Given that Paul is somewhat experienced as a trainer and what he's shown of his preferred methods, I suspect he's had Pokémon try and escape before and probably isn't dumb enough to make escape quite so easy for her without realising it. Thus, I see three possible reasons Paul had no problem letting Siwile go hunting solo, despite it being the perfect opportunity for her to pull a runner.

1. He is confident in his ability to find her even if she runs; Mayhaps he can track his 'Mon with that Pokédex or something along those lines.

2. She genuinely intimidated him and he didn't want to see to what would happen if she was left hungry. Her jaws are pretty big after all, and his 'Mons probably wouldn't have had time to help him if she decided it was *CHOMP* time. He has seen what those jaws can do to an Ursaring after all.

3. He decided that given her seeming lack of combat ability, Siwile is more trouble than she's worth. Especially after that stunt, which showed that she may be willing to attack him if provoked. As such, he is hoping she'll run away so he doesn't have to deal with her.
And while we're on the topic: the only reason we players treat our in-game 'mons so "badly" is because we're intimately aware that it's all fake, that each 'mon's entire mental health state is represented by a single one-byte integer, and that there are almost never any consequences for "mistreating" them (the worst being a denied evolution, which we make exceptions for). Think of it this way: if losing a game of Monopoly meant being evicted from your home in real life, then a huge fraction of people would just ignore the game's stated goals and instead work together to keep the game going forever.
Yes? That was the point. That Paul, despite being in poke earth with living pokemon, seems to treat them with the same care we give fictional ones.

I'm not really sure what you were trying to say here. This wasn't a dig at people's morality, just a comparison for clarities sake. What people would do if the games were real is largely irrelevant to what was said.

EDIT: Not trying to be rude, just confused as to what prompted the big rebuke.
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Sorry, it's a synthetic word. I took it from the Latin 'admorsus', which means to bite or eat. I meant to say that her hair not only grabs stuff, but also eats it.

Ahhh, kind of figured it was something like that, but thanks for the clarification.

It would fool Team Rocket.

Meaning it would definitely fool Ash and co as well, and probably anyone with them at the time. The sheer number of paper-thin disguises that Team Rocket has fooled them with frankly boggles the mind - you'd think that eventually the quote-unquote twerps might start suspecting every trio of people they come across where one has red hair, one has blue lavender hair, and the last one is a dwarf, but they remain just as shocked by the reveal every single time.

From a realistic perspective though, I suppose that does actually make a fair amount of sense for a very practical pokemon to have. Sure, feeding a pokemon that literally eats like a whale would be quite the chore, but its simple size is a handy feature. Tying back to the idea of HM moves basically just being tools for trainers rather than dedicated combat techniques, Surf—and similarly Fly—could be an awful lot more complicated as a viable field move without the benefit of game mechanics. Plenty of pokemon can learn the move in-game, but I imagine a lot of them aren't actually particularly good at using it for field work even if they can learn it, simply due to physical characteristics, not being at all suitable for riding at all, much less over any significant distance or safely. A Wailord, however, is basically an ocean-going bus, honestly, and one that is in fact quite the capable combat pokemon as well, in addition to much of the time simply seeming too big to bother harassing in the first place. Better still, its pre-evolved form is itself decent in those areas as well, too, just not as good as Wailord.

Yeah, I imagine it's basically like bringing your own private boat or plane with you everywhere you go, except that instead of having to do maintenance/refuel it/etc, you just make sure to provide it all the food it needs, and hopefully also being a good friend to it. I wonder if there are like, "Wailord Tours" in certain port towns, where instead of going out on a boat to see the whales, the boat is the whale, and what you're going out to see is everything else.

Is Sableye in Mawile's natural diet?:thonk:

Well, they do have similar habitats... and inhabit the same regions... and they are probably some of the most conveniently sized prey Mawile are likely to commonly come across...

Well, there's always the Serebii or Bulbapedia lists

Oh, I know. The issue however is that while I have access to those lists, Mawile!me does not. ;) Good analysis though!

1: Flairile can punch? Have you seen her fists try to make a fist? How is she supposed to even reach anything with those itty-bitty paws? Scratch I could understand, but punches require actual force, like leverage and momentum and stuff... . *sighs* I'll just chalk it up to sparkly pokemon magic.

