Week 3.3
"I've been given a strike?!"

Your shock is evident, but doesn't seem to phase Sensei Hazma. He merely sits on his knees in front of you with an impassive expression. At his sides sit your three seniors. To his left sits Setake, who watches you with clear disappointment in his eyes while his wooden sword lays sideways across his lap, and Hose, who keeps looking between you and Sensei while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. To his right sits the only girl you've seen in the club so far.

Her stare matches Setake's but there's something more to it than just disappointment. Where the Kenpo instructor has his eyes furrowed into a frown, her expression is a softer one. Like she's simply confused as to why you did what you did.

Which you don't understand, and would like to know what you did wrong. You say as much and but still get no immediate answer. It is only after a minute Sensei finally speaks, "Nagai, please reiterate exactly what happened during your bout with Yunagi."

"Oookkk," you're not sure why you need to do that. Hose should've done it already. Either way you start at the beginning with Yunagi challenging you, how Hose gave you guys the mat, Yunagi giving his full name, you grabbing up the sand-

"And there is the problem," you turn a confused look to Hose as he shakes his head, "You're not supposed to do stuff like that man."

"Why?" you ask with a shrug, "It's a fight, isn't it?"

"Wrong!" you almost jump at Setake's shout as the blonde man's blue eyes stare daggers through you, "When you face a fellow student in a bout, you do so with the honor and dignity expected of member of the Raijin Academy Martial Arts Club. Using such tactics in battle strictly taboo and will be subject o disciplinary action!"

It takes you a moment to understand exactly what has been said. Then you raise your hand to ask a question. Sensei nods to you so you ask, "Does that include attacks below the belt?"

Hose places a hand on his face to keep himself from laughing. Setake's face gets red with anger as his teeth start grinding. The girl has joined Hose in trying to stifle her laughter.

But it all stops when Sensei gives you the 100% serious answer, "Yes it does."

He says this with such conviction that everyone else stops whatever they're doing, and you can't muster up the need to argue. He continues, "I do understand that you were unaware of this, as it is only your second day here and that was your first unofficial bout. However, there is no special treatment here. As such, you have been given your first strike. On the next you will be suspended from the Club for three meetings. And on the third you will be expelled and your scholarship will be canceled. Do I make myself clear?"

The idea of losing your scholarship is what really hits home for you. You sit straight up and bow to the man as deep as you can manage, "Yes, Sensei! I understand!"

"Good. You are dismissed," you stand and start to walk your way out of the main club room.

Well...guess you need to rethink how you fight while in the club from now on. Still not entirely sure why, but you guess your typical way of using whatever you have to to win won't fly here. Kind of weird, but alright. It's their club. You'll follow their rules.

[1 Strike In the Martial Arts Club]

[] Spend Time With Yato

Your plan to hang with your Partner turns out to be kind of difficult to do.

Mainly cause...well how exactly do you "hang" with someone who is attached to your arms? Still though, you had some time before you went to train with Hose. So, you tried to make it work by going back to the library. You remember Yato mentioning something about a "Lord Mukawa" while you were training. Figured you should look the guy up and see what you could find.

"This course of action is unnecessary, Lord Hayato," Yato's voice rings in your head as you drop the three books the Librarian gave you onto a table, "While I am flattered that you are curious about my past, it is not needed for me to fight alongside you."

"I know," you open the first book's index and start looking for names that start with M, "And that's not why I'm doing this. I'm doing this because I want to help you find out your past, Yato. We're Partners. It's the least I could do for you."

"...I am grateful, young Lord," Yato's thanks makes you smile as you start your search through the history books.

[Education: History: 15]

Unfortunately, you don't find much. There are a few mentions of a Lord Mukawa here and there, but nothing concrete. The only thing you're able to confirm is that the Mukawa's were a small family that swore themselves to Hideyoshi right before he started his famous Sword Hunt. After that, your search runs cold. You can't find any more details on the family in any of the three books.

Strange, but nothing you can do about it now.

You shake your head and whisper to Yato, "Sorry, buddy. That seems to be as far as we can go now."

"No, it is fine," Yato's voice has that same wistful sound to it as from last time, "It seems even just knowing that much is enough."

"You mean....you got your memories back?"

"Not entirely. But the bits and pieces from a prior training session have become clearer. I was indeed a sworn Retainer for the Mukawa Family. I was charged with the sacred duty of teaching the young Lord the Way Of The Sword. And while that is as far as my memory can go, it is still more than I had when I first entered this world. You have my gratitude for that, Lord Hayato."

"Anytime," you smile while standing up to return the books.

[Yato Relationship Rank Up! 3/10 (4 of 7 Points]

[New Yato Bond Gained! History Buff Buddies!]

[] A Busy Mind

If the Kumiho can affect your mind, then you're gonna need someway to defend yourself. Easier said than done, as there's no surefire method to improve your mental defenses. Oh, you can do all the meditation you want, but at the end of the day there's no guarantee it will work. Or that it won't just be blown through by whoever your up against. The only reason you have anything approaching a "defense" is because Yato happens to be a spirit that livings in your gloves.

However, while you can't prepare to keep the enemy out of your head, you can make it difficult for them to find what they want.

How do you do that? Train yourself to be thinking about random crap whenever you have a moment. Instead of thinking of how your going to handle Hiroko, think about cards. Instead of thinking about what your brother and his new Partner are doing to prep themselves, think about games you can play with cards. Instead of how well your training with Yato is going, think about if Yato could play cards.

It's not going to be easy, but you have the weekend. You can get it down.

[New Perk Gained! A Busy Mind!]

Random Event Roll: 53

Cool! Someone dropped some of their tokens on the ground! There aren't many of them, but still more Tokens is always good. Finders Keepers!

[+3 Raijin Tokens]

[] Train with-INTERRUPT!

Random Event Roll 10:

You feel something's up the moment you spot Hose walking away from the club. He's got on a normal red sweat shirt with blue jeans, carrying a small bag over his shoulder and his free hand in his pocket. His face is focused towards the ground though you can't tell why from here.

"Hey, Hose!" you raise your hand for a high five when you get close enough...only for Hose to leave you hanging. You let your arm down as your face wrinkles with worry, "Something up?"

Hose lets out a sigh before lifting up his head.

His mouth is smiling but you can tell he isn't happy. Before you can ask why, he takes a hand out of his pocket and hands a small slip of paper with the Raijin Academy symbol emblazoned on it to you. Confused, you gingerly take the paper and open it up. You read through...and can only scratch your head in confusion.

"Hose," ask your senior,"What is this? It says I'm to remain in my dorm room for three weeks?"

"It's a Confinement Order," Hose says with his smile turned into a impassive flat line, "It's meant to be a punishment."

"Oh....wait, what?" what does he mean by punishment?"

"Basically, you need to stay in your room and not come to any classes, clubs, or any academic/extracurricular school activity for three weeks. If you do, they'll give you a harsher punishment. You're still allowed to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat but that's it. I know because Sensei gave me one, too. So we're in the same boat."

He shrugs while you process all that information.

Once you do you have to stop yourself from tearing the fucking piece of paper up, and marching right into the fucking Principal's Office.

"But why?!" you shout at your senior, "I already got a strike from Sensei, and I haven't done anything else deserving of punishment! And neither have you! Whey are they doing this?"

"That Yunagi punk you beat?" you nod at Hose's mention, to which he shrugs, "The little weasel went crying to dad about it. Daddy pulled some strings and got the school to 'rectify this slight against his family name'."

"And he wasn't told to go kick rocks because...?"

"He's bankrolling the school along with a bunch of other parents. Running this place like a college campus ain't cheap ya know."

"But what about our classes?"

"Our teachers will mark us absent and continue the lessons without us."

"But won't that-"

"Affect our grades? Yes. Thankfully, if we can do all the work we missed within a month's time, they'll grade it as if we were there."

"But....but...," this didn't make any damn sense. Why would Yunagi do this over losing a fucking sparring match? You didn't hurt him that much! And the fact that the school is allowing this is....is....bullshit!

And what makes it worse, is how Hose is taking it all in stride! He just shrugs and places a hand on your shoulder, "Sorry man. Normally, I'd train with you to get your mind off it...but I don't think that would be a good idea now."

"Why?" you ask, even more confused, "Hanging out with me isn't grounds for a punishment according to the school."

"Yeah...not yet," he shakes your shoulder with a serious look on his face, "But I know Yunagi's type, cause I've seen it happen before. He didn't do this simply to hurt both our grades, or keep us away from the Club. He did this cause he wants to see us suffering. He wants the both of us to pay a price. You for not standing there and letting him beat you up, and me for not doing something to stop you from beating him up. Nice job on that by the way, and I mean that honestly."

A faint smile comes across his face as he continues, "Point is, he's going to come around sooner or later to see how you're doing. And if he sees me and you hanging out to get through all this, he'll cry to his dad again and get the school to do something to separate us."

"That's, fucking bullshit."

"I know....I know."

[Empathy Check: Feelings: 17/15: Pass! +5XP]

There's more to what he's letting on, but he doesn't want to say anything about it. Before you can ask he starts to walk away. Before he leaves though, you turn towards his back and shout, "Hose! I'm gonna fix this! I swear it!"

Hose stops walking turns and gives you a thumbs up, "If you do, I'll owe you one. Good luck, Nagai."

With that he starts to walk away towards his dorm.

...Well, shit.

"If it please my Lord, we could always hunt down this Yunagi and physical punish him for his transgressions."

"...Thanks for the offer, Yato," you nervously say while heading towards your dorm. Guess you're gonna be stuck there for a while.

...Wonder if your bro will mind you using a pillow as a punching bag while you get all the stress out.

[You've been confined to your room for 3 Weeks!]

