She wandered and wondered. 'How did I get here?' 'What am I?' 'Where am I?'

"What are you?", she asked of the small bird. It shivered and told her she was not welcome here.

"Where is this?", she asked of the tree that was a rock. It pretended to be a tree, as it was wont to do.

"Who are you?!", she yelled after the fleeing child.

"How is this so delicious?", she exclaimed, eating a berry.

Sad and dejected she sat on a stump and sighted ,What kind of life is this?'.

"Why won't you talk to me?", she asked of the passing green hedgehog.

"Because you keep asking questions!"
it yelled back before vanishing into the bushes.

'Why would that matter?', she wondered and dissappeared.
I am very curious who gets wich pokemon that's supposed to be.

Also, if anyone reading my little story fragments has any pointers for improvement, please give them to me.

Unless they are actual pointers. I don't have accesses to your devices memory system.
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Shouldn't the pokedex have a map? You'd think finding the local gym and pokecentre would be pretty important for trainers.
Depends on the version I think, later versions definitely have a map function, but I don't actually remember if earlier ones do.

Oh no, they do. Just checked bulbapedia, even the gen 1 dex's had an 'Area' function that displays the local area map.

You need to get a Region map though if you want more than the basic local area map; the Town Map specifically for most generations. Johto has the Pokegear, Hoenn the Pokenav and Sinnoh the Poketch, though there's also an additional Town Map in the item bag as well.

And of course in Alola Rotom automagically does your map for you, though I'm not sure I'd trust the little fucker.

Without a map item, the dex only provides the local area map.
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Are they idiots? Are they geniuses? The evidence suggests that wherever the line between genius and stupidity lies, Team Rocket are standing right on it.
I believe that the term you are looking for is "idiot savant". Maybe add the qualifier "reverse", as they are just bad at one thing.
Besides calling the police and sending out pokemon some humans are psychic and able to use aura. Though yeah police and pokemon are way more likely.

Yeah, or worse - animal control. Or whatever the Pokemon equivalent of that is, at least. Mawile!me definitely does NOT want to get taken to the pound/daycare/etc.

It was actually meant more as a gradual timeshift, like a fast forward of events. Her Journey was supposed to last about 7 months.

But apparently the fast progression of time didn't come across as naturally as I wanted it to. Damn. I couldn't fit in narrotor statements on time without breaking the mood, so I hoped the background feeling and setting of long distance travel would do the job.

Ah, I see. No big deal, just thought I'd mention.

Also, all those people that know Pokemon moves. Or approximations.

Hiker used Rollout. It wasn't very effective, but who are we kidding, it's rollout, you're dead.

Excepting the likely possibility that the hiker was using Rollout on a sloped hill/mountain (as they tend to set up shop on), in which case they'll probably get off one iteration of the move before you win by default, the Hiker having left the battleground. :p

So I am. Well played Flarina.

The power of weak suggestion - just one more feature of the Least Omnipotent Goddess. :V

Wait, four? What else besides here, SB, and, presumably,

Correct. You can find that here, if for some reason you wanted to read this there instead.

Now I want to A: do my own art of that, and B: somehow set up that glitch on an emulator while reading memory such that the song gets translated into an appropriate tracker format for ease of hypothetical remixing.

I'd certainly encourage you to do the first! Glitch Pokemon can always use more fanart. :D Not a clue how you'd get the second one working, but it would certainly be cool.

Flairwile: Who knew that being a legbreaker for a pokemon gang would involve so few breaked legs? Okay, maybe that's because I'm more of a chompy type, and that would also explain why after the first few times so few forgot to pay their debts, and al– Oh, look there, it's Ash! Finally.

Mawile seem to generally be better suited for neck breaking than leg breaking. Like so:

Hey, don't be mean to Meowth, he's only half an idiot.

Dude learned how to talk human all by himself. He's not even a psychic or aura user, he just learned that shit the hard way.

Yep, geniuses in pretty much all aspects but one, that's the Team Rocket trio. Jessie is actually a pretty talented coordinator/performer, who likely could find a career in acting if she dedicated herself fully to it, James is apparently the one who largely builds the giant robots/mechs they're always using (and usually on a shoestring budget), and Meowth has a skill that pretty much no other "normal" Pokemon on the planet possesses. The three of them could probably easily set themselves up for life with skills like that - and even if they couldn't, they could surely still be pretty comfortable, seeing as how they're skilled in practically everything (basic physical labor, heavy construction, professional costuming, refereeing, stage makeup, special effects, camera work, etc) - but they're just too set on Pikachu chasing. Hence, idiots... supremely talented idiots, but idiots nonetheless.

If Cthulhu ever showed up in the Pokeverse it wouldn't be more than 5 minutes before he'd find himself under assault from a few dozen nigh-omnipotent Pokegods and an endless bombardment of Pokeballs trying to catch him.

And because this is the Pokeverse, one of those Pokeballs would succeed.