Well, there are certainly ways to get such leverage... it just might not be as easy for Mawile!me as it is for Pokemon that, say, have arms exceeding roughly a foot in length.

2: Flairile can dance? Have you seen her outfit? Her centre of gravity? Does she even have legs? Still, I suppose with her stubby limbs and nonexistent balance she could stumble through a practised routine and multiply her cuteness-overload damage...

I don't know, all that spinning should certainly be helpful balance practice at the least. Plus, there's also the fact that certain versions of Swords Dance in the anime are closer to "Swords Posing" than anything else...

Wooper can learn Ice Punch despite having o arms. Pokemon is weird.
There is also doduo with fly

The Doduo thing could at least potentially make sense, as IIRC, Fly was seen in one anime episode as being possible to define as just "a really big jump". The Wooper thing though, I have no idea. Maybe their tail is secretly an arm?

A good chapter, and I think a great way to bounce back from the previous chapter's dark mood. Thanks for sharing, eagerly awaiting the next one! Unless, of course, it goes back down the way that others describe your usual stories. ;)

Thanks! As for how things are planned to progress though... well, we'll see. I can't be mean to myself ALL the time, right?

I think you should examine this idea more.

Paul wants to be a famous pokemon trainer, right?
Well, every champion needs a way to stand out.
Maybe they specialize, maybe they have style, or a notable personality.
Paul lacks all of these.

Now he could be Jerkass Paul.
He'd be the champion that everyone loves to hate!
But that's hard to show on a poster or action figure.

So the solution would be: Peg-leg Paul!
The costuming! The action figures! The poses! The stories!
"-and that's how I learned to respect pokemon. Especially if they have huge fricken' teeth."
He'd be halfway to champion with just that!

Really, you'd be helping his career.

I imagine a leg like that also might might make traveling difficult to do over land, so if he wanted to continue his journey, he'd probably have to start getting around by way of the sea. Say, on a boat of some sort. But constantly paying money for cross-city rides wouldn't be that efficient, so he might just use his league savings to buy one outright, though due to the price he'd likely end up getting an older model. Maybe one made of wood, that uses primarily sails to get around rather than an engine...

Huh. It would be surprisingly easy to turn Paul into a pirate.


Gotta pay off the Mawb. :V

Watch out on that assumption, I hear they aren't very good.
Astra frowned at the tiny map on her pokedex, ignoring her friends bout of expletives. They had been traveling back quite a while now, and their icon was still showing as being on the trail in the forest. Considering the trail was nowhere in sight, she was starting to despise whoever designed this garbage. I've heard, yes. :p

Glad SI is being proactive to change things rather than just accepting Paul.

Mawile!me was never going to just roll over and accept something like this for long. Coming across that berry haven (which I conveniently did NOT have to make up, as it's actually based on anime-canon events) just helped speed things up a little.

[Ash] Pokéball, go!
[Flairile] *Crunch*
[Ash] …Um. Pikachu? Help?
Pikachu confronts Flairile!
[Flairile] Food.
[Pikachu] What?
[Flairile] Which of these guys has the best food?
Bewildered, Pikachu points at Brock.
[Flairile] Right, you, Brock, you're my "trainer" now.
[Humans] What just happened?

I laughed, but the number of Pokemon that have been recruited/caught in the anime based solely on food-related reasons makes this more likely than you might think at first.

So we have confirmation that Flairile's hunger is weird. Like, obviously Paul isn't the single greatest pokemon dietician in all of history, but that should have been a proper serving of functional food, and Mawile is tiny, and we have comparisons to al the other pokemon who have similar exertion. Now it could easily be that Mawile have dietary requirements based upon weight rather than volume, and she doesn't seem to be, like, snorlax hungry, and with metallic biology she might well weigh as much as a large dog, which would roughly fit with her intake, but there is clearly something deceptive going on here beyond just using too many attacks.
It could be poor nutrition. If you're not getting all the nutrients you need, sometimes your body drives you to overeat in the hope that you'll pile up enough trace quantities. Steel types need more metal, maybe? Possibly should have eaten the can, instead of just the kibble.
Still, its a very small stomach for a very large mouth. And that doesn't seem to get in the way.