[Hose has been confined to his room for 3 Weeks as well! Social Linking with him is now Locked!]

[Certain Options have been Locked due to your decreased freedom of movement!]

[+5 XP]
Last edited:
Week. 3.4
"Who did it?"

Those are the first three words Yamato says to you after he and Yameko return to the dorm room, and find you punching three pillows stacked ontop of each other.

You look up at your brother and give a weak smile, "Hey, bro. How'd your da-"

"Who did it?" your brother asks again tossing his backpack onto his bed and walking towards you.

"What are you talking about?"

You stand up, him stopping mere inches away from your face as he stares you down. He speaks in a tone that you're not used to when it comes to your brother, one of seriousness and drive, "You've found something at home to punch for stress relief three times before now. Each time it was because you were upset over something that had happened to someone else because of your actions. Each of those times, it was because someone else did something bad to you that you couldn't directly solve with a fistfight. Going off that data, this is no different. Who did it?"

...Ok, your glad your brother is looking after you, but does he really have to remember things like that? In numerical amounts?

You sigh and shake your head, "A little asshole named Satoshi Yunagi from my Martial Arts Club." You explain everything that happened, including the Confinement Order given to you and Hose.

[Barter Check: Business: 20/15: Pass! +5XP]

"Son of the CEO of Mondo Circuits. Yameko, procure my laptop."

"At once Yamato-sama," your brother takes a seat on his bed while his Kitsune Partner grabs his laptop with her tails. She places it in his lap and sits next to your brother, who scratches her twitching ears as praise before focusing on his computer. The fury with which he taps away at his keyboard makes you slightly fear that he'll break it.

"What is Lord Yamato doing?" Yato asks you while your brother types away.

"I'm not sure," you admit, "But it's probably to help me. Which you don't have to do-"

[Yamato Search Check: Business: 20 + Logistics: 20 + Mathematics: 65 = 105/75: Pass! +15XP]

"Found something," the briefest of gleams comes from his eye as he admits this, "I've checked all the public records for Mondo Circuits. Even accounting for business expenses, the amount of profit they made this Yearly Quarter doesn't add up. They should've been down seven billion yen in profit, but are instead up fifteen billion yen in profit. There are many possible reasons for this, but they all lead back to one conclusion: They're laundering money."

"Wait," you sit down next to your bro and look at his screen...which you can't make heads or tails of due to all the...everything right there in front of you. But you get the gist of it, "Isn't that illegal?"


"Then, shouldn't we tell someone in the government about this?"

"No," he says quickly, "They might be compromised or bribed by Mondo. The better idea would be to send this information to their rivals. If they can apply enough pressure, Mondo won't be able to get away easily and could even have their company completely bought out at risk of a scandal and severe stock drop."

"...Wouldn't it be easier to simply confront this Yunagi and physically punish him?" Yato says aloud, clearly not understanding what is happening.

Yameko chuckles while leaning against Yamato's shoulder, "The talking museum piece can't comprehend defeating your enemy with anything other than brute force? How expected."

"If you wish a demonstration, fox, I'd be happy to show you," Yato starts to materialize on your arms as he says this, to which Yameko responds with a playful swipe through the air.

"Yato, cut it out."

"Yameko, please cease antagonizing Yato."

"As you say," the fact that the two of them said that in unison doesn't seem to register to them.

"So, what does this mean, exactly?" you ask your bro, still kind of confused.

"It means that I could severely hurt Mondo Circuits, unless Yunagi pushes his father to get the school to rescind both your and Hose's Confinement. Or I could simply punish the corporation by completely ruining their business and making Yunagi lose everything."

Your brother goes silent for a few minutes. Before long you catch on to what he's waiting for; Your input.

Because this is still your problem. While he wants to help you with it, he won't act if you don't want him to. Hmm, you do want to get back at Yunagi...but the question is should you? What takes precedent here? Getting the Confinement undone for Hose and you, or making that punk pay for what he did?

[] You just want that Confinement gone. Contact Yunagi, and let's see if you can get him to back off.

[] Let's see how much of a brat this guy is when he doesn't have daddy's money anymore. Release the information to their rivals and watch his whole live burn.

[] No, you gotta be rational about this. Contact Yunagi and tell him you want to make a deal. And to show your serious, leak just enough information to not have it turn into a scandal and still severely hurt the stock of his company.

[] Have your bro hold for now. You need some time to think about this.
Week 4
"Hold on bro, let's not do anything too hasty," you shake your head while pointing at the screen, "Can you see about setting up a meeting with Yanagi? I don't exactly want to see that asshole right now, and I'm pretty sure he'd use my being out of the dorm to fuck me over some more."

"Understood, brother," Yamato's already shifted is screen to something you can actual understand, an email service, "I'll go up to him after my Chess Club meeting."

"Alright, but before you go," a conspiratorial smile comes over your face, "How about you...do something to prove we're not bluffing? If you just go up to him with this, he'll likely deny it. But if the rumor were to start to spread among Mondo's rivals..."

"My exact thoughts, brother," Yamato says while typing away at the screen, "It'll add legitimacy to our claims, while still leaving us with leverage."

Yameko giggles as she grabs one of her tails in her hands, "How devious. I thought only Lord Yamato could think of something so underhanded."

"Then consider your expectations shattered, fox," Yato quickly replies. You mentally wonder if this will become their "thing" from here on. Her saying something then Yato replying with a thinly veiled insult.

Either way, Yamato finishes what he doing and says everything should be ready by this weekend. His suggestions if for you to focus on your studying or work on your fighting skills. When you ask why your fighting skills, he mentions that neither of you know how Yanagi will really react. He could simply fold to you, or bring in people to "teach the both of you a lesson". It's best to be prepared.

Welp, you've got some free time on your hands.

Let's see what you can do.

Current AP: 4
Pick Four Skills to Train.
Skills with (+) gain 15 a week.
Skulls with (-) gain 5 a week,
Skills with neither gain 10 a week.

When Training with Someone Else:
Shared Skill Bonuses get a +10 to points gained.
Your Debuff of a Skill will get canceled out if your Training Partner has the Skill as a Bonus.
If both Skills are Normal, you both get a +1 Point Gain Bonus.
If you have a Skill at Normal, but your Partner has that same Skill at a Bonus, you get a +2 Bonus to the points gained.
If you have a Bonus to a Skill, but your Training Partner has a Debuff to that same Skill, then you don't get any extra points, but they do.

[] Train Alone
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yamato
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yato
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yameko
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Call up Hose and see if he wants to Train Locked Due to Confinement.
Week 4.1/The Meeting
[] Train with Yato

[] Mental: 24 + 10 + 2 (Yato Bonus) = 36

You continue your meditation and, surprisingly, manage to make a lot of progress. Your thoughts hardly wander away from your current task, your breathing is level, and not a single sound from outside makes you flinch. To the point where you don't even notice Yameko wrapping one of her tails around your shoulders until after Yato says something about it. Even then you don't move because you're too focused on your inner peace. By the time you open your eyes, Yato congratulates you on coming so far. While not perfect, you've managed to reach a higher level of mental fortitude. You have a high resistance to Low Level Mental Manipulation.

[] Physical: 12 + 10 + 2 (Yato Bonus) = 24

After that you continue your physical training, which again proved tricky to accomplish. The only thing Yato could really do to help you here was temporarily take control of your arms to....well make you hit yourself. It was still effective...up until you started to get the hang of what he was trying to teach you about not tensing up when you get hit. You start to see the benefit of letting the blow "slide" off your skin rather than take it head on and take more damage. You still get hurt but much less than you usually would.

You'll need to figure out a new way to train your physical resistance, but you have at least learned the technique. Should be able to take a punch better than ever.

[Mental: 36]

"You are ready."

You take the water bottle out of your mouth and glance down at your gloves, "You say something, Yato?"

"I said you are ready for the next step in the Unyielding Mountain," he explains, not even trying to mask the pride in his voice.

You raise an eyebrow in response to his assessment, "Really? And how am I more ready for it now then before?"

"In that you have improved your body, soul and mind to the point where you can withstand the more advanced techniques of the style. Specifically, your mental fortitude has reached the level required."

"That still doesn't really explain why it's the case. What exactly is the danger of me not 'being ready' to learn these 'advanced techniques'? Would I blow up or something?"

"Yes," his tone is serious enough to make you pause and send a small shiver down your spine, "The abilities you have learned so far are the basic building blocks of the style. As such, they pose little danger to someone who has even passingly improved themselves in the requisite ways without harming their bodies. The ones that follow carry the risk of annihilating the mind, body, or soul of the unprepared. Do not take them lightly, my Lord."

"I won't, Yato," you say that with conviction as you head out of the kitchen into the main room, "You gonna teach me one of these moves?"

"When we next train in the style," he says with a finality that ends the conversation. Guess you've managed to make it to the next level with this technique. Whatever Yunagi's got planned for you meeting, it's not gonna matter.

[Resistance Skill at 35+! UMT Cap increased to 50!]

[] Train with Yamato

[] History: 15 + 10 (Debuff Canceled by Yamato) + 3 (Relationship) = 28

Yamato's tutoring continues to be as effective as ever. It's like having your own personal professor most of the time. Even if he does need to get the details of the meeting ironed out, he still finds time to help you learn important subjects. By the time you're done you can easily remember the basic history of Japan, as well as a few important historical figures by name.

[] Motives (Hayato): 15 + 15 = 30

You make tons of progress this time around. Mostly through talking with Yamato. He gives you highly probable scenarios of people doing specific actions, and you try to figure out the emotional reason behind them. The whole process ends up being pretty useful as your bro seems able to come up with situations that even you didn't think of. By the time you're done you understand what motivates both the less fortunate and the prosperous. And you've started on gauging why people lie to each other.

