But we won't stay dead. So her path can't see us reviving ourselves from the dead?
It's possible for Contessa to perma-kill the Avatar.
But did her power show her that path? Or just a path to "killing" him, which would result in self-resurrection a week later?

Indeed. Always nice to see a Cauldron that doesn't immediately jump to the "kick the dog" option.
Cauldron are not qualified for their job, but they're not puppy-kicking morons, either.

Nope, but we would stay alive as long as there is hope in the galaxy we are in. Anyway our luck manipulation would fuck with her path ability to find us and kill us.
Not quite. The Avatar returns to life as long as there's a sapient being with a shred of heroism in the same solar system. If you get dumped in the vicinity of a sun about to go supernova, you're in trouble.
As for your luck manipulation powers, they may be a blind spot for Contessa, but that shouldn't be taken to mean she's helpless against you, either.
Underestimate Cauldron at your own peril.
Nope, but we would stay alive as long as there is hope in the galaxy we are in. Anyway our luck manipulation would fuck with her path ability to find us and kill us.
Sun Tzu mentioned that we CAN die, though.

Mind you, my interpretation is that Contessa would have to take a number of steps to break public opinion's faith in heroism, but it CAN be done.

EDIT: Imp'ed by author
Alexandria turned to face Contessa. "Can you see a path to killing him?"

"Yes," the Mediterranean woman answered. "It would not be easy, but I could do it."

Alexandria nodded. "A path to bringing him into the Protectorate?"

"I can see that path."

"A path to making him go villain?"

Contessa blinked. "...I don't see a path for that," she admitted, visibly surprised.

Excellent Interlude. Very good interpretation of Cauldron, too. That's an unusual sight.
Cauldron are the Justice League with no Superman or Batman and multiple Doomsday like threats on the go with an Evil Superman countdown clock over their heads.

To be quite frank they fully know how horrible their actions are and would, on a moral basis, absolutely agree that they're going to hell for what they've done and will do.
Unfortunately they don't see any better way to try to save some fragment of humanity or some percentage of alternate Earths. This is the best guess they've got and everything is awful.
"Contessa, are you going for a walk?"
"Yes. You need something?"
"Yeah. I've been thinking about baking a cake. Can you buy some eggs and flour while you're out?"
Is it Mukrezar talking to Contessa? :o

You can lie to the Avatar. You can trick him. You can manipulate him.
You cannot make him unheroic. :cool:

Excellent Interlude. Very good interpretation of Cauldron, too. That's an unusual sight.
Legend is the conscience that gets checked out at the door, Eidolon is a bit too invested in being the one who saves the world (but not to the point of being ludicrous about it), Alexandria methodically relies on her Thinker power and PRT sources, Doctor Mother ruthlessly relies on Contessa to get the job done, Contessa relies on the others to tell her how to use her powers, and Number Man is the one guy in the room who paid enough attention to tell the new cape from Earth-Gimel calls himself "the Avatar" rather than just "Avatar". XD
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[X] Stunt: IF we decide not to go full disclosure on our powers, we WILL warn Legend about it-because dammit, pragmatism may force us to keep some information from our own ALLIES, but hiding it outright smacks too close of dishonesty, and if it came to light in a combat situation it would be outright betrayal.
Is it Mukrezar talking to Contessa? :o

You can lie to the Avatar. You can trick him. You can manipulate him.
You cannot make him unheroic. :cool:

Legend is the conscience that gets checked out at the door, Eidolon is a bit too invested in being the one who saves the world (but not to the point of being ludicrous about it), Alexandria methodically relies on her Thinker power and PRT sources, Doctor Mother ruthlessly relies on Contessa to get the job done, Contessa relies on the others to tell her how to use her powers, and Number One is the one guy in the room who paid enough attention to tell the new cape from Earth-Gimel call himself "the Avatar" rather than just "Avatar". XD

There's totally a path to making the Avatar a "Villian."

You simply swap either the literal definition If you want to be flippant about it, or go on a massive social engineering program that reverses the cultural norms. Difficult and time consuming, but within Contessa's ability.
It's possible for Contessa to perma-kill the Avatar.
But did her power show her that path? Or just a path to "killing" him, which would result in self-resurrection a week later
Cauldron are not qualified for their job, but they're not puppy-kicking morons, either.
It'd show the route to permakilling. It's not a literal genie and regen and self resurection is within her realm of understanding.

