Ehh, I am a little worried about the "grown-up" look. It can be very effective, but tends to limit your prey. You really don't want to be a bunch of pandas that can only eat a single rare species of bamboo.
Doesn't Mawile already have a cute Mega-Evolution that is absurdly powerful?

It's ability is Huge Power, which with its already good attack strength pretty much makes it the hardest hitting thing in Pokemon.
I think the dex entries for SM/USM is rotom either being a troll or edgy. Or has something against megas.

You do have to remember that rotom is a ghost type and likes to wreck havoc according DPPt/BW/XY pokedex

The pokedex entries for megas on LGPE is nowhere near as edgy.
Yeah, I was going to add that if I hadn't had to go to work. The RotomDex went full in on the fridge horror everywhere, not just for megas, to the point where a lot of it is just blatantly rumormongering and/or rotom making stuff up for shiggles. Additionally, I've seen some people speculate that perhaps megaevolution has a bad rap in Alola specifically because they only see it done by tourist trainers, who may or may not actually know what they are doing.
I'd rather mega Mawhile than the more fetishy/sexualized 'grown up' Mawhile. The waifu conflation is kinda grim imo. Murder beast is also pretty cool.
neeeeeeeeeeed mmmmooootrrrrreeeee
I know that feeling, but it tends to be worth the wait with Flair's work.

Joining up with another trainer? I could see it. Siwile might not get along with Paul but I reckon there are a few trainers out there she could get along with. I doubt she would suffer Ash's inability to remember the basics of battling for long, But of the ones I remember Dawn and Brock seem like good choices;

Dawn is less battle focused than most, and her Pokémon are more like performers than combatants. She also seems to pamper her Mon's a bit more than most, though whether that's a pro or a con is a matter of perspective for Siwile.

Meanwhile, Brock is a gym leader and might well know how to properly care for a Mawile, along with a predisposition towards making good food which I get the feeling would make her happy. Downside is that he aspires to be a Poké-breeder, and I get the weird feeling that Siwile wouldn't be interested
in *that* career path.
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neeeeeeeeeeed mmmmooootrrrrreeeee :V :p

Eheh, working on it! I'd hoped to be finished with it by Monday, but I had a dental appointment to go to, and the chapter has gotten extra long again (currently clocking in at nearly 7k total words), and is thus taking a while to do quality checking and control on. I'm honestly considering splitting it in two AGAIN, which sounds patently ridiculous considering this is already a split from the last chapter, but more likely this is just going up as one big block of text. Hopefully it will at least be an enjoyable one.

(That said, I will need to shift focus from this fic fairly soon for at least a short while - I feel terrible for not having updated Subsumption at all for the entirety of May, and I'd very much prefer that trend to not continue straight into June.)

It's not that bad. Yeah, it explores some of the implications of the world, certain arcs get dark *cough*Ruby and Sapphire*cough*, but generally it stays within the pg-13 rating. To my knowledge, the only time you actually see a bloody death is the aftermath of Lynsarde getting impaled on a stalagmite.

I'll take your word for it. Either way, definitely more adult-oriented than anything else in the franchise that isn't fanmade... well, again, unless you count the second set of games in the PMD series, but that's more of a really dark story with a thin kid-safe coating of paint laid over top of it.

I think this is actually supposed to be the case. One of my issues with Mega Evolution has always been the fact that they always talk about it as like some kind of powerful expression of the bond between trainer and Pokémon, and then you have the Pokédex entries...

Mega Kangaskhan, whose child is only good at fighting so she worries about its future.
Mega Scizor which starts to melt if it stays in the form too long.
Mega Tyranitar who is in so much pain that "its destructive instincts are all that keeps it going."
Mega Banette which literally cannot help but curse its own trainer.

Every Pokédex entry is either about what kind of horrifying violence they want to get up to, or about just how agonizing the experience is.

