A Day Unlike Any Other (Ben 10/Multicross)

Yeah, I'd be up for spreading the rolls out.

Edit: Well this was the wrong post, and it's not that much better, but it certainly isn't god awful.
Dolly Fail Fail threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Max Total: 19
8 8 11 11
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however should you guys feel that is the best option it is worth noting that it is possible that you guys might roll worse.
I mean, it is possible yes, but not particularly likely for anybody but Gwen. I mean she and the robot are the only ones who rolled outside of the lower half of the possible results, and even then it was just barely so for Gwen.
Well, the re-rolls are looking fairly good so far. I made one myself as well for Grandpa Max(boy did he need it), I just accidentally made it in the wrong post. I'm sticking with that though.

Whelp. Gwen is going to scream when she sees you transform. That is not only a high enough knowledge roll for her to recognize what you've turned into, but also for her to have some idea of what it can do.

And for a bonus while you aren't in the exact right state... you are in the right part of the country to see one of these aliens.
And for a bonus while you aren't in the exact right state... you are in the right part of the country to see one of these aliens.
Another point to 3 being a Sludgepuppy I think

Pretty sure it's less that Gwen is aware of aliens and more that Star Wars movies exist in this universe and either the Omnitrix includes fictional creatures or some Star Wars species aren't fictional.
Probably the latter, considering there's an entire planet of Mummies and Frankensteins Monsters in canon Ben 10, it's likely that lots of Urban Legends and mythical creatures in Ben 10 are actually just aliens, so why not fictional creatures too?
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Well, I wouldn't really know about that. I've watched every single Ben 10 series except the Reboot, but not really in any sort of vast detail.

Also, could some of you guys roll? We're re-rolling all the rolls past Giant Robot and are still missing rolls for Ben and Gwen
Alright, a solid increase across the board, with Gwens only being one lower than the original. Still not great, we're still in the lower half of what we could have rolled on average, but we're better off than we where at least.

Edit: Actually, looking at last turns rolls, these aren't that bad! Not that bad at all. Doubt it's going to be easy for us, but I think this might go better than I had assumed.
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And then there were Ten, Finale
Your name is Gwendolyn Simone Tennyson, and today... today has been the absolute strangest day that you have ever had in your entire life. That's not even an exaggeration. To go a step further, the strangeness of today only really started an hour and a half ago. It would be more accurate to call this the strangest evening of your life... The strangest ninety minutes of your life.

It feels almost like you've gone insane when you compare where you are right now, to where you were this morning.

This morning you had been placing the finishing touches on your plans for the summer holiday. It was going to be a bit of a quiet summer, but you were fine with that. You were a little less fine with Ben taking what was supposed to be your summer with Grandpa Max away from you... but your aunt and uncle had managed to convince you that your cousin needed Max's guidance this year more than ever.

This afternoon, Grandpa Max had surprised you, apparently having planned with both your parents and Ben's parents to get the two of you together and foist the both of you on Max. You kind of think that was a bit of a mean thing to do, because you know that you don't take trips with your aunt and uncle anymore due to the fighting that the two of do. So suddenly having things flipped on their heads and for you to go on the road trip? That was not what you had expected.

You weren't particularly happy with it either.

The two of you had bickered and fought the whole way from Ben's school to the campsite. Sure, there you had found a tiny bit of common ground with your cousin when faced with Grandpa Max's cooking, but it wasn't to last.

Now see that. All of that makes sense. All of that is the kind of thing that you understand, it is the kind of thing that you had come to expect from going on a trip with your bratty dweeb of a cousin. It was at this point that things changed and went... very strange.

Aliens. Giant killer robots.

A strange alien watch that can transform its wearer into all sorts of alien forms. It just doesn't...

You don't even have the words to explain how strange it feels. It's like you had fallen out of your own story into some kind of crazy science fiction story.

But here you are, standing at the top of a hill while your cousin looks through that strange alien technology on his wrist, trying to decide what kind of alien he's going to use to try and save a bunch of people from a killer alien robot.

"This'll do." your cousin cries out with a grin, before raising a hand and slamming it down on the watch.

There is a flash of blinding green, and as you blink the spots out of your eyes, you start to look up... and up... and up...

Yet... as you do...

A chill runs down your spine. This new creature towers over you, its form towers over even Grandpa max.

Its black skins looks almost oiled and rubbery, its hands end in three wicked looking claws, even as a barbed tail lashes behind it. That's not the thing that grips your heart though.


Upon it's back are strange looking wings, almost like the images you had seen of cilia upon bacteria. And it's face.

Its face.

Simply enough. It didn't have one. A triangular shaped head, featureless and black, with a pair of long beetle like horns atop it's head.

It looked so different from the description you had in your mind when you read those stories, but you recognized it all the same.

Ben had been transformed into a Nightgaunt. One of the many different monsters born of the nightmares of one H. P. Lovecraft.

When faced with that - A ten foot tall faceless monster from one of the few authors who had truly terrified you - it isn't surprising that you screamed.

