Choose three among this list
[] Veil of Tears : The darkness that suffuses you has acquired the qualities of your new mistress. Where you shadow falls people are taken with bitter sadness as they see how their surroundings are, and how they could be. Elves are reminded of Beleriand or Valinor, Dunedain of the glory of their kingdoms while Orcs take conscience of their hollowness.
[] Song of Days Gone By: You can emit a terrible howl that will remind those who hear it the most shameful moment of their lives. How they react to these memories depends on them but as a rule hesitation and reflection follow.
[] Mien of the Mourner: You are still Shadow and Flame but your new mistress has made them pure again. So your darkness is without fear for the Free People and the brightness of your flame doesn't hurt the servants of Melkor you choose to shield. It can still of course burn them at your leisure
[] Barrow sense: Millennia passed underground have taught you about orientation, deepening your connection to the Earth. You can enter a trance where you instinctively know the path to all location situated underground. However, the Trance does not account for the presence of enemies on the path.
[] Glimpse of the Machine: Aulë et Melkor are more than alike in the mind of Illiuvatar and you benefit of this closeness. You have visions of strange technology, blasting powder, more efficient crops, crafting of items of power.
[] Dwarf-Friend: Your mien has been altered to be more pleasing to the Children of Aulë. You do not know the qualities in question but they seem to align with the new stony consistence of your flesh. Dwarves are favorably inclined to you.
[] star-Reader: The history of the world is written in the Great Music that was already played to its conclusion. For a reason you do not remember, the patterns of the stars enable you to remember flashes of the Music, discovering future events. Note that your redemption is a great grain of sand in the clockwork of history.
[] Flame of Elbereth: You can transform your flaming weapons in white fire that harms most the creatures begotten from the discord. The fire is also frightening for them and they flee at its approach.
[] Elf-Friend: Your darkness is now pierced with the light of Varda, reminding those elves that gaze upon you of the stars they saw in cuivenen so long ago. Elves are favorably inclined to consider you a messenger of the Powers and a soul in search of redemption.
[] Blade of the Feanturi: Everything you kill at the exception of a person linked to the world by a ring of power dies definitively and leaves no wraith. If you come to kill someone wounded by a Morgul-Blade, his spirit is spared wraithdom and goes to its reward
[] Call of Mandos: You are able to issue the Summons of Mandos on Elven spirits that refused them the first time. The Unhoused are naturally inclined to resist such summons but must contend with your own will to resist yours. The spirits so released are sent into the West where Mandos will judge them according to their acts in life or death.
[] Istar-Form: You have been granted the ability to shift between your form and a Mannish Fana. This fana is old, subject to all the weariness of mortal age, clad in violet robes and goes on the name Morianor. The other istari will be notified to your addition to their circle by dreams sent from the West.
[] Boldog-Form: You can assume the form of the Boldog, the great captains of the Orcs. While none will ever confound you for an ordinary orc as you have at least a head over them, you can evolve among them without subjecting them to the effects of a Balrog's presence.