Hope chimchar sees her making her escape and we are "forced" to take him along for the ride.

Ash doesn't deserve him, he belongs to mawile now.

edit- with access to the pokedex she can also see the entry for Mawile which might be enlightening on several levels even ignoring the possible training benefits!
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How to raise your Flairile, rule 1: you will keep Flairile fed. One way, or another. Choose carefully. :)

I'm super excited about the coming pokédex heist. Maybe if you're really careful, you can grab your own pokéball to break the chains in case Paul catches up. Or just eat it, that works too.

I have a vision of a possible future, meeting Ash and co.:

[Ash] Pokéball, go!
[Flairile] *Crunch*
[Ash] …Um. Pikachu? Help?
Pikachu confronts Flairile!
[Flairile] Food.
[Pikachu] What?
[Flairile] Which of these guys has the best food?
Bewildered, Pikachu points at Brock.
[Flairile] Right, you, Brock, you're my "trainer" now.
[Humans] What just happened?
Wouldn't it be more like this:
[Flairile]*Throws pokeball at Brock*
[Everyone]That's not how this is supposed to work!

Though Brock fits really well as a trainer, no?
He has the most experience with steel types.
Though Brock fits really well as a trainer, no?
He has the most experience with steel types.
I had vaguely thought that rock is similar to steel? But cruising Bulbapedia tells me that he's got a forretress by this point, and his onix has evolved into steelix. So yeah, it makes perfect sense. Even without joining him long-term, he could be consulted as a dietician. …Assuming the language barrier can be dealt with.
I don't think that the pokedex has a map, otherwise Ash wouldn't have gotten lost nearly as often. The map is probably in the Poketch. Might be a bit hard to get it off his wrist without waking him though.

Glad to see that you're leaving Paul though. If that training session didn't convince you not to stay then seeing him threaten to deny food to Chimchar definitely would.
It could be poor nutrition. If you're not getting all the nutrients you need, sometimes your body drives you to overeat in the hope that you'll pile up enough trace quantities. Steel types need more metal, maybe? Possibly should have eaten the can, instead of just the kibble.
Eating other pokemon does not restore HP, unlike Oran and Sitrus berries, apparently.
wait... milk drink, moo moo milk, and softboiled. does dairy heal where meat doesn't?
what about fresh water and soda?
Oh come on, I don't feel guilty about literally eating other Pokemon, but I do about not wanting to talk to the one who's half the reason I'm even in this situation?!

Well fortunately, this problem has an easy solution: eat Chimchar. Then you won't feel guilty about frightening him anymore!

In fact, Chimchar seems to have stopped eating entirely in favor of staring at me, or more specifically, at my horns. Elekid is actually looking at them as well, albeit with a much more bemused-seeming expression.

Chimchar, seen here listening in on my previous recommendation.

(Side question, is "bemused" used here in its capacity as a synonym of "amused," or as a synonym of "confused?" The word can be a bit bemusing like that.)

"You want more?" Paul says coldly, seeming almost offended by the notion. "If you ate all of that, you've had more than enough already. Get out of my face, and don't ask me that again."

Narrowing my eyes at his curt dismissal, I bring my jaws around in front of me, slowly opening them to show in detail the viscous strings of drool dripping from my fangs.

"Allow me to ask it in a slightly different way then." I growl. "I'm still hungry, Paul."

"If you're still hungry after that, go find your own food." Paul says sharply. "Now again, get out of my face."

"Gotta say, I'm kinda impressed, newbie." he continues. "Never seen Paul actually relent before."

"Well, you know what they say; nothing like threatening to eat someone for getting them to approve increased rations."

Murkrow remains silent, but she's staring at me as well, as is Chimchar, though I'm not sure if his wide-eyed, open-mouthed expression is supposed to be conveying surprise or awe.

Actually, that would be terror. You just won a battle of wills with someone who, to Chimchar's mind, might as well be Glad-of-War himself. He was already frightened of your cavernous maw, now his instinctive response has been validated.

