While visiting the Canalave Library, it is revealed in the Sinnoh Folk Tales that Pokémon caught from the sea are eaten, and then the bones thrown back into the water. It is also mentioned that the Pokémon that were eaten will return fully fleshed.

Uh. What? Are Pokemon actually immortal or something? Or was this entry just a local folk tale designed by the sick bastards eating random fish Pokemon to make them not feel bad?
It'a actually not that far off from what a lot of First Nations groups here on the west coast in Canada would do. Returning the bones of your fish to the sea after having used every part of the animal that you could, is done as a show of respect to the creature.
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if I had to name a mawiles evolution if it did I would call it Faemaw and willing to spitball would keep the typing though its look far example is that I would make Faemaw three times taller then its previous form could have two more hair tendrils and like its mega, it has two horn maws while two long tendrils one from each shoulder with smaller slavering maws those maws have eyes could be semi-intelligent could have a halo of floating metal that surrounds it used to make a shield against attacks also could have kind of Kimono also could have the ability levitate

what do you think @Flairina
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Wha—where… HOW GET?!

Simple as typing "Dancing Mawile gif" into an image search. :) Sadly, there doesn't appear to be a version without those off-white artifacts surrounding it, but it's still quite cute, no?

Mawile cute nature will kill us

At this point I'm starting wonder if I should perhaps just make a dedicated Mawile gif folder. Every one I've seen so far has been utterly adorable... and that Filia and Samson impression; nice. :D

Yes, the symbiotic relationship between a Pokemon and their porter Trainer.
The Pokemon has incredible fighting abilities and exotic powers.
The Trainer has thumbs and a carry-all for stuff.

Yet somehow, the trainer ends up as the one with the better end of the deal in most cases. Something seems off about that...

Visited the link that OP mentioned, turned out to have a ton of disturbing information regarding Pokemon eating other Pokemon, Pokemon eating other natural non Pokemon creatures we see very little of in the games and anime... And even random stuff I forgot about in the original anime about people eating Pokemon.

Apologies if I unintentionally forced you to cast off your blissful ignorance. ^^; If it makes you feel better, just assume that the instances of Pokemon eating other Pokemon only applies in the games, not in the anime - though, not that's not the way I'm interpreting it here, if that wasn't already obvious.

While visiting the Canalave Library, it is revealed in the Sinnoh Folk Tales that Pokémon caught from the sea are eaten, and then the bones thrown back into the water. It is also mentioned that the Pokémon that were eaten will return fully fleshed.

Uh. What? Are Pokemon actually immortal or something? Or was this entry just a local folk tale designed by the sick bastards eating random fish Pokemon to make them not feel bad?

Well, it is a book of folk tales, and as others have noted, it mirrors a lot of real-world traditions from other cultures, so it's probably not meant to be taken completely literally. Though, if it is, perhaps we should posit some unknown deep-sea legendary that takes the bodies of the Pokemon whose bones/remains are returned to it, then retrieves their souls and reincarnates/births them anew? Sounds like a pretty cool concept, honestly. Xerneas and Yveltal represent life and death, but they're hibernating most of the time, and while I've seen Giratina placed in the role of "keeper of the dead" before, it doesn't officially have any role in the Pokemon cosmos beyond having been banished to the reverse world, so a legendary that's (supposedly) in charge of reincarnation would be quite interesting.

I blame all the Decapitations going on at the time.
Seriously, every single thing?
Off with their heads. Seriously.
Ritual Suicide? Cut stomach, second chops off head.
Enemy warlord, bandits, brigands, etcetera. Bring me their heads as proof.
Battlefields full of corpses? Bury their heads for honor reasons, burn the rest to save space and spare us from disease.

Ancient Japan had more of a fascination with heads than the Queen of Hearts!

Good point - makes me wonder if perhaps we'll eventually just get a living guillotine Pokemon or something. It wouldn't surprise me... in fact, it'd surprise me more someone on DA or the like hasn't already made that.

Everyone shitting on Paul's training methods should probably take a moment to remember that this is an Anime reality and there is in fact every possibility that Training From Hell methodology not only works, but can produce the best results when combined with a sufficiently unrelenting refusal to give up.

Indeed, with the power of the Pokemon anime, nearly anything should possible, as seen with some of the more absurd episode plots. Speaking of which, why haven't any shown up in this fic yet? Let's get that ball a-rolling! I want to see human-to-pokemon transmutation spells! I want to see time travel via a Rotom-enhanced hotel elevator! I want to see some ancient king's spirit be freed from his tomb and immediately possess the main character! Come on now, chop chop me! It's bound to happen eventually, so you might as well get it out of the way now!

