Well, for one thing, Flairile can demonstrably be sated with berries. Guzzlord presumably can't, seeing as it's a civilization destroyer.

"WE ARE SHORUKE." /Drunk Fortress reference

Human hive minds tend to be life dwarves in DF. Kinda dumb, people keep obsessing over socks and cats, and they hate hippies (elves).
Chapter 11: The Canary That Ate The Cat
I've always rather liked the idea of flying.

I can't really say why, honestly. There's just something about the concept that makes it seem almost inherently fantastical; dream-like even outside of dreams. Perhaps that's over-romanticizing it a bit — I've certainly never felt particularly awestruck by the experience of riding on a modern airline — but the idea of seeing things from on high, silently watching over all beneath, utterly unfettered by the chains of gravity... something about that really does appeal to me.

...it appeals to me slightly less, however, when the method by which I am flying is "gripped within the talons of an enormous, highly predatory bird".

Trying to ignore our current altitude, I nervously tighten my right hand's grip around the Staraptor's right leg. My left hand remains firmly clenched around Chimchar's Pokeball, which Chimchar is currently inside of — I'd have just left it in my fur, where it miraculously managed to stay put during the entirety of the recent fight, but since this ended up being the Staraptor's idea of "flying us to the city", I'm holding on to it directly to make absolutely sure it doesn't accidentally fall. Which honestly is only making this worse, since I would REALLY prefer to have both of my hands available right now.

Presumably having felt me anxiously adjusting my grip again, the Staraptor laughs aloud and tilts his head down to look at me.

"What, not afraid of a little fall, are you?" he asks, by all measures actively enjoying my discomfort. "Where'd that fearless front from earlier go?"

I glare up at him, but say nothing, even as I mentally curse him out.

After I struck my deal with the Staraptor, I helped him reset his wing (with Chimchar's uneasy assistance), then gave him a couple Sitrus berries to mend the broken bone and help fix some of his feathers. Once that was done however, I closed the container up again, promising the rest of the berries on delivery as a sort of weak insurance. Thankfully, the Staraptor took no real issue with that, nor with me keeping the container inside of my maw — he even already knew how to get to the "nearest human city" by simply following the Route. Negotiations were going rather smoothly, all told.

Unfortunately, the Staraptor had a stipulation of his own as well. That being, despite the fact that he could easily have carried me on his back if he'd wanted to — hell, he could have carried both me and Chimchar without issue — he refused to allow that, citing that he wanted us both "where he could see us" if he was going to do this. Given the incredibly smug tone of voice he'd delivered that pronouncement in, it was almost certainly just a power move rather than something he truly cared about, but I didn't want to risk resuming hostilities by protesting, and so held myself back from actually doing so.

...so now, I'm stuck dealing with this absolutely terrifying setup, where virtually the only thing separating me from terminal velocity is the uncertain good will and honor of the Staraptor carrying me. I'm on my own in this as well, Chimchar having happily opted to bail out of the actual "experience" of being flown to Jubilife this way — can't really blame him; I'd have done the exact same thing if I had the option.

For the third time in the past minute, I take a moment to silently hope and pray that the Staraptor doesn't have an abrupt change of heart. If he happens to suddenly decide I'm not worth the effort of toting around anymore, or that he'd rather simply dine on my pancaked remains than bother waiting for the rest of the berries, all he'd really have to do is flex his feet, and down I'd go. There wouldn't even be much I could do about it other than hold on tight and try to drag him down with me — hence the near death grip I've currently got on his leg.

And on top of that...

"You're sure we can't fly any lower than this?" I call out over the sound of the wind rushing past my face.

The Staraptor laughs again.

"This IS low little morsel!" he calls back. "Compared to how high I usually fly, we're practically skimming the ground at this height!"

I look down again, unable to even guess just how far away the earth is from us right now, and quickly look back up. I can't tell if he's serious or if he's just screwing with me, but I don't want to argue and piss him off, so I guess I'll just say nothing.

