You say that but I'm picturing him getting pinched on the ass every time he tries to flirt with a girl.

And for creatures without human language, pokemon can be... extremely expressive. *cough*
I feel like getting pinched on the ass by a mawile is a good way to lose your ass.

EDIT: Or should I say… a good way to become an assless chap. Eh? Eh?
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While i can see that putting Brock in a bit of Legal trouble (Pokemon and Human relationships have a lot of power imbalances on the trainers side), once its explained i can see him getting a warning and let off after Mawile is spoken to by some professionals...
Ok I agree with the rest of what you said on some level, I can't agree with this. I can't remember Game Freak stating they wanted to drop character customization. They added it, and then guess what came next? Remakes. They didn't want to change the game too much in that way, they wanted you to see the characters you played long ago.

Then when an actual next gen game came out customization was back, and the gen after that, and so on.

.......damn this might be a derail isn't it.
I thought the same thing until I found the interview where they outright claim trainer customization was an exclusive gimmick of the "fashion and beauty focused Kalos" meant to give the region a unique flavor like Secret Bases.

I love Pokemon, always have and hopefully always will, but I'm not afraid to acknowledge Gamefreak is more than willing to make some rock stupid decisions. Getting trainer customization back after ORAS was very much NOT the plan originally.

In the interest of not derailing the thread I'll just leave a link to an article with the exact quote I'm referencing and drop it. You don't have to go far, it's the very first quote.

Make your own conclusions
There is only one part of Mawile that can reach that high, and while technically accurate, "pinch" is not a term that people would apply to that.
"No tastebuds. Doesn't count."

Admittedly, its probably an injustice to call that thing a mouth. She could probably sign a check with it if she had someone hold the paper down. Its her main way of interacting with the world with the rest of her being the decoy lure on an angler fish.
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She could probably sign a check with it if she had someone hold the paper down. Its her main way of interacting with the world with the rest of her being the decoy lure on an angler fish.
I have a weird image of a Mawile walking into a bank with a suitcase full of cash wanting to open a chequing account now.
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Chapter 6: Chomping At The Bit
Before doing anything else, I take a minute to fully consider the best way of going about this. Getting my hands on Paul's Pokedex isn't likely to be easy, after all.

Sadly, I don't expect I'm going to be able to just sneak back over, quickly swipe the Pokedex, and immediately run off. Not without anyone noticing me, at least. Paul has set up his camp in the middle of a nearly-flat field, meaning there's nothing around for me to hide behind, and while the sun has by now vanished behind the distant mountains, the moon has risen high and bright in its place, making it pretty likely I'll be spotted no matter what I do. So, that's out.

Thankfully, there's another obvious plan that's nearly as simple: I just wait until Paul eventually falls asleep. At that point, so as long as I don't wake him (or any of the others) up, it should be fairly easy to do what I intend to, then sneak off into the night with no one the wiser. Given that Paul in all likelihood has his Pokedex on his person right now, waiting until he's unconscious to try and do anything really only seems logical anyways. I'm certainly not going to try and pickpocket it off him while he's awake, after all.

I nod to myself, relatively satisfied with that plan — though, if that is what I'm going with, I do still need to figure out what I'm doing up until that point. I could just stay where I am right now, but if Paul notices I haven't come back and actually cares enough to come looking for me, it might take significantly longer for him to turn in for the night. Not to mention that if he actually found me, I might end up under a much tighter watch than I currently seem to be... would Paul really even bother searching for me though?

I frown. The problem is that I'm not entirely sure just how invested Paul is in keeping me around. The anime shows him as being quick to release any Pokemon he's not impressed with, as well as ones that fail to live up to his expectations, but I suspect the latter isn't really a hard-and-fast rule, given that Chimchar "failed" in that fashion for quite a while before Paul actually decided to get rid of him. Despite his unending criticism of the little fire monkey, Paul was just too interested in him to write him off right away... and if his interest in me is even remotely comparable, I probably shouldn't just assume he won't care if I don't come back.

Does that mean I should I go back to the camp for now then? Given my uncertainty regarding how much Paul "values" me, it would probably be best not to give him any reason to suspect I'm trying to leave before I actually do it, but I'd really rather not spend any more time in his presence than I've already had to... is it worth the risk to try and avoid it though?

