Week 12.2
You immediately get out your phone and start texting to the people you need to come help you. As you do, you're already rushing to catch up with Elizabeth. She's surprisingly gotten ahead of you by quite a bit. To the point where the only reason you're able to follow is because you're able to catch sight of her blonde hair before she rounds a corner. You do this a few times, making a group text and mass sending it to the three you need help from.

Yamato because obviously. He's your brother, the leader of your group, and smart. He'll know what to do in this situation if you can't figure it out. Would probably have a better strategy than just "hit them really hard".

Yameko cause, again, obviously. She's Yamato's Partner and you have no doubt that you're gonna be up against some people who can handle the supernatural. You'd rather be safe than sorry.

The last person made you pause though. You were going to ask Estella and Irina to come help you out. It would be under the same principle as Yamato and Yameko. The two were Partners, and you'd probably need them to be together so they're at their best. But the issue with that is you're not sure if the Organization is aware Estella is on your side. You have no doubt that she could handle herself, but the longer it takes the Organization to realize she's helping you, the better for you in the long run. And that advantage will be gone real fast if she shows up blasting alongside Irina. But you want at least one of them here just in case you need the firepower.

Biting your, you say that Elizabeth is in trouble and you're going to help her, but you're gonna need backup. But you add on the end that, if possible, Estella can just send Irina if she can manage it. Because you think that the Organization is involved in this and you don't want them to find out about her just yet. You keep your phone and focus back on following Elizabeth. But your focus is drawn back to your phone when you get multiple replies asking where you are.

You take a minute to look at your current surroundings and spot one of the stairwell signs. Rounding the corner, you catch the sight of a skirt that you're certain is Elizabeth's. If only because you've keeping up with her this entire time. There's no one else who could've gotten in front of you since then. Frowning, you head up the stairs and stop at the landing to pull out your phone. You explain how you're heading one of the stairwells, then take a moment to look at another sign. Once you see the "W" you add that it's in the "West Wing" of Raijin. You keep going up and up until eventually you stop at the last landing.

Because it's here that you realize what Elizabeth's destination is.

The roof.

"Figures," you grumble, taking out your phone and texting the information to everyone. You immediately get Yamato saying he and Yameko will be on their way. They're in the Eastern Wing so it might them a bit to reach you. Meanwhile, Irina has gotten the go ahead from Estella but says that she'll take a bit longer. Estella was busy talking to a few of the staff members and it took a lot of excuses to get her out without seeming impolite. She does stress to not get involved until she shows up, unless things get really, really bad.
You bite your lip but tell them okay...though you do summon Yato in case you have to use him. You raise up your arms and say, "Yato? We might be seeing the Organization soon. You ready?"

"Always. But, and pardon me for asking this Lord Hayato, are you certain that this is a good idea?" Yato sounds skeptical of something.

"That what's a good idea?" you ask, wondering what he's talking about.

"Helping this woman. I can understand wanting to ensure she's safe. But is it truly wise to show ourselves to our enemies in such a way. If what she said is true, then they likely already know what you can do. This whole thing could be a trap or trick to get you alone and-"

"Yato, before you finish that sentence, ask yourself this: Who are you talking to right now?"

There's silence between the two of you for a few moments. Then Yato speaks up, "A good point my Lord. Then I only ask we be prepared for whatever will come next."

You nod then stand up straight while watching the door. On the one hand, you know that Elizabeth is probably in trouble right now. But you also don't want to rush in without Yamato or Irina here. You've got no clue what you could be up against out there, and the last time you fought something supernatural put you in bandages for a few weeks. And that was when you were fighting it one on one, when it was using its human host like a puppet. This time you'd be up against humans who probably were used to dealing with the supernatural.

Rushing in is exactly the kind of thing you shouldn't do. So you're going to-

[Elizabeth Combat Check: 28 (Roll) + 50 (Swords) + 75 (???) + 10 (Sword Perk) + 25 (Dodging) + 10 (Dodging Perk) - 50 (Outnumbered by Skilled Opponents) - 10 (???) = 138]

[Organization Agents Combat Check:
6 (Agent 1 Roll) + 27 (Agent 2 Roll) + 50 (Working Together) + 40 (???) + 50 (???) + 10 (???) + 15 (???) + 40 (???) + 50 (???) + 15 (???) = 303]


[Ever Present Shield Activates]

You don't even need to think about your next few actions. You immediately rush to the door and kick it open, running out to see why Elizabeth just screamed. You make it just in time to see Elizabeth soaring through the air from being hit hard. She's coming right at you and you quickly brace yourself to catch her. You grunt as you catch her in your arms, sliding a bit while adjusting to her weight. The girl slumps in your arms giving you a chance to look at her current condition.

And she's not looking good.

[Medicine: 6: Failure]

You're pretty sure that blood isn't supposed to be falling down her face like that. Or leaking so much that it's staining the front of her uniform. Though despite her injuries, you notice that her hands are still gripping a pair of twin swords.

[Swords: 31: Success!]

They look like European longswords, and their blades have clearly been cared for. Whoever made these knew what they were doing. Because despite Elizabeth clearly being in a fight you can't spot any scratches or chinks in the metal. And the guards are still standing strong even if Elizabeth probably used them to defend against an attack or two. You wonder where she got them from.

The girl groans as she forces her eyes open. She looks up at you and they widen as she realizes where she is. Her brows furrow as she frowns, "Nagai! I said not to follow me!"

"You should've known that would've just done the opposite," you say, helping her get to her feet and trying to brush any dust off, "Are you okay?"

"Fine!" she steps away from you, legs wobbling but grip on her swords remains strong. She looks over at her opponent and takes up a stance. One where the blade in her left hand is held in a tight grip, while the one in her right is held in a loose one.

[Perception Check: Mixed Work Of Art Auto-Pass]

Ah. You've heard of that style when you were practicing your MMA. You think it's called "Steel Devil Style". In one hand they hold their killing intent, while in the other they hold their skills with a blade. The idea is to fight with insane amounts of speed that makes their blades look like blurs in motion. To overwhelm the opponent's defenses and strike at any weak points they show over the course of the battle. You imagine that something like that would be pretty good against any normal foe.


