A BRand new day. High School DXD Self Insert (Gender Bender) Multi cross? Sort of.

FUUUUUCK.. I'm sorry guys. I really apologize for everyone who was waiting for an update. But my father is terminally ill and I am doing all I can to send him every penny I can spare. I barely have enough for rent and my college fees.

Fuck!!!! I'm abroad and my father in bed unable to go to the hospital because we don't have enough money.

I can't even go to him because a flight ticket back is beyond my reach at this point.

SO dear Readers. I'm Turning to you.

*bowing down in dogeza.*

Even a few Dollars would help.

if 30 readers gave. 5$ each even once I can send it to my father to admit him to the hospital.

He is in critical condition. I don't know what to do.....


Here..please...Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon

Just once....I won't ask again... just to save him......damnit...
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FUUUUUCK.. I'm sorry guys. I really apologize for everyone who was waiting for an update. But my father is terminally ill and I am doing all I can to send him every penny I can spare. I barely have enough for rent and my college fees.

Fuck!!!! I'm abroad and my father in bed unable to go to the hospital because we don't have enough money.
here are some supplements that are good for health that may help your dad black seed oil, wild oregano oil, chaga mushroom tea boiled then simmered for 3 hours, reishi mushroom tea boiled then simmered for 2 hours, olive leaf tea. there is a energy healing method called quantum touch that is really good for healing if you can't find a practioner in your area quantum touch distance healing is also effective.there is an exercise called qigongchinesehealth.com that has exercise called relaxation qigong thats good for all illness
I am sorry to hear that, I am recovering from rough circumstances myself, but if you need money quick and get those "free $50 bet online" etc. you can match two of them on different websites so you win anyways and get a few hundred dollars that way, in a pinch it can be worthwhile.

Here's a guide, if you need to get money and have a little free time it can work well Make money from Matched Betting (full guide)
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I just had the idea of Rias reaquiring her body and resurrecting herself. Maybe she can modify her body into something like the fake bodies in Bleach. Then anchor herself to it.
The reason I was thinking for allowing for Rias to leave her body is if the servant construct body would have some advantages.
THank you
First of all a big Thank you to @Mirriam Grave.

He Is the First Knight of the Round.

Now Granted the Title Knight Bedivere.

Also Thanks to Glenn
and @orchamus and V3Lithiun, Artur, Axel Wate @GlennMiller

This King Gives his Greatest thanks.
Though I am taking a break from this to try some of my other Ideas, I wil come back.

Also Thanks to all who suported me on patreon. I was able Admit my father in the hospital.
SO Big thanks again.
I am glad that you were able to admit your father into the hospital.
I hope he does OK...
Anyway, have a good day!
What should I write Here again?
Welcome back every one.....Big Thanks to everyone who supported me at Patreon @ Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon

@Mirriam Grave.

The First KnightBof the round he Bedivere.

Also big Thanks to Glenn
and @orchamus and V3Lithiun, Artur, Axel Wate @GlennMiller

If it was not for you guys I might have given this up.

Also Im going to be calling Shirone, Koneko when speaking to her in her Blake Belladonna form. Can't be too careful with Kiritsugu.... Let's start......


The whole area was silent as crickets chirped.


"Hello!" I said jovially giving a little wave to everyone as Shirone continued to munch on her cookies.

Saber seemed a bit stunned as were Irisviel and Waver.

"Its an honor to meet a wizard such as yourself, Sir Merlin" Lancer greeted with a nod.

"You as well, Sir Diarmud, tis unfortunate that you are currently dueling saber I would have liked to test my mettle against you myself." I nodded to him.

"Sir Merlin, this is an honour to know that you would follow the rules of the war unlike a certain someone," he said pointedly glancing at Iskandar who began to Rub his head sheepishly...

The King of conquerors turned to me and giving me a look as if appraising me... "So you're the Legendary Mage eh?... so what say you about joining my army?"

I gave a gentle laugh before responding. "I'm sorry but little Koneko here is the Master right now. Perhaps some other time?" I said patting Shirones head and ears.

Shirone stared and me with a *What the Fuck* Look. and I just gave a grin in return causing her to go back to her cookies...I definitely didn't miss the slight blush that tinged her cheeks...

"Hmm that's too bad I don't have a lot of mages in my Army." the king gaving a short laugh.

Above a certain lampost, Golden particles began to form as it slowly took the Shape of a golden armoured blonde man.

"SO, two lesser beings dare to name themselves kings. Even in my Royal presence?"

Looks like Gilgamesh is here..

"I fail to see where the problem lies servant, for I am Iskandar, the Legendary King of Conquerors know through all the lands of the world." He stated proudly.

"What Nonsense!" Gilgamesh was annoyed. "You're deluding yourself. I am the one true king of the world. All others are mongrels, pretenders to the name."

But Iskandar seemed unfazed by this and continued on. "If you are that insistent on your claim then why not name yourself."

