I'm starting to get the feeling that the magical abilities of the berries are a red herring and the important part is which mouth you eat with.
Well, the mouth and the rest of the Mawile might have separate digestive systems. The connection point between the maw and the body proper is a remarkably narrow chokepoint for that much food to go through... and also she doesn't look like a sphere after eating.

While nutrition passes both ways it might not be seamless, and beyond that the empty stomach would still be saying 'hungry' even if the other one is stuffed to the bursting point.

At an extreme, I could make a crackpot theory that the maw may as well be its own creature. Like how angler fish have vestigial males grafted to their flesh. I wonder if you could get some 'alien hand syndrome' bullshit going on. But that is grade-a John Carpenter bodyhorror there.
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I wouldn't be so sure about that. Mawile!me would (and did) agree that inducing permanent electric resistance/immunity doesn't sound all that plausible... but that wasn't actually what Paul instructed, now was it?

In the first season of the anime, Ash came across that unofficial gym, where the guy had trained his Sandshrew to shrug off water moves with relative ease by training. Hence, I wouldn't be surprised if Mawile!you does actually become mostly if not outright immune to electric moves.
Huh...the original legend of the futakuchi-onna always involved the second mouth eating twice as much as the first...and trying to feed itself on its own...and never being satiated...huh.
In the first season of the anime, Ash came across that unofficial gym, where the guy had trained his Sandshrew to shrug off water moves with relative ease by training. Hence, I wouldn't be surprised if Mawile!you does actually become mostly if not outright immune to electric moves.
Pikachu also learns how to defeat Rock types with Electric attacks by making them wet, because the Anime runs on Shounen rules and gives zero fucks about game balance.
Pikachu also learns how to defeat Rock types with Electric attacks by making them wet, because the Anime runs on Shounen rules and gives zero fucks about game balance.

Er, it's ground types that are immune to electricity, not rock types. And for that matter, rain improves the accuracy of Thunder and allows it to bypass Protect. So it's not like water doesn't improve the effects of at least one electric type move in the games.
Oh, it's WORSE than that, in the Anime, Pikachu beats a pokemon with LIGHTNING ROD(ability that redirects electric type attacks to itself and then negates all damage while buffing the users stats, I think the stat buff was to special attack?) by thunderbolting the horn. Oh, it was also a Ground Type so it also just had type immunity. I think it was a Rhydon...

The Pokemon anime gives fewer fucks about consistent rules than the Yu-Gi-Oh! one, at least that ones fuckery is basically "if we had holograms and WAAAAY more space we might actually be able to do similar things", not outright "Rules? What're those? Are they tasty?"
The Pokemon anime is extremely consistent; anything goes as long as its awesome and\or anime as fuck.
Er, it's ground types that are immune to electricity, not rock types. And for that matter, rain improves the accuracy of Thunder and allows it to bypass Protect. So it's not like water doesn't improve the effects of at least one electric type move in the games.
Well, sure, but in gen 1 all non-fossil rock types were also ground types. Unless we're not talking about specifically the gen 1 anime anymore?
I wonder if the food is an energy thing. She has eaten mostly normal types? Which ought to convert well into fairy energy, what with the changling myth, but would do nothing for steel. Berries would probably be more generic/unformed energy, thus feed her starved steel-self.
Mawile!me isn't exactly going to say no to ten tubs of ice cream.
Eat them quickly enough and you might at least find out where your brain is.
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It sounds like Chimchar is still a kid....
Do you guys think this SI would stick around long enough to get him transferred to Ash or get him out from Paul's hold?

I am eagerly waiting for SI to bite Paul at some point in the story
Zygarde is... kind of that, I guess? It's the Legendary of "Order", which I guess you could take to mean the Natural Order, and it does have "Nature's Wrath" as an exclusive attack. In the anime its energy is also used to grow massive amounts of trees/vines/etc in an instant, so I guess that does kind of track... though, it doesn't do much actual "protecting" in that case.
*Clears Throat*
Zygarde the Order Pokemon. [Note, all poked entries are taken from the 50% form as neither th 100% nor the 10% forms appeared in Gen 6]

(Gen 6 [X,Y])
When the Kalos Region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power. It's hypothesized to be monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.

