A BRand new day. High School DXD Self Insert (Gender Bender) Multi cross? Sort of.

Chapter 11 Rescue Plan Gone to HELL?
I woke up at noon with a yawn. Wait, where's my Koneko?

"Shirone?" I called out, getting out of the futon and putting it away, I saw Kariya's bed was empty. Huh.. focusing on my evil piece I could feel Koneko. She was nearby as was Kariya. I got ready for the day.


Yes... I have realized I am not using my magic to its full potential but cut me some slack! I am still once from a world without any magic so I kind of got used to doing things the normal way, not the harry potter way.

Magicing my clothes from my dimensional storage onto my body and ironing of the creases with more magic.

Ordering clothes? Fuck. I was wasting so much time.

Just use magic on my old clothes to turn it into something I wanted.

And so I did.

Going shopping? That's for Peasants.

A Gremory magic circle rose up from the ground changing my clothes to my desires.

One thing I didn't mention? My boobs? They were NOT melon size.

They were about A cup.

I'm not flat..

Anyways as the circle disappeared twirled and looked over the mirror.

Damn, I look fine if I say so my self.

I looked like Ruby Rose. Except slightly shorter...Long red hair...green eyes....and no scythe.....and smaller breasts...Hey, wait...the silver crosses that pinned my cape didn't hurt me? Huh, that's strange? I wonder why?

Maybe because I made it from my magic?....

All in all, I looked like a shorter ruby rose..Though to complete it I need speed...

Time to add some speed enchantments!

Adding a speed enchantment to each of my clothing article adding to the chain of rings hanging on my neck under my clothes increased my speed even further... I wonder how fast I could go now without the Lightning cloak and Time Alter?

Now all I need is an illusion that spreads rose petal when I go at XTREME speeds!



Taking out a pizza from my dimensional storage, I bit into it as I walked towards the courtyard where I saw Shirone beating Kariya up?

No, looks like she was training him?

"Good morning Shirone!"

"Beautiful, sempai."

Wait, was Shirone blushing? YES, SHE IS! I got the ever stoic Shirone to blush.

"Thank you, Shirone. Morning, Kariya-kun." I replied cheerfully. I got my Kohai to blush! This is the best day ever!

"Yeah, morning." Koneko bopped his head, annoyed at him for some reason.

"OW, seriously? can you hold back a bit?" He whined.

"If I hold back then you won't get strong enough..."

See. Like I told you? Wait why am I talking to myself?

"Owww, can you tell the kitty to hold back a bit? I think I won't able to walk if this goes on."

"Don't worry, if that happens I'll just heal you right back up." He flipped me off at that. I grinned in response.

"Still, though I thought you were going to teach me magic not beat me half to death!" He said in annoyance.

"True." I began "but as a devil, you also need to have a strong baseline before you begin using magic! Unlike humans as a devil you are not limited by magic circuits nor are you limited by the rules of thaumaturgy It solely depends on your Imagination, your belief and how much mana you have."

"What?" Was the only thing he said, his voice completely blank as if he couldn't process the fact.

And so I began to explain the basics of what he would need to know as a Devil.


I explained him about the promotion ability his pawn piece had and the what each promotion specialized in, how once he got used to controlling his Devil magic could throw the limit's of magecraft out the door. Once that was done I trained him in how to control his Magic and how to use his imagination to create spells.

I managed explain Shirone the theory of tree climbing using chakra as a control exercise. Since as a Nekoshou she had a lot of it naturally with the queen piece her Chakra levels were boosted even further. Unfortunately, I didn't as a devil didn't have any access to chakra, so no Rasengan for me.....but that doesn't mean I can't teach Shirone the RASENGAN!

Kariya PoV

Kariya was breathing heavily his newly developing magic exhausted as he lay does on the grass Rias beside him and Shirone still climbing a tree, jumping off it occasionally.

"So do you like your new magic?" His new boss asked dressed like red riding hood.

"Hell yeah, I can definitely beat Tokiomi with this!" That was always a plus.

"Hmm, maybe but you must be careful."

Wait, what?

"What do you mean?"

"Your spells might be powerful, and you took my lesson of imagination quite well. However, you need to be promoted as a Bishop if you want to have large reserves to outlast Tokiomi. As time passes your magical reserves will grow as well, however, we are pressed for time. So make sure to make the most of your mana. We'll be training tomorrow as well."


The silence was felt awkward...

"Still, of all things, you recreated Fire bending from Avatar with your magic. I mean, really?"