Don't agonize the guy who could rip apart the world Iskander I still don't have a way to go home yet. At least wait until then. I need to Diffuse this situation but how?

"No true king should be troubled by something as simple as giving his name to those he wishes to challenge."

Rider Stop Antagonizing the gold guy who can destroy the world I screamed in my head.

"So..You would question me you filthy mongrel, ME, the one true king, if you cannot now discern my Identity in the presence of my magnificent GLORY, THEN YOUR IGNORANT BLINDNESS WILL SERVE TO SEAL YOUR DOOM!" he shouted his patience wearing thin as he activated his noble phantasm the Gate of Babylon and out came a magnificent spear and a sword.

Saber immediately rushed in front of Irisviel and took a stance steadying herself to intercept any noble phantasm he sends her way.

That's it I can use that to defuse the situation.

"King Gilgamesh of Uruk," I said his name softly but still loud enough to for everyone present to hear causing him to turn his head towards me as he looked at me with interest.

"It seems at least there is one less mongrel in this world." He looked at me and his portals closed as he deactivated the gate of Babylon and I nearly let out a sigh of relief. I can't beat Gilgamesh yet I haven't collected enough Mana for that...

"Tell me mage how did you recognize me?" He asked as he looked towards me in interest. As Saber seemed to be muttering about insanity? and lancer was taking a cautious stance.

I used [Thought Acceleration] give myself some time to think. This is a very dangerous situation.

"Well, The amount of Gold that your armour had indicated that you must have had been quite wealthy in your life. Usually, If an armour does have gold. It is usually in a small amount or just plated on, but yours seemed to be literally made from gold. As such your wealth must have been nearly immeasurable." I said and he nodded at me to continue. "Then you exuded a lot of Divinity. However, I was only able to pinpoint your identity when you opened the Gate of Babylon and it shone GOLD!" I said finishing my bullshit...Let's hope he doesn't see through it.

The king remained Silent for a while as if looking for something...before..."HAHAHAHAHA, it seems there are a few people who aren't mongrels here after all. For recognizing me from my magnificent presence I shall remember you. The King of Conquerers said you were a Legendary mage. Perhaps it is true after all. If I deem your Magecraft acceptable in this war I shall offer you the position of being my court mage."

Before I could form a response Berserker decided it was time to interrupt.

A dark mist formed in a near Gilgamesh, and out of it came Berserker, or Sir Lancelot. As he slowly stood up and began to roar red visor covering his eyes glow a bloody Red.

"So King of conquerors are you planning to ask him to join too?" Lancer asked grinning, unable to hold his tongue at the chance to retaliate.

"Perhaps not, He doesn't seem interested in civilized negotiations of any kind, does he?" Iskander replied unbothered but curious.

"Hey boy." He said turning to Waver. "How powerful a servant is this monster?"

Waver started breathing heavily as he tried to look take a look at Berserker. "I don't know." He gasped. "I can't really tell!"

"What do you mean boy? Are you not a master of the Holy Grail War? You're supposed to be able to sense all his strengths and weaknesses."

"It must be berserkers Noble Phantasm.that hides his status" I interrupted and Waver nodded.

"Koneko get ready Its about to get dangerous." The moment I said the Her cookies vanished and she took a stance. "Also you have a few crumbs on your mouth I pointed out." I pointed out causing her to cheeks to tinge red and wipe her mouth before returning to her stance.

"ready," she said softly and I gave a nod as I turned towards Irisviel.

"Excuse me, Miss?"

"Yes?" Saber stepped in between her and me started glaring at me like I was a cockroach. Oh right merlin had a reputation with women..

"What do you wan't merlin? My master is a maried woman so keep your filthy hands off her..."

"I would like to cast a Barrier on her to keep her safe."

Saber looked at me like I grew a second head. "And why would I trust you to do that?" She asked suspicious of my motives can't really blame her...

I grinned "Well, she is a beautiful woman, It would be a shame if she were to get caught up in the battle. Such a lovely woman shouldn't die in vain."

"Of course, I should have known what other reason would be there." Saber sighed facepalming. I felt Koneko's gaze on me if she was trying to drill holes through my head. Okay, maybe that was not a good Idea.

I dropped my grin turned serious again "Besides you said she was a married woman, which means she must have a husband or even a child to go back to. I can't do nothing to prevent a child from losing their mother." Shirone seemed to relax at that. and Saber stared at me with wide eyes as explosions rang behind me as Berserker fought Gilgamesh using THE KING's weapons against him.

"Who are you and what have you done with Merlin?"Saber shouted pointing her Invisible sword at me.

I ignored her this time "Please move out of the way Saber unless you wish to be in the barrier with her. Then, by all means, go ahead. The barrier I am about to cast will allow those who are inside to leave it, but those outside cannot enter it. Anything that touches it from the outside will be incinerated in an instant."

Saber kept staring at me for a few more moments before giving way reluctantly but not before threatening to castrate my nonexistent manhood should I do something to her "What about your master. "She asked suspiciously that I was not including Shirone.