"Hey! Look who it is!"

...she's not up against normal foes.

You finally turn to observe your adversaries and are surprised. Not at the Organization members. They look how you expected them too. A man and a women, both wearing black three piece suits with a matching pair of watches on chains. The man is a bit scrawny with bags under his eyes and oily black hair. His glassy eyes seem to observe the world with a sense of indifference and nonchalance from beneath his messy hair. In contrast, the woman is much more animated. She's hopping around while pounding her fists together, her suit barely able to contain her excitement. Her hair is far more put together with a sort of luster to its brown color. Her eyes are red and seem slightly rabid.

That isn't what surprised you.

What surprised you were the monsters that were standing next to them.

[Supernatural: Fundamental Knowledge Check: 23 VS DC 20: Success! +2 XP!]

Next to the man, floating in a puddle of water that it seemed to be creating, was a green scaly Kappa. And you meant the literal type of Kappa. It had the soft bald spot for a head, messy black hair, duck like face, and turtle like body. It was even munching on a cucumber that it got from...somewhere. It didn't seem to be paying much attention to what was happening around it, but you could see flecks of blood in its puddle.

And next to the woman was...an umbrella. An umbrella...with an eye and mouth on the front of it. With multiple small blades sticking out the bottom of its frills. You think this thing is called a Kasa-Obake. A long, fat tongue hands from its mouth that drips a strange black substance on the ground. Multiple blades on its frills are leaking blood that no doubt belongs to Elizabeth.

You have to do a double take for a second. You thought the Organization wanted to kill or capture yokai and stuff. Why are two of their agents seemingly working with them?!

The woman yells again while pointing a finger at you, "Hey, Keiji! Didn't we just get orders to do something about that kid right there? What was his name again? Something with an N or H?"

"Nagai Hayato," the man, Keiji, says with the same indifference he has on his face, "And yes, Keiko. Though we were meant to be more discrete about it. Hey, man, could you like forget you say any of this and just turn around? If you're looking for a fight, well we'll get to you soon enough. But right now we're kind of busy with the crazy sword bitch right there."

He jerks his head in Elizabeth's direction. She grits her teeth and spreads her feet out as she readies herself for combat. Then the girl, Keiki, waves her hand back and forth, "Nah, nah, nah! Not gonna let that happen! We've got the chance to take out two birds with one stone here! We can kill both the girl and the guy then get back to office for lunch. Bet they'll be a big promotion in it, don't ya think so?"

"No, but you're not gonna listen to anything I have to say, are you?"

"I knew you would agree!"

Keiji puts a hand on his head and sighs, "Fine. Fine. Change of plans, Nagai. Can you make this a bit easier on us and just fall over dead? I don't really want to have to deal with anything too stressful today."

[Empathy: Feelings Check: 65 VS DC 50: Success! +1 XP!]

...The guy's not lying.

But you feel like there might be a bit more to it than that. Otherwise he would've just left this to Keiko rather than stuck around. Maybe the two of them actually like each other? You don't know.
But what you do know is they're probably about to attack you. The Kasa-Obake starts hopping up and down, before leaping into Keiko's hands. She holds the thing up like a shield as its blades all extend, ready to draw more blood.

Keiji crouches down next to the Kappa and taps it on its head, "Hey, stop eating. It's time for more work."

"What?! Bu-Bu-But you said I could have a snack!" the Kappa says, looking rather despondent.

"I know, but that guy is kind of stopping us," he points a finger at you and the Kappa's eyes narrow.

It puts its cucumber in the pool before screeching in rage at you. You get into your stance and prepare for battle.

"Nagai, leave them both to me," Elizabeth says and you want to tell her no. But, as if reading your mind, she continues, "I can handle myself. You heard what they said. You're already on their radar. If you fight now, you'll just be digging a deeper hole for yourself. Run, get your brother, and both of you get out of this school. Otherwise...your life will become hell."

[Empathy: Feelings Check: 65 VS DC 60: Success! +1 Elizabeth RP!]

[Empathy: Motives Check: 63 VS DC 60: Success! +1 Elizabeth RP!]

You get why she's saying what she's saying. She's trying to look out for you. You're reminded of your conversation from a few weeks back. Where she asked you what you'd do if people who hated Supernaturals came after you. And what you said back then. Maybe this is what she meant. That she knew about the Organization and what they'd do if they found out about you and your brother.

And like then, she's trying to get you to think of yourself and him first. Not her.

But...you don't think you do that.

It's just not in you.

So, there's only one thing to do...

[] Stand and fight until Yamato and Irina get here. Be defensive and focus on outlasting them until your backup arrives. Then you'll take them on together.

[] Stand and fight these bastards. Pick a target, rush in, and take them down. Go full offense and try to have them down before your backup arrives.

[] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)

[] Write in...
Week 12: Battle Prelude
Empathy: Feelings + Speech: Persuasion CSC: 65 + 33 = 98 VS DC 100 - 10 (Rank 2 SL) - 10 (Previous Decisions) = 80. Success! +2 RP with Elizabeth!

"Elizabeth," you step forward and pound your fists together. A loud clanking sound rings across the rooftop as you stare your soon-to-be foes down, "I'm not leaving you alone. We'll fight together."

"No. You need to-"

"Thanks," you interrupt her, shooting a smile her way, "for looking out for me and my brother. I don't know what you're going through right now, or why you're doing what you're doing. But I get why you keep trying to tell me to back off. It's so I won't get too deeply involved in this, right?"

Elizabeth tries to hide it but you see the twitch in her eye that tells you you're right. You press on, "But I hate to break it to you, I'm already too deep into this. You heard them. They're already after me and probably my brother too. Even if I ran away now, nothing would change that. The only thing it would do is leave you to get beat up by these guys. And I'm not letting that happen."

"Nagai...I can handle myself," she says, though she sounds less confident than she did before. You think you're managing to get through to her.

"Then you won't mind if I help out. Because then you can handle yourself while I watch your back. And you can watch mine. How's that sound?" you say with a cheeky smile.