(Funny thing is, some of those weirder episodes genuinely are some of my favorites. I have a real soft spot for the Pokemopolis episode from the original series in particular.)

Oh I'm not saying that Paul himself is any good as a Pokemon Trainer, just that being repeatedly electrocuted doesn't actually improve a Pokemon's electricity resistance is not an assumption I would make without experimentation; because in an Anime setting there is every possibility that it does.

I think electrocution would be more of a problem than what Paul did here, as that would imply Mawile!me was actually dead by the end of it. :p Pedantry regarding English's lack of an appropriate word in the case aside, there should be a bit more of an explanation for this training method next chapter, for which I'll only say that Paul prefers to do things as efficiently as possible.

if I had to name a mawiles evolution if it did I would call it Faemaw and willing to spitball would keep the typing though its look far example is that I would make Faemaw three times taller then its previous form could have two more hair tendrils and like its mega, it has two horn maws while two long tendrils one from each shoulder with smaller slavering maws those maws have eyes could be semi-intelligent could have a halo of floating metal that surrounds it used to make a shield against attacks also could have kind of Kimono also could have the ability levitate

what do you think @Flairina

Sounds pretty close to the Fhaneater fan-evo brought up earlier in the thread, albeit rather more detailed. The name would need some workshopping, and I don't think the halo of metal is at all necessary, but it could potentially work with some simplification. Or even just as is, if given decent enough reason for the complexity - extremely radical changes during evolution do happen in Pokemon, especially for ones with more esoteric requirements (ex. Feebas->Milotic, Meltan->Melmetal) or ones with wildly diverging evolutionary lines (ex. Snorunt->Glailie/Froslass, Cosmoem->Solgaleo/Lunala).
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You know, the manga is downright creepy. Or well, the impression from someone who hasn't read it. All the same, the image I've got of it is quite spooky.
In there I can see a Mawiles luring in trainers to eat them and their squad of pokemon, for the protagonist to almost fall for it too.
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were i to make a mawile evolution, i'd keep the body mostly the same and focus the evolution almost entirely on the maw.
i keep trying to type it as mawhile instead.
For evolution, we should put into account the type of Pokemon and what aspects change more. Apart of the Maws, the body should be a little bigger to give adequate support to them. And weight for a firm stance, the species is more than capable for a generalist in the team, and changing on the Fairy/Steel type would be damaging. Who knows maybe an specific move is needed for evolution.
For a Mawile evo, we should keep in mind that the name "mawile" seems to be a portmanteau of "maw" and "meanwhile." Thus, the name of its evolution should preferably combine either "maw" or a similar but grander-sounding word and either "meanwhile" or another word relating to relative time or something like that.

Thus, I propose "Mawrrow." A portmanteau of "maw" and "'morrow," which is short for "tomorrow." It also looks like it could be "maw" and "harrow," or "maw" and "marrow" (as bone marrow), or referring to a row of several maws lined up together. Which is just perfect.
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Mawile is actually a pormanteau of 'Maw' and 'wile', as in 'skill in taking advantage of a situation, esp. through deceit'.
For a Mawile evo, we should keep in mind that the name "mawile" seems to be a portmanteau of "maw" and "meanwhile." Thus, the name of its evolution should preferably combine either "maw" or a similar but grander-sounding word and either "meanwhile" or another word relating to relative time or something like that.
wile; synonymous with cunning and trickery, also an archaic word for lures and enticement.
edit: ninja'd
If Mawile is to learn from other ambush predators in Pokemon, the logical choices would probably be plant types or deceivers like Mimikyu or Pranksters.
Well, I imagine that Mawile needs to be wily since it's small enough to pretty much be swallowed whole by most larger pokemon. If it were to evolve into a larger form it likely would be something that could properly fight back and larger besides. So why not Warmaw? Though I'll admit that sounds more like a title given to an enemy NPC in a fantasy game...
Maybe Fate? fat Fae and ate? Chomprank? Maybe for a mid-stage, but it lacks the escalation if a final form and the elegance of "Mawile". Maw is already right at the top of mouth analogues, how can you escalate from that? ... Cavernaughty?
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Well, it is a book of folk tales, and as others have noted, it mirrors a lot of real-world traditions from other cultures, so it's probably not meant to be taken completely literally. Though, if it is, perhaps we should posit some unknown deep-sea legendary that takes the bodies of the Pokemon whose bones/remains are returned to it, then retrieves their souls and reincarnates/births them anew? Sounds like a pretty cool concept, honestly. Xerneas and Yveltal represent life and death, but they're hibernating most of the time, and while I've seen Giratina placed in the role of "keeper of the dead" before, it doesn't officially have any role in the Pokemon cosmos beyond having been banished to the reverse world, so a legendary that's (supposedly) in charge of reincarnation would be quite interesting.
Ho-oh, literally just Ho-oh. As seen in the connection between it and the legendary beast trio.
Yet somehow, the trainer ends up as the one with the better end of the deal in most cases. Something seems off about that...
Don't disparage thumbs, to those poor creatures without hands the secrets of the door will forever remain an impassable mystery.