Also who is qualified? Without a degree of intelligence that would be called a power in and of it self in worm.

[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.
-[X]Whip up stupidly large amount of rare super metal for them to play with.
[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.

[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.
It'd show the route to permakilling. It's not a literal genie and regen and self resurection is within her realm of understanding.
Um, yeah it is. That's Contessa's whole problem: her power is utterly dependent on asking the right questions.

In the Avatars case it'd show how to kill him. But it wouldn't show how to permanently kill him because that's a different question and there is the general assumption that people die when they're killed.
Um, yeah it is. That's Contessa's whole problem: her power is utterly dependent on asking the right questions.

In the Avatars case it'd show how to kill him. But it wouldn't show how to permanently kill him because that's a different question and there is the general assumption that people die when they're killed.
But if he is fully comprehendable to ptv it would be permakill because if he comes back, he was never dead in any mind that matters, he was just temporarily incapictated.

It's not a pedantic or it would have had shoot grey boy on path to kill him, and if it was they'd go permakill forever more.
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But of he fully comprehend able to ptv it would be permakill because if he comes back he was never dead in any mind that matters he was just temporarily incapictated.

It's not a pedantic or it would have had shoot grey boy on path and they'd go permakill forever more.
Um, no. "How do I kill" is a different question than "How do I permanently kill/destroy/gone forever." Again, people give Contessa a lot of shit for not asking the right questions. "How do I kill Grey Boy/the Avatar/Alabaster" is going to give you a path to putting the equivalent of a bullet in their skulls because all you're asking for is how to kill their (temporary) body.

A much better question would be, "How do I remove Grey Boy as a threat" or "How do kill Grey Boy and not have him just unwind the damage."

You'll note that these questions are asking rather different things and are not at all the same thing as asking, "How do I kill X."
Um, no. "How do I kill" is a different question than "How do I permanently kill/destroy/gone forever." Again, people give Contessa a lot of shit for not asking the right questions. "How do I kill Grey Boy/the Avatar/Alabaster" is going to give you a path to putting the equivalent of a bullet in their skulls because all you're asking for is how to kill their (temporary) body.

A much better question would be, "How do I remove Grey Boy as a threat" or "How do kill Grey Boy and not have him just unwind the damage."

You'll note that these questions are asking rather different things and are not at all the same thing as asking, "How do I kill X."
You'll notice the second part of post.

It's not pedantic or Contessa would enact Grey boy Protocols in her phrasing with high powered beings forever more.

Because if the thing reading her mind and intent is that pedantic/slash stupid Contessa in her many many years of learning, using the power, working around blind spots, and even doing modeling bullshit would have already pick up this 'obvious' habit because she's already ran in to this situation.
You'll notice the second part of post.

It's not pedantic or Contessa would enact Grey boy Protocols in her phrasing with high powered beings forever more.

Because if the thing reading her mind and intent is that pedantic/slash stupid Contessa in her many many years of learning, using the power, working around blind spots, and even doing modeling bullshit would have already pick up this 'obvious' habit because she's already ran in to this situation.
You're forgetting something rather critical in all this: Cauldron didn't necessarily want to kill Grey Boy. They actually want to kill as few capes as possible because Cauldron's goal is to have as many capes available as possible in order to fight Scion.

Do you think it's a coincidence that Grey Boy got taken out by GU? Or that she wound up in the Birdcage?

The question she asks matters.
Of course, this is all presuming that the Avatar's resurrective process doesn't inherently create a blindspot for precognitives, a capability he explicitly possesses.

You'll notice the second part of post.

It's not pedantic or Contessa would enact Grey boy Protocols in her phrasing with high powered beings forever more.