Elizabeth remains silent for a few more seconds. You see her expression shift from frustration and stubbornness to full acceptance. She sighs then shakes her head, "Fine. Just don't get yourself killed, alright?"

Your smile widens until it reaches your eyes, "As if that'll ever happen."

She rolls her eyes before pointing her sword at the Organization goons, "So, how do you want to do this? I'd suggest that we each take one of them. The woman isn't a good match up for me. Her and that umbrella are too resilient. Let's the one with the Kappa attack me from behind. But what do you think?"

[Tactics: Cleverness: 6]

Hmm, you're not much of a strategist, but you like to think that could work. Though maybe you should consider a different tactic?

[] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

[] Do the opposite of her plan. You'll take the Kappa Guy, she fights the Umbrella Girl. She'll probably have a better time now that they're alone. (You VS Keiji, Elizabeth VS Keiko)

[] Or, here's an idea, you both charge at one of them and take them out of the fight as quick as possible. Should make the other fight easier. (Both of you target one person, but other will likely hit you from behind; Will suffer a debuff to total as your SL Rank with Elizabeth is only 2)
- [] Jump Keji and the Kappa. They seem slippery.
- [] Jump Keiko and her Kasa-Obake. She seems sturdy.

[] Write in...

This isn't the only/whole update, mind you. But when I was trying to write things out, I kind of realized that the math heavily depended on whether or not you would be fighting together with Elizabeth or one at a time. And try as I might to just write anyway, I couldn't really shake that feeling of doubt over the math totals.

So, I decided to let you guys decide. Might seem weird but it's what makes me feel right.
Week 12: Battle Round 1/Interrupt
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

[Combat Round 1]

[Hayato Status: Healthy]

[Keiko Status Healthy]

[Elizabeth Status: Hurt but moving]

[Keiji Status: Healthy]

[Offensive Hayato: 43 (Hayato UMT) + 50 (Yato UMT) + 23 (Rolls) = 106 VS 40 (Keiko Physical Resistance) + 10 (Dodge) + 45 (Kasa-Obake Physical Resistance) = 95. Hayato Wins Round 1 Offensive]

[Offensive Keiko: 50 (Curtain Of Blades Style) + 50 (Kasa-Obake COB) + 15 (Body Of Blades Technique) + 13 (Roll) - 10 (Impregnable Defense) = 118 VS 53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) + 10 (Impenetrable Soul Armor) = 128. Hayato Wins Round 1 Defensive]

There's no more words exchanged between you and Elizabeth. You both simply share a nod and rush in. You lower your head to increase your speed while Elizabeth holds out both of her swords on your right. Your opponents remains standing, Keiji reaching into his Kappa's puddle and pulls a long line of water out of it. It becomes solid in his hand and turns into a whip that he carries lazily at his side. Meanwhile, his Kappa begins to swim around his user and create bigger puddles of water from somewhere.

In contrast, Keiko doesn't move at all. She remains standing with her Kasa-Obake out and covering her body. You can just make out her smiling face from behind her shield but that's about it. You're not sure what she's planning but you guess you'll just have to find out. Once you and Elizabeth reach the halfway point, you change directions. Crossing each other's paths, you charge towards Keiko and Elizabeth charges toward Keiji. With a battle cry you leap up while cocking your right fist back. You decide to try to aim above the edge of the Umbrella to try to hit at the user behind it.

However, right when you're about to strike, Keiko twirls the umbrella and the blades on the edge extend out. You hear a dusty cackle as the curtain of steel grows to block your oncoming attack. You're too extended to give up on the punch though, so you decide to just go for it. Your punch lands and the sound of fist on steel rings through your ears. You and Keiko both back up from the collision, but you both recover quickly.

The woman steps forward, stabbing at your neck with the bladed fan's spear like tip. You duck under the attack, but soon realize that was a faint. Keiko moves in underneath her first attack, one hand holding onto the shaft of the umbrella while she points the other at you. She presses her fingers together, turning her hand into a "knife" that she stabs out at you. Drawing upon the techniques you've learned from training with Yato and focus on your spirit. You will it to encase your gauntlets and move one into the path of the woman's hand. It lands with a "ding" surprising you as you don't think human hands hitting metal should sound like that. Then again, she does have a Supernatural Partner. She's probably using something to make her hands harder than normal.

Doesn't matter this time though. Because...

"DEYAA!" you shout, creating a force of air blasting Keiko back a step. Her guard is wide open and you make sure to take advantage. Crouching as you step in, you throw an uppercut toward her gut. It connects, pushing the air out of the suit clad woman's lungs and arresting her movement. You're about to follow up when you feel something coming down on your right arm. You pull back and barely block a blow from the Kasa-Obake, sparks flying as its blades rake across Yato's form.

"N-Not bad," Keiko says, holding her stomach as she gets her breath back. She stands up straight and cracks her neck, "You're pretty tough, kid. You're focused on defense and counters like me, aren't ya?"

"Maybe, what's it to you?" you say, returning to your normal stance coming up with your next moves.

Keiko laughs and twirls her umbrella some more, "It's perfect! I've always wanted to see who would win out in a battle of two defense oriented fighters. And if I win I can hold it over my boss for a pay raise. This is just my lucky day."

You smirk and clang your fists together, "Sorry to disappoint, but you'll have to settle for your current pay rate. I'm not the one going down here."

Keiko shrugs, "Eh, maybe. But I'm not so sure about your girlfriend over there."

[Offensive Elizabeth: 75 (SDS) + 10 (Cutting Edge) + 10 (Killing Blade) + 50 (Swords) + 23 (Rolls) = 168 VS 40 (Dodge) + 40 (Perception: People) + 10 (Physical Resistance) + 10 (WCS Passive) + 10 (Watery Body) + 50 (Kappa Dodge) + 10 (Watery Whip Defense) = 120. Elizabeth Wins Round 1 Offensive]

[Offensive Keiji: Activates Drag To Depths: 50 (WCS) + 50 (Kappa WCS) + 20 (DTD) + 15 (Water Whip Offense) + 41 (Roll) = 176 VS 25 (Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) = 89. Elizabeth Loses Round 1 Defensive. Drag To Depth Succeeded! Elizabeth is dragged into a Supernatural Puddle! Will suffer a Debuff to Combat! Until Round 3 or she gets taken out early!]

