A BRand new day. High School DXD Self Insert (Gender Bender) Multi cross? Sort of.

Sorry I'll post it here in a few days.... But I'll post it on Patreon in a few hours. My Patreon do deserve a bit of a special treatment after all.... Though if they agree with me. Posting it here instead sure. Why not?
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Interlude 4.0
Welcome back every one.
Big thank you to @RandumbPerson for betaing this chapter. And big thank you to everyone who supported me at Patreon @ Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon

@Mirriam Grave. The First Knight of the round Bedivere.


Who is also Sir Tristan. The Second Knight of My Round Table

My New Knight of the Round table @Luke McPherson.

Fellow Knights, Please give him a warm welcome in the Castle of Camelot once I add him.

and @V3LITHIUN , Axel Wate, @WorkForFood, @Frank, @Gareth T , @jordanwarren, @NicholasPesqueda

If it was not for you guys I might have given this up.

Now on with the Story.


As the light dimmed, and the clouds of dust that seemed to come from nowhere dissipated, I stared at the result of my magic circle...

There stood, in all his muscular glory, Alexander the Great, with no difference on the outside.

But all of us could tell that his body was now one of flesh and blood, not of from mana like the others.

"I can feel it! I can feel the blood flowing through my body!" Iskandar roared with vigour. "You have my gratitude, Caster." He said turning to me and then facing his master, grinning all the while. "Well boy, it's time to leave. Come on!" Iskandar began dragging Waver away by his ears.

Sometimes I wonder who's the master and who's the servant.

The ending was anticlimactic but it went as well as I could hope for.

With the banquet over, I deployed wings and headed home.

I yawned.

So tired. I think I need to sleep...

Wait for me, my dear bed, I'm on my way!

I streaked through the air leaving a glowing trail behind me, not unlike a comet.


Saber was exhausted.

Not physically exhausted but mentally exhausted.

However, her mind was calm and relaxed for the first time in centuries.

She had not failed her country.

Be proud Arturia.

It was the first time someone had told her to be proud, that she had done a good job.

She did not know how much she had needed it.

Tears of joy and relief rolled down her cheeks.

Merlin's behaviour was quite curious too.

"Saber, are you alright? Are you hurt?" A soft voice called out from beside her as she turned her gaze away from the moon to see Irisviel on the balcony with her. "Is something wrong? You're crying."

Arturia dismissed her armour leaving only her royal dress on her as she wiped away her tears.

"These are tears of joy Irisviel." She began. "So long I had thought that I had failed my people." She shuddered. "Yet again, here is Merlin, comforting me, reassuring me and praising me."

Irisviel smiled. "He is nice isn't he?"

"No." Saber shook her head, "He is not."

"Why? He seemed so nice!"

"Exactly that Irisviel," Saber continued as she shut her eyes in thought.

"Merlin is not a nice person. In all my time in Britain, Merlin may have acted nice, but he always had an ulterior motive. He doesn't have real emotions, he simply puts on a mask and displays a fake smile or a frown depending on the situation. Merlin can replicate faces very well however, he still cannot feel actual human emotions."

Her eyes snapped open. "This "Merlin", however, truly felt anger, sadness, and happiness." her voice lowered "I could see it in his eyes."

"Isn't that a good thing? Maybe Merlin can feel emotions now?"

"No, that is not possible." Saber shook her head. "This "Merlin" is not the real Merlin, even if he looks the same, not to mention Merlin has yet to pull any pranks and was far too polite to nice to be "Merlin"."


"Yes Irisviel, Merlin was quite the Prankster, thanks to him the castle was almost always alert and on the lookout or else the unfortunate soul who doesn't could fall victim to Merlin's mischievousness. There was even that one time that the whole of Castle Camelot was completely pink."

Irisviel burst out laughing at the mental image of King Arthur living in a Pink Castle. Saber let out a smile as well reminiscing the ridiculousness of Merlin.

"Why do you think Caster is disguising as Merlin, Saber?"

"Perhaps Caster knew of my Identity? Or perhaps he chose Merlin's form due to his fame? Perhaps we can ask Caster the next time we see him?"

"Still, to think that Caster can perform the Third true Magic. He must be a very famous Magician in his life. I wonder who he is?"

The two of them continued to speak about the mystery that was Caster late into the night under the gentle Moonlight.


I sneezed as lightly as I could to not wake the others up.


I rubbed my nose.

Did I have the flu?

Can Devils even get flu?


Great, I don't think I can sleep tonight.


Shirone woke up to the comforting warmth and smell of Sempai.

As a Nekoshou her sense of smell, hearing and sight were extremely sharp.

Far sharper than any ordinary cat.

So for her waking up to her sempai's smell was a sign that she was safe.

