In reverse order.

None of our Unarmed Combat Skills (besides UMT) require supporting Skills. I checked, and WoG is that because we have competent people training us we get the full benefits of even Kendo without needing anything like Swords. The initial sorting was more of a "Oh you do [blank]? Then this one fits you better."

As for the Skills remaining unused.

When they hit or break 90, we're given the choice to take them to Supernatural levels. If we do then they become Supernatural Martial Arts. This gives them different 80 and 100 Perks and makes them relevant against Supernatural Opponents, the draw back being that you need to do something to unlock the perks instead of just picking them compared the the Mundane 80 and 100 (and I assume 120 and 140).

If you have SL of...8? I think it was 8, with your Partner, you can use and combine Supernatural Martial Arts for the purposes of adding Skills to combat checks.

If we get Karate, Kendo, and MMA to 90+, go for the Supernatural option, then trigger the Yato Quest, then we'll have an effective "basic" cap of 500, one for each SMA and one for Physical Resistance, when it comes to Serious Combat.

Unless @LinkOnScepter expresses that I got something wrong, then if done properly then none of our investments here will be useless, especially with the revealed Supernatural Perks.
Not supporting skills as they're required, but in that they work in correspondence with their more developed version, like Street Fighting and MMA, but I checked again and my suspicion was right and in the tournament only the specific martial art is counted, not the corresponding skill.

As for raising them high to make them supernatural MAs, that is not going to be useful since this is a mundane tournament, us using supernatural martial arts immediately shows that there's something funky going on and lets those in the know know that we're using supernatural martial arts. And after a MA has been turned into a supernatural, it cannot be used as mundane anymore, at least by the wording of QM. So if we want to actually use them in the tournament and not show that there's something weird going on, we'd need to keep them as mundane even when at high levels.

And I recall that LoS said that turning mundane MA into a supernatural one locks you out of something, but I can't find the post.

And unless @LinkOnScepter wants to correct me, it seems that even when Yato SL rises above 8 or 9, we can only use 2 supernatural martial arts at the same time and one of them needs to be UMD.
Considering how relatively easy it is for us to hit Cap and the fact that our Seniors are demonstratively kickass (or at least Hose is), and that we need to run the entire gauntlet ourself, I expect that we'll face challenges even if we managed All-100 for each of category.
This is a mundane tournament, and our first as well. And with MMA at 66, Hose showed that he couldn't beat us without fighting seriously. We're going to be facing challenges, but not on the level where we'd need to start combining supernatural MAs to win. Cause if that were to happen, something has gone very, very wrong.
As for raising them high to make them supernatural MAs, that is not going to be useful since this is a mundane tournament, us using supernatural martial arts immediately shows that there's something funky going on and lets those in the know know that we're using supernatural martial arts.

And? LoS said that was kosher (people would just know that we're abnormally swole) and besides-

And after a MA has been turned into a supernatural, it cannot be used as mundane anymore, at least by the wording of QM.

Per WoG, we can continue to use the MA at a mortal level, we just get a penalty to the check (because going Supernatural is sort of like going Super Saiyan? The implications as I've understood it is that SMAs are more effective than Mundane MAs, even if they're the same base MA).

I remember a mention of a -25, but I can't remember if that was for SMAs used as Mundane MAs or if that was Mundane MAs used against the Supernatural. If the former, that's roughly the level you wanted them left at anyway, except we'd have access to their upper perks (or Perk Quests) as well.

And I recall that LoS said that turning mundane MA into a supernatural one locks you out of something, but I can't find the post.

It locks us out of the Mundane MA upper perks. We instead get access to the Supernatural MA upper perks. He's attempted to make a case to the effect that which upper perks are better depends on what we make of them, but I'm generally inclined to go for the Supernatual ones unless we get a preview of them before making the choice.

We're going to be facing challenges, but not on the level where we'd need to start combining supernatural MAs to win. Cause if that were to happen, something has gone very, very wrong.

I meant in regards to later battles. This is an Anime Quest, unless things go exceptionally weirdly we're going to be fighting for our lives/friends/the world at some point, most likely against Old Monsters or the Organization.