I sigh. No, probably not. Ugh, fine... hopefully I can continue putting up with Paul until he finally decides to turn in for the night. It's already dark anyways, so as long as he doesn't stay up too much longer, I think I can probably endure.

...probably, at least.

I turn around, looking over in the direction of the camp. Might as well head back then... I'm taking the rest of these berries with me though. No way in hell am I leaving all this behind.

Before attempting to gather up the rest of my spoils, I decide to sample the other two berries I've yet to try, reaching for one of the Nanabs first. Regrettably, the taste turns out to not really agree with me, though I can't honestly say I'm surprised — I've never been much of a fan of bananas, and while their Poke-world equivalents are significantly less stringy, they're very similar in flavor otherwise. These ones just aren't for me, I don't think.

Luckily, the cluster-like berry I try next ends up being significantly more to my liking. Though slightly more sour than I'd really prefer, it's quite fun to eat, with each individual nodule bursting apart in my mouth like a tiny water balloon as soon as I bite into it. I've never had caviar before, but I imagine it's very similar experience, at least in terms of texture.

After finishing off the Bluk berry (Bluks! That was what these cluster ones were called!), I attempt to gather the rest of the pile into my arms to bring back to the campsite with me. Annoyingly, this seemingly simple task turns out to be rather more difficult than I expected, mostly due to some of the berries being the size of fully grown fruits — the Sitruses and Bluks in particular keep spilling out of my grip, as I'm just not large enough to hold more than a few of them at a time. Curse these tiny arms of mine!

Deciding to try a different tactic, I bend my horns around the front of my body, creating a sort of large, improvised platform pressed flush against my waist. It's not ideal, but after removing the remaining Nanabs and popping a few more of the smaller berries into my mouth, I manage to get the rest of them piled up and balanced on myself. Steady now...

Moving carefully, I begin gradually waddling my way back to the campsite. I'm well aware that my awkward setup undoubtedly makes me look utterly ridiculous, a thought only further confirmed when my return is ultimately met with a loud, amused-sounding snort.

"That's an interesting look, newbie." Elekid snickers as I come walking up, glancing at the load of berries stacked up against my side. "You certainly found a haul though... where exactly do you plan on putting all that?"

"In my stomach, obviously." I dryly reply, uncurling my horns and letting the berries tumble down onto the cleanest patch of grass I can find.

"Uh huh." Elekid replies. "Didn't realize you were secretly a Snorlax in disguise, but whatever. Anyways, don't mind if I do..."

He reaches out for one of the Sitrus berries, only for me to quickly smack his hand away.

"As it happens, I do mind if you do." I growl, not feeling particularly inclined to share with him. "I didn't pluck these for you, so hands off."

Elekid's eyes narrow, and for a second I think he's going to try and attack me for real. The moment passes however, and all he does is cross his arms and huff at me.

"Fine, be greedy like that."

He walks away, leaving me to turn my attention onto the others. Murkrow and Chimchar both appear to have finished eating, and the former is now busy preening herself, while the latter is just sitting quietly in the grass nearby, still seeming slightly downcast.

I look over at Paul next. He also appears to have finished his bare-bones dinner, though he doesn't seem to have moved — in fact, he doesn't even seem to have noticed I'm back, his attention too otherwise preoccupied by the dark blue Pokedex in his hands. Looks like I was right about him having it on his person, so I guess it's a good thing I decided against my first plan.

Having nothing much else to do at the moment, I sit down and grab an Oran berry from the pile before idly biting into it. The flavor doesn't quite measure up to that of a Sitrus, but it's certainly close, and remains highly enjoyable even without the accompanying "healing warmth" from earlier. I chew slowly, relishing the taste on my tongue before swallowing.

…I don't get to enjoy myself for very long however, as I only make it through about half the berry before abruptly realizing that I'm actually full.

I stare down at the half-eaten Oran in my hands, rather surprised at my own reluctance to take another bite. Only one other time since getting here have I actually managed to eat enough to not still feel like I have room for more. Though, I guess I shouldn't be that shocked, as even from my rather limited experience with them, berries have always seemed much more filling pound for pound than other Pokemon are — if only they were always this freely available.

"Hey, um..."

I turn. Chimchar is looking in my direction, though not really looking at me, his eyes darting away from mine as soon as I try to meet them.

