A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Sorry, guys. Gonna be really busy today. I got a midterm test tomorrow and I basically fucked up by only starting to study for it today.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Absum on Oct 16, 2019 at 8:36 PM, finished with 250 posts and 9 votes.
Works fine for me? Though someone had turned off newest votes only so I put it back on again.
[Edited to include the quotes linked to]
So my (semi-old?) reasons for the Nani lynch:
  • The Doctor thing at the start (sorry but I really don't like that kinda play)
  • Interactions wrt Evenstar (this, this and this, and this one especially in how it relates to the Ban vote)
    Nah, Ban's not with them. Also not me, obviously, I'm not scum. TurtleDucks and Nesonoxian totally are though.
    Okay, let's actually go serious mode for a sec if you've got a serious reason. No. I have no quicktopic, with him or anyone else.
    I am town, so there's theoretically more than a 50% chance we're on the same team, but I have no way of knowing that and am not assuming that this is the case.
    I'll say regarding Evenstar that I do view the whole neighborhood as town-indicative for now. For now, at least.
    Which actually, I shouldn't. Like, what I really am is believing the claim, with caveats. But being in a neighborhood with both scum and town in it doesn't mean you're not scum, you know?

    There's probably something there in how the claim was made too, but it's two twenty in the morning, and I can't analyze that shit now. Sleep time for me.
    Evenstar's behavior is sus, but their roleclaim, seeming knowledge about the setting that would be bad to let scum know, and early claim of a neighborhood group are more than enough to have me give them a town impression early. It's not exactly gonna hold at Lylo though; I do hope to see more from them.

    You... Honestly, you and 1K both occupy the same "People in general seem to think you're being really Town, but I don't really remember much from you other than generally participating" Null read due to lack of noted data points.
  • The timing and Reasons (though on current ISO I do actually like the now provided actual reason) of the -Rosen vote and importantly the timing of leaving the -Rosen vote, especially when combined with this post later (which also defends ES again btw)
Urgh. Here's the deal. Feels wrong to have a lynchwagon with no scum at all on it. That's my thought process, at least. They probably weren't *pushing* it too hard, but I can certainly see one or two just... ending up on the wagon to look like they're participating. At the same time, I don't think it's early enough to call Evenstar as suspicious, the roleclaim can go for at least a couple days, and Nictis is just being Nictis, and I don't want to lynch him. I didn't have any impression of you... actually still don't. Okay, checking, that's 8 posts. What we got?

Well, three of the six D1 posts included something about Rosen. One (The first) is actually quite a strong post. The other is mentioning when poked that Rosen feels bad but not bad enough to vote for, the last is a kind of unenthusiastic vote for him because, you know. He wasn't a very good lynch, just the best one we had. Can't exactly get on someone's case for my own sentiments, so no real heat there. You've been consistent in the belief, though my initial reading was "I've been constantly about this", which is what made me look through your posts as a "Wait, did I really miss that?" thing. Sends a different message than what you're literally saying.

At any rate, I don't really have a reason to move off you at this point. No "Well, there's a good lynch here" situations like when moving from Ban. I'm not really gonna focus this, but I'll just leave the vote here for now.

So the inactivity vote is the best one here, from your evaluation?
Defending ES is imo not scum indicative on it's own, but as I personally am still sus of her it does look sus to me. That I'm not voting ES over it is mostly down to her being busy and not really having naything aside from that. You could see that as a reason to vote her but well voting inactives who've said they're busy makes me uncomfortable so yeah that's just how I am.

Having done a quick ISO to refresh myself on this though, Nani does also have content I do like. My other option at Day start was Cyricubed, but while I think (no ISO yet) I have seen less I like of them, I also feel I'd have even less of a case? Only really that I think the bait D1 was bad and that they went too hard. Which isn't really much of anything :/
I'm kinda scratching my head at this one. I don't really get what you're trying to say about Nani/Evenstar with the second point, the first one was (probably) a joke, and the third you don't find relevant anymore because the reasons are good?
And actually because I love talking about myself (lol) @Nictis can you please detail why you think I am scum? Like I understand that you think I pretended to be a specific role (I don't entirely agree with your interpretation but w/e I should have paid more attention to my own posts) but I don't really see the jump to scum here?
I thought I had already explained this? You knew enough about the setup to know concept, but not enough to know who the VIP was. You acted like you were the VIP, and were tied to the guard. It's an interesting mix of knowing some but not enough. It was the kind of perspective that I could only expect from scum or a protector, and with your act of Turtle being specifically tied to you and Turtle's interjection of you seeming Town, you had to be scum. Probably.