And unless @LinkOnScepter wants to correct me, it seems that even when Yato SL rises above 8 or 9, we can only use 2 supernatural martial arts at the same time

I don't recall that limitation and will wait for LoS confirmation. Either way I feel that we'll benefit from the Supernatural Perks, and we're technically able to get 3 more Partners, so we'd be able to combine the other two SMAs and possibly upgrade Brawling to a SMA to combo with the unpaired one.
And? LoS said that was kosher (people would just know that we're abnormally swole) and besides-

Per WoG, we can continue to use the MA at a mortal level, we just get a penalty to the check (because going Supernatural is sort of like going Super Saiyan? The implications as I've understood it is that SMAs are more effective than Mundane MAs, even if they're the same base MA).

I remember a mention of a -25, but I can't remember if that was for SMAs used as Mundane MAs or if that was Mundane MAs used against the Supernatural. If the former, that's roughly the level you wanted them left at anyway, except we'd have access to their upper perks (or Perk Quests) as well.

It locks us out of the Mundane MA upper perks. We instead get access to the Supernatural MA upper perks. He's attempted to make a case to the effect that which upper perks are better depends on what we make of them, but I'm generally inclined to go for the Supernatual ones unless we get a preview of them before making the choice.

I meant in regards to later battles. This is an Anime Quest, unless things go exceptionally weirdly we're going to be fighting for our lives/friends/the world at some point, most likely against Old Monsters or the Organization.

I don't recall that limitation and will wait for LoS confirmation. Either way I feel that we'll benefit from the Supernatural Perks, and we're technically able to get 3 more Partners, so we'd be able to combine the other two SMAs and possibly upgrade Brawling to a SMA to combo with the unpaired one.
He didn't say that it was "kosher", he said that it we'd clearly stick out and that, hypothetically, there might be things in place to hide Supernatural martial arts. Maybe. And we know that there are Organization members present at the school.

Supernatural MAs aren't "more effective" in a way that they raise skill numbers, but in a way that they can then actually harm supernatural entities. Mundane MAs can't.

And those battles are later, not for mundane tournament, even if we can mix all of our supernatural MAs together, which doesn't seem to be the case judging by the information LoS has said, and raising them to those levels would also cost valuable AP, which we need to use to raise other skills as well. There's also the fact that raising mundane to supernatural is much easier than raising supernatural MAs higher, since there are no supporting skill requirements for them, if you could mix all of them together would make getting ridiculously high combat level way too easy and pretty much make regular supernatural MAs useless, and force the enemy stats to be raised ridiculously high for the sake of challenge.

And using multiple supernatural MAs together is not mixing them together to form a new martial art, it is using two at the same time, adding both their stats together in a fight instead of using just one.

Also, unless you're running a commentary to a story, spaghetti posting is against SV rules.
And I was literally about to do it again. I was unaware that spaghetti posting, which I assume is quoting multiple parts of a post to respond to specific parts of it, is against the rules. Should I edit my prior post or leave it be?
That's exactly it, but it is ok to do when you running a commentary, like how I tend to do when commenting on story posts. Leave it be as it is, no one is going to get mad when it happens accidentally once or twice.

And we should probably stop this debate here before we start running in circles, wait for LoS for more information and in the end let our plans do the talking and let the voters decide.
And we should probably stop this debate here before we start running in circles, wait for LoS for more information and in the end let our plans do the talking and let the voters decide.


I'd like to now briefly express that I disagree with or think you're incorrect about a few points of your previous discussion post, but my disagreements will either require getting specific QM confirmation about certain information or are a result of different opinions about priorities or similar things and that's definitely a "persuade the voters" thing at this point.

With that in mind, thank you for this discussion, and I'll do my best to take a step back and consider the concerns you brought up with care.
Oh god.

Well, I am at work on break right now.

So, please keep it civil until I get off so I can answer questions and see what's going on.
Oh god.

Well, I am at work on break right now.

So, please keep it civil until I get off so I can answer questions and see what's going on.
No worries, like Walliseatscheese said, we kept the things civil and stopped before it went too far. We just have a difference of opinion based on information we have right now, and it is important to notice when debate is starting to go into pointless, circular argument and call it quits then.
Ok. I'm at home on my computer. So:

1. Essentially everything about Mundane to Supernatural Martial Arts was in the "On Mundane Martial Arts" Threadmark.

2. There is no spillover with skills. You only get the points for whatever Skill you decide to train at one time.

3. You will get a choice of whether you want to use the Supernatural Version of your Mundane Martial Art during the Tournament. If you do, you'll win every fight easily. But, everyone will notice you're not normal and you may get into some trouble with the other schools and judges because of it. Not to mention you might maim some of the normal students.

