One of the reasons we don't want to go through the full scope of our ability is that Cauldron, who Legend works for, is likely concerned that we're another Scion.
We don't know that. I don't like using out of character knowledge in roleplaying. Not saying we should waste our time in power testing, but...
Faultline. Solo villain.
Is this supposed to be Circus?

[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.

With the amount of powers that could be used to forcibly take information, whether by hacking, interrogation or the like, it seems highly prudent to keep some details hidden.

[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.

... yeah, I'm a sucker for Brockton Bay. Let's help out and groom Taylor to be a great hero.
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
[x] Brain_Caster

As he raises some fair points and lets us work on both the small and large picture here.
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Gonna be honest - I'm less happy with this update than previous ones. It got a bit too bloated, and I ended up a bit too tired to focus on the awesome.
While I agree with what you say here, this update has Taylor receiving an Avatar-hug. This more than makes up for the other minor deficiencies.

More detailed comments (mostly fact-checking) to come later.
Firstly, why the hell would we undergo "power testing" anyway? It sounds like a colossal waste of time to me. Or am I wrong that the Avatar already knows pretty much everything there is to know about his own powers? Avatar is not a parahuman after all.
Oh, he knows what he can do.
Power testing serves two purposes: It lets the PRT know what he can do (so they can make better battle plans involving him - remember, he didn't fight Leviathan alone)... and it will provide useful comparison between his abilities and those of the parahumans, giving him a better idea of what they can do.
Not a bad way to spend a few hours.

Secondly, yeah, staying in Brockton Bay to deal with street level stuff definitely is a complete f*****g waste of our time. It's like Scion pulling cats out of trees while thousands are dying in some massive disaster a few hundred kilometers away. Do we really want to be "silver Scion"? Hell no!
It's not just about dealing with street-level stuff (that includes a gang of twenty Neonazi supervillains) - it's about learning the ropes of how things work on Earth Bet. The legal procedures for arresting villains, how the Protectorate operates, how the public thinks, that sort of thing.

This should be Kaiser.

You already mentioned her as a mercenary leader so she shouldn't also be a solo villain.
Whoops. Thanks. It was Kaiser and Circus, respectively.

Question, why not
1) Unseal magic?

2) Go talk to Scion
1)If magic is sealed on Earth-Bet like it was on the Avatar's World (and that's a big if. Remember that Causality was a playable choice ;))... then unsealing it could well be a terrible idea. It's bad enough having the Scion-apocalypse looming on the horizon, you don't want to throw in some potentially less-than-friendly gods coming into the mix who haven't crippled themselves by taking an avatar form.
2)A possibility that the Avatar is considering! Not his first priority - especially seeing as he knows so little about Scion - but something he may well do in the near future.

Precogs can see Avatar (and are OCP to him). This means that Cauldron is unlikely to worry about him.
Well, they're going to worry. Just a lot less than they would if was precog-invisible.
Wasn't magic unsealed using the entire Holocaust as a giant ritual sacrifice? While Kaiser might like this idea, it doesn't exactly seem heroic.
In some other stories, yeah, but not here. In the Avatar's World, the Holocaust served no mystical purpose (though it was Nazi mystics who unsealed magic, hoping to give the Third Reich an edge toward the end of the war when it was very clearly losing).
[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.

[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
[X] Decline power testing, as it is unnecessary. Instead, simply provide the protectorate with a detailed list of what you can do. Be honest, but keep a few aces up your sleeves when it comes to aspects of you abilities that might be classified as thinker or stranger type powers - in other words, powers that you'll be able to use much more effectively if nobody knows you have them.
[X] Get Rid of SlaughterHouse Nine
it's about learning the ropes of how things work on Earth Bet
How it works in North America Bet, you mean. It's not going to help him in other places, like Africa, Japan, China and India, who all have different laws and cape culture.

The best way to gather information is to ally with the Guild/Protectorate and simply ask them to brief you on everything over the next few days.
[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.

You ultimately decide not to mention Checkmate and the Quantum Matrix - it probably couldn't be replicated anyway, but why take risks?

Wait wait wait. Is this a reference to Time Of Perils? Wow. O_O
[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
Also, given that in this universe Gallant survived, there's a bit of brand new WOG which might be interesting (and might mean we don't have to focus so much on Panacea):

Gallant knew, he was aware of where Amy was at and where she was going. He also knew that pushing her too hard or too fast would end in disaster. He gently raises the subject, she reacts badly, he backs off. She avoids him, he continues to act friendly in the hopes that when things start getting bad, she can get past her jealousy of him and reach out. He couldn't read minds, but he could get enough of a sense of where she was emotionally to plot this all out pretty damn well. Left alone, it's very possible he could have walked her through it. But life isn't that simple.

He plants the seed, he offers his help, but then the city gets chaotic and busy and Amy is off helping people who were affected by Bakuda's bombs and he's patrolling the streets and off doing jobs and they only see each other in passing.

Then Leviathan comes, and in Gallant's last moment, he thinks of the girl he genuinely cares about and he has a flash of fear, a moment of regret that he didn't leave a message somewhere to let someone know what was going on with Amy.
I particularly liked how you integrated the ship graveyard portion as being Taylor's idea. That and her mention of contacting Scion really reinforces her agency.
Those bits were genius.

[X] Decline power testing, as it is unnecessary. Instead, simply provide the protectorate with a detailed list of what you can do. Be honest, but keep a few aces up your sleeves when it comes to aspects of you abilities that might be classified as thinker or stranger type powers - in other words, powers that you'll be able to use much more effectively if nobody knows you have them.
[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.

[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.

[no] Deal with the S-class threats of North America in coordination with the PRT and the Protectorate. Then go back to Brockton Bay. They could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
- The S-class threats in North America are the Slaughterhouse Nine and Nilbog. Nilbog is a non-issue since he's content with staying where he is doing effectively nothing. We already have a vote specifically for dealing with the S9. This option is useless at best and a waste of time at worst.
In some other stories, yeah, but not here. In the Avatar's World, the Holocaust served no mystical purpose (though it was Nazi mystics who unsealed magic, hoping to give the Third Reich an edge toward the end of the war when it was very clearly losing).
Yeah, I think I was misremembering by blending Dire's backstory and Avatar's. :oops:
Wait wait wait. Is this a reference to Time Of Perils? Wow. O_O
Kind of sort of but not exactly? :p
Same character, different incarnation. I've used Checkmate Warren in a lot of things - fanfic series, superhero setting, even as a particularly-effective Sidereal NPC in an Exalted campaign. The version of Checkmate that exists in the Avatar's World isn't the same as the one in "Worm: Time of Perils", but it is a version of the same character.

Yeah, I think I was misremembering by blending Dire's backstory and Avatar's. :oops:
Should I take that as a compliment? XD
On the case of flushing out the drugs, it shouldn't take much to convince Amy, we've shown ourselves FAR more nicer than most of Worm's canon cast, and a honest to god hero to boot, the problem is dealing with whether or not she is ABLE to flush them, with altered brain chemistry probably in there.

Whether Panacea can do it or not, is irrelevant: DINAH won't accept a quick fix for her addiction. Remember that in canon, her power told her she had an enormous chance of getting back into drugs unless she suffered through a very umpleasant rehabilitation.

As for the votes:

If you are not forthcoming with your origin, I don't think you would spend hours relating every single possible thing you can do with your rather versatile powers

[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.

Thre is good to do here right now, and you need some time to learn the ways of the locals befor you can star improving things. Not to mention that running blind after Nilbog or the 9 might cause collateral damage

[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.