Backslash 2 - Cross-step (Hyphen X-over)
AN: I had way too much fun doing the first one, so in an unprecedented display I churned out another one right away.

This is unbeta'd, probably terrible, consists of 98% talking and exposition, and I profusely apologize to @Flairina for the gross mischaracterization of her Mawile. I don't know how she/you would react in certain situations, so it's basically Mawhile-INO

Turns out I have no idea how to write characters when they're not mine.

Should be fine, I'm not holding myself to high standards for silly omakes like this.

Backslash - 2 (Hyphen/Backwards Grin)


"Holy shit." Astra said, wide-eyed.

Mawile stared back, just as shocked.

"You- you can really... wait, but—" she started, then stopped, confused. "Wait, then—"

"Oh my gosh, I've never seen another Pokemon that can talk!" Astra exclaimed, excited beyond reason.

She rushed up to the smaller Pokemon, skidding to a halt before her and falling to her knees.

"Who are you? What are you?" she blabbered, words coming faster than she could think. "Are there more of you? Another village? Did you make those marks on the trees?"

"Wait, wait, stop!" Mawile yelled, pushing Astra's face away. "Slow down, and back up! Personal space, please!"


Astra screamed, shooting backward across the clearing in a frantic crawl. She stared at Mawile, heart pounding. Mawile's horn loomed above her head, casting her in an ominous shadow, while her red eyes pierced into Astra's heart, looking... vaguely confused?

"Um... what?" Mawile asked, awkwardly. "Are you okay?"

She took a step forward, and Astra yelped, scrambling back a bit. She couldn't help it — something about the diminutive Pokemon was just inexplicably horrifying. Even accounting for her monstrous horn-mouth, it didn't make any sense.

"I—I don't know." Astra stammered out, shaking. "You—why are you so scary? I don't—"

"Scary?" Mawile repeated, confused. "But I'm not even-"

She paused, furrowing her brows. Then, apparently coming to some sort of realization, she slowly covered her face with her palm and let out a long-suffering sigh.

"I'm an idiot."

Astra stared as Mawile concentrated for a second, then suddenly seemed to relax, her giant maw unclenching and her shoulders visibly loosening. The menacing aura faded at once, and Astra blinked at the suddenly normal-ish Pokemon before her.

"What was that?" Astra asked, slowly climbing to her feet. "It felt like you were going to—to tear me apart at any moment. Which," she frowned, "you already tried to."

"Um... yeah." Mawile glanced around, awkwardly tapping a foot against the ground. "Sorry about that, I just wasn't really expecting a trainer to suddenly bust into my hiding spot. I may have, uh... panicked, a little."

She stopped, then growled, seemingly at herself. "As for my 'scariness', that was a sort of ability I have, which I apparently didn't realize was active. For an entire week! No wonder nobody would talk to me, I—ugh, nevermind."

Astra blinked, then broke into a wide smile.

"Nobody else would talk to you?" she repeated, hope sparking. "So there are others? I thought we were the only ones! Where are they? How many?"

Mawile squinted at Astra, seeming bewildered by the questions. "Others? What do you—wait, hold up, how are you even understanding me in the first place? Aren't you human?"

Astra hesitated, then shook her head. Mawile wasn't a human, and judging from her words, she didn't think that humans could understand her. For a fellow sapient Pokemon, it would probably be okay, right?

Finding no fault with that, Astra slowly lifted the sunhat off her head and undid the wrap around her face, dispelling the illusion she kept there.

"I'm not human," she explained, smiling at the dumbstruck Mawile. "I'm a Kirlia."

Mawile just stared for a few moments, looking utterly bewildered. "Wait, but—but you had a Pokeball, and you looked human until a second ago! Why would—I don't—okay."

She paused, then slowly exhaled. "Let's start over. Who are you, exactly?"

Astra blinked. "Oh! My name is Astra. And you?"

Mawile hesitated.

"I... don't really have a name right now, I guess." she said after a moment. "Flair, maybe...?"

The tiny Pokemon seemed to think on that for a moment, before slowly shaking her head. "Hmm, no, just Mawile is fine for now. It's nice to meet you Astra. I don't suppose you know where we are? I woke up in this forest around a week ago, and haven't been able to find my way out since."

Astra's face fell.

"You don't know either?" she asked. "I just got here a few hours ago myself. I don't even know how, I was just walking through the woods outside Rustboro, and suddenly I was in a different forest."

She paused for a moment, heart sinking. If Mawile wasn't from here, then there probably weren't any others like her... not here, at least.

"Wait, did you say Rustboro?" Mawile asked, not seeming to notice Astra's sudden malaise. "Isn't that in Hoenn? Are we in Hoenn?"

Astra sighed. "I was in Hoenn, yes. I don't really know where this is, though." She glanced around at the surrounding trees. "Everything is so different here. Even the clouds changed shape—it was almost clear, but the sky's half full here."

"...hmm." Mawile hummed. "Well... sorry if this sounds weird, but I need to check. Do you know what a Mystery Dungeon is?"

Astra stared at Mawile blankly. Mystery dungeon? What?

"I have no idea what you're talking about." she answered honestly.

Mawile nodded to herself. "Well, that answers one thing at least. Although..."

She frowned, then turned back to Astra. "In that case, this is actually even weirder. If you're a Kirlia, why do you have a Pokeball? Heck, why are you dressed like..." She hesitated, struggling to find the right words, before settling on just gesturing up and down at Astra's robe. "Like that?"

Astra smiled, perking back up.

"It's because, almost a week ago now, I became a Pokemon trainer." she explained, then paused. "Which, of course, required disguising myself as a human. I'm dressed like this because...well, humans wear clothes, and this was the best my village had."

She shrugged. "Honestly, I kind of like it! Very breezy."

Mawile's eyes bulged. "Wait, you're a Pokemon that's gone undercover to become a trainer?"

"It was no big deal, really." Astra said, grinning. "Professor Birch didn't suspect a thing, and I got Treecko right after. I'm trying to become the Champion, so I can maybe stop humans from, well, destroying my village once it gets discovered, but I've—"

"Wait! Stop, hold up." Mawile frantically interrupted, holding up a hand. "This is... a lot you're throwing at me right now. Where do I even—village? You said that before. What village?"

"My home, back in Hoenn." Astra elaborated. "All of the Ralts and Kirlia on the continent live there, hidden from the human world, but our protections are failing—at the rate the nearest human city is expanding, we're going be discovered eventually."

A grimace threatened to overtake her face at the thought, but she pushed it back down.

"Recently though, I learned that there's someone all the humans listen to, called the Pokemon Champion." Astra continued. "So, I figured if I became this Champion, I might be able to protect my village when it gets discovered."

She paused, then took a deep breath—she had to at least ask.

"What about you?" she asked, trying to hold back her trepidation. "Were you from a village too?"

Mawile squinted at Astra.

"Am I in a spinoff?" she muttered to herself, seemingly not entirely meaning for Astra to hear her. "Or—wait, that sounds a little familiar, but where...?"

Mawile thought about it for another moment, then shook her head and turned back to Astra.

"No, I'm afraid there's no secret conclave of Mawile here. Last I remember, I was going to sleep back home, but come morning I somehow woke up here, in this forest. Made a little hovel over that way," she pointed north, "but there's nothing else out here."


Astra sat down. That was... disappointing, though not entirely unexpected.

"Darn. It would have been nice to know there was another Pokemon village out there..."

She sighed, but smiled as she turned back to Mawile a moment later. "But, at least I know we're not totally alone, now. It's really cool meeting another Pokemon who can talk!"

"Um, yeah, about that?" Mawile began. "What do you mean? Every Pokemon I've met so far can talk...even if they've never been particularly willing to talk to me." she grumbled in a slightly lower tone. "Stupid, lousy ability...anyways, can you not understand them?"

