[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.

Coil is listening in. Saint is listening in. Cauldron is listening in. No full disclosure.

[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
(*whispers* And some unCoiling)
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.

[x] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
I really doubt they'll show their faces. In canon they show up to capitalize on the devastation and chaos that happened in the wake of the Leviathan attack, and even without his powers Jack isn't stupid. He won't be trying to pick a fight with us anytime soon... which means that once we feed Coil his own teeth, we should get Tattletale (and/or Dinah, if we can get Panacea to flush the drugs from her system and she's willing) to track them down so we can... express our displeasure with them. Painfully.
Even better! We take the first move and HOUND them :D.

On the case of flushing out the drugs, it shouldn't take much to convince Amy, we've shown ourselves FAR more nicer than most of Worm's canon cast, and a honest to god hero to boot, the problem is dealing with whether or not she is ABLE to flush them, with altered brain chemistry probably in there.

The only issue I (personally) have, how to off Jack AND leave him a mental wreck, because personally, I hate him more than a angel would hate a devil, and I really want to see a satisfying take down of him where he dies cursing or begging. Of course we are the personification of heroism and nobility, so brutal vengeance is doubtful, not that I mind, just....Jack is not my cup of anything. Wow, that's a hate factory of me, my apologies.
Gonna be honest - I'm less happy with this update than previous ones. It got a bit too bloated, and I ended up a bit too tired to focus on the awesome.

So I guess I'll have to make up for that in future updates! XD
Really? I thought it said everything that needed to be said without overstaying its welcome. I particularly liked how you integrated the ship graveyard portion as being Taylor's idea. That and her mention of contacting Scion really reinforces her agency.

And, lest we forget, all the warm fuzzies from The Hug and her being on the receiving end of people's gratitude. I found that particularly enjoyable because, as has already been mentioned in thread, the best Superman stories aren't the ones where he's being a Righteous Face Puncher.
[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.
[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.
[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.
[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.
[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.
Also if the S9 come to visit like canon, I would almost feel sorry for those poor, irredeemable, wasteful sods....ALMOST. And if Avatar is as much as a Superman expy as I think he is, Jack is gonna have shite luck even fazing the Avatar, and the lack of a shard thing already made things nigh-impossible for the Joker wannabe.
Why wait for them to come to us? Working with the Protectorate to find them and finish them off seems like a perfect way to both improve the world and get to work with them in action.
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.

[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
--[X] The city is as full of problems as it is of gems. Maybe you could steer brilliant but missguided young minds like Skitter and Tattletale unto a better path.

Can't help but like the Avatar. Such a genuine, but best of all, not naive nice guy.
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Even better! We take the first move and HOUND them :D.

On the case of flushing out the drugs, it shouldn't take much to convince Amy, we've shown ourselves FAR more nicer than most of Worm's canon cast, and a honest to god hero to boot, the problem is dealing with whether or not she is ABLE to flush them, with altered brain chemistry probably in there.

The only issue I (personally) have, how to off Jack AND leave him a mental wreck, because personally, I hate him more than a angel would hate a devil, and I really want to see a satisfying take down of him where he dies cursing or begging. Of course we are the personification of heroism and nobility, so brutal vengeance is doubtful, not that I mind, just....Jack is not my cup of anything. Wow, that's a hate factory of me, my apologies.

In my opinion, the best "Fuck you" we can give is to brutally deconstruct his words while we do the same to his precious team. Jack Slash is like Nolan-verse Joker - he takes great pride in setting up bullsh*t scenarios to "prove" that everyone is just like him: "one bad day" away from becoming a monster. So while we kick his ass, the Avatar should give a speech about all the incredible things people - both powered and unpowered - have done that he's seen. The Avatar knows man can be far better than the twisted caricature Jack Slash and his ilk would make of them - he sees it every day.

Really? I thought it said everything that needed to be said without overstaying its welcome. I particularly liked how you integrated the ship graveyard portion as being Taylor's idea. That and her mention of contacting Scion really reinforces her agency.

And, lest we forget, all the warm fuzzies from The Hug and her being on the receiving end of people's gratitude. I found that particularly enjoyable because, as has already been mentioned in thread, the best Superman stories aren't the ones where he's being a Righteous Face Puncher.