...why didn't I try to find a different, friendlier Flying-type to take us to Jubilife? I don't think I've ever been this high-strung in my life.

I draw in a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down a little- wow, that Flame Wheel certainly left its mark. Despite those Sitrus berries having mostly fixed up the Staraptor's wounds earlier, I swear I can still smell roasted poultry even now.

...it's... kind of making me hungry again, actually. Almost makes me want to bring my horns around and-

I squeeze my eyes shut and violently shake my head back and forth as though to physically fling that thought away. No, no, NO; what the hell am I thinking?! I couldn't take a bite of this guy even if I tried without dropping both the berry container and the Pokedex out of my mouth, and even if I succeeded, I'd go plummeting to my doom in very short order, as I noted aloud not fifteen minutes ago! I meant it when I said I'm not an idiot; don't do this to me Mawile instincts!

I reopen my eyes, only to jolt in surprise upon seeing the Staraptor staring directly into them, his head tilted down to look at me again.

"I highly suggest you stop wriggling around like that." he advises. "That is, unless you want me to drop you?"

"No, no, I'll stop!" I hurriedly reply. "S-sorry..."

The Staraptor continues to stare at me through partially-lidded eyes for a moment, then hmmphs and looks back up again. Phew...

Fervently attempting to put my previous line of thought out of mind, I turn my eyes to the landscape currently sprawled out beneath me, trying to force myself to focus on that instead. Vertigo aside, the scenery is at least pretty nice — nature is absolutely everywhere, and I can see quite a few Pokemon scattered about as well, though many are only visible as vague specks and silhouettes on the ground from this high up. It's honestly a pretty beautiful view... I just wish it was easier for me to actually appreciate any of it right now.

My gaze turns towards the mountains in the distance. I wonder if any of those are Mount Coronet... and if not, just how big is this region that I can't see it, even from all the way up here? Sinnoh is based on the northmost island of Japan I think, but I'm not exactly an expert on the geographical makeup of foreign countries, and I have no guarantee that the region's actual size would necessarily equate to its "real world basis" anyways. I should check the Pokedex's map function again to see if I can at least estimate it when I get a chance.

A few more minutes pass by in relative silence, during which time some of my nervousness gradually fades away. I figure if the Staraptor was going to drop me, he'd surely have already done it by now. As such, I'm probably safe to assume he's not going to, or at least not planning to.

This in mind, I attempt to relax, closing my eyes and letting most of my body go limp, save for my grip on the Staraptor's leg and Chimchar's Pokeball. If I can just release a little tension, maybe I'll be able to actually enjoy this...

Everything suddenly lurches and tilts forward, the wind whipping by me drastically increasing in both volume and force. I quickly open my eyes, only to find we now appear to be diving, dropping from the air like a missile plummeting from low earth orbit. What-?!

"W-what are you doing?!" I cry, frantically tugging on the Staraptor's leg. "Stop! Pull up! PULL UP!"

The Staraptor does not pull up. As the ground of the forest below rapidly rushes up to meet me, I hear myself screaming.


The Staraptor suddenly flares his wings upwards, pulling out of his dive mere feet over the forest canopy. My toes practically skim the leaves underneath us as we zip over the roof of the foliage, badly startling not only several other Pokemon resting in the upper branches, but also me, my breaths now coming so short and fast that I feel like I'm hyperventilating.

After a few seconds of this, the Staraptor gradually begin to ascend again, slowly climbing back up into the sky. Only once we've just about reached our previous height, however, do I finally find both the air and wherewithal to speak again.

"What... *gasp* ...the hell... *gasp* ...was THAT about?!" I yell, stopping between words to take in large, panicked gulps of slightly thin air.

"Oh, just felt like you were starting to fall asleep down there is all." the Staraptor responds. "Thought I'd give you a quick wake-up call — sounds like it was pretty effective."

I glance up in the rough direction of the Staraptor's face with an expression of utter incredulity.

I... definitely should have found a different Flying-type...