"...oi!" Elekid belatedly calls after me. "Where are you going?"

"To find some actual food!" I call back.

"~Ain't no party like a Donner Party,~"
Hey that's right… dairy and eggs and fruit and beverages all heal, but meat doesn't. It's a conspiracy by the vegetarians!

And on that day, a raging Ursaring found a Mawile, and saw that the fairy had taken to the ways of the vegan, and had sworn off the consumption of meats forever.

And the Ursaring grieved, for she had lost her chance at revenge.

The pokemon that had killed her child no longer existed. Said pokemon had become a more respectfu, peaceful being.

So did the Ursaring turn her back on Mawile, and started the now long trek back home.

The end.

This story has totally not been brought to you by the vegan supremacy gang.
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Ash doesn't deserve him, he belongs to mawile now.
I don't think that Flairile is ready for a pet, maybe a bit more training with stuffed animals? Afterall, she didn't take good care of that one teddy bear.
consulted as a dietician. …Assuming the language barrier can be dealt with.
I get the impression that, if left alone, Brock will spontaneously start talking about pokemon nutrition, like some sort of educational museum exhibit with a recorded message. That or clones...
I don't think that Flairile is ready for a pet, maybe a bit more training with stuffed animals? Afterall, she didn't take good care of that one teddy bear.
A stuffed animal would be... surprisingly effective for a lot of situations. If she played up the childlike ingenue angle she would be able to butcher her way through a lot of flatfooted opponents. Trainers are used to bluster and seeming harmless and changing directions on a dime would result in tragically misplaced torsos.

A teddy bear, specifically, would also be morbid enough to be hilarious. Particularly if you ever meet up with mom again.
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I had vaguely thought that rock is similar to steel? But cruising Bulbapedia tells me that he's got a forretress by this point, and his onix has evolved into steelix. So yeah, it makes perfect sense. Even without joining him long-term, he could be consulted as a dietician. …Assuming the language barrier can be dealt with.
Brock is nominally a Rock-type specialist (or, at least, ran a Rock-type gym) but has quite a lot of non-Rock-types. In the mainline games his teams are all Rock-type, but in his four fights across both Stadium games he has eleven non-Rock-types to twelve Rock-types. His anime ratio is even worse – his only Rock-types there are Geodude and Sudowoodo, once Onix evolved. It's actually become a bit of a running joke in another fic (Ashes of the Past, a peggy-sue by Saphroneth over on SB), in which he actually has more trickery-specialists than Rock-types (Crobat with doubleteam and supersonic, Sudowoodo looking like a tree, Geodude learning to make statues, a few new ones he didn't have in the canon timeline).
Would Paul even really care if Flairile took off? So far, she's been kind of a drag. So far she's shone no impressive combat abilities, poor cooperation, violent tendencies, and incredibly demanding nutritional needs. It's not like he wants to kill things, nor can he be expected to intuit her frankly insane perspective.
Fire Punch because they can learn Fire Fang, why not just apply that energy to a fist instead?
Bullet Punch is just a fast, steel-type punch, and Mawile is a steel-type who can use a fast punch (Sucker Punch) already.
The most important Status move, by far, is Swords Dance. That move is incredibly powerful when properly used.
In order:
  • Agreed.
  • Hmm. That brings up the question of how Sucker Punch's mechanics can be translated into "reality." It can't just be a very fast punch; then it wouldn't matter what kind of move your target is going for at the time. It can't be dodge and then punch; that would have you avoiding getting hit, as opposed to hitting before getting hit. Maybe it could be pretending to trip or otherwise appear to leave yourself wide open, thus baiting your opponent into using an attack with a long wind-up that leaves them wide open, and then dishing out a very fast punch to punish? :confused:
  • Agreed. It's especially synergistic with ambushes, depending on how big of an area you have available to hide (and thus dance) in.
this ended up being more of a connecting chapter, without quite as much substance as I'd have really liked
It was plenty. I feel like a lot of serial authors undervalue the kind of worldbuilding and especially character establishing that this chapter was full of.
Good and bad is relative. Is he a criminal like the various teams, or a legitimately monstrous person like some of the movie villains? No. Does that mean having him in a position of power over your life would be any more bearable?