"You can?" Astra asked, baffled. "As far as I knew up until now, only other Ralts and Kirlia could actually talk. Other Pokemon just say their species name over and over, and whenever anyone tried telepathy, all they would get is a sort of, crude, conceptual thing."

She paused, struggling to figure out how to properly convey what psychic conversations entailed, before deciding it wasn't worth it. The concepts were too complicated to explain without at least a basic primer, which she doubted Mawile had...even if the smaller Pokemon did seem awfully well-informed.

"Are you saying you can understand all of them?" she asked.

Mawile nodded. "As far as I know, all Pokemon can talk pretty much freely with each other. Though, I noticed your mouth isn't moving — are you using telepathy to talk to me right now? What does it sound like if you use your regular voice?"

Astra's face flushed.

"Um. I'd rather not." she said, looking away and poking her fingers together. "That's reserved for, uh. Family."

Seriously, Mawile was nice, but not that nice.

"Oh, er... never mind then, I guess?" Mawile scratched her head awkwardly. "Anyways, everyone here speaks Eng—er, intelligibly, and so do you, so I'm not sure how that all adds up. What do I sound like to you?"

Astra hesitated. "It's...kind of weird. I can understand you just fine, like you're speaking human, but under that I can also hear you just going 'Maw mawile wile maw' at the same time. It's like..." She frowned. "It's like talking to two people at once, but they're the same person, and one is completely incomprehensible."

"That's... bizarre." Mawile replied, placing a hand on her chin. "...can you bring out one of your Pokemon? I want to test something."

"Sure." Astra said, standing up. Treecko's Pokeball was still in her hand, so she just tossed it in the air. "Treecko, come on out!"

In a flash of red light, Treecko re-emerged into the world. He took one look at Mawile and crouched down, ready for combat.

"Oh—no, Treecko," Astra said, patting him on the head. "Mawile is friendly. I just brought you out to test something. Mawile, this is Treecko."

"Hiya!" Mawile said in a cheery tone as she waved at Treecko, her horn carefully held still on the ground. "How are you?"

Treecko stared at Mawile in confusion, then looked to Astra.

"Tree," he said, pointing at Mawile. "Ko, treecko."

"She's a new friend." Astra answered automatically. "She just wanted to hear you talk a bit. Is that okay?"

Treecko shrugged. "Tree."

"What the hell...?" Mawile muttered, staring at Treecko. "That doesn't...what?"

"Huh?" Astra looked at Mawile, concerned. "What is what? What happened? Can you understand him?"

"I... yes?" Mawile replied, though not looking entirely certain of her own answer. "It's... like he's talking out of a bad Google translation, kind of?"

Astra blinked, bewildered. "Google translation"? What were these things that Mawile kept referencing?

"I can hear what he's saying, but it's all primitive and out of order." Mawile continued. "He wanted to know why I talk like you, I think? Or maybe I totally misinterpreted that, but... yeah, something weird is definitely going on here. What did you hear?"

Astra shrugged. "It was just 'Tree, ko, Treecko' to me."

"Well, that's definitely not what I heard." Mawile reiterated. "But why...?"

She trailed off, staring into the distance, then frowned. "I...can think of one explanation, maybe. I'm not sure how much sense it would make to you, but it would explain how you got here, as well as this weirdness."

"Oh?" Astra asked, curious. "What is it?"

"I think you may have somehow gotten punted here from an alternate dimension."

Wind blew through the clearing, shaking the trees and rustling the grass. Treecko settled down to rest in a nearby patch of flowers, while Astra just frowned.

"I don't know what that means."

Mawile sighed. "Okay so imagine there's a world just like yours, somewhere else. But in this other world, something in the past, or maybe at the beginning, something happened differently, and caused everything that followed after to spiral out in a different direction. Are you following?"

Astra frowned harder. "I... think so? Like if I hadn't gone out for berries that one time, I wouldn't have nearly gotten captured, and then wouldn't have gone to the city."

"Um, sure, I guess?" Mawile said. "Anyways, this world is a reality where Pokemon can all talk to each other like humans, but not to humans, while your normal is one where they're all, well. Animals."

She paused, looking over at Treecko. "No offense meant."

Treecko waved her off. "Ko."

Mawile grimaced. "Oh, that is definitely gonna take some getting used to."

"Alright..." Astra said, thinking. "I think I get it? But—wait!" She gasped, a horrifying thought striking her. "Does that mean I can't get back home? What about my village? If I don't become the champion, it's going to get discovered! How do we fix this!?"

"It... wouldn't be easy." Mawile winced. "We don't really know how you got shunted into this dimension to begin with, and without that as a starting point, options are kind of limited. There's at least a couple of entities I can think of that I'm pretty sure could put you back where you belong, but we'd need to find them first, which would be incredibly difficult, and I don't even know where we are now. Not to mention, I'm not sure Dialga or Palkia would be willing to help even if we found them."

Astra blinked. "Who?"

"A pair of legendary Pokemon who control time and space, respectively."

Silence rolled through the clearing. Astra blinked again.

"What?" she managed. "There are—wait, you know this? For real? How do you know this?"

She paused, squinting at Mawile. "Where did you say you came from, again?"

"Er..." Mawile shrank back, looking away for a moment. "I mean, I did mention I just sort of 'appeared' here a week ago, right? I'm not exactly from this world either. As for how I know this stuff, in my home dimension, I...used to live with humans, and was able to learn a lot about a, possible worlds? Due to certain circumstances there."

"That's really vague." Astra said, eyes narrowing further. "It kind of feels like you're just dodging the question. What circumstances?"

Mawile grimaced. "Look, it might be better if you just don't know. It would be...really hard to explain. Bottom line is, I know a lot more about certain aspects of this world than a 'normal' Pokemon might, and am aware of at least a good number of the most powerful Pokemon in existence. I might not know exactly how either of us ended up here, but I am next to certain that Dialga and Palkia could fix it."

"How hard?"

Mawile blinked. "Er, excuse me?"

"How hard would it be?" Astra clarified. "To explain?"

Mawile took a moment to think about it. "You went to Birch to get your starter Pokemon, right? Imagine suddenly found yourself pressed to explain your entire village situation to him, and then had to also convince him not to tell anyone else about its existence, or even investigate it himself, despite the fact that researching new Pokemon-related discoveries is what he's dedicated his entire life to."

"That... does sound like it would be hard." Astra admitted.

"Now imagine that again, but while you're talking to Birch, he not only has a decent chance of having a major freak out over the subject before you can even finish explaining, but potentially starts suffering from a minor-to-severe case of existential despair mid-way through."

Astra stared at Mawile. Existential despair? What in the world? "...really?"

"Yes, really." Mawile replied, walking closer. "Look, it shouldn't really matter, in the end. As long as you have faith that I at least mostly know what I'm talking about, it shouldn't be particularly relevant. So... please, just trust me on this?"

She looked up at Astra pleadingly, and Astra hesitated. She'd like to believe Mawile, but her story was just so incredibly odd. Not to mention, Astra could literally feel the guilt settling about Mawile like a cloak of mist—but there were other emotions there, too. Sincerity, hope, panic, but nothing negative directed towards Astra herself. Going off that, it seemed like Mawile truly was trying to protect her from...something.

"...alright, fine." Astra allowed. "But if it ever becomes truly important, I don't care how hard it is to say, you gotta tell me, alright?"

Mawile smiled, settling on the grass beside her. "That's fine. If things get that dire, we'll probably be past the point where it'll be that shocking anyways."

Astra nodded, then paused to look around. "So, we just gotta find those two, right? That's more of a direction than I had before finding you. But what do we do now?"