Thankfully, despite my newly re-heightened nerves, the Staraptor does not choose to repeat that trick, and the rest of the flight proceeds without further incident. Or really anything of note at all, for that matter — I spot what looks like some sort of factory sequestered near the edge of the forest at one point, but we pass by it in just a minute or so, and it's soon out of sight entirely. I can't help but find it almost boring after a while, honestly... though, after the recent "excitement" provided by my ride, I'm pretty content to just be bored for the rest of the time anyways.

Finally, after what has to be at least an hour or two, a city begins to appear on the horizon.

...a very, VERY large city.

My eyes widen at the sight of the massive, skyscraper-filled metropolis as it gradually comes more and more into view, various buildings at least a couple dozen stories tall beginning to make themselves known. Holy crap, this is Jubilife? I know this isn't the world of the games, where the average town has maybe five or six buildings total, but this is way bigger than I'd been imagining...

As the Staraptor continues to approach the city, further details begin to become apparent. The most bizarre of these details is that there doesn't really seem to be a gradually growing building density of any kind — it's just forest, forest, forest, SKYSCRAPER, seemingly without anything in-between. Am I even seeing that right...?

Regardless of the answer, it at least makes it very easy to find a place to land — the Staraptor heads towards one of the taller buildings at the very edge of the city, then begins to descend, this time doing so by gradually spiraling downwards instead of practically falling out of the sky. As we get closer to the ground, I note that while some of the greenery next to the building we're landing near looks to have been neatly trimmed back, the transition from wilderness to city is indeed still nigh-instantaneous, with said greenery only stretching about 30 or so feet before transitioning directly to a currently-empty sidewalk that seems to ring around the outer edge of the city. Weird.

As the talons wrapped around my shoulders release and my feet finally re-alight on grass, I find myself stumbling forward a bit, my legs unprepared to suddenly be supporting my weight again. I manage to steady myself after a moment, then turn to the Staraptor, who's just set down on the ground behind me.

Well, we're here... and I suppose I really have to give the Staraptor credit. Fake out aside, he did actually honor our agreement in the end. I'm glad that my tentative trust in him wasn't misplaced- well, maybe "trust" isn't the right word, but I'm glad he decided not to do anything worse than briefly terrify me again, at least.

"Thank you." I say, slipping Chimchar's Pokeball back into my fur to free up my left hand. "For holding up your end of the deal, I mean. I appreciate that you-"

"Oh, please do skip the useless platitudes." the Staraptor interrupts, sounding quite bored. "They only make you less interesting... now then, my payment?"

Deciding not to bother trying to finish my sentence when my audience clearly isn't interested in hearing it, I open my maw and extract the rather wet berry container held within. Lifting the Pokedex out and setting it next to my feet for the moment, I hold the remaining contents up towards the Staraptor's face.

"Heh..." the Staraptor smirks. "Thanks, little morsel. I'll make sure to remember you."

The way the words are spoken strikes a sudden chord of fear in me. Wait, no, surely he wouldn't wait until now if he was still going to-?!

The Staraptor's beak spears down, and I instinctively fall backwards, certain that I'm about to be impaled. The container falls from my hands as I roll away, springing back to my feet a few seconds later with my maw already opening-

Only to find the Staraptor no longer even looking at me, or in fact even present at all.

I stare for a moment at the empty space he was just occupying, slightly confused, then quickly crane my neck upwards. I spot the Staraptor almost immediately, already nearly above the treetops again — and with the entire plastic container clenched between his beak.

"...wait, not the whole THING you jerk!" I yell up at him, scrambling to find my words again.

The Staraptor does not slow, either already too far away to hear me, or just plain ignoring me as he continues to fly upwards and away. Barely a few seconds later, he's passed completely out of sight, his form disappearing beyond the treeline.

I growl loudly and kick the grass beneath me in annoyance. Stupid sadomasochistic terror bird! I expected to lose all of the berries, but not the container too! That was my only method of carrying anything even moderately large with me without it getting ruined by my own spit! I can't even bring the Pokedex with me now!