"Gah!" you and Keiko both jerk your heads toward the battle happening between Elizabeth and Keiji. And you feel your blood run cold as you see the state your ally is in.

She's managed to get a bit of an advantage. You can see cuts all along Keiji's body. You spot at least four small cuts along his arms, and a larger gash in his chest. Though said gash isn't deep enough to qualify as a major wound. But it shows that she did manage to hurt the dude something fierce. Unfortunately, she's currently got both her arms held to her sides by the water whip wrapped around her torso. She's up to her ankles in a large puddle of water that extends from her to Keiji. You can vaguely see two green, finned hands gripping onto her legs from underneath the water.

"Get off!" she yells, more angry than upset, "And get your damn pet to let me go!"

"No can do. You cut me up pretty good with your first assault. Don't wanna have that happen again," Keiji shakes his head, voice still sounding indifferent and apathetic, "Though if you're worried about my friend seeing something he shouldn't, don't. All human women look ugly to him."

"That's not-," she's interrupted by a sudden lurch as more of her body is drawn into the puddle. Your eyes widen at the same time hers do as you both realize what's happening.

As if to confirm your fears, Keiji looks over at Keiko and says, "She's a bit too much for me out int he open like this. I'm taking her into The Depths. See you in a bit, Keiko. Try not to lose while I'm busy."

"Just make sure not to drown her," Keiko says, casually waving goodbye to Keiji as he disappears beneath the water.

"Don't worry about me, Hayato! Keepggrrll-" Elizabeth's words become garbled as her head disappears into the puddle.

"My Lord! This is a lull in the battle! I don't believe that girl will be able to fight the Kappa alone in their own turf! If you wish to help her, do so now!" Yato yells into your mind as you think about what to do next.

[] Keep fighting Keiko. Elizabeth'll be fine, won't she? (Combat continues as normal, Elizabeth fights at a disadvantage)

[] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

[] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)

[] Write in...
Week 12: Battle Interrupt/Reinforcments
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

Cursing under your breath, you dash to the left to head over to the pool where Elizabeth is. You think you hear your opponent laugh as you move, but you ignore it. Elizabeth's head is already underwater. If you don't hurry, she'll fall in completely and you won't be able to do anything. You skid to a stop next to the puddle while rolling up your sleeves, "Any tips to help me out here, Yato?"

[Yato Check: Supernatural: Fundamental Knowledge: 40 VS DC 30: Success!]

"The water is a Kappa's territory! While they are not as powerful as other water based monsters, they are still far more effective in it than on land. When you reach in, I will try to guide you toward Elizabeth's location. But we cannot allow the Kappa to get a hold of us. If it does, it will drag us down with her!"

"Got it!" you yell back, getting on your knees and shoving both your arms into the water. The feeling of your armored hands dipping into puddle is a strange one. It's not like when you put your hand in actual water. While it does feel cold it also feels...warm? You're not sure how to explain it. But you suppose that make sense considering the source of this water. You grimace while pushing your arms deeper into the water and listening for Yato's call.

You're elbow deep in the water when you hear him shout in your mind, "I have her! Move your right arm to the left, Lord Hayato!"

You do as asked and instantly feel something touch your palm. You grab on without hesitation, recognizing the feeling of a cloth uniform in your hands. You grin and start to pull as hard as you can. You're briefly surprised by the amount of resistance the water gives you. It actually feels like it's trying to drag her deeper into the puddle. But it's still not enough to stop you. You using your strength and pushing up with your legs, you start to pull Elizabeth out of the water with both hands. The first thing you pull out is her arm, the limb soaking with dark, brackish water as you drag it out. Your lips curl into a smile as you keep pulling. Just need to-

[53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) - 25 (Backstabbed) = 88 VS 50 (Curtain Of Blades Style) + 50 (Kasa-Obake COB) + 15 (Body Of Blades Technique) - 10 (Impregnable Body) = 105; Failure]

You cry out in pain as something sharp slashes across your back. You feel your grip lessen but you're back in order shortly. You grab Elizabeth's arm tighter and start to pull her up again. Another attack hits your back and you look over your shoulder. Sure enough, there's Keiko with her Partner in one hand and her other turned into that knife hand you saw. She must notice your glare cause she shoots a wicked grin your way, "What? You didn't expect me to not attack you when you're wide open, didjya?"

"You dishonorable cur!" you hear Yato scream while you try to focus on pulling Elizabeth out, "Your transgression will not go unpunished!"

"Shout all ya want! Not gonna stop me from tearing this kid up!" she maniacally laughs while continuing to strike at your back. The sharp pain spreads across your back and you grit your teeth to bare the pain. You try not to flinch because you know if you do Elizabeth will be sent back down into water. Not to mention there's every chance that the Kappa or his Partner will show up and try to drag her down-

"Hurry, Lord Hayato! I can see the Kappa and his human! They're coming this way!" Yato yells in your head, unfortunately confirming your suspicions. As another slash is made in your back, you manage to pull about half of Elizabeth's body out of the water.

She's, thankfully, still awake and coughs up a bunch of water. However, she's still holding her swords so the best she can do is try to use the edges of her hands to help pull herself out. But by this point the attacks on your back are starting to burn. You feel your arms shake as you try to ignore the pain and drag her out of the water. But it's still a struggle, especially when you feel Keiko smack you in the back with her bladed fan. A stifled cry leaves your lips as you're forced forward a step from the pain. But still you stand and put your other hand on Elizabeth's left shoulder. Just...a...little...more and-

"RRAAAAHHH!" you fall backward as with one last pull you manage to get Elizabeth out of the water. Her legs come out with a splash just as you catch a hint of some webbed green hands reaching for her legs. You think Keiko stepped away because you fall onto your back and don't feel her beneath you. You try to stand up, only to cringe in pain. Now that you're no longer helping Elizabeth...well...

[Health had deteriorated to Injured!]

...you're kind of glad you can't see your back right now. You don't think you'd like what you'd see.

"You-ah-you alright, Elizabeth?" you ask, helping her to her feet.