"I... don't really know." Mawile frowned. "Just getting out of this forest might be a challenge in and of itself. I've only been stuck here for a week because I can't seem to find my way out—every time I've made a committed effort, I somehow got lost, and ultimately just ended up back where I started."

"Hmm...well, maybe if we try together, we can find a way!" Astra said, grinning. "I'm sure it'll go better with the two of us."

Her smile faded, a worried frown replacing it. "But I hope we find a way soon. You made this sound like it'll take a while, and if I'm gone for too long, my village is toast..."

"I wouldn't be too worried." Mawile said. "If we do actually find Dialga and manage to get his help, I don't see any reason he couldn't send you right back to whenever you left. Ruler of time, remember?"

Astra blinked. "Really? You're sure?"

Mawile nodded, and Astra exhaled. "That's...good to know. I have some friends I'd hate to abandon back home."

"Yeah, I've been wondering about the people I left behind too." Mawile agreed. She patted Astra on the leg, smiling gently. "Try not to think about it too much. If we can get back, it'll be like we never left. If we can't...well, it wasn't our choice. Besides, Dialga and Palkia aren't the only options, I'm sure we can find some way back."

"Mmhmm." Astra hummed, having noticed when Mawile started using "we" in reference to future events. "So, I guess you'll be coming with me then?"

"Er... well, yeah, I was kind of hoping." Mawile said, rubbing the back of her neck. "I don't want to be stuck in this world any more than you do, and I definitely wouldn't mind some mutual help in fixing that. On my own, it might even be kind of hopeless, given I can't even find my way out of the forest, so teaming up with you is almost certainly my best option."

"So, one could say that you are a Pokemon," Astra said, slowly, "Traveling with a Pokemon trainer."

Mawile paused. Both mouths opened for a moment, then closed as she squinted at Astra.

"I don't like what you're implying here..."

"It would make sense if I caught you." Astra said, long hours of trying to mislead humanity coming to mind. Just because she was somewhere else didn't mean that keeping a low profile was any less vital. "A Pokemon that travels with a trainer but isn't theirs is kind of weird, isn't it? And what if you get hurt? The healing I saw from the Pokecenters was pretty impressive, but I can't hand them to you in a Pokeball if you're not in one. Plus, since I can look like a human, I can go a lot of places that Pokemon can't."

"No, it's not—I get the logic, I just...ugh."

Mawile sighed, rubbing her forehead. Astra watched warily as the smaller Pokemon's maw rose up behind her, anxiously clacking together a few times before settling down.

"It's just... it might be okay if it's you, but I'm not a big fan of the idea of being stuffed into a Pokeball." Mawile eventually continued, crossing her arms. "Do you even know what it's like in there? I don't, but I'm not sure I really want to find out."

"Treecko." Treecko suddenly piped up, raising his head and pointing at himself. "Ko. Tree tree ko treecko ko."

Mawile twitched. "Er, thank you. I think."

Astra looked between Mawile and Treecko. "What did he say?"

"He was trying to explain what it's like inside a Pokeball. It's sleeping but more, if I'm putting that together correctly? Is this what Meowth has to deal with...?" she muttered absentmindedly.

"Birch did say it was sort of like a...stasis?" Astra said. "I wasn't really listening. Who's Meowth?"

"Oh, he's—well, not nobody, but he's not important." Mawile replied, waving the question off. "He might not even exist here, for all I know. If he shows up, I'll tell you, but with any luck, he won't."

She sighed, then stood up, stretching her arms above her shoulders. Her horn rose up and opened wide with the motion, appearing to almost yawn, before settling back down like a heinous ponytail.

"Alright, let's get it over with."

Astra blinked.

"What, that easily?" she asked, rising to her feet. "I thought it'd take longer to convince you."

"Well, I do have conditions." Mawile said, raising a three-fingered hand to count off her claws. "First, you can have me linked to a Pokeball, but I don't really want to be in there for any longer than necessary. That means I travel with you in the outside world—I walk outside, I sleep outside, I...well, I can't see how I'd eat in there anyways, but you get the idea. Basically, just please don't recall me unless I ask, or you absolutely need to."

Astra hummed. "I'm not sure how well that would work in a human city, but I don't see any problem with it otherwise."

"Second..." Mawile paused, looking torn. "I'm...not really used to fighting. I won't back down if needs must, but I'd rather be...kept on the back lines, so to speak?"

Astra frowned.

"I can't not fight with you." she pointed out. "I'm a trainer, so it'd look awfully odd for me to be carrying around a Pokemon I never battle with, and I don't want anyone looking at me any closer than they have to. Because, you know," she waved a hand at her head, "not human."

"Yeah, I know..." Mawile sighed. "I get it, there's no way I'm getting out of it completely. All I'm asking is that you don't have me battle as much as your other Pokemon, and to try to take another option if you have it, alright?"

Astra nodded. "I can do that, I think."

"Thank you." Mawile said, before suddenly straightening and staring Astra directly in the eyes. "Third, and finally—as much as we may need to pretend otherwise, I am not actually your Pokemon. I am my own person. Not an animal, and definitely not a pet. I'll follow your lead, but this is going to be a partnership, or nothing at all. Is that clear?"

Astra flinched back as Mawile's aura of terror briefly flickered back into existence. Her toothy horn hovered overhead, opened slightly in anticipation. "I...yes, yes, that's fine! Just, stop that ability thing!"

Mawile stared Astra down for a moment more before sighing, letting her maw droop back behind her. "Good. Sorry, just wanted to make that point very clear."

"You didn't have to be a jerk about it." Astra grumbled, privately noting that Mawile was starting to remind her of May a bit. "I wouldn't do anything to you I wouldn't do to someone else."

Mawile sighed. "That might be true, and I don't think you would, but there's a sort of an inherent power gap between us. You—" she waved at Astra, "—can evolve. Twice! Once already, even. You can disguise yourself as a human, use awesome psychic powers, probably read can do so much more than I can."

She looked down at the ground with a rueful expression. "Meanwhile, unless we find something I'm not even sure exists here, I'm stuck as just this. I can't disguise myself as a human like you can, and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to talk to any of them either, so all I'll be in anyone else's eyes is a wild Pokemon. You're basically my only hope at a decent life, but you also hold pretty much all of the cards."

"...oh." Astra said, wide-eyed at Mawile's rant. "I...hadn't realized it was like that."

It really was a bit unfair, if she thought of it like that. Astra was basically asking Mawile to sacrifice her freedom. Hadn't that been what Astra herself was scared of? Was still scared of?

"I can't really change who I am or what I can do." Astra said, closing her eyes. "It is unfair that you can't do a lot of what I can. But I don't want you to think I'm ever taking advantage of you. So I promise, as one Pokemon to another, I will never treat you like anything less than a person. And if you're truly unhappy about it all, then..."

Astra exhaled, looking Mawile in the eye. "Well, we'll try to talk about it first. But if for some reason I just utterly refuse to listen, then you have my express permission to rip off my disguise and expose me to the whole world. How about that?"

Mawile stared at Astra, eyes widening, then let out a bark of laughter and shook her head.

"You're a pretty nice person, Astra." she said, grinning. "Even if I wish it never happened, I'm glad it was you that ended up here."

The two smiled at each other, and Mawile walked a few feet away, turning to face Astra. She opened her mouth, then suddenly blinked rapidly, and began to laugh again.

"What's so funny?" Astra asked.

"Ah- nothing." Mawile said, shaking her head. "There's absurd, private sort of irony in this situation. A Pokemon, disguised as a trainer, capturing me, who...well, this all just feels a bit backwards, is all."

She grinned. "Anyways, let's do this."