My cats and dog are absolutely certain that if they make me open the door enough times, eventually it will lead to a different outside that isn't raining.

Personally, if I was lacking hands, I'd be 100% okay with being a human's battlepet in exchange for being able to nag said human into using its hands for mine own benefit. Hands are worth it.

Indeed, with the power of the Pokemon anime, nearly anything should possible, as seen with some of the more absurd episode plots. Speaking of which, why haven't any shown up in this fic yet? Let's get that ball a-rolling! I want to see human-to-pokemon transmutation spells! I want to see time travel via a Rotom-enhanced hotel elevator! I want to see some ancient king's spirit be freed from his tomb and immediately possess the main character! Come on now, chop chop me! It's bound to happen eventually, so you might as well get it out of the way now!

(Funny thing is, some of those weirder episodes genuinely are some of my favorites. I have a real soft spot for the Pokemopolis episode from the original series in particular.)
Pokemon is extremely anime, everyone focuses so much on the adorable murderbeasts that they often forget just how utterly ridiculous everything else in the setting is.

I think electrocution would be more of a problem than what Paul did here, as that would imply Mawile!me was actually dead by the end of it. :p Pedantry regarding English's lack of an appropriate word in the case aside, there should be a bit more of an explanation for this training method next chapter, for which I'll only say that Paul prefers to do things as efficiently as possible.
Apparently the 'official' term for non-lethal electric shock is 'electric shock'. Because just when you think you've got English figured out it throws a curveball at you.

Ooh, nice. I especially like the steel ghost one. Er, the one named "ghoulotine." Er… the purple one.
Definitely the best one; it looks like an actual pokemon and also a convincing alternate evolution path for Ghastly, plus it's a genuinely neat design.
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Maybe someone to tell the kids without talking about reproduction. :V

were i to make a mawile evolution, i'd keep the body mostly the same and focus the evolution almost entirely on the maw.
i keep trying to type it as mawhile instead.

I think its important to strike a ballance there. The problem with the Mega-Evolution's look, to me, is that the Maw(s) become sufficiently eye-catching that the body is no longer enough o draw attention away from them. Like an Angler-Fish whose lure is so bright it illuminates the fish-part. Which is to say not ideal, hunting wise.
I think its important to strike a ballance there. The problem with the Mega-Evolution's look, to me, is that the Maw(s) become sufficiently eye-catching that the body is no longer enough o draw attention away from them. Like an Angler-Fish whose lure is so bright it illuminates the fish-part. Which is to say not ideal, hunting wise.
I think the point there is that a Mega Mawile is no longer in need of ambush tactics. It's now The Big Fish; it can afford for its prey to understand just how screwed they are, because they're still screwed either way.
Mm a evolution of Mawile
Maybe if we take more of the Yokai that is based
So maybe, more tall, have some kind of tentacle like hair to catch prey a little like

But styled like Filia from Skullgirls
I think the point there is that a Mega Mawile is no longer in need of ambush tactics. It's now The Big Fish; it can afford for its prey to understand just how screwed they are, because they're still screwed either way.
I have been having this thought that mega metamorphosis is specifically a trainer thing, for trainer battles. So if a pokemon pictures its metamorphosis, it'll be all like "Being a caterpie is so scary! I wish that I was tougher.... Being a Metapod is so boring! I wish that I could fly....". If it is a trainer picturing metamorphosis, it'll be more like "My pokemon isn't just an ordinary butterfree, it is a super-special-awesome butterfree! With, like, fangs, and jet engines, and jet engines that shoot megadeath toxin like a flame-thrower, and its wings, like, hypnotise people and shoot lasers from its eyes!". If it were like that, then it might explain some differences in design philosophy.
wait, i figured out the name for a mawile evo: guillet! guile+gullet.
and a pre-evo name deceeth/deceith. deceit+teeth.