[] Motives (Yamato): 12 + 10 + 2 (Hayato Bonus) = 24

It also seemed to help Yamato. When it came to answering the dilemmas, he'd always default to some logical probability or easily rationalized reason behind them. While this meant he had a higher chance of being right, he wasn't able to account for every possible reason under the sun...especially the irrational ones. Through explaining those you ended up furthering his understanding of why people do irrational things.

The weekend rolls around much slower than it usually does. Or maybe that's the result of being stuck in your room for five days. Time seems to slow when you have very little to do save watch TV, play video games, or study all day. You almost jump to your feet when Yamato enters the dorm with Yameko close behind and his laptop bag hanging from his shoulder. You get right to it, "So, we doing this?"

"Yunagi has agreed to meet us in the school gymnasium. It shouldn't be in use considering this is the weekend," he explains before turning to the Kitsune at his side, "Yameko, head to the gymnasium before us and find a hiding spot. Do everything you can to stay out of sight. If Yunagi sees you, he may suspect that you're involved in this and begin looking into your history in a search for leverage against us. Remain nearby in case he's prepared something."

"Understood, Yamato-sama," Yameko nods and walks out with her student disguise on. Yamato nods before turning to you, "I conducted some more research on Mondo Circuits in case we needed it. Are you prepared, brother?"

You nod with a determined frown and make your way to the door, "Let's get this over with."

Yamato follows you out, making sure to lock the door behind you. The school grounds are empty, as expected. Most of the students are likely enjoying the weekend off campus. Or they're stuck in their rooms doing...whatever the children of rich people do in their off time. Either way, it means you don't have to worry about anyone interfering with your trek. You don't doubt that Yunagi's already let gossip about what happened spread around the school. Last thing you need is someone seeing you and running off to snitch to an authority figure.

The silence is broken when your bro starts talking, "Brother, I have something to ask of you."


"Munagi has made plans for the chess club to go on an outing next weekend. Members are allowed to bring two others with them. I wanted to....ask....if you would come with."

Was that....nervousness?

You look at your brother as you walk with an eyebrow raised. Your eyes examine his body up and down, looking for any change in his demeanor or emotion. You find none, but you could hear it in your brother's voice. He was nervous about asking you to come with him.

Huh. Guess you are getting through to him. Now the question is, will you go?

[] Sure thing! You get to hang with your bro and his new friends!

[] Maybe some other time. You've got plans this weekend.

The gym doesn't really stand out compared to the rest of the school. It's your typical orange court with a bunch of bleachers to one side for when a game is on. The only stand out feature is the yellow lightning bolt emblazoned on the center of the court.

Two people stand across from you and your brother. The one on the left you recognize as Yunagi, his hair looking extra greasy as he stood in his Raijin Uniform. One hand was balled into a fist at his side while he chewed on the knuckle of his free hand. Even with the distance between you, you could see the sweat dripping down his forehead.

The other person was new.

[Empathy Check: Feelings: 17/10: Success! +5XP]

And judging by how she kept sighing, checking her nails, and shooting glares at Yunagi, she was not happy to be there. In fact, you'd hazard she got brought here while doing something important to her. Wonder how he got her to come here then? Does she go to this school too? Cause if so, why can she walk around with nothing but bandages around her chest, but you get crap for undoing a few buttons?

She shoots a glare your way when she catches you staring. You reply with a wave and a smile that makes her look away with a huff.

"Satoshi Yunagi, I presume?" Yamato begins the conversation.

"Yeah," the little weasel speaks with a tone filled with bile, "that's me. What, Nagai? You went and ran to your little brother for help?"

[Yamato Barter Check: Business: 30/30: Success! +15XP]

"Considering how you brought your sister to our meeting, you are in no place to criticize my brother for asking for my assistance," Yunagi's eyes bulge out nearly as much as yours. You look between the indifferent girl and the panicking Yunagi. The only similarity you can spot is their hair, but that's it. They're actually related!?

Before Yunagi can reply, your bro continues, "Let us remain on topic. You are aware of the situation. Simply rescind the Confinement Order on both my brother and Hose Kohei, and I will not leak Mondo's misdeeds to a rival."

"And if I refuse?" the snake ventures but you can see him shaking from here.

"Then I will release the information to a rival and the public. Your stock will fall by 97%, and your only method of staying afloat will be allow yourself to be bought out. Your father will lose the company, likely be fired, and you will lose everything you have now."

...You're used to your brother speaking in monotone. But his speech combined with that....it was kind of freaky.

[Bond: Blood Ties]

But...somehow...you knew he was bluffing.

Well not entirely.

He would leak the information if Yunagi didn't listen. You've known him long enough to know he's not lying about that.

But it's a no-brainer that taking down Mondo Circuits won't only hurt Yunagi. A bunch of people who have nothing to do with this will lose their only way to make a living. Anyone who knew that and still went ahead with giving the information to a company rival was someone with no empathy whatsoever.

And that's what Yamato's trying to get Yunagi to believe. That he doesn't care about the collateral damage.

[Yamato Evasion Check: Trickery: 34/15: Success! +10XP]

And, thankfully, it works.

"....Fine," Yunagi acts like saying that is pure torture for him, "I'll call my father and make it so."

"Do it now."


"So we're sure you keep up your part of the deal," your bro sits down and unzips his bag.

With an angry shout Yunagi pulls a cell phone out of his pocket. He dials a number, waits a bit, says a few words to someone on the other line, then hangs up and shouts, "Done! Now you-"

"Done," your brother zips his laptop up and stands from his position, "Thank you for your cooperation. Shall we leave, brother Hayato?"

"Yeah. Thanks for being reasonable, Yunagi. See ya at the next club meet," you can't keep the smugness out of your voice as you turn to head out.

"Hold on a sec."

Both of you stop and turn to see Yunagi's sister heading towards you. Her hands are balled into fist and she has her eyes set on Yamato, "While my brother might be a wimp and an ass, he's still my brother. And if you think I'm going to let someone get away with threatening him and my family without some bruises you've got another thing comin'."

[Yamato Empathy Check: Motives: 24/30: Fail!]

"The deal ended smoothly," your brother says as he turns to face the advancing girl, "By doing this you are putting our agreement in jeopardy."

"Yeah, so?" she replies with a predatory smile, "That deals between you two and my brother, not me. I'm completely uninvolved. So come on, shorty. Let's see if you can back up all your talk."

Oh hell no.

You step in her path just as she reaches the center of the gym. You frown while looking the girl up and down....

[Empathy Check: Motives: 30/30: Success!: +20XP!]

...And then sigh with a shake of your head. She tilts her head in confusion as you shrug and say, "Now I can see how you're related. Look, if you just want a fight you can ask. I'll help you blow off some steam."

At first she's taken aback by your admission, then she smiles and lets out a hearty laugh before replying, "Ha! That right? So, I'm guessing you're the one that handed my brother his ass on a silver platter?"

"Ritsuko!" Yunagi shouts, his voice cracking a bit.

"The very same," you reply while stepping towards the middle of the room, "Name's Nagai Hayato."

"Satoshi Ritsuko," she slams her fist together and cracks her neck, "Good to meet'cha. Feel like going a few rounds?"

"Yeah, but...hold on," you stop and turn to look at Yamato, "Hey bro! You mind if I...?"

"Go ahead," Yamato starts heading towards the bleachers, "I finished all my school work yesterday. Do try to avoid sustaining or inflicting any serious injuries, brother."

You give him a thumbs up before turning back to Ritsuko. You hold up your hands and start to adjust your gloves, "I got the all clear. You ready?"

"Almost. Yunagi! Get your ass in the bleachers! Your big sis is gonna show you how it's done!" The weasel makes to argue until his sister shoots a glare his way. Then he huffs and heads to take a seat.

Soon it's only you and Ritsuko on the court. You both start loosening up for the fight. She's stretching while rolling her shoulders, while you're doing some shadowboxing. As you do, you contact Yato with your mind, "Yato, she like us?"

"No, my Lord," he replies, "I can sense nothing similar to my kind anywhere near her. She is a regular human."

"Would she be in danger if I used the Unyielding Mountain?" you're asking cause you don't know how strong or skilled she is. While you're confident in your own abilities, she might be a bit more than you can handle without a little something special. First though, you need to be sure you won't seriously hurt her.

Yato's quick to reply, "I have taught you but the basic techniques of the style. As long as you do not use them at full power, she is in no danger of serious injury. If you do not, then I cannot guarantee she will leave this battle with minimal injuries."

"Got it," you frown. So you have to hold back if you're planning to use Unyielding Mountain eh? Not exactly ideal, but you can work with it. It's self-explanatory that you can't bring Yato out in this fight. You don't think you could really "hold back" while hitting her with metal fist. Now then, how are you gonna do this?

[] No need for the Mountain. Fight her with your own abilities. You're confident you can win this.

[] Use your own abilities for a bit. Switch to the Mountain if you have to. Be adaptive and ready for anything.

[] Unyielding Mountain right from the start. You're gonna end this battle before it's began.

The roll was to see who Yunagi brought with him.

50 to 59, they would've been simple goons.

#s < 50 would've been people important to the company. Single digits would've brought out his dad.

#s > 50 bring in characters that would be more friendly to you guys. Since you got a 72, you got his sister who happens to be a combat junky.

And yes, she's a social link for you guys.

Edit: 90 to 100 would've also brought out his dad...but he'd be the cool kind of CEO that would not only be a social link, but give you guys special options on the weekends.
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Week 4.2/The Fight
[Combat Checks]

[Hayato: Street Fighting: 20 + MMA: 10 + Fist: 10 + Physical: 24 = 64]

[Ritsuko: Brawling: 35 + Fist: 10 + Physical: 15 = 60]

[Hayato Wins! Close Victory!]