A minute later, still grumbling a little under my breath, I turn around to look at the city that now stands behind me. Well, at least I made it here... pretty far ahead of schedule too, at least in as much as I had a "schedule" to begin with. I bet I made way better time than Ash will — though, that also means I'll probably have to wait around the city for a day or two before he, Dawn, and Brock actually show up.

I shake my head. Still, that's not necessarily a bad thing. At least I'll have plenty of time to scope things out and locate the Gym beforehand. I'll also need to find the local Pokemon Center so I can drop Chimchar off... speaking of which.

I fish Chimchar's Pokeball back out of my fur "pocket", turning it over it my palms as I try to decide what to do with him. I'm unsure if bringing Chimchar into the city outside of his Pokeball is a good idea — a lone Mawile walking around the streets with no apparent owner already might attract attention, and a Mawile and a Chimchar together would probably attract even more. Still, I don't know if it's fair to just leave him in his ball either, since he has a fairly vested interest in locating the Jubilife Pokemon Center, even I don't really understand his reasons for that interest myself.

I groan under my breath, once again wishing that I'd grabbed the Pokeball I'd actually intended to take last night. Chimchar being here just complicates everything... but, I guess I should at least get his input on this.

I enlarge the Pokeball, then lightly toss it to the ground at my feet. The orb pops open and ejects a flash of bright white light, which quickly reforms into Chimchar.

Chimchar immediately opens his mouth to say something, then pauses, distracted by the sight of the nearby buildings now towering over both of us.

"We made it?" he asks, turning in a small circle to take in the rest of our new surroundings.

"Yep, this is Jubilife City." I reply. "Or the outskirts of it, anyways. Our ride got us here pretty quick — although, if you couldn't hear it happening from inside that ball, he then promptly took not only the rest of the berries, but the entire container I was carrying them in, so we kind of got ripped off on the fare."

Chimchar blinks at the word "fare".

"Container... you mean that box you took from Paul?" he clarifies.

"...yes, that one." I dryly confirm. "Anyways, I'm about to go explore the city and try to find the local Gym and Pokemon Center. Since that second one involves you, I figured I'd ask if you wanted to look around with me, or if you just wanted to stay in your Pokeball for now."

Chimchar goes silent, his expression turning pensive.

"It's alright if you don't." I add. "Frankly, it'd probably be easier without having both of us wandering around the streets like-"

"Did you have a trainer before Paul?" Chimchar suddenly blurts out.

I pause, slightly taken aback by the unexpected question. "I- why do you ask?"

"It's just- you seem to know a lot about human stuff." Chimchar says. "And I don't know how that could be unless you'd been with a human before, or at least around them..."

That's... kind of true, I guess? But also not really, at least not in the way he's thinking. Should I even bother denying it though?

I take a moment to consider the idea, but ultimately decide against it. I suppose I could just "confirm" what Chimchar currently suspects — it'd certainly make for an easier explanation, at least — but on the whole, I don't think this is something that's really worth lying about. I'd prefer not to have to get into the specifics of my actual, much more bizarre situation at the moment, but I probably won't be traveling with Chimchar for much longer anyways, so I don't see the harm in letting a few things slip.

"No, I've never had a trainer before." I reply.

Chimchar blinks at me in surprise. "Huh? How do you know all this stuff then?"

"It's a long, complicated story that I'd really rather not get into right now." I say truthfully. "For the time being, let's just say my knowledge of most human stuff comes from first-hand experience."

Chimchar tilts his head at me, not seeming to know what to make of that answer.

"O... kay?" he says, sounding rather perplexed.

"Regardless, city exploring." I continue. "Are you in or out?"

Chimchar looks back at the nearest building with a nervous expression.

"It's... crowded in there, isn't it?"

"I don't know for sure, but it is a city, so I'd assume so, yes."

"...I think I'd actually prefer to stay in my ball then." Chimchar says quietly. "I'm not really comfortable being around that many humans at once."