"I, uh- I just wanted to say sorry." Chimchar says, head lowered in contrition. "About attacking you earlier, I mean. Paul told me to do it, but you looked really, really hurt afterwards..."

My immediate instinct is to tell him no, of course I don't accept his apology for putting me through what has to be the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I stop myself from actually doing so however, trying to force myself to remember that it wasn't actually his decision — he may have gone along with it, but it isn't fair of me to expect Chimchar to have disobeyed Paul for my sake, especially when he technically didn't even do anything unusual by this world's standards. Catching a Pokemon by first weakening it with another is common practice here, after all...

"It's fine." I eventually murmur, deciding to at least try and let go of my lingering enmity. "Won't say it didn't hurt, but it's not your fault."

Chimchar smiles, visibly relieved by my reluctant forgiveness, and scoots slightly closer. I squint back at him, finding it rather strange how friendly he's being, or at least is very clearly trying to be. After seeing how angry I was with him before, combined with Intimidate's effects, I'd imagine he'd be much more inclined to stick with Elekid and Murkrow than hang around near me...

Then again, given what I've seen of those two's attitudes thus far, perhaps it's not that strange at all.

"Thanks for not being mad." Chimchar says, seeming slightly more confident now. "I- I hope that..."

He stops midway through the sentence, seeming to lose his nerve before actually finishing. Not knowing whether or not I should encourage him to continue, I ultimately say nothing, and the two of us lapse back into silence.

I turn back to Paul, who's still staring nigh-unblinkingly at his Pokedex's dual screens. As I idly wonder to myself what he could possibly be doing with the device that it's taking him this long, I notice Chimchar glancing at my berry pile out of the corner of my eye. He looks over his shoulder at his mostly-finished can of food, then back at the berries again, before seeming to force himself to turn away from the latter.

...oh, fine. I'm already full, and it's not like I'll be able to carry all these with me when I leave anyways.

"Here, you want one?" I ask, grabbing and holding out a Pecha berry to him.

Chimchar's expression lights up in excitement, then immediately dims again.

"I don't know if Paul will let me..." he says softly.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, well, this is my food, not Paul's, so he doesn't actually get to say what happens to it. Besides, he's so focused on his Pokedex right now I doubt he'd notice if Ho-oh dropped down in front of him."

Chimchar stifles a small giggle. "M-maybe, but I'm not really sure if-"

"Look, just take the berry already." I say, thrusting the Pecha into Chimchar's hands before he can protest again. "Unless you wanted a different one?"

"Uh..." Chimchar says, staring down at the fruit he's now holding with wide, surprised eyes. "No, this one is... fine..."

I watch as Chimchar takes a small, tentative bite of the Pecha, nibbling gently at its soft exterior... and then, like the flip of a switch, starts digging into the berry with ravenous intent, his enthusiasm increasing tenfold in an instant. Not that I blame him, as I get the feeling all he's had to eat lately is the same dry, mostly-tasteless kibble Paul just served us. Besides, I probably looked quite similar just a few minutes ago, so I very much understand where he's coming from.

Soon, all that remains of the Pecha berry is the small pit at its center. Chimchar lets it fall to the ground, then turns to me with a close-eyed smile.

"Thank you!"

I shrug. "You're welcome. Feel free to help yourself to another if you'd like."

I start to turn away again, only to stop as I notice Elekid start marching back over. Chimchar notices as well, flinching slightly as Elekid stops right in front of him.

"Heh," Elekid grins down at Chimchar, repeatedly moving his hands together in mocking imitation of a clap, "well played, weakling."

"...huh?" Chimchar replies.

"Didn't know you had it in you to be that devious." Elekid elaborates. "Cozying up with the newbie just to scam some free food. Nicely done."

Chimchar's expression flips from confusion to panic, glancing over at me for a moment before switching back to Elekid. "Th-that wasn't why! I just wanted to-"

"Minus major points for apologizing though." Elekid interrupts, steamrolling over Chimchar's protests. "I mean, really? Saying sorry for doing exactly what you were supposed to do? You actually do something right for once, and then you go and ruin it like that... you're such a weakling."

"No I'm not!" Chimchar cries.

Unfortunately, between the quaver in his voice and the slight trembling in his legs, I find it hard to buy that Chimchar actually believes what's he saying right now. Having been on the wrong end of one his Flame Wheels, I certainly don't think he's weak, but I'm not entirely sure that he thinks the same.

