A BRand new day. High School DXD Self Insert (Gender Bender) Multi cross? Sort of.

Chapter 12 The Banquet Of KINGS and one Devil King
It may not be much but I hope 4700 words is enough...For now...
It took me several days

But I had finally cracked the secret to Super Sonic Flight.

Remember that the faster you want to fly the more mana you needed? The cost of mana increased linearly to how fast you wanted to fly.

Well, I managed to find a way to bypass that limit.

Once I was airborne and moving at a fairly decent pace, let's say a 100Km/h or 60 miles/hour, I didn't just have to heat the air. If I heated the air all it would do is expand the air, It would grant me a slight increase in top speed and acceleration but not my much.

As I heated the air I had to contain it under my wings without letting it expand. Doing that increases the pressure of the air exponentially. All I had to after that was heat it up as much as I wanted before releasing the heated air behind me. The increased air pressure also meant that the air left at much higher speeds pushing me forward much faster, which in turn brought more air under my wings and led to even more pressure until it hit an equilibrium. So to adjust my speed I didn't have to spend so much Mana pushing air behind me. I just had to heat up the air that flows under my wing and release it.

The current temperature of the air leaving behind me? 300 degree Celcius.

I was easily about doing 200 Km/hr though that was a rough estimate.

A smirk graced my face as I climbed through the clouds of the night sky. This was AWESOME. Let up the ante, shall we?

I started Increasing the heat under my wings and immediately the acceleration kick in.

350 C

400 C

500 C

600 C

700 C

800 C

900 C

At this point, I felt a 'something' around me. I didn't know how to explain it. I turned to look at what I felt for second and what I saw...was a cone-shaped cloud-like structure that seemed to grow farther and farther away from me as my speed kept rising.

This was...

Hell yeah.

I was breaking the sound barrier.

Aaaand my wings were glowing an ominous RED.

Well, mission success! Those hours of work finally paid off. I banked right a few degrees as I began to turn back towards Fuyuki.

Properly aligning myself towards where I felt Shirone was from our connection and carefully straightening myself I began to increase the heat even further.

950 C

1000 C

1100 C

1200 C

1300. C

At this point, my wings were pure white from the temperature of the air passing underneath it.

If someone under me looked up they would see a short streak of white that turned yellow then orange and then red towards the tail before fading away. A second later they would hear the sonic boom from the shattered sound barrier.

I didn't know how fast I was moving, the buildings and streets just vanished under me.

One thing I did know. I was near Fuyuki.

I arrived back in less than a tenth of the time it took me to get to the practice grounds or airspace, now that was speed.

I stopped heating the air and Air resistance took over slowing my speed down from whatever Mach I was travelling at, to below the sound barrier in seconds.

It's been a few days since Zouken was destroyed, Shirone had mastered water walking and I was starting her on the First Stage of the Rasengan.

Popping a water balloon with chakra by rotating it in all directions.

So far she hasn't managed to it. Not that surprising. She was no Naruto, I couldn't expect her to learn the Rasengan in a week.

As I glided towards the temple and landed on the backyard I felt Shirone, Sakura and Kariya were outside, Specifically the hill surrounding the temple.

"Sir Lancelot?" I inquired as I saw Lancelot standing beside the gate. "is Everything alright?"

He turned towards me and gave me a thumbs up...

Ever since I reincarnated Kariya and rescued Sakura, Berserker seems to calm down and was more cognitive and aware, though he still wasn't able to talk I could communicate with him much easier now.

"Good. Thank you, Lancelot." I smiled.

He nodded and turned back towards the forest where the others were. Well, as long as there were okay I didn't mind. It was about 8 O'Clock, and Today was the day we were heading back out.


"So you're going alone today?"

I nodded. "Don't worry, if Tohsaka is anywhere near there I'll summon you and Shirone. lancelot will be Guarding Sakura while she is asleep."