Opening her weary eyes she found herself in the warm and comforting arms of her beloved king.

Who was still sleeping, her messy red hair only highlighted her beauty?

Shirone smiled and snuggled closer, curling up into a ball and closed her eyes.

Sempai was still here.

She didn't leave her.

When her king had mentioned that she wanted to go alone Shirone wondered if she had done something wrong.

Did she do something to disappoint her?

She had feared that her sempai had left her alone after growing tired of her.

Would she be alone again?

What if this war takes Sempai away?

They were alone in this world.

This war had the likes of King Arthur who possessed the most powerful of all holy swords, Excalibur and Gilgamesh was Gilgamesh Enough said.

Yet her King had never once faltered, always reassuring her and keeping her close wherever she went.

The one day, no for the few hours she left alone, Shirone had been more fearful than she had ever been in her entire life.

She didn't want her sempai to leave her.

Was she selfish?

Was she too clingy?

Did Rias sempai think that she was too clingy?

No, that didn't seem to be the case.

If anything Rias-sempai clings to her just as much.

Perhaps sempai liked her?

A small blush formed on her cheeks as she snuggled closer.

It was certainly a nice thought.

She certainly hoped it was true.

If sempai did like her, then that would explain why she acted the way she did.

She certainly hasn't seen her giving head pats to Kariya and Berserker.

Though she did give Sakura head pats.

And Sakura seemed quite smug about it too.

Head pat thief.

How dare she!

However, it didn't even come close to the amount of affection she was showered with.

She recalled every morning when she was woken up with the smell of milk and sempai, followed by Sempai feeding her a glass of milk herself.

When she trained, Sempai trained with her and whenever she was injured sempai rushed over to heal her.

Sempai got food for her and sometimes even cooked for her.

Sempai slept together with her and when she had nightmares Rias-sempai would soothe her and hold her until she fell asleep again.

She was so lucky to have the kindness, affection, and love of Rias sempai.

She highly doubted that there was a single devil in the Underworld that was as nice as her King was.

So she would cling to her beloved king.

She would train harder to fight beside her King, whether or not it was her duty as Queen and her desire to fight beside her on an equal level.

She would cling to her King through thick and thin, come hell or high water.

With a gentle breath, she almost fell back asleep.

However, Fate had other plans for them today.

*Ring Ring*

Shirone's eyes snapped open as she searched for where the sound came from.

*Ring Ring*

Be Silent phone! You're disturbing Rias-sempai's sleep.

*Ring Ring*

Shirone slowly and reluctantly removed herself from her sempai's sleeping form and began to reach for the ringing phone.

*Ring Ring*


*Ring Ring*

Unfortunately for her, it was then that Rias woke up.


Noooo, damn you phone taking away her time with Sempai!

"Huh, who's calling at this time?" Rias turned around and picked up the phone.

*Ring Ring*

Upon seeing the caller ID she answered it immediately.

*Ring Ri-"YAAAAWN, Kariya? Why are you calling me?"


"What is it? Did Kotomine Kirei go on a murdering spree? Or perhaps Emiya bombed a hotel?"


"You're joking."


"*sigh* Fine, are there any other civilians where you are?"


"Alright give me a minute." With that, she cut the call.

"Sorry Koneko, I'll get your milk when I get back in a minute. Kariya is in a bit of a pinch."

Shirone never disliked Kariya as much she did then.


Changing into my Ruby Rose costume in a flash of magic I opened a portal to the location where I could sense Kariya. He was fairly close so It was easy to pinpoint him.

When I stepped through the portal Kariya was beside me. I saw Rin and Sakura.

"Where's the civilian," I asked.

He pointed towards a boy bound in ropes.

I stared at the boy unable to believe my eyes.

The boy stared back fearfully.

I stared at the boy some more unable to believe my luck.

The boy shivered.

Then I started laughing.

This is ridiculous. Is it my good luck or his bad luck that he always ends up in the middle of things?

I laughed and laughed. "Hahahahahaha! OH GOD my sides. HAHAHAHAAAA!"

Oh god.

I looked at him and started laughing again.

Kariya woke up bright and early with a yawn as he stretched. Turning to Sakura asleep beside him and Berserker still outside, ever Vigilant.

Not so long ago he would have slept in from the sheer amount of pain he experienced and went to sleep to try to keep the pain away.

Now, he could sleep comfortably.

The warmth of the sun touched his face as he slid the door open and tasted a breath of fresh air.

Breath In

Breath out.

It was a nice day to practice his magic.


His stomach made its opinions known.

"Well, I suppose I could go and grab a bite to eat."

Checking in on the kid he found the catgirl and the Kid asleep together in their room, cuddling together in one futon.

The kid must be exhausted.

Heading back to his room he began to get ready for the day before he woke up Sakura to go out and grabbed a bite to eat.