"That's because she is strong enough to fight alongside me.."

"Humans can't fight servants," She ground out in indignation.

"She isn't human" I replied causing her to blink in surprise

"What do mean? Irisviel asked.

I turned around and began to scratch Shenore's ears which caused her to purr. "Did you think this was for show?" I asked at the staring duo. Lancer and the others were still busy watching the fight with Gilgamesh and Berserker.

"She is a Nekoshou not a human."


"Kawaaaaai" Irisviel squeed before glomping Shirone and somehow pushing me away despite my C rank Strength.and started scratching her ears as well........ Hey, that's not fair only I get to glomp Shirone and scratch her ears...


Oh, shit I'm out of time.

"[Partial Four Violet Flames Formation]" I shouted tapping the ground with my staff as I channeled Mana through it and shaped it to my imagination casting the spell.

Don't worry Shirone you may interfere if you wish however if my plan works then you won't need to. I sent telepathically. and I saw her nod.

A Gremory magic circle glowed under Irisviel and Shirone for a moment. before rectangular purple barrier stretched skywards around them. just in time as Berserker slammed a pole against saber who blocked it with difficulty, her B rank strength vs Berserkers A rank strength made it quite difficult for the master of the sword to fight evenly and thus she was fighting a defensive battle.

Looks like Gilgamesh isn't here anymore ..

Just as Berserker was about to land the finishing blow to her head Lancer stepped in hetween sliced the impending pole withGae Dearg, the crimson rose of Excorsism. It's magic nullifying property allowing it to easily slice through the enchanted and blackened pole that was beserker's current weapon enchaned with his noble phantasm Knight of owner.

It was My turn... I raise my staff and began to cast a spell I developed from a certain anime. A huge pillar of glowing Blue magical runes and circles formed and spun around me as I began to cast the spell. I wasn't going to use its full power. I was just going to use this on berserker so the casting time won't be too long...

"Thats quite enough messing around for now Beserker. You see saber has a prior engagement. If you insist on interfering with that obligation you'll have to face me.."Lancer said facing berserker with Gae Dearg facing Berserker..

Was Lancer Jealous?

"What are you doing Lancer? This is your chance to defeat Saber and take her our of play." odered Lancers master.

"My master, I Diarmud will defeat Saber I swear it Upon my Honour. If you insist I kill her here and now the I will first defeat that mad dog Beserker, please my master let it be so!" He begged hoping that his master would continue his honour able duel. But unfortunately for him Lancers master was running out of patience.

The Lord clutched his hands and activated the first of his three command seals.

"With my command seal, I order you. You are to help Berserker kill Saber."

It was only Saber's A rank Instinct that saved her from lancer near instant attack that would have taken her head.as jumped back.

But unfortunately for Lancers Master my spell was finally ready.

"Super Tier spell : [FALLEN DOWN]"

I shouted as i cast and a huge but narrow beam of gravitational magic fell on berserker and him alone crushing his body with over 1000 times earths gravity for a few seconds before it disappeared Leaving behind a crushed berserker whose body began to astralize as his master began to flee in order to recover Berserker and himself. I myself was nearly completely drained of mana as I breathed heavily. Enjoying the feeling of my Mana stores refilling from my runes in Ryuudou temple

Damn that spell was draining as fuck.

"You may continue your duel lancer. Now that berserker is out of the war the command seal shouldn't have any more effect since it was "HELP BERSERKER KILL SABER" so you should be able to move freely again."

Lancer clenched and unclenched his hands. Unable to believe it, he turned to me. "You have my heartfelt thanks."

I began to grin again "Of course no one should disturb a courship ritual after all." I winked in at Lancer.

Lancer looked confused as did Iskander...

"MEEERLIIIN" Saber shrieked her face Redder than a tomato and steam began ejecting her ears before Lancer and Iskander began laughing and Irisviel joined in giggling at Sabers embarrassment. Before they continued third duel shortly after.

Oh right I aslo dropped the barrier. Since Gilgy and Berserker are gone.

I turned to where I could sense Lancer's master with [Echolocation] and spoke. "Lancer's master, if you are that impatient perhaps you would like to come out and fight against my Master?"

"Very well I shall show the little princess howa true Magus fights"

A few seconds later I saw the man come down from the roof of the building he was on, on a lump of liquid mercury that followed his commands.

"I'll be leaving him in your hands alright Koneko?"

She gave a nod as she wore her Battle gloves that I echanted with {Harden} and {Heal) runes and beganbegan wa towards the Magus away from Saber and Lancers battle.

I turned towards where I could sense Kariya leaving and began to head toward him..

Don't worry Sakura I'm on my way...