He seemed hesitant but finally agreed. "Alright. Be careful out there, alright?"

I grinned. "Yeah, see ya."

"Good luck, Sempai." I turned to Shirone and pulled her into a tight hug. How could I ever leave her? She had a cuteness level of over NINE THOUSAND. "Sempai..."

Reluctantly letting go, I gave Shirone one last pat. before I stepped back and started transforming.

A glowing red Gremory magic circle rose from the ground encircling me began shapeshifting into my merlin form while exchanging my current clothes for my Merlin costume, at the same time.

Seriously, I didn't use my magic efficiently before, there was so much I could do...

As the transformation completed I was in my Merlin disguise again.

I wonder if Saber would ever call out that I was not Merlin?

Whelp, time to head out. Unfolding my wings I began to fly into the night.

I wonder what would happen today?


"Now behold and acknowledge your falling. This is the beverage of a true King" Gilgamesh declared taking out a Golden cup and a jug filled with the very best wine in history.

"Ah, A fine treasure indeed," Iskander admired as he caught the four cups thrown at him.

Gilgamesh looked towards the sky. "Mage. Are you going to join us this night?"

"Mage?" Saber questioned as she looked up as well.

"Very well, Please pardon me for my intrusion," I said as I gently lowered myself and landed next Saber before greeting them.

"It is nice to see you well Artoria, Rider, King Gilgamesh." I greeted them before taking a seat beside Saber and placing my staff on the ground beside me.

Gilgamesh gave a slight nod towards me.

Iskandar seemed joyous as he welcomed me with open arms. "Ah, Welcome to this banquet Caster!"

Saber seemed lost about what to do.

Iskander poured the shimmering wine from the golden jug into the golden cups and passed them to each of us.

I suppose I could have a taste just this once. Besides if I rejected this here Gilgamesh might take it as an insult. Raising the cup to my lips I noted that it was much heavier, which was quite obvious since it was made of Gold.

As I took a sip, I felt something. It was really sweet. It was not too strong nor too weak. I highly doubted all wine was like this. It flowed down my throat unlike anything else. It felt like the insides of my throat was being massaged by tiny fairies as the sweet scent of dew assaulted my nose and I felt my breath lighten as if a load from my lungs were lifted.

Most of all. I felt my Mana reserves grow at an insane rate.

"Oho, Magnificent!" Iskandar praised the wine.

Saber gasped and stared at her cup after taking a sip as she realized the implications as well.

"My treasury houses only the very finest of drinks and the finest of swords." He took a sip and continued. "This alone should indicate which among us is the greatest of kings."

"Hmhh, Archer, your finest drink is indeed worthy of the finest vessel in all of history. But the Holy Grail is not a drinking cup. First, we must hear what wish you would have the grail grant should you win it. The wish is what gives the grail its purpose." Iskander began as he sipped from his cup.

I couldn't resist saying the quip that sprung to my mind. "Rider, how can you even say that this is the finest drink?"

"Indeed." Gilgamesh grinned lightly his eyes glinting in amusement. "Besides, you are not ruler here mongrel! Already you wantonly discard the time-honoured rules which dictate we fight for the grail." *Sip* "Besides all that. The grail already belongs to me, all of these worlds treasures trace their origins to my treasure house."

"They do, do they? Then I assume you once held the holy grail? You could Identify it by sight."



"Do not consider me as you would a lesser being. The amount of wealth in My treasury has long surpassed my own knowledge. But that the holy grail is a treasure also means that it belongs to me, and any who take it for themselves is not but a filthy scoundrel and a common thief."

I smiled. I could name several treasures that Gilgamesh could never lay his hands on.

"Heh, While I do agree that most of the treasures do indeed have their origins to your vault I can name several treasures which don't," I said grinning and Gilgamesh's smile turned to a frown.

"Oh, really magus? Care to name these so-called 'treasures'?"

"Well." I began tapping my chin with one hand. "The first thing that comes to mind is Artoria's Excalibur and its Sheath."