I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.

[Flairile]*Throws pokeball at Brock*
[Everyone]That's not how this is supposed to work!

Mawile!me: Oh, right, what was I thinking? I have to weaken him first.
Everyone, as I leap forward with my horns raised overhead: No, WAIT-!

I don't think that the pokedex has a map, otherwise Ash wouldn't have gotten lost nearly as often. The map is probably in the Poketch. Might be a bit hard to get it off his wrist without waking him though.

Possibly, yes. However, it's also entirely possible Ash is simply not aware that there is a map function. He's uh... never been the brightest kid.

Or, at the very least, other pokemon aren't made out of goddamn cocaine.

In fairness, it's more simply the result of not eating for several days (or not tasting anything at least), and then suddenly biting into something from WIlly Wonka's chocolate factory. Oran berries have no real-world analogue, and are claimed they have a wondrous, multi-faceted flavor described as "Nature's gifts coming together as one". Sitrus berries meanwhile are almost three times the size of an Oran, and are described as being an improved version of them, not to mention because Mawile!me was hurt, they had a really soothing healing effect to eat. Hence the giddiness.

(Side question, is "bemused" used here in its capacity as a synonym of "amused," or as a synonym of "confused?" The word can be a bit bemusing like that.)

The former - I actually did write "amused" at first, but it didn't seem quite the right fit for the sentence, hence it's now bemused. Which does make it a bit confused I suppose, yes. :p

This story has totally not been brought to you by the vegan supremacy gang.

AKA, that one Team Plasma grunt that represents PETA even more directly than the rest of their gang.

I don't think that Flairile is ready for a pet, maybe a bit more training with stuffed animals? Afterall, she didn't take good care of that one teddy bear.

You're not wrong; the only pet I've ever owned was a fish, and I wasn't all that great at cleaning out her tank on schedule - another reason this is a Pokemon-insert, rather than a trainer-insert. ^_^; I do own a lot of stuffed animals though, and they'd probably make a great thing to snuggle up to at night in this story. No easily available blankets means keeping hold of every source of heat you can.

A teddy bear, specifically, would also be morbid enough to be hilarious. Particularly if you ever meet up with mom again.

That would be like, a supervillain-level move from the Ursaring's perspective. She finds out her son has been eaten, and when she finally tracks Mawile!me down again, I'm carrying around his likeness like some sort of horrid effigy. Ursaring cannot normally learn Outrage, but I get the feeling this one might manage it anyways, given that situation.

nor can he be expected to intuit her frankly insane perspective.

I mean, a human mind placed inside the body of a tiny fictitious creature and stuck in an equally fictitious world, both of which are already known to them from a multiple-decade-old media franchise IS a pretty ridiculous perspective in abstract, but I wouldn't really call it "insane". I'd like to think my perspective on things is decently logical on the whole, at least.

That brings up the question of how Sucker Punch's mechanics can be translated into "reality." It can't just be a very fast punch; then it wouldn't matter what kind of move your target is going for at the time. It can't be dodge and then punch; that would have you avoiding getting hit, as opposed to hitting before getting hit. Maybe it could be pretending to trip or otherwise appear to leave yourself wide open, thus baiting your opponent into using an attack with a long wind-up that leaves them wide open, and then dishing out a very fast punch to punish?

This is something I've had to wonder about lately as well. The move is thankfully only seen once in the anime proper however, so I have a lot of room to interpret it my own way should it ever become relevant to this fic.

(Also the Japanese name is apparently "surprise attack", so it may not have to be an actual punch, per se.)

It was plenty. I feel like a lot of serial authors undervalue the kind of worldbuilding and especially character establishing that this chapter was full of.

Good to know - I questioned for a while if I should try to trim it down a little, even after all the other cuts and such, but I guess I'm glad I didn't. :)

Yeeeeeeeaah. I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that in this story, there won't be any miracle healing from literally water.

Won't speak on this specifically, but if there is, expect it to be REALLY good water.

I wonder if "berries" might encompass quite the range of edible plant fruits that might ordinarily be considered vegetables or nuts.

Entirely possible, maybe even likely given the range of flavors they have... but in this story, for the sake of simplicity, I'm probably just going to stick to calling them berries/fruits and boiling the bizarre tastes down to "it's a different world".

