A Certain Gravitational Villain (A Certain Magical Index Quest)

You know, I think those who voted for girls all have a weird fetish of wanting to be charmed by Touma.
What? Are we required to fall for the harem MC just cuz our PC is a girl? Are lesbians or platonic relationships not possible?

Doesn't make sense to me.

It's joke. Touma is able to charm even the Big Bad who Destroy the World of Index, and manage to have a suspenseful date with her in Denmark
[X] Magic
[X] Boy

Not a fan of Lawful Evil. Lawful Good is fun to roleplay because you get interesting moral dilemmas and choices, but Lawful Evil is either For the Greater Good or petty bureaucracy. Or both.
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Fair enough... hmm...

Of the ones on the list, I think Sailor Moon, RWBY, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica are the ones with potential from what I can see.

Sailor Moon has whole species of literal monsters who feed on human life energy. Or rather, they use life energy to power their stuff, survive, or resurrect slumbering gods. They are basically a whole mess of vampires except way cooler since they can be anything! Living puppets that can take over theme parks to drain the life from their enemies, water elementals, sentient carrots who curse the cities brocoli supply so they can brainwash anyone who eats their vegetables... really, anything goes with these guys.

I mean, look at this:

Just look at that! I haven't watched the show in years, so I don't know if these scenes are from a reboot or some recent seasons or whatever but it really goes to show that basically anything can be a valid Sailor Moon monster/villain so long as some step in our plans involve stealing life energy from random nobodies. We could run a troupe of killer clowns from space who need life energy to power their macabre tent-shaped space ship! We could be an evil real estate salesman who tricks people into buying haunted houses that eat their life energy... or we could be a haunted house that has evil real estate agents as minions to spread our evil! Imagine an actual haunted house singing "Feed Me" to some some nerdy wimp who's trying to make it in the real estate business and convincing him to help spread our Hellmouth Spores ("It's just a name, trust me.") so we can like... drive down property values from people getting their souls sucked out of their bodies or something. The sky's the limit!

In Sailor Moon, that could be a totally legit plan!

RWBY is... well, I've only watched the seasons they have on Netflix so far but it looks to me that it's kind of like Final Fantasy 7 but with Grimm instead of monsters, dust instead of materia, and instead of a depressing city-sized slum run by a megacorp that sucks up the world's live energy, all the protagonists have to go to Hogwarts. It's obviously got potential for fight scenes and stuff, and the magic and technology are pretty cool, but this setting already has a whole school dedicated to teaching kung-fu moves to kid heroes and the outside world is full of monsters that eat people. Unless we're like... a sapient Grimm who has a real hate-on for humans, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do. It's a cool setting, but I'm not sure that villainy really pays in this situation.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica is... well, it's a deconstruction of the magical girl genre so it's already basically Sailor Moon with a more "realistic" plot and setting. It also has young girls as the heroes and bunny lucifer as the Big Bad. I... don't really know what kind of villainy we can get into here that isn't already being done or doesn't involves injuring little children. I mean, we could play as an Incubator and basically do Kyubey's job for him... but that would involve lying to little girls and causing huge problems which could likely be done way more efficiently some other way (at which point we stop being villains and can just run an unusually popular suicide clinic or a really depressing 'Make a Wish' foundation). We could play as a Witch... but then we'd have to play as some kind of post-modernist fever dream living in a bubble while our hideous minions go out and kill people. Or play as a magical girl... in which case we either die when Walpurgesnaugt blows up the world or we (somehow) defeat Bunny Lucifer... at which point congratulations, we're the heroes now.

Kinda the same with Worm. Scion, the Endbringers, and the Slaughterhouse Nine all pretty much have the "villainy" quota taken care of. And the game is already rigged by the entities to ensure that they win. I mean... yeah... we could be villains but it's not like we can take over the world when Endbringers are taking a bite out of everyone's pie three times a year and random murderhobo-ism would make us potential S9 recruits more than anything. A successful villain in the worm-verse would have to basically be a hero on account of all the worse villains we'd be dealing with.

