A Certain Scientific XCOM Project

How many people are still in the area
the school is fill with nothing but LV 3 and 4 with two LV 5
we can at least get some form of support
the school is fill with nothing but LV 3 and 4 with two LV 5
we can at least get some form of support

Though if I remember correctly, Mikoto and Kuroko are living on the campus outside the Gardens. And while that is still indeed a crapton of level 3s and 4s, as long as they are safe in their dormitories, they might obey instructions and wait until the whole thing is over ; especially if Misaki does not want to risk her pawns into a firefight.

Better not count on any outside support and be pleasantly surprised rather than the reverse. Plus, in a way, it's convenient for us too : it makes us maintain our masquerade juuuust a little bit longer, because if Tokiwadai students see two Misaka and two Shirai battling aliens with guns, well... there'll be questions.

... though now that I think about it, keeping it hidden from Misaki is probably impossible at this point. And she likes the clones too, and might take issue with the whole thing. Yeah, I think secrecy won't be an option for long, at this point.
We can only hope, because the worst case scenario involves a lot of people knocking at our door. :whistle:

Oh well, we'll worry about that later, aliens to shoot first. Given the clarification about the southern building...

[X] Plan Slow & Steady v2
- [X] SHIRAI 1 moves left to the corner of the building, assumes overwatch
- [X] MISAKA 10033 moves behind the left dumpster, assumes overwatch
- [X] MISAKA 10035 & SHIRAI 2 take positions on both sides of the left building's door, assume overwatch
- [X] If any of those moves uncover an alien, units who didn't act are to take cover and overwatch
I wonder if its possible for the SHIRAI to teleport improvise or custom covers.
Hope we can teleport distractions when needed like a shoe or rock near them.
- [] SHIRAI 1 moves left to the corner of the building, assumes overwatch
...left corner of which building? The one directly to the north? The one to the east? The leftmost piece of the southern building on the map?
- [] MISAKA 10035 & SHIRAI 2 take positions on both sides of the left building's door, assume overwatch
The way I'm reading this, it sounds like you want them to get ready to breach the south-west structure, with the door opening southwards into the south-west building. That would:

A. Leave them wholly exposed to anything shooting up the alley, and
B. Breach a building that we've been told should be clear already.
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...left corner of which building?

Just a few steps left toward the nearest wall.

A. Leave them wholly exposed to anything shooting up the alley

That's what 10033 is for. Even if an enemy shows up during the alien phase, he gets shot by both MISAKA on overwatch. If an enemy is detected before, the last move is explicitly not made.

B. Breach a building that we've been told should be clear already.

No, we were told the south east building was clear. The south west building is definitely not "south of our starting position"
No, we were told the south east building was clear. The south west building is definitely not "south of our starting position"
That's correct. The buildings south of your starting position are clear as well.
Perhaps I am misconstruing this, but "buildings", plural, indicates to me that it is.

That's what 10033 is for. Even if an enemy shows up during the alien phase, he gets shot by both MISAKA on overwatch. If an enemy is detected before, the last move is explicitly not made.
That...depends on how overwatch triggers. If it does not trigger on an alien moving to cover by a closed door, opening the door, and firing then you have the majority of the squad critically exposed.

It also has no safety whatsoever for any alien movement from the northern or eastern buildings, both cases of which have a door which would open up significant parts of the team positioning to being flanked and fired on without answer.

Look, here's a map look at what I think you're suggesting.
Anything that comes in from the east at all is likely to catch three of the team without any cover. Anything that comes from the northern building will do the same, and unless they move in recklessly they will have the advantage of cover to avoid or mitigate any reaction fire. Further, the two best placed to reaction fire in that direction are the SHIRAIs, who are both armed with shotguns and worse shots than the MISAKAs.
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Given the western building is definitely not south of our position, I can only interpret the plural as in "we're in a city, of course there are several buildings south of our position". At the very least, just assuming it is empty seems quite unwise.

And I'd like to point out your plan has the exact same problem, except that it happens if the enemy comes from anywhere. Worse, once the battle begins, we're scattered. Thing is, with four people, we have no way of covering all the angles, so we need to group up so each unit covers each other, clean up a building first, and once it is secure, we can get better positions. If an alien decides to simply open the door on turn 1 and that doesn't trigger overwatch... well, frankly speaking, no matter what we do, we're screwed, because there's no way to protect our whole team.

But since this is the first turn, odds are good the aliens aren't on the look-out right now, and are more likely searching for a way to get an access to reach the students inside the buildings.
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And I'd like to point out your plan has the exact same problem, except that it happens if the enemy comes from anywhere. Worse, once the battle begins, we're scattered.
I don't think this is that accurate, because no matter the axis of approach my deployment has either a shotgun waiting at the door or a long gun covering the alley way, with shooters in cover or supported by one other unit. The only exceptions to this are the southern building which we've confirmed as empty by surveillance, and the south-western building whose status is yet unclear. From that deployment, it's relatively easy to transition to a quick breach and clear of the central northern building, and then to use that as a central point to sweep outwards and clear from.

That said, an alternative plan presents itself.

[] Plan Central Breach
-[][MISAKA10033] Move into cover behind the western dumpster and assume overwatch position.
-[][MISAKA10035] Move into cover at the corner of the eastern building and assume overwatch position.
-[][SHIRAI01] Move to the door of the northern building and assume overwatch, preparing to breach.
-[][SHIRAI02] Move to the door of the northern building and assume overwatch, preparing to breach.

As can be seen here, this covers both alleys with overwatch and prepares for a more rapid and decisive entrance on the northern building. The flanks are, by their nature as flanks, somewhat unsupported, but they are in good defensive positions and able to fallback towards their teammates without serious issues.