Class: Lancer

Master: Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

True Name: Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 184cm/85kg

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Strength: B

Endurance: C

Agility: A+

Mana: D

Luck: E

Noble Phantasm: B

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: B

Personal Skills

Eye of the Mind (True): B

Love Spot: C

Noble Phantasm

Gáe Dearg: Crimson Rose of Exorcism

Rank: B

Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm

Range: 2~4

Maximum number of targets: 1 Person

Gae Buidhe: Yellow Rose of Mortality

Rank: B

Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm

Range: 2~3

Maximum number of targets: 1 Person


Class: Berserker

Master: Kariya Matou

True Name: Lancelot Du lac

Gender: Male

Strength: A

Endurance: A

Agility: A+

Mana: C

Luck: B

N.P: A

Class skills

Mad Enhancement C

Magic Resistance E

Personal skills

Eternal Arms Mastership A+

Protection of the Fairies A

Reverse Flow of Mana: A

Noble Phantasm

Knight of Owner - Anti-Unit : A++


I tried my best to fix any mistakes I might have made. Please rate and review..... also don't be afraid to point my mistakes. I am still a beginner after all.
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Couple of spacing issues and spelling errors, but not bad, not bad. Ku ku ku...Now lets how the power of IMAGINATION works against a magus. Hmm...are you gonna recruit someone from this dimension?
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Chapter 10.1 A Kitten Vs a Magus
Big Thank you to everyone who supports me at Patreon @ Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.

@Mirriam Grave.

The First Knight of My round Table Sir Bedivere.

Also big Thanks to Glenn
and @orchamus and V3Lithiun, Artur, Axel Wate @GlennMiller


@chaos5367 or JUSTIN GUERCIA or @CrazyFox

Who is also Sir Tristan. The Second Knight of My Round Table.

If it was not for you guys I might have given up... To those who are reading please consider supporting me at my Patreon.... The link is ..Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.

_________________________________________Now on with the quest_. I mean story.... ____________________________________________________________________

Two combatants were facing against each other the sounds combat ringing throughout the docks.

On one side was a Nekoshou disguised as a certain Black haired cat Faunus, on the other, a few meters in front of her was a Magus. A Lord. A member of the High Echelons of the Clocktower.

"As to follow the rules of the Holy Grail War, I shall introduce myself." Began the Lord "I am Kayneth El - melloi of the Archibald family. You are?"

The Nekoshou, however, didn't introduce herself. Or rather she didn't give her true name just as her King ordered. She didn't know why, but there must be a good reason for that. Her King, seemed to know a lot about this war after all.

"Koneko," she said as she wore her black fingerless boxing gloves. She was a Queen. That meant she had the magic of a (Bishop), the speed of a (Knight) and the strength and endurance of a (Rook). She didn't know much magic but she was very good at hand to hand combat. She spread her feet apart slightly and raised both her hands in front of her taking a light stance Ready to fight she stared at the Lord and the lump of mercury that was wobbling behind him, waiting for his move looking for any movement or an opening she could use.

"Hand to hand combat? Well then Let me show you the difference between a High-class Mage such as myself."

Shirone eyed the shining lump with caution as she could feel a large amount of Mana within the mercury.

Kayneth incanted [Automatoportum defensio, Automatoportum quaerere : Dilectus incrisio] ( Translation: Automated Defense: Automated Search: Attack on command) casting the spell.

The next moment the lump of mercury, also known as 'Volumen Hydrargyrum', three meters in diameter exploded into motion changing it's shape to a whip slicing through the air toward Shirone at Kayneth's mental command and Prana.

Shirone moved slightly to the right causing it to miss, but Volumen Hydrargyrum was still under Kayneth's control and it twisted and snapped back aiming at her neck from behind her. As fast as Volumen Hydrargyrum was, Shirone was a Nekosohou and she could sense it coming a mile away. The moment Volumen Hydrargyrum began its journey back she jumped into the air executing a perfect backflip, landing atop a crate. A few meters away from where Volumen Hydrargyrum struck.

The area on which Volumen Hydrargyrum struck cracked apart the asphalt unable to handle 140 Kilograms of mercury traveling as fast as Kayneth could control it... 50 Km per hour with the strength of steel.

The energy of a moving object is called kinetic energy, and is equal to one-half of the object's mass times the square of its velocity: KE = 0.5 × m × v^2. So that's 0.5 * 140* 5000. That's 350000 Newtons of force over an area of fewer than 10 meters.

However, for Shirone this was so slow. Now that she an Idea of fast it could move she could make her move.

She breathed in and her muscles tensed behind her. As powerful as the mystic code was it wasn't as fast as her nor was it strong as her. However, it was liquid which meant she couldn't just punch it and be done with it.

Her powerful muscles contracted and relaxed as feet pushed against the steel crate causing it to bend out of shape and She MOVED.

From Kayneth's perspective, she vanished and he assumed that she had hidden herself. Coward he thought, this was a mockery of the grail war he thought. Yet he didn't know that his last moments was near. The thought that he could lose the grail war never occurred to him. Such was his arrogance. He had such pride in his mystic code that was going to be his downfall. Not to say that it wasn't something amazing. No. No ordinary master or Magus would be able to get past it. It could automatically attack or defend it's a user without their input even a few millimeters of it. It could predict attacks a few second ahead of time and react accordingly. Unfortunately, he was neither facing an ordinary Human master nor was he facing a Magus. His opponent was a Devil-Nekoshou. Volumen Hydrargyrum was not prepared for something like this.