[+15 XP]

If there's one thing Ritsuko proves during your match, it's that she's nothing like her brother.

Where Yunagi had neither fighting skills nor experience, Ritsuko knew what she was doing. She quickly blocked your first jab and dashed in to close the distance. A swift uppercut hit your chin with a resounding crack. It rattled your brain bit but it was nothing compared to what Yato had put you through earlier in the week.

You retaliated by grabbing her shoulders and kneeing her in the stomach, twice. She withstood the first one but not he second. Hunched over in pain she couldn't stop the right hook you sent to her temple. Your attack hit, but she leaned into it to slip under your arm. She launched an assault on your midsection with four rapid fire blows. They knock the air from your lungs, but you return the favor with a hard hammerfist to her back. Your hit drove her back, giving you some room to breathe.

A second passes before you start closing the distance between you, readying your own assault. Ritsuko smiles and puts her arms up to defend her face. That smile turns to a shocked gasp as you launch a front kick straight to her solar plexus. She remains standing, but her arms lower to protect her midsection. This means she has no protection for when your side kick hits her square in the head. You send her to the ground, knocking her hat off in the process.

You grin a bit and walk forward to take advantage of her downed position. This turns out to be a mistake, as she takes the opportunity to tackle you to the ground. Your arms come up as she straddles you. This helps when she starts pummeling your head, but not enough to stop all the attacks. Eventually she gets through your defense and lands a few solid hits on your face. You start tasting blood and see a smile come over her face as she admires her work.

You don't waste the chance.

Your right hand quickly shoots up and grabs...something very soft that causes Ritsuko to let out unexpectedly girly gasp and Yunagi to stand up from his seat in the bleachers with his face red with rage.

Under any other circumstance, you'd start apologizing profusely for doing this...while secretly committing the moment to memory as it's the first time you've gotten this far with a girl.

However, this is a fight.

What you're currently doing is a calculated maneuver.

Because while she's focusing on getting your hand off her chest, you've managed to get enough leverage to counterattack. Your left hand unleashes a flurry of hooks on her side, sending her wincing and tumbling to the right. You get to your feet and back up while wiping the blood from your lip. She stands up a few seconds later and you prepare for a chewing out for what you did.

Instead, Ritsuko spits some blood on to the polished floor then laughs, "You're not half bad. Clever trick there. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted."

"Thanks for the compliment," you intentionally avoid the minefields that are the last two remarks. You pinch your nose and straighten it with your right hand while rubbing your chin with your left, "You're not too bad yourself. That uppercut hurt."

"And you've got some mean hooks. Still feeling the shock," a wince and shifting of her weight occurs while she gets her guard back up, "Got your wind back?"

"Yeah," you get into your stance and start to advance. From there the fight turns into a, as Yato would say, proper exchange of blows. You vary up your attacks as the battle goes on. Sometimes you'd focus on sending punches towards her face. Other times you'd try to get her arm or leg into a lock and pummel away at an exposed area. Or you'd feint a jab and follow it with a roundhouse kick. You tried to keep Ritsuko guessing the entire fight. It worked well and soon enough you had her huffing with exhaustion and multiple bruises across her body.

Unfortunately, you were in the same boat. Ritsuko didn't change up her style in the least. She focused on one thing and one thing only; Hitting you hard and never letting up on her assault. While she did duck a hook here, block an jab there, or counter a kick here, much of her strategy relied on simply punching away at any weakness she could spot. If there wasn't a weakness, she'd make one by brute forcing her way through your defense.

Then there was the crucial aspect of her fighting style. Her punches hurt like hell.

While your attacks had left bruises on her skin, you were sure she had left bruises on your bones. Nothing major or vital enough that you couldn't keep going. But having your arms and legs scream in pain every time you blocked an attack isn't a pleasant experience.

Eventually the two of you separated. You stared each other down, both breathing heavily as the adrenaline pumped through your veins. You felt a leg almost give out and your vision was starting to get blurry. She was visibly straining to stay on her feet, arms barely held up to protect her face. You both shared a look that conveyed the same message.

That it was time to end this.

With what was left of your strength you took in a deep breath. You put your hands up and readied your last attack.

Ritsuko did the same. Her black hair and blazer flowed freely in the breezy air of the gym.

For a moment, there was silence.

Then you both let out a piercing battle cry and charged.

The sound of fists hitting flesh echoed throughout the building. You both stood in the center of the court with your arms across each other, fists in each others faces.

You held your breath as your burning eyes stared directly into hers.

After what felt like an hour, Ritsuko dropped to the ground.

You followed a second after, falling forwards....

[Bond: Blood Ties + He's my Brother]

....Onto the waiting shoulder of your bro.

"Well done brother," you welcome the sound of his monotone voice, even as he starts to chew you out, "We went through the trouble of getting you released from confinement, only for you to get yourself confined to the Nurse's Office until you heal."

"Ah, come....come on...Yamato," you gasp out through beleaguered breaths, "I'm not that hurt."

[Medicine Check: Surgery: 0: Fail!]

"Unlikely. A medical professional will give a more accurate diagnosis than you could at this moment. Not to mention the last time you said you weren't 'that hurt', you collapsed on the floor of our apartment building."

"Urgh....fine....bro," if it makes him happy, you'll go. And your head does feel kind of fuzzy...

"Hey....Nagai was it?" you look up to see Ritsuko pushing herself to her feet while her brother stands by her side with her hat in his hands. She grabs it and pushes it down on her head, blocking her face from view while her right hand rummages around in her blazer pocket, "That was a...pretty good fight....hope I didn't hurt ya too bad."

"Same to you," you pat your brother on the back. He steps away to let you stand on your own feet, "This was pretty fun. Haven't had a good old one-on-one fight in a while. Oh, and sorry about the....you know."

A hand goes to scratch your cheek while you chuckle nervously. The black haired girl turns her head and suddenly takes a keen interest in the floor, "D-Don't worry about that! It was fight and things like that happen. And.....uh...well...I had fun too. And ya seem like a pretty good guy. So, if ya want to do this again, or just hang out or something....oh here!"

Her hand shoots out of her pocket and shoves something into your chest. You grab it as she turns around and calls for her brother, "Yuna come on! Let's get home!"

"I told you to stop calling me that!" "Yuna" shouts as he chases after his sister, "A-and don't let dad see you like that! You know how mad he gets when he finds out you've been fighting!"

"And you know that I couldn't give less of a shit!" she shouts as the two of them exit the building. You and Yamato share a confused look as the door slams shut behind the two siblings. With a shrug you look down at what Ritsuko gave you and find a folded blue note with a cute little drawing of a...you think that's supposed to be a lion?

Confused you turn the note over...and find a phone number.

Your mouth falls open in surprise. Then it turns into a wide grin. A celebratory shout tears its way out of your throat as you jump into air while pumping your fist...then wince in pain as you hit the ground.

The note falls from your hands as they go to hold your sides, but your brother catches it between two fingers. He looks at the note then raises an eyebrow, "Brother, why did Ritsuko Satoshi give you her phone number?"

"Because, my dear sweet bro," you look up to him with a smile, "your brother is smooth as fuck."

"That would be favorable. Hardening of the skin usually means the formation of tumors which could be cancerous. But that does not explain why she wrote down her number and gave it to you."

"...You know what? Let's just get to the Nurse's Office."

[Hayato has won his bout against Ritsuko!]

[Health Changed to Injured!]

[Gained Ritsuko's Number! Relationship Unlocked!]

[Combat Victory = Ritsuko's Relationship Starts at Rank 3!]

[+15 XP]

Here we go. I managed to get it done early.

The thing that took so long was the Combat Checks. I wasn't sure how I was gonna do them, so I went to check AGG: Eastern Rhapsody...where they were basically a single Check against a Difficulty.

So, I just went with comparing Skills.

Might add more to it as the Quest goes on though.

Fun Fact: The part where Hayato cops a feel was originally because I did Bad Maths and thought you guys had a 69 for your Total Combat Score. This was because I thought you guys had 10 MMA BEFORE the Yunagi meeting and thus should have 15 MMA. This was wrong.

But, rather than remove it, I decided to keep it.

1. Cause why not?

2. Cause this is anime. That stuff happens all the time.

3. Hayato would fight like that. Street Fighting is using whatever you can to win and get an advantage. WHATEVER you can.
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Week 5
"Urgh, finally," you drop onto your bed as you enter the room. A sigh escapes your lips as you feel the tension leave your body, "I thought that nurse would never let me go."

"She was simply ensuring that there was no danger of your condition worsening," your bro assures you as he enters the dorm.

"Doesn't explain why she had to poke me with so many needles."

"....True," your brother nods as he sits down on his own bed, Yameko moving to sit by his side. He takes his laptop out and begins typing away while speaking, "At the very least, the situation with Satoshi has been resolved. I'm certain the news will reach Hose soon. You fought well today, brother."

"He speaks the truth, my Lord," if Yato had a body, you're pretty sure he'd be standing over you with pride right now, "Your battle was glorious. While it was not perfect, you managed to secure victory and win the heart of a future ally. Those things can only be done in the crucible of battle."

"So says the old hand who knows nothing but war," Yato seems to ignore Yameko's teasing this time, as he doesn't reply like usual. The fox giggles before turning to you with a smile, "But I must agree with Yamato-sama, Hayato. You proved that you are every bit the fighter that your brother believes you to be. It will be useful when we eventually deal with Hiroko."

"Which we will once my brother heals in a week. During which he will engage in no activities that might cause him further harm. Correct?," Yamato explains as he looks at you over the rim of his laptop.

"Yeah, yeah," you wave him off, "I heard what the nurse said. 'No getting into dangerous fights. That includes Martial Arts'. Hmm, think I can still fight in official practice bouts though. So, not a total loss."