4. I will admit, when it comes to the Tournament and Combat in General I am at a bit of a loss. Right now, I have two ideas:

4a. Make it a simple Skill/Stat Check. This makes this easy, but also ensures that everything becomes a Numbers Race and I need to either add crazy Perks/Traits or add enemies with Bigger Numbers to keep fights interesting/challenging. Not that I'm against doing that, but it's not something I necessarily want to do. Then again, I guess most AGG's eventually turn into this, huh?

4b. Make it full diceless and following an interesting combat system I found on an old DoubleCross 4Chan Quest. The idea is that there are three different things you can do in combat. A Fast Attack, A Heavy Attack, and A Guard. They work on Rock-Paper-Scissors rules, and you have different abilities that can break these rules. I think this could be interesting...but it works best on Quest that are Live and would make the Skills Worthless.

So, I'm thinking of just sticking to the first one.

I think these were the things I needed to address? If I missed one don't be afraid to let me know.
3. You will get a choice of whether you want to use the Supernatural Version of your Mundane Martial Art during the Tournament. If you do, you'll win every fight easily. But, everyone will notice you're not normal and you may get into some trouble with the other schools and judges because of it. Not to mention you might maim some of the normal students.
But is it possible to use a mundane martial art, if it has been raised into a supernatural art, without any maluses as a mundane, still? Does it still lock us out of the ultimate perk of the mundane one?
4. I will admit, when it comes to the Tournament and Combat in General I am at a bit of a loss. Right now, I have two ideas:

4a. Make it a simple Skill/Stat Check. This makes this easy, but also ensures that everything becomes a Numbers Race and I need to either add crazy Perks/Traits or add enemies with Bigger Numbers to keep fights interesting/challenging. Not that I'm against doing that, but it's not something I necessarily want to do. Then again, I guess most AGG's eventually turn into this, huh?

4b. Make it full diceless and following an interesting combat system I found on an old DoubleCross 4Chan Quest. The idea is that there are three different things you can do in combat. A Fast Attack, A Heavy Attack, and A Guard. They work on Rock-Paper-Scissors rules, and you have different abilities that can break these rules. I think this could be interesting...but it works best on Quest that are Live and would make the Skills Worthless.

So, I'm thinking of just sticking to the first one.
You could also add a single d100 hundred roll to each participant in a fight to add uncertainty into the fight, maybe even increase/decrease the dice roll in a case where there's a clear skill difference between the combatants (like, if we decided to pick a fight with the Sensei, who is clearly more skilled than we are, he'd roll d100, but we'd roll d50 or d25).

Can you also clarify on this:
3. You'd have to choose which Supernatural Martial Art to use during combat. At least, as long as Yato's SL is below 8 or 9. You get UMD from your Bond with Yato, thus if you started using another Supernatural Martial Art without a strong enough Bond, the two differing styles would clash with each other. You need to deepen your Bond with Yato, so that if you plan to use both you don't run into problems.
Does this mean that, when our bond with our partner rises high enough, we can use one extra supernatural MA with the partners supernatural MA in a fight, no more; no less, or is it possible to use multiple supernatural MAs at the same time (like say, supernatural MMA, Street Fighting and Kendo [or more]), adding their skill numbers all together in a check?

Also, that 50xp from finishing Agano's quest, did Hayato also get that and was it added to his XP? And did Qudrim8054's omake give us a bonus of any kind?
But is it possible to use a mundane martial art, if it has been raised into a supernatural art, without any maluses as a mundane, still? Does it still lock us out of the ultimate perk of the mundane one?

You could also add a single d100 hundred roll to each participant in a fight to add uncertainty into the fight, maybe even increase/decrease the dice roll in a case where there's a clear skill difference between the combatants (like, if we decided to pick a fight with the Sensei, who is clearly more skilled than we are, he'd roll d100, but we'd roll d50 or d25).

Can you also clarify on this:

Does this mean that, when our bond with our partner rises high enough, we can use one extra supernatural MA with the partners supernatural MA in a fight, no more; no less, or is it possible to use multiple supernatural MAs at the same time (like say, supernatural MMA, Street Fighting and Kendo [or more]), adding their skill numbers all together in a check?