Yes. I loved that scene. It's why I always wanted to read a story where Superman comes to Worm: not because I want him to punch asshole faces For Great Justice (though that's nice too), but because I want to see him to give Taylor a hug and tell her she's done well. I want to see him to put a comforting hand on Amy's shoulder and tell her that there's no such thing as being "born" to be a villain. I want to see him try to teach Sophia what being a hero really means.
Superman isn't the greatest hero because he's the strongest (and even if he's at Silver Age power, he really isn't); Superman is the greatest hero because he inspires heroism. He doesn't just do good deeds, he makes other people want to do good deeds. He doesn't just prove that there are heroes, he makes them believe they can be heroes.
The Avatar definitely follows in that vein, so I'm glad we chose him.
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
In my opinion, the best "Fuck you" we can give is to brutally deconstruct his words while we do the same to his precious team. Jack Slash is like Nolan-verse Joker - he takes great pride in setting up bullsh*t scenarios to "prove" that everyone is just like him: "one bad day" away from becoming a monster. So while we kick his ass, the Avatar should give a speech about all the incredible things people - both powered and unpowered - have done that he's seen. The Avatar knows man can be far better than the twisted caricature Jack Slash and his ilk would make of them - he sees it every day.

I was personally thinking of using the guy's words, thoughts, and history against him, much more undeniable with the source being from the convict themself, and even more satisfying, I always was a sucker of twisting ones ideologies and words into their own Sword of Damoclese. But, regardless we'll reach the bridge soon enough.

Just how I like my retribution :p

EDIT:Shoulda read more carefully.

Why wait for them to come to us? Working with the Protectorate to find them and finish them off seems like a perfect way to both improve the world and get to work with them in action.

If they (Protectorate) can get the go ahead, *cough*Bureaucracy*cough*Cauldron*cough*.
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[X] The better they know your powers, the better plans can be made to save the world. You know the importance of being a team player, so you're going to tell them everything you can afford to about your powers and fully cooperate with the testing.
[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.

[X] Deal with the S-class threats of North America in coordination with the PRT and the Protectorate. Then go back to Brockton Bay. They could use some help, as well as some denazifying.

The S9 needs to go. Nilbog is less urgent, but it would be sensational for PR and give people hope. As for staying in Brockton Bay, well Coil needs to be dealt with.
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[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[x] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
Great update!

[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
[X] Decline power testing, as it is unnecessary. Instead, simply provide the protectorate with a detailed list of what you can do. Be honest, but keep a few aces up your sleeves when it comes to aspects of you abilities that might be classified as thinker or stranger type powers - in other words, powers that you'll be able to use much more effectively if nobody knows you have them.

[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.

Starting small seems like a waste of our abilities, no matter how much other readers might like to stick to beloved characters.
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[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
[X] Decline power testing, as it is unnecessary. Instead, simply provide the protectorate with a detailed list of what you can do. Be honest, but keep a few aces up your sleeves when it comes to aspects of you abilities that might be classified as thinker or stranger type powers - in other words, powers that you'll be able to use much more effectively if nobody knows you have them.

[X] The Guild is a non-governmental team that specializes in fighting the Big Bads. It sounds more fitting for you than the Protectorate, honestly.
[X] Deal with the S-class threats of North America in coordination with the PRT and the Protectorate. Then go back to Brockton Bay. They could use some help, as well as some denazifying.
[X] Coordinate with Protectorate thinkers to hunt down the Slaughterhouse Nine.

[X] That being said, set aside a few hours each day to both deal with small stuff like Brockton Bay and interact with people other than Big-Name heroes and villains in a personal manner - it might not be efficient, but it's good for one's mental health and perspective.

Firstly, why the hell would we undergo "power testing" anyway? It sounds like a colossal waste of time to me. Or am I wrong that the Avatar already knows pretty much everything there is to know about his own powers? Avatar is not a parahuman after all.

Secondly, yeah, staying in Brockton Bay to deal with street level stuff definitely is a complete f*****g waste of our time. It's like Scion pulling cats out of trees while thousands are dying in some massive disaster a few hundred kilometers away. Do we really want to be "silver Scion"? Hell no!

(Voted for multiple options regarding Avatar's next steps since it all goes in the same direction. Just count my vote wherever it serves best.)
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[X] Decline power testing, as it is unnecessary. Instead, simply provide the protectorate with a detailed list of what you can do. Be honest, but keep a few aces up your sleeves when it comes to aspects of you abilities that might be classified as thinker or stranger type powers - in other words, powers that you'll be able to use much more effectively if nobody knows you have them.
[X] Get Rid of SlaughterHouse Nine
[X] You want to help these people, but you don't know them very well yet - or, for that matter, their operational security. It might be best to keep a few aces up your sleeve. You will cooperate with the power testing, but not reveal everything you can do.
-Though informing Legend of a broader scope of your abilities unofficially would be fine. He seems like a good guy.
[X] Start small. Brockton Bay could use some help, as well as some denazifying.