Quite the conundrum.

@Flairina Have you considered something like a dress made entierly out of a single, very long piece of cloth? Make sure to cover up basically your entire head and face, with a nice hat to top it off. Perhaps some illusions on the side to cover up anything that slips through the gaps. Also you might want to retroactivly have your entire species grow a few feet.

You're on your own for the gargantuan maw hanging off your scalp, though.
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The main issue to something like this would be registering as a trainer to begin with, which... may be sort of difficult without being human. Perhaps if there was a way of temporarily looking like a person however...
Lol4head just find a Zorua. On a more serious note perhaps befriending a psychic type with telepathy to hold a two way call? Between a human and yourself.

Then there's the fairy typing which brings to mind glamors though I can't recall any moves that would fit the profile.

Anyhow there's not a lot that can be done in the present or immediate future other than writing. The Pokemon world might not be using the English alphabet could be a problem.
The Pokemon world might not be using the English alphabet could be a problem.
I believe the Pokemon world uses an unknown alphabet.

Overall, though, it does seem like it might be easier to just outright cheat or something than try to develop some more elaborate scheme. We aren't far into the story yet, and so there simply aren't many options yet explored either. There are legitimately promising possibilities for more subtle trickery and smoother duplicity, but none particularly feasible at present or likely to indeed become accessible quickly enough for preferences.
I believe the Pokemon world uses an unknown alphabet.

Okay a quick Google shows something
Which seems to have been used in the Unova anime though I could have sworn I read something about Unown being the basis of the written language of Pokemon. But I can't find anything to support that so far.

Anyhow I bring up Unown because ideally someone would recognize the scribbles that Flairina puts out as being as such and be able to read them. Though probably with great difficulty unless they're a professor, archaeologist, or academic. Seeing as they're writing found in ruins.
Sweet curry... Okay, so you can make sweet curry, but that does not mean that you should make sweet curry. Sweet curry? Ugh... Moving on!
I mean, there are also these kinds of Curry as well

Whipped Cream Curry.

Decorative Curry

Boiled Egg Curry

KFC (fried food, but i'm pretty sure its KFC) Curry
No one has definitively proven that Mawile can't learn Teleport with the right help! New discoveries are made every day. Maybe the future holds evolution, maybe it's the dream of all lazy people!
Fae shenanigans perhaps?
Ring of mushrooms?
Praying to a Legendary that can teleport?
I mean, there are also these kinds of Curry as well

Whipped Cream Curry.

Decorative Curry

Boiled Egg Curry

KFC (fried food, but i'm pretty sure its KFC) Curry
The first curry sickens me.

Also, from the size of the egg, I really hope that is not a pokemon egg...

Fae shenanigans perhaps?
Ring of mushrooms?
Praying to a Legendary that can teleport?
Obviously, it escapes by using a escape rope
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The first curry sickens me.
Sweet Whipped-Cream CurryThe addition of the cream has made the sweet curry roux even sweeter. It's practically a dessert now.
Also, from the size of the egg, I really hope that is not a pokemon egg...
I mean...

The tails explicitly grow back, but still...

for all we know, pokemon have a way to know whether or not an egg is going to hatch or not, and the ones that arent going to hatch are fair game for eating...
Could even be a thing in The Wild as well...
You COULD eat that Egg laying pokemon and be full for the day.
OR you could spare it and get a guaranteed egg every once in a while.
well this will be 10k words at the end and most likely to take two weeks ill will happily wait till this updates :)

Probably not quite that much, but the good news is, the next chapter should be up tomorrow!

I support extra long updates make it as long as you wish.

Nope, ended up having to split it in half after all. Though, with the number of cuts and revisions I've made to it so far, I probably wrote twice as many words as the actual chapter ended up being, if not more. ^^;

I had the impression that pokeblocks were like pez – little hard candy bricks, except apparently not always sweet.

They basically are little candy bricks I think, but they're made from the juices of several much larger berries, all compressed into one very tiny cube. So, as I said, like drinking berry concentrate.