Also, that 50xp from finishing Agano's quest, did Hayato also get that and was it added to his XP? And did Qudrim8054's omake give us a bonus of any kind?

1. It will lock you out of an Ultimate Mundane Perk. It's the trade-off of turning it Supernatural. If it has been raised to Supernatural, you can still use it as a Mundane Art. It would basically work like this:

A. Use it as a Mundane Art. People won't be suspicious and you won't just yeet people into the distance with it, but you won't be able to hurt or affect other Supernatural Creatures or people who have Partnered with them and are using Supernatural Arts.

B. Use it as a Supernatural Art and be able to hurt Supernatural Creatures and those who have Partnered with them, but basically turn every fight into a joke and reveal your special nature to everyone. Note: I am aware this is more of a Narrative Loss than a Mechanical Loss. Believe me, I have plans.

2. Huh. That's a cool idea. Might implement it. Thanks.

3. If you get your Partner's Relationship Rank to 8 or 9, you can use ANY Supernatural Martial Art with the one you get from them. So, yes, you could use Supernatural MMA with Unyielding Mountain. However, should you get any other Partners, you'll have to up your Relationship to the same Rank before you can do the same with them.

4. Yeah, I already applied the 50 XP to Hayato. And the Omake didn't give any bonuses this time around. Partially cause I'm not sure what bonus it would give, partially cause the main thing it would do is add in a new character which I have already established won't join the main cast.
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1. It will lock you out of an Ultimate Mundane Perk. It's the trade-off of turning it Supernatural. If it has been raised to Supernatural, you can still use it as a Mundane Art. It would basically work like this:

A. Use it as a Mundane Art. People won't be suspicious and you won't just yeet people into the distance with it, but you won't be able to hurt or affect other Supernatural Creatures or people who have Partnered with them and are using Supernatural Arts.

B. Use it as a Supernatural Art and be able to hurt Supernatural Creatures and those who have Partnered with them, but basically turn every fight into a joke and reveal your special nature to everyone. Note: I am aware this is more of a Narrative Loss than a Mechanical Loss. Believe me, I have plans.
That is good to know.
3. If you get your Partner's Relationship Rank to 8 or 9, you can use ANY Supernatural Martial Art with the one you get from them. So, yes, you could use Supernatural MMA with Unyielding Mountain. However, should you get any other Partners, you'll have to up your Relationship to the same Rank before you can do the same with them.
But we couldn't use three or more at the same time, like UMT, MMA and Karate?

Also, lets say we get another partner and have Yato at SL 8 or above, could we use the new partner's MA together with UMT, even without the new partner being at SL 8 or above?
That is good to know.

But we couldn't use three or more at the same time, like UMT, MMA and Karate?

Also, lets say we get another partner and have Yato at SL 8 or above, could we use the new partner's MA together with UMT, even without the new partner being at SL 8 or above?


No, Two at the same time is the Limit...for now.

If you get another Partner, you'd have to get that Partner's SL up to 8 or above. Even with Yato's at 8. Cause at that point, while Yato trust you enough to do that and understand what you want to do, the new Partner doesn't. And since the use of the Martial Art involves channeling their power through you, you need that trust.

No, Two at the same time is the Limit...for now.

If you get another Partner, you'd have to get that Partner's SL up to 8 or above. Even with Yato's at 8. Cause at that point, while Yato trust you enough to do that and understand what you want to do, the new Partner doesn't. And since the use of the Martial Art involves channeling their power through you, you need that trust.
Sounds like Season 2 upgrade. Very good to know. Doesn't change my plans for the near future, but very good to know.
Still wondering what supernatural street fighting would look like compared to the other choices. Since its pretty much just difty fighting. Which honestly would go well with our brothers fighting style if he wanted to mix two styles together.
1. Essentially everything about Mundane to Supernatural Martial Arts was in the "On Mundane Martial Arts" Threadmark.

I just checked there, and I could have sworn there'd been something somewhere about using the Supernatural versions at a Mundane level?

2. There is no spillover with skills. You only get the points for whatever Skill you decide to train at one time.

Fair enough, guess we'll just need to see what happens if we go over the cap.

3. You will get a choice of whether you want to use the Supernatural Version of your Mundane Martial Art during the Tournament. If you do, you'll win every fight easily. But, everyone will notice you're not normal and you may get into some trouble with the other schools and judges because of it. Not to mention you might maim some of the normal students.