It's an interesting play, and I don't like how many loops I have to think through to figure it out, but yeah.

[x] Null
[x] Lynch Look to the Left

Sorry, meant to post earlier but got distracted.
Thirteen-ish hours left, I'm gonna be back on later.

Oh, apparently I forgot to post reasons. I think that Absum is scum, but could be wrong and between someone who doesn't seem to be playing the game and someone I think is scum but am having some serious trouble getting into the headspace of, I'll take out the person who isn't interacting instead. With the existence of a roleblocker, I'll hope for some kind of cop who might care to check.

I'd honestly rather take scum into LyLo than someone who has nothing to look at, which sounds odd but yeah.
I'm kinda scratching my head at this one. I don't really get what you're trying to say about Nani/Evenstar with the second point, the first one was (probably) a joke, and the third you don't find relevant anymore because the reasons are good?
I have always said I'm bad at scumhunting. The Nani/ES thing, well, it's mostly that all together it was too much buddying for me. Or at least it looked like it? I don't know what subtlety levels I should expect or something idk. I can go over them in more detail if you want but it's 3 am (edit: this took 45 minutes, amend to almost 4 am, lmao, it's fine, it's holiday) so not now. I don't think the Doctor thing being "not serious" makes it any better? It's just not a type of play I ever think is good. Third thing I do think is still relevant, the Reasons was both somewhat less important than the timing to me and the good actual reason could have just been thought of later. I just wanted to note that I did like the later reason, I think it is only fair to do so?

Though also with ES voting Nani now also I am somewhat confused.

I thought I had already explained this? You knew enough about the setup to know concept, but not enough to know who the VIP was. You acted like you were the VIP, and were tied to the guard. It's an interesting mix of knowing some but not enough. It was the kind of perspective that I could only expect from scum or a protector, and with your act of Turtle being specifically tied to you and Turtle's interjection of you seeming Town, you had to be scum. Probably.
Haah. I am too tired to understand the third sentence (Turtle's interjection?) and to check if I actually acted like that at all before you asked me the specific role question.

But at any rate I do not know anything about the setup and I have never hinted at knowing anything other than what is in the public posts. I know you already quoted lots of my posts in when you first posted this theory, but please quote a few that you think hint at this, because well. It's like. I did think that this was what all those extraneous quotes were for. But I really didn't see how they were meant to imply this for most (all?). So if you now quote the worst or most important ones I can talk about them when I wake up? If you think that could help? I doubt there will really be anything to explain, but I dunno
Hahaha! My interminable grading has come to an end! One sec while I pore through the posts.

For now,
[X] Lynch Evenstar
but since that's not all that much stronger than an inactivity vote, I'm hoping this will change.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by InterstellarHobo on Oct 17, 2019 at 2:27 AM, finished with 466 posts and 11 votes.
Agh, did not mean to post that until I'd done more research. This is the tally as of the time Nanimani first voted -Rosen.
Please ignore for the immediate future.
Ok, at the time Nanimani switched away from the -Rosen vote, it did not have a great deal of traction or votes. The narrative I was building (Nanimani jumps on the wagon while it's flagging, leaves to duck suspicion later) isn't really compelling. In fact, I'd take this as evidence of town-ness more than scumminess

This line of reasoning did not really pan out.
I don't have access to the computer my notes are on right now, but by memory the person whom rung the most alarm bells for me yesterdayish was mesonoxian, not for any specific event, just, like, the overall slant of his posts? But not very strongly, admittedly. I need to go back and take another look at him sometime this 'night'...