Saber stayed silent.

"Oh, can you name any other treasures?" Gilgamesh turned to me his eyes narrowed.

"Well, next is Vasavi Shakti, then Kavacha and Kundala. Other than that I am not aware of other treasures." I said finishing my wine. "More please?" I gave my empty cup to Iskander.

"Of course." He replied jovially and poured me some wine, I took the now full cup of wine and continued sipping, I was not going to let a chance to increase my mana go to waste.

"Hahahaha." Gilgamesh chuckled and his shoulders shook with mirth., "Legendary mage, Indeed, you have the knowledge, that is nigh impossible to get." He stopped chuckling before he looked at Saber curiously. "So you are Saber's court mage? Tell me, would you consider becoming my court mage instead?"

I shook my head. "I do apologize, King Gilgamesh, but that I cannot do." The sentence implied that I already had a King which I follow, however, I was a King myself and a Princess of the underworld. My loyalty isn't to Artoria as much I adore her but I'll let them make their own conclusions.

"So then Archer, you are suggesting that if we desire the grail then we must first get your permission?" Iskander continued.

"Indeed, however, there is no reason whatsoever for me to reward lowly mongrels of your Ilk."

"Wait a minute, you're going to be stingy." Rider pouted. RIDER ACTUALLY POUTED!

I couldn't hold back a slight chuckle at that.

"Fool, my magnanimity is limited to my Vassals and my loyal subjects. Which means Rider, if you were to swear fealty to me, I might lend you a grail or two whenever you felt the need for one." Gilgamesh added.

"Sorry" Rider chuckled his shoulders shaking with mirth, "that is totally out of the question." He stopped and then turned curious "but tell me Archer surely you have no special interest in the Holy Grail itself do you?"

"Of course not, but I must render my judgment upon those who would dare to steal treasure from me. It's simply a matter of principle." Gilgamesh finished his explanation taking a sip from his cup.

"Hmmm, I'm curious Archer," RIder began turning his head towards the Golden king, "On what morals and reasoning are these principles of yours based?"

"It is the Law. My Law which I set down, as the rightful king."

"Perfect, living by one's own law is the epidemy of Kingship." He finished gulping down the last of his wine, before placing the cup down with a clank. "Nevertheless, I desire the Holy Grail so badly I could almost taste it. And It has always been my style to just take what I want. After all, The Great Iskandar is the King of Conquerors is he not?"

"Right and wrong are irrelevant. You break the law and I will punish you, there is no place for discussion."

"Which means that all we have left to us is to meet in the field of combat. So then Archer, would you still like to help us finish this off tonight?" Iskandar said raising the golden jug. "There will be plenty of time to kill each other after."

"Indeed, or do you dare sit there and cast dispersions on the superior drink I did you the honour of providing."

"No of course not! I wouldn't dream of letting this drink go to waste." Iskandar said smiling as if they weren't casually talking about killing each other mere moment ago and now was pouring wine.

"King of conquerors." Saber began causing Rider to stop pouring wine and turn to her.


"A moment ago you agreed that the ownership of the holy grail lies with another, and not yourself, and yet you would take it by force?" She said unsettled. "What makes the grail so important to you?"


"Ha?" said Gilgamesh, Artoria and even I at the same time.

"What?!" Waver exclaimed surprised as he ran towards us. "Wasn't your goal supposed to be world conquest?" Only to receive a 'slight' backhand from RIder send him backflipping and landing with his ass in the air.

Ow, that's gotta hurt.

"Idiot, as if I would leave the Conquering to some mere cup! Conquering the world is my dream to make true. The wish I would as of the Holy Grail is the first step towards that goal."

Gilgamesh seemed quite insulted as his eye's narrowed. "Mongrel, you would dare challenge me for MY treasure over something so trivial?!"