The Power Point system is one of the biggest deviations from game mechanics, so I'm quite curious what the likes of a Leppa Berry might actually do in-universe; given the results of the other berries, I have to wonder if it might as well be a straight IV drip of caffeine laced with amphetamines, all in a bite-sized snack.

Perhaps we'll eventually find out. ;)

he humble Potion might be a sort of concentrated extract of Oran Berry in a convenient multi-dose aerosol bottle, with superior derivatives more or less just using a more expensive, higher concentration, until you get the likes of the Max Potion that is simply guaranteed overkill able to get any job done with completely undiluted Sitrus Berry concentrate.

I can help but notice this would also create the possibility of unscrewing the lid of a max potion and just straight up chugging it. Which in turn brings up the question, can a Pokemon overdose on berry concentrate?

I am reminded of the related cursed item, the Bad of Devouring. Put stuff in, it doesn't come out. Om nom nom!

That DOES sound evil. A bad Bad... that's twice the normal amount of bad! :lol:

Now then, to test what happens if she eats a pokemon that is itself eating such a berry. For science!

I think this fic may already be graphic enough without adding in some sort of horrible Maw-ducken aspect. ^^;

I wouldn't be surprised if she tries out a "hair" accessory much like one of the Mawile featuring in the anime, and depending on how Pokemon shenanigans work, who knows, maybe tying a pretty pink ribbon or something on top of her head might lend her an edge in more ways than one.

If only the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon items existed in the normal anime-world. Lots of scarves/bands/capes/etc to choose from there!

Paul took his time eating. This wasn't particularly noteworthy, as with his Pokemon appropriately tended to for the day he had no plans until it was time to sleep. So, might as well enjoy his meal.

Well, this was a nice thing to wake up to. :D Threadmarked! I've titled that as "Maw-chopped" for the time being, but if you have a better one, feel free to tell me and I'll change it post-haste.

Bidoof is best baby child.

...on that note, I sadly ended up having to deleting the "Poor Benny" threadmark. I've determined that I'm definitely sticking to my 100-word-minimum rule for omakes from now on, and it just ends up being too confusing what I should or shouldn't mark as an omake if the first one listed directly contradicts my only real guideline on the matter. Sorry @Blaflaix. :(

He decided that given her seeming lack of combat ability, Siwile is more trouble than she's worth. Especially after that stunt, which showed that she may be willing to attack him if provoked. As such, he is hoping she'll run away so he doesn't have to deal with her.

I'll say now that it's not this - if Paul wanted Mawile!me gone outright, he'd just have recalled and released me on the spot. He's not shy about doing that, so he'd have no reason not to do so. Your other proposed possibilities however, I will neither confirm nor deny.

EDIT: Not trying to be rude, just confused as to what prompted the big rebuke.

I don't think that was actually meant as a rebuke (unless @RusselsSilvrware explicitly says otherwise), so no worries. :)
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I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.
Mawiles need to eat metals to grow their horns fairies, obviously.

You think Mawile can pick up some bottles to carry?

I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.
Interesting, so we can conclude that the cause of the hunger is probably nothing that we've really discussed yet in the thread, yet presumably obvious once thought about.

Hmm, best guess I've got is that Flairile is just really young. As in 'freshly hatched' young and is having some kind of growth spurt.
I'll say now that it's not this - if Paul wanted Mawile!me gone outright, he'd just have recalled and released me on the spot. He's not shy about doing that, so he'd have no reason not to do so. Your other proposed possibilities however, I will neither confirm nor deny.
Yeah, he is quite prone to straight up releasing any 'Mon he decides isn't worth his time, so that one was always a touch unlikely.

Only way I could have explained that one would be that he wanted rid of her, but thought she'd potentially be too dangerous for another trainer to handle, so he was ensuring that she was uncatchable and thus less likely to end up in the possession of an unlucky newbie who had no idea how to deal with her.
Speculation on hunger-cause, not previously mentioned that I recall:

We already know eating with the horn-mouth doesn't have a sense of taste. Maybe it's somehow less filling as well?
If you try and think of it via actual anatomy (laughable in a world where somehow electron currents is enough to generate the nutrients to support life), mawile's can be kinda..... weird. Unless there's a secondary digestive system, this means that any food will need to travel down the hairstalk and through/around the brain to get into the main stomach. That jaw strength is considerably more impressive when you consider that Mawile can eat their prey whole, bones included. Gonna have to be able to grind that into a fine powder if it does travel down into the main body.
I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.
You can only get full if you sneak into people's good graces, pretend to be demure and not at all hungry, and then snack on all their rice in the middle of the night using both mouths?