"Yes, you are." Elekid replies, grinning nastily. "It's honestly a mystery to me how you survived as long as you did in the wild. I'd have expected you to be eaten by something ages before Paul found you."

"Stop it!" Chimchar yells.

"Frankly, I don't get why he hasn't released you by now." Elekid continues. "You're a complete waste of space on this team, and we all know it. You'll never be strong."

Chimchar balls his hands into fists and opens his mouth to retort again, only for me to beat him to the punch.

"Shut up."

Elekid's gaze shifts to me. "You got something to say, newbie?"

I really, really shouldn't be involving myself in this, but I just can't make myself sit here and continue to listen to it either.

"Yeah, that Paul's definition of strength is so narrow it's a wonder he hasn't stabbed himself with it." I reply. "As such, I really wouldn't advise taking your cues on the subject from him."

Elekid laughs. "Fun turn of phrase, but what exactly do you know about Paul, hmm? You haven't even been with him for a full day."

"You're right, I haven't." I reply. "So it really says something that I could already tell you exactly the kind of person he is, based solely on his terrible attitude."

"Oh?" Elekid raises an eyebrow. "And what kind of person is that?"

"Someone I can't imagine anyone would ever want to be around."

Elekid's false mirth disappears.

"What a pathetic answer." he sneers. "Here I was actually startin' to think you might have what it takes to stick around, but I guess you're just as pitiful as the weakling after all."

The words stoke my still-smoldering anger from the earlier pain I endured at Elekid's hands, igniting it back into a burning rage.

"You wanna test that?!" I snarl unthinkingly, leaping up to face him.

I regret the words the second they leave my mouth, a bucket of ice water immediately dousing the flames of my ire. What the hell am I doing?! I should absolutely NOT be getting into a fight right now, especially with someone I could barely even land a hit on earlier! Abort, abort, abort!

I quickly wrack my brain for a way to back out of the mess I just made for myself. Unfortunately, Elekid looks quite prepared to take me up on my ill-thought offer, smirking widely as he swivels to face me head on, and I really don't think he's going to let me back out of it now.

...well, shit. In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.

Both of us simply stand there leering at each other for a moment, Elekid's horns beginning to spark as I grit my teeth and ready Astonish. Elekid knows that I can use the move, so he'll most likely be prepared for it, but if I can make him cringe for even just a second-

"What is going on over here?"

The sparks building between Elekid's horns die away as the two of us turn to see Paul striding over, the light of the moon making it easy to see his intensely displeased expression. For a moment, I'm actually slightly relieved... at least, that is, until he continues talking.

"If you two intend on fighting each other, do it away from my tent." Paul orders. "And if you try to-"

He cuts off rather abruptly, his gaze locking on to the pile of berries sitting on the ground behind me, which I assume he hadn't noticed up until just now. He then turns his eyes to me, smiling thinly as he takes in my newly-restored condition.

"Sitrus berries..." Paul mutters. "Well then, since you seem to have suddenly found some extra energy, let's test something."

I glare up at him with the force of a thousand suns. I swear, if he tries to tell me we're doing more "training" right now, I really will go completely ballistic. I don't care if Elekid, Murkrow, and Chimchar all try to stop me; I'll make sure Paul is down at least one limb before they manage to-

"Mawile, use Thunder Fang."

My anger sputters to a halt, replaced by flat confusion.

Did he just tell me to... what?

"You should know what electricity feels like extremely well by now," Paul says in response to my utterly perplexed stare, "and you already know how to use Bite. It's as simple as combining the two. Now use Thunder Fang."

...he can't be serious. He cannot actually think that learning how to harness Electric-type energy is as simple as repeatedly being hit by Electric-type attacks. Paul is a certified asshole, but I don't recall him being particularly stupid, so what is this? Some sort of screwed up way of asserting his dominance?!

"Do it!" Paul shouts.

Seething, I begin to ready an attack — specifically a Bite, the knowledge that Paul quite obviously intends for me to fail this little "test" finally pushing me over the edge. The memory of Elekid's Thundershocks striking me on his orders echoes in my mind a hundred times over, bolstering my anger even further-


-and then I gasp as that same crackling, stinging sensation returns, but this time from inside of me, energy pulling itself out of my reservoir and beginning to flow through my body in a completely unexpected, but all-too-familiar manner. The feeling of it is nigh-identical to the way it felt being zapped by Elekid earlier — save, critically, in that it doesn't hurt this time.