(Gen 7 [S,M,US,UM])
This is Zygarde's form when it has gathered 50% of its cells. It wipes out all those who oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy. It's thought to be monitoring the ecosystem. There are rumors that even greater power lies hidden within it. This is Zygarde's form when about half of its pieces have been assembled. It plays the role of monitoring the ecosystem. Some say it can change to an even more powerful form when battling those who threaten the ecosystem.

Zygarde may be the 'Order Pokemon' but their entire shtick is literally being the god of counter eco-terrorism. Basically it's the poke-god of nature if nature was actively trying to kill the people trying to destroy it.
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*Clears Throat*
Zygarde the Order Pokemon. [Note, all poked entries are taken from the 50% form as neither th 100% nor the 10% forms appeared in Gen 6]

(Gen 6 [X,Y])
When the Kalos Region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power. It's hypothesized to be monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.

(Gen 7 [S,M,US,UM])
This is Zygarde's form when it has gathered 50% of its cells. It wipes out all those who oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy. It's thought to be monitoring the ecosystem. There are rumors that even greater power lies hidden within it. This is Zygarde's form when about half of its pieces have been assembled. It plays the role of monitoring the ecosystem. Some say it can change to an even more powerful form when battling those who threaten the ecosystem.

Zygarde may be the 'Order Pokemon' but their entire shtick is literally being the god of counter eco-terrorism. Basically it's the poke-god of nature if nature was actively trying to kill the people trying to destroy it.

That checks. It is simply nature's wrath; the giant murder beast that kills the humans who couldn't understand how to steward nature instead of exploiting it while the lorax shouts 'I warned youuuuu' in the distance.
That checks. It is simply nature's wrath; the giant murder beast that kills the humans who couldn't understand how to steward nature instead of exploiting it while the lorax shouts 'I warned youuuuu' in the distance.


Fou! You're not a Pokemon Fou! Why are you pretending to be a Pokemon Fou?!

How did you even get to that world Fou?
No. Wait. I know the answer to that one; Zelretch did it for the lols.
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Are you secretly a herbivore? :V

I think we can pretty safely rule out THAT possibility. :rolleyes:

And Paul was looking his pokedex is possible that he was searching and looking data about Mawile
Learning that Mawile can learn Thunder Fang and decided to try it

Paul likely would have come up with that sort of plan before executing the electricity training, but it's certainly possible what he was looking at had to do with general information relating to Mawile... or perhaps it was something else entirely.

also she doesn't look like a sphere after eating.

We call that "Shaggy and Scooby Syndrome". :p

At an extreme, I could make a crackpot theory that the maw may as well be its own creature. Like how angler fish have vestigial males grafted to their flesh. I wonder if you could get some 'alien hand syndrome' bullshit going on. But that is grade-a John Carpenter bodyhorror there.

Soon, the maw shall force its way to the ground to walk on its own, while I'm left dangling from its end like a flag in the wind... I feel like I should repost that Mawile-Filia gif from a few pages back. ^^;

In the first season of the anime, Ash came across that unofficial gym, where the guy had trained his Sandshrew to shrug off water moves with relative ease by training. Hence, I wouldn't be surprised if Mawile!you does actually become mostly if not outright immune to electric moves.

Oh, I know. Don't take Mawile!me's view of things to always be exactly correct; I write myself in fics based on the knowledge I have/remember going into it, and may not always be right as a result - as previously noted, Paul is fond of multitasking.

Oh, it's WORSE than that, in the Anime, Pikachu beats a pokemon with LIGHTNING ROD(ability that redirects electric type attacks to itself and then negates all damage while buffing the users stats, I think the stat buff was to special attack?) by thunderbolting the horn. Oh, it was also a Ground Type so it also just had type immunity. I think it was a Rhydon...

You're correct. Though, Lightning Rod when it was first introduced didn't automatically confer immunity to electric-type moves, nor did it provide a Sp. Atk boost when hit by one (the latter of which didn't even work on ground-type Pokemon until Gen 7, due to them being naturally immune rather than immune from the ability itself). Still didn't make any sense in the anime, as Ground types have always been immune to electricity... hence why "AIM FOR THE HORN" remains a meme to this day.

The Pokemon anime gives fewer fucks about consistent rules than the Yu-Gi-Oh! one, at least that ones fuckery is basically "if we had holograms and WAAAAY more space we might actually be able to do similar things", not outright "Rules? What're those? Are they tasty?"