Your name is Ben Tennyson, and you give yourself a short nod as you click the dial to one of the eight aliens that you haven't transformed into yet.

You have no idea what this alien is going to be, but it looks like its got wings, and if you are going to be going up against another one of those stupid flying robot things, then it would be really useful to have the ability to fly yourself. "This'll do!" You say with a cheer, as you bring up a hand and slam it down onto the watch dial.

There is a blinding flash of green, and for the briefest of moments, the world around you is completely gone, leaving you adrift in an infinite sea of darkness. Then, the instincts of your new form kick in, and upon your back your new wings sing. Every single little tendril on each of your many 'feathers' begins to vibrate, giving off an almost bell like ringing.

It's not a single tone, but instead each and every one of gives off a differing sound. Almost instantly, the world around you lights up, like the most beautiful oil painting that you have ever seen. Each of the tones that your wings give off is different, and they refract and rebound and reflect off of your surroundings differently. That means that you can see Gwen and Grandpa Max. You can see their skin and their faces and their bones and the pumping of their blood and each and every layer of them - you see them all at the same time, layered atop each other but wholly separate. You don't really have the words to explain it best, but that would be because it's an experience that the human body just doesn't have the right senses to experience. You can see the way that your Cousin flinches back, fear flickering across her face. You can see the way that her nervous system lights up. You can see the way that her lungs expand as she takes a deep breath.

Then Gwen starts to scream, and you feel your instincts kicking in again. The strange sounds that your wings gives off... change. Some dip lower and some rise higher, and you don't really know how to explain it... but it makes your wings give off some kind of... anti-scream? It sounds stupid, but it's the best word you can think to explain it. You gave off a sound that was the opposite of the sound that Gwen made, and so it caused the two sounds to hit each other and cancel out... or something like that.

So Gwen screams silently, before her hand snaps to her throat, and your wings stop creating the anti-sound. You turn to face her, ignoring the twinge of... whatever it was you felt when she flinched again, before turning to look back at Grandpa Max. That's when it hits you... A three fingered hand slowly rose, feeling across your face.

Where your face should be. You don't have a face. You don't have eyes, or ears, or a mouth, or a nose.

In fact, now that you take a moment to focus (ignoring the way that your wings shift the sounds that you give off again), you look within yourself. You don't have lungs. You... aren't breathing. You almost want to scream... but you can't. You don't have a mouth, or a way to talk and-

You see Grandpa Max start to speak, and you try to figure out how to stop your wings from making the anti-sound. It takes a moment, but by the time that you have figured it out, Max has stopped talking. For a moment you stare at him, before motioning up to your empty face and doing a little hand motion.

"Ben?" Grandpa Max says, and this time you can hear him. You give a nod, and he gives you a slightly nervous once over, before steeling himself. "Alright let's-" Before he can finish his statement, the three of you hear an explosion, and Gwen and Grandpa Max look to each other. "Gwen, you and I should try and get the Campers to safety. Ben..." He looks up at you again, and you can literally see the fear in him - the way that his blood pressure changes and the way his brain lights up, it's actually really cool if confusing how you understand what you are looking at. "Be careful."

You give your Grandfather a nod and a thumbs up (you only have three fingers on your hand, you don't really think any of them is a thumb...), before turning to Gwen and giving her a nod as well. Then you turn your focus to where the explosion happened. You can feel your wings shifting again, and the world around you goes dull and out of focus, even as the distant woods come into focus, and then the campground beyond it.

The people there are panicking, running and screaming away from a titan of a machine. Where the ones that you had faced before were nearly as large as your dinner table back home, this one towered up - the top of it's rounded head just barely passed the tops of the trees.

The thing isn't flying, and it's carving a path of destruction through the campgrounds, destroying anything that gets in its way. You barely even think before you lean forward, your clawed feet digging into, and then ripping through the ground as you shoot forward into the air. It would take too long to go through the trees, so instead you arc up and over the trees like some kind of rocket.

The forty foot tall robot was holding someone up in one clawed hand... It almost looked like the thing was scanning him. It was probably looking for the watch. You wished you had a way to talk to him, to yell at the robot. Something, anything to distract it away from the civilian. You don't though, so you just have to hope for the best.

Slicing through the air, you slam into the creature's elbow, cracking the metal and forcing him to drop the man. You don't have time to catch him, however, as it's other hand was already coming up.

There is a hum of power, and even as you jerk to one side, it's hand follows. A screaming thrum echoes through the air, and your world becomes pain as the laser it fired hits you hard. You spiral uncontrolled through the air, and you can see that the thing is now completely focused on you. Flaring your wings, you take back control of your fall, flipping over and landing lightly atop the roof of a ca-

You crush the car under your weight. Oops. The robot sends another blast at you, but this time you had been ready - not even attempting to dodge until the weapon in the machine's arm was charged. You can't dodge a laser, it moves a the speed of light, and as far as you nothing moves faster than light, but you are faster than the robot, and that means that if you time things right you can dodge where it's aiming before it fires.