"I *cough* I told you not to *cough* worry about me," she tries to look frustrated, but the way her hair is drooping and soaked with water.

"You're very welcome," you grin while getting back into your fighting stance, "Now, ready for round 2?"

The male agent, Keiji, pops his head out of the water. You notice that his body isn't as soaked as Elizabeth's is. And he doesn't seem to be bothered by being in the water. He stares at the two of you with the barest hint of interest in his eyes, "Huh, color me surprised. Think that's the first time I've seen someone ignore Keiko to get their friend out of The Depths. Cool but, kind of stupid kid."

"Hey, I'm not complaining," Keiko says while holding her bloodied hand up for all to see. She grins and points the hand toward you, "I made sure to cut him up real good. He's not gonna be moving as easy as before. And I'll be able to really cut loose."

You grit your teeth and curl your hands into fists. You knew something like this might happen. And while you don't regret helping Elizabeth out, you can tell that your injuries are going to slow you down. Gritting your teeth, you ready yourself for the next round. Elizabeth does the same, getting to her feet and getting back into her stance. Keiko licks her lips then takes a step forward-

[Irina: Martial Arts: ??? = ??? VS Keiko: Physical Resistance: 40]

"Hayato, get down!"

You don't know why you just heard Irina's voice, or why it sounded metallic. But your instincts tell you to not question it and do as she says. You grab Elizabeth and fall to the floor, pressing your chest against the roof. Not even a second later you hear the sound of a door being kicked off its hinges. You feel something fly through the air above you before it slams into Keiko. The woman cries out as she gets knocked off her feet. The Kappa comes up just as the door flies over the downed Keiko, and both him and Keiji duck into the water to avoid the flying metal object.

You look up and back at the entrance to the roof, a sense of relief coming over you at what you see. Irina stands in the open door with her leg outstretched, her eyes locked onto Keiko's fallen form. She rushes over and stands in front of you and Elizabeth as you get to your feet. You look up and say, "Well, you got here faster than I thought."

"I can move pretty fast when I want to," Irina cracks her knuckles while keeping her eyes on the two agents, "Especially when I need to get something done fast, so I can go back to being with my Prinzessin. So, how about you two assholes over there pick on someone your own size rather than a student."

Elizabeth looks at you with a raised eyebrow, "So, you are acquainted with Estella?"

"You could say that," you smile while taking your arm off Elizabeth and look around. Yamato should be here too. There's no way he would-

"Hayato!" ah, there he is. You see him rushing over, Yameko hot on his heels. You wave at him while he checks you over with great care. The second he sees your bleeding back he shoots a death glare at the two agents while pulling his darts out of his uniform, "Yameko, we will be engaging in combat. Please check on Elizabeth and then join me."

"Yes, Yamato-sama," the Kitsune says, dropping her disguise and moving over to Elizabeth. The latter flinches away at the sight, but Yameko doesn't seem to notice. She just looks Elizabeth over, runs a few tails up the girl's back, then nods, "She's fine. I would suggest no one look at her for an extended period of time. Her clothes are soaked through."

"Wh-Hey!" Elizabeth's cheeks gain a dust of pink on them. If Yameko did that on purpose, she doesn't show it. She just moves to stand next to Yamato, her tails moving up to wrap around his arms. Elizabeth scowls for a bit longer before turning her eyes back to the two Organization agents.

Smiling you take a step forward and slam your fists together, "Now it's five on two. So, what's you gonna do now, assholes?"

Keiji lifts his head out of the pond and grimaces, "Ah, shit. This is going downhill fast. Keiko, I say we cut losses and get the heck outta here. We'll update the boss on what's going on, and let him know that this place isn't as soft a target as we thought."

The Kappa nods his head, "Keiji right! New lady strong and scary! We leave!"

Keiko, though, doesn't look even remotely bothered by the current circumstances. If fact, as she stands up almost none the worse for wear from getting with a metal door, she gives you all a almost manic smile. She doesn't bother glancing at Keiji as she speaks, "Are you kidding?! If you want to run off like a coward, go right ahead! I'm sticking around! This is the most fun I've had since I got this job!"

"Keiko, do I have to remind you that if you ignore orders-"

"Screw orders! Besides, one of us'll have to stay behind to keep this guys from following the other one, right?"

Keiji bites his bottom lip and you can tell that he is not happy that Keiko's got a point. He looks from her to your group then back and says, "Fine, but I'm not sticking around. One of us has got to get back to report what's happened here. Keiko, Kujo, you know two know what to do."

He directs the last part to his Kappa partner. Said Kappa salutes Keiji then dives back into the water. Keiji follows and leaves Keiko behind. Keiko raises her umbrella up above her head and the Kasa-Obake's singular eye opens wide. It starts to laugh while its tongue flies out of its mouth...and down toward Keiko.

[Yato Check: Supernatural Knowledge: The What: 40 VS DC ???; Failure]

[Yato Check: Supernatural Knowledge: The How: 40 VS DC ???; Failure]

[Yameko Check: Supernatural Knowledge: The What: 30 VS DC ???; Failure]

[Yameko Check: Supernatural Knowledge: The What: 35 VS DC ???; Failure]

[Irina Check: Supernatural Knowledge: The What: ??? VS DC ???; Success!]

[Irina Check: Supernatural Knowledge: The How: ??? VS DC ???; Success!]

"Shit! They can-Nagi brothers, girl, Yato, and Yameko," Irina turns around and points at all of you in turn, "They're about to do something crazy! I want you all to choose one of them and go after them. I'll take care of the other one!"

"Why? What are they going to-" Elizabeth starts to ask, but is soon interrupted by a sudden wave of pressurized air hitting all of you. Elizbaeht holds down her skirt with one hand while the rest of you all look at what's happening...only to see something...well...crazy.

Keiko has completely changed. Her umbrella is gone but not because she got rid of it. Rather it's because she seems to have fused with it. Her arms are covered in strange leathery "wings" that look like the furls of an umbrella. Each one is covered in sharp curved blades that shine in this light. Her hands now have literal blades sticking out from just above them, while her body is covered in layered armor. A bandana covers her head with a single eye emblazoned on the front, seeming to glare at your party.