I nod in understanding.

"Alright then." I say, picking up and aiming his Pokeball at him. "Chimchar, return."

I press the button on the front of the ball, and Chimchar disappears into it in a swirl of red energy. Shrinking the ball back into miniature mode, I tuck it into my fur again. Alright, that's one thing dealt with.

I look down at the Pokedex still sitting near my feet. I guess I have to figure out what do with this thing now too. It shouldn't be as necessary to keep it on my person now that I've made it to Jubilife, but I still don't want to just ditch it — it seems like it could actually be really helpful, and I've barely even gotten the chance to make use of it yet. Maybe I can just hide it somewhere around here for the time being?

Deciding that'll probably work, at least for the moment, I pick up the Pokedex and carry it over to the edge of the treeline, stowing it beneath a decently dense bush. Let's hope it doesn't rain...

Figuring I'll also need some way to remember which bush the Pokedex is in, I decide to go with my Bewilder Forest strategy and use my maw to carve a large X at the base of the closest tree. There, that should be good enough... well, assuming I don't go too far into the city at least, and forget how to get back to the edge of it. I'll have to look into finding some sort of replacement container or carrying case — though, if I actually manage to join up with Ash, that might not end up being necessary anyways.

With that done, I slowly walk over to the nearby building, tentatively stepping onto the pavement-lined walkway surrounding its exterior. The material feels strange on my bare feet, being both flatter and rougher than anything I've stood on for the past week. Unsure exactly how this will turn out, I draw in a deep breath to try and prepare myself.

Here we go...

As soon as I round the corner of the building and pass through the narrow alleyway behind it, I find myself stepping out onto a much wider sidewalk — one which is currently occupied by several dozen people. Multiple passersby immediately turn to look at me, and I involuntarily freeze, alarmed by just how small I feel right now. Not that I haven't felt small since I first got here, but never have I been simultaneously surrounded by this many living beings that all so thoroughly outsize me. I feel like I just walked into the land of the giants.

Shaking myself, I turn right and start heading further down the sidewalk, attempting to casually join the flow of walking traffic. Luckily, while I'm getting a lot of stares, no one seems intent on actually stopping me. Hopefully, things will stay that way.

Trying to ignore the myriad of eyes still focused on me, I decide that my first order of business should simply be finding a map of the city. It's obvious that Jubilife is way too big for me to just wander around at random hoping I eventually stumble across the places I'm looking for, so while that was pretty much my original plan, I think I'm going have to be slightly more sensible than that. Not that I can't still look for the Pokemon Center and the Gym while looking for a map — the former especially should be pretty easy to recognize simply due to the giant "P" logo I'm pretty sure all Pokemon Centers use — but I should still try to prioritize the latter. I've got plenty of time to look, thankfully, so at least there's no real need to rush things.

My stomach suddenly growls, prompting me to quietly growl right back at it. Oh come on, it's not even that late yet! Stupid bird, putting me back in the mood — where am I gonna find food around here?

The very moment I think this, the scent of something savory hits my nose, causing my eyes to alight on a nearby café. Out in front of it are several small outdoor tables, each of which is presently occupied by people enjoying various plates of food. A little further down the block, I also spot a sign for what appears to be a small bistro, and on the opposite side of the street, there's a large, garish logo for what I think might be some sort of fast food place.

...okay, so maybe that was a stupid question when I'm standing in a city this modern, where there's undoubtedly a restaurant or two within easy walking distance from practically any given point inside of it. Still, I meant food that I can actually get — I have no money, and even if I somehow got some, I'm still a Mawile. I doubt just walking into a restaurant and grabbing a seat will incline anyone to actually serve me.

Although... maybe if I just go up to someone and look hungry enough, they'll be nice enough to give me some of their food? I am basically a tiny animal now, and I'm not too proud to refuse handouts if they're willingly given.

