[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Lockboxes: The super-prisons you recently constructed with Dragon have been very handy already, by providing a place to put Front and Restoration villains who weren't sent to the Birdcage. If you're going up against Op Center, however, you're going to need more Lockboxes than you currently have - the man has something in the range of half a thousand villains working for him.

[X][Avatar] Indonesia: The Avatar alone cannot do anywhere near as much good for the country as the entire Guild put together can. Nonetheless, he can provide invaluable help in his free time.

[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.
[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Lockboxes: The super-prisons you recently constructed with Dragon have been very handy already, by providing a place to put Front and Restoration villains who weren't sent to the Birdcage. If you're going up against Op Center, however, you're going to need more Lockboxes than you currently have - the man has something in the range of half a thousand villains working for him.

[X][Avatar] Guild: Whichever mission the Guild chooses to focus on, the Avatar dedicates as much time as he can to supporting and preparing it.
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[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.
[X][Guild] Brazil's situation remains extremely precarious. Carefully-targeted operations can keep the cartels at each other's throats for a while longer.

[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.
[X][Avatar] Guild: Whichever mission the Guild chooses to focus on, the Avatar dedicates as much time as he can to supporting and preparing it.
If the Avatar doing Relief Efforts wins, which it looks like it might along with Lockboxes, what areas of Earth Bet would need it the most, who and where would it help the most?

One area I can think of is maybe Kabul, we already arrested the Purifier there and it's in the hands of the people again but they might need more help, though I think we already gave some aid there, like water and medicine, when we did a return visit there if I remember correctly.
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If the Avatar doing Relief Efforts wins, which it looks like it might along with Lockboxes, what areas of Earth Bet would need it the most, who and where would it help the most?

One area I can think of is maybe Kabul, we already arrested the Purifier there and it's in the hands of the people again but they might need more help, though I think we already gave some aid there, like water and medicine, when we did a return visit there if I remember correctly.
We also worked with one of the more reasonable warlords to help set up a stable government.

Hmm. Well I think we've two categories. First, ones where there are current crises and people dying of famine, lack of water, or looming same with drought. And then there's propping up more stable regions and governments so they STAY stable.
We also worked with one of the more reasonable warlords to help set up a stable government.

Hmm. Well I think we've two categories. First, ones where there are current crises and people dying of famine, lack of water, or looming same with drought. And then there's propping up more stable regions and governments so they STAY stable.
Maybe we could help around Brazil, specially the areas the government controls, they are somewhat stable, but it is a precarious situation, they could definitely use help to stay stable, particularly having Avatar make critical supplies for them could really help.

Also perhaps various places around Africa, the few legitimate governments there could really use some aid and supplies, plus people that are suffering under warlords might need more food, water, and medicine, though in that situation we would have to be careful that it doesn't get taken by the warlords themselves.
Maybe we could help around Brazil, specially the areas the government controls, they are somewhat stable, but it is a precarious situation, they could definitely use help to stay stable, particularly having Avatar make critical supplies for them could really help.

Also perhaps various places around Africa, the few legitimate governments there could really use some aid and supplies, plus people that are suffering under warlords might need more food, water, and medicine, though in that situation we would have to be careful that it doesn't get taken by the warlords themselves.
I think that's a really good idea. Prop up Government Brazil, prop up the stable African nations - especially the ones that are working on stabilizing their neighbors.

I don't want to bow to PR, but if there's anything in the US that could use relief rather than crime fighting we should do it. Help take wind out of the racist sails.

Propping up the mexican government will help too, especially areas that go to the Cartels by default because the people don't have any alternatives. The trouble with that is unless we create actual infrastructure that won't solve the problem. You can't airdrop systemic problems away.
The trouble with that is unless we create actual infrastructure that won't solve the problem. You can't airdrop systemic problems away.
All really good points, I just want to say that this part right here reminded me of the Superman Peace On Earth story, where Superman goes around the world trying to give food to hungry people and while it starts good it doesn't end the greatest, you should go read it or find a video on it like I did, that story is legitimately great.

Anyways that does bring up a very good point, our help needs to be impactful, like giving food, water, medicine, and whatever else is really helpful, but the important thing is that we need to help people be able to stand on their own two feet, though I understand that's a long-term project, beyond what the Avatar can do himself, just something important to keep in mind that just dropping food and whatever else off isn't necessarily enough, more does need to be done, though every bit helps of course.

Edit: It's a little long, but here's a good video of Superman Peace On Earth.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yXaieRIuBIg
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[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Lockboxes: The super-prisons you recently constructed with Dragon have been very handy already, by providing a place to put Front and Restoration villains who weren't sent to the Birdcage. If you're going up against Op Center, however, you're going to need more Lockboxes than you currently have - the man has something in the range of half a thousand villains working for him.

[X][Avatar] Indonesia: The Avatar alone cannot do anywhere near as much good for the country as the entire Guild put together can. Nonetheless, he can provide invaluable help in his free time.

