Jeeeesus Christ.

Like, fair enough, mind you. We knew Hogwarts wasn't safe from our past experiences, but hooooly fuck. Makes me wish we'd just grabbed the goddamn rock.

Do you think we can mark down a long term goal of "get that part of our soul back"? Would it still be there for us to retrieve once we've grown strong enough, or is it actually being "digested" somehow?

Would we still want it once we've grown strong enough? Either in the "would we still want what it's become" or "would we have grown beyond it" sense.

...If we don't want it anymore and it's still around we could, I suppose, just keep it in a jar of some sort as a reminder.

No Dumbledore, it's not a horcrux. Just a reminder to our enemies not to take what's ours, jeez.
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I wonder which part of Jacobs soul was lost, does that include memories, if so was it the ones described here the memories that got stolen?
I have like so many questions on what it means to lose a portion of your soul. Is it retrievable, is it being digested? It is a very good thing that we brought someone with us, at the very least. Maybe a bit of a break on consolidating our skills and learning occulmancy before we go for revenge.

Tracy is going to have a very skewed view of how difficult the 2nd task is next year, if even it's the same thing. A student having a portion of his soul sucked out sounds like it should be a serious concern.
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Yes, well, this debacle should be ample proof as to why Jacob needs to drastically improve in occlumency as soon as possible.

For that matter, perhaps one might want to take more and better precautions before another such escapade, in case one encounters other creatures that might be a bit peckish for a sliver of Jacob's soul.

Should we tell anyone about the soul-eating monster that lurks in the lake?

That seems like the smart thing to do.
Hm, yes, one would rather think that informing the staff of the abomination lurking in the abyssal depths would be rather urgent. For that matter, one would think that informing the staff that one has had a portion of their soul devoured by said abomination would also be of the utmost urgency, but by all means, move at a glacial pace. There are surely more pressing commitments.

Should we tell anyone about the soul-eating monster that lurks in the lake?

That seems like the smart thing to do.
I... you know, I'm split between two entirely distinct assumptions here:
  1. The staff (or at least Dumbledore) already knows -- Dumbledore was just swimming through after us, after all.
  2. The staff will not believe us.
EDIT: I forgot to mention this earlier due to how concerning this chapter was, but I did find the part where Tracy read our notes quite cute and funny. Not entirely sure if it was, you know, real, or entirely inside our minds, but it was cute nonetheless.

Her being utterly mystified by us learning about magic from the castle is great.
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Huh, honestly part of me expected worse, but loosing part of our soul probably is a really bad thing. We might want to do some more training before we explore again to be better prepared. Not that we could have expected a soul stealing monster to be in the lake.
Crit failing on the one roll we absolutely should not have crit failed on. That hurt.

Considering how often Jacob seems to run into hostile magical creatures on his adventures we should really focus on ranking up Care of Magical Creatures at some point. Maybe take it as a class next school year since we can swap. Maybe learn some Mermish too.

We have an enemy now. One that must be hunted down and destroyed.
At least we know it has a weakness. And that means it can be killed.

A bit surprising that the Hogwarts staff would allow that thing to exist near the castle in an area where students could potentially encounter it. If they're aware of it that is. Then again this is also a place that has Dementors, Acromantulas, a Basilisk, and whatever is hiding in the Forbidden Forest or the depths of the mountains. Maybe it's just considered a normal hazard.
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As Professor Snape succinctly summarized in the Harry Potter 2020 video, the logic of the Wizarding world is held together by duct tape. It falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. It is the same school that nonchalantly gives powerful time travel devices to children so that they can take extra classes. After all, who cares about the potentially cataclysmic damage that could be wrought upon the space-time continuum?
I doubt it is easily reachable by the vast majority of students.

It probably is well out of range for most underwater breathing spells and potions.
It's also likely the case that the lake is not exactly a place students are encouraged to explore. Similar to the forbidden forest.

It's incredibly good luck that we learned the patronus this turn. I guess we are gonna go on a monster hunter turn for a bit. That could be fun. A big part of adventuring is finding dangerous creatures and defeating them.
Could we start a trend of casting Patronus from the lakeside and have it directed down to Hunt anything that shuns its light. :p
Considering how often Jacob seems to run into hostile magical creatures on his adventures we should really focus on ranking up Care of Magical Creatures at some point. Maybe take it as a class next school year since we can swap. Maybe learn some Mermish too.
Well, we don´t need to swap, we can take another class (and join another club) costing us one action per turn, but since it is really likely that we will get some extra actions once the map is finished...
Yes, well, this debacle should be ample proof as to why Jacob needs to drastically improve in occlumency as soon as possible.

For that matter, perhaps one might want to take more and better precautions before another such escapade, in case one encounters other creatures that might be a bit peckish for a sliver of Jacob's soul.
The thing with upgrading occlumency is that we need lots and lots of grinding before we see any results... Remember that until we reach level 10 each level that we increase give us only a bonus of +1...

And that to get over 10 we need to level up Creativity and Empathy over level 5 (it uses CRT/EMP and we cannot level any skill more than 5 points over the lowest attributes)
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Yeah, we probably won't be able to Explore the lake again for some time.
One more reason to focus out efforts on improving Jacob.

Thinking about it, if we follow the intent the plan of this month had for the next, we should train constitution and the Deep understanding of protego.
Yeah, we probably won't be able to Explore the lake again for some time.
One more reason to focus out efforts on improving Jacob.

Thinking about it, if we follow the intent the plan of this month had for the next, we should train constitution and the Deep understanding of protego.
IIRC we already have achieved deep understanding of Protego...

I would personally go for diffindio and incendio for spells, and then we should also get one of the required potions out of the way and train alchemy (so that we can get the Map and the Glasses done ASAP)
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Seeing as the soul eater seems to prefer the cold, it's probably vulnerable to heat in general and not just the warmth of a Patronus. Who wants to learn how to transfigure water into fire? I do!
Where was it written?

Also, we definitely need to train constitution.
Sorry, my mistake, we had Deep Understanding of Protego in our research list as our second project this turn but the Patronus ended up eating all the research actions...

But yeah we need to upgrade constitution and empathy to at least level 5 or 6 ASAP, seeing how the level up it is not worth to use those pints in anything bellow 5-6
Every new level gives you 2 attributes for distribution. You can also train attributes.
The highest attributes cannot be higher than 5 over the lowest attribute (Except Luck).

Training success decreases with each level of that particular attribute.
100% for Constitution 1, 90% for Constitution 2, 80% for Constitution 3 etc.
Luck can't be trained but can be raised through level ups and other methods.

But seeing in how many checks Luck is nivolved, I think we should put those 2 points we have just gained in Luck
Should we ask remus about our sworn enemy?
cause we do get a bonus for learning the patronus while remus is the DADA teacher iirc.

maybe we could get knowledge of the beast/ deeper understanding of the patronus
how many months are left in the third year?
cause there are a couple things that we need to raise if we want to get all O's according to the spider charts

on a side note thinking about year 4, can you turn a dragon into a rabbit?