EDIT: He treats his pokemon like a fair amount of game players would. I like to think I'm fairly nice to mine in the games I've played, but I would utterly hate being treated that way. When you've spent your life as a human being with freedom and rights, being forced to act like some jackasses pet is pretty bad regardless of how moral he might be in comparison.
Eh, I'd argue he kind of is a monster, at least in the same way that all slaveowners 200 years ago were monsters. It should be abundantly clear to any trainer in the Pokemon anime universe that many (most? All?) 'mons are smart enough to qualify as people, and as we've already established, Paul's treatment of his is basically, "abusive spouse," with a dash of, "cult leader."
And while we're on the topic: the only reason we players treat our in-game 'mons so "badly" is because we're intimately aware that it's all fake, that each 'mon's entire mental health state is represented by a single one-byte integer, and that there are almost never any consequences for "mistreating" them (the worst being a denied evolution, which we make exceptions for). Think of it this way: if losing a game of Monopoly meant being evicted from your home in real life, then a huge fraction of people would just ignore the game's stated goals and instead work together to keep the game going forever.
wait... milk drink, moo moo milk, and softboiled. does dairy heal where meat doesn't?
what about fresh water and soda?
Yeeeeeeeaah. I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that in this story, there won't be any miracle healing from literally water.
Would Paul even really care if Flairile took off? So far, she's been kind of a drag. So far she's shone no impressive combat abilities, poor cooperation, violent tendencies, and incredibly demanding nutritional needs. It's not like he wants to kill things, nor can he be expected to intuit her frankly insane perspective.
I don't think he'd write her off immediately upon noticing she's gone, but I do think he'd only make a token effort to look for her before doing so. Unless she stole his gadget(s) and/or backpack, etc., which I don't think she'll do. I think she only wants to consult any map he may have, in order to figure out which direction the closest town is in.
"If you're still hungry after that, go find your own food." Paul says sharply. "Now again, get out of my face."
Foolish mortal.

Wha- did I just walk into someone's secret berry garden?!
Like, say, that of an Ursaring?

I already know how Cheris, Pechas, and Orans taste, having been lucky enough to get a hold of them once or twice back in Bewilder Forest. Of those three, the Orans were my favorite — though Pechas are nicely sweet, and Cheris are oddly decent for being so spicy, Orans somehow manage to encompass an entire variety of flavors without having them clash.
Berries are an interesting subject in Pokemon. I kinda wonder just what exactly they're all like; we have a large number of berries, and they have quite the eclectic range of qualities. It also brings to mind the real-world technicalities regarding various fruits and berries by actual definition and how definition according to general custom can vary so wildly from such. I wonder if "berries" might encompass quite the range of edible plant fruits that might ordinarily be considered vegetables or nuts. One does not typically think of berries as a spicy food, but from a botanical standpoint rather than a culinary one, peppers fit right in. Peppers also have a pretty different flavour from tomatoes, too, which are themselves quite different from the likes of pumpkins. So, then, how might that all turn out when throwing in the wackiness of the Pokemon world?

I shift my widening gaze to the berry pile at my feet. I've been looking for these things solely due to their value as sustenance all week, so I guess it kind of slipped my mind that in most of the games, they're generally considered much more valuable for their various curative properties. Even if it hadn't though, I don't think I'd have expected those properties to be nearly so potent in this world, nor would I have expected them to work so incredibly fast. If all the other berries' effects from the games translate just as directly, these things are basically outright miracle food.
No kidding. I remember turning practically every single patch of soil available towards farming Leppa Berries with a big, sprawling harvesting path worked out to best reach them all, because those were a dream come true for grinding or slogging through difficult areas. The Power Point system is one of the biggest deviations from game mechanics, so I'm quite curious what the likes of a Leppa Berry might actually do in-universe; given the results of the other berries, I have to wonder if it might as well be a straight IV drip of caffeine laced with amphetamines, all in a bite-sized snack.