And curry varies widely by region – even Indian curries vary depending on which bit of India you're in (and presumably how much the cook was catering to tourists), British curry is often notably milder, Japanese curry is considered to be Western food because they got it from the British and changed it even more... and in America, I'm honestly not sure which one (or more) of those routes the usual stuff could be traced back to. Probably depends a lot on the cook. If nothing else, I've seen a curry recipe online that I've made very often, and its spiciness is basically optional; the core of the sauce is tomato, cumin, ground mustard, garlic, and ginger, plus garam masala (which, at least as available here, is perhaps warming but not really spicy. I mean, I usually add chili powder and a chopped pepper, but it tastes recognizably similar without that.

Oh? Didn't know that; guess there's more variance to curry than I thought. Consider my former complaint retracted. :)

I imagine that practically everything is tied to a user account registered through the Pokemon League, which, given the setting, could very well be a person's official, government-issue ID. It probably has some serious protections around it, either way. For being such a common thing, though, it might none the less actually be pretty vulnerable on the user end even if there is some kind of impressive cybersecurity; there's a fair possibility that a trainer won't at all be inclined to think to need to make sure that their pokemon aren't watching them a password entry with a goal in mind, or whatever, and I wouldn't be surprised if a trainer's Pokedex is used to make an awful lot of things more convenient. A trainer's Pokedex probably has considerable parallels to a real-world person's cell phone with all kinds of linked accounts and passwords set to auto-fill or stay logged in, so there's a fair possibility that a trainer who happens to have an unusually aware and insightful pokemon might basically wind up the victim of identity theft.

*shifty eyes*

Describing senses is never easy.

Trust me, I know. The number of times that I've just gotten stuck just trying to find the right word to describe how something feels is... quite frankly maddening.

The beans, however, seem like a product of Japan being Japan and having a particular type of bean hold a prominent place in dessert-type foods, perhaps coupled with the influence of things like jellybeans, and Pokemon being Pokemon; who knows what those things are really like in-universe.

Perhaps... but it sure does make things hard for anyone trying to make sense of that sort of thing with as few changes as possible. Attempting to create a working logic behind what the game shows as literally being a magic beanstalk island is... difficult, to say the least.

I agree with that earlier post about the Pokeblocks, though; they seem like they might well be just some sort of candy treat thing simply based on berries, with the game mechanics being something of a simplification. I think Pokeblocks in-universe might come in different styles, with some Pokeblocks basically being like fruit gummies made of dried berries pureed and pressed into molds, or others made by outright dehydrated berries ground up and given similar treatment, or additionally or alternatively have a hard candy shell derived from the berry juice, assuming that the whole thing isn't a hard candy in entirety. Overall, I think Pokeblocks are basically sweets for pokemon, with as much variation as we have in real candies and sweets.

Sounds more like those would be almost entirely different types of candy, honestly. I suppose that if you assume Pokeblocks are just a certain "category" of sweets that kind of works, but something seems off about that to me. Though, I don't live in the Pokemon world, so I suppose I wouldn't know - I'll just have to leave it up to Mawile!me to find out. ;)

Now the only question is how many great big bags of food Paul brought with him, because I think that might be about as many days as he has before something really awkward happens. Or maybe just hours. Arceus help him if she ever makes friends with a Wailord.

*shifty eyes again*

No one has definitively proven that Mawile can't learn Teleport with the right help! New discoveries are made every day. Maybe the future holds evolution, maybe it's the dream of all lazy people!

I suppose we do have all those event Pokemon with moves they can't normally learn, not to mention Bulbapedia has a whole list of Pokemon in the anime that know moves they shouldn't be able to according to the games... yeah, you know what, you're right! Who says Mawile!me can't Teleport? I'll prove 'em wrong! (As soon as I figure out how psychic energy is supposed to work, at least.)

Should totally get a sword. That'll improve battle performance. Hey, Steel-type pokemon, here! It counts! ...besides, if anyone argues, well you've got a sword.

Better, I should recruit a Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash/whatever and just have them follow behind me at all times , which saves me the trouble of having to figure out some way to tote around a sword as big as or bigger than I am. The laziest most efficient way of carrying a weapon!

Have you read Ascensions and Transgressions? It's a transcription of an Exalted game run by @EarthScorpion for @Aleph where Aleph's character has hair that's not only prehensile, but admorsile.

No, but what I'm more curious about here is what "admorsile" means, as I can't find a definition for it anywhere. :?

Maybe Pokemon Language doesn't have a concept of personhood? I mean, when rocks, trees, accumulations of spiritual energy, universal concepts... can all be people, are you really going to risk talking about some random puddle you walk around on the road as though it isn't? That is just begging to get into a fight with an enraged Muk.