"Where are we going, Uncle?"

Kariya glanced up slightly to his black-haired nephew who he was carrying on his shoulders, before turning back to the road. Her eyes wide with wonder as she marvelled silently at his height.

"To eat I suppose? Is there anything you want?"

A twinkle formed in her green eyes as she whispered. "Ice-cream." with glee.

"Hell no. I can't afford the amount of ice-cream you inhale, I'd be working in their kitchens for the rest of my life if I had to cover the cost of the ice cream you ate." Kariya said his voice so flat that even flat planes would be considered uneven compared to it.

Sakura pouted.

Kariya still refused.

"Please?" she added, her doe eyes intensifying.

"No, way. you'll have to ask the kid when she wakes up if she can give you any ice-cream. I ain't paying for that bill." As he walked along the pavement he saw a small eatery and recognized it for what it was. "What about ramen?"

She huffed and turned away.

"Now come on, trust me, you'll love it, this guy sells the best noodles." He said as he approached and ducked under the curtain entering the small noodle stand. "Yo, Kurogane-san, I'll have two Fish Ramen. One for me and one for little Sakura here." He said placing her on a stool as he sat down next to her.

The red-haired adult man nodded and went to the back. "Shirou, my boy, two Fish ramen." He called out as he went out back probably for some other work.

"Hai, Oji-san." The voice of a young boy called out, and within minutes, the curtain parted and the young boy stepped into the counter and began to cook in front of us.

The boy had bright orange hair and golden eyes just like the old man.

Must be his kid.

Kariya watched until the boy finished pouring a glass of water for him and Sakura, and started cooking the Ramen before asking the question on his mind.

"Hey, kid? You Kurogane's kid or something?"

The boy gave a bright smile before nodding. "Yeah, I'm Shirou Muramasa, nice to meet you Kariya-san," Shirou said without even looking up from where he was cutting the vegetables.

"Oh, you know me?" Kariya Raised an eyebrow.

"Jiji talks a lot about you and how both go to the anime convention without me!" He puffed out his cheeks in annoyance.

"Sorry, not sorry." Kariya grinned.



Kariya's head snapped to where the giggle came from and a small smile graced his features.

Little Sakura was letting out giggles at their antics.

Kariya turned back to stare at Shirou, and Shirou stared at Kariya.


Then both of them burst out laughing...

"Oi, oi, what is going on out there?" Kurogane's voice called out. "Tell me the joke, I wanna laugh too."

We both just laughed harder at that.

When the food ready and placed in front of us it was an extra-large bowl of steaming hot delicious Fish ramen.

"Don't question it. Just eat, and remember to blow it a bit, it's hot." Kariya said lifting a chopstick and blowing gently on it before consuming a mouthful.

Little Sakura took a bit of it and blew on it before putting it in her mouth.

Her eyes widened as flavour exploded in her mouth.

She began to eat faster and faster.

"Told ya." Kariya's smugness leaked from his voice so much so that even Sakura could tell he was smug.

She deadpanned at him, giving him a disappointed look before turning back to her meal.

Kariya sighed and Shirou grinned like a madman at the scene.


How long has it been?

How Long has it been since he last walked under the sun with little Sakura without a care in the world?

How long was he under that Worm's thumb, trying to free Sakura?

A whole year.

During that time all he could think of was saving Sakura and his anger at Tokiomi for giving his daughter away.

Now the Old worm was dead, Sakura safe with him, and he had nothing to do.


There was still the Holy Grail war. But what after that?

Even his anger for Tokiomi had diminished.

Oh, he was still angry that man, don't get him wrong, but he was not as pissed as he was before.

Oh right.

He was a Devil now.

He wondered if Devils could get jobs?

"Can we go there, Uncle?"

Kariya looked towards where Sakura was pointing him at.

An Arcade?

He hadn't been in an arcade in so long.

"Sure why not?" He shrugged. "Besides, all this fighting is starting to wear me out. Let this old Uncle show you both some nice games! Hey Shirou, have you ever gone to the arcade before?" He asked as they walked towards it.



His time at the Arcade was fun and nostalgic.

Teaching Sakura how to play games and then Sakura was BEATING HIM.



He shook his head.

Well, they both had fun and that was all that mattered.

He walked through the park thick with trees, carrying a joyful Sakura on his shoulders and Shirou was walking beside him.

Someone in front of him caused him to stop walking.

More like two someones.

Their names slipped out of his mouth even without him thinking.

"Aoi? Rin?" he whispered.

"Kariya?" Aoi's eyes widened in surprise. "Sakura?" She saw her daughter, who seemed quite comfortable on Kariya's shoulders and relief flooded her soul and sobs wracked her body as tears fell from her eyes.


