[X] Sealed Away. The Four cooperate long enough to seal Malice away. Chaos Gods start nudging large quantities of Orks and similar threats towards you in 5 Turns. Xenos polities have a far higher chance of becoming hostile and/or Chaos corrupted.
In all honesty it's not the relatively few crossover elements that we're putting me off a bit, and it is Only a few (I don't see sora or king Mickey or anyone or place else) what we got was a new enemy type and a wonderful new tech tree.
What was putting me off was the sudden Ultimate Big Bad!
Personally, for all you guys hoping for the end to crossovers, I would hope that Ilbgar grants your wish...And suddenly everything we got from that event stops working.
This isn't isn't remotely true and the QM outright said this isn't the case. Next time don't use fear mongering to get people to not vote for a choice.
My post was made before the QM said this would not be the case.
The QM responded to a person quoting it in order to explain that this wouldn't happen.
It's not fear mongering to remind people that our stuff is made of pentagrams, and to ask if making there be five warp gods would affect us because of that.
It turns out there will be no effect, but we wouldn't have known for sure if we didn't ask.
[X] Upgraded Malice. While Malice grows stronger, he is merely a peer to the Four, as he has concern over having his existence overtaken by the Darkness he's calling upon. Chaos Four become Chaos Five, with all that implies.
If our stuff won't explode in chaos energy, then I have no problem with Malice existing.
[x] Sealed Away. The Four cooperate long enough to seal Malice away. Chaos Gods start nudging large quantities of Orks and similar threats towards you in 5 Turns. Xenos polities have a far higher chance of becoming hostile and/or Chaos corrupted.
[X] Upgraded Malice. While Malice grows stronger, he is merely a peer to the Four, as he has concern over having his existence overtaken by the Darkness he's calling upon. Chaos Four become Chaos Five, with all that implies.
The crossover has already happened. There is no changing the power of the dice gods. Besides, we could get a critfail chain that forces another on us in the future.
[X] Sealed Away. The Four cooperate long enough to seal Malice away. Chaos Gods start nudging large quantities of Orks and similar threats towards you in 5 Turns. Xenos polities have a far higher chance of becoming hostile and/or Chaos corrupted.
Fucking hate you guys whining about the crossover, you happily take the tech, the crystals and the runes that have gotten us this far...But whine when it means that there will be unexpected enemies.
[X] Upgraded Malice. While Malice grows stronger, he is merely a peer to the Four, as he has concern over having his existence overtaken by the Darkness he's calling upon. Chaos Four become Chaos Five, with all that implies.
Personally, for all you guys hoping for the end to crossovers, I would hope that Ilbgar grants your wish...And suddenly everything we got from that event stops working.
I think you should step away from the quest for a while like an hour or two to calm down because you seem pretty close to getting an infraction via flaming.
I think you should step away from the quest for a while like an hour or two to calm down because you seem pretty close to getting an infraction via flaming.
I think you should step away from the quest for a while like an hour or two to calm down because you seem pretty close to getting an infraction via flaming.
[X] Keep Malice as End Boss. Malice will continue to amass power and begin taking over the Eye/Maelstrom. Potential end-game alliance of all other factions against
You know if it eases the worries of those that want to seal Malice due to not wanting KH heartless. Well their probably not going to be "heartless" like you know them from KH. I mean still at the core they will be but themewise their going to be born and puppeted by pure Nihilism and not just Xehonorts mortal Nihilism but actual pure {NIHILISM}the closest to he actuall concept you can get before we get along to make conceptual entities.
Their not going to even have the heartless symbol as that's something that Xehonort added as a brand.
Less these cartoonish things
And more this
And this
And this
Here have a bunch of other pics to get the point across.
Remember their still going to be the minions of a chaos god so remember to take the fluffy cartoonish exterior and flay that stuff away to get to the dark meaty core of the matter.
I for one am looking forward for when Serra runs into a world of Malice. She's an empath right? So I think she'll be in for a massive shock when she feels not violence, rage, or even degeneracy, but Pure unadulterated Loathing and Malice in the universe collected under an umbrella of pure Nihilism.
Edit: I'd Imagine the only early warning you would have of a Malice incursion is the populace looking like they've been sapped of will power and a higher rate of suicides.
Double edit: the more I think of it the more I realize that Malice might of effectively neutralized the biggest issue with the heartless. That being their drive to spread and consume. If this strain of heartless(and it would be a different strain since we killed the original heartless) under Malices control is made primarily out of {Nihilism} and self loathing it might make sense that these ones might be more "passive" so to speak. So less "Oh god there goes the multiverse" and more "Oh god there goes the planet unless directed otherwise."
@ilbgar123 So, it looks like the "Upgrade" option will win. Even though the "Seal" option won't win, could you crank up the amount of orks, hostile xenos and chaos-corrupted entities we'll meet a little bit? The Bastion is a multi-system polity, and thus it's more likely that some system will meet a hostile faction or entity at some point. It's also highly likely that we (Serras, that is) will be unable to personally intervene sometimes, due to interstellar communications lag.
What I'm trying to say is... we're building up a military, lets put it to the test. We're building up a multi-system interstellar empire, lets see how well it holds up under pressure.