[X] Make a monster.
-[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.
[X] Make a monster.
-[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.
[X] Make a monster.
-[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.
[X] Make a monster.
-[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.
[X] Make a monster.
-[X]Make it overbearingly cute and harmless and good at gathering information and not making people care that that is what it's doing.
I'm so looking forward to when we drop the "I'm a werewolf and the son of the lady of savagery and the lord of shades...so basically a prince." bomb on Mary down the road.
Well same Court as yours or not you'd better go check out that Fey presence. After all among all the Courts the situation in Black Weeds is by far the most tense, you've even heard rumors of the possibility of a civil war followed by the Court dividing into three smaller ones yourself…and the sad thing is that the three successor Courts would still all be about as strong as the Clear Waters, or Thick Jungles…maybe your Court of birth has just out and out gotten far too big for its own good. Honestly you wouldn't be surprised the Fey are nothing if not fickle and those of the Black Weeds are all uniformly nasty…it's just in different ways….it really is telling that mother choose to send octobro with you of all people, he isn't even a member of the Court of Black Weeds and instead answers directly to your father. Oh well at least her followers are loyal even if the majority of them couldn't understand the term covert if it hit them like a brick…actually now that you think of it an actual brick would probably have a better chance of understanding the word covert, and you don't mean an actual brick animated and given sentience via magic either.
Whomever was the source of this presence at least had the pretense of being subtle, as there have been no reports on the news regarding some sort of rampage nor have there been any loud sounds such as those of explosions within the last hour or so.
Thank goodness for the process of elimination, you haven't begin leaving yet and you've already narrowed down the possibilities by an entire third! Isn't using such things as simple logic and basic reasoning a wonderful thing, you'd wonder why more of your mother servants don't do so were it not for the fact that ragging out and turning into a horrible monster is kind of fun too.
Oh well you aren't going to learn more about that presence just standing around, it's time to get going!
Thankfully your powers are great amplified…at night.
So naturally that also means that your travel times are greatly reduced….at night.
It also means that any enemy you choose to go against will have to deal with your magic being far more potent than normal as well as having to put up with your physically strong wolf form….at night.
Well anyway mental jokes about it being night aside you aren't nearly as strong in a punchfest as you'd be during a full moon but werewolves are generally good physical fighters anyway so it's not like you've been crippled or anything….like you were yesterday….man you hadn't been that scared of anything in a long time, it's a good thing those monsters can't exist for long or they'd be a major threat, as it is they're only about as threatening as a normal human coming into a confrontation with a bear….sure it's still scary as all hell but at least the bears aren't planning a secret conspiracy to destroy…well at least not as far as you know, the exact intelligence of many life forms changes from dimension to dimension so this planets bears could actually be hyper intelligent or something.
Still you've managed to make it to the location of the Black Weeds presence….it's a human shaped figure wearing a black cloak and being all mysterious…and the cloak prevents you from getting a better ready….dang it.
Hmmmm…how do you want to go about this?
[x] "Hey! You're from the Court of Black Weeds right?"
[x] "Buzz off crep! This turf is taken!"
[x] You don't like don't like the other two leaders of the Court of Black Weeds nor do you like any of the lesser barons…it's mauling time!
[x] Stay silent and watch them…they might give you some good info.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Sep 30, 2017 at 10:01 PM, finished with 13 posts and 13 votes.
[x] Stay silent and watch them…they might give you some good info.
[x] The Other Fey
[x] "Hey! You're from the Court of Black Weeds right?"
[x] "Buzz off crep! This turf is taken!"
[x] You don't like don't like the other two leaders of the Court of Black Weeds nor do you like any of the lesser barons…it's mauling time!
[x] Stay silent and watch them…they might give you some good info.