"Even if magic lends us form in this world, ultimately we remain servants. I wish to live as flesh and blood. Within this world which I find myself," He clenched his fist in determination "and with nothing but my body, I shall defy both heaven and earth, succeeding in this endeavour is the true meaning of conquest. Thus it begins, and proceeds onward and finally is finished." He took a big gulp emptying his wine in one go. "Such is the path of my conquest."

"Hmm, Rider." I interrupted, "If all you desire is Reincarnation with a body of flesh and blood I can help with that."

"What do you mean?"

"I meant that I have a spell that can reincarnate you into this world."

"Oh really?" Rider began scratching his chin."And what do you want in exchange?"

"I want you to leave the grail war."

He began to chuckle. "While I can leave the grail I can't leave the Grail war, after all this is a Battle between heroes throughout history, one can't leave such an event and I'll also have to plunder Archer's entire treasury until its laid bare!"

I sighed. Of course, that was his reason. But It did remove the competition for the grail so I'll take what I can get. "Very well when would you like to start?"

"As soon as possible of course, However, let us finish our discussion first, besides, Saber has yet to speak." Rider finished and I nodded pouring myself more wine and taking a sip relishing the feeling of my expanding Mana reserves.

"That is hardly fitting of how a true King should behave." She began sternly.

"Oh well then. Let us hear what you would ask of the Grail if you were to win it."

"I wish.." She began... "for my homelands, salvation. With the omnipotent wish-granting device, I shall avert Britains fate of destruction."

What? Did she just say what I think she just said?

"Artoria." I turned to her my eyes narrowed. "How exactly do you plan on doing so, are you saying that thou wish to change the past?"

"Indeed I do Merlin, what of it?"

"That is impossible."

"What?" her eyes widened.

"First of all," I began. "Even if you wanted to change what had happened, then you would need a method to do so, the grail would only work if and only if you know how to grant your wish, but do not have the power required for it. While the grail is indeed omnipotent it will not grant any wish that you do not know the way to." I could see Riders and Gilgamesh's eyes narrowing. "If you chose to use the grail to travel back to the past and prevent yourself from taking the sword in the first place you would not have changed anything, because all that would do is create a new timeline. The only way you can change the past is to erase history itself until the point where you were about to take the Sword and not do it. While this is technically possible there are three massive problems with that." I could see everyone staring at me now. I guess this topic must be really interesting. I raised my index finger. "First the amount of energy required to do such a thing is so great that even the grail itself would not be able to do such a thing. If you used the energy currently within the grail the most you could erase is perhaps at most a few days."

"What?" She uttered shocked.

"Besides that is not even counting the fact that if it were possible Alaya most likely send counter guardians against you should you even attempt it."

"But why? My only wish is to save Britain! To avert its fate."

"Because be erasing history you also erasing countless lives from existence."

"No, it can't be." Her eyes were sorrowful and lost. "Then what can I do? Was my wish a lie?"

"While you did indeed make some mistakes, it was your Kingship that allowed Britain to flourish even for such a small period, were it anyone else I highly doubt Britain would have lasted even half of it." I smiled "besides, you might have lost the battle Artoria but you won the war."

She looked at me her eyes filled with emotion on her once stern visage.

"Your actions during your time as King of Britain is what led to Britain eventually to what it is today. Artoria, do you know? Because of you, Britain now keeps most of the world at peace. Almost all of the world is now at peace." I gave her a gentle smile, "do you know what the United Nations are? The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that was tasked to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international co-operation and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations and it was founded in Britain. Artoria you should stand proud, your rule is the reason why almost the whole world is at peace. You may think yourself not a Great king, but your Kingship was so great that your name has spread all across the world. Even more so that King Gilgamesh and Rider, so hold your head high and be proud King of Knights. Do not desecrate the sacrifice of your knights, rather honour them and move forward." I finished my smile wide.

"I see, perhaps I was mistaken, perhaps you are not a complete womanizer I thought you were Merlin." She said smiling her eyes filled with relief.