Because if the thing reading her mind and intent is that pedantic/slash stupid Contessa in her many many years of learning, using the power, working around blind spots, and even doing modeling bullshit would have already pick up this 'obvious' habit because she's already ran in to this situation.
Well, firstly, when she Planned GB's death it didn't stick, and secondly, how many resurrection-capable enemies do you think she's faced?
Well done. Far too many people portray Cauldron as puppy kicking evil, when they are really just a group of people trying for an almost impossible task.
[X] Stunt: IF we decide not to go full disclosure on our powers, we WILL warn Legend about it-because dammit, pragmatism may force us to keep some information from our own ALLIES, but hiding it outright smacks too close of dishonesty, and if it came to light in a combat situation it would be outright betrayal.
Or… Turn him into a troll through a cursed cake? That's the only logical conclusion I can make from statements above.
That was just hilarious. I laughed so hard that I think I scared my cat.

It'd show the route to permakilling. It's not a literal genie
FunkyEntropy has mentioned it already, but you're wrong. That is actually the main weakness of Contessa's bullshit-tier power. She has to ask the right questions.
Or… Turn him into a troll through a cursed cake? That's the only logical conclusion I can make from statements above.
And now I have this mental image of the Avatar talking to the Avatar. XD
"...then the forces of darkness overran my country, had my citizens and family tortured to death before me one by one, and stuck me in that body!"
"Sucks. I spent five years being burned alive at the heart of the Sun, and came back to find the evil empire had conquered half the world and murdered millions of civilians in death camps."
"Fuck evil."
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
No. of votes: 29
Gundor Gepein
A Living Person
Lord Samiel

[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
No. of votes: 18
Gundor Gepein
A Living Person
Lord Samiel

[x] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
No. of votes: 12

[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.
No. of votes: 7

[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.
No. of votes: 9

--[X] The city is as full of problems as it is of gems. Maybe you could steer brilliant but missguided young minds like Skitter and Tattletale unto a better path.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Deal with the S-class threats of North America in coordination with the PRT and the Protectorate. Then go back to Brockton Bay. They could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
No. of votes: 11

[X] Decline power testing, as it is unnecessary. Instead, simply provide the protectorate with a detailed list of what you can do. Be honest, but keep a few aces up your sleeves when it comes to aspects of you abilities that might be classified as thinker or stranger type powers - in other words, powers that you'll be able to use much more effectively if nobody knows you have them.
No. of votes: 6

[X] That being said, set aside a few hours each day to both deal with small stuff like Brockton Bay and interact with people other than Big-Name heroes and villains in a personal manner - it might not be efficient, but it's good for one's mental health and perspective.
No. of votes: 2

[X] Get Rid of SlaughterHouse Nine
No. of votes: 2

[X] Stunt: IF we decide not to go full disclosure on our powers, we WILL warn Legend about it-because dammit, pragmatism may force us to keep some information from our own ALLIES, but hiding it outright smacks too close of dishonesty, and if it came to light in a combat situation it would be outright betrayal.
No. of votes: 2

-[X]Whip up stupidly large amount of rare super metal for them to play with.
No. of votes: 1

This is admittedly a bit of a mess, but it looks to me like the winning vote is to keep a few secrets, and start small with Brockton Bay.
It's not pedantic or Contessa would enact Grey boy Protocols in her phrasing with high powered beings forever more.

Because if the thing reading her mind and intent is that pedantic/slash stupid Contessa in her many many years of learning, using the power, working around blind spots, and even doing modeling bullshit would have already pick up this 'obvious' habit because she's already ran in to this situation.

Maybe Contessa tries out endless clauses and variations when working out a plan using paths and just does a quick check when she wants to know if something is an option? I certainly wouldn't spend half an hour checking my answer was complete before answering an off-hand question.
Maybe Contessa tries out endless clauses and variations when working out a plan using paths and just does a quick check when she wants to know if something is an option? I certainly wouldn't spend half an hour checking my answer was complete before answering an off-hand question.
That's what they hire Accord for.

Contessa is not the most flexible person with using her powers. She specifically got Doctor Mother to help ask the right questions because she can't.

It's hard to develop critical thinking skills when you get the solution automatically when you think of a task.
That's what they hire Accord for.

Contessa is not the most flexible person with using her powers. She specifically got Doctor Mother to help ask the right questions because she can't.

It's hard to develop critical thinking skills when you get the solution automatically when you think of a task.

That doesn't make any sense. If Comtessa's power were that flexible, she could just get it to tell her the right questions to ask it, so her critical thinking skills would be irrelevant. (If not, then it would actively encourage her to develop critical thinking skills.)