Both of my mouths nearly drop open in shock. No, that's- there's no way...

My incredulity growing every second, I bring my horns around in front of me and move the unfocused energy to their teeth, exactly the same way that I normally would for Bite. Immediately, the crackling sensation becomes an actual, audible crackling, and I watch in utter disbelief as my teeth light up with yellow-white light, electricity now visibly sparking around them.


I turn back to Paul, who's now looking down at me with an expression so smug and self-satisfied that I almost wish that hadn't worked.

"Good." he says simply. "You'll be learning another new move tomorrow."

Before I can even think how to react, he walks away and ducks into his tent. Still rather dumbfounded, I let the Electric-type energy dissipate and return to my reservoir, then look back to Elekid.

"...feh." Elekid snorts, crossing his arms in front of him. "I'd say nice job, but we both know I deserve most of the credit for that."

Seeming to have mostly lost interest in our argument, he turns his back on me.

"We'll fight for real later." he declares. "Go ahead and get some better moves first... and maybe drop the weakling, before he drags you down along with him."

He stalks away, passing by Murkrow in the process, who finally seems to have finished preening herself. She makes eye contact with me as I watch Elekid leave.

"Hmmph. Learn all the new moves you like." Murkrow says haughtily, speaking up for the first time since I returned to the camp. "They still won't help you against me."

Despite her proud words, I can't help but notice that her feathers seem awfully ruffled for having just been tidied up, and she look away from me again fairly quickly. I'm guessing the idea of being caught between electrified fangs large enough to go straight through her neck is perhaps more unnerving than she'd like to let on.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn to see Chimchar looking at me as well.

"Um... thanks for sticking up for me..." he says quietly.

I shake my head to indicate that it was no big deal. Honestly, I don't think I ended up really sticking up for him so much as just criticizing Paul, but at least I stopped that from going any further.

"A-anyways!" Chimchar says, brightening up again. "That was amazing! You learned that move so fast!"

"Ah... thanks." I reply. "To be honest, I didn't really think that would work."

...which brings me right back around to my disbelief that it actually did. If I recall correctly, the anime has dedicated entire arcs to certain Pokemon trying to learn new moves, some of which spanned over multiple weeks of in-universe time. Meanwhile, it took me all of thirty minutes to learn Thunder Fang, and I didn't even know it was happening. Can all moves actually be learned this easily?!

My mind races at the prospect, but I quickly come to the conclusion that no, that can't possibly be true. This was... special, or something, probably because unlike most other Pokemon elements, electricity can actually enter and pass through the body, and thus be felt from within. Most other attacks just physically impact on their target, striking them externally rather than internally, meaning that Electric-type moves are likely just comparably simple to learn... but hell if I ever would've thought to try Paul's method on my own.

I gnaw gently on my lower lip. Damn it. I'm still pretty angry about that "resistance training" Paul put me through, but now I'm forced to admit that there may have been a legitimate point to it, even if I was misled on precisely what that point was. I may have to rethink if leaving is the best course of action after all — I do want to get stronger, for both personal and safety-related reasons, so do I stay with Paul for the opportunity to do that, or leave and try to make my own way in this world?

Leave. Definitely still leave.

I nod to myself. Being screamed at by Paul to do something he couldn't possibly know for certain I'd succeed at would have sealed it for me, even if Elekid and Murkrow weren't also jerks, and I hadn't already decided on this earlier. I may now have some pretty compelling evidence that there is actually something to be said Paul's training methods, but his "help" still comes with too many downsides to be worth it — such as having to remain in his company for any longer than I already have. I can get better at protecting myself on my own terms, without being repeatedly forced to eat dirt by a guy at least as suited to be a drill instructor as he is a trainer.

As I'm silently reaffirming my earlier choice to myself, Paul reemerges from the tent, now with a large, rectangular plastic container in hand. Walking back over to me, he kneels down and starts scouring through my berry pile, grabbing up the Sitruses and Orans to place in the container while throwing most of the rest aside.

"Hey!" I object. "Those are mine you-!"