On a related note, as part of the in-universe worldbuilding, the berries also seem a strong candidate for featuring in pokemon medicine. The humble Potion might be a sort of concentrated extract of Oran Berry in a convenient multi-dose aerosol bottle, with superior derivatives more or less just using a more expensive, higher concentration, until you get the likes of the Max Potion that is simply guaranteed overkill able to get any job done with completely undiluted Sitrus Berry concentrate.

A giddy laugh bubbles up in my throat, and I spin on one foot, greatly enjoying my regained freedom of motion. I run back and forth a few times, swinging my arms around just to prove that I can-
I'm picturing this pint-sized mon with the huge mass of metalstuff jaw-horns hanging off to one side, and I can't help but wonder just how much fine control must be needed to not accidentally go summarily flying away in an uncontrolled lurch trailing after the eponymous maw. Flairile, use Iron Head! *pirouette* SLAM! And the Voltorb is going, going, gone! It's a home run! I think a Mawile can be expected to have a spooky good sense of balance, or just rely on outright bullshit.

I think about it for about half a minute before rejecting the notion — as verdant and pleasant as this place seems at a glance, I think I've had more than enough of slumming it out in the wilderness already. However, I also don't think I want to put off escaping from Paul for any longer than I've already had to. The negatives of doing so have very rapidly begun to outweigh the positives, and I'm a lot more willing to risk heading into the unknown now that I'm back in fighting shape. I just wish I had some way of actually knowing where I was going...
Mm. Good to see some decisive choices being made.

I don't know something tells me his only reaction will be a momentary raising of the eyebrows and a moderately disgusted "Go take a bath, the rivers right over there."

Paul doesn't seen like the kinda guy to get queasy (at least outwardly) from a little blood and maybe some bone shards stuck in teeth.
Oh, I dunno. It may not be just a little blood. She's a messy eater at the best of times, so if she had trouble with her food and didn't care about her state—or indeed actively tried to make a mess simply for shock value—and came back drenched in blood and viscera with a gory trail behind her and, er, "debris" from her prey in stark evidence, I imagine that Paul might be just a tad disconcerted about the blatant, enthusiastic carnivore that apparently has both a huge appetite and a bad attitude, such that it was entirely willing to give him an angry crocodile impression right in his face... especially if she didn't make a particularly clean kill after he gave her that particular order and he was subjected to a terrible snapping sound and the loud, blatant screams of something dying in panicked agony not far off in the trees as darkness falls.

It has been confirmed that Mawile is a Tardis or Bag of Holding: She is bigger on the inside.
I am reminded of the related cursed item, the Bad of Devouring. Put stuff in, it doesn't come out. Om nom nom!

Eating other pokemon does not restore HP, unlike Oran and Sitrus berries, apparently.
Now then, to test what happens if she eats a pokemon that is itself eating such a berry. For science!

Good thinking, she'll need a snack for the road!
It can even cook itself. It's perfect!

A stuffed animal would be... surprisingly effective for a lot of situations. If she played up the childlike ingenue angle she would be able to butcher her way through a lot of flatfooted opponents. Trainers are used to bluster and seeming harmless and changing directions on a dime would result in tragically misplaced torsos.