And that's why mega evolution is the mark of a true bond of friendship, kids! Because your friends are willing to put up with physical and psychological torture so you can flex on Youngster Joey!
IIRC that's mostly retcons from one gen to the next. In Sun and Moon it seemed like they decided to go out of their way to try and portray megaevolution as a bad, cruel thing, completely contrary to how it was portrayed in X and Y. In the anime season of X and Y there was a bit of "yeah, practice this first because the first couple of times all that extra energy mi~ght lead to the pokemon going a little bit berserk." But that was about it, iirc.

Then in Sun and Moon they wanted to get rid of megas from the multiplayer vs. meta to make more room for Z-moves. So they not only made it so that the only way to get a mega stone was to transfer from the old game, they also made a big deal in the pokedex entries about it being a horrible, evil trainer thing to do.

I dunno about it being retcons so much as new and/or additional information. Again, the XY anime also characterizes mega evolution as some great bond between the Pokemon and trainer... but only in theory. In practice however, if mega evolution really is an expression of the bonds between human and Pokemon, those bonds sure as hell seem to hurt an awful lot, and that was before Sun and Moon was even a thing. Not to mention, Korrina's Lucario wasn't going berserk due to lack of practice (indeed, her grandfather berates her for thinking that's all she needs to do), but because its aura powers had grown so strong with the evolution that it literally couldn't sense anything else, up to and including Korrina's voice. Utterly overwhelmed by this, it went into a feral rage every time it mega evolved, which kept happening for over a month until Korrina and Lucario... um. Managed to unite their hearts while still keeping separate viewpoints? The episode was a little shaky on how that was any different from what they were doing before, but it was some sort of mental breakthrough, and not something that would have been solved by just repeatedly mega evolving until Lucario got a grip on it, because it never would have.

Anyways, while I don't know if the SM dex entries were deliberately trying to villify mega evolution or if the Rotomdex was just more frank than most of the other pokedexes (as it was in everything else), it's pretty clear in both continuities that a Pokemon pushing past their natural limits tends to end up being largely to their own detriment. If you want to be charitable, you can say the Pokemon is willing to do it for their trainer, because they trust them that much and want to help them win (how very shounen of them). If you want to be less charitable, you can point out the horrifying side effects on the Pokemon's mental and physical state, and make a compelling argument on why mega evolution is a terrible thing to do. Both of these statements can coexist, so I don't see any real reason to say anything was actually retconned.

I think the dex entries for SM/USM is rotom either being a troll or edgy. Or has something against megas.

You do have to remember that rotom is a ghost type and likes to wreck havoc according the DPPt/BW/XY pokedex

The pokedex entries for megas on LGPE is nowhere near as edgy.

I could certainly see that, but keep in mind that the Pokedex ia also a research database - while we know some errors obviously slip in, I imagine that anything completely, blatantly incorrect (like an entire special category of Pokemon evolution suddenly being turned from "this is an amazing, special thing" to "this a horrifying, terrible thing") would have a harder time slipping past the various Professors and researchers that presumably use it. it's also entirely possible that Rotom just sees/knows more about what's actually going on because it too is a Pokemon. Remember, humans can't/don't actually seem to communicate with Pokemon on a normal basis (which is stupid, as there are a ton of Pokemon that could easily work as translators), so it's possible people may just not have actually known about mega evolution's worse side effects until later on.

I missed how we started discussing mawile evolutions, but now that we are... imagine something that plays off the classic tar baby or mimic, where the evolved mawile can produce a sticky substance that smells like perfume, perhaps as saliva from the maw. She would spread it over her body before a hunt and use the smell as a lure. Once something strikes and sticks to her they are sitting ducks for her deadly maw.

To better endure being bit and/or clawed as part of this trap, the evolved mawile would take the clothed appearance of mawile and turn it into a loose and disposable second skin which can be shed easily if it gets too damaged.

Ability: Sticky Skin
Contact prevents escape and disables move used

Pokedex trivia:
An evolved mawile that has yet to recover from sheding skin will hide until it regrows or can find an artificial replacement, which leads some to call it the 'Modest pokemon'

Trainers often delight in playing dress up with their evolved mawile, only to be dismayed at how roughly the pokemon treats it's clothes. Rugged fabrics will last longer and serve the evolved mawile's needs better.