That's an excellent point - could make it kind hard to write this if I stuck to it too closely, but I'll keep that idea in mind.

The issue there is that, again, this is the deciever pokemon. Being cute, helpless, and innocent... or looking like you are, even to people who should know better... is a tactical asset. Being kitted up for war nullifies some of that.

On the other hand, being kitted out in that fashion would mean Intimidate is likely active anyways. There's a time and place for a deceiving appearance, but there's also a time and place to let everyone who sees you know exactly what they're in for should they cross you.... though, Mawile!me's got a long way to go before that becomes a remotely decent idea.

Nah, that'd never work; she'd end up eating the sword. Delicious high-carbon steel...

Mawile!me really has a pretty poor diet, when it comes down to it. I need to diversify into the harder stuff, like rocks, gems, steel... I'm gonna be so malnourished at this rate. :V

On a more serious note, though, it does bring up the question of just what moves she might go for; there are matters of actual practicality, time, and other people to perhaps consider, but we can reasonably assume that she has a pretty good idea both as to what a Mawile could learn and what would be useful to have, quite possibly more than anyone else.

Sadly, without a convenient way to look them up, I'm not really a bastion of information regarding the full list of moves Mawile can or can't learn. Though, I did use a Mawile as a primary party member while playing through Alpha Sapphire, and I could probably make some pretty solid assumptions based simply on logical inference, so don't expect me to be completely helpless in this regard either.

Quite the conundrum.

@Flairina Have you considered something like a dress made entierly out of a single, very long piece of cloth? Make sure to cover up basically your entire head and face, with a nice hat to top it off. Perhaps some illusions on the side to cover up anything that slips through the gaps. Also you might want to retroactivly have your entire species grow a few feet.

You're on your own for the gargantuan maw hanging off your scalp, though.

I have considered it, yes! The lack of illusion powers may be a bit of a sticking point, but I think I can still make this work. See, the maw is actually a good thing - I'm too short to pull off a person normally, but all I need to do is paint a face on the side of my horns, hold them straight up over my head, cover everything but the "face" in a big old overcoat, and voila! A totally normal double amputee! That'll work, right? :D

I believe the Pokemon world uses an unknown alphabet.

Well, as @J.I.M.S noted, it used to...

Anyhow I bring up Unown because ideally someone would recognize the scribbles that Flairina puts out as being as such and be able to read them. Though probably with great difficulty unless they're a professor, archaeologist, or academic. Seeing as they're writing found in ruins.

Coincidentally, we see some of these in the same episode where Paul fights Cynthia!

Whipped Cream Curry.

Decorative Curry

Boiled Egg Curry

KFC (fried food, but i'm pretty sure its KFC) Curry

...okay, I take back my take back-ing of my stance on the curry. Gen 8 was a mistake.
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Sounds more like those would be almost entirely different types of candy, honestly. I suppose that if you assume Pokeblocks are just a certain "category" of sweets that kind of works, but something seems off about that to me. Though, I don't live in the Pokemon world, so I suppose I wouldn't know - I'll just have to leave it up to Mawile!me to find out. ;)
While it seems likely just a game mechanic, with the anime version of Rare Candy just offering some ambiguous and not definitively permanent boost, I'm imagining the nearest sweets shop or isle of the supermarket getting raided great big jaws just destroying everything as enthusiastically as possible in some mad scheme to gain power.


Sorry not sorry.
Yes, apparently no one accepts puns. The joke died stillborn...

Looking forward to the Wailord friend! :V
From a realistic perspective though, I suppose that does actually make a fair amount of sense for a very practical pokemon to have. Sure, feeding a pokemon that literally eats like a whale would be quite the chore, but its simple size is a handy feature. Tying back to the idea of HM moves basically just being tools for trainers rather than dedicated combat techniques, Surf—and similarly Fly—could be an awful lot more complicated as a viable field move without the benefit of game mechanics. Plenty of pokemon can learn the move in-game, but I imagine a lot of them aren't actually particularly good at using it for field work even if they can learn it, simply due to physical characteristics, not being at all suitable for riding at all, much less over any significant distance or safely. A Wailord, however, is basically an ocean-going bus, honestly, and one that is in fact quite the capable combat pokemon as well, in addition to much of the time simply seeming too big to bother harassing in the first place. Better still, its pre-evolved form is itself decent in those areas as well, too, just not as good as Wailord.
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I suppose we do have all those event Pokemon with moves they can't normally learn, not to mention Bulbapedia has a whole list of Pokemon in the anime that know moves they shouldn't be able to according to the games...
The games have their share of oddities as well. Consider XD001, which knows Psycho Boost after purification. Psycho Boost is usually exclusive to Deoxys, but apparently it works for Lugia just as well... though it takes the place of Aeroblast, curiously.