"I'm surprised that a devil even knows what Avatar the last Airbender is."


Besides being able to control all four elements without an incantation was something only the highest of highest mages could accomplish and even then not to the intensity of his bending replication.

"Hey, being able to use four elements proficiently is gonna piss off Tohsaka so damn much, may as well take what I can get. " He shrugged.

I wonder does she remember the other part of the deal? Will she even keep it?

"So, when are we going to rescue Sakura?"


His neck towards her so fast that if he was a human it has snapped.


Huh, that wasn't what he was expecting...But this wasn't a magus, this was a Devil so perhaps he could give her the benefit of the doubt...

"Yes, The moment the sun sets we are heading out. I want you and Shirone to get Sakura and get out. I'll take care of that old rotten log."

A few moments of silence passed before Kariya burst out laughing...

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA....rotten log....HAHAHAHA that's a new one!"

Oh god...Rotten Log!

Rias chuckled joining him...guess he could get used to having a Devil for a boss.

Kariya ran his hair through his black hair. When was the last time he relaxed like this?

He did not know...

Honestly, this wasn't what he expected a deal to with the devil to go.

Wait for me Sakura. Uncle Kariya is coming.


Shirone Pov

Her tail flicked back and fouth and ran up the tree by channelling chakra to the bottom of her feet. After so many hours she had finally mastered the exercise. Reaching the top she jumped of the trunk onto a branch she hopped down to ground ready to try again.

She didn't know Chakra could be used this way.

Most of the time she used her chakra to muffle her steps when she needed silence or to strengthen her sense of smell. She could also strengthen the rest of her body but that used too much chakra to used beyond very short bursts.

But she never knew Chakra could be used in such a way. According to sempai, this exercise helped in improving chakra control and reducing how much chakra was was wasted.

She could definitely feel the difference. She began the exercise in the afternoon and it was evening now and the sun was setting.

She looked back up the tree. She had a few feet to go, but she could already feel how smoothly her chakra flowed.

She didn't know chakra could feel like this.

To her chakra felt like a warmth that required a lot of force even for the smallest amount of use.

But now it felt like milk.

Warm delicious milk.

It did spill sometimes but it was far easier to use now.

She looked down to see Kariya-san laughing and Sempai giggling.

Not fair sempai, having fun without her.

A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she jumped down from the branch.



I was chuckling the next I was glomped from a falling Shirone....and now I was lying on the ground, my face in the grass and Shirone on top of me and she doesn't seem to want to get off.

"Shirone...please get off."

"Don't wanna...."


"Sempai left me alone...."



Ok, I'm not sure what exactly just happened...but its clear Shirone is unhappy....not sure why and I'm pretty sure I'm not ever going to leave her.

I think I made that pretty obvious when I gave her the Queen piece...

I suppose since it's almost time so we can make a short detour after the mission...

I pushed myself of the group and she immediately hugged me from behind.

"Shirone....if you don't let me go we can't go to eat Icecream together....."

At the mention of ice cream, I felt the hug loosen a bit...


"Of course, why not but after the mission, alright?"

"20 scoops....."


"Each flavour......"

Wait, wat?

"Audible Sigh.....alright..."


As Shirone let go I heard snickering and turned towards the direction of the voice only to see Kariya hiding his face in his hands and turning his head away. Though his shaking shoulders gave away the fact that he was laughing at my misfortune.

If glares could kill Kariya would have been dust in the wind from how hard I was glaring at him....and Shirone was eating cookies from a small bag she pulled out of seemingly nowhere.....wait...so she has a pocket dimension too?

Huh, neat.

"So are you going to stop snickering anytime soon? We have a mission to plan."


We had planned and plotted.

To be more specific Kariya gave us a basic layout of how the Matou mansion was and the traps I had to look out for. His and Koneko's job was to get Little Sakura to safety while I make sure the old fossil never steps foot in the living world again...

A Very simple plan...

Kariya promotes to a knight, then we all go in to find Sakura and if the old man shows himself I'll hold him off until they can get Sakura out of there then carry her towards the temple as fast as they can. The moment they left the mansion I would warp myself a few hundred meters above the mansion and charge a Magical Kamehameha made from the energy of destruction...

Unfortunately for us, this was the fate universe and not everything goes according to plan...The fact that I was actually able to calm Gilgamesh probably used up every bit of luck I had...and we couldn't bring Berserker because of one reason, Matou family were the creators of the command seals and Kariya told me there was a high chance he could take away Berserker. Without berserker, the rest of the Grail war would become much harder.

