Immediately you get to work trying to find a way to stop this deal. Your mom has her eyes on this turf and you know that she's not one to broker any kind of competition whether it be from the Court of Black Weeds or from another Fey Court altogether.
Naturally you will do your best to keep hidden while doing so, the Court of Black Weeds may already be one the edge of civil war, but you have no intention of actually kicking that hornets' nest over and starting a near apocalyptic war that would assuredly end its domination position while at the same time divided it into three competing courts…though for some reason you actually think your mother would like that outcome…but still better not to kick things over if it can be avoided.
Still that leaves you the issue of how to sabotage the deal without getting caught. These guys look pretty smart so you doubt traditional means like say using your shadow magic to interfere with the transfer itself will go about without them finding it and trying to trace it back to the source…so you'll have to go with significantly more indirect means than normal.
Lets see….well you can't directly foil it you could always go with some form of summoning….after all you have access to plenty of monster types that should be more than capable of causing some disruption…even if they won't be as good as one you've made yourself.
Now let's see….what's a good monster to disrupt a ritual of Soul Trading such as this one.
Let's see this a forest so it would have to be something that could believably show up, and it's a dealing handling Souls and not some sort of food so it would have to be a creature that either devours or covets Human Souls for some reason.
Ah a Bark Horror should do it. The strange Tree Spider Crab creatures are know to show up in just about any place with forests, hold no allegiance to any kind of Fey, and most importantly immediately seek out the nearest source of Human Souls upon their entrance to a realm. More importantly they are able combatants, and one should have no problem dealing with the Servant of your mothers rival and the Ent.
With a snap of your fingers you summon the Bark Horror and it immediately goes to attack the pair of Fey.
….It is promptly curbstomped in good order….whoever that Fungal Lord I he's a powerful combatant, at least strong enough to give you a good fight should the two of you end up clashing to say the least.
You don't dare try and make a second attempt at disruption and simply make sure to pay special attention to the deal as it unfolds. While you aren't able to stop this one without a major fight you can least gather as much information as you can….a violation of mothers turf life this is not something to be taking lightly after all.
Once again you find yourself fairly busy with class the next day, but you persist and through some effort managed to get your duties for the day done by about 2:00 PM. It's not a wealth of time to be sure but at least you have the chance to get some other things done before your real work at night begins.
The question is…..what do you want to do with that spare time?
[x] Take this chance to enjoy the wonders of nature and rest up at the park….you might find something interesting.
[x] Don your disguise and go out on patrol, if the pattern from earlier keeps up a homunculus attack is bound to happen.
[x] Go hand out at Gregs for the day….you really just want the social interaction.
[x] Go to the Gym and work out, you might be running on a New Moons power but that's no excuse to neglect your fitness.
OOC: Congrats on making it to episode 4…and also on making that stealth check after the attempted sabotage failed.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Oct 7, 2017 at 11:39 AM, finished with 14 posts and 14 votes.
[x] Go to the Gym and work out, you might be running on a New Moons power but that's no excuse to neglect your fitness.
[x] You love messing things up!
[x] Take this chance to enjoy the wonders of nature and rest up at the park….you might find something interesting.
[x] Don your disguise and go out on patrol, if the pattern from earlier keeps up a homunculus attack is bound to happen.
[x] Go hand out at Gregs for the day….you really just want the social interaction.
[x] Go to the Gym and work out, you might be running on a New Moons power but that's no excuse to neglect your fitness.
"Well." You say as you crack your knuckles and enter into the gym. "I don't want to lose my wonderful figure…I guess that means that today's the day of lifting weights and sweating profusely."
The gym itself is a fairly large on the inside, it's mostly darker color in its makeup but it doesn't feel overtly depressing or oppressive in atmosphere. You don't know why you've always had a nice feeling when entering this building, and it's not just because your biological sensibilities gives you a preference for darker colors over lighter ones overall. A rare upbeat song is playing in the background, likely to help the people exercising get into the mood for a workout, you know that it's making you pumped up and ready to lift some weights! But then again it's your favorite song so that may be an exception. In addition the entire place is air conditioned to keep it nice and cool, you can't say you don't appreciate that little detail after all you've had a bit of aversion to overheating. The facility itself has a variety of weights to choose from, a good deal of them look like good starting points so you wind up having to look at your workout chart to see what would be best.
Hmmm simple lifting?
Oh well that should be easy enough…all you need is someone to spot you….superhuman durability is no reason to keep from following safety procedure after all….especially when you want to keep the durability a secret.
"Hey." A female voice breaks you from your thoughts. "Would you happen to need a spotter…I just finished up my work out and you've been eyeing those weights pretty intently."
You turn around to get a look at the voices owner….She's…well to say she's an Amazon would be a rather apt description. She's wearing a tank top and sweat pans giving you a rather decent view of her rather muscular midsection and drawing some attention to her….assets, but you can't help but find yourself more drawn to her abs than those things. Her arms and legs are also fairly well muscled, though no excessively so and her face isn't half bad looking with crystal blue eyes and brown hair tied into a ponytale.
"You know when people stare at me they usually look at my chest." The girl chuckles. "You certainly are an odd one aren't you?"
"Sorry about that." You end up blushing a little. "I'd really appreciate the help if your offering, I'm rather adverse to getting crushed by heavy weights if that's understandable?"
"Don't worry my boyfriend has the same problem." Well looking at her right now, you wouldn't be surprised if she was the one wearing the pants in that relationship. Heck even were it not for her literally wearing pants and having all those muscle the sheer confidence in her voice would make you think so. "As it turns out your dislike is a fairly common thing among people who like being alive and uninjured."
With your little conversation done you get to lifting those weights, you'd been eyeing up until that point. It might not seem like it helps much to an outside observer but any increases in strength that happen in your human un-magically reinforced for also apply to your magically reinforced state as well as your true form.
"Ok!" Something smashes through the wall leaving a massive hole in it. "Every one of you losers get out of here!"
You look up to see another homunculus…this one female. She's wearing a uniform much like the commander except hers seems to indicate that she's of a lower ran. She has blue hair and blue eyes…and one of her hands is replaced with some sort of mechanical gauntlet... You almost certain that the thing has finger cannons equipped.
Well…this sucks.
What do you do?
[x] You still have superhuman strength and durability even when untransformed…it's time for a fight.
[x] Try and get out to find a place to shapeshift into your disguise…you'll want the power.
[x] Just transform right here….naturally you'll have to swear the girl to secrecy and make sure the homunculus doesn't escape with her life.
[x] Write in.