For future reference and planning, do note that these are the primary areas of threat:
I've marked the known clear area, and indicated the possibly clear areas as well.
Still spread all over the map for my taste. The western and eastern buildings are a huge thorn in that deployment : from the west, only 10033 can fire with accuracy, and from the east, no-one. The only secured building is the central one.

And I wouldn't start with that building, because if hostiles are in it (quite likely), once battle starts, the rest of the aliens might come from all sides, easily surrounding us. So I'm very much in favour of starting either by the left of right building, since once we're in there, it's far easier to check our surroundings while remaining compact, and the left is closer, so...
Vote Tally : Crossover - Sci-Fi - A Certain Scientific XCOM Project | Page 25 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Plan Slow & Steady v2
- [X] SHIRAI 1 moves left to the corner of the building, assumes overwatch
- [X] MISAKA 10033 moves behind the left dumpster, assumes overwatch
- [X] MISAKA 10035 & SHIRAI 2 take positions on both sides of the left building's door, assume overwatch
- [X] If any of those moves uncover an alien, units who didn't act are to take cover and overwatch
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Plan Pair Up
[X] MISAKA 10033
-[X] Move into cover behind the dumpster in the western alley, and assume overwatch.
[X] MISAKA 10035
-[X] Move into cover at the southern corner of the eastern alley, and assume overwatch.
-[X] Move to the door of the northern building and prepare for entry.
-[X] Move into cover behind the dumpster in the eastern alley.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Plan Slow & Steady
- [X] SHIRAI 1 moves left to the corner of the building, assumes overwatch (if at this point, an alien becomes visible, scrap everything that comes after)
- [X] MISAKA 10035 takes position behind the tree, overwatch
- [X] MISAKA 10033 takes position on one side of door of the south building, overwatch
- [X] SHIRAI 2 takes position on the other side of the same door, overwatch
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 6
We have a disappointing lack of voters. This must be remedied.
Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before I completely screw this up and people realize they should know better than listen to me... :oops:
[X] Plan Central Breach

Stacking up to trigger your own overwatch shots into enemy spawns is paramount in X-COM. Perhaps the nois will prompt a thin man to peek his head around the corner...
Operation Violent Library, Part 2
Sorry for the long delay between updates, I've been pretty busy the past few days and haven't had time to update the map.

[X] Plan Slow and Steady v2
-[X] SHIRAI 1 moves left to the corner of the building, assumes overwatch
-[X] MISAKA 10033 moves behind the left dumpster, assumes overwatch
-[X] MISAKA 10035 SHIRAI 2 take positions on both sides of the left building's door, assume overwatch
-[X] If any of those moves uncover an alien, units who didn't act are to take cover and overwatch

"We'll start our sweep and clear now," you say to Last Order. "Send a SHIRAI and a MISAKA to secure the alley to the northwest. If there's no enemy presence, 10035 and SHIRAI 2 prepare to breach the building to our west."

"Roger that," MISAKA 10033 says. You see your troops take forward positions as you commanded, sweeping the alley for enemies. With no sign of alien forces in the area, 10033 gestures with her hand, pointing to either side of the door.

As 10035 moves forward with S2 at her side, she stops short, holding her hand up. Ignoring her, SHIRAI 2 runs straight forward and around the corner to the door.

"MISAKA hears enemy movement nearby to the west," she says into her comm. "Furthermore, MISAKA can sense an electromagnetic disturbance of some sort to the northeast."

"Continue with your orders, 10035. Thanks for the update." 10035 takes her position, but you can tell from SHIRAI 2's view that 10035 looks a bit uneasy.

[Status Report-Combat]

Ally Status
MISAKA 10033

MISAKA 10033

HP: 5 | Armor: 1 | Status: Normal

Rifle Ammo: 3 shots remaining
Medikit: 2 uses remaining
Marksman Scope operational

Overwatch available | Suppression available

Spark available | Arc Thrower available | Remote Serial Bus Available
MISAKA 10035

MISAKA 10035

HP: 5 | Armor: 1 | Status: Normal

Rifle Ammo: 3 shots remaining
Medikit: 2 uses remaining
Marksman Scope operational

Overwatch available | Suppression available

Spark available | Arc Thrower available | Remote Serial Bus Available


HP: 4 | Armor: 1 | Status: Normal

Shotgun Ammo: 4 shots remaining
Fragmentation Grenade: 2 remaining

Overwatch available | Suppression not available

Telefrag available | Teleport available


HP: 4 | Armor: 1 | Status: madly in love with onee-sama

Shotgun Ammo: 4 shots remaining
Fragmentation Grenade: 2 remaining

Overwatch available | Suppression not available

Telefrag available | Teleport available

Enemy Status

You can't see any enemies!


[ ] MISAKA 10033
[ ] MISAKA 10035
[ ] SHIRAI 1
[ ] SHIRAI 2


[ ] Move to a different location.

[ ] Fire at an enemy.

[ ] Take an overwatch position.

[ ] Suppress an enemy (MISAKAs only)

[ ] Use an esper ability.

[ ] Use an equipment item.
[X] Plan Subtle Hammer

[X] Both MIKASA's and SHIRAI 2
-[X] Enter door behind the movement noise. Stack up so that any hostiles inside would have to go around the corner to get a shot. Overwatch on all participants.


-[X] Move to M33's old position ensure that the sisters inside don't get flanked. Pick off single targets if they show themselves with telefrag at long range, shotgun blast at close range. If hostiles come and outnumber unit, order her to teleport/book it to the rest of the team's position, warn of incoming hostiles.
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