"Oi," I called out mock offended, and she chuckled wiping a tear of her eyes.

"Truly, thank you, Merlin, for raising me when I was young, for teaching me and even now for helping me, I do not know how I can repay you for everything you have done."

"Don't worry about it," I waved it off. "Hmm looks like we have guests." My [Mana Echolocation] picked up several new signatures appearing around the Einzbern castle. and a few moments later an assassin formed behind Waver causing the poor boy to run up to Rider in a panic. Following this several Assassin class servants popped up all around the castle visibly. Each of them, dark as night with a skull mask covering their faces.

"So is this all your doing, Goldy?"

"Tokiomi, what a shameful cur." It was clear he was angry but for some reason, he remained seated.

"This isn't fair! Why are there so many assassin servants surrounding us?

"We are one divided into many." a male assassin began with a deep voice. "And Army, and also one. A servant with many shadows. And one!"

"A servant with separate bodies for each of his separate personalities?" Waver wavered.

"Indeed," I nodded in confirmation as I continued to drink more of the delicious sweet wine. "Hassan of the Hundred Faces, If I am correct," I said as I tried to recall what I knew about this assassin.

"R-rider...I" Wawer stuttered.

"Oh, calm yourself boy, even those rude enough to interrupt our banquet may yet show us which is the greatest king."

"So I suppose you'll invite them all to our little banquet as well, King of Conquerers?" Gilgamesh asked Rider sarcasm dripping of him enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool which unfortunately went over Riders head completely.

"But of course" Rider replied jovially. "The king's words are meant for all to hear, and absorb, if they have come here to listen then it matters not if they are friend or foe." The King turned and took a cup of wine from the wooden casket he brought and raised it up. "Now then don't hold back! Any who would speak with us come forth and take a cup! This drink is as your blood!"

Not a moment later a dagger sliced through the cup Iskandar was holding in his hands splashing the red wine on his shirt, and the Assasins started laughing at him.

Oh, oh, the guy is pretty angry...

"Very well, as I said, this drink is as your blood." Rider stood up his anger evident. "If you insist on spilling it here tonight then so be it."

A second later he started to release a lot of pranas causing the wind to erupt from the centre.

"Saber, Archer! Here is our Banquets final question." He said over the wind, "It is, does a king always stand alone? I suppose I shall have to show you right now. Exactly what a real king is all about when faced with an adversary like this one."

A sphere of light enveloped Rider and then expanded consuming all of us as I shut my eyes from the blinding light and Saber hugged Irisviel close to her.

When I opened my eyes I saw a desert. A hot dry sandy desert as far as the eye could see. And at the end of it was something that boggled the mind.

"A reality marble? That's impossible. A mental image materialized into the real world!" Irisviel said shakily unable to believe what she was just seeing for this was something just shy of true magic.

"My Glorious army once rode across these sands. A place where all the heroes who stood with me through joy and sorrow will never forget." He stated proudly, reminiscing his past. " I can make this world as real as real can ever be because it exists deep within our hearts!"

Across the hot sands, I saw an army as far as the eye could see marching towards us. Nay, towards the assassins following Iskandar.

"Behold my endless armies, their bodies utterly destroyed and their souls offer to the world as heroic spirits of old, and still these legendary heroes pledge their loyalty to me. My bond with them is my greatest treasure. My path to kingship. The ultimate noble phantasm that I possess. "Ionian Hetairoi".

Ok, the last bit was a bit cheesy, but sure okay. The assassins didn't really last long after that...

Calling what happened a massacre was putting it lightly. A hundred or so assassins in the middle of the plain desert in open sight? Versus an army of endless heroic spirits? Yeah, it was more like leading calves to the slaughter. All the while I continued to drink more of the sweet wine and refilled my cup, and drank even more of the sweet wine.


"Well, that ending wasn't as fun as I'd hoped for, we have said all there is to say I suppose that will do for today. So Merlin right?" He turned to me. "When can you reincarnate me?"