An evolved mawile's perfume remains sticky for about 3 hours and adheres to most organic materials and plastics, but finds no purchase on metal or stone. Attempting to destick anything before the perfume weakens is futile.

The only way to tell if your evolved mawile feels hungry or cuddly is how it smells. Evolved mawile trainers with bad noses often go missing.

Nice dex entries! I have some trouble visualizing how a "second skin" would work in this case, but those seem very well thought out. :)

Clearly the way to go for evolution is into something cute and lovable.

Cute Shoggoth all the way.

Not a direction I expect this story to go in, but I am quite fond of the Lovecraftian aesthetic. Visually speaking, at least.

I know that feeling, but it tends to be worth the wait with Flair's work.

I appreciate your faith in me. 😊

Joining up with another trainer? I could see it. Siwile might not get along with Paul but I reckon there are a few trainers out there she could get along with. I doubt she would suffer Ash's inability to remember the basics of battling for long, But of the ones I remember Dawn and Brock seem like good choices;

Dawn is less battle focused than most, and her Pokémon are more like performers than combatants. She also seems to pamper her Mon's a bit more than most, though whether that's a pro or a con is a matter of perspective for Siwile.

Meanwhile, Brock is a gym leader and might well know how to properly care for a Mawile, along with a predisposition towards making good food which I get the feeling would make her happy. Downside is that he aspires to be a Poké-breeder, and I get the weird feeling that Siwile wouldn't be interested
in *that* career path.

Sinnoh was one of the better seasons for Ash. He still loses from time to time, and isn't much of a strategist, but he's competent enough to come up with some decent tactics mid-battle and innovate in at least a few ways. It's come Unova that he gets really bad, which thankfully wears off by Kalos. Doesn't mean Mawile!me would want to be his, but tagging along would be tolerable at least.

Dawn participates in Pokemon Contests with fair regularity, while I sort of get terrible stage fright upon being expected to "perform" anything for any semi-large audience. So that's uh. Probably not for me.

Brock is the purveyor of tasty meals, yes, which would be a major factor. The breeding thing most definitely would be an issue, but thankfully Brock focuses far more on the grooming and caretaking aspect of it than anything else, and eventually pivots into aiming to become a Pokemon Doctor instead, so that could have some potential.
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Brock is the purveyor of tasty meals, yes, which would be a major factor. The breeding thing most definitely would be an issue, but thankfully Brock focuses far more on the grooming and caretaking aspect of it than anything else, and eventually pivots into aiming to become a Pokemon Doctor instead, so that would have some potential.
i always assumed that Pokemon Breeders are kinda like Matchmakers/Wingmen?
Brock: "Now Mawile, Grimmsnarl was last spotted over by the lake, take these Sitrus berries and remember what we practiced, you are a strong, confident little walking blender, if anyone can get them to open up, it would be you, and just remember, if any eggs happen, I called Dibs on being the Godfather"
while we know some errors obviously slip in, I imagine that anything completely, blatantly incorrect (like an entire special category of Pokemon evolution suddenly being turned from "this is an amazing, special thing" to "this a horrifying, terrible thing")
There is that pokemon that is hotter than the surface of the sun, the dusclops black hole, moon emitting xrays, the 12 foot tall Groudon, etc...

The pokedex as a source is pretty dubious, it does not help that it is portrayed in some media that the pokedex is filled by trainers.

The alolan mega pokedex enteries also contradict the mega pokedex entries for Kanto in LGPE along with depictions of mega evolution in the anime and in the manga

Especially in the manga where Mega Lati@s psychically communicates with Ruby
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There is that pokemon that is hotter than the surface of the sun, the dusclops black hole, moon emitting xrays, the 12 foot tall Groudon, etc...

The pokedex as a source is pretty dubious, it does not help that it is portrayed in some media that the pokedex is filled by trainers.

