A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF)

[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.

At the end of the day, we fight things. And it's time for us to get our win back over the Smiling Knight.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.

Were there any rolls for the son being conceived?
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You know, the funniest thing for us would be finding out that our Targ princess does in fact have a fatal flaw that is worse than anyone could imagine. What if she's a yandere and we just totally OK'd becoming the target of her affection?

Sort of like how Aerys viewed Joanna, except worse because we actually gave her a son.

You know, just hind sight things here.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
Preliminary Tally: Vote is lopsided, but I don't feel like writing. Will likely close tomorrow evening.
Vote Tally : A Lion's Pride (Closed Quest / ASOIAF) | Page 78 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
No. of Votes: 8
[X] You will join the negotiators to free Aerys, Cersei and the other hostages, led by Lord Steffon Baratheon. At your disposal is the gold and influence of Casterly Rock; perhaps you can turn one of the bandits or use it somehow to protect your sister.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 9
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.

Jaime must stab the Smiling Knight. In the face. With a sword.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
Hey isn't this the quest where no reasoning vote get penalities?

All things said. You kill shit better than you negotiate and you have Val steel.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.

Reasoning: Let's kill some things. And hopefully take our mind off that despicable Targaryen witch who is obviously a yandere of some sort and the fact we banged her and got her pregnant is definitely going to backfire.. but we'll be fine with our mind off of things for now.

Also, I don't think us negotiating will be of much use.
It's not much, but have some of my reactions while I was catching up
"Jaime," said Cersei, eagerness in her voice, "come dance with me!"

A tempting offer, and one that gave you more than one unhealthy thought. "I'd love to Cersei, but I forgot… my shoes. I just need to go get them, alright?"
Yes Cersei, I came to ball/dance/feast without wearing my shoes. You'll believe me, right? This can't fail. At least it wasn't the shirt this time.
You hadn't made it far before you stumbled over two intertwined bodies. Oh Seven, please let her not be doing it in the hallway-

Aunt Genna has to be smarter than that right? She isn't that stupid.
You hadn't made it far before you stumbled over two intertwined bodies. Oh Seven, please let her not be doing it in the hallway-

Oh, that was Addam and Jeyne.

Still, that was a minor scandal. You were reasonably sure Addam was betrothed to some girl, and Jeyne to… shit, someone who wasn't that dead Roxton fellow.

Your best friend eagerly met your eyes, and Addam's breath fairly stank of wine. "Jaime! We're in love."
Oh, it's Addam and Jeyne. Thank the Seven Roxton died. Ever since I read about him threatening to dishonor her, I wanted his death. Thank you all for accomplishing that for me.
Oh dear. "I'd love to. But maybe the two of you should wait until…" you paused, looking for words, "until tomorrow, when the weather is better. You wouldn't want your happy day to be ruined by rain."

Both of them looked horrified at the thought, thought the sky had been clear all day. "And I'd recommend not doing literally this right outside the door if it's supposed to be a secret. Good luck you two."
Jaime's excuses just keep getting better and better. Although he has a point about keeping it secret. This part, combined with the shoes comment makes me assume Charcolt wrote it. (checks top of page: I was right)
The door opened once more and a disheveled, red-faced Damon Marbrand stepped out.

"I, er, appreciate your discretion in his matter Jaime. You'll be a fine Lord one day, I'm sure of it."

Kill you now. It was going to be a very awkward walk back to the party. You had… found him attempting to ignite a bush to recreate his sigil and rescued him. That was somewhat convincing. And you were too tired for much else.
So we catch Addam and his dad both in the act with Jeyne and her mother. Not all at the same time, but it's an interesting parallel. And Jaime's excuses only improve.
Wait. If he was Aunt Genna's lover (and likely the father of her children). And he was Addam's father. And-

Well. Fuck.
So not just a parallel, but Mazrick and Charcolt messing with us.
Charcolt's Alternate Ending:

Alright, maybe you were a little bit curious. You peeked inside.

Your eyes widened in shock and horror. "Mom!?"
At this point I died of laughter. Joanna faked her death in order to be with her true love: her cousin Genna. We later discover everyone but Jaime and Tywin knew about this.
Amongst them Cersei sparkled like a jewel. As she whirled about with this knight and that lord, you felt the breath catch in your chest. With her flowing golden hair swaying alongside her every move, she looked like the Maiden given flesh. The rest of the party seemed to gravitate around her unconsciously.
Incest warning bells are sounding. Also, she should stop stealing attention from the incestuous couple of the night: Naerys and Rhaegar
"I have just spoken with one of my men lately from Oldtown, regarding certain rumors that had reached his ears. Rumors of a whore claiming a Lannister bastard."

Oh. Oh. You remembered the bastard maiden Wendy Flowers quite well, though there had been others since. A child? Could you have a child?

"My man found this child, and confirmed its features. I had not thought there a need to explain to you the reckless stupidity of such matters, but it seems my expectations were too high."
"confirmed it's features" Well, father, we have a very important question: what color is the hair? Blonde or blue?
Cold green eyes regarded you for a tense minute. "Good. If you insist on gallivanting around with baseborn women in the future you or men you trust will personally witness her drinking moon tea."
I initially read this as "...with baseborn women or men, you will personally witness her drinking moon tea." I was going to remark on Tywin's open mind and his awareness of the danger's of m!preg. On rereading it, I have to ask what Tywin thinks we should do with noble women we gallivant with. We only need witness baseborns drinking moon tea.
Most of the Greyjoys stood apart despite Lord Quellon's courteous behavior. That was fine with you. Ironborn scum.
*Other than Quellon.
Then the ceremony started. Naerys looked like a vision in a red and black dress that shone in the light, a hundred rubies glistened brightly. Rhaegar seemed every inch the prince. And if anyone felt ill at ease watching siblings marrying, they hid it well. Rhaegar placed his cloak upon Naerys' shoulders, and they were wed.
My mental image:

Rhaegar lifts the Targaryen cloak from Naerys, symbolically taking away the protection of her father's house. He then waits a moment and puts it back on, welcoming her to his protection as part of House Targaryen.