Except there was one problem, and that it was not going all according to plan...In fact, the plan was horribly mangled by an old man.

When we arrived at the Matou mansion after dusk we found Matou Zouken outside the door holding covering little Sakura with some kind of black and white stripped wasps.

Little Sakura was staring blankly at nothing even as insects deadly wasps hovered around her...That is not something she should have to go through...

"Come out Kariya, I know you are there, hehehe, you can't leave poor Sakura-chan alone, can't you. I didn't think you were the kind of man who would go back on a deal. Whoever removed the crest worms must be a powerful spiritual surgeon, you even regained your natural hair colour. I am impressed. however, the only person I know that is that skilled in spiritual surgery is Kotomine Kirei. So where is he? Even if he is on your side you can't kill me if that is what you are aiming for."

Worms began writhing under Sakura's skin...

"Damn you, you Old Vampire!" Kariya's fist clenched tightly he began channelling mana ready to throw a blast of fire at the old man.

Unfortunately for him, Zouken was ready. "Ah, Ah, Ah, You don't want poor Sakura hurt do you?" The next moment blood began to leak from some of the veins that burst in the areas where the worms were wriggling underneath her skin, stopping Kariya from making a move in fear of Sakura's life. Sakura, however, didn't even utter a word did she even make the slightest peep.

Zouken turned towards me and Shirone beside me.

"Oh, and who are these two little kids? Are they yours? Hehehehe. You even dressed one of them up as Little Red Riding hood and led her directly to the big bad wolf. I didn't know you had a sense of humour, Kariya, hehehe. "

Kariya was quite strong now. However, he was still far from Zouken's level. Not to mention Zouken had Sakura hostage...To me, however, Zouken was an ant.

Seeing this in an anime was so much more different from seeing it in real life. When I saw Sakura's eyes I saw one thing. This was a girl who was completely given up on life. The only reason she is still going was because Kariya was still alive and cared for her. Even as blood ran down her face.

I couldn't describe the amount of anger that was bubbling up inside me. I never wanted to kill someone as much as I wanted to kill this man. I wanted to tear his soul out, the amount of anger and hate that grew within me was directed at one man. I wanted him to fear me. I wanted him to beg for mercy. I wanted to render his flesh from his bones and not only that he also called me a child!

"Mortal!" I began my voice boomed, enchanted by my magic I wanted him to fear me, I wanted fear to consume his very being, moving in front of Kariya and Shirone following step by step beside me.

"Did you just call me, RIAS GREMORY, one of the Pillars of hell a child! You who abuse the weak! You who do not care for the sanctity of life! Especially the life of a child, you think lives are your toys to play as you wish?!" roared in indignation, in my anger I let out enough mana for several top mages to be exhausted causing the wind to gently blow as keeping my mana under control was the last thing in my mind right now.

I began to channel the power of destruction through my body ready DESTROY. The dark red aura of destruction that now covered my body will cause any insect or any physical object he sends at me to be annihilated from existence in an instant. If he tries to escape I would not let him, lightning began to spark occasionally up and down my body and my eyes began to glow a dull green as I channelled about 5% of the Lightning Cloak mode, should he try to escape I would be on him in an instant.

"I shall utterly annihilate your soul such that not even almighty God himself can save what remains of it. Beg for your life pathetic worm!" I could see his eyes widening, likely from the amount of magic I was releasing.

This was an old rotten log of worms who escaped death for more than 300 years, I didn't want him getting thinking he could escape out of here. So I increased the amount of Mana I released and cast a spell that mimicked focused Killing intent and cast it on Zouken.

The moment I cast the spell I saw his body freeze up.

Good. I wanted him to feel fear. I wanted him to feel the same agony and fear that he inflicted on little Sakura!

So I increase it added more power to the Targeted Killing Intent spell.

No further effect? No, I wanted this man to FEAR ME!

This time I used a full quarter of my magic reserves.

This time however I got an effect. However instead of pathetically begging for his life, shitting or peeing in his pants or falling down in tear or anything close to what I wanted him to experience, what happened next was pretty anticlimactic.

Zouken's eyes rolled back, and he fell back and began to froth at the mouth...

This, however, could be a trap. An escape method. Though I noted the swarm of wasp-like familiars around Sakura dropped dead...

I stopped all my spells and let the wind die down.

Heading towards the old log I placed a hand on his body and cast structural analysis...