A splash from the water draws your eyes to the puddle. Here you see Keiji leaping from the water, and diving over the fence that covers the roof. The waters he came from swiftly disappear as his new form is revealed in the light. He's still got a humanoid form, but now his feet and hands are webbed with yellow webs connecting them. On his back is a small brown turtle shell and his hair has turned the color of seaweed. He soon falls over the fence, falling down the side of the building, though you don't think he's in any danger. He's probably going to make a puddle for him to dive into before he hits the ground and survive.

"Di-Di-Did they...fuse with their partners?" you ask, completely floored by the revelation that something like that is even possible, "H-How did they-"

"I'll explain later!" Irina interrupts, drawing all of your attention. The sound of metal on metal rings through the air as Keiko gets ready for battle. You see her face has remained mostly the same, except for the fact that her eyes have turned a bright yellow color. Irina shouts again, "Right now, choose who you're gonna go for! The umbrella bitch in front of us, or the fish fucker running away from us! And before you ask, don't split up! If these guys are strong as I think, none of you will be able to take them on alone!"

You look between Yamato and Elizabeth, the three of you having a silent conversation. Then you look to your brother, wondering if he's got a plan. He meets your eyes and nods which somewhat alleviates your nervousness. Knowing that, you decide...

[] ...that you'll go after Keiji. You can't let him get away! (Irina VS Keiko; Your group VS Keiji)

[] ...that you'll handle Keiko. You've got a score to settle with her! (Your group VS Keiko, Irina vs Keiji)

[] ...that you'll follow Yamato's plan. Whatever that is. (Yamato decides)

[] Write in...

Here we go. Managed to get it finished. Hope you all enjoy, and hope the reveal didn't feel too out of nowhere. We're entering into the "Season" proper, so I figured it would be a good idea to show what the bad guys are capable of.
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Week 12: Battle Won
[X] ...that you'll follow Yamato's plan. Whatever it is. (Yamato decides)

You turn to Yamato and nod, letting him know that you're willing to let him lead here. Yamato looks at the ground for a second, expression still indifferent but with his brows furrowed. A few moments pass before he looks up and says, "Irina, you and I will be going after the Kappa man."

"Wh-Didn't I-"

"The opponent over there is a close combat specialist," Yamato points toward Keiko, the fused woman moving to block off the path toward the retreating Keiji, "she has next to no ranged capabilities, and her mobility is of a lower quality than her ally. Thus, it is best that Hayato and Elizabeth face her. They can either defeat her or keep her at bay long enough for us to defeat her ally. In contrast, the Kappa man is fast, agile, and able to create water with his powers. He'll be able to easily outpace and escape from anyone who relies on closing the distance between them and their opponent. But Yameko and I all have ranged capabilities. Making us better suited to chasing him down."

"What does that have to do with me coming with you?" Irina asks, keeping her eyes on both the agents. She doesn't sound upset about the idea. In fact, you think you can see the hint of a smile on her face.

"We'll need someone to protect us in case he proves too much for us. And I feel that you're our greatest asset in regards to this matter," he looks at you with a slight pain in his eyes, "Hayato..."

"I got it!" you step forward, ignoring the pain in your back as you do so, "I'll take care of this bitch. You with me, Elizabeth?"

You glance at her but she doesn't return your gaze. She seems to be deep in thought about something. A nudge with your elbow brings her back to reality as she stumbles a bit. She clears her throat and then nods, "Um, yes. Sure. It will be easier if we fight together. Just don't slow me down."

"Trust me, I won't," you say, getting into your fighting stance and then glancing at Irina, "You be sure to keep my brother safe, ya hear? Can't promise I'll play nice with Estella if something happens to him."

"Ha! Do you know who you're talking to?" Irina cracks her neck while turning toward the retreating Kappa man, "Your brother and his girlfriend should focus on keeping up with me."

"Then we are agreed?" Yamato's question is met by a round of assent.

Yameko wraps her tails around his waist, just about draping herself over his shoulders while holding one of her hands out to him, palm up, "Your darts, Yamato-sama. Let us make haste and stop this ruffian from informing our foes."

Yamato takes them, thanks her, then moves to stand beside Irina, "We are ready when you are."
Irina chuckles then says, "Then let's go! Now!"

Your party splits, rushing toward your respective targets. Irina and Yamato are running toward where Keiji jumped from, Yameko holding onto Yamato's back. Keiko moves to intercept, the sound of metal clanking against metal following her. She raises one of her arms, blades shining and ready to carve into the closest target's flesh. Before she can get close enough, though, you move in and slam your fist into her side. It doesn't do any damage, though, because she instantly blocks your blow with one of her umbrella wings. Those things feel hard as steel and don't even bend under you attack. Still, though, you accomplish your goal. Getting her to back off.

She stumble back the sound of grinding metal coming from her throat as her mouth opens, "Alright, kid. You wanna go? Then come on! I'll cut you and your girlfriend into pretty little ribbons!"

"I am not his-," Elizabeth can't finish as Keiko moves for her first, arms rising as she gets ready to fight. You move to stand beside Elizabeth as she gets her own swords ready for battle.

[Combat Round 1]

[Hayato Status: Injured: -10 to All Combat Rolls]

[Elizabeth Status: Mostly Healthy]

[Keiko Status: Back to Full Health]

[Offensive Hayato + Elizabeth: 43 (Hayato UMT) + 50 (Yato UMT) + 41 (Rolls) + 75 (SDS) + 10 (Cutting Edge) + 10 (Killing Blade) + 50 (Swords) + 11 (Rolls) - 10 (Hayato Injured) - 35 (First Time Working Together) = 226 VS 100 (Fused CBS) + 80 (Fused Physical Resistance) + 10 (Dodge) + 20 (Draw The Curtain) = 210: Hayato and Elizabeth Win Round 1 Offensive!]