In fairness, Yugioh's anime existed before the actual card game did, so they hadn't really ironed out most of the actual rules yet, and were pretty much just making things up as they went along with no regard to how that would actually function in a non-anime setting. Which is true of Pokemon to an extent as well, really. Better consistency arises naturally over time for any series/franchise that goes on long enough, which is why the first season of a show also tends to be its weirdest in retrospect.

Eat them quickly enough and you might at least find out where your brain is.

Brain freeze probably wouldn't work quite the same way if the brain isn't kept in the head, but that's an interesting thought all the same. Who knows? Perhaps for Mawile, their brain is in the torso, while their stomach is in the head? Or perhaps the brain simply doubles as a stomach? There would have to be something going on there to make it biologically feasible - Pokemon biologists must have a real hell of a time in their profession.

*Clears Throat*
Zygarde the Order Pokemon. [Note, all poked entries are taken from the 50% form as neither th 100% nor the 10% forms appeared in Gen 6]

(Gen 6 [X,Y])
When the Kalos Region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power. It's hypothesized to be monitoring those who destroy the ecosystem from deep in the cave where it lives.

(Gen 7 [S,M,US,UM])
This is Zygarde's form when it has gathered 50% of its cells. It wipes out all those who oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy. It's thought to be monitoring the ecosystem. There are rumors that even greater power lies hidden within it. This is Zygarde's form when about half of its pieces have been assembled. It plays the role of monitoring the ecosystem. Some say it can change to an even more powerful form when battling those who threaten the ecosystem.

...huh. Fair enough, that's a pretty open-and-shut case right there. I admit I don't really remember that much about X and Y; the relatively minuscule number of new Pokemon in Kalos and how incredibly easy the game was sort of killed it for me, even though I liked a fair number of its individual features (Fairy type, mega evolutions, 3D, removal of a strict grid based layout, etc). Pretty sure I never did the whole "collect the cells" mission in Alola either, so my knowledge of Zygarde on the whole is pretty lacking. ^^;

...gotta say though, if its goal is and always has been to monitor the ecosystem, it's doing a pretty crap job of it. I can't say exactly how eco-conscious most people in the Pokemon world are, but it doesn't seem like humans are the ones that cause the worst problems with it - way more often, that's other legendaries' fault. You'd think that at least the whole thing with Groudon and Kyogre (who screw with the ecosystem just by being in it) duking it out with each other in primal form, something that should have caused natural disasters the world over even after the fact, would perhaps have attracted Zygarde's attention before someone else had to step in. I suppose that Zygarde only really has enough cells to spread itself over one region though, so maybe expecting it to be omnipresent isn't all that fair, but still.
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Brain freeze probably wouldn't work quite the same way if the brain isn't kept in the head, but that's an interesting thought all the same. Who knows? Perhaps for Mawile, their brain is in the torso, while their stomach is in the head?
I was about to protest that brain freeze isn't actually to do with the brain, but apparently my information is out-of-date. Turns out it's caused by sending cold blood to the brain, not—as was the theory last time I checked—rapidly cooling the sinuses and causing an air pressure differential.

Very interesting point about the stomach being in the head. It would help explain the two-mouths thing, way better than some kind of spinal esophagus. I like this theory.

Or perhaps the brain simply doubles as a stomach?
…And not so much this one. Let's go with the brain-protected-by-ribcage theory. Something about an intelligent stomach is really creepy to me.

Zygarde only really has enough cells to spread itself over one region though, so maybe expecting it to be omnipresent isn't all that fair, but still
To be fair. It's also got it's own group of legendary idiots to corral. Mass uncontrolled life growth or sudden massive death seems more important to it than the weather.
Still didn't make any sense in the anime, as Ground types have always been immune to electricity... hence why "AIM FOR THE HORN" remains a meme to this day.
Then again, the anime was never really the best at that stuff. For instance Geodude and Onix share a typing, but Pikachu fried Geodude without any water. Or the fact that Ash went and got a Haunter for Sabrina despite Psychic types being immune to ghost in gen 1.