Silence takes over the room for a minute.

"Hey, bro?"

"Yes, Hayato?"


"...Don't mention it."

[Confinement Order Rescinded!]

[Options have been Unlocked!]

[+20 XP to both Hayato and Yamato for Event Completion!]

[Hayato gains +3 to MMA, Street Fighting, Brawling, and Physical Resistance!]

[Yamato gains +3 to Business, Trickery, and Diplomacy!]

[+3 Points to Relationship with Yamato!]

Current AP: 4
Pick Four Skills to Train.
Skills with (+) gain 15 a week.
Skulls with (-) gain 5 a week,
Skills with neither gain 10 a week.

When Training with Someone Else:
Shared Skill Bonuses get a +10 to points gained.
Your Debuff of a Skill will get canceled out if your Training Partner has the Skill as a Bonus.
If both Skills are Normal, you both get a +1 Point Gain Bonus.
If you have a Skill at Normal, but your Partner has that same Skill at a Bonus, you get a +2 Bonus to the points gained.
If you have a Bonus to a Skill, but your Training Partner has a Debuff to that same Skill, then you don't get any extra points, but they do.

[] Train Alone
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yamato
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yato
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yameko
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Call up Hose and see if he wants to Train/Hang Out
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Call up Ritsuko and see if she wants to Train/Hang Out
- []
- []
- []
- []

[] Go To The Shop (Does Not Cost AP)
Week 5.1
[] Train with Yamato

[] Fundamental Knowledge (Hayato): 0 + 15 = 15

[] The Myths (Hayato): 0 + 15 = 15

[] Fundamental Knowledge (Yamato): 20 + 10 + 2 (Hayato) = 32

[] The Myths (Yamato): 0 + 10 + 2 = 12

Hiroko's been quiet for a bit, but you haven't let your guard down in the slightest. There's no telling when or where she could turn up. Not to mention she might have been making moves while you guys have been dealing with other problems. You can't even begin to imagine what a shape shifting monster girl could pull off in a month's time.

You'll need to take her on eventually. And to be sure you're ready, you and Yamato had your respective Partners give you a "Crash Course In The Supernatural". Which entailed the two of you sitting down while the spirit and Kitsune detailed the basics of the history of monsters. They started with the general myths surrounding the two of them, before moving to the main things that are common across their kind.

Or at least, for the most part they did.

About a third of the lecture was the two of them arguing over who had the correct view of Kitsune. Yameko posited that her kind were little more than tricksters who enjoyed playing harmless pranks on humans. Sure the pranks went a bit to far every now and then, but they were always mean tto be in good fun. Not to put people in danger.

Yato, on the other hand, made various references to myths where Kitsune ended up causing a decent amount of harm to others. A Lord devoted to his wife killing himself when he accidentally slept with a Kitsune disguised as his wife. A farmer trapped in the woods for a month because a fox spirit enticed him. And a samurai who lost his skill with a sword after a Kitsune cursed him.

Yamato and you are able to get the two of them back on track easily enough. But the myths that Yato mention...

[Empathy: Feelings: 17]

...There's a personal feeling to them. As if he was there to witness the events he spoke of. Could that have something to do with his past? You should bring it up next time you get a chance.

By the end of the lecture, you and your bro are well aware of the basics of the supernatural. You can easily summarize the myths, and give a brief description on why they happened.

[] Feelings (Hayato): 17 + 15 = 32

After your little "adventure" with Yunagi, you focus more on trying to figure out where he's coming from. You understand that he's a jerk and was likely looking for an easy target to mess with, but there must be something more to it. The guy's way better off than you, can probably buy as much Manga as he wants, and likely gets his hands on whatever new hardware his company makes before anyone else.

With all those perks of his birth, why would he go out of his way to do this to you?

...Unless those things aren't enough to satisfy his self-worth. That unless everything conforms and behaves a certain way for him, he feels like less of a person. Or that he has less worth as one.

Maybe you're stretching here, but you think you've gotten a deeper understanding of how the more fortunate feel.

[] Feelings (Yamato): 0 + 10 + 2 (Hayato) = 12

You move from motives to feelings...and it proves to be more difficult. But you do find out something interesting about the way your brother acts.

It's not that he can't understand other people's feelings. Throughout your discussion over the topic, he makes it clear that he gets everything you're talking about. He's well aware that people feel different things based on a number of factors. That these feelings can influence their decisions and personalities in the long run.

It's just that he doesn't take it into account, nor lets it affect him.

That part is what really worries you about your brother, but he has to go to class before you can press him. You know he understands the feelings of the less fortunate now, but what he said has struck a serious chord.

What happened to your brother?

[] Train with Yameko

[] Diplomacy (Hayato): 20 + 10 + 1 (Yameko) = 31

[] Diplomacy (Yameko): 20 + 10 + 1 (Hayato) = 31

You found Yameko hanging out near the track field in her student disguise. When she asked what you needed, you explained how you were planning to improve your diplomatic skills and wanted her help. Partially because you figured, being a Kitsune, she'd be pretty good at convincing people to see things her way, and partially because you haven't really spoken with each other since you met.

Thankfully you've managed to catch her at a time when she's not busy either watching over your brother, or looking for Hiroko.

So, the two of you proceed to...well talk.

Debate over random topics, specifically.

More specifically, over whether Poki Sticks are, indeed, the greatest sweet in the world.

It wasn't much, but you do manage to improve both your and Yameko's diplomatic skill. You both should be able to convince people to take your side over basic to semi-advanced topics.

You also learn a bit about Yameko. Mainly, that she's about as good at this as you are. Which is strange considering what she is. When you question her about it, she simply giggles and bats her eyelashes while two of her tails wrap around your waist. "While talking works fine, I find it much more effective to win someone over before the conversation ever starts."

...Ok, you can understand that.

"Are you ready, Hayato?"

"Almost! Give me a sec!" you shout while pulling on your tennis shoes. It's been a while since you've worn your casual clothes, and you're welcome for the chance to put 'em back on. Those uniforms were smothering even when you had the chest open! Now if your fucking shoes would just...come...on...there!

You shout in triumph as your foot slips into the black shoe. You start rushing out of your room and yank your bag off the floor near the exit. Yamato is waiting for you at the door, twin rectangular bags hanging from his shoulders. He answers your unvoiced question, "One of the bags contains my laptop in case I require it, and the other has my club issued chessboard for practice matches."

"Ah," you nod as Yameko appears at Yamato's side.

"There's no need to trouble yourself, Yamato-sama," two of her tails slip one of the bags off Yamato and onto her shoulder, "I'm happy to assist you in any capacity."

You swear you hear Yato scoff in your head, while Yamato simply thanks the Kitsune. He ask if you're all ready to go, which both of you nod in confirmation. Then he opens the door to your dorm...to reveal Hose standing outside with a fist raised as if to knock.

"Oh....is this a bad time?" he chuckles nervously as his hand drops into his pocket. His eyes jump between you two before settling on your brother. He holds out a hand in greeting, "Sup, I'm Hose Kohei. I'm guessing you're Nagai's brother?"

"Correct," Yamato shakes the offered hand, "Nagai Yamato. A pleasure to meet you. Would I accurate in saying you were here to talk with my brother?"

"Yeah," he shrugs, "Wanted to thank him. But if you're busy I can come back later an-"

"Hey, Nagai! This your dorm!?"

Hose turns at the feminine voice as you all behold Ritsuko walking up the stairs to your dorm room...in the same attire that she had when you fought her. She spots your group once she crest the stairs. Her eyes stop on you as a grin comes over her face, "What's this now? Were ya'll planning to have a party and not invite me?"

"Not exactly, Ritsuko," Hose shoots a look your way that ask "You know this girl?" You return with one that says "I'll explain later." Then ask the approaching girl, "Um, why do you have that outfit on? Don't you got to this school?"

"Nope," she stretches her arms towards the sky and stops right outside your door, "My dad sent to me somewhere else. Now then, what's going on here? I was coming by to see if you were up for hanging out in town."

"We actually had plans," Yamato steps up and answers, "to go out on our own. Don't worry. My brother should be open once we come back. He should have time for both you and Hose."

Ritsuko raises an eyebrow and looks your senior's way. He waves at her with a smile, "Hey."

"Hey," she shrugs, "Wanna go find something to do until these two come back?"

"Sound like a plan. Later Nagai," Hose winks at you before walking towards the steps with Ritsuko following shortly after.

As they move away, Yameko sidles between you two, "Well, Hayato certainly is popular, isn't he?"

"Heh, I guess I am," you chuckle a bit before turning to your brother, "Sorry about that, bro. Shall we get going?"

"Lets," with that, Yamato leads the way to his club's meeting. You've got some time before you get there. So, you'll use it to plan out the rest of your weekend. Lets see here....

[You agreed to go with Yamato on the Chess Club Trip! One AP Locked to this Event!]

[Feelings: 32]

[Motives: 30]

Understanding others feelings and motivations have opened your eyes to quite a few things. These were things you already knew, but studying up on them has started making them more...apparent. Leading to a better understanding of how they work.

Now then, how could you use this in an effective manner?

...Well, first impressions make up the majority of how someone initially, and sometimes eternally, feels about you. Maybe you could improve how you appear to people when you first meet them.

Then their motivations. Perhaps you could apply these things to better a different skill? Like say your ability to convince others?

[Unlocked New Perk Research: A Good First Impression]

[Unlocked New Perk Research: Now You're Motivated]

Activities (Pick Three):

[] Go Out Alone:

- [] Martial Arts Club

- [] Cafeteria

- [] Gym

- [] Library

- [] Faculty Room

- [] "Rewards" Center

- [] Chess Club

- [] Robotics Club

- [] Track Field

[] Go out with Yamato Locked due to Event/

Weekend Training:
[] Train Alone
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yato
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Yamato Locked Due to Event.