Sakura turned to see her mother who was crying.


Kariya seeing this gently put Sakura down.

Sakura walked towards her mother and asked her if she was alright.

Aoi bent down and embraced her daughter in a tight hug.

Rin and Kariya watched the proceedings from the side.

Rin glanced at Shirou then raised an eyebrow turned towards Kariya, who smiled and shrugged.


The four of them sat on a bench under a tree in the park as Kariya told Aoi a heavily edited version of the story while Sakura and Rin were talking about something Kariya didn't quite catch while Shirou was sitting next to Sakura.

"So there is a new Matou head now?"

"Yeah, pretty nice Kid, but she's a damn powerful mage. Very good at teaching too."

"So she's teaching you and Sakura now? Not Zouken?"

Kariya almost made a face at the old worms name.

"Nah, that guy has business elsewhere." In the hell that was.

"I'm glad you're both okay." Her smile was radiating her happiness. "So who wants doughnuts?" she raised a box.

"Me!" Came the voice of the two girls.

"Hey, leave some for me too!" Kariya added.

Rin took the whole box off her mother's hand and ran away, dragging Sakura by the hand while blowing Kariya a raspberry.

"Hey come back here brats!" Kariya shouted in mock anger.

"Ufufu" Aoi giggled covering her mouth with her sleeve.

"Go on, brat." He gestured to Shirou and the kid nodded before running after them. Such a well-mannered child.

Kariya sighed and sat back on the bench next to her.

"Well, the good news is that I'm not really interested in the Grail war. The only reason I entered is that Zouken wanted it. Now that's he's gone I don't want to fight in the grail war."

"I see." Aoi let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Kariya," Aoi whispered. "Please take care of her." Aoi said as she leant on Kariya's shoulder feeling tired.

"Hey, you don't have to ask me, besides I'm already taking care of her anyway. She was the reason I wanted to fight in the grail war. Zouken promised to leave Sakura to me if I gave Him the grail, but with him gone..."

"You don't have to fight in the Grail war anymore." she finished with a smile and Kariya nodded.

"Berserker is still going to fight though." Aoi raised an eyebrow at that. "Not me, My sensei is the Master of Caster so she asked me to let Berserker fight with Caster. So all I'm doing is lending a hand. Besides I already have my hand's full taking care of Sakura."

"I'm counting on you."



Shirou Muramasa was an ordinary kid born into a family of swordsmiths who have been passing on their prized crafting techniques from generation to generation since the Muromachi Period (Between 1336AD to 1573AD).

Just like his father he wanted to be a brilliant swordsmith capable of crafting brilliant swords.

However, he wanted not just to craft swords but to wield them.

He also wanted to be a master swordsman.

His father suggested he learn cooking first.

He was told to master the art of wielding a knife before he learned how to wield a sword and so Shirou began to learn how to cook.

Within a year he had advanced so much so that his father came up with the idea to open up a Ramen stand for him.

At first, he thought it wouldn't work but it did surprisingly well.

However, the ramen stand would only be open for a very short time. From five to seven on weekdays.

Once he had mastered the art of the knife he could finally begin learning how to wield a sword and then eventually make one himself.

Atleast that was his goal.

Then there was Kariya one of his dad's friends who was a regular customer. Who a few months ago seemed so sickly that his hair was white and he had scars on his face while being blind from one eye.

He wasn't stupid enough to ask how he had gotten them. Not when he knew Kariya was in so much pain.

Now, in a few days, his scars had disappeared and his hair seemed to be regaining his colour.

He also brought a young girl with him.

Sakura was her name.

She was quiet.

As he was about to close the shop, Kariya had invited him to come along and since his father had agreed. Which led to him being dragged by an excited Rin, whose name he still did not know, who was eagerly talking to Sakura and was responding quietly.

"So, what's your name?" Shirou snapped out of his fugue as he turned to the girl.

"Shirou, Muramasa Shirou. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Muramasa-san, I'm Tohsaka Rin." She crossed her hands in front of her chest. "SO what were you doing with uncle Kariya anyway?"

"Well, he asked me if I wanted to come, along with and I said yes?"

"Is that a question or an answer?"

"An Answer?"

Rin puffed her cheeks in annoyance.

"Nee-san, don't get angry, Muramasa-san didn't do anything." Sakura tried to calm her sister but it seemed only to have the opposite effect.

"Exactly, he didn't do anything so why did Uncle Kariya bring him here?" Rin argued back.

"So you don't want me here, nee-san?"

"What?" Rin stuttered. "I didn't say that."

"But I couldn't do anything for Uncle Kariya either, after all, he had done for me. If uncle Kariya and Rias-sama had not been there for me, I don't think I would be here today. He is always doing so much for us." Sakura whispered.

"Rias-sama?" Rin questioned.