Not sure about how Zygarde Actually fits in as a legendary in Kalos since we never got Z, but trivia fact about its relation to irl mythology. Its forms seem to match Loki's kids with Angrboda; Fenrir, Jormungandr and Hela. A bit more questionable trivia connection that could explain the cell collection bit is this thing I found.
HeLa is an immortal cell line used in scientific research. It is the oldest and most commonly used human cell line.
In fairness, Yugioh's anime existed before the actual card game did, so they hadn't really ironed out most of the actual rules yet, and were pretty much just making things up as they went along with no regard to how that would actually function in a non-anime setting. Which is true of Pokemon to an extent as well, really. Better consistency arises naturally over time for any series/franchise that goes on long enough, which is why the first season of a show also tends to be its weirdest in retrospect.
the original yes, but everything from GX on was outright promo material, still gave about as much care for the actual rules as the original, which, again, is fine by me, as it's basically just "how much cooler would this game be if it could account for the physical traits the cards would have because holograms?"
...gotta say though, if its goal is and always has been to monitor the ecosystem, it's doing a pretty crap job of it. I can't say exactly how eco-conscious most people in the Pokemon world are, but it doesn't seem like humans are the ones that cause the worst problems with it - way more often, that's other legendaries' fault. You'd think that at least the whole thing with Groudon and Kyogre (who screw with the ecosystem just by being in it) duking it out with each other in primal form, something that should have caused natural disasters the world over even after the fact, would perhaps have attracted Zygarde's attention before someone else had to step in. I suppose that Zygarde only really has enough cells to spread itself over one region though, so maybe expecting it to be omnipresent isn't all that fair, but still.
I don't disagree with you, the (probably) reason that Zygarde didn't show up to the Groudon vs. Kyoger fight is probably either A) it figured that Raquaza had it handled, or B) It didn't exist yet because that was in Gen 3.

It may also only show up when the ecosystem is in extreme crisis, like in Gen 6 if the player didn't stop team flare from Firing the weapon Zygarde might have decided to make an appearance. Maybe, that's my head canon anyway. Of course what constitutes an extreme environmental crisis is probably pretty up in the air. Though, considering what it's the legendary of, you would think that Zygarde would be a lot more active than it actually is in the pokeverse.

Now that I think about it, we never really got a lot (or any) lore about Zygarde's backstory, aside from the pokedex, since there was never a Z game in gen 6. Maybe it was meant to be more of a Raquaza situation where Zygarde was meant to be the pokemon that showed up to prevent Xerneas and Yvaltal from duking it out. Or something. Because you know, when the poke-god of Life gets into a fight with the poke-god of death bad things probably happen.

Except that Xerneas would totally beat Yvaltal considering things like Type advantage and how Geomancy + Moonblast is a totally overpowered move combination.

Edit: I'm pretty sure that canonically (in the anime at least) the only times that Groudon and Kyoger have undergone primordial reversion was back when they first created the oceans and the continents. Which were then yanked into their correct places by Regigigas apparently, because reasons?
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You also need to remember that Zygarde is basically a colony creature.
Its a whole lot of little cells that are sort of independent of each other coming together to get a superform.
From all we know he didnt even have time to gather himself across the world before Rayquaza bitchslapped Groundon and Kyogre hard enough to put them to sleep.
Except that Xerneas would totally beat Yvaltal considering things like Type advantage and how Geomancy + Moonblast is a totally overpowered move combination.
Yeah, balancing sets don't always hold up with game mechanics in Pokemon. At least Rayquaza and Zygarde have some nice lore friendly abilities to deal with them, even if Groudon and Yveltal should logically lose every time against their counterparts. What with Rayquaza's weather cancellation or Zygarde's Aura Break inverting the bonuses of the abilities of its 2 legends.
Edit: I'm pretty sure that canonically (in the anime at least) the only times that Groudon and Kyoger have undergone primordial reversion was back when they first created the oceans and the continents. Which were then yanked into their correct places by Regigigas apparently, because reasons?
Regigigas is big on moving things around to where it thinks they belong, keeping the geology nice and orderly and whatnot, that and make more Regigolems are basically the only two things Regigigas can be relied on to do.
I've never been much of a fan of bananas, and while their Poke-world equivalents are significantly less stringy,
Since when are bananas stringy? o_O
"Heh..." Elekid grins down at Chimchar, repeatedly moving his hands together in mocking imitation of a clap. "Well played, weakling."

"...huh?" Chimchar replies.

"Didn't know you had it in you to be that devious." Elekid elaborates. "Cozying up with the newbie just to scam some free food... nicely done."
Hoo boy, Elekid is a teenager who's never known genuine kindness or respect, and thus thinks it doesn't exist. :(
...except... I'm still awake?
Ah, I was wondering about that. Maybe Pokeballs automatically put the 'mon in full stasis if their physical condition is bad enough?