I haven't seen A Certain Magical Index before. All I know is that it has a pretty lackluster title, it's the where Accelerator comes from, and... apparently it has magic in it. I dunno. I only know about Accelerator from that one Worm crossover where Taylor gets his powers and it was fun at first but got really dumb really quickly. I... suppose it could be the best thing ever, or it's just not something I would enjoy personally.

Soo... gah. You know what, I'm voting for Sailor Moon.

[X] Sailor Moon

If we're going to play as original villains, might as well play as villains in a world where all the other villains suck by comparison, the heroes are ditzy and disorganized, and the average citizen is basically a walking bag of tasty tasty life-energy for us to power our evil clown spaceship or nefarious haunted house real-estate scheme with (or some sort of... digital... pirate ship run by video game monsters that steal life energy from people who torrent movies without the legal owners permission). Let's save the complicated universes with things like "plot" and "continuity" and "logic" for later.

Dangit, you got me convinced so hard, and not a few pages later it turns out the vote was called yesterday. :c

[X] Magic
[X] Girl

Because Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Common-Sense! You know you want it! And we shall start by packing a gun, like an Evil!Young!Female! Harry Dresden. :V

Nobody expects the spell caster to cast Bullet!
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Dangit, you got me convinced so hard, and not a few pages later it turns out the vote was called yesterday. :c

[X] Magic
[X] Girl

Because Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Common-Sense! You know you want it! And we shall start by packing a gun, like an Evil!Young!Female! Harry Dresden. :V

Nobody expects the spell caster to cast Bullet!
No, I actually don't want it. :V

Why do you think I voted Index? Just to do more magic?
No, I actually don't want it. :V

Why do you think I voted Index? Just to do more magic?
Obviously! You're either an Esper, which is basically a stand user except they can get more powerful through some ill-defined method, a Witch, which gives you versatility at the cost of not doing things exactly as well as whatever Esper has an ability that deals with that sort of thing, or you can be basically a Lawful Evil Toumassassin.

I want magic because, while I can see the appeal of being an Esper (One power for the dark lady on her dark throne, and we'll make it the one to rule them all!), we'd be in a city where literally every student has the same deal, and starting off as the BBEG with a level Five power would be awfully cheaty, so we probably can't just nope most of their efforts away.

To put it another way, you want to be a super-villain in Metropolis, except every single other person in the city is also a super and no matter which side they're on they'll want to fight us wherever we show up in order to become stronger, and I want to be a Witch, because Superman has no immunity to magic, magic is more versatile, and most people will never even see us coming there. And because it's cooler.
Obviously! You're either an Esper, which is basically a stand user except they can get more powerful through some ill-defined method, a Witch, which gives you versatility at the cost of not doing things exactly as well as whatever Esper has an ability that deals with that sort of thing, or you can be basically a Lawful Evil Toumassassin.

I want magic because, while I can see the appeal of being an Esper (One power for the dark lady on her dark throne, and we'll make it the one to rule them all!), we'd be in a city where literally every student has the same deal, and starting off as the BBEG with a level Five power would be awfully cheaty, so we probably can't just nope most of their efforts away.

To put it another way, you want to be a super-villain in Metropolis, except every single other person in the city is also a super and no matter which side they're on they'll want to fight us wherever we show up in order to become stronger, and I want to be a Witch, because Superman has no immunity to magic, magic is more versatile, and most people will never even see us coming there. And because it's cooler.
I want to be a super-villain regardless, man; Magic or Science doesn't factor into that.

I voted Index to avoid Madoka the most, admittedly, because I have enough Madoka in my life already. It's not the end of the world if magic wins really, but I'm generally wanting Science because your analogy is way incorrect in that being super with other supers doesn't diminish the fun we have as one, even if we get into fights on equal ground, while magic is nowhere near as broken in the setting as Superman-analogy makes it out to be.
Can anyone tell my if cannibalism is against SV's rules because I'm thinking of making being a wendigo an option for the magic side and the rules are sort of, what's the word I'm looking for here, inexact? It's probable that no one would vote for it and it might not even be an option if Science or Normal gets picked but I'd still like to know.