"Ah, Rias-sama his uncle's new Magecraft teacher."

"His new teacher? What about the old one? That Zouken guy... I think dad mentioned him?"

"He's gone. But Rias-sama is teaching me magic as well."

"Oh? What kind of magecraft does she teach?"

Instead of answering Sakura, cupped her palms together in front of her and began casting the spell that Rias-mama taught her.

After a few seconds had passed, she opened her hands and there were three floating glowing yellow orbs above her hands the size of a thimble.

"What is that?" Shirou whispered in amazement, having never seen magic before. He thought that the two girls were suffering from the eighth-grade syndrome.

But it wasn't.

Magic was real.

"Rias-sama calls the spell [TeleSonic]." Sakura handed one to rias and one to Shirou. "If you put it in your ear we can talk even from very far away."

As soon as Rin put it in her ear, the ball of light vanished indicating that it was connected.

"I'm sorry nee-san, we will have to wait until we are away to test it. I can maintain the spell for about 10 hours before it stops."

"So what do you think Muramasa-san?" Rin turned to the boy who was still staring at the ball of light on his hand in disbelief.


"Ah, I'm fine Tohsaka-san, I just didn't think magic was real."

Rin's eyes widened. "You didn't know?"

"Ah, sorry nee-sama." Sakura, she had not known that Muramasa was not aware of the moonlit world.

"Great, just great, and I still haven't learnt the spell to wipe memories yet. Just great. Mom isn't a mage either, what a mess." Rin began sarcastically.

"Umm, Uncle Kariya is a mage?" Sakura tried and Rin snorted.

"Sure, but he left the moonlit world a while ago and only came back for a year. Forgive me if I don't think he can cast a memory wiping spell."

"Well, Uncle might be able to call Rias-sama?"

"Yes, that might work." Rin nodded.

As this proceeded Shirou started to get paler and paler.

There was no way he was going to have his memory wiped, he had to get away from here.

His muscles tensed as he turned around and began to run away.

Or atleast he would have if Rin had not caught him in a hold.

"You're not going anywhere, Mister." Rin finished in a tone that brooks no argument.

And so Shirou was dragged along the park to a surprised Kariya and Aoi.

When Rin told them of what happened the only thing Kariya could say was "Shit."

He received a slap on the head from Aoi for that.

"Just give me a second," Kariya muttered as he took out his phone and began to call the Boss.

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

"Come on, don't tell me you're still sleeping."

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*

**Beep Bei-"YAAAAWN, Kariya? Why are you calling me?"

"Boss, we have a situation."

"What is it? Did Kotomine Kirei go on a murdering spree? Or perhaps Emiya bombed a hotel?"

"Wha-", he shook his head. Ridiculous! There's no way that would ever happen. "Sakura accidentally revealed the existence of Magecraft to a civilian."

"You're joking."

"No, I am not."

"....*sigh* Fine, are there any other civilians near you?"

Kariya took a look around. "Actually no, we were in a fairly safe area."

Safe as in that there was no one close enough to see anything strange going on.

"Alright, give me a minute.", with that the call cut.

A moment later a portal appeared next to him and Rias stepped through in her Little Red Riding hood costume.

Or Little Red Fighting hood as Rias called it.

"Where's the civilian." She asked, straight to the point.

He pointed towards the boy bound in ropes that Rin had somehow found.

Rias stared at the boy.

The boy stared back fearfully.

Rias stared at the boy some more.

The boy shivered.

Then Rias started laughing.

She laughed and laughed and rolled across the ground clutching her sides.

"Hahahahahaha! OH GOD my sides. HAHAHAHAAAA!"

The boy whimpered.

"Haha..haaa. " after a few moments she collected herself. Then looked at the boy and fell down laughing again.

Did she recognize the boy from somewhere?

"Sorry about that." She said after she collected herself. Then her face turned serious as she walked up to the kid. "Alright kid. I want to know your name."

"Huh?" Was all that Shirou could mutter.

"Your name kid."

"But aren't you a kid too?"

"I suppose so. So are you going to answer my question?"

"But you are going to erase my memories right?"

"That depends on whether you answer my questions honestly. So I hope you do plan on answering them sometime this century." She said as pointed a finger at the ropes on the tip of her finger a tiny purple atom-like spell formed. Just like the one she used on the Matou mansion!

Was she trying to kill the boy?


The tiny orb floated towards the boy before he could react and impacted the ropes causing them to disintegrate into nothingness. and Kariya let out an internal sigh of relief.

"Don't try to run kid," she warned Shirou who was now clenching and unclenching his now free hands.

Taking a deep breath he began.

"Shirou Muramasa."

Her eyebrows raised."Shirou Muramasa? Hmmm. Tell me are you part of a blacksmith clan or something like that?"