Astra nodded, still slightly confused, but grinning right back. Recalling Treecko from his spot in the grass, she shuffled his Pokeball away and brought out a fresh one. Then, taking aim, she tossed it at Mawile.

Mawile closed her eyes and bowed her head as the ball flew through the air. A split second later, it impacted, and Astra watched as the smaller Pokemon vanished in a flash of red light. The ball shook once, twice, thrice...

Then fell still with a small chime.

Walking over, Astra picked the ball up and stared at it for a moment.

"Capture success." she said quietly. "Welcome to the team, Mawile. I hope we can find our way home."

Spinning the ball around, she reached back. "Now, come back out! Go, Maw—"

Reality froze.

In the depths of another dimension, two legendary Pokemon were sleepily examining a group of Unown. Something had knocked them all out of order, and caused a small bit of spacetime to become entangled with a different bit.

Palkia was looking over one particular knot of spacetime in consternation. Frowning, he beckoned Dialga over to take a look.

Dialga did so, then shrugged and growled at Palkia. He was still tired.

Palkia, astonished, motioned at the knot in exasperation.

Dialga yawned, shrugging again.

Sighing in resignation, Palkia forcefully ripped the knot free from the two universes it was entangled with, leaving two gaping holes. Copying the knot, he slapped the holes shut again with the resulting messes, and watched unhappily as the knots re-integrated themselves into their universes.

Shoddy work all around, but then again, they had just woken up.



Astra tossed the Pokeball into the air. Red light flashed, and Mawile reappeared, looking rather disoriented.

"Okay, that was almost exactly as weird as I thought it'd be." Mawile complained. "Yeah, definitely not something I really want to—what the...?"

She looked up, eyes going wide. "Alright, where the hell are we now!?"

"What do you—oh!"

Astra gasped as she looked around. The trees, the clouds, the smell. All three had suddenly changed back without warning...and behind her, over the treetops, Rustboro stood, shining in the afternoon light.

"That's...Rustboro?" she said aloud, stunned. "How did—when—what!?"

"Wait, that's Rustboro?" Mawile demanded, rounding on Astra. "We're back where you came from? Why!? How!? How long was I in there for!?"

"I—I don't know!" Astra stammered. "It's only been ten seconds! I just picked up your ball to release you, and then suddenly we"

Mawile stared at her, then at the city. She threw her hands up.

"The fuck!?"



Astra tossed the Pokeball into the air. Red light flashed, and Mawile reappeared, looking rather disoriented.

"Okay, that was almost exactly as weird as I thought it'd be." Mawile complained. "Yeah, definitely not something I really want to repeat. Felt like I'd been forcibly placed into the fetal position."

"Like I said, I'll try to not put you in except when I need to." Astra said, patting the smaller Pokemon on the head.

"Hey!" Mawile grumbled, batting Astra's hand away. "No patting...also, aren't Kirlias supposed to be around my height? This is completely unfair."

Astra shrugged. "Kirlia in my village have always been this tall. So..." She took a moment to look around. "What now?"

On cue, Mawile and Astra's stomachs both rumbled. Mawile looked at Astra's backpack.

"You wouldn't happen to have any food in there, would you?" she asked, hopefully.

Astra nodded. "Yeah, but I was hoping to find a berry bush or a river to fish from before I dug into that."

Mawile shook her head. "Bushes around here are picked clean extremely fast on a daily basis. I can barely get enough to feed myself sometimes — in fact, I really don't get enough. Which is why I was, uh...setting a lure, earlier."

"Well, it was a very good lure." Astra complimented. "And if it is that barren around here, then I suppose I can bring out a few berry jars. Do you want to eat here?"

She looked around the clearing, but Mawile shook her head.

"Nah, let's go to my hovel over there." she said, pointing through the trees. "It's just a bunch of rocks, but it's been home for the past week, and I think I can repurpose some of them as tables."

"Sounds good to me." Astra said. "Lead the way."

And so they went.

I have very little idea of how to actually continue either of these timelines, but especially Beta. Perhaps Astra and Mawile team travel with Ash for a while. They're in Sinnoh, so hunting down Dialga and Palkia should be... not as hard. Again, I know bretty much jack about anywhere but Hoenn, I literally cannot write about Sinnoh without ludicrous ammounts of research.

I encourage readers to try their hand. And since I wrote two for @Flairina, I think she owes me one now? What's the exchange rate on omakes? Is there one? Wait that's not how that works? Whoopsie!

Hope you enjoyed. It's not my best, but I had fun.
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So their minds fuse together with their own personal most hated enemy, thoughts mixing and mingling inescapably? That's a pretty grimdark headcanon, dude.

And I'm not sure you have room to criticize theories, what with your "naw, impidimp and morgrem are evil because they're Fairies. Totally not anything to do with being Dark." :p

Er. Yes, that's why it would be pedantic.
Between them originally being one Deino in the first place, and the worst the pokedex says about them is that they "don't get along" and "fight over food" specifically. I imagine they'd probably find it more peaceful and natural than being Zweilous. Especially since I don't buy into the whole "they hate each other enough to kill each other" headcanon to begin with.

And hey now, I never said Morgrem are evil because they're fairies. I said fairies are just as capable of being evil without being dark, so blaming it definitively on them being dark is poke-racist.:V
that's... not really that big a stretch? or even all that grimdark, really. "heads hate eachother and fight, one that eats more dominates"+"evolution has only one brain"="one head kills other" is a pretty straightforward conclusion, if possibly more indirect than likely visualized. and it is far too widespread to be a "personal" headcanon. and i can't think of many other examples for your "like every other" but reuniclus.

but of the examples given for ghosts being "consistently worse", the only ones that really seem bad are froslass and gourgeist(also, note how he pokedex does not say that banette specifically targets children, just that it goes after a specific child). also, the thing of calling the games "needlessly edgy" is uncalled for, especially as you said it out of nowhere.
Except it is, there is literally nothing that implies the zweilous kill their other head. Especially when as mentioned above, they were originally one Deino to begin with. For all you know all Hydreigon have multiple personality disorder, it's a theory exactly as baseless as saying one of the heads die.

And a headcanon being popular doesn't make it anymore canon. As far as I'm aware there's no group that specifically espouses the "zweilous highlander theory", so it's still a personal headcanon regardless of how many people choose to believe it.

And it's not a terribly common thing to be sure, but off the top of my head there's also Zygarde, Magnezone, and Metang/Metagross.

As for ghosts. I'm not sure how "drags people to hell", "chases a child to seek vengeance for the crime of throwing away a toy a pokemon later possessed", and "literally stalk cruise ships and sink boats to make a castle from the wrecks" is somehow not consistently worse than things like "is aggressively territorial/protective", "hunts in packs", and "if it burns you it'll hurts forever". At least I can reasonably expect a houndoom to not do that unprovoked.

And the tone of the games and anime themselves aren't needlessly edgy, but the pokedex absolutely is and kinda always has been to varying degrees. I get that ghost types' pokedex entries are meant to be actual ghost stories and are dark and creepy on purpose. But why do they ALL need to be that way in every game? why did the mega evolution dex entries almost all have to be "btw you're torturing your pokemon if you do this". What does that add to the game exactly?

Gourgeist HAVE to do something else of note besides strangle people and sing right? Every freaking Cubone can't possibly be wearing the skull of its dead mother. Is there really nothing to say about Frillish and Jellicent besides "They cause multiple Titanics but even worse"?