[] Train with Yameko
- []
- []
- []

[] Train with Hose
- []
- []
- []


[] Hang with Yamato Locked due to Event

[] Meet up with Yameko (Relationship: 0/10)

[] Spend time with Yato (Relationship: 3/10)

[] Go train with Hose (Relationship: 1/10)

[] Hang out with Ritsuko (Relationship: 3/10)


[] Diplomancy Level 1: Try and improve your ability to conduct diplomacy. If you can better get people to see things your way with words alone, you could start really getting better relationships. (+5 to all Diplomacy Checks)

[] A Good First Impression: Try to ensure that every first meeting you have is a good one. That will make sure people like you more. (+3 to Starting Relationship Points)

[] Now You're Motivated: Use your understanding of basic motivation to better convince others to agree with you. Find their motive, and try to get them to back down. (+5 to all Diplomacy Checks)

Possible Events:

[] Search the School: You go looking for Monsters or Organization members. Might lead to new Relationships.

[] Find Hiroko: Even if you're not ready to take her on...you can't just let her roam free. WARNING! Could result in Combat!

[] Gather for the Confrontation: It's time to face Hiroko. You'd better call up your Bro and Yameko. WARNING! Could result in Combat!

[] Ask Yamato what's wrong with him?: It's time you got to the bottom of this. Locked until Relationship Rank 8 or Feelings: 30+

[] Analyze your Parent's Stuff: Maybe there's something here that you missed. ???

[X] Go on the Chess Club Trip: Yamato asked you to go with him, and you said yes. You're not backing out now. (Locked in)
- [] Invite Hose Along: You're sure Yamato won't mind if you ask the guy to come with...Munagi on the other hand...eh, you're sure it'll be fine. (???)
- [] Invite Ritsuko Along: You're sure Yamato won't mind if you ask her to come with....Munagi on the other hand...eh, you're sure it'll be fine. (???)
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Week 5.2/Club Trip
"Wait, wait, wait, wait," you wave your hands in disbelief as you glance sidelong at your brother, "You seriously believe Evangelion is better than Getter Robo?"

"Incorrect," Yamato places his hands in his pockets, "I simply believe there is more to be gained from watching Evangelion."

"What could you get from a show that can be summed up as 'Whiny kid with daddy issues?'" you shrug while keeping an eye on your surroundings, following Yamato, who had Yameko clinging to his right arm, to his club's meeting place.

"It gives us great insight into the human condition while also being a deconstructionist take on the typical Super Robot, Monster Of The Week Genre. We turn left here I think," he turns the corner once you pass a store filled with Mecha action figures and other memorabilia.

You raise an eyebrow, but otherwise ignore the store, "And you think that makes it better than Getter Robo?"

Your brother shakes his head, "I never said either was 'better'. Just that there was more to, objectively, be gained from viewing one over the other."

"Um, Yamato-sama?" the two of you turn to the disguised Kitsune as she tilts her head in confusion, "I'm afraid I am lost. What exactly are you two arguing over?"

Yato's voice rings in your head, "For once, I agree with the fox. What is this 'Getter' and 'Evangelion', and what does it have to do with you two?"

You relay what your Partner said to Yamato. The two of you share a look, nod to each other, then turn to your respective Partners.

"Yato, let me tell you about a little something called 'Getter Rays'..."

"I will explain in full once we get back to the dorm room, but for now know that there is this child named Shinji Ikari..."

From there the two of you give primers on the respective shows to the two mythical monsters. Your bro on the, in his words, deep and complex nature of Eva to Yameko, while you explain the absolute awesome insanity that is Getter Robo. You can't fully tell exactly how Yameko reacts to the information. She kept nodding as your brother explained the show, but you had no clue whether she actually got it or not. Yato, in contrast, really gets into your description. Specifically, he keeps asking about the Getter Robot itself and how it seems to have a mind of its own.

You get so into the conversation that you almost miss it when your brother says, "We have arrived."

You tell Yato you'll continue the conversation at the dorm and turn to see....a Movie Theater?

"Bro?" your confused gaze moves from the rapidly filling theater to the crowds walking around it, "Um, you sure this is the place?"

"Affirmative," he pulls out his phone and checks the GPS, "This is the address Munagi gave us. Now just to find-"

"Yamato-san!" a familiar, high pitched voice rings in your ears as the blonde-haired Chess Club President pushes her way through the crowd. Her long sleeve black shirt matched the red long skirt she wore, both swishing in the breeze as she ran to your position. Her hair was wrapped in two pigtails that bounced along with her as she approached you. You briefly spot a smile on her lips...before she lays eyes on Yameko.

Her speed lowers with her lips as she gets closer to you guys. She stops when she gets close enough without invading anyone's personal space. Her arms cross while a clearly angry frown comes over her face. Your bro doesn't seem to notice though, as he puts his phone away and says, "Hello, Munagi. I have arrived alongside my brother and a friend."

"I can see that," she's clearly upset, but not at you. You can tell by how she's been staring daggers at the disguised Kitsune since she came over, "But who is this and why is she clinging to you?"

Yamato is about to answer when Yameko lets go of his arm and steps forward. You swear you spot a small, smug smile on her face as she bows to Munagi, "Good day, Munagi-san. I've been wanting to meet you ever since Yamato-sama mentioned your name."

"S-s-sama?! So formal..." a blush comes over Munagi's face as she steps back in surprise. Her eyes dart to Yamato, "Did you do something to this girl, Yamato-san?"

Yamato shakes his head, "I have not. She has merely chosen to address me in that manner. I see little reason to stop her."

"There's plenty of reason!" she straightens the cat ears on her head before moving around Yameko. She rushes up to Yamato and points a finger right in between his eyes, "A woman shouldn't address a man in such a way! Unless they-"

She freezes in place, eyes wide as something clicks in her head. The blush on her cheeks spreads to the rest of her face. Your bro simply stares at the girl as she retracts her finger, no reaction on his face. Yameko chuckles from behind Munagi, "Unless they...what? Munagi-san?"

"Unless....unless the man has coerced the woman somehow!" she finishes, regaining her original confidence. However, the blush on her face remains, "You obviously did something to force Yameko-san to address you this way. What is it? Confess to your crimes!"

Yameko chuckles again and gracefully steps around Munagi to your brother's left side. She runs a few fingers up his arm as she says, "While your concern is understandable, Munagi-san, I am afraid you are mistaken. Yamato-sama is my Lord. And thus I must address him with respect. That is all there is to it."

The President's gaze shoots between Yameko and your bro. Your bro nods but replies in his typical monotone, "To repeat: It's the way Yameko chooses to address me. It is not harming anyone, and she has chosen it herself. I am completely uninvolved with it."

"W-w-well then, urgh! Fine! I will allow it! But," she forces herself between the two and pushes them apart, "None of that while we are here! It is inappropriate behavior for two people who are...not...intimately involved!"

"And who says we aren't?"

The Club President doesn't respond. In fact, she doesn't react at all. You frown and walk in front of her. You call her name but get no reaction. It takes you waving a hand in front of her face to get her back. She yelps a bit and walks away from you, "Who are you?"

"I'm Hayato. Yamato's brother? I've been here for a while."

"Oh, yes," she stands up straight, coughs into her hand, then turns to the Theater, "Thankfully, I prepared for this and bought six tickets to the film. Shall we go?" She doesn't wait for an answer and starts walking away.

As the three of you follow, Yamato speaks, "Yameko, a query. Do you dislike President Munagi? You seemed to enjoy causing her distress."

"Hmmm...I wouldn't say no," Yameko places a finger on her lip while looking towards the sky, "But I wouldn't say yes, either. She's...interesting. Especially when it concerns you, Yamato-sama."

"Could you elaborate?"

"Ha, ha. You'll find out soon enough, my Lord," she takes this moment to skip after Munagi. The two of them strike up a conversation while you and Yamato follow after them.

"Careful, bro," you say while leaning over to fake whisper into his ear, "I think those two might prove to be more than you can handle."

"I fail to see what you mean, brother. Unless you're referring to finding a way to spend time with Munagi outside of Club Meetings while training with Yameko. In which case, worry not. I have already devised a schedule for such things."

"Really?" you're genuinely surprised. Then you start thinking of the implications and chuckle nervously, "Uh, heh, heh. Might wanna keep that to yourself, bro."

Yamato raises an eyebrow at you but doesn't reply. Once the four of you have your tickets and enter the Theater you take in the sight of people wandering around, the smell of popcorn at the concession stand with three lines in front of it, and the sound of the arcade games mixed with promotions for movies on the TV Screens. You let out a happy sigh, "Ah, man. When was the last time we went to the movies?"

"I....am unsure," your brother looks to the ground, "The only time I can remember coming here was with our parents...and unlike many of my memories it is unclear at best."

A memory comes to you as if called by your brother's words. It's hazy, but you're able to make out a similar environment to the one you're in. You...think you're holding someone's hand...but you can't tell. You remember noises and smiles...but nothing else.

"Same here," you eventually say to Yamato.

"...If we ever locate our parents-"

"-We should all see a movie together," you smile, reach out, and tussle your brother's hair. One of the many reasons why you're glad he's still shorter than you, "We'll find 'em, bro. We'll find 'em."

"I have no doubt about that, brother," Yamato angles his head down but doesn't move away from your hand. That is until Munagi comes running over, yelling at the both of you for standing at the entrance. You both apologize and follow her to the concession stand then into the seating room. Apparently, you're gonna be watching "A War On All Fronts." According to Munagi, it's a "Epic tale of War with a focus on strategy, thinking outside the box, and predicting your opponents moves. A wondrous film to behold, that can teach those with the strategic acumen tactics that can be applied to all types of battles."