Nah, he'd probably be too big for just a random Pokeball to work, no matter how many were thrown at him.

Now, if they dynamax-ed one first...

Arguments like these that make me wonder if Team Rocket are really idiots, or if messing with Ash is just what they do for fun. You know, I'm half expecting Flairile to semi-accidentally get herself recruited by them just so that she can learn to talk properly from Meowth. Because she's sneaky that way.

*checks notes* Hmm...


That's Cthulhu's dirty little secret. All it really is is a Pokemon who escaped the madness. The effects it has in other universes are because it is a mid-level Water/Psi type.

You say that in jest, but with the number of Cthulu fakemon I've seen (and the number of different lores that Pokemon has incorporated into itself), this may end up being rather prescient come a future generation...


I'm not even joking, Unown were partially inspired by the generation 1 glitch Pokemon, that's why they're so damn weird even by Pokemon standards. They're typed as Psychic, but they are explicitly stated to use an 'odd power' that no-one understands and is capable of warping\glitching reality in sufficient quantities.

Unown are literally canon glitch pokemon.

Huh, are they really? I can't find anything supporting the idea that the Unown were inspired by glitches, but I do kind of like the idea. Personally, I subscribe more to the theory that the Ruins of Alph and the Unown were intended to be based on Hiroshima (mostly because if that isn't true, there's an awful lot of coincidences that don't have seem to have any other explanation), but I won't deny that they're probably the closest we'll ever get to actual "glitch" Pokemon, so they deserve some credit either way.

'M, and bad egg. Actually...doesn't bulbapedia have a list of glitch mons?

Bad egg would be particularly horrifying - you're an egg, and haven't even hatched yet. Maybe one day you will, but probably not, and even if that does happen, there's only 3 possibilities: 1) you hatch into a glitch that freezes everything around it until the world is reset, trapping you back as an egg again, 2) you hatch into another bad egg, or 3) you hatch into a random Pokemon, and everything is great... except that one day you may turn back into a bad egg anyways for no apparent reason, and have to hatch again. An endless, horrible cycle of rebirth that no one is likely to enjoy, least of all you.
How about the aerodactyl skeleton glitch
Imagine if our hapless goddess here wound up as that
If I only had the talent
What am I talking about if I had the talent I would be somewhere else and not reading this diamond in the rough
Yeah, glitches sound pretty horrible.
Way worse that what I was planning eventually writing, a Nincada SI, who looks forward to being a Ninjask only to then learn where Shedinjas come from and why they are pretty rare.

Death by a short natural lifecycle.
Then paranoia due to having only one HP and a run on a nearby sitrusberry plantation (because the SI is briefly operating that maybe this is mystery dungeon and sitrus berries increase HP by 5 or so) would kick off the story.
There's a reason why my icon is a mirror just as flairinas tag is least omnipotent goddess
All have reasons, mine just happens to involve mental gymnastics to put it lightly and flairs has a flair for fighting and you probably overcooked a cookie
All things a reason
Nobody knows where Pokemon eggs come from, not even the Pokemon.
I know people joke about this, but can you explain how a Wailord and a Mawile works?

Imagine you're a pokemon breeder, some stupid kids leaves his pets with you and you just leave them taking up space even if you can't provide your central service, money is money after all, and suddenly the ginormous whale and the teeny tiny pokemon have a baby?!

You'd be confused I imagine.
Nobody knows where Pokemon eggs come from, not even the Pokemon.
I know people joke about this, but can you explain how a Wailord and a Mawile works?
It's just a rule of the universe. In Conway's Game of Life, cells don't "make" more cells; but if three cells are close together a fourth will appear. So it is with pokemon eggs; if conditions are right they appear, despite never having been made.
It's just a rule of the universe. In Conway's Game of Life, cells don't "make" more cells; but if three cells are close together a fourth will appear. So it is with pokemon eggs; if conditions are right they appear, despite never having been made.
"When a mommy Pokemon and a daddy Pokemon are in general proximity for extended periods of time unobserved, an egg shall appear via Arceus´decree."

I like it.
"When a mommy Pokemon and a daddy Pokemon are in general proximity for extended periods of time unobserved, an egg shall appear via Arceus´decree."

I like it.
Actually even Arceus doesn't know where eggs come from, because he never actually programmed pokemon breeding; one time when he updated reality he discovered that eggs were now a thing for no apparent reason. After investigation failed to determine what was actually going on, he just decided to label it a feature, not a bug, slapped an 'emergent complexity' label on the process and went back to designing the next iteration of reality.

He still has no clue how eggs work, but they continue to do so, so he just lets them do whatever it is they do; less work for him, and it's not like he wants to get into the mechanics of breeding after all. It's lewd. And icky. Icky and lewd.
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HeartGold and SoulSilver have an event that shows how eggs are created. You see, Arceus starts over and re-creates the universe from scratch, except this time the egg exists.

Yes, really.