"I'm just putting these away for now." Paul interrupts in a surprisingly calm manner. "We can't carry all of them, so I'm taking the more useful ones. Either hurry up and eat the rest now, or leave them for wild Pokemon to find later."

Somewhat mollified by that, I back off. Fine, fair enough... I'm not thrilled to see Paul stowing away the berries as though they're his to take, but it's not like I can do anything with them myself at this point anyways.

Paul continues cleaning up, dumping the rest of Chimchar's unfinished kibble into a second, smaller storage box before placing both containers inside of his backpack. He then has Elekid smash the empty food tins flat with a couple of Brick Breaks, which get thrown into a plastic bag and stowed away as well. Well, at least he's eco-conscious.

"Alright," Paul announces once he's done, "time to sleep."

Grateful that the time has finally come, I lay down right where I'm standing, assuming that we Pokemon are just going to be told to sleep out here in the dirt. However, I then notice Paul bringing out a pair of Pokeballs, his arms outstretched and already aiming. Oh no-

"Chimchar, Elekid, return."

Twin beams of red light shoot out and connect with the Pokemon in question, sucking them both back inside of the red-and-white spheres. Paul places them back on his belt, then withdraws two more as I hurriedly scramble to my feet and start backpedaling away from him. No, I need to stay out here, I shouldn't have come back-!

"Murkrow, Mawile, return."

I try to dodge away from the beam, but it manages to clip the end of my horns anyways. As my body is nigh-instantly converted into pale red energy, I feel myself being funneled up into the Pokeball, and everything goes dark again.

...except... I'm still awake?, this ended up getting split in two. Again. I'm sure taking a lot longer to get to certain events than I was really expecting, eheh. ^_^;

Anyways, I am happy (and extremely nervous) to announce that I now have a Patreon! I figured that only having a Ko-Fi was honestly kind of silly, so I finally went ahead and made one, despite concerns that doing so would just make me look like I'm incredibly full of myself. Hopefully this doesn't come off that way, and if you enjoy the stories I write (be it this one or any others) and want to see them continue, I would really, really appreciate any small amount of support you can give. I'll be thanking and recognizing anyone who does so (assuming that anyone does) in an AN like this one for any story post I write from here on out. :)
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Hmmm... Paul seemed awfully confident that'd Mawlie could do Thunder Fang in just one day of 'training'. I wonder why he was so certain it would work. I have a feeling that Paul suspects Mawlie has been raised by a trainer before, and is getting her to 'relearn' the moves she's 'forgotten'. It would explain why she's familiar with Potions, and her overleveled nature for the place she was found... I actually wouldn't place it past him to project his own issues on Mawlie and believe that she ran away because her previous trainer was 'too weak'.
Hmmm... Paul seemed awfully confident that'd Mawlie could do Thunder Fang in just one day of 'training'. I wonder why he was so certain it would work. I have a feeling that Paul suspects Mawlie has been raised by a trainer before, and is getting her to 'relearn' the moves she's 'forgotten'. It would explain why she's familiar with Potions, and her overleveled nature for the place she was found... I actually wouldn't place it past him to project his own issues on Mawlie and believe that she ran away because her previous trainer was 'too weak'.
He is going through a lot of disposable pokemon, trying to cherrypick the interesting ones from a mountain of mediocrity and dreck. I think he is experimenting. He doesn't know something will work but he's willing to leave a few corpses behind to find out if it does.

Each pokemon he goes through improves his grasp of how to hone the next one like a knife. He can afford to lose as many as he catches and he loses nothing at all in the process.

He just proved a theory and he is going to carry the fruits of that particular labor all his days.
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I intensely dislike the fact that Paul was allowed to be "right" in this instance, it feels frustrating and kinda an ass pull that he just magically can go"lol noaw you can elektricy noms cause i fried you for hours, kek!"
Kinda just stopped reading the chapter after that shit happened since it's just an abuse train that I can't see ending in Flair's favor given how much emphasis seems to be on how powerless they are at every point.
I intensely dislike the fact that Paul was allowed to be "right" in this instance, it feels frustrating and kinda an ass pull that he just magically can go"lol noaw you can elektricy noms cause i fried you for hours, kek!"
Kinda just stopped reading the chapter after that shit happened since it's just an abuse train that I can't see ending in Flair's favor given how much emphasis seems to be on how powerless they are at every point.
maybe you should read it further. she still plans on leaving.