A fraction of a second before Shirone MOVED, Volumen Hydrargyrum began covering its master. Or at least it tried. As Shirone reappeared in front of Kayneth causing his eyes to widen in surprise and fear.

"Bye." She whispered as she punched. Volumen Hydrargyrum was only able to form a small wall in front of his master reaching his chest. As Shirone punched, it began to suck Kayneth's Prana at an insane rate in order to amplify its defense as high as it go. All of it within a fraction of a second. Unfortunately for Kayneth, all the Prana he had couldn't save him as her punch completely shattered Volumen Hydrargyrum even though it was hardened to its utmost limit. Fortunately or unfortunately Shirone had enough control to hold back as to not completely vaporize Kayneth. As she slowed down after Volumen Hydrargyrum shattered.

Kayneth's Ribs snapped and his breath forced out as his stomach crumpled under Shirone's fist before Newtons Laws began to catch up and take effect as he flew back hitting another metal crate with a resounding crack and the Metal rang throughout the docks.

Kayneth slowly fell on unconscious as the Pain from his shattered ribs and overheated circuits were too much for him.

Shirone sighed as relaxed her stance and let her hand down as she turned to watch the battle between Saber and Lancer.

".....King Athur....." She observed with interest watching the clash of blades and how they fought... This was a golden chance. Not many people could say they've seen King Arthur in battle after all.

Unfortunately, for her, she couldn't watch the battle for more than a few seconds before she was glomped from behind by Irisviel who was fussing over Shirone her motherly instincts taking over.

It seems she still had a lot to learn. She shouldn't have let her guard down or else she could have easily avoided this humiliation... While she liked it when her King pet her because she did it in moderation and didn't try to break her bones when she hugged her... Not that Irisviel could break her bones... But still, while it was quite uncomfortable... still she didn't resist though and let her fuss over her. She didn't want to burden her King after all.

While she loved her King, when her King was not there She felt...Lonely...
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Saving Sakura Part 1
Finding Matou Kariya was not that difficult. I took note of magical energy earlier during the battle.

He was on a bench in a nearby by park his health deteriorating by the minute. I could see veins over his body. As I stepped forwards and Berserker formed as injured he was his armour cracked in multiple places. It was barely holding itself itself itself together as it growled at me it's red visor glowing through the dark mist that covered it.

Kariya was in too much pain and was unconscious on a bench from trying to supply berserker with prana.

The only reason I suspect that Berserker wasn't attacking me was that he recognized my disguise.

He still thought I was Merlin, and the only reason he didn't attack me was most likely Merlin was someone he respected a so much that he could recognize even through the madness. Just like he did Arturia.

"Good Evening Sir Lancelot."


"Don't worry I won't interfere with your wish, I only stopped you because you were interrupting a duel between the king and another knight.


"If you wish to seek retribution from the Kings blade then be my guest however not if the king is already in a prior engagement. Is that Alright"

"growl." He nodded somehow able to understand what I said even with his madness enhancement active.

"Alright then now to the reason why I came here, I am here to heal your master."


"No, I am not playing tricks. your master has a noble wish, to relieve young girls suffering. So I wish to aid him in his quest."

"......"Berserker slowly vanished into spiritual form as I gave an Internal sigh of relief. It's not that I was afraid of berserker. I could annihilate him with my power of destruction easily. But a promise is a promise.

As I walked over towards him and knelt near putting my staff in my dimensional storage. I could see the veins moving under his skin. Now that berserker was in his spiritual state He was more relaxed than before but he was still suffering from Zouken's worm hentai monster rejects.

I had only one method of removing the worms from Kariya's body. Even if I granted him a healing ring or healed him with my own magic the worms would simply have more flesh to consume. My destruction magic might be able to annihilate all the worms. But I didn't want accidentally wipe out out Kariya from existence. AAAAAAAAAAAH. Why did thing have to so complicated?!

I sighed as I stood up. I made up my mind.

I picked up my staff and began to cover Matou with my magic... but I was Unable to.

Magic Resistance.

Of course. Why not.

I increased it slowly until my Mana began to flow through him.

Unfortunately, this was where things went wrong. The worms started to become horribly agitated sensing the Rich Mana entering his body tried to consume it and were causing him to groan in pain while asleep.

My Mana was extremely rich as I was a devil from a world where the Age of the Gods hadn't ended.

Once my Mana suffused his whole body I was able to exactly what was happening within his body... Kind of like a bastardized version of Structural Analysis.

I now knew actually what was Matou Kariya and what was not. The area where the worms lied I immediately turned my mana in those area areas in the power of destruction, completely wiping them from existence without even allowing them to let out as much as a screech.