The alolan mega pokedex enteries also contradict the mega pokedex entries for Kanto in LGPE along with depictions of mega evolution in the anime and in the manga

Especially in the manga where Mega Lati@s psychically communicate with Ruby
ok, for the examples at the start:
the first is an issue of people not knowing a thing about temperature and parroting instead. the surface of the sun is actually fairly cool, relatively speaking. lightning bolts can be several time the heat. and that's not even getting into how that's called magcargos core temperature, which is different(and gonna be higher) than just temperature.;
dusclops isn't called a black hole, it's compared to a black hole, and generally just says that inside is an sucking/absorbing void that things don't come out of(which isn't that far out there for pokemon, especially ghosts).;
the moon is actually bathed with x-rays by the solar winds, but more relevantly, it was long thought that x-rays from our upper atmosphere were being reflected from the moon(although it is now known to be electrons from the solar winds directly hitting out atmosphere).;
12 foot tall groudon... i'm not sure why that one seems to be an issue? canons disagree about size all the time, and alot of pokemon are alot smaller than one'd assume.

i would like examples of official medias depicting the proper dex as being directly written by trainers. because some things, like the ones mentioning the indian elephants, don't really make sense as being written by a non-researcher.

i would also like an example of the alola entries directly contradicting the lgpe entries or non-game depictions. because the entry for lucario has outright originated first in the anime(which has the addendum of it being surpass-able), and i can't really think of any others that might be contradicted.

and... i'm not sure how that's a contradiction?
Not a direction I expect this story to go in, but I am quite fond of the Lovecraftian aesthetic. Visually speaking, at least.
I do actually think a shoggoth-like creature makes for a surprisingly viable evolution for a mawile. Mawiles are Steel type/Fairy type creatures that use their innocuous appearance to lure in prey for their unending appetite. Shoggoths are engineered (Steel) aliens (Fairy) that are capable of shape-shifting (innocuous) and eating basically anything (appetite). Look at it the right way and make adjustments to how shoggoths work to make them Pokemon appropriate and it make sense.

Maybe the evolution is caused by eating a ditto? mawile + ditto = shoggoth

There's also plenty of real world examples of creatures that use aggressive mimicry to lure in prey that can be used as inspiration for a possible evolution. The most famous is probably the anglerfish but turtles, spiders, plants, etc all do it.
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Mawiles are Steel type/Fairy type creatures that use their innocuous appearance to lure in prey for their unending appetite. Shoggoths are engineered (Steel) aliens (Fairy) that are capable of shape-shifting (innocuous) and eating basically anything (appetite).
Aliens tend to be Psychic-type in Pokemon – the Clefairy line is Fairy-type and of lunar origin, but Deoxys and Beheeyem/Elgyem are extrasolar aliens and pure Psychic.
Nice dex entries! I have some trouble visualizing how a "second skin" would work in this case, but those seem very well thought out. :)

It would work fundamentally similar to other animals that shed skin but with one major difference; instead of scaping or peeling it all away the evolved mawile (which still needs a name) uses the detatched layer as clothing, typically removing the head entirely and making various other adjustments to fit practical needs and personal taste. This basically means that they wear raw leather made from their own skin.

This is why they take to human-made clothing so readily, once you help them put it on they will recognise it as like the dead skin they wear naturally. Unfortunately they treat cloths with about as much respect as said shed skin, which is to say none at all. Such clothing tends to get covered in sweet smelling goop (which in turn sticks to all sorts of debris) and torn both from rough use and diliberate modification.
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I do actually think a shoggoth-like creature makes for a surprisingly viable evolution for a mawile. Mawiles are Steel type/Fairy type creatures that use their innocuous appearance to lure in prey for their unending appetite. Shoggoths are engineered (Steel) aliens (Fairy) that are capable of shape-shifting (innocuous) and eating basically anything (appetite). Look at it the right way and make adjustments to how shoggoths work to make them Pokemon appropriate and it make sense.