Death by a Heart attack, nervous system failure and shock.

"Huh, neat."


Saying Matou Zouken was old was like saying the sky has lots of stars...

He wasn't old, he was ancient.

As old as he was he had never thought that he would encounter something like this in all his life...

He should have known not to judge something from how they looked after all he used that all the time to hide from the rest of the world...

Now, however, he had insulted someone who could perhaps actually kill him with ease. All because he made the simple mistake of judging the book by its cover.

He could feel it's intent to render him asunder.

In front of him stood something he thought he would never have seen in his life. An actual demon from hell! Gremory, one of the Demons Ars Goetia.

If Kariya's shocked face was anything even he didn't know who this was...until now...

Shivers ran down his old spine looking at the glowing terrifying red demon. He had forgotten what fear felt like. It has been so long since he felt the fear of death.

Her Mana felt like it would rend his very being instantly.


He tried to form words yet he couldn't.

Why? Why? Why?

All he wanted was...

What was it he wanted from the Holy Grail?

He couldn't remember.

What was...

Ah, now he remembered...

Justeaze...I have failed you....look at what I have become...

Will you ever forgive me for forgetting your dream, for tainting it?

Then Darkness was all he knew.


Just like that all the anger I had, died down. It was disappointing that I couldn't make him suffer any further, but I suppose the sooner I rid him of the face of the earth the better.

I turned towards Sakura and looks like the swarm had also fallen down dead littering the ground and rushed to her. Placing a hand on her shoulder I cast structural analysis.

"Shit." The worms were growing restless I didn't know why they were wriggling and eating through sakura's flesh and were now consuming at a much faster rate than when I saw Kariya struggling to provide berserker with prana. If I don't do something soon, the worms would begin consuming her vital organ within minutes."

"What happened? What's wrong?" And so I told him. "Can't you heal her as you did me?"

I shook my head. "No, that was a very delicate procedure. With the worms moving as they are I won't be able to accurately guide my Power of Destruction. If I make a single mistake I could wipe Sakura out of existence."

"Dammit" Kariya slammed his fists against the ground in anger. "DAMN HIM."

I looked at Sakura who was standing still.

Wait... What If I revive her? Hmmm. Yes, that might work from what I can sense Sakura is worth two pawns if I reinforce a Pawn piece it should suffice.

"I might have a solution."

He looked up hope shining in his eyes

"I'll have to reincarnate her. The reincarnation process would stop the worms as they cannot eat a devils body. Which would give me time to destroy the worms safely."

Kariya was silent for a while before he turned to Sakura. "Sakura, we're going to remove them now alright?"

She gave a small nod.

"Alright do it. But promise me that you will treat her well."

"Of course, I consider my subordinates a part of my family after all."

"Family huh, that is something I haven't thought of in a long time." He sounded exhausted.

I took out a futon from my pocket dimension and gently lay sakura down on it.

Then I took out the chess box containing my Evil pieces and took out a single pawn piece and put the box back. Reinforcing the piece with my mana I placed the pawn on Sakura's chest starting the reincarnation process. The moment the process started I immediately cast structural analysis.

As I suspected, the worms slowed down as the reincarnation process began, the moment the reinforcement process neared the worms couldn't even move anymore. However, It seems I didn't have to worry about anything after all. The transformation into a devil strengthened not just her body and magic but everything in it. Including the white blood cells which were devouring the worms piranhas. This was interesting information.

"How is she?"

"She'll be fine in a few minutes. I didn't even have to do anything the Reincarnation process strengthened not just her body and magic but apparently even her immune system as well... her white cells are literally destroying them as we speak."

Kariya fell down to his knees and began to weep. His eyes overflowing with tears of joy while somehow laughing at the same time from the silliness of it all.

Little Sakura got up, walked forward and gave her uncle a hug. "Uncle, don't cry."

Even as broken as she was, little Sakura still cared so much about her Uncle.

I stood beside Shirone and I gave a sigh, Sakura had lost her innocence as well as her childhood. I can only hope that I can make it better for her and Kariya.

As I stood by I saw Sakura's Lavender hair slowly turn into black starting from the roots, the whole process completing in a few seconds and her eyes turned to a beautiful emerald. The same colour my eyes were. All those weeks of scaring and Matou magecraft wiped out in minutes.

In fact, she looked just like Rin with her hair down now.

He turned to Sakura letting go of her. "Sakura how are you feeling?"