Yeah I feel pretty safe in saying the Pokedex is needlessly edgy sometimes. Honestly I just ignore the thing most of the time because I don't need the thing going "btw that Gengar you're playing with will happily rip out your soul and eat it" or "Your Scizor is melting because you mega-evolved it, you monster"
"chases a child to seek vengeance for the crime of throwing away a toy a pokemon later possessed"
Banette is not "a pokemon later possessed" the pokemon is literally the toy come to life because abandonment hurts. Remember, Shinto still plays a large role in Japanese culture and in Shinto the fething ROCKS have a spirit that might get mad at you. Sure, one pebble spirit prolly can't do all that much but one pebble spirit that's been around for a thousand years might have something relevant to say.
"drags people to hell"
Fairly sure this one is "recapturing escapees" given that it doesn't say anything about anyone dying.
"literally stalk cruise ships and sink boats to make a castle from the wrecks"
Eh, Bower Birbs don't generally live in places with lots of infrastructure, but if they did I bet they'd steal handkerchief's and wires and stuff all the damn time. Jellicent just has more power with which to steal stuff.
I mean, I sure hope Mawile picked up chimchar as opposed to anyone else. Anyone else and all it means is that Mawile picked up a snack for the road, or it's one of the stronger mons and I don't see the point narratively unless their freedom makes them agreeable enough to hang with.

In fairness, Mawile has an appetite to rival Charybdis: being able to tide herself over for a bit longer than expected could be a pretty significant boon. Extra snacks could save a Nurse Joy's life later, is all I'm saying.
Omake: Lucky Egg
In fairness, Mawile has an appetite to rival Charybdis: being able to tide herself over for a bit longer than expected could be a pretty significant boon. Extra snacks could save a Nurse Joy's life later, is all I'm saying.

Nurse Joy huddles in the back of the supply closet, watching the door. Nothing happens. For now.

"Chansey? Chansey, I'm so sorry, but are you sure you can't lay any more eggs?" she whispers.

Chansey looks utterly miserable. Too thin to be healthy, the Egg Pokémon's pouch is utterly empty. "S-sey…"

Nurse Joy bites her lip. "I know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

A soft footstep outside the door. Another, closer.

Both trainer and Pokémon freeze. Neither so much as breathe.

A soft click, as something hard and sharp grasps the doorknob.

For just an instant, their eyes meet.

The door swings open slowly, a single red eye peering into the fading darkness of the pair's last hiding spot. Nothing can be seen beyond the crack of the door, beyond the flash of white teeth against black horns.


Nurse Joy leaps to her feet, standing in front of the weakened Chansey. "Take me! I-I'm bigger, I'll be more… more satisfying!"

"Chan! Chan!" cries her partner, trying to stumble to her feet.

The door creaks open a little wider. Just wide enough for a diminutive figure to slip through silently. "…Maw," it says, nodding grimly.


Nurse Joy closes her eyes.


…Only for them to snap open in shock.

Behind her, Chan—Blissey surges forward and shoves Nurse Joy out of the way, just barely faster than their opponent. "Maw!" snaps the high voice of their foe, wicked horns swivelling in Blissey's direction.

"No, don't!" Nurse Joy shouts desperately, trying to intercept as her partner… tosses a fresh egg into the smaller of the two mouths before them.

A moment passes in perfect silence.

"M-mawile~!" The tiny fairy beams, horns slipping back to their proper place. "Wile!" It turns and totters out the door, entirely satisfied.

Nurse Joy and Blissey slump to the floor, breathing a joint sigh of relief.

"Even the most ferocious Pokémon become calm when they eat Blissey's egg, which is said to be filled with happiness." —Pokédex, Pokémon Sun.
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In retrospect, upgrading to the new "Literally Possessed" OS might have been a little hasty.

Whoever had the idea that an intelligent being inhabiting an information device would be an upgrade presumably didn't realize at the time that it means said devices now have the option to say "Mmm... not feeling like describing it today."

Not nearly as different as you might think. In fact, not really much different at all. The more one looks into the two, the more they become pretty clearly the same thing. There are even a bunch of specific myths and legends that are shared, if somewhat different due to regional variation.

Did you know that there is a British (I think it was Welsh specifically, but I'm not sure) fairy folklore version of the kitsune/gumiho that shares many of the same traits? Or how about the Hyakki Yagyo, aka the Wyld Hunt in the West. Yes, none of them are exactly the same, but there's way too many things that resemble each other for it to be a coincidence. People mostly don't notice because the Disney conception of fairies is so pervasive, rather than the more traditional one that is pretty much identical to youkai in basic conception.

EDIT: Which shouldn't come as a surprise, really. That basic conception is a pretty natural thing to develop. The weird part is how many specific things there are in common, like the two I mentioned above. There's a lot more.
EDIT2: Think of it this way: take any given fae from the West, be it a troll, the Lady of the Lake, goblins, pixies, whatever. Forget for a second that they are faeries, and transplant them to Japan. Now: are they a youkai? The answer is "Yes," every time. Same way if you do the other way around. They're the same thing. The West just had a lot more time between people starting to disbelieve and forget about their folklore and popular entertainment media existing that actively looked back and preserved some version of it in the modern day. Also, more of a disconnect between that preservation and the folklore it came from.
the aos sí/sidhe/fae were basically European Yōkai, barring the ones that were household objects that gained a soul. Celtic mythology/folklore had a lot of animism as well, something similar to Japan's own. Even had a couple similar types, like magic cats (bakaneko, nekomata, cat sí), the Night Parade of 100 Demons & the Wild Hunt both have some similarities in chaotic intrusions of the supernatural in the mortal world (various processions of fairies also work, can't remember if they had a specific name or not, fairy rings also had some parties but weren't as big an "event"), púca/pooka and kitsune (and more, there were a few that could work here) fit the bill for helpful/troublemaking shapeshifters that enjoy pranks, selkie certainly sound like something that should have a Yōkai counterpart (particularly the "steal the sealskin robe and get to marry them for 7 years, may or may not seek vengeance afterwards), kelpie and various types of fuath have the "water spirits WILL kill you, appease or avoid" like kappa and some others.

...really, the major difference between the two (besides the Celtic paganism being similar to Shintoism if you squint only due to shared animism beliefs and it only applying to natural structures or animals and not including man-made objects), is Japan had a LOT more crude humor. Not to say Celtic mythology doesn't have any, but things like where kappa suck souls from corpses (the bum), magic tanuki testes, filth-lickers of various types, and crossdressing guys in brothels are all parts of Japanese folklore enough to be major details in their spirits. Kinda surprising they don't sneak in a few more Pokémon like that, but then again Lickitung (Akaname-like, especially in some later 'dex entries) exists, so maybe localization smooths out some of those to being less obvious.

The other major difference being Yokai got a writing system to record them in their natural mythology (and create new ones even into the 1800s), whereas the Fair Folk were recorded primarily by Irish monks who edited many of the stories as part of the Christianization of Ireland, leading to altered details like many of the malicious ones being warded off by aspects of the Church (reciting scripture, church bells, etc) and turning various gods into kings and queens. Various spirits like nuckers/knockers/tommyknockers/mining-type kobolds and a few others that are aspects of industrialized cultures and still fairies by nature of being elves/goblins/dwarves/sprites (spirits) and/or descended etymologically from the same roots that branched out into the various Fair Folk throughout Europe and more common through Celtic and Germanic roots.

...well alright then. Consider me educated. 👺

Also, Paul doesn't feed one of his Pokémon??? Wtf. So what if some Pokémon can make their own food internally like Rowlet and such, I'm pretty sure that's also a last resort sort of thing that's only for famine and starvation situations.

Eh... Electabuzz are purportedly extremely keen on feeding on electricity, regardless of whether they're in a "famine" situation, so while perhaps Paul should at least be supplementing Elekid's diet, I wouldn't really consider it "cruelty".

(Ironically, they lose the ability to make electricity themselves upon evolving, so once Elekid becomes an Electabuzz, he'll no longer be able to make his own food. Seems a little counterintuitive for an evolution, if you ask me.)