Maybe the evolution is caused by eating a ditto? mawile + ditto = shoggoth
If that does happen to Flairile, i kinda hope she learns to use that shapeshifting to her advantage...
It would work fundamentally similar to other animals that shed skin but with one major difference; instead of scaping or peeling it all away the evolved mawile (which still needs a name) uses the detatched layer as clothing, typically removing the head entirely and making various other adjustments to fit practical needs and personal taste. This basically means that they wear raw leather made from their own skin.
So kinda like Scraggy and Scrafty?
So kinda like Scraggy and Scrafty?
There is a similarity in that they both use extra skin as a form of defense, but the methods are different. Scraggy has a bunch of extra loose skin from the waist down that it can pull up to cover the rest of the body, while the evolved mawile is shedding her skin but continuing to wear it until it wears out completely.
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Well, if we're talking about megas, it is convenient that M!Mawile has one of the least *overtly* agonising experiences - it just seems more violent than usual, which would give credence to the "berzerk stat caused by excess energy" type of Mega rather than the "melting from Determination" type we see in Tyranitar, Houndoom, Scizor etc.

Which I just like more as a concept - is it weird I like Megas but hate Z-moves and Dynamaxing? I find the concept of the bond between Trainer and Pokemon giving a tangible as well as nebulous benefit interesting - even more so when it has to be worked on just like anything else the pokemon learns - and I find the whole "constant, agonising pain" thing really detracts from how cool I find the overall concept.
Personally I despise the new edgelord megadex entries.

All through Kalos they keep going on about it being a sign of the bond you have with pokemon and how strong it is. Then one gen later it's "Surprise! It was torture all along!" Even if we assume the Pokemon is willing to put up with its brain literally melting for you, that's some bond you have if you're willing to ask it to.

It just stinks so transparently of "we just didn't want to keep making these so we'll make you hate it so we can get rid of it without complaint"

Ever since they tried to drop Trainer Customization immediately after X and Y as a "Kalos Exclusive", like having a sense of fashion is exclusive to the French, I've lost faith in Gamefreak not trying to take the laziest possible option they think they can get away with.
Ever since they tried to drop Trainer Customization immediately after X and Y as a "Kalos Exclusive", like having a sense of fashion is exclusive to the French, I've lost faith in Gamefreak not trying to take the laziest possible option they think they can get away with.
Ok I agree with the rest of what you said on some level, I can't agree with this. I can't remember Game Freak stating they wanted to drop character customization. They added it, and then guess what came next? Remakes. They didn't want to change the game too much in that way, they wanted you to see the characters you played long ago.

Then when an actual next gen game came out customization was back, and the gen after that, and so on.

.......damn this might be a derail isn't it.
i always assumed that Pokemon Breeders are kinda like Matchmakers/Wingmen?
Brock: "Now Mawile, Grimmsnarl was last spotted over by the lake, take these Sitrus berries and remember what we practiced, you are a strong, confident little walking blender, if anyone can get them to open up, it would be you, and just remember, if any eggs happen, I called Dibs on being the Godfather"
And then Brock ends up in one hell of an awkward position when his new pokemon starts royally fucking with his head by hitting on him whenever they are in public.
That's actually not a problem, as unlike in Pocket Rockets, this Mawile cannot speak human. The only ones who would know what was happening would be other pokemon.
You say that but I'm picturing him getting pinched on the ass every time he tries to flirt with a girl.

And for creatures without human language, pokemon can be... extremely expressive. *cough*
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You say that but I'm picturing him getting pinched on the ass every time he tries to flirt with a girl.

And for creatures without human language, pokemon can be... extremely expressive. *cough*
Well depending on if she gets to Ash and The Gang and how soon she could get to be the designated Brock Destroyer like Misty and Max before her. Tag team with Crogunk.

Ah I can see the anime now. The tsundere Mawile who is "only here for the food, idiot." despite clearly "caring for him in her own special way."

(The truth is that she really is just here for the food and attacking Brock for legitimate reasons is hilarious. It's just that everyone assumes it's more than that.]