Mawile!me really has a pretty poor diet, when it comes down to it. I need to diversify into the harder stuff, like rocks, gems, steel...
Is Sableye in Mawile's natural diet?:thonk:
Sadly, without a convenient way to look them up, I'm not really a bastion of information regarding the full list of moves Mawile can or can't learn. Though, I did use a Mawile as a primary party member while playing through Alpha Sapphire, and I could probably make some pretty solid assumptions based simply on logical inference, so don't expect me to be completely helpless in this regard either.
Well, there's always the Serebii or Bulbapedia lists, but there are a few notable moves which Mawile can learn:

From their normal levelup moveset, notable moves they can learn:
STAB moves: Fairy Wind, Iron Head, Play Rough
Priority move: Sucker Punch
Never-miss move: Feint Attack
Non-STAB attacks: Bite, Crunch, Vice Grip
Status moves: Iron Defense, Taunt (Fake Tears, Baton Pass if on a team)

Notable moves learned via other methods:
STAB moves: Draining Kiss, Flash Cannon, Steel Beam
Priority moves: Endure, Protect
AOE moves: Rock Slide, Icy Wind
Fang moves: Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Poison Fang, Thunder Fang, Super Fang, Psychic Fangs
Punch moves: Power-up Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mega Punch, Focus Punch, Dynamic Punch
Other coverage moves: Solar Beam, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Flamethrower, Foul Play
Status moves: Swords Dance, Substitute, Guard Swap, Double Team, Sandstorm, Rest

Two moves which Mawile can't learn in game but would make sense in the learnset would be Fire Punch and Bullet Punch. Fire Punch because they can learn Fire Fang, why not just apply that energy to a fist instead? And Bullet Punch is just a fast, steel-type punch, and Mawile is a steel-type who can use a fast punch (Sucker Punch) already.

Really, the fang moves by themselves give impressive coverage options and work well with Mawile's general design. The punch moves give a couple extra options, notably Power-up Punch and Dynamic Punch.
The most important Status move, by far, is Swords Dance. That move is incredibly powerful when properly used. The others I mentioned above are also very useful in the correct circumstance.
. The punch moves give a couple extra options, notably Power-up Punch and Dynamic Punch.
The most important Status move, by far, is Swords Dance. That move is incredibly powerful when properly used.
Two things.
1: Flairile can punch? Have you seen her fists try to make a fist? How is she supposed to even reach anything with those itty-bitty paws? Scratch I could understand, but punches require actual force, like leverage and momentum and stuff... . *sighs* I'll just chalk it up to sparkly pokemon magic.
2: Flairile can dance? Have you seen her outfit? Her centre of gravity? Does she even have legs? Still, I suppose with her stubby limbs and nonexistent balance she could stumble through a practised routine and multiply her cuteness-overload damage...

... Just to be clear, I am being silly. If I come off as having genuine outrage or expectations, or if genuine insult is felt then I apologise.
Snowboarding on her horns? But with rocks instead of snow?
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I mean...

The tails explicitly grow back, but still...

for all we know, pokemon have a way to know whether or not an egg is going to hatch or not, and the ones that arent going to hatch are fair game for eating...
Could even be a thing in The Wild as well...
You COULD eat that Egg laying pokemon and be full for the day.
OR you could spare it and get a guaranteed egg every once in a while.
Guys, Chansey and Blissey can lay infertile eggs that size to give it to other Person or Mons.
They basically are little candy bricks I think, but they're made from the juices of several much larger berries, all compressed into one very tiny cube. So, as I said, like drinking berry concentrate.
Several berries, but presumably everyone who puts a berry in gets a block out, so still an average of one berry worth of juice per block.
on this whole thing of pokeblocks, i've thought of them being sorta like larabars instead of pez or gummies.