getting tired. Still, they came.

An arrow crashed into your mount's head, and the stallion went down bonelessly. Instinctively, you rolled free, and came to your feet. A diagonal slash cut a burly man cleanly in two. An arrow clanged uselessly off your shield.

The towering form of Lord Crakehall was suddenly next to you. The man fought furiously, and each blow of his two handed axe shattered a shield, a sword, or a foeman.

"My lord, go!" Crakehall said, as he gestured at his mount.

Without hesitation, you moved. In two heartbeats you had slung yourself on the back of the mount, and…

[] You ride with all haste for the main body of scouts. They are at most 10 minutes away. You can reach safety, and organize a proper offensive.
[] You ride away, and collect those men who had fled. Lead them back into the fray to keep Lord Crakehall from being overwhelmed.
[] You wade back into battle. Atop your mount, your blade may yet turn this into a victory. You will not leave Lord Crakehall behind.
[x] You ride away, and collect those men who had fled. Lead them back into the fray to keep Lord Crakehall from being overwhelmed.
[X] Discourage Gerold from pursuing the White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.

We've already fucked Naerys, no need to tempt Gerold with the same. :p

[X] You ride away, and collect those men who had fled. Lead them back into the fray to keep Lord Crakehall from being overwhelmed.

A compromise. I hope he can last at least that long.
[X] Discourage Gerold from pursuing the White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.

[X] You ride away, and collect those men who had fled. Lead them back into the fray to keep Lord Crakehall from being overwhelmed.
[] Discourage Gerold from pursuingthe White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.

No point tempting fate. Hopefully he will keep his marriage vows.

[] You wade back into battle. Atop your mount, your blade may yet turn this into a victory. You will not leave Lord Crakehall behind.

Can't let our man die. We can always delegate someone else to collect those who had fled like someone who isn't too injured but still needs medical attention.
[X] Discourage Gerold from pursuing the White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.

I see no reason to give so much for the crown. We need Gerold and his support. No dividing loyalties.

[X] You ride away, and collect those men who had fled. Lead them back into the fray to keep Lord Crakehall from being overwhelmed.

A compromise. Running away would be disgraceful and trying to win a battle single handily is folly.
[] Discourage Gerold from pursuing the White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.

With the possible conflicts and civil war the King's Guard is not a good place for a member of our family currently.

The fighting/running option I can see all of them being good in their own way.
We don't really have knowledge on how many there are currently, but us with Crakehall could probably take them if there's not too many left.
The retreating to regroup is decent although it has the risk of Crakehall being overrun before we make it back, or there being more than we can handle even with extra help.
Retreating completely could be a smart move if there are large numbers that we haven't noticed yet
[X] Discourage Gerold from pursuing the White Cloak. You would not deny him a wife or children, or House Lannister of his loyalty and talents. Perhaps, he could earn a lordship of his own instead of becoming a glorified bodyguard.

Gerold's support may prove useful in the future

[X] You ride away, and collect those men who had fled. Lead them back into the fray to keep Lord Crakehall from being overwhelmed.

Don't want to run but I also know we need help.
I think we should encourage Gerold's dream but at the same time makes sure he understands the reality of such a goal: Tywin would be displeased, he'd have to give up everything being a Lannister provides, he's still young and may decide on a different course so shouldn't pursue this yet without fully living his life, and so much more.

As for the battle, we shouldn't abandon Crakenhall.
Encouraging Gerold's dream while making sure that he understands exactly what he is giving up would be the best. It will encourage him to hone his martial prowess and would give us a strong and dependable ally we can count on at court when our son unborn prince takes his throne. This is something we will undoubtedly need in the struggle against the Tyrells.

As for the battle, I feel either heading back to the main force or using whatever forces we can rally in a ruse somehow would be our best chance. As was already said, by ourselves we are unlikely to swing the battle in our favor (unless we get lucky and find whoever is in charge). As for rallying the men that fled I'm not sure there is enough of them to make a noticeable difference. The brotherhood was stated to have a sizable force at the beginning of the battle so they probably outnumbered us then and certainly do now. Our best hope if we rally is to be mistaken for reinforcements / out flank them and even then we would be relying on them to break quickly which is rather risky. Considering our station our best chance is to flee and return in force. It won't be good for anyone if we get captured and become another hostage.

Question: Do we have any way to signal to the main force that we are under attack (a war horn or something?) and if so is there any reason not to use it?

tl;dr: Reach for the stars, discretion is the better part of valor.