A lot of ghosts have Pokédex entries that say what they eat. Aaaand a lot of them are messed up.


In general, ghosts seem to eat souls or aspects of the psyche; they are strong against psychics after all. So yes, perhaps it's not the food itself that ghosts eat. I like to think that, if you give a ghost curry or berries, they literally consume the care and love that went into making treats for your cute spectral buddy.

That went from creepy to cute in no time at all, hehe. I think I'll keep that idea/explanation in mind. :)

What I find interesting is that despite all the bad rep Dark types get for being the "evil type", theyre usually just more aggressive on average than other pokemon at worst.

Meanwhile 95% of all ghost types dex entries are about all the ways they kill people going all the way back to gen 1.

Like I get their dex entries are literally ghost stories but there's still loads more evidence for ghost types being evil than dark types no matter what their japanese type name is.

If I recall, Dark type being known as Evil type in Japan is actually meant less to refer to their "alignment" so much as their tactics and mindset - as in, nearly all Dark-type Pokemon are all extremely willing to fight dirty. You'll notice that many Dark-type moves are things that would be considered unsporting in a fair fight, ex. Biting your opponent, distracting them and hitting them while they're not looking, stealing from them, attacking them while they're fleeing or withdrawing, ganging up on them with all your teammates, etc. So, while there are certainly cruel and sadistic dark-types (and dark-type moves, like Night Slash, AKA Crossroad Killing), the type itself isn't meant to necessarily refer to the Pokemon that possess it being inherently "evil" - it's more of a correlation than a guarantee, is what I'm saying.

Hydreigon's central head is in charge because it murdered its other head back when it was a zweilous.
So their minds fuse together with their own personal most hated enemy, thoughts mixing and mingling inescapably? That's a pretty grimdark headcanon, dude.

Eh... "murder" is a bit stronger than I'd think really fits here. The heads may not like each other, but none their entries say they actively hate each other, only competing or bickering in trying to eat more than the other. They may only really dislike each other because Deino are used to having... well, one head, and having to compete for food with yourself is undoubtedly frustrating. Assuming they do they merge back together as Hydreigon (and that the one head doesn't just disappear back into the body), those annoyances would presumably go away, meaning the mind probably wouldn't be permanently split the way you're suggesting... though I suppose that would explain Hydreigon's constant and unending aggression. I could see either side of the argument potentially being correct... but, this probably isn't something worth arguing about to begin with.

And then there is Meanwile.

Hey! I'm not mean... am I? :confused2:

I can't help but want to read about like, a lonely girl that's loves baking and is friends with some ghost types due to her giving them somewhat burnt cookies made with love

Dawww. I could see that being a very cute little "slice-of-unlife" fanfic. :)

Maybe while exploring the forest, she finds a dirty old sword, which she then visits for clean ups with some TLC. Said sword is actually a honedge that didn't slurp up her lifeforce like a smoothie when she picked it up due to reasons.

Honedge: "You... are... worthy..."
MC-Chan: "I don't know what that means, but I think you are worthy of some cookies!"

Also, on that note, I think an SI into a Deino could be fascinating.

That definitely could be interesting, yeah, especially if they ever ended up evolving.

For what its worth, I really liked No Leaf Clover. It's the only Zero Escape Fanfiction I've ever actually liked... which may be part of the problem, really (Yes I looked at the ones linked in the thread, but both of them haven't updated in ages, so...).

Thanks! I'm glad it at least reads well to its very-niche audience, relatively small though it may be. :)

Am I right in thinking that assuming Phi was listening in on "Clover's" rant in chapter 9, the important bit for her wasn't any of the "bombs" she dropped, but her mentioning how all the codes are letter-shifted phrases? And that rather than getting Dio to spill the codes like in canon, she's going to be figuring out what those phrases are instead?

That would depend on whether or not Phi actually SHIFTed in Hit For Six, or she was just faking it, as one or two commenters speculated. It's notable though that only Sigma manages to remember any of the codes in canon - which is pretty impressive, honestly, as I imagine it's rather difficult to remember four separate nine-character codes with no apparent meaning to them. If you know they actually DO have meaning however, that becomes much simpler...

RE: Paul becoming aware of his own faults and hastily backpedalling in order to preserve his ego.

I don't have a response to this, other than that I think it's hilarious. :lol:

Putting them together, it seems like the Dark-type is defined by passion. Sometimes hedonic, sometimes tempered by experience and willpower, and sometimes just loving your job. Hmm… "dark" and "passion" eh? That reminds me of something…

Interesting take on the type, and also one I'd think works pretty well as a general definition.

Nurse Joy huddles in the back of the supply closet, watching the door.

...and two MORE omakes, I- I don't even know what to say anymore; I am running out of ways to be amazed/astonished/etc. At some point I'm just going to keel over in my chair in a dead faint with a massive smile grin on my face, and no one I live with will have any idea what happened.

(Threadmarked, the latter as "Lucky Egg". And, since I did it with the last installment, crossposting my response to Backslash: )

I profusely apologize to @Flairina for the gross mischaracterization of her Mawile. I don't know how she/you would react in certain situations, so it's basically Mawhile-INO

You did pretty well, actually! A little more swearing than I'd be liable to do (at least out loud), but my priorities would be pretty close to how you wrote them - if I'd written the scene instead, I'd expect the conversation to proceed at least mostly the same way, give or take some wording choices. So, kudos for that!

"Hm." Mawile said, sighing. "Well, first things first. Do you know what a Mystery Dungeon is?"

Yep, sounds like me alright! Establish the continuity before anything else, because otherwise this is just going to get even more confusing.

Mawile stared at Astra blankly. "Am I in a spinoff?" she muttered. "Or, wait that sounds a little familiar, where...?"

Mawile!me: No... not just a spinoff... a fanfic?! :o, seriously, if a Kirlia named "Astra" dressed like a person actually came up to me, I imagine I'd pretty immediately recognize where she's from. For the sake of not getting too meta with it however (in a way that would likely result in me trying to petition Dermonster, in-character, to let us both back into our own dimensions), I understand why you'd decide that particular memory either doesn't exist here, is too distant to recall, or is "locked" so to speak.

Astra hesitated. "It's kind of weird. I can understand you just fine, like you're speaking human, but under that I can also hear you just going 'Maw mawile wile maw' at the same time. It's like," she said, frowning. 'It's like talking to two people at once, but they're the same person, and one is completely incomprehensible."
"I... yes?" Mawile said, looking fairly poleaxed. "It's... it's like he's talking out of a bad google translation. I can hear what he's saying, but it's all primitive and out of order. He wanted to know why I talked like you, I think? Okay, no, something weird is definitely going on here. What did you hear?"

So Astra understands "human", which implies Mawile!me is still speaking English beneath the surface veneer of "Maw Mawile Maw", but she still can't understand Pokemon from her own world here, even on the bad-translation level I apparently can. Treecko didn't suddenly become intelligible to her, or start speaking "proper" Pokemon to me, so properties presumably carry between worlds, meaning nothing about Astra should have changed in transit... but, unless humans from Astra's world can understand Mawile!me as well (which I guess we may or may not find out), this world is clearly considering Astra a Pokemon, and thus applying the "Pokemon can understand other Pokemon" rule. Interesting...

and I happen to know pretty much every pokemon that exists.

This is probably one of the only sentences here I can't imagine myself being likely to say, interestingly enough. I don't know pretty much every Pokemon, I know pretty much every Pokemon that exists within eight or so specific regions of the world. It'd be some serious hubris to say otherwise, especially when I've still yet to nail down the continuity we're in... but it's easy enough to excuse by just assuming I phrased it poorly, or wasn't thinking about that at the moment. Not as though I always speak with perfect clarity in real life, after all. ^^;

Behind her, her maw rose up and clacked a few times before settling down.