"I could start the ritual now if you wish."

"Really? then, by all means, go ahead."

"Hmm. I will need some space to create the magic circle." I said as I took out my phoenix feather and my Ruby inkpot from my pocket dimension. "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course, as ready as I could ever be."

"A true reincarnation? But that means that Merlin is going to the realm of the third magic, the Heavens feel." Irisviel let out unable to believe her eyes.

"This should prove interesting, show me mage, show me your magecraft," Gilgamesh stated a glint of interest in his eye.

I began to create the magic circle using the language of the underworld. If I wrote it in English then Waver would probably rip his hair out trying to understand how the hell simple English words made up the magic circle.

I took out an evil piece and used its runes as a basis as I did before and changed it. However, I was not reincarnating an ordinary person bit a full heroic spirit....Hmm This would be a bit complicated.


All in all, it took nearly a whole hour to finish the circle making sure there weren't any mistakes in it. Waver and Irisviel was staring at the magic circle in interest. unfortunately, they didn't know the language of the underworld to even make a lick of sense from it.

"Alright, it's done!" I released a sigh returning my equipment back into my pocket dimension.

"Really? This is it?" Rider asked.

"Mhmm," I confirmed. " All you have to do is stand in the centre of the circle and channel all your magical energy into it. Your magical energy will be used to create a body that will match your old body to its exact details without losing any of your strength as a heroic spirit."

"Rider, what are you doing? What if it's a trap?" Waver finally asked the sensible question only to be shot down.

"Silly boy, Caster is much more honourable than that, I can't say much for other mages but I believe myself to be a good judge of character and I think caster is not someone who would lie so blatantly."


"No buts' besides if it is a trap you have those command seals for a reason right boy?"


"Good, now then Caster shall we begin?"

I nodded and gestured for him towards the centre of the magic circle.

"Once you reach the centre just channel all your magical energy into it and let the magic circle take care of the rest."

"HAHAHA, I am about to conquer flesh and blood itself!"

"What does that even mean?" Waver yelled.

Okay, that was a bit disturbing.

As Rider channelled magical energy into it the circle began to glow a bright lavender that got brighter and bright before rising up from the ground engulfing the King of Conquerors.

As the light dissipated and the clouds of dust that seemed to come from nowhere dissipated I stared at the result of my magic circle...


A Big Thank you to everyone who supports me at Patreon @ Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.

@Mirriam Grave.

The First Knight of My round Table Sir Bedivere.

Also big Thanks to Glenn, V3Lithiun, Artur,

@chaos5367 / @CrazyFox

Who is also Sir Tristan? The Second Knight of My Round Table.

To those who are reading please consider supporting me at my Patreon... The link is ..Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.
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"What's the most hilarious way this could go wrong?"

...Methinks RiaSI just incarnated not Broskander but Kid Alexander. He could reasonably pass as a new Gremory sibling, too.
"What's the most hilarious way this could go wrong?"

...Methinks RiaSI just incarnated not Broskander but Kid Alexander. He could reasonably pass as a new Gremory sibling, too.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
And when questioned?
'Well of course it would be your younger self! After all, would you prefer if you were in your forties or in your early twenties when starting your new conquest?'
I'm annoyed that Gil didn't react with anger at the idea of things not inside the the Gate of Babylon.

Other than that, still loving this.
Sorry about the Delay, with my exams and my Financial situation I've been quite stressed latety, but fear not... This story is not dead...I'll be updating it soon....Maybe in a week and IT SHALL BE GLORIOUS! Worthy of the Wait!

Also any H-Scenes will be skipped and will only be available in QQ due to site rewlz!
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Thank you for telling me I am new to this site and I don't know many terms, I mainly use fanfiction.net and webnovel where everyone uses full names
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When I finish writing duh... And I'm Writing right now as well. Unless you want me to post it unfinished...
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