Using the remaining mana I began healing Kariya. He began to glow a bright green as I increased the flow of Mana. And his weary bones and muscles began to rejuvenate. Everything that the worms consumed were slowly healed bringing his body back to its prime.

Slowly I watched with fascination as his veins vanished and his face literally de-aged and his hair turned from it's previously ashen white and his laboured breathing eased into smooth shallow breaths.

Kariya was healthy.

I was not sure I could pull that off again.

A single slip up could have meant the end of Kariya's life. My power of destruction could have touched a vital organ in his body resulting in its annihilation.

My hands were shaking with sweat.

I let out a heavy sigh of relief as I put my staff back into my Pocket Dimension.

I needed to finish this.

"Kariya." I gently nudged his shoulder.


"Mhhmnn, 5 more minuines Aoi." Kariya mumbled...

I sweatdropped.

"Kariya" I tried again.

He stretched his legs again as he finally woke up he began to scratch his eyes before opening them.

His eyes widened as he stared at me as if I was a ghost.

"You!" He shouted pointing at me.

"Yes, me." I agreed.

He gave me a look over staring all over my robes.

"Why did you wake me up at the middle of the night while cosplaying? While it is definitely an anime I haven't seen go bother someone else, I'm going to sleep." He said before turning back and lying down. It did not take long for him to fall asleep again...

How the Fuck am I supposed to react to this?
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Did Rias just erase some of Kariya memories? He should beable to remember Rias as Caster Merlin!
Chapter 10.2 A deal with the Devil?
Big Thank you to everyone who supports me at Patreon @ Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.

@Mirriam Grave.

The First Knight of My round Table Sir Bedivere.

Also big Thanks to Glenn
and @orchamus and V3Lithiun, Artur, Axel Wate @GlennMiller


@chaos5367 or JUSTIN GUERCIA or @CrazyFox

Who is also Sir Tristan? The Second Knight of My Round Table.

To those who are reading please consider supporting me at my Patreon.... The link is ..Jaune Pendragon is creating Fanfiction | Patreon.

_________________________________________Now on with the quest_. I mean story.... ____________________________________________________________________

In the end, I lightly smacked him awake. He gave me an annoyed look and I decided to get straight to the point.

"Matou Kariya." At that, his black eyes narrowed and called for Berserker who materialized beside him but didn't attack me much to his confusion.

"Let me reintroduce myself. I am Merlin, summoned as a Caster class servant." His eyes widened in recognition. "And I wish to help you rescue young Sakura."


"I wish to help you save young Sakura."

"And why should I trust you?" His eyes narrowed.

"Well, I do not desire any unnecessary bloodshed. So instead of killing you or destroying Sir Lancelot, I decided perhaps instead to grant your desire."

"In exchange for what? Don't tell me this is out of the goodness of your heart?" His voice dripping with sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not, the fewer people I have to fight the better...but a child should not have to go through such suffering. I would have saved young Sakura whether you agreed with me or not. I just wished to ask you for your assistance."


He stared at me suspiciously before finally sighing. "Fine, this isn't over but..." He started to look and touch all over his arms and chest. "It doesn't hurt? Why can't I feel them?"

"Ah, I took care of them for you, I hope you don't mind." I gave him a grin. "I destroyed every last one of them."

His face went through a range of emotions, happiness, relief, sadness, resignation. "While I don't mind getting rid of those blasted worms how am I supposed to support berserker now? My circuits were sealed when I left the Moonlit world. So Berserker is running on a time limit now. Was that your Plan?"



"What?" He looked up in anger. "Then How do you expect me to support Berserker? He already Drains mana like a goddamn black hole, and I am definitely not letting him consume human souls to support him!"

"There is a way. For you to support him and in fact with this method, you could even surpass him in magic power and literally rub it in his face." He suddenly looked quite interested, a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes.

"Alright, but we better do this soon, I can already feel my connection to Berserker weakening."


All according to Cake.

"Sempai" A familiar voice called from a few meters behind me and Kariya turned to the voice as Berserker growled his Visor glowing.

I turned around to see Koneko with a bag of cookie nibbling on one. Does that cookie bag ever end?

"Ah, Koneko, it's good to see you, did your problems dealing with Ell-Melloi?"

"No, too easy." She said between nibbles.

"Well, Kariya I'd like to introduce you to little Koneko."

Kariya, however, was staring at something and beserker seemed to have astralized deeming that his master wasn't in any danger.

"A Cat-Girl?"


"Well, why don't we take this elsewhere?"

"Elsewhere?" He was still staring at Koneko who was beginning to get a bit uncomfortable from the disbelieving gaze based on her subtle twitches.

"This isn't the place to discuss such matters don't you think?"

I lifted my staff and began to casted [Gate].

The air in front of me shimmered as a Portal slightly larger than a man appeared showing the entrance of Ryuudou temple with glowing red magic sigils that spun around the portal.