Such a plan wouldn't normally work, but you can see inside of the robot and see when it's getting ready to fire, so that makes things a whole lot easier on you. Jerking forward you try to slash at the machine with it's claws, only for it to leap upwards.

That, however was a mistake on it's part. It doesn't seem to have the power of flight, so that means that it can't dodge you when it's in the air like this. You feel the ground crack under your kick off, even if your wings made it silent, and between one moment and the next you'd reached the machine. Your claws lash out - there was a seam in it's leg, probably part of how the robot was put together, but that was a weak point for you to grab hold of.

You dig into the metal, using your mighty strength to pull the metal apart... then the robot's legs suddenly start to spin. Fast. Very fast, actually, too fast for you to keep your grip on. You were sent roaring through the air like you were fired from a catapult, and you don't even have time to try and take control before you slam into- through a tree.

This thing is really getting onto your nerves. It's scaring these people and destroying this place. It's hurt you, and worse... it doesn't seem to care. You burst back into flight, barely avoiding another laser before you slam wholly into it's head. You don't give it time to try and catch it's barrings. One claw digs into an eye-like lens, and the other claw goes for the second. You can see the things 'brain' inside of it's head, and that is your real target.

You've blinded the machine, but now it's time to finally finish this. The delicate pieces of computer are crushed beneath your claws, and as the thing tips backwards, dead to the world you hold yourself up in the air, before slowly letting yourself drift to the ground. You wanted to cheer, and scream and announce your victory to the world, but you had no way to do so.

Turning, you see that it looks like no one else had gotten hurt during the fight... at least not that you could see.

...now what do you do? The bad guy has been defeated... what do heroes do... uh... uh...

Before you can try and figure out, you feel the symbol of the watch buzz on you. You can tell that it's giving off light, but you can't actually see it to know wha- oh that's probably the alarm thing saying that the transformation is about to run out. You look to Grandpa Max and Gwen, along with the others there, and you give a little wave and a nod, then shoot for the tree line. You've got to get far enough away that they don't see the light of you transforming back.

Having finished breakfast the next morning, you help Grandpa Max and Gwen load up the last of the campsite into the RV. You still can't get the smile off of your face.

"Man, this is going to be such an awesome summer!" You say with a laugh as you flop into the booth by the table, as Grandpa Max starts up the RV.

"Well of course, you're here with Me." Grandpa Max said with a chuckle, even as you watch Gwen pull out her laptop and shake her head.

"At the very least, it's going to be an interesting one." She admits, and you'd almost swear that there was a ghost of a smile on her face. It's gone before you can be sure though.

So you set out on the road, heading East from Yosemite Park in California... who knows what your future holds...

As for your present?
[ ] Experiment with the buttons on the Omnitrix
[ ] Experiment with the Dial
[ ] Experiment with the Faceplate
[ ] Transform into one of your new aliens
- [ ] Which one
[ ] Transform into one of your old aliens
- [ ] Which one
-- [ ] What kind of experiment do you do with your alien
[ ] Talk with Gwen
- [ ] About what?
[ ] Talk with Grandpa Max
- [ ] About what?
[ ] Play some Sumo Slammers
[ ] Read one of your comics
[ ] Try and continue slogging through that book your friend suggested
[ ] Do something else? What?

Oh right, we also need a vote for the name of your new form.
[ ][Nightgaunt] What do you want to name it?

Well, finally gotten through the first episode. It only took a month and ten pages.

Now I have to figure out how to reshuffle all the episodes of the series because (irritatingly) the original series really didn't bother thinking through the road trip. Episode one is in California, episode 2 is in DC, episode 3 is the great lakes, and episode 4 is somewhere in the four corners area.

And that's working off the assumption that each episode happens approx every other day.
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Huh. So we have two big, strong, non-speaking aliens with super senses. I guess that means this is our Wildmutt, while the Acklay is more of our Ripjaws(since it can live underwater, though admittedly it seems more like a 'walk on the bottom' type than a swimmer).

Also, we need to name our new Nightgaunt form, and I need to look this thing up to find out what else(if anything) it can do.

Edit: huh, apparently what abilities we have shown to have(aside from the basic flight) are actually original. So uh, I guess we're flying blind here then(pun not originally intended). Apparently we're probably really good at tickling in this form though...
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Ah Lovecraft. Reality is stranger than fiction, no?

So when do we punch an Elder God out?

We should probably try to figure out our roster before we go poking at the Omnitrix that we need 1000 points to get anything out of. And we're rolling d10s to get there.

[X] Transform into one of your new aliens
-[X] Alien 9

Tell me what you are!

For the Nightgaunt, I'm thinking something along the lines of, but probably not exactly, Antipathy, or Unkindness. For Antipathy, Anti- for the sound cancelling and antipathy's definition of "aversion," cause we're a big scary monster people want to run from. As for Unkindness, it's the name for a group of ravens, like Poe's raven, and un- to represent again the sound cancelling.

Maybe Sound Out, for being able to "sound out" weakness, and for the no sound?