[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.
[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Lockboxes: The super-prisons you recently constructed with Dragon have been very handy already, by providing a place to put Front and Restoration villains who weren't sent to the Birdcage. If you're going up against Op Center, however, you're going to need more Lockboxes than you currently have - the man has something in the range of half a thousand villains working for him.

[X][Avatar] Guild: Whichever mission the Guild chooses to focus on, the Avatar dedicates as much time as he can to supporting and preparing it.

[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.

I have already explained my reasoning for the Guild one.
For the others, I think they are self-evident: We need more prisons to hold the villains, this mission will be important, and some humanitarian work is always needed.
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We've got a hard problem here too. Some places, where there isn't a legitimate government, we probably want to forget about the old lines on a map and accept that new countries have formed. In that case we want to encourage the transition from warlordism to governance. But other times we'll want to support the existing government. And deciding when to do which is difficult
[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Lockboxes: The super-prisons you recently constructed with Dragon have been very handy already, by providing a place to put Front and Restoration villains who weren't sent to the Birdcage. If you're going up against Op Center, however, you're going to need more Lockboxes than you currently have - the man has something in the range of half a thousand villains working for him.

[X][Avatar] Indonesia: The Avatar alone cannot do anywhere near as much good for the country as the entire Guild put together can. Nonetheless, he can provide invaluable help in his free time.

[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.
[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Lockboxes: The super-prisons you recently constructed with Dragon have been very handy already, by providing a place to put Front and Restoration villains who weren't sent to the Birdcage. If you're going up against Op Center, however, you're going to need more Lockboxes than you currently have - the man has something in the range of half a thousand villains working for him.

[X][Avatar] Indonesia: The Avatar alone cannot do anywhere near as much good for the country as the entire Guild put together can. Nonetheless, he can provide invaluable help in his free time.

[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.
Also, any long running shows - they do still exist after all - will take into account the Avatar's arrival as a momentous event that just... knocks things.

Like, remember The West Wing at 9/11? They didn't have a specific episode for 'this happened' or the characters dealing with 9/11 specifically. But they did have an interlude episode that made a bridge between pre-and-post 9/11 storytelling. Many shows on Earth Bet probably do the same approach. Suddenly The Avatar is here, and the Simurgh is dead. Endbringers can be killed. The whole tenor of the story changes.

I'm also reminded of a discussion from the rpgnet roleplay Scary News Out Of Tokyo 3, in which they mention at some point that their version of Breaking Bad was just about someone desperate to survive in the post-apocalypse rather than needing a personal catastrophe as motive.
Took a while, but I found the one example in the story of a TV show featuring the Avatar, so there is at least some stuff, though not a lot, productions of movies/shows takes time.

Of course, there's another component to the plan to destroy the Empire. That component comes into play hours later, in the evening (around the time you finish the new round of power-testing). It's not something you often do, but, you check "Familiar Farces". It's a popular TV show - half news, half comedy, using latex dolls of public figures to discuss and satirize recent events. The highlight of tonight's show is the Protectorate's dismantling of the Empire's operations (appropriate credit is given to New Wave). Your own latex figure (which is constantly bathed in a ray of light, and has a deliberately over-the-top angelic chorus in the background while it talks) plays a prominent role. More importantly, the Empire, whose Nazi ties are played up, is utterly ridiculed in every possible way. They are shown as cowards running away from you, gay-bashers whose male members own Hitler-porn, and many other things. One running gag involves you showing up whenever the Empire is working on something, most members screaming in terror and retreating like terrified Muppets, and Hookwolf putting his fists up and shouting "Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em!" in a high-pitched voice until Kaiser and Krieg drag him away.
[X][Guild] Asura has India's Thanda capes sufficiently freaked out that they want outside help, despite their usual emphasis on secrecy. India collapsing would be cataclysmic for Earth-Bet, and you've delayed too long already.

[X][Avatar] Guild: Whichever mission the Guild chooses to focus on, the Avatar dedicates as much time as he can to supporting and preparing it.
[X][Avatar] Relief: The Avatar spends some time on providing relief efforts to particularly-devastated regions of Earth-Bet.
@sun tzu, I think it might be time to close voting soon, the Guild India option is winning by a complete landslide so far, and for the Avatar options so far it looks like we're going to be doing Lockboxes and Relief, and then either Indonesia or Guild, though if you want to wait for more votes to trickle in that's fair.
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Hey @sun tzu since the S9 are gone won't that mean we have 22 years til Scion loses it because that's what happen in canon if Jack didn't edge Scion on to pure destruction

With the Avatar in Earth bet Scion isn't gonna lose it all anymore now that he has a purpose (combating the alien threat that is the Avatar and integrating him as part of the Cycle to harvest that sweet data from him)
We've met with Scion, and had a conversation with him about dealing with grief when he explained that the hero thing wasn't actually helping him. That's likely to be the big impact.
Yeah, the Avatar suggesting he find connections with the people he helps is going to go somewhere. Not sure where though.