I mean, do they really need two identical cloaks? It'd be cheaper to just use the same one.
So loudly did the crowd cheer that you barely heard as your next opponent was announced. Who would you name as your Queen of Love and Beauty, you wondered, when the day was yours? Would Cersei expect the crown? Princess Naerys? Or another of the comely noble born girls.

Your horse charged forwards once again and you positioned yourself. Wait, who? Barristan the Bold?

Three seconds later you were on the ground groaning, a throbbing pain in your ass. Well, so much for that.
Silly Jaime, you can't just win your first tourney. That's not realistic- wait, what? Every quest protagonist does that? Well, at least Jaime here is being more realistic.
Your ruminations were interrupted as the crowd shrieked as one. What? You shook yourself and turned to the list. Rhaegar had fallen from his horse. His prone form lay on the well-trodden earth, and a length of tourney lance stuck from his visor.

The air felt heavy with stunned silence. Moments passed as if through a fog. Then Gerold wearing the livery of House Lannister, was next to the fallen prince, and his voice rang out, "The Prince is dead!"
So...I guess Naerys is available now. That's one way to bring back waifu wars. Wait. Wars over Jaime's latest crush/lover.
And chaos broke out in the stands. Nobles and commons alike began to panic. More blood flowed as a white brother reached for the mystery knight's bridle. A flash of steel cut the knight's arm off at the elbow. He fell to the ground with a howl of pain, and laughter-insane laughter- reverberated through the lists as the mystery knight, no, the assassin turned his horse and fled. As he drew out of sight, the sound of more bloodshed, more battle could be heard from his direction.
It's our dear friend, Mr. Smiles. He's dead now, right? Please? Can we kill him. He hurt Ilyn, and we need to repay that debt.
The Royal box. The weakened guard had been taken advantage of the chaos. The White Bull's figure was pinned against a wall by a dozen quarrels. A man with a huge belly had a dagger to King Aerys' throat, and he was backing away slowly while surrounded by a dozen of his men.

A terrified Naerys was likewise held hostage. Dread began to fill the pit of your stomach. Would they take both royals hostage?
Poor Ser Gerold. Now a fat man is taking Aerys hostage. Pity that Aerys isn't in full on post-Duskendale paranoia. His uncut nails would probably help scratch up his captors. Also, Naerys is gone once more. Probably for the best.
You looked at her skeptically, but she continued quickly, "She spoke of many things, but concerning you and I she said one thing: If you and I make love this evening, a son will be born from our union. He will have the face and colors of Aegon the Conqueror come again, with my wit and your courage. A babe who will grow into a king."

You froze in place at her words, your face feeling like it was on fire. "A bastard, not a true king." you said cautiously.
Right. I don't believe this one bit. Prophecies are never this specific. She either made it up to shag Jaime or misunderstood the prophecy. Do't do it people.
For a moment, you remained silent. The princess wasn't just asking to make a son, she was asking you to commit treason, but she'd be lined up for the headsman's block with you if the plan came to light.

Still, the thought of your blood sitting on the Iron Throne as King, the thought of the grasping Tyrells being slapped down, the thought of Naerys' in your arms...

"I'll do it," you finally said.
Whatever books she had learned from, you would make sure they were available to Aelinor a few years down the road. Though with her future fostering with her aunt, the Lady Malora, you thought she would learn more than enough.

It might have been a truly wonderful experience, if not for the knowledge that she was using you. You supposed you could live with being used by beautiful women. And it wasn't like you weren't using her in turn. At least both of you had seemed to enjoy the arrangement.
First of all, Aelinor is like 9/10. Jaime is 15/16. This is not something he should be thinking about her learning. Not yet anyway. At least he knows he should wait before showing her those books.

Secondly, not sure I like Jaime's view on being used. It's not going to work out well if Cersei and Naerys take advantage of it.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
[X] You will join the scouts seeking out the king and the leadership of the Brotherhood, led by Ser Arthur Dayne. You are a warrior, not a diplomat, and your strengths are better suited to any manner of rescue missions.
[X] You will join the negotiators to free Aerys, Cersei and the other hostages, led by Lord Steffon Baratheon. At your disposal is the gold and influence of Casterly Rock; perhaps you can turn one of the bandits or use it somehow to protect your sister.

I want to ensure Cersei lives, the bandits die either way and canon has shown us that being nice was how the Brootherhood was wiped out in the first place.
You know I think I'll like to note that someone almost certainly saw us pork the princess. Why because such things are too perfect. Since were following quest logic, I'm interesting to see when someone accuses the child of being a bastard.

Someone else probably knows about the secret passageways, didn't want to bring it up so that the vote goes through.
You know I think I'll like to note that someone almost certainly saw us pork the princess. Why because such things are too perfect. Since were following quest logic, I'm interesting to see when someone accuses the child of being a bastard.

Someone else probably knows about the secret passageways, didn't want to bring it up so that the vote goes through.

If Jaime and Cersei can get away with it in canon then I'm pretty sure Jaime and Naerys can in the quest.