She stayed silent for a few seconds. "The pain is going?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Good...that's good. Sakura this is Rias, she removed the pain and made Grandpa go away."

"Grandpa is not going to hurt you anymore?"

"No, he isn't"

"Ok," she whispered a small smile forming on her lips.

"I see, Thank god she's alright."

".....no thank the Devil....."

*Cue Chirping Crickets*

Did Shirone just make a joke? I turned to her to confirm that I wasn't hallucinating, seeing her mouth twitch upward ever so slightly confirmed that I was indeed not hearing things.

I see, so she did that to break the tension, nice job Shirone.

"Ahaha of course, God never helped me anyway so sure why not? Thank Devil!." He said chuckling to himself

"So mission accomplised?"

Kariya and Koneko both stared at me in silence. Then turned to each other and Koneko stage whispered. "...sempai is scary when angry....."

"Yeah, remind me not to get on her bad side." Kariya stage whispered back.

"OI" I yelled in mock anger, before letting out a chuckle.

Well, at least they seem to be getting along.

"Now that our mission is accomplished who wants to go for some Ice-cream?"

Was that a glint in Sakura's eyes I saw?

Nah, must be my imagination.

Once we left the house I floated above it a few meters and created a large ball of DESTRUCTION about a meter wide and then sent it hurtling towards the mansion.

I watched an in satisfaction as the Matou mansion was completely vaporized.

All that was left was not a crater with a radius of about 15 meters where the Matou mansion once stood.

The glint in Sakura's eyes apparently wasn't my imagination she just liked ice cream that much and Sakura and Shirone were now apparently having an eating contest and both of them were past twenty bowls.


It was comical.

There was literally a stack of Ice-cream cups twice as tall as they were, beside them.

"More." They both said slamming down there bowls glaring at each other, the waiter served more ice cream that he had ready and was already going to the counter order to get more ice cream. The other customers were staring at the spectacle wide-eyed.

"You know this reminds me of Goku and Vegeta..." Kariya muttered.

I nodded numbly. If I didn't have so much money there would be a hole in my metaphorical wallet.

This was frankly ridiculous.

A few minuites Later..


".....draw....." Koneko said turning to Sakura.

"...Okay..." Sakura accepted with a satisfied smile. "Next time..." Oh god, there was going to be next time? I think I have to start raiding Yakuza bases like Homura does If I wanted to keep feeding these two!


Big Thank you to everyone who supports me at Patreon @ Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.

@Mirriam Grave.

The First Knight of My round Table Sir Bedivere.

Also big Thanks to Glenn
and @orchamus and V3Lithiun, Artur, Axel Wate @GlennMiller



Who is also Sir Tristan. The Second Knight of My Round Table.

If it was not for you guys I might have given up... I know I keep repeating my thanks but that's the only thing I can do other than continuing to write stories.. To those who are reading please consider supporting me at my Patreon.... The link is ..Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.
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okay I get that out of my system I am good now, good chap as always
You have a typo, probably at least, there is a point where Racing Gun is said, when it was named by the guy who made "Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three" and "Scorch Style : Nimbus Gale Jet-BlacK Arrow Formation Zero" tbh, (ripped from pinterest lloking up the previous names) wouldn't something like "Rotating Palm Dance of Glistening Vorpal Destruction" be more apropos?
You have a typo, probably at least, there is a point where Racing Gun is said, when it was named by the guy who made "Spiralling Flash Super Round Dance Howl Style Three" and "Scorch Style : Nimbus Gale Jet-BlacK Arrow Formation Zero" tbh, (ripped from pinterest lloking up the previous names) wouldn't something like "Rotating Palm Dance of Glistening Vorpal Destruction" be more apropos?
That was on purpose ..but you have a point.... It is more appropriate...
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I laughed at the mentioning that SI! Rias is an A Cup. Granted, she's what 7/8 right now or something?
Just imagining everone's expressions when confronted with the Red Riding Hood of DOOM lol, gotta love the dress sense.
It would be interesting having different pieces with different skill sets each so they can show off like Koneko with her Naruto hax. Now I'm thinking of Rias going to the bleach verse and picking up a Shinigami/Arrancar for a knight piece.
Wait, I though in previous chapters she was saying she DIDNT want large breasts?
I just found this...this masterpiece. this is the story I have always wanted to be written but, didn't have the writing skills to ever make.
will you put rias into the canon alongside her canon counterpart or just put her back inte her fanon world would be cool for her to meet the canon rias tho