Figuring that I've got nothing to lose by trying, I put on my best begging face and walk over to one of the café tables, where an auburn-haired teenager with a pair of sunglasses perched atop her head is indulging in a plate of sweet-looking pastries. She notices me before too long, blinking down at me in surprise.

"A Pokemon...?" the girl says to herself. "Huh. Well, hello there!" she says, giving me a little wave.

"Hi..." I quietly reply, deliberately trying to both look and sound ever-so slightly pathetic.

The girl's expression abruptly melts.

"Aww, aren't you cute!" she coos, holding one hand over her heart.

Yep, that's me, the cutest little Mawile you ever did see. Give me food now please?

"I wonder what kind of Pokemon you are?" the girl continues, idly taking a bite of the pastry in her hand. "I don't recognize your species..."

Realizing that I'm apparently being too subtle, I make a small, low rumbling noise from the bottom of my throat, doing my best to mimic the sound of a growling stomach. Then, just to make it extra clear, I activate Fake Tears, letting my eyes become slightly watery as I stare longingly at the girl's food.

That seems to do the trick, as the girl follows my line of sight to her plate of food and smiles.

"Oh... you're hungry, aren't you?" she says, picking up one of her remaining pastries and holding it out to me. "Here, want one?"

I enthusiastically nod and quickly take the offered dessert, biting into it as soon as it's fully in my hands. I'm not entirely sure what it even is, but the breading is still soft and warm, and the filling is sweet and creamy and delicious and oh god I've missed food like this!

I take my time consuming the treat, making sure to savor every last bit of it. When I'm finished, I look up to see the girl still watching me with that same wide smile.

"Thank you!" I say happily.

Hopefully the sentiment still comes across despite the language barrier — sure, I may have just technically scammed this girl, but I'm still genuinely grateful for the food.

"Oooooh, you're adorable!" the girl exclaims, raising her hands to her cheeks as though to physically contain her excitement, then almost immediately lowering them, as though slightly embarrassed to have done that. "Ah- hey, you don't have an owner or trainer, right? What do you think about letting me catch you?"

...not that grateful though.

I quickly turn and run, ignoring the girl's plaintive cries to come back as I cross the street and duck into another alleyway. Luckily, the girl doesn't follow (perhaps not having paid her check yet), so when I emerge from the other end of said alley, she's nowhere to be seen.

I find myself on another sidewalk, this one slightly larger than the last. People again begin to stop and stare at me, but this time I manage to largely put them out of mind as I rejoin the flow of walking traffic, reflecting on my recent success.

Well, that worked! Almost too well, in fact, but I still ultimately got what I was hoping for, and with barely any time spent in the effort. The girl's "offer" aside, that was shockingly easy, all told.

...hmm. I wonder if I could use this same tactic for anything else?

I wanted to add more to this chapter, but this seemed like the best place to cut it given its current length. The next thing I post will likely be the next Backslash chapter, just as a heads up to anyone who missed that notice before. :)

Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating? Please do let me know.

A huge thanks to @Pheonix14, @Warclam, and my three other patrons not named here, as well as an extra special thanks to a certain generous patron who wishes to remain unnamed. Each of them receives a large box of assorted, freshly-made pastries. No idea what kind, specifically, but I assure you they are all quite delicious. 🍩
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Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating? Please do let me know.

That's a silly notion. Reply all you like, It's no big deal. People like it when the author notices them, otherwise why comment at all?
Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating? Please do let me know.

Well I certainly enjoy it. Your high reader interaction is one of your best qualitys! Well outside of creative story telling that is.
Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating?

You at the very least post another chapter. There's another thread I'm in and the OP.... Like :facepalm: I wanna say it's been roughly 3 months since their last chapter but I got 'OP replied' recently a couple times. You're in the clear with me at Flair. Reply to what ya get the urge to reply to, it's all good.


On a more chapter related note: Scar Beak was giving me some Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter vibes. Battle hunger, being off putting, taking a liking to someone interesting. Very broad strokes similarities and an interesting character to look forward to showing up in a future chapter.