The boy looked shocked. "How?"

"Kid if someone doesn't know the name Muramasa then they must be an idiot."

Anyone could probably have the surname Muramasa. So did Rias must know him from somewhere.

After the fire, even if Shirou had lost his memories, some part of him in his blood knew that his destiny is to forge swords.

"Shirou Muramasa, are you a descendant of Sengou Muramasa?"

Kariya and Aoi looked shocked at the question.

"...yes." The boy looked defeated.

"Was it supposed to be a secret?"


"....Alright, alright don't worry I'm not going wipe your memories." He looks up in surprise. "But you are coming with me. I can't simply leave you. You need to understand the danger of having this knowledge if you want to keep it." Rias opened a portal back to the temple, and the kid wasted no time following her in.

Once the portal closed Rin asked a very silly question.

"Uncle Kariya, who was that?"

"My sensei."

"Is your sensei Little Red Riding hood?"

"No," he denied. "It's Little Red Fighting Hood."

"What?" was all she could say.
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I liked that backstory for Shirou. Is that something original you come up with or from something else?

Also they all need to learn opsec. The Matous just told the family of a master that she is a master in the grail war.
She certainly hasn't seen her giving head pats to Kariya and Berserker.

Though she did give Sakura head pats.

And Sakura seemed quite smug about it too.

Head pat thief.

How dare she!
Heh. When Shirone is the sempai, she'll be able to give all the headpats she wants.
I laughed and laughed. "Hahahahahaha! OH GOD my sides. HAHAHAHAAAA!"
Does anyone actually say "My sides!" in this context IRL? It's like "this!!!!111!!!!1eleventy-one!!!"
Teaching Sakura how to play games and then Sakura was BEATING HIM.


Young children have more time to practice, duh.
"Is your sensei Little Red Riding hood?"

"No," he denied. "It's Little Red Fighting Hood."
Something tells me this pun doesn't actually work in Japanese...

I don't know how well-known that story is in Japan, either.
I liked that backstory for Shirou. Is that something original you come up with or from something else?

Also they all need to learn opsec. The Matous just told the family of a master that she is a master in the grail war.


Yeah but Kariya is their Uncle so ....Yeah..
Besides now that Aoi knows Sakura is okay she will be a lot less tense and worried that in the original....
I liked that backstory for Shirou. Is that something original you come up with or from something else?

Also they all need to learn opsec. The Matous just told the family of a master that she is a master in the grail war.
Actually there are some theories regarding Shirou's past family. One of those is him being the descendant of the Muramasa. In FGO Sengou Muramasa actually becomes a demi-servant using Shirou's body(look up Limited Zero Over). I mean what are the chances of a random kid having 27 magic circuits?
Whilst I agree he probably had parents in moonlit world, he has way to many circuits, he probably had nothing to do with blacksmithing. His element and origin turned into sword because his soul grew to fit Avalon. The Grail's curse wiped him clean, tabula rasa'd his soul. Shove magic sheath into soul, add some years, shake, new element/origin. Same reason with his obsession for saving/helping people. Was a clean slate and latched onto Kiritsugu's dream and made it a core part of himself.

But hey, AU stuff I guess.
FiNALLY somebody had the mind to make old man Muramasa as Shirou's ancestor. I can't believe this is happening. It so happens that Shirou must still have the origin: sword. The questions are: would tracing still be the same (would it be copying sword or creating swords)? Would this happen to replace Kiba, pertaining to Shirou's bloodline of blacksmith, due to the concept of being a blacksmith, a person that creates swords?
So much question, so little time.
FiNALLY somebody had the mind to make old man Muramasa as Shirou's ancestor. I can't believe this is happening. It so happens that Shirou must still have the origin: sword. The questions are: would tracing still be the same (would it be copying sword or creating swords)? Would this happen to replace Kiba, pertaining to Shirou's bloodline of blacksmith, due to the concept of being a blacksmith, a person that creates swords?
So much question, so little time.
Sword Birth is by nature inferior to Unlimited Bladeworks in every way.

Honestly, Shirou being from a Blacksmith family is not exactly surprising. Sakura was an Incarnation of Hollow at first, then gained the Water element, so we know that Elements can be gained. Most likely, they could be lost as well, especially in powerful Cursed fire. Thus, I wonder what Shirou's natural Element is. Is he a natural Incarnation of Sword? Or does he have a different Element, and Avalon is what changed his Element? I can just see him with the Air element, accelerating himself and sharpening his blades. Or possibly Fire, specifically the Fire of the Forge. Water and Earth seem unlikely, but it is possible that he is an Ether element. it would make sense with his "make swords out of prana" thing, considering that ether users can create Ether Clumps, which is literally semi-stable matter made of Prana.
Just wanted to let you guys know that it is not dead and that the next chapter will be out in a few days...Currently rewriting and correcting errors until I'm satisfied.
Chapter 13.1 The Training Montage...