Yokai sure are weird, huh.
(Also the Japanese name is apparently "surprise attack", so it may not have to be an actual punch, per se.)

The Japanese name is "fuiuchi", from "fui", which means unexpected, abrupt, surprising, that sort of thing, and "uchi", the noun stem of "utsu", a verb which I would probably translate as to hit. It has a lot of the same weird extension limits; like, you can use it for punching or slapping or whatever, and I'm pretty sure that you can use it for hitting with an implement, but I think kicking or headbutting probably wouldn't count (although intuitively I feel like Mawile hitting something with her maw would count for some reason?..), and I'm nearly certain things like biting, slicing attacks, and projectiles wouldn't. (It also has an array of increasingly weirdly specific secondary uses that probably aren't worth going into here. And to confuse things further there's a different word that means to shoot which is also "utsu", although it's written differently.) On the other hand, while I haven't heard it used, (not that I'm really ever in circumstances where I'd hear it used,) it's possible that fuiuchi has some degree of meaning distinct from the combination of its components, in which case it might not have the same limits as utsu. Or it might actually be using a totally different "utsu" than I'm thinking; a two-syllable word in Japanese is going to have more homophones than you can swing a cat at, especially once you take out tone differentiation. (The name of the move is written in hiragana, and homophones in Japanese are typically distinguished through their kanji.) Basically do whatever I guess?
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Higher intelligence requires more sustenance? it's one of the reasons humans eat so much. perhaps it's a lack of metals/iron in her diet she is a steel type after all though i'd assume paul would feed her the correct type of meal for her species.
Maybe it's to do with some kind of evolution that most mawiles just never come across? but i think it's probably one of the two.
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I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.
I haven't gone back and checked, but none of the ones you quoted or the ones after your post listed this, so...

Is it much less effective to eat through the Maw on the back the of the head, rather than the normally positioned mouth you would use to eat regular food and taste it?
I haven't gone back and checked, but none of the ones you quoted or the ones after your post listed this, so...

Is it much less effective to eat through the Maw on the back the of the head, rather than the normally positioned mouth you would use to eat regular food and taste it?
You seem to have missed mine:
We already know eating with the horn-mouth doesn't have a sense of taste. Maybe it's somehow less filling as well?

Though the "you need some amount of rock" was pretty close to one of my earlier ideas, and other people had said similar with metal, so that's not it.
I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.

Her diet of meat was more significant than previously thought? Maybe not enough fiber? Maybe parasite from one of the Pokemon? Maybe some berry exclusive nutrient? Meat is more filling than kibble?

Or she's so a growing girl who's gonna EXPLODE in height (1.36 centimeters for the year).
I actually got the impression that a mawile being a huge eater is probably pretty normal. It's a pokemon specifically known and built around having a giant maw. You think it won't eat several times what its size would seem to indicate?

Moreover, it's quite likely that mawile are generally always hungry. The fact that Flairile is eating enough to actually get full on a semi-regular basis is probably unusual and may just result in her appetite steadily growing ever larger to match her intake. Or rather, to exceed her intake.
I'm a little surprised at the theorizing regarding what's going on with Mawile!me's voraciousness... not that it's happening, but more simply that nobody's nailed it dead on yet. I would actually think the answer to be quite obvious.
Is it because they don't contain any or much of the nutrients she needs so she needs more?
Her diet of meat was more significant than previously thought? Maybe not enough fiber? Maybe parasite from one of the Pokemon? Maybe some berry exclusive nutrient? Meat is more filling than kibble?

Or she's so a growing girl who's gonna EXPLODE in height (1.36 centimeters for the year).
Hmmmmm, Pokerus? seeing as vitamins = ev growth (or at least close enough) having a symbiote that doubles your GAINZ might double your appetite too.
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