[Offensive Fused Keiko: 100 (Fused CBS) + 15 (Body Of Blades) + 24 (Rolls) + 15 (Body Of Blades) - 10 (Impregnable Defense) = 129 VS 53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) + 10 (Impenetrable Soul Armor) + 25 (Elizabeth Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) - 10 (Hayato Injured) - 35 (FTWT) = 167: Hayato and Elizabeth Win Round 1 Defensive]

[Keiko's Deflecting Curtain Allows for a Second Attack after losing an Offensive Round!]

[Offensive Fused Keiko: 100 (Fused CBS) + 15 (Body Of Blades) + 24 (Rolls) + 15 (Body Of Blades) - 10 (Impregnable Defense) = 129 VS 53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) + 10 (Impenetrable Soul Armor) + 25 (Elizabeth Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) - 10 (Hayato Injured) - 35 (FTWT) - 25 (Unexpected Second Attack) = 142: Hayato and Elizabeth Win Defensive]

[Combat Round 2]

[Hayato Status: Injured: -10 to All Combat Rolls]

[Elizabeth Status: Mostly Healthy]

[Keiko Status: Injured]

[Keiko ??? Check: 31 (Roll) + 20 (Mental Resistance) = 51 VS DC 20: Success!]

[Offensive Hayato and Elizabeth: 43 (Hayato UMT) + 50 (Yato UMT) + 4 (Rolls)+ 75 (SDS) + 10 (Cutting Edge) + 10 (Killing Blade) + 50 (Swords) + 22 (Rolls) - 10 (Hayato Injured) - 35 (First Time Working Together) = 219 VS 100 (Fused CBS) + 80 (Fused Physical Resistance) + 10 (Dodge) + 20 (Draw The Curtain) - 10 (Injured) = 200: Hayato and Elizabeth Win Round 2 Offensive!]

[Offensive Fused Keiko: 100 (Fused CBS) + 15 (Body Of Blades) + 14 (Rolls) + 15 (Body Of Blades) - 10 (Impregnable Defense) - 10 (Injured) = 124 VS 53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) + 10 (Impenetrable Soul Armor) + 25 (Elizabeth Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) - 10 (Hayato Injured) - 35 (FTWT) = 167: Hayato and Elizabeth Win Round 2 Defensive]

[Combat Round 3]

[Hayato Status: Injured: -10 to All Combat Rolls]

[Elizabeth Status: Mostly Healthy]

[Keiko Status: Heavily Injured; Desperation]

[Keiko ??? Check: 21 (Roll) + 20 (Mental Resistance) = 41 VS DC 50: Failure!]

[Keiko Chooses to ???]

[Offensive Hayato and Elizabeth: 43 (Hayato UMT) + 50 (Yato UMT) + 30 (Precise Strike) + 49 (Rolls) + 75 (SDS) + 10 (Cutting Edge) + 10 (Killing Blade) + 50 (Swords) + 26 (Rolls) - 10 (Hayato Injured) - 35 (First Time Working Together) = 298 VS 100 (Fused CBS) + 80 (Fused Physical Resistance) + 10 (Dodge) + 20 (Draw The Curtain) - 15 (Heavily Injured) + 30 (Desperation) = 225: Hayato and Elizabeth Win Round 3 Offensive!]

[Combat Won!]

You're not ashamed to admit that you don't know if you could've handled this fight on your own. You were dealing with Keiko just fine before she transformed, but it's clear that fusing with her Partner has made her way stronger than when the two were separated. She's a much harder target than before. Where you were able to mostly break through or get around her defense the first time around, you're not able to accomplish that as easily this time. Most of the time when you went in on your own, she would block then move to counter attack and make you pay for it.

Thankfully, you're not alone this time.

"Hayato, move!" Elizabeth yells as she moves in from Keiko's left. You had charged in first, going for an attack on her right. You had feinted a left jab to her face and moved into a right hook aiming for her stomach. However, Keiko's wings were more maneuverable than you thought they would be. The moment you moved from a left jab into a hook, the wings extended to cover her face and middle on her right side. Your blow landed with the sound of a metal pipe thudding against a metal wall. Leading to now where you have to jump out of the way of Elizabeth's falling sword. You mouth an apology for getting in the way, not used to fighting alongside someone with swords.

If she heard you, she didn't say anything about it. Her eyes were completely focused on swinging away with the sword in her right hand at Keiko. As with you, Keiko blocks it with a curtain of steel like umbrella plates. Sparks explode across the surface as she strikes, hitting from every direction she can manage to swing in. One thing you note is that she doesn't use her other sword for most of her attacks. Indeed, her left hand either keeps her sword out of the way, or uses it only as a feint before attacking with her right. After the eighth swing, Keiko goes on the offensive. Moving her right arm up, she deflect Elizabeth's next slash and sends her arm up. Her grip on her sword doesn't falter but Keiko tries to take advantage of the opening. Her left arm blade whirrs as she thrusts it at Elizabeth's wide open stomach.

"Watch out!" you shout, diving in to take the blow on Yato. Your arm gets in the way just in time to push the blade away with your gauntlet. You feel a shock go through your arm as it hits, rolling on your shoulder to divert the rest of it as you get to a knee. Out the corner of your eye you see Elizabeth thrust her weapon forward...and it's here she finally uses her left sword instead of her right. Keiko's wings clatter as they try to move in and block the attack aiming for her mid-section. But, unfortunately for her, she's too late.

The attack strikes home and the sword "vibrates" for lack of a better word. Your ears ring for a second before you see a wave of pressure crash into Keiko's mid-section. Your fused foe flies backward but manages to slow herself down by stabbing her blades into the roofing below. The lone eye on her headband squints in anger. Before you or Keiko can speak, she's dashing forward while holding her arm blades out to either side. She lifts her left leg and starts hopping on her right, flipping through the air to become a whirlwind of bladed edges. Her attacks are fast and numerous, aiming to cut you and Elizabeth a thousand times before you can react.

Unfortunately for her, you're made to take this kind of punishment. You stand in front of Elizabeth and hold both your arms up. Hunkering down you trust to your sheer hardness to keep both of you safe from the assault. Though you can't block every attack, you keep the vast majority of them off the both of you. Especially when you put your soul into defending you, expanding the area you can defend with a slight aura to you. Whenever you see an attack that you don't block, you hear the sound of steel on steel in your ear. That's probably Elizabeth which gives makes you feel a bit more confident.