As I stepped through it Koneko followed me in as well, Kariya, however, stared at me like I was a ghost.

Not surprising, while I didn't know how to break the Planar barriers like Zelretch could, hence why I was still stuck here unable to go back home. Warping time and space like this was pretty easy if a bit magic intensive unlike the Devil's basic teleportation spell which used a tiny amount of mana compared to even the weakest devils but it was quite an energy intensive spell for a human. At my current reserves, I could maintain it for about an hour before I ran out of mana.

"So, are you coming?" I called out.

He finally snapped his jaw shut and entered the portal most likely sending Berserker in first from what I sensed passing through the [Gate], which was a sensible thing to do.

"Holy shit, you can use the second magic?"

"No, I can't, The second magic is the Operation of Parallel Worlds, I merely created wormhole by connecting two seperate points in space-time but before we go any further. Kariya."

"Yeah?" He was still staring at the space where the [Gate] just closed.

"In my Legends, you must have heard that I am not human correct?"

He scratched his head for a bit."Yeah, I think an Incubus or something?"

"That, however, isn't correct."

"I see." He wasn't fazed at all. Well from all the things he might have seen I think it makes sense. "Then what are you?"

"I am a Devil." I snapped open my bat like wing giving them a gentle flap.

He stared for a few seconds.

"So...where's your pitchfork and your tail?"

My eyes twitched.


I let out a sigh, I couldn't really blame him.

"Well, all devils have a natural ability to change their forms into nearly anything else."

"Yeah, I know, your legend is pretty famous. So what you are telling me that this isn't even your final form?" He snicked lightly.

The wait was that a Frieza reference?

I shook my head and my body glowed a bright red as I released the transformation, my body becoming shorter as I switched the costumed for the white dress, my staff, disappearing into the pocket dimension as well

As the glow died down I saw that Shirone had followed suit and released her Blake transformation as well as switching to the Identical white dress that I bought for her in as a the Gremory magic Circle glowed traveling up her body completing the process without being revealing and her white ears popped out. Huh, she's hiding her tail? I wonder why?

I turned to Kariya only to see him staring at me.

"You're a KID?!"

"No, I just look like one."

I could see Shirone deadpanning at me. Of course, she didn't know about my previous life.

"What about her?"

"Koneko is a Nekoshou, but that's not what we're here for, come on we are wasting time," I said leading them into my room.


Koneko was sitting next to me at the table. As Kariya sat at the opposite end as I finished explaining to him my offer.

"So basically you are offering a contract which will allow me access to your Magical energy and rescuing Sakura and Roasting Zouken in exchange for fighting on your side for the rest of the war, or I can become your "Pawn" which will turn me into a devil to serve you for the rest of my life in exchange for saving Sakura, roasting Zouken and will give me access to Magecraft that would make Tokiomi green in envy. Did I miss anything?"

"No, you didn't."

He burst out laughing. "Hell yeah, Roast Zouken and make Tokiomi Green in envy, sure why not? You've got yourself a deal kid." he grinned as he stretched his right hand offering a handshake.

"I'm not a kid." I reached out and clasped his hand giving it a firm shake.

"So, what do I have to do?"

"Just lie down on the Fuuton," I said taking out my Box of evil pieces and took out one of my Pawn pieces before putting the box back and then placed it on Kariya's chest as he lay on the Fuuton.

"I didn't think it was literally a Chess piece."

The red crystalline pawn piece glowed as it began to sink into Kariya.


I sweatdropped, guess he must be really tired if he fell asleep already.

I shook my head as I continued to watch as the evil piece went about its work changing Kariya's biology into that of a devil.

His whole body glowed before dimming down indicating that the process was completed.

The moment it was done Berserker materialized in front of me nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Grr...Gran grrou." He growled out before astralizing again.

Holy shit. I nearly got a heart attack.

"Well," I turned to Shirone who was already fast asleep. "I guess I should turn in as well. "

Once I managed to calm down from Lancelot induced near heart attack, I switched off the lights and prepared for bed.

It was nearly dawn and we all needed rest after what we went through tonight.

I climbed into Shirone's Fuuton and hugged her as I let out a sigh. Shirone was so cuddly! I could literally hug her all day long.

I slowly fell asleep and drifted into the land of dreams.
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Interlude Buterflies, ButerFlies Everywhere.
(AN: YES I finally got the Interlude done)


Einzbern Mansion

In a large Mansion sat four people around a table and a Laptop.

"Oh, she was so CUTE I wish I could pet her black ears again." Irisviel swooned.

"Irisviel, what did Caster say she was?"

"Oh, I think it was a Neko? Nekomata?"

"I believe Caster called his master a Nekoshou."

"Yes, that's right a Nekoshou Thank you, Saber!"

"Of course, I'm happy to help lady Irisviel." Saber gave her a small smile.

"Hmmm." Kiritsugu hummed as he typed something on his laptop and stared at it.

He typed something again and stared at it further.

"Strange" he muttered.