I leaned back as I watched him take a sip from a calming cup of Jasmine tea his shoulders relaxed the tension draining of him.

"Good now that you have calmed down, I can start by letting you know that I won't be erasing your memories."

He looked confused.

"Don't ask me why, it's not something I can explain to you anyway. However, you must not tell divulge the existence of magic to those who do not know. Understood?"

He nodded hurriedly.

"Good." I said as I relaxed now that that part was over.

"Why is magic kept hidden?"

"Why you ask?" I hummed. How do I explain this to a kid in a way that he can understand?

"Right, do you know the story of The Golden Goose?" He nodded. "Now imagine that the news about the Golden goose spreads. Then none would by the Golden eggs anymore!"

His eye widened.

"So, if I tell people about magic then it stops working?"

"Hmm not exactly it just gets weaker, every new person who knows about it makes it weaker and weaker. Eventually it will disappear. But the one thing you must know is that if it starts spreading there are a group of people called the executors. They will kill each and every normal person who knows the existence of magic. So, if you plan on telling someone make sure it's someone you trust to keep quiet or else the executors will come after you."

And he was scared again.

"As long as you make sure that the knowledge of magic doesn't go to someone who can't keep their mouths shut you should be fine so stop being so scared alright?"

It took a while to calm him down but once he was calm, he asked the question I had hoped he wouldn't ask.

"Can you teach me magic?"


"Why not? I want to learn magic."

"First of all, human magic is called mage-craft and second I can't teach you because I am not a human."

His eyes widened. "What?"

"I'm, not a human kid, you can't use the magic that I use kid."

"Oh." He looked down dejected as if he was a kicked puppy but he regained his curiosity a few seconds later. "So, if you're not a human, then what are you?"

"I'm a Devil." I said grinning.

"No way! You're too nice to be a Devil."

"Yes, way kid."

"Hey you're a kid too."

"No, I'm not, just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm a kid."

"You still can't be a Devil though."

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows in a challenge.


"Then what are these?" I unfurled my devil wings as they manifested behind me and I gave them a light flap.

He didn't look convinced and went behind me as it he was searching for some kind of mechanism that kept my wings attached to my back.

"It's real kid."

I felt his fingers on my wings as he traced it.


"It real?"

"Yes, it's real kid."

"So, you're a real Devil?"

"I am a Devil yes and also a Princess, I guess? Since technically my brother is the King of hell."

"Wait, you're a princess?" His eyes widened as he sat back in front of me.


"Awesome! So, you live in a Castle?"

"Yep." I took out a few family photo's I kept from my pocket dimension. "This here's my mom, this is my Dad, and this is my Brother."

"So that's the Maou?'


"He doesn't look so bad. He looks really nice."

"Yeah, he's pretty nice." I smiled reminiscing my time with him.

"And this is me and my best friend in the great library."

"She's pretty!"

"Isn't she?"

And so, a new bond of friendship was forged between a Human, and a Devil Princess? Devil-Human-Princess? Hmmm. Need to find a name for that.


Dropping Shirou off to his home via [GATE] and then I went back, I think Shirone has been waiting for a while, it's time to continue training. If was afternoon and I wanted to get some training done before midnight.

Shirone was in a pure white one-piece swimsuit and some sandals which I had given her to wear for today's training. I had removed my Ruby costume and released the transformation because maintaining a transformation takes a small amount of magical energy and I wanted every bit of magical energy I had for training.

I led her to a nearby lake for our next training.

"Now that you've mastered the tree climbing exercise, today you are going to be doing the next step in learning how to get a good amount of control over your Chakra. As you can see this lake is pretty calm and shallow but it's about 30 meters across to the other side. Your objective is to walk on top of the water and crossover to the other side and back without sinking more up to your feet, in other words if you sink more than your sandals you are out."

Shirone stared at me with the "are you dumb?" look...

"Do you remember the Tree Climbing exercise?"

She nodded affirmative.

"Good now remember when you put too much Chakra it caused you to be blasted of the tree?"

Shirone blushed at the reminder in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed," I reassured her. "That is something you can use in the future if you need an extra boost. What you need to do now is to put out just enough Chakra so that the water pushes against you just enough to keep you on the water instead of pushing you of or sinking."

She nodded and she stepped forward and placed one foot onto the water. She tested her footing before she took a second step. She took a while pressing against the water before she felt confident enough to take a second step. This time she sunk up to her ankles but quickly adjusted and managed to raise herself back to the top. However, it didn't last long as she sank a bit again.