Is there anything we can do to limit the potential of maiming our opponents if we go Supernatural?

4. I will admit, when it comes to the Tournament and Combat in General I am at a bit of a loss. Right now, I have two ideas:

I'd recommend starting with d50s with bonuses if you go that direction. It's much less swingy that way, from what I've seen of Runelord Quest.

I think these were the things I needed to address? If I missed one don't be afraid to let me know.

So far Tactics and Evasion seem to be nonfactors in combat, when they both are very relevant? We haven't explored them ourselves so I can't really comment on them, but Cleverness, Preparation, Dodging, and Trickery all feel like relevant factors for combat.

1. It will lock you out of an Ultimate Mundane Perk. It's the trade-off of turning it Supernatural. If it has been raised to Supernatural, you can still use it as a Mundane Art. It would basically work like this:

But there is an Ultimate Supernatural Perk, right?

B. Use it as a Supernatural Art and be able to hurt Supernatural Creatures and those who have Partnered with them, but basically turn every fight into a joke and reveal your special nature to everyone. Note: I am aware this is more of a Narrative Loss than a Mechanical Loss. Believe me, I have plans.

That's still very significant, and now I'm honestly debating if revealing ourselves now is worth it compared to training up Street Fighting and Brawling, and finding more Martials Arts, to Supernatural levels to work with UMT and other...Partner Arts? We really need to distinguish between MAs granted by Partners which give us special abilities and MAs trained to a Supernatural level.
I just checked there, and I could have sworn there'd been something somewhere about using the Supernatural versions at a Mundane level?

Fair enough, guess we'll just need to see what happens if we go over the cap.

Is there anything we can do to limit the potential of maiming our opponents if we go Supernatural?

I'd recommend starting with d50s with bonuses if you go that direction. It's much less swingy that way, from what I've seen of Runelord Quest.

So far Tactics and Evasion seem to be nonfactors in combat, when they both are very relevant? We haven't explored them ourselves so I can't really comment on them, but Cleverness, Preparation, Dodging, and Trickery all feel like relevant factors for combat.

But there is an Ultimate Supernatural Perk, right?

That's still very significant, and now I'm honestly debating if revealing ourselves now is worth it compared to training up Street Fighting and Brawling, and finding more Martials Arts, to Supernatural levels to work with UMT and other...Partner Arts? We really need to distinguish between MAs granted by Partners which give us special abilities and MAs trained to a Supernatural level.

1. If you ever hit the CAP on the skill, you only gain enough points to hit the CAP. The rest are gone.

2. On the maiming, not really if only cause Hayato would do that automatically. As it's in his character. But that's kind of the thing. He'll still hurt people beyond the norm if only because that's kind of the nature of the whole thing.

3. Yes, there is an Ultimate Supernatural Perk. It's the 100 Perk.

4. Tactics, Evasion, Perception and such haven't really factored into Combat because of both Mechanical and Narrative reasons. First, none of them are at a level (aka 10) where they can actually help you, yet. Second, Hayato himself doesn't really rely on them in combat. His character is more focused on taking blows and dishing them out in equal measure. Thus, he doesn't currently see the worth in learning how to dodge, use tactics, or "see" anything about the opponent. That's more Yamato's thing.

5. Partner Arts and Mortal Arts?

6. If by "Using Supernatural at a Mundane Level" you mean using Partner Arts on regular people, then yeah. As shown during the raid, you essentially blow every normal person out of the water with Partner Arts. However, people will notice something is up...they didn't that time cause everyone was focused on the massive raid fight. No one had time to notice a single high schooler knocking three people away with invisible waves of force.
1. If you ever hit the CAP on the skill, you only gain enough points to hit the CAP. The rest are gone.

2. On the maiming, not really if only cause Hayato would do that automatically. As it's in his character. But that's kind of the thing. He'll still hurt people beyond the norm if only because that's kind of the nature of the whole thing.

3. Yes, there is an Ultimate Supernatural Perk. It's the 100 Perk.

4. Tactics, Evasion, Perception and such haven't really factored into Combat because of both Mechanical and Narrative reasons. First, none of them are at a level (aka 10) where they can actually help you, yet. Second, Hayato himself doesn't really rely on them in combat. His character is more focused on taking blows and dishing them out in equal measure. Thus, he doesn't currently see the worth in learning how to dodge, use tactics, or "see" anything about the opponent. That's more Yamato's thing.