I like the idea of this being a sort of nervous/thinking tic that happens without Mawile!me even noticing from time to time. As if Mawile weren't disconcerting enough already...

I walk outside, I sleep outside, basically, don't recall me unless I ask or you absolutely need to.

Mawile!me: ...which, depending on how fast you walk and how comfortable the Pokeball turns out to be, admittedly may be a bit more often than I'm currently implying. But I definitely need that to not be considered the common state of things!

"Ah, nothing." Mawile said, shaking her head. "There's just... an absurd sort of irony in this situation. A pokemon disguised as a trainer capturing me, who... well, it just feels like the situation should be reversed, is all."

Internally, I'm thinking this has got to be the weirdest possible route to ending up involved in the Pokemon League challenge, in any capacity whatsoever.

Ooh! Didn't expect THAT to be how you resolved it, even with the plot spoilers you mentioned before. That certainly leaves a lot of room for potential continuations...

And aren't Kirlias supposed to be around my height? This is unfair." she grumbled.

I can just see Mawile!me trawling through my memories for any appearances of Kirlia in the anime or games, then mentally comparing them to ones of Gardevoir, and subsequently being both confused and envious/annoyed at Astra's apparent giant-ness. :p

"Wait, that's Rustboro?" Mawile demanded. "We're back where you came from? Why!? How long was I in there for!?"

Mawile!me: I mean I guess it's nice we're at least back near civilization, but I didn't sign up to be Rip Van Winkled!

"I—I don't know!" Astra stammered. "It's only been ten seconds! I just picked up your ball to release you and then suddenly we were... here." she finished lamely.

Mawile stared at her, then at the city. She threw her hands up.

...and Hoopa and Mew immediately ratchet WAY up the list of potential "suspects" on Mawile!me's mental list. Lousy little legendary pranksters, teleporting people through dimensions and time! Quit screwing with me- er, us- and show yourselves already!

Anyways, that was awesome! Despite the large focus on talking/exposition, it was highly enjoyable. :) Assuming there is one, I very much look forward to the next installment, and-

Since I wrote two for @Flairina, I think she owes me one now? What's the exchange rate on omakes? Is there one? Wait that's not how that works? Whoopsie!

Oh god Derm, no, don't do this to me; I'm too slow at updating my fics as is! Subsumption has been waiting three months for an update and Stand-in has been waiting a year and a half; I can't pick up a new project like this now!

(...mind maybe waiting a bit? I don't think I can bang something out quite that fast. ^^; )

Chansey looks utterly miserable. Too thin to be healthy, the Egg Pokémon's pouch is utterly empty. "S-sey…"

A "skinny" Chansey sounds quite unnatural - I imagine I'd feel bad enough just seeing that to not keep asking for more.

Behind her, Chan—Blissey surges forward and shoves Nurse Joy out of the way, just barely faster than their opponent. "Maw!" snaps the high voice of their foe, wicked horns swivelling in Blissey's direction.

Mawile!me: ...why do I get the feeling I'm the villain here...

"Even the most ferocious Pokémon become calm when they eat Blissey's egg, which is said to be filled with happiness." —Pokédex, Pokémon Sun.

Giving Mawile!me literal food euphoria does not sound like the best way to make me leave... but it was admirable nonetheless. :)
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Banette is not "a pokemon later possessed" the pokemon is literally the toy come to life because abandonment hurts. Remember, Shinto still plays a large role in Japanese culture and in Shinto the fething ROCKS have a spirit that might get mad at you. Sure, one pebble spirit prolly can't do all that much but one pebble spirit that's been around for a thousand years might have something relevant to say.

Fairly sure this one is "recapturing escapees" given that it doesn't say anything about anyone dying.

Eh, Bower Birbs don't generally live in places with lots of infrastructure, but if they did I bet they'd steal handkerchief's and wires and stuff all the damn time. Jellicent just has more power with which to steal stuff.
I'm aware of Shinto, I'm also aware of how Banette evolve from Shuppet which definitely weren't a toy before. And neither of which has any bearing on how irrational seeking bloody revenge on a child over an inanimate object is.

Dusknoir isn't the only ghost pokemon who drag people to hell. But it doesn't matter because the pokedex says it does drag the living off too.

You're kinda missing the point with that bower bird connection, though cruise ships and tankers are huge. No amount of Frillish and Jellicent could possibly need "a castle" worth of them, nevermind the sheer number of human and pokemon lives lost sinking them since they explicitly don't leave survivors. And it's not like they'd need to sink ships themselves to live in shipwrecks. Our oceans are littered with them even without actual sea monsters.

And even if we did give them a pass for seeking food and shelter rather than malice, they would STILL be monstrously worse than any dark type other than maybe tyrannitar in terms of destruction and lives lost.

And Tyrannitar is drastically rarer than Frillish or Jellicent, who choke the seas as bad as Tentacool do.

Again, this whole thing thing started because I find it oddly interesting that dark types are the ones called "evil" when ghost types are typically worse according to the pokedex.

And they are. Even ignoring explicitly sadistic outliers, and giving them the benefit of the doubt about simply trying to survive with no malicious intention on their part. They still tend to have noticeably more unpleasant hunting/survival tactics or involuntary defense mechanisms than dark types do. To the point there was a discussion running concurrently about whether pokekibble even does anything for them because a significant number of them seem to primarily eat souls.

Like I've said before, this isn't about saying ghost types are evil. I like most of them myself and strongly prefer positive interpretations whenever possible. But I find it weird that the dark type is considered evil, despite their pokedex entries not being as bad as ghost types generally are, seemingly for no other reason than being called evil type in japanese.

Yukionna had some stories where they'd help people lost in blizzards, but Froslass has no mention of that. Just that it freezes people and pokemon it likes to keep as decorations.

Jack-o-lanterns were used to ward off evil spirits, but you'd never know that from gourgeist.

And that's consistent with the pokedex for most of them, ignoring anything that might be endearing in favor of edgy ghost stories and nothing else.
Whoever had the idea that an intelligent being inhabiting an information device would be an upgrade presumably didn't realize at the time that it means said devices now have the option to say "Mmm... not feeling like describing it today."
"You know what would make this Pokedex better? If it was haunted!" - Professor Kukui, for some fucking reason.

(Because Ghosts are well known to be trustworthy and reliable Pokemon. :jackiechan:)
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"You know what would make this Pokedex better? If it was haunted!" - Professor Kukui, for some fucking reason.

(Because Ghosts are well known to be trustworthy and reliable Pokemon. :jackiechan:)
His judgement is could be further questioned due to the existence of porygon and its line, you know Pokemon that are specifically engineered to operate in electronics
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That went from creepy to cute in no time at all, hehe. I think I'll keep that idea/explanation in mind. :)
Yeah, those are my favourite tones. It's no coincidence that Ghost and Fairy are my favourite types.

A "skinny" Chansey sounds quite unnatural - I imagine I'd feel bad enough just seeing that to not keep asking.
Eek, yes. I was trying to go more for "less round" than "cylinder," but I guess I botched the wording.

(Also, did I really use "utterly" in back-to-back sentences? Bleh.)

GIving Mawile!me literal food euphoria does not sound like the best way to make me leave... but it was admirable nonetheless. :)
Heh, I admit I didn't have a strong idea of how to end the encounter. Or rather I did, but the original ending was a "you're not you when you're hungry" reference. I jettisoned that out the nearest airlock, and had to find a replacement on short notice.
On the Hydreigon tangent – I recall reading one fic, years and years ago, that said Zweilous evolve either when one head kills the other, or they manage to stop fighting and work together. Which it is has a significant impact on the psychology of the resulting Hydreigon.