"Oh, by the way, you need to constantly adjust your flow of Chakra unlike the constant amount in the tree walking exercise, the uneven waves of the water, means that you have to constantly feel the waves in the water with your Chakra and adjust accordingly."

She gave me a glare for not telling her earlier.

"Also, will be doing this in the ocean once you can do it here," I said with a mischievous grin. She gave me a glare that promised retribution for this and then she turned away continuing her efforts not to sink.

I shook my head as I turned around and moved away about a few meters from the waterline.


What was Mana? I knew it was the energy that I use for my magic. It was also the energy that was produced by the world. What kind of energy was it though? I raised my right hand in front of me and began to form a ball of pure Mana, on top.

I couldn't see anything. I knew it was there because I could feel it but It was completely colorless?

What about the red color that I had before?

The next instant a glowing red orb formed on my hand. No, it would be more accurate to say that the colourless ball of mana turned red.

This means that the color of the Mana was following my unconscious expectations?

Hmmmm, if it can glow red light then what about releasing the light in a single direction?

With but a thought the ball was once again colourless. but there was a large red circle illuminated on the ground. I had directed the ball of Mana to only give of light downwards.

It also behaves like light completely weightless.

I willed it turn into a ball of iron and in turned into ball of iron.

Jesus fuck Magic was the ultimate middle finger to the laws of conservation of energy.

Then I turned it into Gold.

A shining ball of Gold...

I think I'm starting to understand.

The Magic that devils use comes from imagination, but it can also be phrased in a very different way. We Devils were literally made of Pure Magic, so it was no surprise. We were basically like Biju. A consciousness of extremely dense mana which was given shape by my parents. I didn't know any more details about it as I'm not a devil doctor or someone specialized in it. Unlike those like Koneko who were reincarnated there had a Physical body even if they gained some of the attributes of a Devil, they would never gain this power.

The power to bend reality to your will.

Bend reality...

An Idea popped into my head and I didn't waste any time trying it out.

"Fus.....RO DAH!"

The sky cracked, a roar of a dragon washed over the horizon, reality was bent and the poor tree in front was completely uprooted and was send flying crashing into other trees.

A grin began to form. This was going to be fun.



Shirone was frustrated.

The water would not stay still and her chakra was slow to respond. It was certainly much faster than before she had done the tree climbing exercise. Back then it was like thick glue, it was much more difficult to move it, and so she used it for enhancing her strength and speed, and her senses. In fact, no one in the Nekoshou clan knew that chakra could be used this way, most of them focused on magic, Touki, or youjutsu. She was perhaps the first to Chakra like this in perhaps a Millennia.

Her Chakra was a just a bit too slow so she kept sinking and climbing back up just barely able to keep up with the waves. It was a slow process but she had made it to the center of the lake without sinking.

Then "Fus.....RO DAH!" her sensitive ears were assaulted and, in her surprise, she lost complete control of her chakra and fell into the lake. completely drenching herself.

If she was not wearing a swimsuit it would have been really bad.

Still, what was that?

Shirone began to swim to the shore and once she had made it, she found her King laughing evilly.



"Oh, hey Shirone." Rias stopped turning to her, "So, did you manage to make it across?"

"Half way."

"Oh. Well then why don't we stop for a short break then?" With that she pulled out a picnic basket and a towel and two glass bottles of milk that was still cold and fresh if the condensation forming on the sides of the glass of the bottles were anything to go by, from her pocket dimension spell.

Shirone wondered, how did her Sempai come up with her spells? She seemed to have a huge repertoire of spells with her yet she was still so young. When did she learn all of this? Shaking her head, she accepted the towel that was handed to her and dried herself before taking a seat on the col grass next sempai taking one of the tuna sandwiches in the basket and biting down on it.


"Mhhmm." her cat ears flickered and her tail swished in ecstasy.

Tuna and Mayo... with milk. Sempai was truly the best.

She leaned on her sempai as she ate in silence watching the sunset over the horizon.


Once we had finished our short picnic the sun had set and I watched Shirone continue to train well into the night I began to meditate to accelerate my Mana regeneration. I was not sure what was going to happen tonight but the best I can do is prepare for it.

It was nearly midnight when Shirone finally mastered water walking. At least of calm waters. But this should be good enough for most techniques that I plan of teaching her I wiped her dry and warmed her up with a spell to keep her from shivering from the cold as we began to walk back towards the temple...

You know it is kind of Ironic that a Devils home base is in a temple it's the last place someone would look for a devil in.

Hmmm. Looks like Kariya and Sakura are back and already asleep.

Once I put Shirone to bed and made sure she was fast asleep I transformed and changed to my Merlin disguise, spread my wings and took off into the night sky.

I wonder will happen today?

Don't worry this is not all the next chapter will be released as soon as I finish my corrections and rewriting.
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