5. Partner Arts and Mortal Arts?

6. If by "Using Supernatural at a Mundane Level" you mean using Partner Arts on regular people, then yeah. As shown during the raid, you essentially blow every normal person out of the water with Partner Arts. However, people will notice something is up...they didn't that time cause everyone was focused on the massive raid fight. No one had time to notice a single high schooler knocking three people away with invisible waves of force.

This tells me that brawling is actually the best mundane style for mc to advance to supernatural. Every other style would perform way better if our perception skills were higher. Especially street fighting which you'll need a awareness of your surroundings to be more efficient. Kinda disappointed that it's our tagged skill now.
This tells me that brawling is actually the best mundane style for mc to advance to supernatural. Every other style would perform way better if our perception skills were higher. Especially street fighting which you'll need a awareness of your surroundings to be more efficient. Kinda disappointed that it's our tagged skill now.
No, like LoS just said Hayato doesn't rely on Perception in combat, no matter the fighting style. That's not the way he fights.
2. On the maiming, not really if only cause Hayato would do that automatically. As it's in his character. But that's kind of the thing. He'll still hurt people beyond the norm if only because that's kind of the nature of the whole thing.

Is it in his character? I thought we've strode a decent line on not brutalizing people, and we didn't pick up Smiling Ogre.

1. If you ever hit the CAP on the skill, you only gain enough points to hit the CAP. The rest are gone.


4. Tactics, Evasion, Perception and such haven't really factored into Combat because of both Mechanical and Narrative reasons. First, none of them are at a level (aka 10) where they can actually help you, yet. Second, Hayato himself doesn't really rely on them in combat. His character is more focused on taking blows and dishing them out in equal measure. Thus, he doesn't currently see the worth in learning how to dodge, use tactics, or "see" anything about the opponent. That's more Yamato's thing.

Ah good, it's accounted for then. That good enough for me.

5. Partner Arts and Mortal Arts?

Sounds good to me!

If by "Using Supernatural at a Mundane Level" you mean using Partner Arts on regular people, then yeah.

I found it, and I remembered the penalty correctly even.

Yes. Doing so against Mortal Opponents won't give you a disadvantage.

Against Supernaturals, it will confer a -25 penalty, but that's it.

I meant using Supernatural Mortal Arts against Mundane People while remaining within Mortal Limits.

I can see issues with the initial unlocking, and you may have changed your position on the subject, but prior WoG says that we can go Supernatural while also not going overboard.
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Martial Arts Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Is it in his character? I thought we've strode a decent line on not brutalizing people, and we didn't pick up Smiling Ogre.


Ah good, it's accounted for then. That good enough for me.

Sounds good to me!

I found it, and I remembered the penalty correctly even.

I meant using Supernatural Mortal Arts against Mundane People while remaining within Mortal Limits.

I can see issues with the initial unlocking, and you may have changed your position on the subject, but prior WoG says that we can go Supernatural while also not going overboard.

Ah. I meant it would be in his character to NOT Maim people.

And, did I change my stance on it? I will admit, one downside of writing as I go and being away for so long is that I forget my notes sometimes.

If I'm remembering correctly, I believe I said you can use the Supernatural Mortal Arts against mundane people while remaining in Mortal Limits before. If I did, and I'm contradicting myself now, I apologize. Allow me to try to speak with Finality on this:

You can use Supernatural Mortal Arts on a Mortal Level. No one will notice, but they'll lose their Supernatural Properties. You can switch and choose how/what you're going to use before a fight starts. If a new combatant or new fight starts after or while the current fight is happening, you'll get a chance to switch.

This is no longer applicable. Please see latest Informational Threadmark.
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And, did I change my stance on it? I will admit, one downside of writing as I go and being away for so long is that I forget my notes sometimes

We'd had a miscommunication due to the prior lack of distinction between Partner Arts and Mortal Arts, where I'd been asking about Mortal Arts and you thought I'd meant Partner Arts.

Besides that, everything looks good. Right now my internal debate is whether or not to stick with my plan and unlock 3 SMAs prior to the competition or go with Icipall's and preserve efficiency while improving our defense.

Well, when I put it like that.

I think we should pop off with Yato this weekend then, as our minimum result will get SL 10 and that will likely unlock mechanics we weren't aware of, unless Yam really needs us, because we might get more bonuses to training Resistance.