Of course, you can't just stand here and let Keiko continue her assault. You don't know how long she can do this without getting tired considering her new fused state. But you're not willing to wait and find out. Irina, Yameko, and your brother are chasing after the other guy, and you don't want to spend too much time on this. Not to mention the longer you're on the defensive, the more time Keiko has to find a gap in your defenses to take advantage of. So, you wait. You wait and keep an eye on her whirlwind of attacks, watching for a moment where you can-

-There! You move your right arm up just in time to block the latest swing of her bladed arms. You move your arm outward just enough to catch where the guard on her weapon will be, letting her armblade and curtains spark against your gauntlet. At the same time you're cocking your left arm back while waiting for the redirected force of her attack to send her circling in the air. Waiting until you can see her bandana covered face instead of a blur of black and red. Waiting until her body is completely open for a straight punch to the jaw.

Then you deliver it.

Feeling something crack beneath your fists tells you all you need to know. Smiling you watch she falls away and hits the earth on her back. She keeps going, rolling until her blade body catches the roof again. You stay on guard and catch Elizabeth stepping around your left. Keiko eventually stops herself and glares at both of you. Blood leaks from the side of her mouth as she grits her teeth. She gets to her feet and looks ready to attack again...but then she stumbles as her left leg suddenly buckles beneath her. Her eye widens and she begins slapping her limp leg with the flat of her blade, "No! No! Not know! Come on! We can keep going for a bit longer! I-I just need a little more..."

"What's happening?" you ask, confused by what's going on, "Is she...talking to her Partner?"

"I don't know and I don't know if I care," Elizabeth says with a flourish of her blades, "We can ask questions once the fight's over. And the faster we end this, the sooner that can happen."

Elizabeth has a point. Though you're thinking less about asking Keiko questions and more about dealing with her now, so you can help out Yamato and Irina. Keiko is, after all, supposed to be a stalling tactic while Keiji reports things to his boss. If you're going to do accomplish either of those things, you need to end this before it goes on for too long. So...you think it's about time you pulled that out.

"Good point," you say while getting into the stance you need for that "Precise Strike" technique you learned. Placing your right leg in front while pulling your left leg back, holding your left fist up and focusing your perception onto a single point, "I think I have a way to do that. Think you could handle her for a minute or so?"

"No," Elizabeth shakes her head, "Unlike you, I can't stand still and not get cut by bladed weapons."

"Well, can you at least try to keep her in one place for like, ten seconds? That should be enough time," you think. You could put more power into it if you had more time, but you can't have everything when you're in the middle of a fight. Especially not when Keiko is already back on her feet, her left leg no longer buckled underneath her. She's more cautious this time. Instead of charging at the two of you, she's moving around you along the edges. Acting like an unsure predator who's not sure if the prey it's after is worth it. You follow her with your eyes as much as you can, but it's not something you can keep up while preparing your attack.

Elizabeth is on the ball though. She stands in front of Keiko, moving with her while keeping both her swords at the ready. She keeps her torso pointed toward the moving fused woman, while moving her legs in time with her opponent to keep her in view. The two step outside of your field of view and you focus back on your oncoming attack.

You close your eyes and temporarily forget the world around you. Forget the roof tiles and focus only on your feet. Forget about the wind blowing against your skin and focus only on your upper body. Take every bit of power you've got in your body and put into your arms and right fist. You move your ankle such a way that you can move it in the just the right way to put more strength into the attack. You-

"Hayato! Watch out!" Elizabeth's panicked yell draws you out of your focused state. You turn your head to the left and see her skidding back toward you. Her arms are up in a blocking stance, but you can already see the issue: Keiko is pushing her straight toward you. Your foe has locked her bladed arms with Elizabeth's own swords and is using her superior strength to push the girl back. You barely make out a wicked grin on the agent's face as she forces your friend to charge directly at you.

You reckon that it's only been nine seconds, rather than the requested ten. It's not everything you needed...but you don't really have a choice. If you move, your body will push all the strength you focused on your fist back into the rest of your body. If you don't move and try to focus a bit more, Elizabeth will ram into you and knock you off balance.

No choice then. This'll have to do.

"Duck!" you yell while twisting on your ankle to face the oncoming women. Gritting your teeth you cock your fist and get ready to punch. Elizabeth only barely manages to duck out of the way when you throw, your hand slicing through some of her hair as her head passes below you. The world goes black and white, a loud crack exploding through the air as your blow lands. You're vaguely aware of the sound of mirror shattering. You hear an inhuman shriek followed by a very human scream. The color returns to the world a second later. Your body screams as fatigue and soreness explode across your muscles and bones. But you tough it out and focus on what happened to your enemy.

What you see is Keiko on the ground to the right, while her partner is on the ground to the left. Seems they weren't able to keep the form up after getting hit by your attack. Which is good, you don't think you'd be able to pull that off again. Not without having some time to rest. Elizabeth stays crouched with her eyes on Keiko and the umbrella monster. Once satisfied that the two aren't getting up any time soon, she pushes herself to feet and flourishes her swords. She speaks between pants as she catches her breath, "Nice...shot. Didn't think you could hit that hard. How'd you come up with that?"

"Practice," you say shaking out your hand to get some feeling back in it. Even with Yato on the recoil sent shocks through your hand. You look at Elizabeth to ask if she's alright, but a groan from Keiko catches your attention. She rolls over so she's facing toward the sky. She tries to push herself to her feet, but her body doesn't seem to be listening to her. She falls back down and groans again her partner no better. The umbrella's tongue is out with its eyes swirling in its socket.

Elizabeth takes a step forward and says, "She's down. Lets make sure of it."

Before she can go any further, you grab her shoulder and hold her in place, "Wait..."

[] "...the others need our help, lets go," they won't be going anywhere. You need to get to Yamato and Irina.

[] "...let's just tie them up. We can call the police later," probably the best idea. Let them handle Keiko and you'll figure out what to do about the Kasa-Obake later. (CSC: Empathy + Diplomacy)

[] "...don't you have questions you want to ask?" now's the best time to get some answers.

[] Write in...