A teddy bear, specifically, would also be morbid enough to be hilarious. Particularly if you ever meet up with mom again.
That would be rather apt for a Mawile. Better still, plenty of pokemon are indeed quite cute, as well as additionally even deliberately played up in such manner by their trainers, so it wouldn't necessarily even stand out as suspiciously unusual for perhaps being too innocent-seeming, but rather just seem like yet another adorable, friendly little critter. Just what happens when the Deceiver Pokemon starts leveraging human-level intellect? Further still, this particular Deceiver Pokemon is not only atypically intelligent, but also has an intimate understanding of how humans think, and could easily actively conform to expectation and assumption, especially if she simply isn't expected to be so conniving in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if she tries out a "hair" accessory much like one of the Mawile featuring in the anime, and depending on how Pokemon shenanigans work, who knows, maybe tying a pretty pink ribbon or something on top of her head might lend her an edge in more ways than one.
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I wonder if the rampant Pokemon devouring has messed with the Mawhile's appetite in some way? I'm starting to get Wendigo vibes a little bit which is faintly horrifying.
I wonder if the rampant Pokemon devouring has messed with the Mawhile's appetite in some way? I'm starting to get Wendigo vibes a little bit which is faintly horrifying.
Well, considering that she's a Fairy-type with some strong Dark themes and rather less than wholesome design inspiration, "wrong" might be pretty normal for a Mawile. Perhaps Wendigo comparisons are entirely accurate.
Suprised the can wasn't eaten too. Probably got some good alloys in there for the hair maw.
Almost being known for being a bit of a recycling mon could get extra food from eating the left over cans of the rest of the party. Well unless Paul gets a can deposit for recycling them at a Pokemart

If not I doubt he'll not bitch about no longer having to lug around empty cans with him
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Omake: Maw-chopped
With my expectations being as low as they are, only half of my attention is really focused on searching for berries, the other half already on the lookout for a decently-sized bush to use Sweet Scent in.

Paul took his time eating. This wasn't particularly noteworthy, as with his Pokemon appropriately tended to for the day he had no plans until it was time to sleep. So, might as well enjoy his meal.

This made it all the more noteworthy that the Mawile hadn't returned yet by the time he'd finished.

It didn't take a genius to put one and two together and figure out it'd likely bolted. Paul was annoyed, particularly having already given the Mawile undeserved preferential treatment before this, but he was hardly concerned. A Poke-ball may not instill any innate obedience in the Pokemon it catches, but there's still a reason that the term is 'catch.'

His expression settling into a comfortable scowl, he strutted off in the direction his Mawile had left in, its ball in his hand to guide him right to it.

His Murkrow was quick to flap after him, and his Elekid was well trained enough to even bring his Chimchar along. This was good, as he could use this opportunity as a discipline session, not just for Mawile but for the whole team. Efficiency, and all that.

As he tromped into the reeds, he was diverted by a sudden find: a Machop, scrounging around. It seemed as surprised to see him as he was to see it. It seemed that way only very briefly, as the Machop acted before Paul or any of his team. It dashed forwards, taking Elekid by surprise as it grabbed him boldly through the electrified holes in his horns and swung Elekid around in a smooth motion, flinging him directly for Murkrow, sending both of Paul's heaviest hitters sprawling in distress before attempting to flee into the reeds.

Paul was not having that, and dashed after the fighting type, hot on its heels. It was several moments of chase before Paul had confirmation that his Pokemon were following when a bolt of electricity hit the Machop in the leg, ever so briefly staggering it. Paul almost gave in to muscle memory by taking the opportunity to chuck the Pokeball in his hand, but stopped himself, remembering that it wasn't a fresh one.

He was swift to swap it out for one, but the Machop had recovered by then.

It was in the next instant that Paul blinked. Had he done so a moment later, he wouldn't have seen what happened next. A flamewheel spun past. It was poorly aimed and missed by more than a foot, but the rapidly rising heat on the back of its neck still startled the sprinting Machop enough for it to slip on the soft ground and skid for several feet.

In the bush directly by where the Machop had landed, there was slight movement, but Paul didn't have time to make sense of it before the shadows opened up to a cavernous throat that slammed down on the Machop's head. Its screams were muffled as it flailed, striking at its new attacker in panic as the mouth began to rapidly shake him.

Paul threw the fresh ball, but there was a terrible snap as the Machop went limp, the Pokeball belatedly smacking against its body an instant later.

The mouth snapped further down the Machop, and dragged it into the bush as it began to chew, blood seeping everywhere.

Nobody moved as the bush rustled for another moment, and then out stepped Mawile, smeared with carnage. "M-Maw? Mawile..."
Chimchar is also a cute, sadly suggesting we won't see Shinx again. I just want Flairile to go adventuring with a cute kid, y'know?