Chimchar friggin coward, so what if there's a possibility of reaching terminal velocity?! It'd have been character building :tongue:. Me!wile might attract Officer Jenny's attention of she gets too greedy. Leaving the Pokedex is risky but props for doing so.

Looking forward to seeing Me!wile's interaction with the Pokémafia that has the city's begging for treats market cornered and the humans of Pokéworld.
"Regardless, city exploring." I continue. "Are you in or out?"
I really like your general character in this story. Mawile-you has a serious, but vaguely cheerful demeanour, so it's neither disgustingly cute nor morose. The fact that it's packed inside a cute pokemon makes it even more interesting.
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Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating? Please do let me know.
As someone who pretty much just drops by to read the chapters - I don't really have much of a problem with it, because it's usually pretty easy to tell if the "OP replied" is a new chapter or a series of replies based on the wordcount. I just watch for thread replies that are in the 4-5k word range and know I have something new to read. You're no Ryuugi, responding to thread questions with a 5k word informational post every two days until the "informational" tab in the threadmarks is twice as long as the actual chapters. So personally, even if I'm not really interacting with the thread, I don't mind you taking the time to interact with your more dedicated readers.
Well technically you are surrounded by large meatsacks that don't have much in the way of defenses...
They don't have any super moves at all!
Humans can learn pokemon moves and are as resistant to attacks as pokemon are. It's been demonstrated over and over.

There come a point where it stops being cartoon logic and starts just being a thing people can do.
we kind of got ripped off on the fare."

Chimchar blinks at the word "fare".

"Container... you mean that box you took from Paul?" he clarifies.
Chimchar, currently confused, about the anger of losing a container, but also recognize( and not understanding) the container was stolen anyway.

Oooooh, you're adorable!" the girl exclaims, raising her hands to her cheeks as though to physically contain her excitement. "You don't have an owner or trainer, right? I've got to take you home with me!"
Lol. This girl wastes no time in trying to catch you.
...it's... kind of making me hungry again, actually. Almost makes me want to bring my horns around and-
[martial-arts voice] Only by becoming a True Master of The Way of the Scorpion can you overcome the yearning hunger within your heart! [/martial arts voice]

I wonder if the girl will be making a reappearance. With all the attention 'Wile is getting, people are likely to talk about her doings, and the girl might decide to do the junior-investigator thing...
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Oh, that sinking feeling. This city… is the size of a city. Video games have lied to you!

Alas, becoming lost will surely follow.

"Oh, just felt like you were starting to fall asleep down there is all." the Staraptor responds. "Thought I'd give you a quick wake-up call — sounds like it was pretty effective."
Deal with jerks, and thou shalt be jerked around. Sometimes literally.
I may have just technically scammed this girl
I mean… maybe a little, with the fake tears. But it was mostly pretty honest.

"Pardon me, but I am both hungry and extremely cute. In light of those facts, I request your food."
I quite like the title of this chapter.

"For the time being, let's just say my knowledge of most human stuff comes from first-hand experience."
"For the time being, let me confuse you even more."

I may have just technically scammed this girl
How so?
The girl gave you food because you're cute and hungry, nothing misleading about that.

Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating? Please do let me know.
Please don't stop, it's quite nice to get responses to comments.
In the split second it takes for me to steady myself

Also, serious question: should I maybe just... shut up a little? I've asked this before, but I still get the feeling that by attempting to respond to everything and everyone, I'm just annoying people with a continual flood of "The OP replied" alerts. I try to limit it to every couple days so it's not that constant, but do you guys even want me to respond to your comments, or is that just irritating? Please do let me know.
I mean, I've been reading the threads (both of them) for omakes. So I'd probably read it anyway, and even if I was only interested in a chapter I'd know that it wasn't because SB/SV word counts were different :p .
Aye. Keep engaged. It's good to see, and it's really not a bother to tap on a posting and bounce if I realize whatever is currently discussed isn't part of what I'm here for. (Which is Flair's unending misfortune as a Mawile, and the amusing discussions spawned)