"What's so strange Kiri?" Irisviel asked embracing her husband and taking a look at what he was doing.
"There is no record of Nekomata anywhere. There seem to be absolutely no legends of Nekoshou anywhere in the world."

"The World? Master, how can you be so sure that there exists no record a species called a Nekoshou?" Saber said indignantly.

"I said there isn't a legend, not that there isn't a record. I'll have to call in some favors in the clocktower and see if there is any information available on the species called "Nekoshou" if it's their real species, perhaps its a lie to divert us from the true answer?"

"So, it's most likely a Nekomata?" Maya added.
"Yes," Kiritsugu said taking a deep breath of his cigarette and sighing. "I didn't even know that the grail could accept non-human Masters."

"Well, as long as there is a bit of human blood present she can technically qualify as a master." Irisviel provided helpfully.
"Then Koneko is a descendant of a union of a human and a Nekomata?" Saber asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, it's a high possibility," Kiritsugu said closing his Laptop and getting up he was extremely worried. he thought this was going to be an easy war by taking out the masters but one of then just had to be a non-human with the insanely high physical capability and didn't seem to use any magic which rendered the use of his Origin bullets null and void.
"Kiri?" Iri asked concerned.

"Iri, this Nekomata, and caster they seemed quite friendly, and from the way he behaves, I highly doubt he would attack you since you aren't a servant, and the Nekomata seems to trust you. The next time you encounter them can you gain some information on them? Just talk to with them and find any information on the Nekomata"
Saber was shocked. How could her master ask his wife to do such a thing? Especially in a Grail war!

After a moment he rescinded his request. "Forget it. It's time we went to bed. Maiya is the security systems active?"

"No intruders detected," she replied as she continued to observe the laptop which was displaying footage of several places in the mansion.

"Good. Make sure to get some rest Maiya."

Tohsaka Mansion

"You seem to be in a good mood my king," Tokiomi said bowing slightly.
"Yes. that mage, perhaps I shall offer him the title of my court mage should he impress me, tell me what do you know about this Merlin?"

"My King, he is one of the most powerful mages that has ever been recorded and was King Arthur's father figure and court mage as an adult if the legends are to be believed."
"So, he already serves another?" Gilgamesh sipped the wine that was presented to him. "Regardless all things in this world belong to me and if I deem him worthy, I shall take him."

???? Kirei Pov????

"You've lost them? How?"

"Yes master, Berserker didn't attack caster, either casters magic is indeed that powerful to restrain Berserker or there might be some kind of connection when they were alive."

"How did you lose him?"

"Caster created a gateway in the air to another location and closed it before we could follow Berserker's master inside."

"Very well, return at once Assasin."


Kirei cut his connection to assassin and headed back to the church.

Caster is most likely at the warded area that covers Ryoodou Temple, as it has a layline it makes a perfect location for a caster class servant. Still, could caster actually be able to use true magic? He needed to report this.

Diarmud PoV????
Diarmuid stood guard as he stared into the night sky, as his mind was conflicted. On one hand, caster protected his honor, and on the other, it was the cause of his masters near death.

However, this was a grail war and from what his lord Maiden had said it was an honorable duel between his master and Caster's master.
Yes, his lord was not a coward and fought his own battles if his Lord wishes for an honorable battle to the death he shan't get in his way.

Yes, he could only hope that his Lord would recover under the tender care of his Maiden, Sola-Ui and perhaps he would get a chance to duel Saber again or perhaps even Caster.
He was brought out of his musings when the door to the roof opened behind him. As he turned, he saw Sola-Ui, but where was his Lord?

"Miss?" She shook her head in negative to the unasked question. So, his lord hadn't survived? Ah, but he had a wonderful duel with Saber if only he could finish it, but why was he still here in this world? It was then he noticed glowing red command seals on her right arm.
"I see," His Lord has perished. "My lady, in honor of my fallen Lord let me serve you." He begged as he fell to one knee.

"Lancer," she whispered he face with dried streaks where tears ran. "I don't want the grail. I just want you to enjoy yourself. Enjoy the life that you didn't get!"
"But MIs-"

"Lancer" she cut off. "He wouldn't have wanted you to throw your life away, He might have been a strict man but he still had a heart. If you wish to duel then do so because you want to but don't just throw your life away."
Lancer looked at her wide-eyed. before he smiled. Yes, his Lord was a noble and he seemed harsh but perhaps he might actually have cared deep inside. Yes, if the lord had managed to snag the heart of this Kind Mistress than he must have a hidden kind side after all and perhaps he failed to see it?

He was embraced by a hug from the Miss to his surprise as she buried her head on his shoulder and as he was about to push her away his arm felt wet, she was crying again?
Yes, she was still mourning for his Lord. He rubbed her back to try to provide some measure of comfort but he wasn't sure how successful he was.

Hidden from him, Sola-Ui let out a small smirk, her plan was a complete success. Diarmuid was hers and hers alone.
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