Hm... here it is, Alphabet Soup. I liked it then, but it has been quite a while so I can't fully vouch for whether it's still to my or anyone else's tastes (and I hadn't read much fic then, so my ability to detect cliches and such was not great). I'm pretty sure it had strong characterization, didn't go fully grim but was definitely darker at times than canon. More or less follows the plot of B/W, broadly.
I'm also aware of how Banette evolve from Shuppet which definitely weren't a toy before.
Actually, Shuppet is called the 'Puppet Pokemon' and appears to be based on these things, and\or hand puppets. Also, the name 'Shuppet' is a contraction of Shadow Puppet.

All of this strongly implies that Shuppet is in fact a haunted puppet, which is a kind of toy. Based on the Shuppet and Banette lore descriptions it would seem to suggest that Shuppet gathers negative emotions in order to aggregate them together into the cursed power that Banette uses to wreck shit and hunt down the person that abandoned it in the first place. Once Shuppet has enough stored hatred and whatnot it Evolves and goes on the hunt.

On the Hydreigon tangent – I recall reading one fic, years and years ago, that said Zweilous evolve either when one head kills the other, or they manage to stop fighting and work together. Which it is has a significant impact on the psychology of the resulting Hydreigon.

Hm... here it is, Alphabet Soup. I liked it then, but it has been quite a while so I can't fully vouch for whether it's still to my or anyone else's tastes (and I hadn't read much fic then, so my ability to detect cliches and such was not great). I'm pretty sure it had strong characterization, didn't go fully grim but was definitely darker at times than canon. More or less follows the plot of B/W, broadly.
Worth noting that some of the Zweilous descriptions specifically note that the heads don't just dislike each other, but actively compete for dominance; they fight over food because the head that eats the most is the strongest and therefore the leader, which certainly suggests some potential Highlander shit going down there.

His judgement is could be further question due to the existence of porygon and its line, you know Pokemon that are specifically engineered to operate in electronics
But why use the literally-made-of-software Virtual Pokemon as your computer AI when you can use Ghosts as your AI instead?! :V

e: Honestly, Professor Kukui doesn't strike me as the kind of person who thinks things through before doing them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he just decided to see what happens if you put a Rotom in a Pokedex and was thrilled when it turned out to be far more entertaining of a result than expected.
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Actually, Shuppet is called the 'Puppet Pokemon' and appears to be based on these things, and\or hand puppets. Also, the name 'Shuppet' is a contraction of Shadow Puppet.

All of this strongly implies that Shuppet is in fact a haunted puppet, which is a kind of toy. Based on the Shuppet and Banette lore descriptions it would seem to suggest that Shuppet gathers negative emotions in order to aggregate them together into the cursed power that Banette uses to wreck shit and hunt down the person that abandoned it in the first place.

But why use the literally-made-of-software Virtual Pokemon as your computer AI when you can use Ghosts as your AI instead?! :V

Worth noting that some of the Zweilous descriptions specifically note that the heads don't just dislike each other, but actively compete for dominance, which certainly suggests some potential Highlander shit going down there.
Except teruterubozu AREN'T toys, they're weather charms. Castform are also based on them, and more accurately. They're explicitly meant to be gotten rid of after use and not played with.

And again, it doesn't. It only implies they compete over who eats what and being the final say on what the body does. Dominance =/= murder.
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Hand and Shadow Puppets however, which Shuppet also draws from, are toys.
Except nothing in its behavior remotely references puppets, shadow puppets, playing, children, or toys of any kind. Heck it's japanese name is kagebouzu which is a combination of shadow and teru teru bozu. The only thing shadow puppet related about it is it's english name.

It's habit of resting under the eaves of houses is a direct reference to that. There are no references to it using its shadow to do anything.

Regardless I've been worried for the past three posts or so about these rants I've been going on calling mod attention so I'll bow out completely on the topic with this;

Even if shuppet was an abandoned shadow puppet, it still would've become a pokemon only after being abandoned. Otherwise it would say the child abandoned a pokemon or friend rather than a toy.

So Banette is still irrationally seeking bloody revenge on a child over what was at the time a mundane inanimate object.
So Banette is still irrationally seeking bloody revenge on a child over what was at the time a mundane inanimate object.
Wait hang on, I might have misunderstood this.

Are you objecting to Banette, a Ghost-type driven by negative emotions like hatred, anger and jealousy, acting on irrational\emotional desires that make no logical sense?

Because, um, nothing personal, but... duh. It is literally powered by malice. Why would you expect a haunted puppet that runs on curses and hatred to be a rational actor?
No amount of Frillish and Jellicent could possibly need "a castle" worth of them
Ah yes, it's so damn easy to impress a mate these days, why, all you have to do is show up at a Daycare as a Trainers pokemon!

Or did you not grasp that Bower Birbs are a pretty big group of Birbs who build impressive nests for the purpose of attracting a mate? An Eagle might only need a big platform because it's a big birb, but there are species of Bowers where the male will build a nest big enough for a dozen birbs in an effort to impress.

I'm also aware of how Banette evolve from Shuppet which definitely weren't a toy before. And neither of which has any bearing on how irrational seeking bloody revenge on a child over an inanimate object is.
"Inanimate object" Rocks have souls... are you seeing where this is going? Because you sure do seem unable to actually grasp the implications here. Let me spell it out explicitly, the Toy has a soul, the Shuppet helps the Toy's soul to achieve the goal. Assuming of course, that it's not a "don't throw stuff away" life lesson fable anyway.

Well, also this...
Actually, Shuppet is called the 'Puppet Pokemon' and appears to be based on these things, and\or hand puppets. Also, the name 'Shuppet' is a contraction of Shadow Puppet.

All of this strongly implies that Shuppet is in fact a haunted puppet, which is a kind of toy. Based on the Shuppet and Banette lore descriptions it would seem to suggest that Shuppet gathers negative emotions in order to aggregate them together into the cursed power that Banette uses to wreck shit and hunt down the person that abandoned it in the first place. Once Shuppet has enough stored hatred and whatnot it Evolves and goes on the hunt.
So yeah.

But I find it weird that the dark type is considered evil, despite their pokedex entries not being as bad as ghost types generally are, seemingly for no other reason than being called evil type in japanese.
Well, one group is ghosts and the other group invented Sucker Punch... soooooo...
Well whether or not it was a smart idea to introduce the GhostOS into the world, apparently it was a commercial success, at least in Galar, seeing as they have shit loads of the things every where. Phones, PC's, yeesh where do they find them all?
Yeah, no. Those are reaching to fufill a personal grimdark headcanon. Nothing even slightly implies anywhere that Zweilous murders one of its heads to evolve, and they don't need to reach some level of attack, they just need to reach lvl 64. It's far more likely that, like every other pokemon that used to be seperate entities, the two heads just fused. Especially since its other heads aren't coming out of its neck like Zweilous', they come out of where its front legs used to be.

With all this murder or no murder talk, has no one contemplated the possibility that at Level 64, both of the heads die no matter what, a loss of both of their personalities, turning into hands in the process. And another, newer head grows from between their new head-hands? Waking up without a use of actual real hands, and if they look down they realize they have heads in the place of hands. That's the true meaning of grimdark/grimderp right there.
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With all this murder or no murder talk, has no one contemplated the possibility that at Level 64, both of the heads die no matter what, a loss of both of their personalities, turning into hands in the process. And another, newer head grows from between their new head-hands? Waking up without a use of actual real hands, and if they look down they realize they have heads in the place of hands. That's the true meaning of grimdark/grimderp right there.
some people have actually claimed that as a theory.