In other words, that's her thinly veiled excuse for wanting to go out and see a movie. When Yameko calls her out on this, she vehemently denies the claim. But her blushing face gives away the real answer.

When you make it to the seating room, you sit...

[] Next to your brother. Yamato did ask you here. Though it does mean only one of the girls can sit next to him.

[] One seat away from your brother. While Yamato might be confused, this will let him sit with both of the girls. Let the three of them have enjoy each other's company.

Of course the moment I say I won't be able to write the next update for a bit, my muse kicks in and I get it done.
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Week 5 Event: An Invasion
As much as you would like to sit next to your brother for this, you can't bring yourself to separate the guy from the girls. Especially when it's clear Munagi set this up to be with him.

Yeah. That girl's not exactly adept at hiding her real intentions.

...Unless it's your bro it seems.

Which you chalk up to that willful ignorance of his and other's emotions. You've still got a long way to go with that.

The movie itself is...ok. It's a bit too slow for your taste. And there are way too many scenes of people just talking about nonsense. But you do get why that's the case. Munagi said this movie had a "focus on strategy". All the talking is important as it's what decides how the real fights turn out. And the main character is someone you can get behind. An old veteran brought back into the line of duty, forced to make the best of a bad situation, and win the war for his nation. Pulls off some pretty badass tricks, too.

However, the real entertainment happens a few seats away from you.

Your attention is repeatedly drawn from the screen to the borderline catfight happening between Munagi and Yameko over your bro. When Munagi would find ways to lean over and rest her head on Yamato's shoulders, Yameko would gently grab his hand, wait for the girl to close her eyes, then "accidentally" move him closer to her. This would cause Munagi to lose her balance and nearly topple to the floor...only to be caught by Yamato. She gets flustered and quickly removes herself from his grasp, but can't resist smirking at Yameko who's face has regained its mask of civility.

Then, around the movie's second Act, Yamato ran out of soda. Both Yameko and Munagi offered him a chance to drink from one of their cups with Munagi staring daggers at the smiling fox spirit.

You were getting ready to intervene, but your brother acted before you did. And you're not sure whether to call what he did next stupid...or life-saving.

He proceeded to grab both of their drink cups, took out a napkin, wiped the tops of the straws, sipped from both, wiped them again, and then gave them back. You had to pick your jaw up off the floor after that one.

Despite all that the movie date went off without a hitch. You've got no clue if any of you actually learned anything from the film, but it felt nice to go see it. That and your three companions got a bit closer...even if Munagi and Yameko still don't seem to like each other.

[+1 to Yamato's Relationship Rank with Yameko and Munagi!]

[+3 Points to Yamato's Relationships with Yameko and Munagi!]

[+1 to Yameko and Munagi's Relationship Rank!]

[+2 to Yameko and Munagi's Relationship Points]

After the movie was over, the four of you started making your way back to the Academy The afternoon sun was falling beneath the horizon at your backs. You and Yato were continuing your discussion over Getter Robo, while Munagi and Yameko stayed near your bro. Eventually, Yameko broke the silence and asked, "That was a quaint little movie. Though the premise is the main thing that interested me. What about you, Yamato-sama?"

"There were many lessons to be learned about strategy in how the protagonist handled himself despite the uncertainty of the situation. Chief among them is the importance of knowing your enemy. The protagonist and his allies seldom fought a battle without doing extensive research on the opposition they would be facing. They then proceeded to create counter-measures for the enemy's tactics, and fallback plans in case those counter-measures didn't work. Taking that into account...Munagi."

"Y-yes?" she slightly jumped at Yamato suddenly calling her name during his speech.

"Would it be possible for us to contact and speak to the Chess Clubs Members of other schools? Knowing who we're up against would give us a greater advantage when the tournament comes around."

Munagi huffs and turns away from your brother, "It is not a simple matter to contact our competition without appearing like we have an ulterior motive." Then her expression softens, but she doesn't look at Yamato, "Though, since you asked...I suppose I could look into such matters. It could even be the basis for our next Club outing."

"You have my thanks, Munagi. For both listening and for this outing. It was rather enjoyable."

You swear you spot a blush form on Munagi's cheeks. Her pace quickens as she walks ahead of you all while shouting back, "T-T-think nothing of it! It is my duty as Club President and Heiress to Apexi-bwah!?"

She's cut off as she runs into the back of two people. The three of you catch up just as the two of them turn around. They've got on twin black blazers with the kanji for rebellion emblazoned on the inside and outside.

They're carrying twin wooden practice swords and stand with an air of superiority to them. They seem to be about your age but much rougher around the edges.

One of them sneers at Munagi and starts shouting, "Hey! Watch where ya goin' ya dumb broad!"

"Excuse me!?" more angry than intimidated, Munagi gets into the guy's face. Her hands fall on her hips she shouts at him, "You were the one standing around in the middle of the street while others are trying to walk! Do you pay no attention to your own surroundings?"

"What was that?" he takes a step forward but the guy to his right places a hand on his shoulder.

The guy on the right shakes his head, "Forget it Hideo. The boss is expecting us. We can't waste anymore ti-hey, wait? Doesn't she look...familiar?"

As the two of them stare at Munagi, a smug smile comes over her face. She poses while placing a hand on her chest, "I wouldn't be surprised. My father and I take every opportunity to show everyone my prowess as an heir to Apexi!"

Your eyebrow rises in confusion. You glance over to your brother for an explanation, but he has his eyes firmly locked on the two strangers. And Yameko is...wait...are those darts? Where did those-

"Get your hands off me!"

[Combat Check: Brawling: 3 + Street Fighting: 23 + 10 (Your Fist) + MMA: 13 - 20 (Injured) = 29/20: Success! +10 XP! Level UP!]

"I thought so! Your one of those rich kids that go to Raijin aren't you? The boss'll thank us for-"

The guy goes silent as your fist crashes into his jaw and your foot slams into his crotch. He manages to remain standing...until you rip the wooden sword from his hand then whack him over the head with it. That sends him to the ground in a heap.

[Combat Check: Darts: 20 (Yameko) + 10 (Throwing Darts) (Yameko) + Cleverness (Yamato): 30 = 60/20: Success! +10 XP to Yamato]

"Bastard!" the other guy grabs Munagi by the arm and pulls towards him. She screams in pain as he wraps an arm around her neck and holds her up like a shield, "Don't move! Or I'll-"

He doesn't finish as sharpened darts fly into the arm he's using to hold Munagi. He grunts in pain and drops her before more of the greenish darts puncture the hand holding his weapon. You grab it before it hits the ground and slam it across his face. He falls just as Yamato reaches Munagi and stops her fall. He holds her in his arms and says, "Yameko, check their clothes. We need to find out who they were. Are you unharmed, Munagi?"

"Ye-yes," she's breathing heavily and staring at the two stranger's unconscious bodies, not seeming to mind the fact that Yamato is hugging her.

[Yameko Perception Check: Objects: 15/5: Success!]

"Found something," the kitsune stands up with some kind of green badge in her hand. A horse was carved on the front, its nostrils flared as it reared up at some invisible foe. She reads the printed name on it out loud, "Kirin High School. Do any of us know that place?"

"I do," Munagi says, slightly recovered from her shock. Yamato gently releases her from his arms as she continues, "That school's students are notorious for being troublemakers and delinquents. My father's told me to stay far away from there."

"That explains that," you take both of the swords and place them under your arm, "But why did they grab you? And why did they care that you went to Raijin Academy?"

"I predict that we will discover the answer to that when we return to our dorm. Let us hurry," you all nod toward Yamato and sprint off towards the school. The entire way there your head was swarming with questions. What the hell was up with the students at Kirin? Was what Munagi said about them true? And, even if it wasn't, what the hell did they want with a student from Raijin Academy?

Some of your questions were answered when you finally made it back to the front entrance of the school.

Standing in front of the gate were four more students, two girls, and two guys, in the same get-up as the guys from before. Beyond them, the school grounds were swarming with people locked in combat. From where you were you could recognize the familiar gis of the Martial Arts Club members as they fought against the armed Kirin invaders. It was anything but a fair fight, as the Kirin guys would gang up on and overwhelm the Club Members with numbers. Other students were by school buildings, fearing for their lives.

"Oh no," Munagi trembled as her hand went up to her chin, "Th-this is awful. We-we need to call the police!"

"School faculty has likely already done that. There is a high probability that those at the gate are lookouts as well as guards. They'll shout an alarm once they hear the sirens, and everyone will leave," Yamato posits as the four of you stare at the continuing conflict.

"Then all we have to do is stay here!"

"And leave everyone else to get beat up or worse!" you point towards the mass of people fighting, "If we just sit around, who knows how many people they'll end up sending to the hospital? We have to do something!"

"Oh, what? Do you plan to take on all those students on your own?! That's crazy!" you scowl at Munagi's words, but you know she's right. You're injuries from your fight with Ritsuko haven't completely healed yet. You won't last long if you just charge in there.


[Yamato Tactics: Cleverness: 30 + Logistics: 20 = 50]

"Hayato," Yamato places a hand on your arm while stepping forward, "I have formulated a plan of attack for us. But I require you to calm yourself before I explain it."

[] "I already have a plan, attack!" Charge in there and be a fucking hero!

[] "....Right. Sorry, bro. Go ahead." Listen to Yamato's plan.

[] Write-in...

You have Leveled UP!

All Tagged Skills get +5!

All Non-Tagged Bonus and Normal Skills get +3!

Choose 1 Trait:

[] Danger Sense: Feelings: 20: During a conversation get a warning on "bad" choices.

[] See Right Through You: Motives: 20: Once per week lower the skill check of Speech: Persuasion by 10.