By the same token, unless I missed something, the strongest argument against Left is activity right now which... isn't the worst but isn't super compelling to me either, and I don't remember the evidence on Nani being particularly compelling either? Unless I missed something.

Speaking of evidence, Evenstar, you didn't really provide any reasoning on your vote back here. Could I ask for some reasoning or intent? You did say that 'LTTL doesn't feel like a legit candidate.', but you didn't really say why you felt Nani was worth voting for. You know, assuming you get online before the day end.
So the people whom haven't voted are myself, @Look to the Left, @ComiTurtle, @1KBestK, and @Happery

Do any of you have anything to say as the day comes to a close?

I for one believe this is a similar situation to yesterday, wherein we are highly likely to be lynching Town right now but I know no better alternative at this moment, especially since Look to the Left has appeared here in the final hours yet didn't offer even a small bit of logic to deter people from lynching them.

Thankfully, I do at least have two small smidgums to follow into tomorrow now so this day has at least proved somewhat helpful on an information-gathering level.
Anyone know how much time we have left? Last time I screwed up

Ban: Toneread them as distant, or perhaps disconnected from the thread on D1, and then came his vote to lynch ES which contained a backdoor in the same post, both which would make sense from the lens of a maf, but recent reveal of RL stuff has me reconsider my scumread anew

Im about to sleep, and I have yet to catch up on the last couple pages that showed up while I was away so unless I read something incredible Ill be sticking to the vote I made
Est's justification is unconvincing, and not bad enough to justify a last minute swap to them. Neither Ban nor Est gets a lynch.

The thing I thought would implicate Nanimani sort of exonerated them instead. A deeper read might get suspicion back up, but as is I've got nothing on them.

Most of Absum's posts are totally inoffensive, defending themselves from Nictis interrogation. I have this memory of seeing an Absum post which really twigged my scumdowsers, but I can't find it and that probably means it never existed. That's the shittiest imaginable rationale for a lynch, so he's out too. For now.

LttL is... really inactive. Actually, holy shit LttL is really inactive. They haven't even voted. Evenevenstar has more to get reads from. I'm moving my disappointing inactivity vote to the other disappointing inactivity vote.
[X] Lynch Look to the Left
Ok, at the time Nanimani switched away from the -Rosen vote, it did not have a great deal of traction or votes. The narrative I was building (Nanimani jumps on the wagon while it's flagging, leaves to duck suspicion later) isn't really compelling. In fact, I'd take this as evidence of town-ness more than scumminess

This line of reasoning did not really pan out.
This was roughly my rationale for that part as well. I am sticking with it, though I do agree that on review it's not as clear-cut as I thought.

Most of Absum's posts are totally inoffensive, defending themselves from Nictis interrogation. I have this memory of seeing an Absum post which really twigged my scumdowsers, but I can't find it and that probably means it never existed. That's the shittiest imaginable rationale for a lynch, so he's out too. For now.
It's probably something in D1? You said something similar at the time iirc.
Day ends in 42 Minutes...and I'm still not picking up much. Doing ban atm but Idk if I'm going to have time to finish that.

Meanwhile I'm a bit thrown of by nictis there...

@Nictis If you believe absum is scum then why lynch an inactive. It's def an issue, but I think Scum>Policy Lynch especially on a new player who hopefully will have more time after. I'm okay with a LttL lynch on that basis, but with the idea that Absum=Scum I don't think it's wise to ignore that? I think I'm being clear here.
Day ends in 42 Minutes...and I'm still not picking up much. Doing ban atm but Idk if I'm going to have time to finish that.

Meanwhile I'm a bit thrown of by nictis there...

@Nictis If you believe absum is scum then why lynch an inactive. It's def an issue, but I think Scum>Policy Lynch especially on a new player who hopefully will have more time after. I'm okay with a LttL lynch on that basis, but with the idea that Absum=Scum I don't think it's wise to ignore that? I think I'm being clear here.
I don't want to speak for @Nictis , but being in a similar position myself, the scum read on Absum is sort of weak and indirect whereas LTTL is definitely very inactive.