[] I Fight Dirty: Street Fighting: 20: Once a Week, gain a +5 to Combat when up against Honorable Foes and you use Street Fighting.

[] Fist Of The Mountain: UMT: 20: Increase the Bonus from "Your Fist" Weapons by 5.

[] Haggling: Diplomacy 20: Once a Week lower the skill check of Barter: Business by 10.

[] Body Of Iron: Physical: 20: Once per Week apply a -10 debuff to enemy Physical Attacks.

[] Mind Of Steel: Physical: 20: Once Per Week apply a -10 debuff to enemy Mental Attacks.

First, let me just say sorry in case that's the wrong kanji. I looked up a picture of the kanji, so I'm not sure if it's right.

Second, by choosing to let your brother sit with the girls, he got a bonus to Relationship Ranks and Points with them. If it was you, your Rank with him would've gone up.

Third, yep. Delinquent invasion of the school. Hiroko is involved in this...but it's not her fault.

At least not entirely.

Either way, hope you guys like it and hope it's good.
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Week 5 Event: School Brawl
Your name is Yamato Nagai, and you have just sent your injured brother into the middle of a school wide brawl.

There's a reason behind this course of action. It is a vital step in your greater strategy. Especially considering you're operating off limited information on the adversaries. In addition, your brother has both the skills and personality required to accomplish the goals set out for him. Goals which must be carried out with the utmost skill lest the plan be completely derailed.

[Bond: Blood Ties]

But that doesn't make it better. That doesn't stop you from constantly thinking about how your brother's injuries will open up again. How he could easily be overwhelmed by the mob of students with weapons. How your strategy could fall apart and all you'd have accomplished was getting the only person in this world that you can trust seriously hurt and possibly killed.

Those thoughts do not distract you from the sight of your brother walking towards the Academy entrance, thumb raised in the air and head held high as he walks into yet another dangerous situation with reckless disregard for his own safety. Only this time, he's doing it at your behest.

Something you'd sincerely hoped to avoid.

"I can't believe you're doing this," Rishi Munagi, President of the Chess Club, and daughter of the CEO of Apexi Corporation says as she taps away on her phone.

[Invention: Ford: 20]

It's compact design and slim screen identified it as the latest model currently on the market. Likely obtained by her father and given as a birthday gift, or simply purchased at any electronics store. She taps away at the screen, apps flying by in brief flashes of colored light.

"Allow me to apologize in advance," you say while keeping your eyes on your brother's progress. He's made it to the street separating the hill you're on from the school's entrance. You left the school around 4:00 PM, it took you an hour of walking to find the theater, the movie lasted two hours, and it took you an hour to get back. The sun has since set, with the moon taking its place in the sky. The darkness gives you both disadvantages and opportunities to help your plan succeed.

"What ever for?" Munagi glances at you while her fingers continue dashing across the screen.

"For requesting your assistance in this matter. It is likely you do not wish to be connected with a foolhardy endeavor such as this," you give her a short, apologetic bow.

Munagi turns her head away as she replies, "Th-there's no need for that! I would bring shame on my family name if I turned a blind eye to this! It is only natural that I assist you in your plan."

"Ah, I see. But know that we still appreciate your help."

Silence comes over you two for a moment before Munagi continues, "In truth, the thing I don't understand is why you think your brother alone is enough to make a difference in that...mess."

You take note of how she avoids holding her gaze on the skirmish taking place in your school's yard. Though you doubt the effectiveness of her actions, considering you can hear the fighting going on from here.

"Partially correct," you answer, "First, my plan may have required Yameko to follow and assist my brother in a different way, but he is in no way completely alone. Second, do not underestimate my brother. In Chess, it is usually the lowly pawn that becomes the key to victory."

"Hmph. Forgive me if I do not hold the same beliefs. But can you answer me this?" Munagi stops tapping on her phone and turns to look at you, "Why would your brother go out of his way to do this?"

"Would it trouble you to explain your meaning?"

"I am not deaf to the events that occur both within and outside of Academy walls. Your brother's confinement is not some well kept secret. Neither is the identity of who requested it. Yet not two days later was it rescinded, while at the same time government reports come out accusing Mondo Circuits of money laundering."

"I assure you that I am aware of these events," you admit, "I fail to see what that has to do with your question."

"That there are plenty like Yunagi who go to our Academy, and plenty who cheered him on when they heard what he'd done. They're likely down there, getting what some would call their 'just desserts'. While I can see your brother wanting to help them given he hasn't seen exactly how many people loathe him among the student body. But I don't understand you. You know how they feel about him. Why, then, would you be willing to risk your brother to help them?"

"Does one need a reason for that?"

Munagi looks at you with narrowed eyes, "I would think so."

"Why is that? Did my brother and I need a reason to jump to your defense? No. We simply did it. You were in trouble, and we wished to help. That is all."

Munagi stared you down for sometime while you watched your brother take his position. You turned back to her and asked if she had what you required. She shook her head to clear it before looking down at her phone, "I've had it since we started talking. I was simply waiting for your brother. Shall I?"

"If you please," you wave a hand towards Munagi for emphasis. She raises her phone up and presses down on the screen. Within moments the sound of police sirens cuts through the silence of the night. Some of those in the skirmish stop to look up, while the ones at the gate immediately went to work. They split up with two rushing to the west while the other pair heads east. Your brother was already moving the moment the entrance was clear. You couldn't see Yameko, but you were sure she was close by.

The Club President kept the siren going until the four Kirin High students disappeared into the darkness of the side streets. Then she lowered her phone with a shake of her head, "I still don't understand why you believe he can-"

[Combined Combat Check: 6 (Hayato Brawling) + 26 (Hayato Street Fighting) + 10 (Hayato Using UMT) + 16 (Hayato MMA) + 38 (Hayato UMT) + 10 (Hayato Passive Physical Resistance) + 30 (Hayato Physical Resistance) - 20 (Hayato Injured) + 50 (Yato UMT) - 35 (Outnumbered) = 131: Immense Success!]

She went silent the moment your brother entered the skirmish, was jumped by three Kirin High students with weapons...and sent them all flying within a second.

Then did the same to another group of students.

Then another.

And another.

And another.

He had hardly entered the battle and he had already fought his way into the middle of the battle. Munagi watched on completely speechless, her mouth trying to form words yet none would come to her.

You were already heading west and called for her to follow you. She did so, while asking you numerous questions about how your brother is able to do what he's doing. You don't answer, both out of a need to keep the truth hidden, and because your mind is focused on your own role in your plan.

There's a faculty entrance to the school to the west. It's likely the two that went there have gathered others to help them search for the police, so it should be clear.

You sent your brother into this mess.

You're not leaving him out to dry.

"To your left, Lord."

"I see him," you casually block the hostile man's attack, his steel pipe clanging uselessly against the metal of your gauntlets. You briefly see the sadistic glee on his face melt into surprised anguish before you punch him in the stomach. He went flying into two of his fellows nearby, giving the Martial Artist they were menacing the opening she needed to bring them with two well placed kicks to their crotches. She nodded to you before another enemy came to face her.


Your fists went up and hit your assailants in their faces. They fell to the ground to writhe in pain until you picked them up by the back of their coats. You knocked their heads together before tossing them back into the chaotic mess around you.

And that's the word for it. Chaotic.

You could hardly make out what was happening around you, or who it was happening to you. Only glimpses of what was going on came to your eyes every now and then. Some Kirin High assholes beating down a Raijin student here, Raijin students taking on all comers there, or a simple mosh-pit where no one had any idea of who was friend or foe. The agonized cry of injured students on both sides were drowned out by the grunts and cries of combat. You could taste the iron tang of blood in the air.

Yet, despite it all, you felt completely calm.

More calm than you've ever been in a situation like this.

And you chalk it up to Yato.

This is the first time the two of you have ever actually started working together like this in a fight. The feeling when you activated the Style is hard to describe. It's like a more advanced version of how you and Yato usually are. While you always know that Yato is on your arms, you don't fully feel the spirit's presence until he starts talking. Now though it feels....like it's more than that. A strange, tickling sensation that has encompassed your whole body.

And that was before you started using Unyielding Mountain.

Your brother had suggested you use it as part of his plan, and you weren't going to argue. It was difficult to control at first. The power surged through your body and you started throwing it around with reckless abandon. Anyone who got close you simply "shoved" away for lack of a better word. You turned away every and all attacks sent your way until you made it to the center of the field. Here, Yato helped you get a handle on the power and start directing it more efficiently.

And by that you mean, using it to block attacks before hitting a man so hard he goes flying backwards like five feet.

Which was, in your own words, pretty goddamn cool.

However, you're not here to simply throw assholes around. You've got a job to do...kind of.

According to your bro, your role in his plan is to get in this fight and then "Rally The Students Of Raijin Academy together, and launch a decisive counterattack while Yameko searches for the leader of this assault."

The first part's done, you're in the fight. You haven't seen Yameko at all, but she is a Kitsune. With any luck she's already found the leader and is making her way back to you or Yamato.

So that leaves you with the second part of your task. Now you just have to decide how to accomplish it.

[] Speech Time! You've been waiting for this moment! It's time to find the tallest object you can, get on top of it, and give a rousing speech to rally everyone together!

[] Find some help. You're not gonna be able to pull this off alone. You'll need people who can help you keep a group together in a fight. Hose and Ritsuko are probably around somewhere, so you'll start with them.

[] Start helping people. There's plenty of people in this fight that could use a hand. You'll help them out, get the ones that can still fight to join you, and keep it up until you have an entire group of fighters behind you.

[] Just start punching! Screw anything fancy! You'll just keep knocking assholes to the ground! You'll eventually make a big enough dent to give your guys a chance to regroup!


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